inrsday, January 4, 1945; SPIf'lp K* *v " /'.fc K -- . ?* - ^ „ M'HENRY PLAINBEALER > • fir • •. v Page Thret BIRTHS BRING • \„:J -i JOY TO MANY Jan. 11.--Mr. and Mrs. John Klap- P®rich (Clara Justen) welcomed their third child, a son. Jan. 14.--A son, Harry James, was born to Pfc. and Mrs. Harry Dahms. The father was serving at Riverside, Calif. Jan. 18.--Two McHenry homes were brightened by the coming of new babies. A "son was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith (Louise Kilday) and a daughter was the new member of the Russell Lloyd home (Geraldine Kennebeck).' "Jan. 31.--A baby girl was wel- . corned into the John Weingart household. . ~ Feb. 2.--The proud parents of a. son, were Atty. ana Mrs. Vernon Knox of Crystal Lake, < already the parents of two girls. Feb, 3.--Mr. and Mrs. Walter c Anderson .became the parents of their teecond daughtei*. Feb. 4.--Seaman a Kennebeck announced 9 lb. son. ' } Feb. 5.--A son was the new addition to the Elme£ Diedrich family. Feb, 7.--The Glen Benoys of Ring- Wood welcomed a baby boy. Feb. 12.--Friends were happy to hear of the birth of Judith Ann to Rev. and Mrs. Heber Miller of Graettinger, Iowa, former local residents. Feb. 19.--Sons were born to Corp. and Mrs. George Erber and Mr. and Mrs. James Hanley. Feb. 23.--A 5 lb. 5oz. bov arrived to brighten the Homer Fitzgerald home. * . Feb. 24.--Seeing the bright world for the first* time was little Sara Beth Altman, born to the Frank Altman (Miriafri Sayler) in Pontiac, Mich. Also bqrn that day was a daughter to the John Whalens of Elein (Mary Celine Adams). Feb.. 29.--Thomas Freund Antonson was bom to. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Antonson, - March 2 --*A .Johnsburg and a McHenry family were elated over new babies, a daughter, Peggy Ann, Was born to the Arthur Kleips and the Stanley Geiers became the parents of a son. March 13.--Their first child, a son, Thomas Jame"*. was born to Mr. and Mrs. James Wiser (Esther Smith). March --Friends learned of the birth of Lindn Ev»lvn to Lieut, and Mr15. Clarence Anderson. i March 25.--S<?t. f.nd Mrs. Carl jffaitt (Arlcen Ba>con) Welcomed th<*ir first child. Roberta. April 4.--Suzanne was bom to ^ Serviceman and Mrs. Arthur (Curly) > McVickers (^sabelle Simon). , ' Anril 5.--A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Heil. Anril 7.--Mr. and Mrs. Michael' • Puetz (Lorraine Nett) of Skokie, Welcomed their first child, Nicole . Mary. The same day a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Freund. April 8.--Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hutter. a son. Anril 12.--First Class Petty Officer and Mrs. Frank Kempfer. Jr., became the parents of Albert FrtfAk, their first child. April 12.--Serviceman and Mrs. Roland Jackson of Richmond (Vivian Whiting) became the parents of a daughter. » Anri 15.--Eileen Rita was born to Mr. and Mrs. Roger Mason of , De« Plaines (Rita Weingart). April 17--Mr. and Mrs. Ralph •Bennett welcomed a son. April 19.--Aviation Cadet and Mrs. Rav Blades became the parents of a son. The mother was Miss Wilba Jane Carver. - April 20.--Mr. and Mr*. Lee Whiting (Mildred Staines) of Woodstock welcomed a baby boy. April 22.--A son, named Robert, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hill of Chicago. April 23.--Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson (Joyce Newkirk) became the parents of their first child, Alan James. April 26.--A son was born to Mr. Mid Mrs. John Padgett. April 3C.--The Arthur Stillings of Johnsburg welcomed a baby boy. Mav 3.--Daughters were welcomed into the William Tonyan and Mervin Strever residences. May 5.--Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Johnson of West McHanry became the parents of a son. May 8.--Proud parents of new arrivals were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Conway, who welcomed a girl, and fir, and Mrs. Fred Fuchs, who be- (gme the parents of a son. Mav 12.--Mr. and Mm. Henry v Schmitt heard the first cries of a bpbv son. Mav 13.--James wa* born fn Jacksonville, Fla., to Mr. and Mrs. WiHiam Hea^ey. May 14.--Born on Mother's Day the Woodstock hospital *vas a daughter to the Meh'in Harms. Mrv 18.--Mr. and Mrs. Siguart Jackobsen of Wonder Lako welcvred a <in"<"Ver while Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beckenhnugh of Crystal Lake (Doro'hv Althoff) became th« pa- Ter's cf a son! * May 24.--A son was born to the Wi"iam Glossons. The same day. Mr. and Francis Imniekus welcomed r> son ;:l«o. May 25.--A daughter was the.addition to the Georere Peterson heme. - Mav 30.--A holid^v gift, f girl, "" was born to Mi . and Mrs. Leo Young. May 31.--A daughter was born on May 31 to Mr. and Mrs. Jdseph Connor. •"••• June 4.--Their third child T""»s born to Mr. >nd Mrs. Paul Brefeld. , June .5.--Dauehters arrived at the Norman Riedschlag home in Spring Grove and the Charles Freund home Jn Crystal Lake. Pvt. Freund is with the army. June 7.--'Taking his first glimse of 'he world was the new son born to the Elmer Glossons. jt'ne 15.--A da""hter was born to Mr. ^d Mrs. Winfield Hagberg. June 16.--The Russell Franzers of Los Angeles became the parents of .. g son. . June W.--A little fcM Was welcomed into the household 'of the El- | mer Vogts. • J June 18.--Twin daughters were j the additions to the Clarence Wohlert family. The same day Mr. and Mrs. j Leonard Burge became the parents j of their first child, a daughter. j June 24.--Edward Jay Was born to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Swanson of Richmond, former residents here. t June 22.--Daughters were the Order of the day, as one arrived at the Wklter Crook home in Volo and the Harold Freund home at Scott Field, where the father is stationed. June 28.--Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lindsay were happy over the arrival of Linda Carol. July 8.--^ daughter was born to Sgt. and Mrs. Richard W. Schneider and a son to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gardner of Solon Mills. July 9.--The Alvin Phannenstills of Volo became the parents of their fourth daughter. July 10.--Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bfasius of Wonder jLake became the'! parents of--a son. j July 14.--While the French observr ed Bastille Day, Mr. and Mrs. Clemtei*. Adams of Johnsburg rejoiced and Mrfc' Danie** over the birth of their first son. id the l>frth;of a July 19.---JKeith Michael was born to Serviceman and Mrs. John L. Noble. •' " • ' ! July 20.--Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dows became the parents of a daughter. July 21.--A son was a new addition to the John Wagner family. July 22.--A 9Vfe pound ,daug\iter was born to Mr. an*d Mrs. Ray Walsh of Fox Lake. July 27.--A daughter arrived at the M. Jensen home on Route 1, McHenry. July 31.--Rejoicing ;was in order for Lieut, and Mrs. William A. Nye, who welcomed a new daughter. August 2.--A daughter was bom to the'Kenneth Powers' of No. Crystal Lake. August 3.-^-Mr. and Mrs. Lou Pretzman became the parents of a girl. August 5.--A boy was the addition to the George Freund family. August 7.--The third daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. George Miller (Katherine Walsh) Chicago. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Petersen. August 8.---A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. William May. August 15.--Sheila Katherine was the third child born to Mr. and Mrs. Dan O'Shea. , August 17.--Lawrencp David was the new addition to the Frank Becker household. August 18.--Mr. and Mrs. William Seeback (Agnes McCabe) became the parents of a bo,\ August 19 --Daughters were the order of the day. one arriving at the George Diedrich home in Ingleside and another at the Oddillon Long home in Skokie. August 21.--Michael Patrick was born to Mr. and Mrs. Richard McDonald of Chicago (Lucy McCabe). August 26.--The Lewis Pitzens of j Pistakee Bay became the parents of a daughter. A son arrived at the | Renard Blum home in Elmwood Park. Sept. 12.--Mr. and Mrs. William Scott welcomed a daughter. Sept. 13.--Clarence Etten, S 1/c. and Mrs. Etten welcomed their first 'chpd, a son. Sept. 14.--Sons were bom to Serviceman and Mrs. Charles Dowe and to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harm, the latter of Spring Grove. ^ Sept. 15.--A daughter was bom to Mr. and Mrs. William Harris. Sept. 20.--A son was welcomed into the Herbert Freund family. Sept. 19.^The Donald Hayes' of Chicago became the proud parents of a son. Sept. 23.--A new resident of the community was the little daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Schmunk. Sept. 24.--Getting her first glimse of McCullo^i Lake was the new daughter of the Lee Sawdos. Sept. 30.--Their first child arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rossi of Chicago, the former Mary. Knox. . * ! Oct. 4.--A daughter was bom to , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wohlert^ ^ Oct. 5.--Rex made his arrival into the Richard Hester household. Arlene Regina was bom to Mrs. Arlyn Turner of Chicago, the father having been killed in Italy on July 22. Oct. 6.--Serviceman and Mrs, Michael Thill welcomed their first child, a daughter. Oct. 7.--A son was bom to osrt. and Mrs. John Jones (Barbara Gilkerson). , Oct. 9.--Mr. and Mrs. Bernhardt Jung became tjie parents of a girl. Oct. 12--A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Francii Foley. Oct. 16.--Mr. and Mrs. Edward Justen welcomed •» a son. . Oct. 20.--Mr. and Mrs. Earl Friedburg of West McHenry became the parents of a dausrhter. . Oct- 21.--A little lady made her first appearance in the home of thp . John Grandts. , Oct. 25--Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mar, shall became the proud parents of Oct. 27.--Mr. and Mrs. William. *ch, who reside near Burt-n s Bri<Ve. »re the parents of a son. Oct 31.--Sons were the order oj the dav. being born to Mr. and.Mr< T^rrie St'edman -f Spri-- Grove and Mr. an4 Mrs. Walter Hunter. Nrv«mber 7.--A daughter was born to Pfc. and Mrs. Clarence Justen. The father has been ferving ur France. ' , . November 9 --Lieut, and Mrs. Chester Colby of Richmond welcomed a "daughter, who arrived iust in time to greet her daddy, who returned from overseas duty. Nov 20.--A daughter was tret me acquainted with her parents. Mrr-wi^ Mrs. 6e«rge Bohr. , November 28.--John Callinan, Jr_. arrived at St. Francis hospital Evanston, bom to the senior John Callinans of Chicago. Dec. 5--Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence, B«rfelt became the parents of a son. J Dec. lO.-^-A son was bom to Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Kennebeck. Local of Year 1944 MANY DEATHS IN 1944 dened to hear of the passing of Mrs. Hugh Morris, 62, a resident of Fair Oaks subdivision for twenty-three years. April 29--The lengthy illness' of owner in the Crystal Lake-McHenry vicinity for many years. Oct. 20--Prominent in political, civic and social life in the Waukegan community for many years, W. J. PETER H. WEBER MRS. GEORGE FRISBY FLOYD COVALT MRS. JENNIE BASSETT Gi-OR(;i: KT'HN i!8S. ANNA MEYER . in death. The 70-year old man was Jan. 1--the first death of the New i responsible for many of the cottages Year to sadden residents of this com- I which make th* Lilymoor submunity was that of Miss Marion division. Michael Winkel of Lilymoor ended.! Smith, 67. passed away at his home Mencel, 23, who spinal meningitis. passed away of May 3--Henry Cossman, a former local resident, died, in the Waukegan Jan. 4--One of the city's oldest ' sanatorium. j and most respected citizens, George i May 9--One of the few survivors Kuhnw 87, ,died following sev ral j of the Franco-Prussian war in 1871, jr. monthhsT mo f Pfaavil«i ng healt^h .* The sam_•e i j George M. :« y.e rs, .88., a. re side-n t of the ! iu:vveoaj jday, Mrs. Roxa Ricks, a former resi- community for about sixty-five years, dent, died in Chicago. Jan. 9--Old friends of Clemens Zens, at one time a cigar maker for Barbian Bros., in McHenry, passed away in Chicago. Jan. 11--News reached McHenry t'olks^ of the death of Harry Schnaitdied 'after a short illness. May 17--Sorrow came to the family of Pnul Kapihclz, 34, of Chicago, whose rn'mely death occurred in Lutheran Deaconess hospital, after a short illness. in Waukegan after, a short illness. He was a former local resident. Oct, 26--Death came at noon for August Panknin, 75, who had been ill for several months. Oct. 21--John Peters, 73, a resident of Orchard Beach for many years, died at his home in Chicago. He was a prominent real estate man. Nov. 3--William C. Dillon, 66. who in the Volo and Wauconda vicinity his entire lifetime, died. . Nov. 5--Sudden death came to Harry F. Lindsay a few hours after he-was stricken enroute to his home. He was 66 years old. Nov. 8--Old friends heard with regret of the death of Lewis H. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Schuringa, enjoyed Friday evening at the fefc'i Revue in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Koob were «§*»>• tertained at the home of Mr. Koob's mother in Chicago for Christmas. First Lieut. Norman Lodtz ,jand his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. I). Lodtz, of Crystal Lake spent New Yeaf*a i ve with the Koobs. On New Yeaf% day Mr. and Mrs. Ray Montgomery had dinner with them. Mr. and"Mrs, R. gintz paid a 90^ cial call on our former neighbors, tlw Irving Ellis', at their new place of business on Christmas day. The Robert Corbins enjoyed tlw holiday in Chicago. Christmas eflW was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jobic and Christmas day with Nancy and John Yohanrau The "New Year's guests at the Lannes home were the Harold Lannesea, the McHenry brewery for ten years. The same day, Frank Tomka, Sr., died in Chicago. Jan. 13--Warren Francisco, 88, a lifelong resident of the Ostend community, died at the home of a neice in Woodstock. Jan the Wauer family and Mr. and Mm. May 2&--Thomas E. Knox, 54, who j Owen, 76, who passed away at his j Keutgen and their sons. Z Mrs. Harry Gannon's mother, Mti*' expectedly at his home there. ' The | operated a general store on Green Reddipg, fell last Saturday, dislosame day the life of Mrs. Vera Ann * * man of_ Chicago, former manager of j ^ad of late -n chicagoi un_ j home in Cushing, Oklahoma. He had Fisher, 84, was taken at. her home in^Volo, her residence since birth. May 26--At the age of 25, Cletus Althoff died after, a short illness. street in the nineties. A former j cated her hip and is confined to her resident, John T. Knox, died at hissed. Our sympathy to you, Mr*, home in Chicago. > j Redding. Nov. 9--After a long period of ill ! Christmas eve guests at the Wirfa health, Floyd Hopper, associated for home were the Rrens of Desplalnet, 26--Louis Hauk 78 a«etired i June 2--Many local homes were many years in the Overton Motor and Harold and Paul Walters. • . ' ' v j% ' • . . , , i . m 0&16S n6r6, died &a"t 'fh.i s home !in„ rv«/rryVs* ' an5TuK p ?L awrenacned S/aanusoln eW faAlitneirlsv. wttk street car conductor, who lived in,Maddened with the deaths of Mrs. T xr^„ i>*i, „ . ^wrence sansone iarauy. wnii; McHenry during the sui^ncrs, died'j Joseph M. Schfcitt 38, Mr^ M»r- "m^e res"eS S'pSr raV ' at h,S home Ch.caRO. 18aret Rakow, ,nd M,r, L. Solo..^ ,aivisio„ f#, m„ny ^ pa55ed e])isode „f ^ ^ June 3--Mrs. Mary A Gorham of , in Chicago after a long period of dj-ift didn't mar their evening. formerly of this com- J m health. ! Mr. and MA. Patterson welcomed Jan. 27--Friends we're saddened to leari) of the death in Woodstock of ! Woodstock Mrs. Georgia Schiller, formerly of ] munitv, died at the age of 70. here. „ j June 6--Death came to John S. Jan. 28--McHenry lost its oldest Kannagh, 81, a retired optical firm resident, Mrs. Mary Jane Earle B^ps- employee. sett, better known as "Grandma" or , June 11--Gustav Vogel, grandfa- Mennie" Bassett, who died at the ther of Mrs. Lisle Bassett of this age of . 93. j city, died at 85 in Kenosha, Wis. Jan. 30--Everyone was shocked June 13 Nov. 10--The life of a Wonder the New Year at the Emil Weber Lake resident, Mrs. Kate Zumbado,; home. \tfas taken. V The Bertelt family of Chicago en- No v. 12--An unusual occurrence joved the holidays out here. which spread sorrow in the commu- The Pete Simons entertained their nity took the lives of a brother and daughter and her husband. Mr. and . , sister in three hours! time. Miss Etta Mrs. Ernie Allend, for Christmas and ci TX 111* a m V v/inTH®*1 Po« wers and0 , herI • b# rio •t ljer, David, pass- ,vere entertained by the Allends in when the "news spread of the death spected citizens, William S. Schjieid- ed away after lifetimes s11p enit i• n txhL!i_s Chi®c aeo^ for"Ne^- Year's of Mrs. Leo Conway, 44, who passed er. 55, died following a stroke. * • ' -- ~ • away only three hours after being _ ,. _ vicinity. Marv Schiavoni visited her son*. June 16--^o former residents de- Nov. 15--A lingering illness ended Donald, at Great Lakes Sunday, Dae. taken ill. lhe same day death claimed narted this life. Leola C. Smith, who , jn death for Mrs. Louise Nickels. 69. 31 FV 81' °f, J»rvard- formerly operated the Griswold Lake ; Nov. ig^The "sufferings of ^Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Andv Anderson were father of Paul O Leary, of Volo. creamery, passed away m Crystal Katherine Kerrigan, 54, were endSd ^dinner guests at the Charles Nofth FebV M»th Klein died h. Wi»- by a«». „a"d hS. CtaLtoi. %; ! ther of State Speaker Elmer Schnack-, ; consin. "V nov. 20--Coming as a shock to The Roy Pierottis spent b©tl| enberg, of Chicago, and Myers Bay, June 18--Tragedy struck locally relatives and friends was the death Christmas and New Year's with McHenry, died in Illinois Myopic ; when a lightning bolt proved fatal to of Mrs. Fred Ware of Woodstock. Roy-s the Paul Altissimos, in hospital. {Joseph Schaefer, 59, a McHenry' Noy. 21--An illness which followed Qhicago Feb.f?7--Two deaths were-mourned,., farmer. a heart attack proved fatal to Johh j 0n Saturday. Dec. 30, Mrs. Altiinamely. Grover C. Kimbalt 61, a na-1 .Tune 20--After an illness of short D Beattv, 62. - | simo celebrated her birthday annlrive of McHenry, who passed away , duration. Mrs. Elizabeth Laures, 77, Nov. 24--George Chamberlain, 60. 1 verSary Many happy returns, A»- in St. Louis, and Mrs. Thelma died at the home of her daughter in husband of the former Celia Miller : sunta Braunsdorf, 87, of McHenry. } this city. . of McHenry. died at West Allis. WisJ' cliff ' and Marge Kiehl and the Feb. 11--Friends and relatives June 25--Delhert C. Bacon, a Nov. 25--Death came to Mrs. Cathe- young Kiehls spent Christmas at heard with regret of the passing of , former Ri«gwood resident, died un- rine Muetterties of Elgin, a native of Grandma and Granpdpa Then's home Frank Tonyan in Marseilles Rest j expectedly at his home in Crystal Johnsburg. . t in Glenview. On New Year's eve the ' „ TT Lake. .. , . Nov. 29--Lilymoor lost one of its. Kiehls enjoyed the company of four Feb. 15--A native of McHenry and J July 8--A short illness ended in fir«,t residents, Mrs. Mary Kennedy ; other couples to welcome in the New a pioneer of the west, John J. Smith, ; death for Mrs. Meta A. Walter, 45. Ryan> Year Little Clifford was glad to 82, died in Elgin. The same day of near Lily Lake. 'Dec. 2--Mrs. Paul.Rieger, 70, who ! sleep' late on Monday morning, but Mrs. Eliza Merchant. 81, years old, July 5--Mrs. Henry Hertz, 87. a made her home here during most of ; Baby Sis put up a howl at 6 a. in. passed away «t her home in Green-| summer resident of Pistakee Bay her lifet me. died in Cary. tor groceries, much to everyone's wood. ' ,, I for many years, died in Chicago. Dec. 13.--Henry Traub. 42. of El- j mav The«moral to this stoiy-»«tf':0-' Feb. 18--The life of one of the | July 17--Two deaths were recorded Kin, former manager of the Ander- l)ed early, don't sleep late. . - fiost colorful figures in this vicinity in our vicinity with Miss Marian son Senice SUtion. basket ball team Miss Jackie Anderson was an ' ended abruptly when William "Billy'; | Krohn, 25, passing away in an' Elgin here died. 1 . night guest at the Anderson home. Skidmore, 67. died in the Terre : hospital, and Orville Jones, of Penn- December "15.--Old friends heard Mr. and Mrs. Fred Svoboda spent Haute, Ind., federal penitentiary^. j.sylvania dying following a heart »t- with regret of the death of Mrs. -^nirsday with their mother. In CMFeb. 19--George Taylor. 74, "was j tack suffered while visiting at Mc- Carolyn Campbell. 71, in Crystal The boys stayed on to visit killed in Woodstock when struck by j Cullom Lake. Lake. She had been a summer resi- with'the Bassis on Friday, a passenger train. He was a native ; July 23--A McHenry resident for ^ent here for manv years. Miss Agusta Pierotti visited tk« of Ringwood. j many years and a summer visitor; December 17--Miss Lillian Young, LaVins iast Thursday. Feb. 21--A Volo resident, Mrs. | wore taken Jby-Jeath this Sunday. a native of Rir.gwood, died in Elgin j Claude McDermott, Charles Nor- Henry Stoffel, 58, died after a long They were Mrs. Jennie Eddv. 71. who.; f0n0Winpr a brief illness. mand, Ruth Lavin, Teddy Budil, Sonillness, and the same day relatives j died in St. Therese hospital following; December 25.--At midnight, as j ny McDermott and*Miss Harvey enheard of the passing of John H. a short illness, and Maggie May 1 ~ 1 . . _ Feilen in Chicago. Feb. 24--Lewis C. Bishop, 68, a barber in McHenry- for more than thirty-five years, died at his home after a lengthy illness.: Feb. 25--Old friends were sorry to learn that Florence Matters, 61, had taken her life by inhaling gas in her Elpin home. The former Florence Matthews was born and raised in the Burton's Bridge community* Feb. 26--Nick Klein, a former McHenry resident, died at ,his Chicago home. March 1--The city lqst a fine citiasen and a devoted father when William Bishop, 66, passed to his eternal reward. March* 3--William Meyers, a retireji Chicago merchant who had made this city his home during the summer months, died after a lingering illness. March 4--A heart attack proved fatal to one of the county's most prominent citizens. Atty. V. S. Lumley, 77, of Woodstock. The same day one of Chicago's best known pioneer architects, Charles Thisslew, passed away at St. Therese hospital. He had lived in McHenry for twelve years. r ^ | March 5--Another prominent couni ty citizen, well known in this eom- Christmas, 1944, was becoming his- j. j0yed Sunday afternoon tobogganing GifiFord, about 70, who died while f0ry, an unkii\d fate took the life of i jn the Lilymoor hills. By the way, vi--s iting 1h. eA rM son am t^ Pitsm tt aAk la.e AeA BM a•> yVT. < A 4% l.l ? -- -- I .. .. • ^ m July 24--John J. Japp, of Chicago, died while visiting a brother-in-law at his home on the river. July 26--A resident of Wonder Lake, George Olson. 59, passed away after only one day's illness. July 28--A long and useful life ended for Mrs. Catherine Freund, 76, who died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Paul Gerasch. August 4--Jacob Bickler, rfor thir Clarance Douglas, 46. a public serv-ja special vote of thanks to Mr. Mcice employee fer eighteen years. |Dermott and Mrs. Hintz for the ex- . . . . .J ,I cpealrleedn t f(sjrk autgi ng Thpoeny d cltehaerye d htahvee spnorew- LILY LAKE j off and* Mr. McDeitnott stink a pump in the ice and flooded over the 'fr»•!'> ! pond to make it nice and smooth. ,Hv Fvalvii Lk*ihV j'Any assistance in keeping the snow j shoveled off will be greatly appre- Hello Neighbors: . .. . . 1 ciated. After a week of festivitieis, Lily j yjctor Bassis enioved the N«W> Lake is settling back into its usual ; y#ar weekend at the lake. ty years owner of the. McHenry routine activities. Will have to hurry | gpgciai prayers are being offered House, died at his home on the river, and cover the holiday news 'n °ne , for Capt. L. W. Krieger. A short The same day George P. Steilen column to make up for no npws last nQte from him Saturday informed his passed away in a Chicago hospital, week. i family that he had offered to sfey August 5---A resident of this' com- j yje are pleased to hear of the good vvith the wounded who .could not muni'y for all of her seventy-seven i news that arrived at the Vineer home he moved as the Germans advanced vears, Mrs. Gecrge Frisby died fol- jn tjme for Christmas. Pvt. Leslie i in their final push. We are proud 'owing a lengthy illness. _ ! Q, Vineer, who is on overseas duty, ; to call "Doc" neighbor and hope fer- August -ft--The many months of (j8 wejj and out of the hospital. suffering of Mrs. Anna M^yef ended.! ^ gtQrk and ganta Claug ran ^ August 9--Death cai"e almost neck and neck race to the Emma Caspers of Volo at St. There, e j Bitterman home. The stork won out, hospital, Waukegan. ! arriving at 11:55 p. m., Tuesday. De- August 13--While visiting her son cember 21 with an 8_lb n.oz. baby at Pistakee Pay, Mrs. ^Emma North, , Thomas David and his mother of Phoenix, Arizona, died at the a&ejare ^h doing fine. Congratulations. August 16---Life ended for ' Dr. | A q-intepto celebration took pUc. j season. During th. T.inj Frederic Besley, noted surgeon, at j at the Seyfferth home Chns mas , Victorv Memorial hospital, Wauke- the arrival of Mrs. Eda ^ishov<* The 7fivear-old man was past from California, aind •Re birth.^ays of vently that everything is all right with him. Mahogany Csttia# Honduras, world treasury for mahogany, utilizes an interesting folk technique in harvesting. The timber is usually felled at night in th« munity, Theodore L. Hamer, died U j CrthtTrf Mrs. Mildred MJmwj U Dorothy and Erlean Bettray were all home after a long ^ Su^g^. Jogeph Kattner | celebrated at one grand occasion Dec. Leisner, 69, or Spr ng Grove, 72 years of age, j 24. . Our friend «nd former neighbors, months, the color of the wood is richest, and in the cool of the night the actual cutting of large trees is easier, since the wood contracts slightly ; his Woodstock illnescs. March 18--Eugene R !a modeler for the Terra Cotta plant I died at her home. _ ...... „ for many years, died at his home | Au-ust 19-Word was received of Mrs. Mary Daly, spent the holiday near there !!be death of Fremont Hoy, former in Chicago with her daughter, Mrs. March 20--Pupils of the McHenry j McHrnrv banker, at the home of his Hallbeck. We are disappointed at nublic grade school for a quarter of son in Iowa. not having her with us u ope o a century, lost a friend when Peter * August 25--Kay, 8-year-old daugh- see her soon. Mrs. Daiy s grand- H Weber 69. died at his home fol-'j ter of Guy Bacon, died at her home daughter, Mrs. John Wallace, and her lowing a' short illness. --«e was in McCall. Idaho. husband, spent Christmas at the onerator of the Northwestern Hotel August 27--The many friends of Bratzke home m Gurnee. _ ' :PndTainr'nance ma, a. the school. • Hardin E Thie.e of Oak Park, a The P. T. A. March 24- -In less than a week's former resident, were sorry to learn a grand success. The program went time, West McHenry had lost its of his death. second prominent business man. The i Sept. . 1--John George Frey, 85, mourned the death of died at the home of a relative in old alike. We are afraid we must smoothly and was enjoyed by all. Santa Claus remembered young and entire city Floyd Covalt Aurora. Dec *11 Mr and Mrs. Hugh Kirk j future years with Santa Claus will Welcomed'a daughter. . be. the son born to .Mr. and Mrs. --Sharing the spotlight in Walter Manning Of. Oak Park. vaiL disagree with Victor Bassi, Jr.'s com-I ! "March^J--The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Wil- "seit.' 5--Alex, Fortis of Country ment on his father's portrayal of St.; iliam A. Cummings, pastor of Ascen- Club subdivision died a|tvthe age of Nick ' Vic claim* quote, ^ wa* 'aion church in Oak Park, died unex- 67, , . strictlv off the cob. The next meetpectedlv at the age of 58 vears. Head Sept. 7--Earl Boze, 57, a brother of inR of the P. T. _A^. w»il be held at ot Catholic Charities in Chicago for M^s. James Lgnnon, died at Hines the schoolhouse Friday mght, Jan. twpntv-t*vo vears. he was supervi hospital. 1 12. at & p. m. sor o' the Villa Maria carrfp at Pista- . Sept. 12--Friends were saddened There will be no more meetings of ; koe Bav to learn of the death of Mrs. Mathilda the Lily Lake Ladies League until March 31--Death clsirrjkd Mrs 'Scheid in Chicago. < further notice because of the pres- ' Mirv O'Fhhertv;•• who had/tr^n re- ! • Sept. 24--The death of Michael : ent< bad weather. _ siding in St. Ann's Home'in Techny../John Knox, 2-year-old son of Lieut. , We hope ,those who co^_*tte"^ ! Ill She was 86 vears of age. and Mrs, Robert V., Knox of Spring- the mass for Mrs. Mary R>an j Anril 5--Mrs. Barbara H i^minn. ; fi< Id, Was. mourned by relatives and Thursday morning at St. Andrew > wife! o' Jacob Huemann of Johns- friends. church in Chicago The mass was a burg died at 73, after'short: II}- i Sept. 25--Old friends ^ere sorry parting gift of the Lilymoor Land- _' | i to leam of the death of a former owners association. ... April 7--The ranks of McH®^|resident. Mrs. Patrick Costello. in Mr. and Mrs Wrubulewski were business men were broken when Fred Elgin. * . • . happy to have their son. Mai y, o le . Justen veteran hotel manager, died | Sept. 26--A short illness ended m for Christmas eve. Together they j jn Waukegan at the sgi of 61. jd°.ath for George B Frisby, 73. a went to Chicago to their daughters. April 9--Two residents of the nrar- lifelong resident of the community. Mrs. Christianson. for Christmas dinbv vicinity, Mrs. John V. Freund ! Oct. 1--Death came to Georee ner. Another daughter. Mrs. fcd. and Dr.' Charles Davis, the former • Dowell, 76, a retired farmer in the March, and her husband and son had from Johnsburg and the latter a {Volo area,." New Year's dinner with them. summer re-Hen?, nassed awav. I Oct. 2--Christian Wieland. one of Miss Clarice McDermott of Bara- April 14-- Mrs. Ada M. Fnlton,.'#7,1 the founders of the Wieland Dairy boo. Wis., spent Christmas at the Vnlo reo rl^nf. fM^d ip Elgin ipl- company in Chicago in 1888. died at home of her brother and ms er-in- JoriBn- a lengthy illpess. » his home on Lake Shore Drive. He law, Mr. and Mrs. Claude McDermott. April 16--A long time r^s'^enf of ^-as a resident of Pistakw Bay for ! Her Lily Lake visit was a stopover the Ostend communi y. John W. Har- mpnv years. . < enroute to California, where she wi ris. died in Waukegan. eged 68. | Oct. 7--Funeral services were held »pend three weeks. , April 18--Local irteods ware sad- jf«r Ai*a Hale, 74, vast property ^ Mr. «a4 Mrs. Wilfred Blake . IjuICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms of Distress Arising frsm STOMACH ULCERS DUE TO EXCESS ACID FreeBookTells of HooMTreatmattlMt Must Help or it WIU Cost You NotMag Over two million bottloi of the WILLARD IT HE ATM EN T have been solJ for relief Of Symptoms of ress arbiiis fromSS»«»tfc Duodtnal Ulc«r> due to Eicmi AeW» Poor Dlgastlon. Swr or Upw< MinOi ISastliMM, Haartbyrn. SbtpltMi**. *ttj» due to Cac*M Acid. Sole! on 15 cays' trijlt A<k for "Wlllard't Mhup" which Bxplaias this treat^ioz:--fr««-- 1 BOLGER S DRUG STORE WATTLE S DRUG STORE •flens's why Mom says ft WVS to worm with GIZZARD CAPSULES k- b>r - 'f ikkm ( §*+w KMKktnPro***-- »it» far 1'nelf !fui w.! ^ .l.-oe•-j ' Lri wmU'r! Kraftrv'J ta er.^p-- KtsUotlmvnulw - deuitnvt«il» ccorfui<r:c--t» vt W '»-vitk nvtir wb.t,r."dU-i orto wotms. P«-t .'.urtlon. r.T tJI S Undj "f al.l«l rr- of Tv,v* A".* <• 1-,a *r-4r^t c*a. < »«*•«> Bolger's Drug Store Green Street McHeary ffieiWSPrf