Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Feb 1945, p. 1

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FEBRUARY 1, 1945 / - .. . \ t" •• v'^fr. •'• V-- •- INALO MEYER ELLS OF LONG OVERSEAS DUTY £4; Describes Return : k- To United States :v As "Bit of Heaven'1 HENRY BUCH WINS LHIS SILVER WINGS AND A COMMISSION During the past week we have; re- Joseph Jackson Wounded A war department telegram ar- ! rived in the Ford Jackson home in • „ „ . . , • ' ' ,| Johnsbur^ this Thursday morning in- Henry Buch arrived home ®aHy forming them that their Si)h Jo. this week, the proud possessor of seph was wounded in Belgiutn on his silver wings and a commission janu^ry 9. He was the seven. •Of second lieutenant Henry gradu-1 teenth airborne division and is now fated from the flying school at San in a hospiul in England. The fam- Angelo, Texas, on Saturday January ily had a letter from him 2l' bombardier, one of a claas,wo d &go stati th he was ; of 186 Aft^r a fourteen-day fur-^^ hospital v^ith a foo? diaorder. Jough, he .will return to San Angelo but^ade no mention of having been -for re-assignment. ! wroun left for Township Organization To Be Formed Io Secure ortatiori I Lieut. $ttch service on • * - October 9, 1943, to report for basic /iabWi aTVtrv T7 A n\TW ««Ted almost interesting letter from | trainin(? at Kees1er Field, Miss. From X™«\ Donald R. Meyer, now stationed at-r there he went to ^tarkville. Miss., ' HOME \ AFTER THIRTY Fensacola, Fla., after eighteen jfor three months of college training. FOUR MONTHS ACROSS months of overseas duty. DCTcribing j the completion of this he was-' "h?°l- »'hith I'M Cor». Ste»VM.rve>A. Lily Lake! °< *±in* ^ today COMMITTEE APPOINTED TO MAKE SURVEY OF UNOCCUPIED HOMES AVAILABLE POR OCCUPANCY CHECKS RATIONS lt/:\ r • Approximately 250 citizens of Mc- Chicago, And believe me. ladies Henry township gathered at the Riv* and gentlemen, it would take a lot :6rside Hotel in McHenry last Thurs- of man hours to build SIXTEEN day evening to discuss the problem MILLION DOLLARS Worth of new long period as "a bit of heaven, j atten(jed for fifteen weeks. An eight Donald's letter reflects the feelings ; weeks ?unnery course w^s taken at boy.who has gjv •f «very other servkeman jvho has , ^1^, Texas, after which Henry's ^ Vu training Was finished at San. Angelo. where he was stationed for twentyfour weeks. and one-half fortunate enough to* return and of those who will be comimg home in the months to come. "Although I had been receiving the ]Plaindealer regularly while in the Facific, I never seemed to get around ( 'j™ ^"1943_"an"d' was"employ«d by and from , Chicago, so-that--hundreds Inadequate Train Service thp viftr»rioiis people who desire to. live away "Why aren't these 2,000 homes in • . • I from the large metropolis, especially McHenry township being ustd by seeing thirty-four month, andA foten"er ! XmaU ,thheeiri ^h(h>mle^a Zher.e ^J*nd ^ ""Tfor W« p rlac'e Tto l'iv^e: TBe c^.us. . _ , , . , , day in Australia. New Guinea and McHenry s ne^fr officer graduated 1 t^e Netherlands East Indies,, he arfrom the local high school with the rived home tired but happy. He Because mute each day: the ridiculously inadequate train ser- A delicious dinner was served by vice to the city of McHenry does not the management of the hotel to permit working mefi and women to his father until entering servicfe. MESSAGES FROM MEN IN SERVICE to writing a letter expressing my thanks. But - it is time I did/ just that, and now to getf*on with that fcng delayed letter. - , \ "While overseas I served my turn •f duty with marine air group 35, a transport squadron for evacuating •wounded and moving supplies and troOps to ar.d from the forward areas. Our aircraft were the same as these of the airlines back in the States. Marine air group 25 was comprised of three squadrons and was given the nickname SCAT. Many of the fellows who have served in the Solomons areas have probably heard of our outfit because when the Guadalcanal campaigh was on these planes flew in drums of gas for Joe Fbss and his fighter squadron. Also in the Munda and Boueainville cam- : paigns these flyers and planes flew ammunition, badly needed by the army, in a few hours, whereas, if the supplies were to go by ships it wotrid-- take anywhere from fcur to six days, and away , from McHenry. I've re- You have to feive thfc pilots and ce^-ed three copies since I landed in . erews of those transport^ya^lot of, Franc?. Seems as if it's havinc credit because the planes afe slow^ ouite a time catching up with us. and have no way of protecting them- ; However, we aren't' letting any too selves in case of enemy attacks. The much grass grow under our feet, only weapons in the planes are .45 ; ^ rather out here " at p.8toIs issued to the flight crews in an(J wg often cattfh ourselve, case of emergency^ landings in the jttngles or at sea. Overseas Eighteen Months ^'refelly deserves the credit. If it isrr' "I spent about eighteen months1 rain and mud it's snow and ice and •ver there with this air group, first 11 can't decide which is worse. , at New Caledonia for three months. I have had the opportunity of atthen at Henderson Field. Guadalcanal , tpnding mass in several n4ted Cathfor two months, after which I was o!ic churches- in France, one in parwas wounded twic# the first time about 150 people, following which get in and out. of Chicago and its oonh WWaakkee iissllaanndd aanndd 'tthhee sseeccoonndd ttiimmee Mayo* Overton Opened the business war plants at the_ hours they must on Biak. With him Friday evening was a M'HENRY COUNTY SOLDIERS MEET Roy J. Lon^ Dies In Bomb Explosion In Jap Prison Camp AvLBERT F. SCHMIDT The above picture, sent from heaid- I quarters Of the seventh army in session with a few well-chosen re- work today in order to do the job France, shows Pvt. Albert F; Schmidt ! ce'v®d two letters ' indicating that marks and appointed Fred W. Heide, "S®"--necessary (o fin$l victory. There i checking the issues of rations to'Sgt. Long had lost his life. TheJtca A -war department telegram 'fe : oeived the last of the week by Mrs, 7% Charles Lon^ of W oodstock confirm- t-•' ed the death of Sgt. Roy J. Long in ; ^ a Japanese prison camp in December. • - ^ ; ;r The telegram stated as follows: "The" secretary of war asks that I ' assure you of his deepest sympathy - in the loss of your son. Sgt! -Roy J. : Long. Just received through the International Red Cross that he died • •' iVv f wounds caused by a bomb explosion on December 7. 1944. in a pris- " oner of war camp. Letter of con- " firmation follows." Shortly before this Mrs. Long- refore the war at 2129 Cline avenue, | Jfover„nment, thought, was propo- Black Oak. Gary. Ind., with his wife, 4anda sent ot£ by the Jap?tne>w. Ruth, and sm^ll son, Albert. His | The victim was in -the army when father. Albert vSchmidt, resides in j ~ * .. . ' . , ; this ci*v. fellow soldier "Barnev" Anderton, who has a home in the Country Club i®11'1 a property"owner _here tonight . the front lines. He is with a quarter-*! information picked up bj^ the govwho had served with Gene Adams jn' addition, to act as chairman. Mr. who does not know that if - adequate; master outfit of the Americah sev- J «nment. 'that - he had lost his lif» the Pacific during the past months Heide. for a number of years, has transportation were available they enth armv. He made his home be- durinar a raid by Allied planes. This, Through the latter youth, Mr. and deeply interested in the trans- could sell or rent every one of these \ir« r «u-ic Ariama «,o»« able to portation problems of McHenry resi- 2.000 homes to war workers right learn much about their son.^^who dents-and is perhaps better jnformed now. Think what this would mean Although I am not personally ac- far also been across for thirty-four this subject tha^ any other citizen to the merchants, the landlords, and quainted with you or any of the" "months and whose furlough enabling 1 community. ° commuiu_ty. Plaindealer staff; him to come home is undetermined^it &»**•»*»« Presents Problem ,^ould give us a year round popuj The chairmdn of the evening called lation a> great as we now have in • on several of those .present to m&ke mid-summer. Think^ of the pay short talks, including Representative checks of 2.000 additional worker* -Thomas: A. Bolger. A. H. Severing- being spent every week right in ' haus. Kinley Engvalson, Leo Stilling our 0%vri 'community. There's ho and James Lennon. Mr.>j Engvalson, question about i:. at last McHenr> who is in charge of the Wonder Lake township has some real leverage to syndicate, and very active in secur- bring to bear on this transportation ing improved transportation, not only, problem. t 1 for his own people at the lake, but "Let's forget th^fwe would like I met many people in and around good old McHenry gmd,,foupd them to be good neighbors. I enjoy reading of them in the hometown paper. I am more than grateful to you " for sending^--me th& paper 'since I've been in "service r^- SPEAKER AT MEETING on bended knees, but. most of my 1 Sympathy "goes to the doughboy who NEWS ABOUT 00R SERVICEMEN all the various subdivisions of the these additional trains, that we'd like^ :owhship. took up the subject at these new citizens and that 2.000 ad-, considerable length; bringing out the families would bring year fict that without better train service 'round prosperity to McHenry. Let?* there is hot much prospect of -year look at it from "the- standpoint Of •'r^und' residents here. In his talk . helpin^the war effort. Can anyone Mr. Engvalson said< in fact: "Before deny that the homes are here; cat Three McHenry men are receiving, [ heir initial naval indoctrination at j the U. S. Naval I Training Center, Great Lakes. Their-1 recruit 'training' "consists of in- ! struction -in seamanship, miljtary drill and general! naval procedure > During this period i A series "cf aptitude tests will be / W. H. TAMMEUS W. H. Tamnieus. farm adviser, will beginning a" discussion of the actual anyone deny" that tlvey can be 'made business of the evening. I would like into year 'roujrid homes at small to quote from a talk giv\en at a re- cost at without using critical ma cent Black Top Roads meeting bv terial? Can anyone deny that there one of the grand '-did men- of this at » nwre, than 2.0Q0 families community, Mr. That was-several months* ago* and ' of livimr in McH >nry township if his words have been in my mind ever they were assured of»' satisfactory »ipce. Here they are. to the best transportation ? These are facts, we of my memory: 'McHenry Township can't deny them, neither can the Ofis the' Killarney of. the Middlewes't; -fice of Defense Transportation, hor w<lu,,c, lo> >OI1 OI .MI- anj Hrs studded with landlocked lakes, em- the officials of the Chicago & North ~ ~ ^ONo belli shed with fr^ flowing rivers, en- Western Railroad How are we go- Cairns. 17-son of Mr. and Mrs. How- war broke out and was stationed!^ riched by Americas most productive ing .to get these additional-trains ? • ,rd W. Cairns, and Robert A. Jus- I the Philippines when the Japs cap-: tak'ii by-the recruits to deternyne . , . , . in -wither they will be assigned to a Severinghaus^. .Chicago who svoull leap at the chance | navai service school, to a shore staion or. to immediate duty at sea. U hen th«yj- i t cruit training is completed. these men will receive a period of leave. They are Milburrt C, -rause, ^8. son of Mr. and Mrs., George ,E. Steadman; Gregory E.°, e tonig t 18. son of Mr. and Mrs. G.eorge tured many prisoners. It e a mort R. Justen. 7 7 ^ I learned that he was being four months And, during that time me. and the Clemens school, wh^re si(ni was sent to co-ordinator's school at : Qur hats are off to those whose ef-ilar courses are being conducted. New Hebrides for two weeks. .forts brought Christmas and mem- • • "•••- "Thjif object ot.this school was to ories of a better Chrfstma? to us. RESIDENT OF CITY , us the proper "toay to distribute which we hope to take part in some jjy NJfflSTIES DIES ~ the capacity load of a plane be- day. tween thfee offices, namely, the mail,, Thanks to J-ou and all who make cargo and passenger, and also to it possible for -us to receive the see that the plane had enough fuel . Plaindealer. to make the hop. It was something A. L. GARRETT... , ~~-r- • Luxembourg IN RACINE JAN. 25 was later being held in a ! camp in Mukden. Manchukuo. Charles transferred to our detachment at ticular that was built during the Munda for three weeks on a special thirteenth centurv, taking a guest speaker at the evening class , . , . . ,. , t assignment. Returning to the Canal, of 300 years'to erect. Durng the for farmers held on Friday evening. • ?air>' most delightful place Rurht: ,n this .audience I stayed there for a period of five time it has been standing it has wit- February 2. at Johnsburg. His sub-1 L° u C ieie. aie men w- o ave ma months. When the . ..Bougainville nessed many changes in the human ject will be "the Use of Commercial i c^U! se; M^Henry ;;ount/,,s l f r-r"nt °u'»'rhu'n*n camlteign started, our outfit moved race and has quite a historv. I ; Fertilizers in Soil Programs." Within 1 p ®ce ,n . Tn * ^ C ° t v'lnrf rain s^r%Jfe 0 1 ^ *n ^ 'n _ *.)f® . Tom Harrison son of the Pink! ^°ng. father of S?t- Roy, died sever- «. detachment - there and I "was one regret I can't-mention it mo're in the^next two weeks he will speak at tand the state^ of Illinois is a gone by. Tim^-afte ime th^> _ t' Harrt<cns. has been promoted to the al a«°* ^eath Wng hastened the crew. , reined «Kere for ' d.L, ,s * ™ v„y i„,er.,ting to I .«* L^e ^ S .«? ^^of hi, .on grandest place irt the whole wide net as a united group of men and» aPPJ to learn last ^eek. - . ... John R "world your home.' . women with a common purpose in "I don't think I need to sell an'y- "mind. . w -one of you here toftight on the ad- "Things we have said about Mcvantages Of our own home commun- Henry tou*nship are•> true in some ity. I only h pe thkt the advertise- dearrce all the way up the railroad ment that brought you here tonight line to Williams "Bay. There are Sedevec ^Recent transfers include Erwin T. Lieut. John R. Sedevec, 20, of Gary Laures from Camp Bowie, Texas, to wrts one of sixteen army air men San Francisco; Peet J. Dowell from killed on January 24 near Dyersburg, Camp Haan, Calif., to Florence, Arizona; Clyde Dickson from Sethe order of a dispatcher's job. After the four months on Bougain- I was reassigned to Hender- Field as a co-ordinator, spending Older - residents of McHenry will reac} with regret of the passing of Tenn.. in the collision of two flying fortresses. The planes were flying in formation and crashed and then burned within two ' miles of .each other. Eleven of the men were listed by the army as "missing," pending lotat ion of the bodies. However, offio tell you the truth there's no guar- "What we want is service to Mc-j rfob^Jr^mith is:ii0W--9tetioncd|'^e*iL-7nr^h«nce IthT'fiS Sr- ^ntee that we will ^ver j^et them. Qur Henry, and I say that we have \the j Lakes, where he is taking vjve(j country is deepljUnvolved in a bit- right* to ask for through trains run-j hl8 boot training,. ! Lieutenant Sedevec graduated from er war and the best we can expect„ right from McHenry to Chicago ' # ^ ^ ^ j the Cr>.sUl ^ high schooi ^ did not create any false hopes or ill- many more homes on this same line t ^tle. ^ash.. to Miami Bekch, Fla.; usions. Just the other day a man, "to the north of us that could also . ™arr>' Conway from Fort Meade, u* tk •«. a va *• " -a' k who should know better, said to me: help relieve Chicago's housing short- "*w *or** a"^ George Brda w* ,T £ y s t i m e r e s i d e n t s , | . w e , 1 . h a v e we g o t o u r e j e t r a t r a i n s a g e i f t r a i n s w e r e p r o v i d e d . I ' m n o t f r o m ^ a n B r u n o , C a l i f . , t o S a n F r a n - Mrs. J Sorenson, nee Clara Ben-, ,, anj ^en-lemen, we here to talk about that, that's their JCISC0- nett. who passed away on Thursday. , , ,- k ui v I January 9^ n/;. ou. I haven't got odr ex'ra trains vet. and problem is that McHenry township will get on a day and night schedule so that , . exactly what it has a .right, to ask a man can live here' and get to work ! ems. "arry Unti is serving at Jack :n the matter of transportation. -If and back home again on any shift he j sonville, Fla. we tfan get that. much«jve will do wafits^to work, night or day. . That's 1 . _ i ' . Verv -well. Just' for a momeritv lit what we are entitled'to, that's what j Most of us will remember the me turn focal and tell'you One'Of.-we* must Shoot for. quartet of Alfetf Justen, Phillip Dothe reasons -why this meeting was "We all knew that a gas drawn • ^erty, James Larkin and Francis railed so abruptly. bus on rails that would leave Mc- C°*- McHenry boys who were in- " Make Year 'Round Homes -Henry in tirte to meet all trains in ducted- into the army at the. same wond-'r if we "who' live here' #re Crystal Lake would be some help, time, in October of 1943, and who lose to the forest to see the* but that's not the big goal. The served together for many months at years ago. He has two brothers' in service, Corp. Joseph, who is in " France, and Lieut. (JG) George Sed-X evec, who- is a dental officer in the navy, stationed in the southwest Pacific. His mother resides at Gary. His father, who /Operated a meat market in Fox River Grove, was killed a year ago~when struck by a North Western train. Again-1 find myself in Denver. I January 25, in Racine, Wis. She and one-half months there be- am with many other ASTP men who was the oldest daughter of Mr. and. fac« receiving my ordiere to return are awaiting the opening of. their Mrs. L. E. Bennett, Mr. Bennett beto the States. respective med schools by ..working in ing photographer here from 1881 to "No -doubt you , are wondering th* *^<1* of Fitzsimmons hospital. 1901. about all the moving arOund I did. 11 is <?uite wonderful to see how Survivors include her husband and W«H, the reason for that was due to fresh and cheerful are the men who children, grandchildren and great the fact that our outfit, was broken h*ve suffered such severe wounds.* grandchildren; a -sister, Mrs. Alice » into small groups because we had n an(* ^^Hers, Herbert and , stations on islands from New Cale- BAR&Y TAXMAN^ Frank' Berlnett of St. Paul, Minn. donia to the Emirus. ~\ Denver, Colo. in* . On Aircraft Carrier ! r. . , r .. T ' and ARE GIVEI? It is about time I wrote you and pnaTTrmwrniTRT V Tfl *1 made the return trip aboard an thanked vou for..Sendine the good ^ furcraft carrier and it took seventeen olfl home t<wn paper., I haven't ra- M HENRY SOLDIER yAn interesting little tlyxig l;cejved many since leaving the"Ststes~ : "V noticea on board was the fact that but those that* have^ manae^d to1 The Mauriee Gladstone family has many of the boys were having »ee fatch yn to me have really been en- received the following from Edward cream sodas for the first time in 1(jye(j Xhe last issu^ I received was F. Witsell, brigadier general, contwo years. There were two hundred pPceTnber 28, so they aren't far be- cerning their son. Lieut. Melvin, who of us listed as passeneers and hind me. was killed in action, last aurnmer, the liad nothing at all to do but lay in Since leaving the States I-have7eTf^~Distinguished Flying Cross and the -~our sacks and get a sun tan., ^hen- jQyg^j some nice' scenerv in some of Air..fl Medal with three Oak Leaf' we saw San Diego off t^e bow of the (th-e?e islands 1 think that they look Clusters, ^ _ ship it looked like a bit. of, heaven ,^a lot letter from the ship than The former was awarded "for ex-|^,,'^n l^j'*tin^"'e\^ , ^single ^n- NOW1"' " "" ~ cording to last reports, is helping "*• " -*~J " 'they wouta On tHe spot. 'The':wether traordinary achievement^ while..*erw^^truftjon home -w that it is warm, ' "These things- are too complicated t° build and repair bridges in Bel- ^ ^ cozy. and comforiable during the mWt and. far reaching to cover in one J?ilim Durw)^ttie past *®ek the gtenger was io'riperly sales- repre- - sub zero weather, at the-very mini- meeting. I am here to plead for the *f®t two of the quartet lert L»mP1 sent»tiVe-and la ter assistant manager ^ •jiuJn of heating expense. . I am not organization of a dues paying Com* C^affee' both' be.injr of Wolverine. lightlv interested in the -in*' munitv Club of McHenry township, .addresses. It is possible that the A native of McHenrv. he came to littees to set four may hold a reunion, somewhere^ Kalam^- t^o ^ars 'ago when the best foot forward, that will see . m^turope. ^ ^ I Wolverine offices were moved to .the - , . . . - j j • 4 . u ! m i x r > i n i : u - > - s " " -- m a , M c H e n r y t o w n s h i p s r i g h t t o . - . n r . i , - D , . . p r e s e n t q u a r t e r s i n t h e " K a l a m a z o o has materially aided in the success y]aH that an fnsulating job,- increased transportation is impres- j Mrs• W.lham Barth of Chicago has : ^ational bank^building from Coldof each of these missions. ThejLOja^^^ ort|y/several Wrea dte; .^vely .placed before the proper auth-r*w*««l a^Ielle. paving'the Marque'tte : has made a summer home into* a orities and that .they will stick to; ,iam , saying that he re- • -universitv -school of business admin- , - - . . . u - u . v e a r ' r o u n d , - h o m e . N e w w h a t d o e s t h e j o b u n t i l i t i s d o n e . I n u n i o n | c e i v e d t h e P l a i n d e a l e r w h i l e ^ o v e r - j , e j o i n e d ' t h e s t a f f o f « « h j » • We have a nice swing oand aboard casion* reflect the highes. . ^ean? jt means that in this there is strength, and if we unite we | se^a_and wishes -to thank those rf- \|-aukegan state bank. His business* plendid I sponsible. Corp. Barth is a cook in _c ^ 8 inciudt.s sales experience. 0f ' the army. war "rees There was a tremendous tig goal is -trains of our own, and Camp Chaffee, Ark. Some time ago .-g • p --^ QTTVflVQ leveiopment in this aFea in the ten remember- Shatlf we don't get these the Rro^p was broken up when Alex KiJ/MAKJJ vear^-immediafelv precedTng"fh%- war.1'trains now when we ean offer Chi- anc* Philnp were sent overseas, both GIVEN PROMOTION True, most of "the homes built in the caeoland SIXTEEN MILLION' DOL- to the European theatre, vAle* was ( S^LES MANAGER lakfr-an4-^iver regions in McHenry LARS worth of desperately needed wounded last summer and a short 1 •own« were huilt;f^r„'suipmer use. housing, then we'll have a long, long time ago was still in England, where j L. Nelson, vice-president 0: But in the last *?-^w . years' we 'have wait for better transportation after ™_had Wolverine Portland Cemeirt company. "seeo American ingenuity develop the war. Make jio mistake about it. Pital- He has probably rejoined his , announce<j the "appointment of something entirely new, a process the time to get^our stdry aciross ij company by this time. Phillip;, ac- D:„w--1 n e» "Aft«r we sa'v the outlin?" rf San has really been nice and warm out ing as bombardier of a B-17 airplane Diego it took us two hours to dock. here, which makes quite a difference and--a-nu'mber of bombardment mis- A muster was cslled and all the pas- from other winters I have spent, siohs ove,r enemy occupied Continsengers were taken off and sent to From the' letters | get • from homt entail Europe. Displaying great courtheir respective commands. Our " """ • ~_j _i.:h r: ^ ^ "group of about fifteen wertt to Coronado. off North Island. , As soon as our gear was stowed we were to look forward to ..the call . a1*shove off for liberty until--'fF¥""next • -really quite,-a thrill to ge: =mftming. ,-After two days I started letters -i^m>-4H)Mie." I alVA'CT for home,on furlough, with orders,'.forward to receiving the pmer. to report to NATB, Pensacola, Flfk., afWr thirty days. _><4Down here in Florida I work this month. Mr. it seems like you really ha.mjwme.age and skill. Lieutenant Gladstone^ ,ul3rt^-bu*ine*9. but 'I know' there that w snappy weather there. . fighting from his gun positron, ,has , do^1 ~and ~d-z»ns ' of home, -our be Whenever we hit port we always warded off many enemy-attacks and .• w , in ."area who would be that 5 inntr fnrviml th* mail ral! a*d has materially aided in the success^ . '. * . • Richard C. Stenger as sales man? ager, his appointment having be^ .come effective coolness and skill displayed by 00 In^ °n ^ ? Lieutenant Gladstone on all these ocreflect the highest credit, the A. A R. department ordinance . .. . r - section, and to show you the high when possible when in port so Henry soldier received his other are right ' now nearl^ 2.000 an(j make sure that McHenry town- ! Belated greetings camfe this week regard we fellows have^ for *he place, that evenings, award for- exceptionally meritorious : koines-that are ai'read-y. or could very ship will enjoy the growth it deserves ! from E. H. Reeves, who is stationed - while p.a rt.i cip.a ting in , easilv be" made ioto year 'round ' when, the war is over." Tfiore than five separate bomber com- ^ ^ large enough and comfortable Committee Appointed bat ^ver ^my occupied t0 ,c^n^dite, an , average .Following with the fiavy at Vallejo. Calif. missions Continental E banking, property management and real estate financing. - Prior to joining the Wolverinfe staff, Sanger had been associateiJ for three years with the Wallfill company.1'a Johns-Manville distributor in the Ohb" area. He was active in th#-. in Waukegan and LaVern Harrison telephoned his mother during the past week to inform her that he was in the States Births helps pass a lot of evening we have a motto that goes like this: away. „ ' ' Kother dear, take down your star That's all for this time, and thanks for your son now works in A. & R.' again for,the home town paper. I .That's all I rerl,y can say about the really enjoy i--a lot. place because tue rest .would be re-i v . -RICHARD ROSING. strict ed. ' South Pacific. "I enjoyed reading the Plaindealer ------• -- _- . ~ l very much while overseas and looked! - LaVern Harrison telephoned forward to its coming. I could enjoy ft just as much now. Although'I ... j . . , .... --r - ... -- am in the States. I'm not 'back home* a*ter having served a long period j0hnsburg are the parents of a son. ! capable of housing a family. andSt would keep me informed about 1 °yerseas- born on Saturday the Woodstock j us take $8,000 as the c»st cf build- transportation problem and make a ^fie'other boys from McHenry I / • • . " hospital. ling an average home in Chicago to- strenuous effort to obt^jp the goal cago & North Western railroad. H. here and attended tha Comrauaity the folks back there. j to you of tha Plaindealer and all I A daughter was bom on Wednes- j day. On that b»>-sis. wi h ouf 2/<H) on a permanent basis. ' C. Duvull, general passenger agent, high school, where he was a popular 'wen though it's a little"laU. ygj-j ttiog^'•ftack hume." J • nasnms^r' dsy tMc ~~ib Z- the ^t~~111j we ha?? SITTKKV MILLION -TVo fnllnwinv i* the personnel of i on/j n s. g»itK. nf | <hui«nt McHenry is proud of hi} the Meyer familv, sead our best! . "lUtMCtfully yours. - - hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Ed wafd j DOLLARS WORTH OF HOMES to the above mentioned committee: j the Galena division, were present at; successes and extends beat wijhea tig a Happy.- -Haw,j; .. MD. R..>(jEYE3IUH '.-jPritcl»ett,:, .....j -over-«owde4 ;axi4 uaJer-housedW , < H e i d e , c h a i r m a n ; 1 t h e , m e e t i n g . . ^ ^ | f o r a cyotinged bright future. ... _ s . these folks, chairman Walsh, A. P. Freund. Walter Haug. cago . ! | American fam'lv, " H«ide appointed a committee to se- H. R. Wfcgner. Hughie H. Kirk. Ota civic enterprises 4I "Now. we all kno"^ that it ddesn't cure facts on unoccupied homes in i Gygi, S. F. Beatty, Kinley Engval- 1 was one of the founders and pras- ! cost nearly .as much to build a home the subdivisions of McHenry town-, SOn, Leo Freund. Fred J. Smith. Har- ident of the Waukegan Philharmonic ' irT^tcH^n-v coun*y as it do^s in 8hip and to hold another meeting i 0Jd F; Miller. Leo J. Stilling. Harry society. He is a member of the | Ch'caro. At ,the sam« time, a home at the Riverside Hotel on the even- j Lock, A. H- Severinghaus, Ivar Kalamazoo Sales Executive club and *n M^Henrv or Chi^go afe one and jn^ Qf Thursday, February 8. The , Fredrickson, B. C. Bollman, Ted j of the Kalamaaoo Symphony orchea^ !i|r. and Mrs. Anthony rFreund of , the same in-use value, they are both committee to be the nucleus of a ! Budil. Clarence Feiereisel. George C.'tra.-' Let future organization to follow up this Scheubert "Dick" as *he is- -hotter konwn ' to Two representatives of the Chi- his many friends, lived his early life T A?aLiV I

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