LAST LETTERS REACH SANTA'S - HEADQUARTERS Many More Children. Make Requests Than In Past Few Years Santo Claus: c ;I am only 4 years old 80 mf »omisy is helping me write this letter to and sisters something and mother and dad. Yes, and Uncle Math an<|' all my friends and Bunny. Well, J>y by, Santa, and God blesi J***. " • v ; , v X o u r f r i e n d , - j IfARY ANN KA|tt4i^'> Lake County Sanitorinm. Room 294 ' . Waukegan, UL. ...... . Dear Santa: ^ ^ Please bring me a* doll and dell house, Lindy a doll and doll houses Ralph a bowling game. Thank voutf PATTY LEE MARSHAjUL.', Dear Santa: • ' Please bring me a doll, a pistoli too y*n. I would like a choo-choo train | H,ke brother's some new bunny suppers and some ftuts and candy, Bring my baby brother a rattle. Thank you. I BE1TY ANN JUSTEN ; •;> a table. Some fruit and nuts Please bring Rippy. a bone and hot dog. Thank you. RONALD ALBERT. Santa: "For Christmas I would Hack board. If you have i like a bicycle McHenry Churches Offer - Given to the world by the birth ^ offertory, and "Oh! Sing a Joyous! appropriate games and the singing of the Christ Child 1944 years ago ©n 1 Carol" by Haan. ggk i of' carols. December 25, was a glorious spirit The adult choi^will sing at the! Caminiinitv M*tlwwt<«» which will be commemorated on this 6:00 and 10:00 o'clock masses in ad- A4 mmunny Metnooist At the Community Methodist NATIVE OF RINGWOOD, MISS LILLIAN YOUN&, PASSED AWAY DEC. 17 Hiss Lillian Young, daughter of Mrs.*H. Tegen of Lyons, 111., and the late Matthew Young, died at St. .Joseph's hospital at Elgin on Sunday morning after a brief illness. She was born in Ringwood in 1916 and was employed at the Alemite in /WcHxtetock until about three years ago, when she became employed at the Elgin; Watch company. Besides her mother, the deceased is "Survived by a brother, Leo Young, of Johnsburg; two sisters, Mrs. Clarence Freund of Woodstock and Jeanette Young of Elgin. Funeral- services were held from St. Mary's church, Woodstock, on MORE CASUALTIES SADDEN HOMES AT CHRISTMAS TIME Walter Heil Listed \ Missing In France v * Since November 13 ' «. - Dear Santa:> , Will you bring me a bow and arrow set and a toy dump truck, and ; day. In this spirit are wishes for dition to thVfiret'one. and'"the "girls . . , a rattle for my baby sister. Don t, our many friends, for those at home choir will sing at the 8 00 and 10 00 vi children s program was aet. I have a little sister Diane Iforget my mother and daddy- Lunch •and abroad who are striving ]to keep o'clock masses. ' j held on Sunday evening. Next Sun- Sease bring L a doll and a toy """ ^ °" the ^ f°J .yo"' Santa- that sPirit alive in years to come. The adult choir includes the fol- i day . m°rni"g K th\Christmas games and dishes. We will hang up our stockings. Christmas «eve. Thank i . JW1, Sartta. "MONICA ANN PHAON. Walter Heil, who has been oB'lhi' Plaindealer mailing list since shortly after entering service more than two years ago, has been listed as missing in action in France. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heil Thursday morning at 10 o'clock, with ' of Marathon, Wis., and has many burial in Calvary cemetery. Miss relatives living in this vicinrty, who are anxious to receive more favorable news concerning his welfare. The young soldier entered army service on July 13, 1942. and was j Young was the niece of Mrs. Anna Miller and Nick Young of this city. Patrick Graham Dies Patrick J. Graham, a resident of Lake county and well known here, died on Sunday, December 17, 1944 Hear Santa: Please bring me a panda, doggie, 4»1I, jumping jaek, fur mittens and feat and roller skates. Please bring Please bring Grandma Horn a new pair of legs and a lot of nice things. Yours truly, US KIDS OF McCULLOM LAKE. "rST to tLSTuooMed hurl. . 5rtU,l5"l (;" ,T"kinJ 'part J?" ^ 2Th,~- . hi,. Wl *m I. . common fWin, with «hoS, jtoto Freu„d. Itoto,,,. Ropers ,nd £» I"! Dear Santa Claus: I want a machine gun, a pistol W.?ist*I' Kathleen, a nice orchid, and holster, a cowboy suit, some our belief that right will"eventually Anton P. ~Freund, Peter" A.~Freund «n identification bracelet for Pat and clay^and soldiers. Also bring me a j triumph over the evils of our enemy. Joseph J. Miller, John R. Schmitt money for mother, d&d &nd tnc rest new shirt fir&loshes nnd nsnts Thank i n ... , • iir'n* tr »»,« « . of the family. I'm sick in bed.with you. - I . S° °nCe agfUn We WlU' 0ne *nd all, and W.lliam H. Althoff. Sister Antfce flu so I have to be a good girl. I hope I will be well for Christmas. Be seeing you Christmas eve. Love, your friend, MAUREEN HENN, 8. EDWAR JUSTEN. P. S. Please bring some candy and nuts for the whole family. who have been called upon to give Lorraine Michels. Tenors-Stephen' X Uuker* Mrs" Dona,d Blount, i nesaay ai iu o c.ock irom at. Bede s less. It is** mingled feeling of N. Smith, Leo J. Smith, James Len- farol and WHma Gardner, Gwendo--1 W1^" ; hope, conviction and prayer.- It is. non and Richard Schmitt. Basses-- Larri,so m n,' C' | " cemetery. NEWS ABOUT OUR SERVICEMEN H. Duker, Mrs. Leonard McCracken, Mrs. Lillian Cox and (Laura Sherman. Mrs. C. W. Goodell will preside at the piano. St. John's At St. John's church. Johnsburg, Dear Santa Claus: I am 5 years old and go to .•.•-.••?®lar Santa Claus: kindergarten. I have been a good am in second grade. Please bring j girl, I think. I would like a baton, me a train set, bow and arrow gmv I a doll, a doll house with furniture and a foot ball and a dart game. I in it and some dishes. A horn too, CHARLES TOMKA please. My baby brother, Larry, would like a rattle. Please, Santa, don't forget to fill his bootie too. Your little friend. BARBARA LYNN BECKER. P. S. My brothers, Dick and Ron- Sbar Santa: .•I am almost 8 years old Christmas I want a new dress, a pair of bedroom slippers, a doll walker, a midgit movie and in my stocklag candy, nuts and apples. Love, LINDA KNOX ; P. S. As you know I did not write tils letter my sister did. joyously commemorate the birth of j drella is the organist. One who died so many long years- St. Patrick's ago^for that Mme spirit of rirtt i St. P.triok's ch»reh vrfU iho IWA' It should be an annivarsaiy in which ' pict the Christmas setting of Beth- i A- + i '* n we give thanks for^S inspired fehem as dim lights reveaUh/ ChristcSSS \ *J- ^ J ^ -- strength and to re-establish our faith Child in the crib. Rev. William A. ond hillu1 * , '•.? £!^un* at ^0 1 r*c®IV®d word that the,r «™nd»on. t rA,nd,fir9t w«i<b. 1j , ., 8, ? a Tj°n *"iS ? c mass on Christmas morn- j ciate at (he first service and will be morn should be the pouse of God, ,ng, WIth low masses following at assisted by Rev. Fr. Charies Riegels- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholz havo faiths will gather | 8:00, 9:00. 9:30 .„d 10:00 oVIook. A I b^i-fcer of'Geneva and Rev. Fr. Ray! to honor the Holy Infant. j missionary priest will assist in hear- mond Hettermann, of St. Marv's St. Mary's i mg confessions on . December 24 be- Seminary at Mundelein. Beautiful St. Mary's church will tween 2 and 5 o'clock in the after- ; "Stille Nacht" by Gruber will be again be decorated in keeping with noon and between 7 and 9 in the j punff before the first service, with the holy season, with the side altar ( evening. f once more taking on the appearance Preceding the service, the choir &aar Santa Claus: | am 6 years old and in first grade. Please bring me a big doll with real hair and a pair of bed room slippers. Also some story books, candy and ante. And some tinker toys. Thank yon. / MARCIA ANDERSON. nie, would like new'skis and Bobby io{* niiniature Bethlehem The high will render "Silent Nighty followed " oUow wri 11 Ka HAAAnofail Mri t k MlAtttiMto htf tlwi Maca tn llrr Kit 1-1 f _ a pair of skates. altar will be decorated with glowing by the "Second Mass in D" by H. G. violin accompaniment by J. Schmitt. V. Adams and Clarence Thelen. The Introit will be "Dominus Dixit Ad Me" by Tozer, the Kyrie and Gloria | treatment in George Schhmitt. son of the Carl Schmitts of Chicago, is back in the States. His mother enjoyed a tele- WALTER HEIL Christmas candles and colorful flow- Ganss. Theyf th.a ve chosen "Adensrttne flrrormm,. tthhee. '"vChhiimmeps* "^ mmaassss hDyv 'Fr aarrnnss -,i ' j j nospiiau WOUnded several months ago by phone conversation > 'n act\or> or\ with him during 13' 1 r?44' Je.t too^hls ba8,c a short stop in' imnjf a .Camp Sw!ft, Texas, and Chicago enroute to 1 !r ater a^ For\ S«m Houston. New York, where £exas' w,th th^ ninety-fifth division, J™ service thls hospital. He was Dwr Santa: ' j : Please bring my brother, Eddy, and me a wooden train and truck. Grand Dear Santa: , at Hie offertoir and will, worth. ^ Gradual^^•«f^uV Prin- wh'te wrvSJTversS Please bring me a tractor, a dump ! Msgr. C. S. Nix will officiate at • «ng• «O SalutansT by Browne and ,^ cipium» by Lipp, the Credo from j ^ W serving overseas. truck and a desk and chair. Carol <*« high mass at 5 o'clock. Other "T^um Ergo by Montam at bene-' -chimes» mass by Farnsworth as j Richard Steinsdoerfer hea been Rae would like some new clothes for 1 high masses will be at 6:00, 8:00 and , f vill be the Sanctus. Benediction and^^ tfartsferfed f^m CamD Howzie her doll and a doll bed. Please bring »0:00. Low masses will be at 6:30 ^oir members at St. Patrick s in-. Af?nus Dei. The choir»8 offering at Texas> to Fort Mcade Md He ex' my little brother a rocking chair and and 9:00. Prior to the 5 o'clock mass, j elude Clara Miller, Lina Kilday, Mary ; the offertory will be *Laetentur noriR tn tha n'oar f„H,ra fnr which will be sung by the adult choir,' Powers, Marie Kempfei, Adele t roeh- Coeli" by Tozer and "Adeste Fideles" will be the following selections: "The *><*, Earl Conway, Carl Weber, and1 by Novello. At communion will be Song of the Sheperds" by Hosmer, J°e Freund. Mrs. Carl W^eber is »«jn Splendorious" by Tozer, followan organ solo; "O Holy Night" by organist. j ed by "fJing, O Heavens" by 8tough- ^ McHenry, 111. , Adam, by the mixed choir; "And! Zion Evangelical Lutheran 'ton. ; ' ' 12-15-44. ! There Were Sheperds" by Wilson, by j On Sunday morning at 9 o'clock, r . St.| Peter's Dear Mr. A. H. (Santa Claus) the double chorus and "Silent Night." Rev. Herman C. Nott will officiate Mosher:-- a Teddy bear. "Love, KBNNETH LEE VASEY. pects to leave in the near future for oversea| duty. he is undergoing /V in ^is country also took Ho w'h*1". t0 CamP Coxcomb. Calif., and Indiantown Gap, Pa., with gunnery schooling at Fort Fisher. North Carolina, following. He left the States and arrived in England on August 19, 1941. He later entered Franee, where he was serving when luted as a casualty. Fred F. Kobischka * The war department last week The -George Steinsdoerfer family sent word to Mrs. Fred F. Kobischka received word from their son, James, i Walworth, Wis., that her husband, last week, which was the first news i an army sergeant, had been killed in .. .... cominRg from him in many weeks. (action in Ital.y on May 23 A native , TVie faithful of St. Peters parish, jje atated that he was in France, °* Harvard, the young soldier was Other music will be Missa Litur- j at services held at the Zion Evangel- Spring Grove, will this year attend having arrived there in September first reported missing after fighting n»J/»o" Ktr Pav IT n t*nonilor IT rtrl i A : 1-al T ntKoron Thflra i 4 ^m o AiiAn A aam. . . - ... /~* : t • • /i • 0 ?• I see by today's paper that we i &ica" by Rev. H. Gruender, "Hodie j ical Lutheran church. There will midnight mass for the second con- the third army He tells of beonly have one more week to send in Christus Natus Est" by Korman; j also be an adult service on Christ- secutive year, at which time the ing kept pretty bu„y chasing the would "like" a'tractor. ^Grandma our letters telling Santa what we Missa "Salva Regina" by Rev. C. mas morning at 9 o'clock. The child- choir will precede the service with Germans. According to his letter, its Uncle Earl back from the would like for Xnvas. I read quite Rossini, 'Adeste Fideles by Novel- • ren s service will be held at 5:30 the singing of "SilenJ Night. On he participated in the'Metz push « a few, but I didn't see anyone ask 1° at the ofTertory and "Gesu Bam-1 o'clock on Sunday evening, at which Christmas morning a low mass will few weeks ago and reports that it for the things I would like for Christ-; bino" by Yon. ^ jdme the young folks will present a be read at 8 o'clock. : was a toU(?h fight. He feels fortumas so I am going to write a line i At the 8 o'clock mass the music | program and sing carols. Confessions will be heard on De- mate, however, to have escaped in-]on Monday morning told that Hermyself. See what you can do, will will include "Silent Night," Missa Last Sunday evening a pot luck eember 24 between 2 and 5 in the jury and after five days in a hospi- bert Fernholtz, 35 years old. had you? ; Brevis in honor of St. Anthony by supper and Christmas party were afternoon^ and betwen 7 and 9 jn First, I would like to see all the Wilkens. ' Adeste Fideles" at the enjoyed by the congregation, with the evening. wants army. Aunt Helen wants some ear rings. Thank you. TOMMY TYK. , Wonder Lake.; at Cass i no with Lieut. Geo. .Mark Clark's^fifth army. Herbert FernboTti The sad message arriving in the John Fernholtz home in Crystal J:',? ••• - ,.;r rr.yJ '1 • • '• r,i Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a doll with hair, kids who are now scraping on some o m sweater and a pair of skis. Thank 7°a' JOANNE HUGHES. far away front rambling around town, raising a little devilment now and then, but in general taking * a I normal part in the dcings of the city. Siar Santa: If you can't make it this year will Please bring me tome toys and you try to do it next, sure? some candv too. You may firing the1 Next, will you see if you can get toys vou would like to bring. Briqg the city big shots to spread a few my little sister and brother some cinders around the streets? Not toys and some candy too. • I too many, just a few on Green street, WINS SILVER STAR ARNOLD FRUEND. Dear Santa: Please bring me a two-piece sailor a Waukegan street by the school, Main street by the bank and post office and the same on Riverside Drive. That would please a lot of people, dress and a doll high chair too. especially George Railway Express Please bring me some candy too. ; Stock. While you are talking to the , Bring my little brother and my big I city fathers you might mention that iKfrtheF *5me tovs and candy too. 4a nice park along the river would be KATHLEEN FREUND. 0 enjoyed by a lot of people and would [ be nice for the city as well. ' Bfe»r Santa: t Then, if you still have time yoq i For Chris'tmas I Would like a doll, might see what you can do about set of dishes, table and chairs, magic i getting a stock of cigars, candy and 4. m cv <* <! (* Slate, candy and nuts. Your pal, 9 JOAN WEGENER. Mlear Santa: v For Christmas I would like a monoply set and two books,-a-hat and '* a strap purse. • Your pal.: I ' SHIRLEY ANN WEGENER. Laymen Committee Represents Truckers McHenry county has a committee ^ of laymen which represents the truckers' contract with the Office of Defense Transportation. The purpose of this committee is to facilitate CAROLYN CAMPBELL, A SUMMER RESIDENT IN PAST YEARS, DIES Old friends in this vicinity aifi tal, where he rested, he feels fine, been killed in action in the European He has been assigned to a new job theatre of war recently. He had and is now driving a jeep. After been overseas since September of being in muddy fox holes since he this year. arrived overseas, the change has been most welcome. James has been attempting t<5 lo- DeWitt Farnban Mrs„ Nora Farnharr\ of Woodstock cate .'his brother, Irvin, but to date; received a telegram from the war has been unsuccessful. The last word , department on Mondav that her son, received by the family from Irvin j DeWitt Farnham, 19," a member of C^am3pb3ell,. 71, ^WHo ddifeedd ^oonn Frrriiadaayy, I> was two months a»°- when he wrote i the merchant marines, had been kifl- nf lw>;no, „ hn«nH«l -j • ^ I the purchasing of hard-to-get parts side Road Crystal Lake. She was and tires ^for truckers. If any ,>orn in Michigan on Juiy 4, 1873, and trucker in the county is in danger ol | having his truck laid up because -he I cannot get repair parts or tires will he please contact any of, the mem ported U missing. Dn ecember 1i5t.' .a4t her home on Hhuilil - , ^be ing in England in a hospital. ^ jn action. He was previously re- are hopefu, th,t ^ may now be enroute home after two years . . . . . . , • s p e n t o v e r s e a s . , had resided here during the sum- _____ mer months for many years. Charles W. Qretli Charles William Groth. employed on the George Boal farm near Woodstock for eleven years jfrior to entering service, was killed in action in France on Novebmer 17. He had Fred Huemann has arriyed safely lllw,_ Survivors include her husband, ; southern France and his brother- ; hers of this committee: Philip B. Danie): a sister, Mrs. Lucille Mona- iin-laW) Walte; Smith, in New Guinea. Masslich, Woodstock; Wm. Schmitt, Jlan- Evanston; a brother, George -- : Woodstock;^ Art Werrbach, Wood- Glissbrook, Lansing, Mien. Morrie Hall of Clovis, New" j been overseas for about three montfct. !stock; Vance O'Cook, Union; Walter Services were held at 8 oclock on j|exjco atJfj to 'Bruce Granger, serv- I Private Groth has three brotfcait' Wittmus, Harvard; Jim Downs, Mc- Saturday evening from the Gilbert jng overseas, we say, "Thank you for also serving in the army. j Henry; Walter Peterson, Crystal funeral home and at 2;3° o clock on the attractive Christmas cards." . %- i Lake; Harold Turner, Alden. Sunday afternoon from the Oak { ] JohnCarolan Dear Sandy: , please send me a doll with braids, one blackboard, some doll clothes, and plenty of candy and nuts. '• SARA KAY DOUGLAS. #:garettes, to say nothing of a few Sticks of gum, for the various dealers in those items around tpwn. If you find yourself a little hard| .pressed due to the war and-every-j thing and can't get around to nil the j things I mention, you can stop with _ the first paragraph of this letter. If made to Elmer G Meyers, son-of you do tbst I think all the folks will and Mrs. W.lham Meyers of Kollit rest of the day Johnsburg, recently, and has been : Sincerelv . s®°t home with a letter from Major > KRISTMAS KARD. General Charles W. Ryder. The PFC. ELMER G. MEYERS. Thie award of the Silver Star was afternoon from the Oak . • . . , . Ridge cemetery chapel, Chicago. Bu- «rouP « also interested «»• ria, was jn 0ak Ridge cemetery. , conservation practices in lubrication, f™cke*"d ge""a' inforn,*tion '" AID BOND DRIVE IN NEW YORK; READ OF FACTORY ABANDOHB TFSULTS IN FRANCE ITS PLANS TO OPEN IN THIS COMMUNITY Sixth Army Group,4 France.--The Our thanks to Staff Sgt. Albert j John Carolan of Greenwood Vales of Ardmore, Oklahoma, and J. 'ship has been reported as wounded W. Hetterman, of Glenview, 111., for i in action in Germany on December Christmas greetings. j 1, according to word received by -- the parents, who reside on the John Shadle is enjoying a visit Aavang farm in Greenwood. The with his parents on a delay enroute , wounded soldier is a (graduate of to Fort Lewis, Wash. 'the Woodstock high jchlool. ' • ! Edward Piskie Mrs- Alma Piskie of Huntfat Dear Santa: * I would like a sled Mid some muskrat traps. • • w Love, • . _ ROBERT WALL. Dear Santa Claus: If you would please give me a sled and a harmonica and • few parts of stonkings. Thats ail I want. With love, BETTY WALj* . 399th Infantry Regiment of the 100th Lieut., Charles M. May has arrived * (Century) Division set a record for safely m Italy," according to *f©ld ceived a war department telegraim McHenry has been unfortunate in ; the speed with which it said goodbye received by his friends. ; the past week informing her that her 4 receiving word during the past week-*-to the Elast River and hello to the | " r " son, Pfc. Edward Piskie, 21 year* P. S. I am 41 years old and have award was madefor gallantry in ac- t^at Incorporated, a new fac-. Rhine." * ' . Season's greetings have arrived (0f age, had been slightly wounded keen good--well, pretty good, all year. ,on ,ep,e.m^r. t 194o, in the which planned to open here, has Some of the men in the regiment DCTOU17Q DiDiruiTTicT ' ^'c'nity Altavilla, Italy. Durmg abandoned its plans. The. following marched down Fifth Avenue in New BECOMES PARACHLT1ST that morning the battery with which ]etter was,received by the I^aindealer York City to help inaugurate the Lieut. Norman M. Lodtz, son of Elmer was serving was receiving ter-• thjg week , 6th War Loan Drive, and they were Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lodtz of Crystal rlfi^. enemy counter-battery fire, ac- »Gentlemen: ^ in action on the U. S. 7th Army Lake, formerly of McHenry, has cording to the^ma^ors letter. Pfc. uWe are gorry to be obliged to front in Eastern France when they satisfactorily completed a prescribed ! Meyers, wi^1 disregard for his own a(jv;se you that it has now become read about the restlts of the same course in parachute packing, ground Phonal safety and despite the fact neeesgary to abandon the plap to lo- drive. training and jumping from plane i^ ! 1 an ammunition pit had een ca^e QUr pjant jn McHenry. Many Arriving in France on October 20, flight. He is now a qualified para- • j an" t.he ammunition was burning thanks for your kind co-operation the men, commanded by Col. Andrew chutist, stationed at" Fort Benning, and exploding, ran to the aid 6f some an{J the trouble you put yourself to W. Tychson of Haddonsfield, N. J., Ga. Volunteers for parachute train- seriously wounded soldiers in one o jn quj> hghalf." • " „ - spent several days assembling their ing come from all branches of the th« P«to. He administered-first army, in any grade, and with any aid and made arrangements for evacamount of service. The volunteers uatin^ the wounded man. Pfc. Meyiiust not be over 32 years of age, er 3 courage, in the face of a grave. Anions the Siek spent . equipment and regaining their land legs. > Then came the order to move up, and for three days and nights the 185 pounds in weight, or six feet in danger, was outstanding and reflects Joseph -Land! ^underwent surgery iment rolled toward the front, height They must have better than UP°" a"d t the armed at the Woodstock hospital on Mon- ^ men dismounte<i from their ve Average l*§s®*t action and blood pres- of the United States. ^ sure," muscles, joinfs and leg Dear Santa Claus: J am 9 years old and have been in the sanitoriufm for some time. " I j bones and an excellent military rec-j Blake Motor Sales service departhave t© stay in bed all the time but onL The first announced use of ^ent will be closed for equipment the doctor said I may be home for American parachute troops in com^j changes and inventory on Jan. 2, Christmas. All I ask for is that they bat was to spear head the invasion 3 ar(1 4 day from Ensign L. W. Hettermann, of 1 ,n action in Leyte, Philippine Island^. Patuxent River, Md.; Eddie Frett, on November 2. He was sent ove*» serving overseas; George Brda, of seas, in July of 1943 and was on San Bruno, Calif.; Paul Shadle, of duty in Alaska and Hawaii before Fort Sill, Oklahoma; and Nocb^ft j being sent to the Philippines. Mauch, stationed in Georgia. Donald R. Standish -- Another soldier wounded slightly James Hettermann has been trahs-* i8 pfc. Donald R. Standish, who has ferred from Great'Lakes to Glenview. been stationed in France. He is a -- | casualty of November 12. Previous Herbert Harrison left last week to the arrival of th£ telegram, direet for overseas service. His address is word had come from Donald that he in care of the postmaster, San Fran- 1 had received a alot too serious head cisco, Calif. "wouhd' but was recovering nicely. Pfc. Van^Diedriph ol Vsm WAC, BOND pRIVE NEAR TOP station at Norfolk. Va., is fortunate | Ijist reports on the Sixth having a fifteen-day furlough j Loan Drive listed $232,396 worth of Paul Yanda was absent from his don't put the cast on till I get back.-! of North Africa in November, 1942. so pray for me. The girls in my Since then graduates of the pararoom said they hope you come to c^vute school at Fort Benning, Ga., them. My mother got my hair fixed have distinguished themselves in all for me so Santa bring my brothers theatres of World War 2. : - r #[ hides one night--and the next morn- which she is spending with her pa- bonds having been purchased in Me- , _ , , j ... ing they were in the lines. They. rents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Diedrich. Henry township. "E" bond sale# f JL ff °nC .d8y tH,S had relieved a veteran regiment that, ^ throughout the month will count in week because of illness. had seen service in Sicily, Italy, An-j Christmas greetings arrived on this drive, so residents are urged • t^y Wneeler is a medical* 8-0 an(j southern France, and they : ^Tednesday from Sgt. and Mrs. Gor- , to continue to buy bonds so that w« patient at the Woods ock hospital, over a sector that was one of Knox. Hugo Behnke and Joseph may reach the top during the next the toughest along the entire front RESIDENCE CHANGES Among the men so heroically fight- PUBLIC LIBRARY CLOSIED * The Henry Nell family has m'>v»d }ng with this regiment was Pfc. TTie public library1 will be cloaed i from McHenry to Madison street in Irring W. Bowser of Rovfet 1, MeunjtiljWednesday, January 3. j Woodstock. 'Benry. ' : ' ' • ' '•> i - ..•••' -• •••'•. N. Schmitt. Many thanks. The Central garage at Johnsburg will be closed on Christmas *nd New Year's. week. ' " A fcAST MINUTE GIff ^ A year's subscriptio® Is tbe lfc| Henry Plaindealer. |