Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Feb 1945, p. 8

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»M» ®«M : - r - T > - v • " j i ^ , - K r>.%'^i^:> "w-.*?;,y-pTTV^'<w * .- rr-rt^y : T*y......T ^%^rr*r,w c?"ff77»T*;t*»»: y , *< •* .,r^~" *--r -^-- r '<• ^' '{\, * *u * '• ' ut^( •'. •- *-- V ^ -, t. z~-- ' J-1 ' ,» ,t •*•*,• V *• .- j- ^ '*• •' - \v w \T . '. "v_ _ , ,«-'1j"V* »-' ' •' ^ » fcp * * ' * - ^ > o * ^ '//•' . • "if/""• ft * 'v*'" " '* ..-.-r * . »• THE M'HWRY PLA0VMl£Bft >M<II«M>»MI>IIMIU*IH P. T. A. Sponaerm Ptafclfc Party . '/•' The P. T. A. of St. Mary's-St. Pat- County hospital.; The pastor of St. Ignatius church officiated at the nuptials, solemnised at the bride's home at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. The former Miss Gannon is a niece of Hugh Murphy of this city and was guest speaker at a St. Mary's-St. Patrick's school P. T. A. MRS. VICTOR THIELE PASSES AWAY AJTER A LENGTHY ILLNESS Mcltenry friends will be sorry to learn of the death this (Thursday) morning. Fefc. 1, 1945, of Mrs: Victor meeting in October, where her father H. Thiele. She passed away at the also has been guest speaker. The I home . of her sister, Mrs. Warner . ,, ... ... i bride is president of the Catholic ! Sivyer, in! Chicago, following a long k! i!«i,f Sfk10il! !t l*f ? Woman's League Juniors of Chicago. illness. \The Thiele family made their " """"""" " home here about fifteen years ago. ~y i-n party, to be held on the evening of Sunday, February 4. " " ^ Choir Enjoys --Chicken Dinner--^---7--•-------- ~ •Rev. William A. O'Rourke^acted "* as host to «mernh.or< of the*'"choir of St. Patrick's church at a chicken dinner held 4t Eva's Restaurant on Tuesday evening. Ten members were • present to enjoy the evening. * * ' * ' * . . . . . * Qbserve Fiftieth • *}: Wedding Anniversary • Mr. and Mrs. Mi6haeI "Ttrto* "Will • observe the fiftieth anniversary of ^hfeir marriage on Sunday, February will hold open house at She has been employed" in social ser vice work in connection with Physi- Surviving besides her husband' and j Mattingly, manager of~~the cians' and Surgeons'General hospital, sister are seveh' children: Harriet, 1 agency, has announced. VXTUUUra MAT APPLY POR BUSINESS LOAHB VKDKR BILL OF EIGHTS The necessary machinery for processing applications by Veterans of World ^ar it for business loans under the Servicemen^ Readjustment Act of 1914 (Gi I. Bill Of Rights) has been set up in the Chicago Loan Agency of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, B. Archibald local EX-CONOtS^SCAN REID PASSES AWAY AFTER FEW WEEKS ILLNESS Chicago. r -y Frederick, Bruce, Joan, ^luriel, Barbara and Gordon. A soil, Harding Elwood, passed away five months , . . i 1. The veteran should first (CdOJO!? ™': his local banker. . ^ - 2. If the veteran is unable to ob? Frank' R. Reid, 66, Illinois' State Republican leader and Illinois congressman from 4he Eleventh district from* 1922 to 1935, died on^ January. 25, 1945, of a heart ailment in his, home at Aurora. He had been 11 since January 7. . ' " Mr. Reid was born in Aurora and lived there all his lifetime. He attended the University of Chicago in « • ' - * . w e i r m a r 4. They Nurse Is Guest •' _ At Mothers CIub». - Miss Lottie Mathison of the Illinois State Nurses association will be the : plete at this time, pending the .arguest speaker at the next meeting rival of a daughter from California. "of the Mothers club, her topic to , -- -- be "Nursing as a < Career." The BANK PRESIDENT meeting will. be held on February 9 OF CARY PASSED in the Legion hall. AtJTAV AN QTTNTIAV" Mrs. Rulien, in announcing Miss, AWAY OU«liAX Mathison as speaker, stated that any --:---- individuals or nurses interested will 1 Nathaniel B. Kerns, president of Mr. Mattingly outlined the following essential. st£ps for veterans desiring guaranteed .business loans: tain a loan from his local banker,' he should then apply to his nearest RFC Loan Agency foir a loan. The addr^^s *bf the appropriate, agency ^or this region is 208 South LaSalle street, Chicago 4, Illinois, "Banks desiring to assist veterans individuals or nurses lnteresiea win :«MH«IIIBI ,M* «CINA, CICO.UCIN «• be able to consult with her after the Cary state bank, died suddenly • _„ rpJf.i-Hrm.. and lnan nnnli. the meeting. She is field representa- on Sunday morning, January 28; J ., '. , , •jtive of the XJ. S. cadet nurse corps, 1945, at Illinois Research hospital, , .•» j . ?, • itate nursing council for war ser- Chickgb. Mr. Kearns had .served- as.tfee Veterarts Admini^tra.: |ice in McHenry county. Applica- pallbearer at the funeraPof a friend requirements of the law are lions may be made now for the on. Saturday afternoon and was t.aken , fL Kb fn„„j „„.i spring classes. Student nurses can ill-shortly after the service. He was ^ the veteran/must be found qual-, Mrs. Roben Thompson was hc<S-• greatly speed the day of victory by taken to the hsopital after he col-' an • j ® tess to members of' the^"Neighbor- 'taking a war job and helping care lapsed in his home and djed of a 1 which he seeks a loan the Probertv hood club at their last meeting^ on for civilians, thus relieving graduate ? resident !<^ * be ac^ui?"'is reSaWe Thursday evening. . Miss Mary Km- nurses for service. . The deceased had been a resident jn prke gnd suited to its fntended their home' at Terra Cotta' on thai day from 2 until 5 o'clock and fifom f ^ntil 9 in the evening. , ^ V •" ifrg. Thompson Bfttertains Club ney received high score for cards. Miss Mathison will no doubt men- of Cary for more than forty years, 1 The exact date of the next meeting tion in her talk that all persons in- where he. was engaged in the grocery jI pj u, rpJ*o se', and t.h at ^ the'- venture of the club has not been set. i terested mav enroll in the school of business as > well as serving as di- i ' their choice. The school will then , rector and president of the bank. ! , ®'nce the act does not provide enroll tM students in the cdet nurse , Survivor, include three son,. Byrop ! ;^busmes^s the lendcorps. Eighty-six schools in Illinoi, and Olin of Cry. and Francis of f' "lM j""™. «hetJ« «^e are now! carding out this patriotic 1 Kansas City, Mo.; two daughters,' e e an as s"„lcl n .111! 8 .or ,s ,aQO . 1onA . +v, ri,--- p 1 op- Mts. Howard Stewart *rd Mrs.' p"?°se' as wdl as ab,1,ty' dfPfnd-, 1899 and 1900 and >e Chicago Col ~ ability, business experience, and busi- ; lege- of Law from 1900 to 1901 . CONING EVENTS .February 1 C. -D. of A.--Business MeetinJi,. East River Road Pinochle Club-- Mrs. EL R. Sutton; February 1. 2 and S Rummage Sale--Sponsored by O. E. S.^ Kent< Building, Riverside Drive. February 2 Evening Bridge -- Mrs. Paul Schwerman. February 4 .. Public Party--Sponsored by P. T A. of St.* Mary's-St. Patrick's School.. February 5 i • Altar and Rosary Sodality'--Legion' Hall. ^ ; j February 6 Home Bureau -- Mrs. Eva Eppel. Kiverview Camp, R. N. A.--Rfjp'inf • meeting. , ,^ -;. February 7 Wedding Dance --Nell's Ballroom --• Five-piece orchestra. St. Mary's-St. Patrick's School PTA February 8 Evening Card Party--Sponsored by O. E. S., Masonic Hall. February 9- Mothers Club. Founder*s Day Program---LUy Lake. ' February 15 :V';^ Third Party in Card TournamentV4ft' C. D„, of A. f CA*D OF THANKS In this iain|)6r\K wish to ezpreM my sincere y thank* to friends and relatives, to j Father Neidert, the Siiters and school children for prayers, cards and letters sent me during my stay in the sanitorium in Waukegaat AU kindnesses were most appreciated* MRS. ALVINA MILLER. ' J- J I -- ' . . . . . . : v CARD OF THANKS I 'Wish to express my deepest grat- ' itude to all my friends who kindtjr remembered my stay in the hospitaL, M. L. TUCKER, Tucker's Sweet Shop, OS . McHenry. ;V ; CHIMNEY FIRRV A chimney fire called the fire department to " the Thomjas. Wilson J home on Main street on Tuesday evening, but no' damage. was re^j ported. --->• * CARD OF THANKS ' - W® wish to" thank neighbors • and friends for the many kindnesses e*- tended during our recent illness. W# are very grateful for cards, for titb visits of friends and for flowefs sent-'"-' by the Old Timer bowling league- Many thanks to all. MR. AND MRS. TllOMAS "WILSO&V ' » v,. ,, * v •: -.; - CARD OF THANKS / -1 I wish to thank all neighbors and • ' ^ ' friends for calls, get-well and ChristV- . ^ mas cards, «andy, fruit and other ' 'r gifts I received during my stay at; the hospital. My wife also says te say thanks for the rides to the hos- ? pital rand for the/ kind deeds done - v ' • * N for her. J "'i GILBERT C. HOWARD. 9 Origin of Zero The word, zero comes, from # Sanskrit term meaning "void." fcarlet Lily" " To Be Reviewed Mrs. Paul Brefeld will give |>ook review of "Scanlet Lily" by program which offers such an Rev. Edw. J. Murphy. SJ.. at the portunity to young women. Dianis of • , 1 ness character, to assume a reason- had beeh politically powerful in Kane -c•li ub^ all o,threer in!treSr.e s°t!ead persons are ;L afternoon from the Methodist cchhuurrcchh 1 ,«^"• >« likelihood that the veteran's con-J. ^cou nty .sui„n ce the tiimqoei he wa, admitinvited to attend this open meeting, at Cary. He next meeting, of St. Mary's-St. Patricks school P. T. A. on Wednesday. February 7. Father BaumHofer will ^Vbe guest speaker. c.... LUCILLE SIMON IS ' LOVELY BRIDE OF SERGEANT IN ARMY Committee Named f\»r Altar & Rosary ' The next meeting of the Altar and Rosary sodality of St. Patrick's church will be held in the Legion hall A very beautiful winter wedding at 8 o'clock on Monday evening. Feb- was solemnized at St. Mary's church. ruary 5. The committee in charge McHenrv> lastSaturday morning. •will be Mrs. Clarence Angelse. Mil- uniting *in marriage Miss Lucille Sidred Kinsala.^Mrs. Thomas Phalin, mon nf cjty ^n(j gg,t James E. Mrs. Dan O Shea. Mrs. E. O Sulli- Waener of Milton Junction, Wis. van, Mrs^ George Thall and Mrs, ^ bride is the daughter., of Mr. • .Quentin W^lsh.^ m.' and Mrs. Herb Simon and the groom _ ' ' „ - "the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wag- Benefit Party -Huge Success SUMMER RESIDENT DIES AT CHICAGO - HOME FRIDAY NIGHT j templated operations w^jll be success-, ted to the bar in 1901. j ful. The lender will also want to His first position was as attorney [ know whether the 'veteran has been . for Kane county and three years in such business before entering the later he was state's attorney, in I service ^aiird the nature of his, ser- i which capacity he served from 1904 •j vice experience and training. j to 1908. For the following two ! "Veterans are well advised to be years he was an assistant United - • 7 " • s - • on guard again-st fraudulent or ab- States attorney in Chicago. He was / The many friends of Mrs. Marie surd propositions and careful of est- first"§fe'ttt7 to Congress in 1923, hav- Gallery Williams, about 40, a sum- ploiters. With the aid of the bankel*, ing defeated Cofx Ira C. Copley for mer resident of Shalinlar for many whQ js schooled in duch matters, vet- re-election a.rui ..y&iKsuccessive elec- ! years", were saddened to learn of her erans should investigate very > care- tion3 until retired in January 1934. I deatji last Friday, January 26, in f^Uy au propositions presented to He' is survived .by. his wife, Emily, Chicago) them. There are many pitfalls, dif- one son. four daugKters. and ten VOGUE CLEANERS Phone McHenry 19. We Pick Up and Deliver . Two to Three Day Service **"*. ° ' Try the Vog^ae for splendid service and excellent workmanship *s Menfs Shop [Representative] : . „ West McHenry IN FAMED CATHEDRAL She is survived by her husband, f|cuities and hard work in .operating j grandchildren. Harvey B. Williams; and the follow- one-s owli business;.r - I : ing children: \ Mrs. Irene Lortie, ! . ^ TWUTWDV CAT TtTVP John W„ S/Sgt. Thomas H.. Suzanne , lllLWlv X OUI^UIXJA, 1 M., ,Patrick G.< Marita,- Harvey B.'^j|||/»n«i fhp Cirtlf ! ATTENDED SERVICE' ^Several hundreds were in attend- ^ The bridT iiven "in"" bv : Jr- Vir«inia- Mary Ann. Lawrence ; . inc OICK ance at the public party held in St. h father 'was lovelv in a white J" Rlchard F- and Michael G. Other - J | , . ^ . . . .. . . Mary's-St. Patrick's school .hall'^ on 1 &S ^%k" P JXr ^rvivors include her father, Capt. Sunday evening for the benefit of -. th v * headed tiara Her' Pa^ck J>: a brother, Frank Av Gal- Kenneth Peterson of McCullom ihe Catholic Youth organization. The only ]eWeiry was a ^pearl necklace, I^y*' and a sister.. Mrs. Rita Sea- Lake has been ill at his hpme during Foresters were in charge' of the *j'ft f <sh • j ' man. the past week. party, with lovely refreshments serv- br;5|ai bouauet of white carnation Funeral "services were hetf from Mrs. John King. who. has been ed by" the Lady Foresters at "the close amj roses ' - St. Catherine of Siena church at confined to her bed. for several weeks. of the evening. Proceeds will be used Serving her sister as maid of 10:30 o'clock on Tuesday morning. ; is again able to be up ptfrt of each J°,t^ ^ fjuke. l>ox ,for the school ^onar was Miss^"Barbara Simon, who] w'th, irUe^ent in Mount Carmel day hatt. ^ ' [Wore an aqua dress-of chiffon, with |cemete^ ° So"1 Hear 13 afra,d that h,s Ol^etve Annual- ! ' Founders Day "The annual Fdunder's Day proa matching headpiece. Her flowers were pink carnations and pink roses. / M iss Mary Simon and Miss Inez Wagner, sisters, of the bride and ATHLETIC CLUB NOTES , With the Third Division of the j Seventh Army, France--George Kin-1 sala recently attended the Immac- | ulate Conception services held in: Strasbourg. This marked the first time in more than four years that | worship services had been held in this famed cathedral. j jjjaaders may think-Jthat he w'as Va-v» More than .2,000 American soldiers, 1 cationing last week when his column whom 1,200 were Third Infantry failed to appear, so, in fairness to ,-Division men. presented a congregaour feltow-worker. may we state that so' large that Lieutenant CJl- Tt really wa^illness ethat prevented onel -Ralph Smith, Third Division him from writing. ~ ' Chaplain from San Antonio. Texas; | ' Mrs. E-. T. Barlow- is'ill .a? heF j assisted by regimental chaplains, was j home> near the Chapel hill golf! forced, to deliver his sermon from ; -•course north of MeHenrv i two different places in order that he , Paul Karls is still 'confined to' might be heard by all. . j Hines hospital, where "he has been fhe cathedral had been sttuck undergoing treatment for the past twice by bombs but no great damage several weeks. ,.4 had been done. Some'Of the stained Mrs. Roy Passfield returned- last i ^ass window^ were shattered, debris Saturday from the Mayo clinic at 'ay upon the floor, but this could no f r Uf ^ Rochester,- Minn., after undergoing overshadow the beautiful vvorkman- N . , JJ* , . , , empo art y sursrerv at*"' the "^S^orrair hosnital ship and care that had been put into riding partook of a .spaghetti"^ sup- ~ 1 ^ "" gram and Regular, meeting of the ^ respectivelyT^re' attired in y Lake P T- A- w,n be held on pink chiffon dresses,, with which they Friday, February 9, at 7 p.m.. at- 1^ie school house. All are .invited to attend and enjoy bunco and other games. Refreshments will be served. The P. T. A. is grateful to Mrs. Nielsen, acting as president, and Mr. Yaeger as secretary for. the January meeting. wore pink and aqua headpieces. Little has been reported in the last few weeks on the progress of the Young People's Athletic club, an organization of folks over high school Joseph 'Wagner, brother of the' age who want to keep fit physically groom, acted as best man, and Jo- through athletics. . seph Simon, brother of the bride, While draft quotas" have been inwas groomsman. „ v creased, it still looks as though the Following the huptials, a wedding club will maintain enough of its men •breakfast was served for the bridal to hold weekly basketball games. JOHNS-MANVILLE ROSK WOOL 'BLOWN IN", your attic and y Sidewalls by The r WALLFILL CO. V 16 Yearn Erperience HOME INSULATION I FREE ESTIMATES LEO J. STILLING 200 H Pearl St.". PHONE 18. ty'HENRY • i or OUR BUILDING MATERIALS DEALER fm. .... , '^1 . . . , ; partv and the immediatje. families ftowever, in v m e - c h U d r e i t h e - M h o o I . - r a w e d i | „ j t. M»rvVSt. P a t r i c k ' , s c h o o l „™l , l« ing several hours of, singing and lew of the fact that several have been forced for this and reasons a sleigh ride last' week, and follow- ^ M 5;3() 0,c,0ck> fifty.Pve rela. othet reasons to and friends enjoyed dinner in their'membership per at the school, with Mrs^ Milinic by a recePtion for vacancies. There are many young iPn ch£a rge. T-PLh e evenVt was spo"n"s'o"r"eid' one hundred fifty, T. . . by , the P. T. A. Diss Gannon Is, Bride Of Doctor« Many McHenry terested to learn folks will be inof the marriage couples and jingle persons in Mc-1. Lester. Bacon spent a few days The couple left 'during the day on Henry who were fond of athletics! * , w~ Victory Meraonat hosft short honeymoon trip, returning to during their school days who have I pita)' where "e "n<ler- ^JcHenry on Wednesday. This given up all forms of sports in later WeJl rnl^i* <Thursday) morning they left for years. All such persons who might' Mrs. Lloyd Benwell returned th»S Blytheville, Ark., where he is sta- fa interested in joining at this time i w.eek fr°m St' JosePh 3 hospital, El- %droo in next Thursday »in' Jher« 3 ! Under^nt, X of the club's informal recently. She is reported to be im building this monument to religion The services were ended by Holy Communion, given with a background of organ music. , The site of the cathedral is believed to be an ancient Roman forum. It is known for certain, however,- tioned with the army postal service, are urged % drop in next Thursdav »,n' where 3he surgery1 that the present building stands on last Saturday, Januarv 27. of Miss ! ^ £orme^ ^ J*™*' ^ has evening at offe of the club's informal ™ A I heen employed at Bolger s drug meetings. Following the exercise of t pr°£n?r Margaret Gannon, daughter of Atty and Mrs. George Gannon of 1046 Stoyola avenue, Chicago, and Dr. Korman Flau, associated with *t5ook store, has given up her position and the evening, scS&e very fine lunches will remain with her husband? the same place where King Clovia, an early French ruler, had ^built a Mrs. William Wirtz of Route _2, f church bf woodland clay. McHenry. underwent surgery at gtv4 ! Therese hospital last week. ' RESIDENTS CHANGES Let Radionics lend you its :ears • * * • • • • • •• •••••••••••» . . . for j u s t a few m i n u t e s , and discover what new worlds of •ound this fine instrument canT bring to many hard of hearing. Revolutionary--in first, cost, low upkeep, ease and tonvenience of use. You wilK not - be pressed to buy. We sell oriW- , to. those who can be helped- • No high pressure salesman will call on you. NEW NELSON CTRISTY HAS * I ENLISTED IN NAVE'S iAIRCREWMAN PROGRAM a are served by members Since the selection of new volley- BBC0MES ^ER 1 Mr. and Mrs John Freund are, the teams: Charles Brda's team, 197 ! J- Welter, 5945 N. Green- moving this week from the home ot points; Leon Crosby's team, 165 i view avenue, graduate of the John their son, Vernon, on East River points; Fred Goodsir's team, 148 ; Marshall La>v School, 315 South Ply- j'"Road to their new home east of the , William Nelson Cristv, sort- of Mr. points, and Donald Howard's team, mouth court, Chicago, has just been river. 1 land Mrs. Kenneth E. Cristy, of 147 points. . granted his license to practice law Mj.' and Mrs. M. U Burt | Ringwood, enlisted Saturday in. the Members of the: various teams are ! in the state of Illinois, in ceremon- j daughter, Leslie, of LaGrange have navy's popular aircrewman program, urged to be present at 7:30 o'clock' >es held at Springfield by the Su- moved to their home at on^r | and thereby took the first step to- sharp as substitutes have; had to be";Preme Court of Illinois. Mr. Wtelter | Lake, which they recently purchased* ward becoming a member of Amer- used durjng the first games in re-;'3 a graduate of McHenry Comma- 1 Mr. Burt is a new employee «t tne , ica's famed flying iorce--naval avia- cent weeks. Teams' are still quite ! n'^y high school, and a former Uni- Ring^rood Chemical plant. tion! evenly matched, so be on hand to versity of Illinois student. ( <s, T~,... Cristy, who is 17 years old, will, help your fellow players forge ahead. ~ 1 gradyite from tlie McHenry Commu- « --n ; | Largest Empire nit'y high school this June. He has TAX RATE INCREASED ' - The largest, ernpire in world his- "bren active- in both football and bas1 McHeiiry county's tax rate for 1944 tory was that of Genghis Khan 700 kethall. He has two brother.r in the taxes tQ be collected this year will years ago ^ service, Kennejth , E. Cristy, Jr., be forty-one cents.' This-is one cent S 1/c, and Pvt. John Cristy, who is higher than in 1943. The rate was Hh the army. ~ ...> fixed on a valuation of $39,262,739. Young men 17 through 26 are eli- The county will raise $150,977.23 via I gible to apply for the aircrewman the rate. The "previous year the rate program. On application they are was fixed on a. $38,989,051 valuation given'aptitude and physical tests and and the county raised $150,455. on successful completion re-enlisted y invrnediately. Detaila may be obtain- No Place in-Home . - Gasoline has no place in tht home. Do not use^ it. for cleaning purposes Be just_asLeifr%ful with kerosene. . - ionic Hearing Aid ed from high school principals or at Browning of Grass the naval aviation selection board. Browning of grass in lawns and Interested voung men should contact pastures is usually the first evidence Lt. H. L. *Mosier, senior officer of of white 8rub activity. Later injury the Board at Room :ffil. 141 \jfest to potatoes, corn, and beans planted Jackson boulevard, Chicago. • ,on SQC* develop. • , y M ^ ra f40 H | guar a a \L„ •/' " ' Rttdy to wear-- complete with radionic tubas, crystal microphone magnetic ear- . batteries and batver circuit.' Liberal price i<t)anee. Oqunael imtyo--deZle--nOithn'ea efinoeyst$. :" /Vro extras--no **de We Inoi'te You--\ " \ . in for Demonstration BOLGER'S DRVQ STORE Street ' McHenry '. ."".r7. GRAND OPENING Nell's White House NEW PROPRIETOR, ALBERT HULQUIST SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10 v FREE SAI^bWISHES < ' EVERYBODY INVITED U l.:.r AT BRIDGE McHENRY, ILLINOIS T "Saturday Night, Feb. 10 No Admission Charge EVERYBODY INV1TED-FUN FOR ALL GAMES, MUSIC, ENTERTAINMENT SPONSORED BY McHENRY COUNCIL KNIGHTS>OF COLUMBUS When the need for our services arises, your call assures prompt attention. Funeral Dxrectoxi -- Phone McHwry 10841 Residence, McHenry 112-W Oreen Street, cemer 3hm -- lloHeery CRmb into a pair Husky winterweiglils and you'll find solid comfort. WO MM W t f H r * I O g B Y M I L L I O N S McGEE'S McHENRY

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