Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Jan 1945, p. 1

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T-*r*. , •' "» *,~u1 -y » X 10 - * ? :-»o \ : • r ' - - » v ' - : . % : , \J •• • - ...--. •. v .-J.,.. ^ v'* •* ' - !• - * - * <*' -. f '• --'""i - i- - ' i ^ - - ' 1 * * * . ^ t' , , " ' k i. - _ = - fr- -- ^ ..*. • ., -Hs---1 • . * k \ -- ^ ^ rz=r-*-z 5 \ •' • - ' •* *%• us <•-« vm*' • " ^1 , volume 68 M'HENET, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1945 TWO FORMER VHfNRY MEN HE IN WEEK £ Aged Resident Of Johnsburg Passed Wednesday ** y v } i '• •*-«,-: •••";,"*The deaths of two former residents ' storing the past week have come as a \ **z- shock to friends and relatives locally »X I* hoth are well knoWti here. "*•"/L~'~* V Leo R. Zimmer, 40 yeafs old, died '*%• * in the Palatine hospital on Saturdaf, January 20, 1945, following a short illness^ Mr. dimmer had not been feeling5%vell for a week previous was un(ier the" impression it was AS' nothing serious. The middle of the week, however, he was taken to the '."""T. hospital where he underwent surged for the removal of his appendix. He continued to grow worse until death resulted a few days after the operation. > 'The Zimmer family made their home in McHenry several years ago, When they operated the Buch hotel RECENTLY PROMOTER LOCAL COUPLES OBSERVE THEIR ANNIVERSARIES i. V HOKE OF AMOS SMITH AT RINGWOOD BURNED TO GROUND WEDNESDAY An unpleasant sigh| greeted a [Ringwood home owner, Amos Smith, Linos Newmans were Married Fifty-five Years Ago^ JAIL 23 At 205 Court street, McHenry,, FARM COURSES WILL HELP MEET PRODUCTION GOAL oft Wednesday morfiing upon his re turrv from Huntley. During: his absence flames started'in the chimney of his home, located near the Twin Mills gasoline station, just off High-'- ^ray 31, to Ringwobd. k? A neighbor turned in the lire alarm ^ about 10:45 a. ta., but when the Mc- "g Henry fire department reached the is| $cene the' fire had gained such head- ti way and the water supply was so o lives a couple which younger, folks,',limited that it was impossible to of "McHenry are now in full swing, would do well to emulate if they stive the fiuilding, which burnedt^ two evenings of discussion) ^and in- They are Mr. and Mrs. Lintis the ground. struction having been completed at Many Local Farmed < Take Advantage Of : Weekly Discussions^" ^ WINS. SILVER WNGS ' "£.$> 4 Four evening classes 'for farmers Newman, who have lived their entire lifetimes, including, fifty-five years of SOCIAL SECURITY married rhfe-. in McHenry. m* v P TTTTP WO tt a ttv It is a pleasure to know ^either of ^IfcXilUlSno HAVfi them, and those who copnt both of BEEN MISDIRECTED them "as friends are indeed fortunate. I . ' , ^r___ Most of us findM the uncertainty and ALFRED J. MAY each of the four centers. The5 three centers where soil discussions are being held are Clemens, south of Mc» Henry. Harrison school at Wonder Lake and the Johnsburg hall. WKile there are better than fifty attending WELL KNOWN IN COUNTY AS KILLED " ^ /' ; Alden Army Man Is :Missing; Memorial ftites Foi r Another , Some ertiployers, through a mis- farm-r„ sorrow in the world todays hard to j unde~rs,tanding. still send their . s.o- "Alfred J. May, one of the jiiany ; l^ear and do our daily bit of com-! cial security tax returns to the Sosailors •' from this comrtiunity, ^hails plaining. In the midst of all of it c,aj from Johnsburg. In July of • this Mr. and Mrs. Newman live their a statement wy ocnuru Damm, • ju u„i__ year he will have seen three years quiet life cheerfully, meeting„their manager of the Waukegan office., J",?^ C,VJ:l*mil!^ * of service with Uncle Sam's navy, disappointments philosophically and tax and informational returns : 1 u • u • For a long time he was stationed at1 taking great pleasure^in good for, should be sent direct to the Col- Some o{ the topics being Glenview, where he had a" rating of ; tune. storekeeper, his duties pertaining Several more casualties which have "•'"•tiff- .-t brought sorrow to McHenrj- county have been rceorded this past week, ; ^ The, announcements have' bcciwi0ii<i4;-/%^' gold Stai4 to be placed before f®ur names. ' _ / / Vernon E. Fish *EDTO?- F: "WOZNIAK Worjd coming to, the George .Fish A recenfc story sent from Blythe- home in Woodstock on Monday afterville a^niy air field, Blytheville, yVr- noon brought only sad news for it these""'three ^ansa®' 'n'orms us tbat Flight Dffi- revealed that their son, Vernon EL courses, farmers interested in find- cer. E„dw in _F . W, ozniak., ,s on ,o f_ Mr. : : "--• ing answers to their soils problems Frank ^ """ak of Route- Security Board, according to are invited;to attend and take part 2- McHenry, was awarded pilot's sil atement by Bernard Barnett. in « - .M.), hlino- wr win^ and appointed a flight of disficer in the army air forces at grad«- uation exercises held there a short time ago. The winning of his wings'" It is only, natural that during such states Court House,\Chicago. 111. * 0 4 Riverside Drive. He made many • chiefly to office work. Later he re-|a long residence this esteemed cou- ^.t the same time. friends during this time who mourn i ported for service at Memphis, Teim.,: t*le should have acquired ^mwny ; pointed out, employees can save "time his untimely passing. letcor of Internal Revenue at United ^ussed a* til6 so*' courses are * as marjis successful completion of ~1- . •• • ""PPaasstitiur«re» IImmnprroovvpemmeenntt.. ' • - Mr Barnett '^re4<n>c Matter and Land Use." 'I.egume* and Inoculation of Lethree phases of flying training--primary, basic and advanced. His wife, ' Stella Wozniak, resides at 1433 So. j and at present is at Port Hueneme. 'friends. Their genial •hospitality to andt rouble if they "will make cer- J?unies:" "Soils Testing," "Soil <Jon-• Fifth avenue. Cicero. Survivors include his wife, Marie, | Calif.,' from where he will likely neighbors and friends have added tain that all wage earners who are •ne daughter, Joan, his mother, Mrs.1 leave for sea duty. He tXs now in many true» friendships to a long list to be reported are properly . .ideji,- May Zimmer all of Palatine; and ; charge of a draft of men (nineteen of acquaintances. . tified by a "social security account . . . . . .. . ,. tm. aunts, Mrs, plenty J. Schaefer in all) and was promoted last fall Mabel A. Ford and Linus Jfewman nuinber. If the eriiploye fias failed Varieties^ Insects. Rates of Seeding. and Mrs. Celia Knox of McHenry. to first-class pett>^ officer. At *P"o rt were 1 ' 2,3. to renort em Mr. Zimmer's father, a former Cesi- Hueneme he wotks in the jiff ice of l»90. 4ent of this community, died six. the ship's store. .years ago. " •; ^ --i -f-. Funeral services were held at 10 |l?clock on Monday morning from the Pa iq Buffalo Grove cemetery. David Johnson • married. .~witn the, ilatine Catholic church, with burial MESSAGES FROM ' David Johnson, a native of Sweden MEN IN SERVICE Mid a resident of McHenry for sever- « ] y e a r s , d i e d i n H a r t l a n a o n S a t u r - . . . dbty, January 20. He was 78 years T I know it has been some time since •f age. The body rested at the I have written to ybu. I still receive Jac^b Justen Sons funeral home until the P*P«r ®Very now and then and Tuesday, when services were held from the home, with burial in Woodland cemetery. | Mrs. Philip' Schaefer „ I Mrs. Philip Schaefer, a resid«ftit oi Johnsburg for about forty years, died at her home there on"1 Wednesday, juary 24. She was 82 years old. ^Hie only immedrate survivor is her Imsband. The body is at rest at the Peter M. Justen funeral homre until Friday morning at 9:30, when last rites will be- held from St. John's ^church, Johnsburg. v.-". «ervafion-Erosion Control." "Soil Fertility." 'Tillage." "New Machines of the Future" and "Crops-- NEWS ABOUT OUR SERVICEMEN here on January ^3, .0 report his number, the employer * The other course.' however, is filled mercury many degrees should-report the worker's name and .-to maximum. This one," a farm .address to the Waukegan of machinerv repair cours^, is conductthe Board wTiich, wilL assis.1 the .em- ed by Gecrge P. Freund. Case Im- 4^|yeT in cbteining the mi$sing ac- nlement^dealer.'who is aided by Wiloou'nt number^ " /•: H|*m Buchert; Due to the nature of --£1- " - the., course, onlv fifteen farmers may Robert Aylwards of - Elgin, well PLENTIFUL CIGARETTE SUPPLY attend. The first" evening.; Wednes- knjwp here, was seriously injured in According to a- Canadian paper,,-' Jan. 17, the mower was dis-, ; Germany on November lfi and has recently, been moved from a hospital Pfc. ' Merlin Aylward. son <>f, the glad of course to h e a r of ^ v h a t t h e \ ether fellows are doing and news of home,. I want to thank you for the nice write-up you, gave me in one of Vour Julv issues. Photo by A. Worwlck, McHenry Since that time I MR, AND MRS. LINUS, NEWMAN dis- C an a d*a is going to have a .plentiful cUs^ed. - -- supply of cigarettes' during the com- Courses Are Valuable i i ing year. The announcement was It ^, fejt £hat *the - SUcces< of- such made on January 6 by a wartime. <«ourpeS jp a community such as ours Price and Trade Board official at js Svniholic of the c-.'nscient iousness Ottawa. There is definitely no cause of tj,e people who are entrusted with tor., alarm about the cigarette s'*ua" 1 the . use and care of our country's tion in the country. e\en though niost' important heritage, -the soil, cigarettes continue to be scarce .in pjnpp the soil is-the basis of our civ-, the United States, the' official .said, jiization, felt that when farmers . STORY OF MARINE'S ACTION IN PACIFIC TOLD IN BROADCAST VERNON FISH" have been through k«low zero. He engaged iri carptn- France. including *erjnjj until ill health forced him to a recent broadcast of the Paris, whiclv is a retjre was a member of the gram over WJJD. for sight to behold. volunteer fire department for forty- on the program concern , ecillin for" saving are interested _ in improving th^if.^. 1^ • ••-'....His. life." saying methods of handlinc it our standard that he was given 120 shots of of living is insured. , a day while his condition was criti- One only needs to Be present in | cal. ty^J^vetUs received the Purthe various communities to realize pie Hean^wTefirst of this week. • „ • , ., . ^ the attitude which prevails. Fogd ?--n*-*v McHenry folks^ were^ mterea^ST^n pj^juetion ^oals will be met. food vrfarrv Unti, AM 3/C, who had will, be available for our fiehtine beeri overseas ifor eighteen months- I saw the Eiffel Tower and numer-• njne years. He is still an honorary view between a correspondent in the "hnsfnTs« other buildings o/ note, including . ,n#mbVr. Eoth Mr. and Mrs. New- Pacific and George Schmitt, grand- ___ rine proory told an interin France to Eiig- Fj^h. 20r was'killed in actidn in Gergland. Twenty-four many on January 9. 1945. He was a stitches 'wer« r- - native of WWdstcck and entered quired to close the rvTce in March of 1942. He had wound. The young been overseas and in combat for-*evsoldier credits pen-" era^ • months-.-• | _ Clayton Starntt First reported as missing in' acj* tion on December 20, 1944. Clayton Starritt of Crystal Lake .was killed on that date, it has been learned. He was with the first army in Germany. The young1 soldier was wounded in the right arm in the battle of Brest., France, on June 15. 1944. and was MANY FARMERS UNDER 26 WILL CONTINUE TO RECEIVE DEFERMENTS men. our allies and our home front reported for duty in Jacksonville. Confined for a time to a hospital in only because.„we have men who know Fla.. after spending a thirty-day jrnjfian(j jt not untji early in ss in producing it. the Uni^rsity of Paris and of course the pretty French girls. I am now on the Western 'front in Geratnny and we are enemy will so;on give up, Hut il looks like he wants to continue on leave* with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Au?ugt t^at ^ rej0ined his coralohn Unti. Upon arnvipg in Florida,•' l John "• -vr. ••• pany. he visited several hours with his pft Starritt entered service in brother, Sgt. Eugene Unti. in Georgia, pejjruary of 1943 and went overseas whom «he had not seen in two and one-half years. • , * ' Contrary to widespread belief, all ^ day may not b(f off thuUft &rm workers under 26 years of age who are being given preinduction physical examinations will not be inducted into the Armed forces, it was stated this week by Col.' Paul G. Armstrong, state director of selectlve service. just a year ago. j ; Rudy Schutt ji Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schutt of Har- Mrs. Margaret Muetterties Warner ;vmrd received a , message from the Again thanks for your paper •>. news from hgme. ----i Sincetolv, GENE DOBYN9, Germany. 'it^B^me to my attention," said I LOVELY SINOINO' Colonel Armstrong, "that many farm i QF LYRIC SOPRANO employers are planning farm sales - Trmrtpo ATTOTHNCS " because of their belief that all young DEldtfUrS AUUlfiriUft^ farmers, ages 18 through 25 years, mn to be inducted. There is no tosis for such belief. j> "While it is true that all 4krm man are greatly interested in gar- son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholz _. uvi deping and e\*en in the winter many ^ cf this city. The young marine. Observe PUDllC Heaitrt itern flowering pjants will be found bloom- wounded several months ago, is now Nursing Day On/an. 26 hoping the j,n(|r jn ^eir home. in a hospital at Great Lakes, where j _ . - ( ' : - r In W40 a golden wedding celeBra-' he is convalescing. The report from "i ' j lion was held at the home of, their the correspondent was delayed and Januap^ 26. 1945. has been de 'liUffhler, Mr*. Edward J. Buss, in was received at marine headquarters clared National Public Health Nurs . , „ • .. . .. - . • . .. McHehrv. in their honor. A' just previous to the broadcast. ing Day and is an ppportune time,, of Elgin received the Purple Heart"- war department on.Saturday. stating ireat many friends called to offer According to the information given for-the. community to know their, this week which was awarded post- that their son. Rudy, was killed in congratulations at that time and. in | bv young Schmitt. his first action Public Health Nurse-who she is , humously to her husband^ ^ard action recently m Germany He had •Edition, the couple received innum-1 lasted only two and one-half hour*. an<* what she does. She is your Warner. ( • j been in the thick of fighting for erable cards, gifts and flowers. - As he sat on a cot in a naval hos- friend in sickness and health. . months and had only recently re- They have four living children, pital in the south Pacific, he talked Both McHenry and Crystal Lake Harold Michels of Camp Blanding, turned to duty after being wounded Mrs Buss and Gerald Newman of about Guam as he glanced at the employ full time school nurses Mrs. Fia.t has been visiting his parents, in action All too few were in the audience at the Community Methodist church *rarm on Sunday evening to hear a. muregistrants under 26 years old are sjcaj treat seldom afforded us. Miss being sent for preinduction physical Wvlma Fletcher of Gatesburg, III.. -...... 1U Ilir ^ _ He was an employe of McHenry" Mrs! Lewis" McDonald of Purole "Heart which he'had* recently Joanne Rulien being the McHenry j the Charles Michels, and other rela-, the National Tea Store in Harvard Wbodstock and Charles L. Newman received. " ; yhool nurse and Mrs. Elizabeth, tives and friends in McHenry the j before entering service. of Slocum Lake; also many grand- When the third marine division hit , W ilming:on, R. N., serving the Crys- past week. , - . ] -- i-children and great grandchildren,, j^the beach at Asam Point, he recalled, _tal Lake schools -- - , | Flight Officer Robert . Fred Schoewers Vncrtar shells came like'rain drops! " Public Health Nursing Day should , Corp. Steve Harvey arrived in the of the O. M. Coreys of Janesville, Married just twentv-five for of the He.kflled * * * -- . a .* : 1.. ..HAH »kit ira ItiA Af I r* L i 1! a. _ _ 1 am WAAlfAnH M IS TlfnAf Sunday. January 21, were Mh>. Fred Schoewer, who celebrated the occasion by holding, open house. Agau. Many of the boy vears on I The marines were pinned down for , serve to focus the attention oi tne ; Sutes cn Monday. Her>is now in San Wis., has been Kflied m action, it was Mr. and r a long time but later advanced tip American family upon the value of: Francisco, but according to a tele- learned last weekend. His father elebrated the road to,-a short distance from the public health nurse is a front | received by his sister, Mrs. j was the principal of the Alden sn house. Airau Many of the boys were hit Hhe defender and restorer of health. R0y Miller, he hopes to get a fur- : schools at the time of the soldiers "ninations, not all of them will be • ^ soprano now S t the relatives fnd friends by bursting; shells but Schmitt re- . . ' - . . 1 B iyi«. c/.aolllle«d^ Kbeatfwnreaeanr 33 aannrdl 5K rotV'cllfovcUk iinn tt.hh«e» called »thkaott onnnllyv onnnoe ontthhperr WwaISs hniitt. h.vo hoen. found nhvsic- a i „ iAr,<,*t,v afternoon and 7 to 9 in the evening ,bv the same one that stopped him. ,«. f" ^. wUCs on theif ,i.v,r Y« ^Uin». pn - . pr g * ' 8 wedding anniversar>*. and nfle fire, the marines advanced. Refreshments we're served from a George. 19. before "entering serreclassified to Class l-A simply be- Chicago Conservatorj* of Music. came cause ally quuiiueu »ui imiibaiy program -^(1.11 other classes of registrants in riety Qf Spirituals. •«• oira irrniin hsv<> hwn ffiven nrp- 1 _ . . • * . Among the Sick induction Dhvsical examinations and Besides an inherent voice ,of un- attractively decorated with sil- vice, jjesided with his parents at 6043 IC„ re-ent order for examination of usual. she displayed a ver decorations, flowers and lighted s. Kolmer avenue. Chicago. He is farm registrants was un- tecl,niaue which *ave nnK,nK clanty^"candles. The couple were the re- "a former Lindbloom high school stu- ^^^ly iTsu^ t^ determine ^ Ibvel^gifts^from dent, and entered- service on Sept, It, young large voice. She delighted her ap- tbeir friends. .M»y men in- tKis sroap_ w«re physi- ciative audience with such well Miss Elizabeth Klein and Fred eally qualified for service, as well ^ numbers as -Holy City' Children's Prayer" from "Hansel ap4 trur!e's church. Chicago, in 1920, with lough soon, so that he may come > birth. The young man ,n home. He has been in service three (that community during his youth. ancl one-half yjars and served thirty- later moving to Wisconsin with his {otir months ^overseas. In that time ( parents. He entered sendee in 1943. and rifle fire, the marines advanced. »»»< » » » • » » * * • • • • • < < | !! • • • • j he has never Had a furlough. Dale Synionds -"T-" t- s I Mrs. Myrtle Svmonds of ^ood- ^ j John Seits has been a medical pa-J Relatives%ave received word ^hat stock, who made her home in Mctient at Sherman hospital, Elgin. Gordon Schmitt has arrived in Henry for many years, received a Mrs. Lloyd Benwell has been se- prance. telegram at noon on Saturday from _ ^ riously- ill at St. Josephs hospital,! - .:-r' . the war department informing her. S'gt. Albert H. Pearion hi*-been that her son. Dale SymoncU. was Thomas Wilson is recovering nice- enjoying a furlough with hom* »olks, wounded in action in' Germany on 1943; loved numbers as "Holy City" -gch^eWer were married in St. Ger- •••< •••••!• »•••••>« I < >• M from surgery undergone recently having arrived recently from over-1 January 1 of this year. He was <°Z" "r""> «'SS5.- Her Vpirituals tk; Ee„ "lita At- "In carrying outvie recpnt order! •« their wepe Mrs' pertaining to young farm reeistrants local boards and boards of aopeal Carefully consider the farm status of each man. Boards are still fol- "towine the renuirements of the Ty.d- : jngs Act which provTdes that every easv stV,e in man actually necessarv on a farm w'th ber natural ee me spiritual as' a .distinct musical type> necessarv* larm ••«=* fr>r "he v shall be deferred until a renlacement , v • can be found. In some instances, seemed to make these num r» as boards have previously been liberal enjoyable , the singer as > in border-line cases, and the main listener. •; ' - « purpose of the new directive is to I The unfortunate- fact * that, more jiave every farm case reviewed un-' "eonle were der stricter standards to determine due to the fact whether or not a farm worker under ly exnect an _ . 86 can nossibly be spared to the Fletcher to visit our small city, ft # , 'jirmed forces. If a-board, after was a real pleasure to be so pleas- -'** Jffiorougrh consideration, determines antly surprised. Excellent accom^ . that the farm worker is definitely Daniment was provided by Miss J m lesser known May, Mrs. Eleanor Young. 'Something Within.". • 'v ! ---Herbert Schoewer and James Bastian. Even at the dose of her long, an^ The entire community offers hear strenuous11 program. Mis? Fletcher's jesf congratulations to Mr. and voice maintained its freshness. Schoewer and Mr. stvle in all ranges, together on 'theifx"imiiivt;risaries __ at Victon: Memorial hbspital. Wauke- ^35 duty iwith Generai Patton's third army. RATION (jU IL/E ^an- -- Previous to entering senice, he was - , r, Mrs . Josephine Freund underwent Elbert Buch has been transferred emploved at the Fencil plant in • • | - I : : ' n l l l l i n i n t t i n » s u r g e r y a t t h e W o o d s t o c k h o S p i t a L , i r o m G a m p H u e n e m e , C a l i f . , t o S a n H u n t l e y . He a l s o h a s t w o s o n s . on Wednesday, of this week. .Francisco, and Loren TBomas.from Lester Ekstrom Prcessed Foods -- Blue Stamps Miss Ellen Baker has been absent^jCamp Mackall, No. Car., to New The War has brought only sad Mrs. X*5 thr0U8rh Z"5- A"2 .throu^h G"2 from her duties at the Thies__Candy - ^ . " hews to the family of Mr. and^Mr*. (biok 4). 10 points each. ccmpany because of illness. John Ekstrom of Elgin, who are Meats. Cheese.- Fats. CanneffiHiHT George Miller has been confined to Malcolm Mclntyre is now statioiied well known here. On July 7 of last Births : --Red stamps Q-5 through X-5. 10 hi« home through illness this week.! at <7amp Livingston, La., after serv-* year one of their sons. Sgt. Richard, points each.. . ... . .^eWilliarti Phalin is recovering nicely injf' in California for several weeks. "was ki|Jed in France^ This week they , Sugar -- Sygar stamp 34 (book at the naval hospital at Great Lakes Mr Mcintyre will be remembered as 1 have received news that another son 4) good,,fog-,five-.pounds until Feb. 1, from** injuries sustained in 'an acci- a former "teacher in the high school pvt. Lester, has been seriously wo\ind- 1945. " dent on New Year's^Day. here. His wife, who taught in the e<j in France. A third son. Roland,' Shces •-- Airplane stamps 1, 2 Howard Cairns entered Hines- hos-1 wonder Lake school, has written js stationed in Hawaii. Raymond Bailey - . > A message stating that Corp. Raymond Baili^vwas missing in art ion in Belgium asVpt' December , 1AM essential to the production of food W'aldman gnd fibre for the armed forces as th^ parents of a son, bom at the Fuel\Oil>^- fouporis 4 and 5 of gery at the Woodstock. Woodstock hospital on Monday. the 1945^fiperiod and coupons 1. 0n Monday. Many friends here will be inter- 2 and 3 of the 1944-45 period good ested to learn of the birth, of a 6 through Aug. 31, 1945. N S WEINGART yiS 'well as the civilian population, and TEH LISTED IN . that no replacement for him i? avail- -f... vvnvnAVV able, the board may properly con- FfiUttUAiSI ^ tinue the agricultural deferment of INDUCTION GALI* such man. • ,--i - , FEWER MARRIAGES IN 1944 V\ McHenry cor>«fv records show fewer marriag* during 1944 than during the previous year. County Clerk R- D. Woods reoorts that only >3fcf>5 marriages took place here durfir the past year as compared with tl2 in 1943. ^ lb. 10 oz. girl to Dr. and Mrs. Robert Gasoline -- A,14 good through __ --t>to vrnrrkO Bestoso of Newport. Rhode Island, March 21 for 4 gallons each. B-5, ELECTED DUvECaUK on January 24. Mrs. Bestoso will B-6, C-5 and C-6 eood for 5 gal- 7ARM LOAN GROUP be remembered as the, former Miss ions each indefinitely. , , Kathleen Justen of this city. Besides pats -- Each pound worth wo red > ^ her parents, the n^w little lady has j.ation points uand 4 cents. | two sisters to welcome her arrival, l ---- John A. Paulsen. Woodstock,- wftre Followine is a list of inductees Kathleen Michol and Mary Kathryp. J(ILK PRICE8 . elected directors of the Woodstockfrom Local Board No. 1. who are in, . ! - •" Y • Lake National Farm Loan associahospita!:, Robert A. Justen. wjio recently was received by his parents in Alden joined the navy, is taking" his boot ; township the last of the week. Corp. training at Great Lakes. » 'Bailey has been in service for three years and overseas since April of, A New York address for Richard j year. ^ . Overton indicates'that he is now en-1 Herbert Fahrenhola route overseas.. | - I - Memorial sfrvices for Pfc. Herbert 1 W. Fahrenholz were held last Sunday f + * T iitkaMn church in ' ilt-i. tr Tf • -*• Ray Smith has been transV«*r*d1 from Immanuel Lutheran church in Nick^ ^Weingart from Hondo, Texas, to Scott Field, CrvsUl Lake. The young soldier was ... " sember -2 =L Mrs and Mrs. William Thompson '^snd daughter, Rosemary, of Pasco, Ln. ., wvr«, v,, i:a iTw*. cn Ji«- AuLw.. • f«L'. Thompson home last weekend. eluded in the first c*ll for February: Cordon Sofncer^ Harvard (Vol.). Roeer „Hucksteadt,, Harvard. John Lawson Dixon, Harvard. Lavefne Krieg. Harvard. Adrian Everett Dewey, Harvard. George Peters, Joliet. • Thomas Dale Stewart. Richmond. James Borre, Richmond. Charles J. Brda. McHenry. .. John Harold Kilroy, Hebron." Read the Want Ads." ... . # CASE CONTINUED All producers under HuT Chicago tion at its annual meeting held on federal mflk marketing order will re-'January 18 at the Legion Horrie in HI. SEEK STUDENT AID Mrs. Mildred Howorka, Junior Red killed in Germany on .of last year. NOTICE Effective Januar\* 31. the train which reaches McHenry about 6:30 p.m.'. from Chicago will not carry mail. For this reason, starting Feb John OcKoisky, who is. under iir- j teive a uniform blended price of Woodstock. About 150 farmer mem-4Cross county chairman, has soUei- ! dictmert for murder, appeared in J3.14 per hundredweight of milk of j bers and guests attended the meet- tated the .aid of studento in the m*h I ccurt Monday noon. Arraignment 3.5 p*>r cent test. f. o. b. 70-mile | ing. ^ * I school of Woodstock,^ Crystal UBIv. i in his case was continued until Feb. . ZOne. for ALL of their deliveries. De-1 In his report of the year's opera-1 McHenry and Harvard to aid lif.he - - ^ ^ lobby in both McHenry I 5 to allow time for the al]eged mur- i cember 1-31.1^44. H. H- E^rdmann. tions, Secretary-Treasurer Ralph L. j motor corps work (assisting reg'*" uoatoffices will be closed at 6 po». derer to emoloy counseL * He is . ac'ine market administrator . «»n- . Ostrander stated that during 1944, tered motor corps drivers m trans-; _------ ~ ~ ~ »§-_ charged with killing his Wife, Susie, j ncunc«»s. This.i« 3 c-nts lower than ' seventy-seven members had reached porting materials across the opun- John ,S toff el and oaugawr. mn on December 8 at the Jofcn Gaidik the November blended orice and 5 I their goal of debt-free farm owner- ty-. The* services will be given to cents lower than the blende-' nrce ship. inCu |»_u u» uvn» imv t. vn nw-- 1j nmuw^tKu. dW1"--*' bers. ' farm home near Huntley. Subscribes for The Plaindealer ber 1943 deliveries. Also during the past year, the J pupils of high scholastic standing. Subeeribe for the Flaiadesler i ii Vera Ford, were among tho*e from ^ here who attended the wedding of --r- , 4 Jfc

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