• ^ r r r * • '""v?-y. Tr"-^*> f^" •'??*•"? • K-5^' • -• -T • -/•, . ; :-r-- • •••'•";•: '."_ _ " ( •/..».. . .• ••,• ' V i. •, .-- . r'r •. •. * '». "•> •_ ,.y . , ' -0r V " ' :••". „V. ..-.'•'•••'•',-•, ' ^ ~" -:L; : Thursday, Febnurr i'mO- -- VV-..:>..'-V"->;. -m* M'HXHIY FLAIWDKALK* ' • •'; •'• 4. . f T r• , Jtoff**: Looking at JOHNSBURG | •»• •»• <• •» •» 1 H ill | m i.;, i.;,.}. \A/ HEN "Roughly Speaking" hit-ning of Crystal * * the stands'" ' ^ " " Hght in yelping member, my words werp:- „ | Bor^esville, Minn., , (By Mrs. Arthur Klein) The Community club will hold its 'meeting Monday evening, Feb. 5. Tyesday afternoon "^callers in the Frapk Michels home were Mr. and, Mrs.- Roman Furst, Mrs. Dan Graen- '-Bom-pus Lake, Mrs. W'm. Niwi Prom Wonder Lake • ••• »»<••••& ••!'»<•» »•>»» - (By £>ella Cheney\ Big news corner to the forefront of our column this week in the an- i nouncement of ^ wedding.- BeB Von'.t: "wJiilUl wb e married to ' Mis|.| B y Congressman €*IAUNCEY W. REED brought with him to, this chamber, ! Highest Country kindness, energy, independence and': , Tibetf is the highest country in the constructive leadership^Jfg retained i world, with table lands rising 19,060 those attributes even until death: The feet above sea level. nation and the State of Illinois have profited from his service. ' ~~ Dust.'ng Popular FRANK R. REI1) * ghly Speakmg" hir] ™* ^ Crystal^Lake, Mrs. Wm ,Betty, Anderson of Woodstock'. Satu'r-OV. "T . t"' t ^nvfttTi^ v V*T\ T 7 7 • ' I " u last year I. started.' Rcewer, Mrs. Verdeea KrabHenMft^3g'v'^^h.-)yg^y - a .^4 q.^a rM.,f.k ; <A.T .".e e HONOR ABLE • found the defendant guilty; the pubabout- it. As I re- 0>t .Woodstock, Art Mailings of i ReV. ' Phntenhauei. wiH ' at ] . FRA-X-K-R^-EID..dfcliverei^m- -as a fnartvr. In Qne of the most* fascinating ! linger 'of Clinton,0 Iowa. books/I've ever read *' * ' " ' " ' " " ' and Roy tnk-r • as Boston baked beans. Characters sturdy as Plymouth rock; Mrs. Pier son, American mother, .could,. if she: had the stuff to do it. with, lick-J,!-. Hitler single- "5 Zfjr ..handed, as she's Mai- (>the ceremony in .our little ^ ,. ! I-ake. Lutheran'cTTurch. All oltkii s • " As Arpericirr ! Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schaefer |and Bettv's old friends and' neigh- _ ' -jtertained Mr. and Mfs; John P. j bors' are' invited to attend. The'Mr- T Schaeftr and Mrs. Josephine Wein House of Representatives on Moh dav. Jan. 29. 1945. bv CONGRESS MAN CHAUNCEiY W: SEED) ' Speaker: ^ DuSting is becoming popular 'for insect and disease* control in the "fightiiig ^ower in, the ait. The Anh^ i A bec^®f ^ is e«s>*. < - " r ^ • effective, and the dust comes ready to use. One pound of dust covers as many plants as four gallons of later, years - when, the intervening spray, aria a'gooiTQusler ££~cheaper ' " hand of d^ath had removed Col. an<^ e3sier to operate than a - I- * .. / sprayer. - * _ Mitchell froijv -his earthly sphere, his ' *For the:-honvT"-garden' V plunder licked wealth and P 0 v e r t y an d brought up five children. Thefe's a woman I'd fly tbousands of miles to meet." She reminded-me of it when she got here for the filming boo£ Euence of America Mrs. Pierson, whose life story, "Roughly Speaking," was recently phere. , , young couple will leave immediately , "We saw not the lift of the ^urtairi, V./rr^a"k Rt'.id* ha(1 the satl^- type hand duster is adequate, if it gart in their home, celebrating;their for Chicago where t'hev will transfer't N.or,h^ard the invisible disori' : ; - iact,on . • the .complete has an extension tube and a curved tenth wedding anniversary. -J to'a train headed far-Norfolk, Va-'As.-he passed wher# life's problems; ,^0,JfratJ0"-f' f his client, the removah "underleaf nozzle", for dusting the Mrs. Harvey Palmer, Jr., received ; where Bob is stationed at tke p«s- - " uncertain \ : 1 gainst his record and undersurface of the leaves Without J word that her husband is somev^here ent time. « , *follow ;tnd vex hini: no more; ® f y of his keen lore-- stooping. The twb-quart or one-quart .]'i« the Philippines, y v;;; We have all probably spoken tQ :^e. lingered atid wept, w the tbreslv : vpht ant^r,manVfe!^S ^ size is Preferable to a smaller one. ^rp. AVm. Freund' is on the fcick j Betty at one; tiMe' or Mother with- i'. ; old. V - :; : ; : • JA the ' If a sprayer is preferred, be sure ** ""t and Mrs Freund w'as^^ ob-jiout* having known it, as her's was • "The threshold each mortja ittus: s General. • , . ^ to have one with an angle nozzle as rvation at St.'TherH^ ^spitai ihr the sweet voice saying "Number. ^ cross, . ^ NVa-v during Frank Reid's jncum- well as a straight nozzle, for .sprayaukegan. " ^ Please," on the Woodstock exthinge!1'Then we laid, a netr:WTeathy'down benify a« Chairman of the Commit- ing the underside of the leaves. Do Mrs. Catherine Srhith entertamed J Bob is a First Classi Petty, (Officer in upon it. " -*** on Flood Control' that the great not use .materials prepared for'dust- Louise. Randall her club: 'Tuesday:-:afterrioon:'t. RerXttie 'navvv ' 'rtfark^a; " Rii*e'r' '1927' ;oc^ 'ing •ih;.spray>\,but rather. mlaterials \t "*r^on fj-eshmentg were,'seKed afid five hun-r The navy and army 'both will be '*• ' . ' * 4 „ . curred ^'ith its tremendous fplL o? ispecifigd for tnijting with w^ter. dl-ed pri^e Winners.vwere Mrs. Art represented at 'the; rweddirig" 'sis' "JOe"f;"'^r/',Spifiikie^ If is^ith a'heavy human lives and destruction of prop-. „. :• Stilling, Mrs. J6s. J. Freund. Mrs. Montelcone, Virginia's husband, is>»heart that I announce the ,death-lagt e5\>'- His dynamic energy and ut® Penicillin Costs John P. Schaefer afhd Mrs. Ben Ken- home on a lO^day furlough. The. Thursday afternoon at his' hbnie. in tiring' service at the time,; and fo^ co&t ,of penicillin has dropped Tjebeck. > ; : * furlough and marriage were not Aurora, Illinois, of my;:^redeemer- iowmg';that catastrophe will ever_ be M per cent in :the last y^ir. ^vMiss Jostephirie preund returned j pianned together, but Ladv Luck Hon. Frank R. Reid. Prior to hi?: rememberM tjy the people residing home from the Woodstock hospital | stepped in and made a happy home- Congressional career, b* ha'd .-served »n the valleys of the Father of r4, ; istt' • Help chicks and young birds grow and dercl- _ op. Give them TONAX in" their mash. Especially after an of any disease. And as a tonic and conditioner. Contains mild astringera to help relieve Enteritis; also bloodbnilding tUments. Tonax helps coodol intestinal parasites. It provides trace minerals aad reliable stimulants. For layets too. InezpensiTe and convenient. 24b. can enough for 400 chicks for a month, 75c Green Street . ttcHenry • * A> after undergoing surgery. -Mr. and Mrs. John P. Schefer and (coming in the VonBorr.pus family; as State's Attorney of his county, as- Waters and hs tributaries. In a Asissstant United States District At- fortnight, he had become national completed by Warners, with Roz | Franks Schmitt visited with Father ; While we're, on the subject of the toftiey, as Representative in the Illi- fipure. No man living did more to Russell in the autobidgraphical role, JJeidfert and Anton M. Schmitt at;the j army"and nav>'. Lady Luck <played nois General Assembly and as special arouse public interest in the necesife a person that, you, too, have met. Sacked Heart sanitarium in Milvl-au-: her part again when* Jimmy Finley. j Assistant Corporation Counsel of the sit>' °* eflFective flood control than whether you know it or not. kee. , | of the navy and Eddie Finley of the j City of Chicago. Ten years ago. he did Frank R R^id- Nome jKtgrted She's America. , j- Mr. and Mrs. Anton M. Freund are i army both came home <in 30-day fur- I voluntarily relinquished the seat he mere influence to commit Congress to Born rich, pampered by a father i the happy parents of a 7-lb. 14-oz. i loughs from overseas.. Time flew J had occupied in this House for a definite plan to prevent or mint who dressed like and faintly be- json, born at the Woodstock hospital. J aij too soon and they 'are botb. back twelve years. His interest in its ac- iTriize future similar disasters. As ueved he might be King Edward j Saturday, Jan. 27. Mrs. Freund^is j at their bases. .. ' tivities. however, never waned, and. (even to the beard, which he bril- the former Agnes Hettermann. " .1 • ' , * as a visitor, he was frequently on U&qtined), Louise was dumped out : Guests in the Jeppe C, Jepson Leaving the oldsters we turn to the the floor at every session of Conaffp8 fC?n fl "if u1C W at j home Monday were Sgt. and Mrs. j voungsters and fin<l a brand * new . gress, excepting this, since his re- #_ ui ^ 1 u i George Spencer of Lake Mills, Wis., | baby daughter was born to Mr,.'andMirement. His service in this body if J V ^ J W ' "er j Mr. Whiting, uncle of Sgt. Spencer, j Mrs. J. D. "Somers of Ft. Wayne. I was constructive and his advanceo o t w I T 0 u ? " ! a l s 0 o f M i , l s ' M i u a n d M r * ' S h a r o n D a l e ' s p r o u d g r a n d p a r e n t s ! m e n t r a p i d . A s a f r e s h m a n m e m b e r . . . . ® I°U !:Hokan Christensen of Elmwood, are Mr. wand Mrs/'O. Kramer of i he was assigned to the Committee on Section of ho^es^d businesses, notes your father indorsed , par]{t mrg- Lola Corsoroso. of Chi-1 Wickline Bay. " 1 ' piooAjTohtrol. -- - * Those of us who knew him well There didn't 6eem any use in sit- • * 1 • ••• ••• /-•'* - ~ 1 H WH r. 1 urxr a wrrn TWO* kvuips S H<A U' a a inroncpiv ini4»r»'si.wi 111 HVIM> > * -- his President and. as a member of the National Rivers and Harbors Con- j press, he. after his retirement from | Congress and even until the time of j his death, exerted his energies and1 continued his activities for this much ; needed control of streams and pro- j WANTED Motor Mechanic- aiid Woodworker HUNTER BOAT CO. !»'*••• 'y^: •rl p \\ ^»>• r* - •' w K'-ym * " s • -O" Louise was going great guns as a secretary ($12 a week), when she met her first husband-to-be, Rodney --"six feet two. tailored by Brooks I are iwr. ^.ana jars. O. Floodfc^Control. cago, Marie Mortensen of Highland! We didn't have to go overseas for! jn two years he was~its-Chairman^hip explosive pentup energy, ting around bawling so before lon« 'Park', fgt- ^°Tge Sp€nce* j"st ^"ja war. There's been a war going I He was intensely interested in avia-1^* unselfish desire to serve, his T * turned home from overseas, where he on rig<ht here in Indian Ridge. Noth- ; tion' and early recognized its tre- rather brusque mannerism and has^ served over three years' in Aus- 1 ing private-'about it eitheT. All the mendous importance as an adjunct of celerity at repartee. He dearly loved : talia and India. ^Mrs. Spencer lives 1 neighbors were invited to join. Now j the Army and Navy. This and his 8 i°ke could take as well as give. 1 in Anniston. Ala. - Jthat it's settled I feel free to com- , jnnate sense of justice were, without There has always been a certain «ttd had won six Latin prize* »t Mr" and ^rs Ricl,ard Guyser of (ment upon it without prejudice. F. doubt, the motivation for his accept- amount of confusion ^between him Yale." Rodnev mas makinc S66 6fi n Chica«° sPerit Sunday and Monday , SeHs says there shall be no stripes nce of the responsibility as Chief aI1(1 me on account of the identical month in a bank, so the two went to j" ^m* an<* Peter Oeffling | 0f climbing ivy in his newly j"i&mod- ! Counsel for the late Col. William pronunciation of our respective surliv « in an $18 a month flat, whereof; ,k. kitten Mrs. f^ay^thfy ; (Bnly) Mitthel] in hi. court martial JJSa an, incident which took place a "T - " . u. vwiv »™. • • few weeks after I had succeeded him : n a n t o e i e n s e 0 1 m « i i w u i m , w n u c . . . , . Mr. and «R. Ray May and sofis . -- : unavailing to a court steeped in as a Member of this House, when and Mr. and iWrs. Edward May -and] Feel-that wind? That:was Alice Army discipline, aroused a hitherto onle of the c.aPlto1 employes in atshe had four children in four years. When Rodney really got into Hie chips the family moved to Ossinine. where Louise plunged into evervthing from politics to the little theater. Tragedy struck in the form homes. -- ;.eled kitchen and Mrs. bells says they (Bjjjy) Mitchell in his court martial " Don't forget to attend the Miller- j are just the thing to put that finish- : ^r^aj 1925 for criticizing v.,t.he c' Raemaker wedJfog dance at Nell's j infr touch to it. We'll leave you Army«s air force policy. His bril- " Wednesday eVeWing. Feb. 7. •- guess who won. '. ! liant defense of that ^officer, while ^ family were Sunday guests in". thfcHoeft just catching the train in time dormant public' to the realization tempting io distinguish between us at infantile paralysis, temporarilv Peter A. Miller home. % |for a jaunt to Park Ridge'to cele- that our country's success in future chara^temted him- as' the exlaying low all four children. Louise^ Miss Lena Adams underwent. sur- -brate the birthday of her sister. warfs if -we had any, was in direct *^r- R^i"-- - » " Jr., never did fully recover. gery at St, • Tto&rese hospitaT, Sun-; Rope Brucker. at a luncheon. JWjy.'i proportion -'taithfe. "adequacy of our Now Frank is no more. He Rodney decided one day he'd had day. | Many happy return? to Rose.' ' enough. "I'm moving to the Yale' The infant daughter of Mr. arid, ' ' * . * club," he declared. i Mrs. Joseph Sompel wa^ baptized | Chicago came well represented to \ So without too much ado she got i "Carol Agnes" Sunday, in St. John's the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. Cheney v a divorce, another job, another hus- j church with Father Riegelsperger of- Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. Wheelock^; %and, and in due time another baby, j ficiating at the ceremony. Ant'hohy. j and their two children and Mr. and : *usband"„Nb. 2, Harold Pierson. | Diedrich and Miss Agnes Diedrich j M"rgT j_ Bell and their two children^: "MOSEY INN" TAVERN Located in the Welter Building t RING WOOD, ILL. Fish Fry Every Friday Night ATLAS PRAGE& BEER Fred Bowman, Prop. ake care fought with the Canadian? in last" war. • *~r. th le , were sponsors. 'M Mrs. Alex Freund^ and daughter. Nancy, of Chicago spent the weekend in the home of her mother, Mrs. Catherine Smith. . « Mr. and Mrs. J. Edmier entertianed Kindud Spirits °| He was as nuts as she. "I've always had a weakness for I .•big men with black hair and <blue ' eyes," says Louise. "Besides, he | was romantic, charming, irresponsi- i ble, generous." He was also rich, j owning the vast Pierson green- j houses and nurseries near Tarry-j town. Three years later they were | broke. Harold got a WPA Job in the New j York City parks department, whirh j led to the superintendency of land, I Lawdy, ho# that woman can cook! scape construction at the world's! --: !-- fair, o i Telephone Advertisement She had always wanted to write | Present day telephone advertise- ! dropped in for pot-luck dinner Sun-, ! day afternoon. A warm glow of pride suffused when they commented j on how nice and clean the snow i looked out here compared to the city, and h(/w they enjoyed the bright Tuesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry • sunshine. They stayed * for the pot- Schons and Betty Jane, Mr. an<| Mrs. supper. at the Harrison school Harold FoX.< Mr. and Mrs. George j and then went back to the cityi Reiker and Bob, Mr. and Mrs. Jim dreaming of the days not so far off Smith. The occasion was the cele- 1 when they will'return here to their bration of Mr. Edmier's birthday an- | own Cottages and , bask in the sum- ) niversary. A wonderful roast duck sunshine' ' your dinner, including 4he ingredients and refreshments were enjoyed by all. letters to newspapers, heckling edi- j ments call upon the public to minitorial writers One of these missives she aimed at Arthur Krock, political editor of the New York Time* Amused, he showed it to his friend Max Schuster, who promptly sent Louise a check and told her to start writing a book. A>t first, she tells me, she thoue^t it was a gag, but whaj the check 4tb« invention of Alexander Graham didn't bounce she realized she was i Bell, are now prepared to furnish stuck. The result was "Roughly I Telephones for the transmission of Speaking.*' ° ! articulate speech through instru- She said it was the hardest work | ments not irore than 20 miles apart, she ever did, and she's worked h^rd Conversation can be easily cafried at. everything from scrubbing floors on after slight practice, and with to running a 37-foot boat. The book the occasional repetition of a word Last but verily hot least, we want to mention the pot-luck supper and party at the Harrison school. A goodly crowd of over 100 people came and enjoyed themselves and the officers of the Community club want | to take this opportunity to again mize the use of the telephone, using ' thank them for their co-operation only for essential business or in an ; and help. Mr. and Mrs. A. Merrit( emergency. This is a far different brought Mr. Merritt's mother along type of advertisement than used ^ from Chicago, this' beirife the first, when telephones were first intro- pot_iuck supper she had ever attended. Mr. and Mr*. C. Tyke, brought Mrs, Tyke's sister alonff from Chicago,' after which she if» spending the week with Betty out ! duced. In 1877 the first telephone advertisement appeared as follows: "The Proprietors of the Telephone,' here. There won't be any warm^lake breezes to enjoy right now but we know she'll enjoy our colorful sunrises $e've been having and the rest of* the winter wonderland. was an overnight smash (I threw at least five of my hats in the air), and three studios began bidding. Warners wired her: "Will you accept $35,000 for 'Roughly Speaki^f' and a contract at $300 a week, with expenses paid both jways?" Answered Louise: "Three hundred a week not enough--.need new to^th br,ush." Replied Warners: "Hovy about $500. then?" To which Lou ise wired: "Okay. That will pay for toothbrush and new hair-do, too." Louise Randall Pierson seems _t_n feature' at Warners. Tliat firct contract was torn up and a much fancier one rigged up."She and Hrr old bought a place at Santa Monica If you've read the book, "Roughly Sneaking," I don't have to uree you to see the pictur'e. If you haven't, I envy you the treat in store for you. L»ok Out, New York Lee Shubert is on his way here to complete arrangements for "Sweet Surrender," a musical which is about the battle between Monterev and Los Angeles years ago. It will feature Leo Carrillo. The lyrics kid the pants off everything in Los Angeles. That alone will cause it to run in San Franris^o a year It would be- too good to be true, hav ing two plays succeed here befor. they hit Broadway. Reniemhtv "Song of Norway" opened on U west coast Cake Topping As • summertime cake topping, spoon slightly sweetened raspberries over tender white cupcakes or generous slices of loaf cake. As imor sentence. On first listening to the Telephone, though the sound is perfectly audible, the articulation seems to be" indistinct: but after, a few trials,, the ear becomes accustomed to the peculiar sound and teds little difficulty in understanding the .words." Old Waterproofer Asphalt is the oldest known waterproofing material --'- history says Moses' basket in the bulrushes was waterproofed with it. "The wpr has greatly intensified the demand for asphalt-laminated papers used in the f walls of solid fiber containers for military and lend-lease items; as an ! outside lamination for waterproof, • Use Entire Ctilckei ing paper containers for, motor oil, j ' The rib piece of chicken becomes paints, printing inks, etc.; for wa- '•! real meat, easier to handle and terproofing flexible films combined much easier to eat, if bones are rt- cf kraft, metal foil, cellulose acetatef tnoved. Break the back ribs at the ~ceu0phane, etc., and for treatment" backbone joints. Pull bQn?s out with 0f sealing tapes. Asphalt gives wayour fingers or a small knife. Chick- terproofing comparable to that of en feet are a good source of gelatine wax at about one-tenth the cost, and for soup stock. Scald them with ^ addition is highly adhesive. One boiling water until rthe skin is loos- ; Gf ^ commonest current uses is in ened, then pull it off with your fin- ; ^he thin laminated paper which has gers. Cook the feet with the rest of , replaced metal foil as the protective the chicken. Wings are a betterfit ! inner * wrapper in cigarette packfor the frying pan if each top is fold- , ages. ed back of the shoulder joint. It \ / washer r-S makes a flatter and more solid piece that browns evenly and is easier to handle. For better looking slices of cold chicken, wrap the fowl in cheesecloth and tie well before cooking. The meat stays firm and white and is easy to slice thin. Chickens are easier to dress if they have been on a diet limited to water at least 12 hours before they are killed. Grafting PolUnixers IJMer certain conditions pollinizers could be grafted into orchard trees to insure satisfactory cros» pollination for bees. This procedure has not proved practical in itiany ? orchards, because growers have noih(-' used large enough branches, properly located, nor taken proper care of the grafts, which have therefore been* choked out. It is more practical to graft over entire trees, or at least one-fourth of a tree, rather thajfr a single small branch. Such an arrangement will, of course, tend toward confusion in harvesting; but if the pollination problem is serious. Tick Infection -Permanent reduction of ticks in any area is. generally thought to be contingent on reducing the rodent population. The usual rodent control methods of gas, poison baits trapping are of use, especially in parks and near human habitation. | commercial value of the fruit on the 1 Destruction of underbrush and weeds has also been recommended. the grower can affofd to forget the * pollinizing branch. too full ,-Tv•you'll ruin it! : '."v.; * Put only enough clothes inr you* , """washer to raise the water level to the . .... ' ' y ' ^ waterline. II the quantity of clothes _ you put in raises the water above ^ this mark, water may overflow into the gears and cause damage. Take care of your electric Appliances. New ones are scarce because manufacturers are busy doing war work. Repairs are hard to get, too, in these times, "because of the manpower shortage and the scarcity of replacement parts. pressive |ea dessert, cut the top off j The family dog, whether it be the cupcakes in cone fashion. Fill cutout portion with sweetened raspberries and replace cake cone. Serve ' plain, or decorate with a spoonful ifi aaaxshgiallow creme or ice cream; Need Rubber Stamps? The Plaindealer. .Order at farmer's helper or the city picknicker's pet, may be a factor in infection. He himself is not subject to Pot Holder Sew several thicknesses of a thin blanket together to make very use- Rocky Mountain' spotted ^ever^,, but 1 ful pot holders. They can be bound be csr bring infected ticks into the | with biafr tape or simply ove home from brushiand, and is credit-' "srfth thread. Ofeer --S ed with having occasioned a num/ , especial®- short narrow pieces, are bar of caaaa. _ / I §** forMi^ng sboc». yvmm BUY PUBLIC S E RYI C^ COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS . .^Sl- ...-fcsaS