Ma Pag* Six *f »• %;.1 * - + _»*. 1 THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER W4U*T'##; " i;s/' •; i i i i f i t t i r -- | * r • 't f ihrrf f */ Thtwdmy, ^aWruary 8; 1945 ^ij1. 0;j ;*»r% :: Ijfr -j'" • I T*U ping operations. They hope to be able to ship at least 150 more carloads. ! We are informed that Mr. and Mrs. I John P. Weber will remove- to this village from Chicago this spring. E. P. Flanders -has purchased the i Mrs. Mary Dodge home at Ringwood, where he and- his wife, will soon move to make their future home. ' TWENTY YEARS AGO News From - Wonder Lake . <§>•}» «£» «$»•}* «}»ij> ijn{i »*• t^Mji »J» -y • (By Delia Cheney) Believe it or not, folks, spring & just around the corner. If you're just the least dubious, ask the Wonder Like baseball team; jthey're all set and ready to go for, workouts.. "Nothing like a liltfe ice to help out Kathleen Norriis Says: Don*t Try to Fight the -Law B«D Syndicate.--WNU Features. rT t/f 4E'»'. ^ CHURCH SERVICtl 4; SIXTY YEARS AGO ^ ^ r- . <Hs i Miss Viola Stilling is now employ-1 in the slide for "home ,.ed at the Cmy State bank, having, We don't like to say anything,. \started work-there a short time ago. but--.Lou Ann Howorka is looking *- J* Mrs. Joe Smith entertained the little fatter in the face this week. Social wheel on Thursday. The next Could it be? Yes, it's the mumps, meeting wtll be held at the home of All fooling aside though, here's hop- I Mrs. J. A. Conrad* ; jng they're over in a hurry and Lou ! Postmaster Nick F. Steilen assum-1 Ann, her cheery self, back at school The scholars of the higher i«?patt- e(1. his new duties on MondayUa£<again. ment ot our public school, accom- we^- He has as his assistants fere's a wish that Wasn't fulfilled £ pariied by the principal, paid a visit Jesses Florence Conway and Leone When Mr. and Mrs. p Cormier left to thefRichmond school one day last . | for the south a couple of months 'week. Glenn wattles passed „this week-, ag0 to visit with Mrs. Cormier's- We learn that the John Sturdiva-nt en^ with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. mother, she hoped the snow would house, in this village, has been sold -F- H* ^ attlfs. < . tome and go before they got backs to Win. S.--Smith of Ringwood. : L.: . Bobby and Geraldine Cormier ar6} will oceupj* i.t in, the spring. | . One of the . severest snow storms :; of the season, accompanied by a heavy wind;' struck this section" c® Sunday night.., arid the/conse^uene^ is that the railroads are all block'-. VOLO aded. the highways 'are almost im back in school ag&in and still able | to finish that snow fort they started., This weather has a funny way of -being ornery that way, however a couple of more months and. we'll • forget all about the snow--We hope. We forgot to mention Vera Hen- (By Mrs. Lloyd Fisher i • • ' jPather Clarence" Thennesr of S5t< ------ • ,r Charles and John Thennes of Mc- . ... , . . passable and busrriess. generaUy is at Herirv visited Mr and Mrsv PhiliD WaS m no Pos,t,on last week a .tand stili. ; ; v:V>; V Thennes' Monday. ' p. t.o receive unexpected company. She The entertainments oftheMcHenny v (• I r> was busy scrubbing away when her Dramatic club 6t erand hall la«St Miss_Jean Nelson- and Robert Dun- folks and Mr. and Mrs. J. Kellner W" eeYk , were a .s uccess wm every partic- k.e r. . of C.a pron, HI., were Sdndayj adrroopnpneeda iinn oonn hneerr. Tinhee ssccrruubD npaainl ular. and netted the. band boys the m °\v h . 1C ? --r' v"d was hastily disposed, however, and an handsome sum of $50. Mrs" ^a,ter ^asey- « . jenioyable visit was had by all. » , The Volo Busy Bees 4-H club We're ,a little premature but we'd ~ FIFTY YEARS AGO " j-sponsored ft farewell party irt honor like to say that Pat Sullivan and ; ' -- ^-:rr'- : ^ Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McClung George Washington have something b St Ifary'g Catholu* Chorch Masses: Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 and 11:^0 Holy Days: .6:00; 8:W); 10:00. Week Days: 6:45 and 8:00." First Friday: 6:30 and 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 3:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Thursday before First Fr»day-- After 8:00 Mass on Thursday; 1:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Msgr. C. S. Nix, Pastor. St. Patrick's Catholic Ctsrcl Masses: Sunday: 8:00, 10:00. • H Weekdays: "5.30. ' ' First Fridays: 7:30. On First Friday, Communion distributed at 6:80, 7:00 and before and durin/ tne 7:30 M«.a4, Confessions: * v Saturdays: 4:00 to li:«/0 p. 'm. and 7:00 to 8:WJ p. m / . -Thursday before First Friday 4:00 , . 6:00 p.m. and 7:0r tr 8*00 Rev. Wm. A. O'RourVe, pastor. Jos. J. Frett. of Chicago, was call- ^nd t e he.^ome °{ Mr.^and-in common. Pat's birthday is Febing on old friends here Sunday. He Mr, Carir.nk Sunday evehing , ,-uary 22. Wonder if George Washis engaged in Vilas & Robbing' Pack- • Th« ^ Busi' ^ecs 4"H club re- .neton kneV Pat's favorite joke about */ have asked Ralph to leave her tvhert the is, happy in her home and schooL" KATHLEEN NORRIS Irishmen, AM going to fight the law and get the best of it, too,1' writes Mary Lee Miller from Buffalo. "I have been a I ter-a* West McHenrywhen the ap, eau at Gravs. Lake Monday' pomtnient is made. * en era fir n> » ua-, w A - ing House, on Halsted street,, *re** the ?f u^eir .Mrs' ' 0nce u ^ere were two We learn-that E. J. Hanlv has sold ^lung, but wish her and the fam- now there are millions" v,;= Qmincr c m\- funtnrv th«nk success and happiness in their -it seems to your reporter that rivnrVi nf \Vini>nnrfa ' .new home at Elmhurst, 111. ,. '>tall stories" are a specialty in Won- [ peace-loving woman all my life, M-Idim Rumor that I^nclo Lloyd Pisher and Harry Matthews der Lake. This week we have one ! but I have my rights ahd 1 pro- Ben Gilbert will be the new postiU- the re^ar ^hly rt, ™eet_ ^om Mr, E. Murphy capable presi-! pose to maintain them. , inf? of the Lake County Farfti Bur- dent of Shore Hills. Passing by his I Five years' ago my closest garage we noticed a section of it, ^voman-friend di^d," her-letter Tweutv decrees 1>elow zero was the r to L rn , Ac u c0rdinff L to ,Mr- M"r"koes on. "On her deathbed she kind of'weather that greeted om sS'urfav J "' , ^ the car hraked while: cdnfided to me her new.born In f« • ;lauft|r-1 Maureen . Her bus- ST™"* r twe„tj--fo,r Mow o„ t|ja, M Williata Wirtz returned the brake released and it started to! ^and, Ralph thanked me fer- Jucsdax morning. , '. to her hon* here ^dnesday from >oll down_tho lincline. 'By quick i yently for taking; the child, and " f vp »:Do-"4rn • t^e. St. Tjjvprese' hospital. T thinking'and eltiow grease-he-kicked i and his son inoved to another 'FVHT^ • Ll'oyd_Fisher .and. t'he wheel' and held the car back | city. The baby has grown to bQ ' v-f -. 'I • -'b; ' •••-#>«.» Richard, and Miss Eleanor H4r- enough to prevent more serious dam-1 one of the most feSDOlisive, ia- Thrtmgh the agency pf Simon Stof- ^d^rr ttetyville callers' "Tues- ' airg. .. Personally, .though, we think telligcnt'and beautiful of chil- - / •'r °t " v " ur Vfi y i,ls da-v* . - * • - he's,been secreMy teaching-his car', dren and m* heart" is wrapped iarm to 1-. Wattles« This makes .m> „riA \Tr« A1vi« Case "-- " " • ..... . ~r 1 i, . ^ Mr' and Mrs- Alvi^ Case were to drive into the garage by Jtself about her. Mv own youth--I am . the second farm that Mr^Stoffel has Chicago callevs Saturday. ' so he can Jump out and" git into ; now 31_was sac-ificcd to invalid sold this year. Mr> an(1 Mrs. Glenn Bacon enter- the " • wdbwc.uiccaioimdua Thirty below iero ;1a§t .Monday -t-airipH number "of guests at their sl,b-zero evenings--Glad w;e can jokef; morning ••a^-seven---"d'rfb^k;;-.'~How' is home Friday evening in honor of about something that cojrld; that.„ •: " , : ' Alvin Case's' birthday anniversary, had' niore serious -results'! \\ e have-enough snow now ato last Pinochle furnished the diversion for have nice" warm bouse quicker tl?ese^r^nts;| v /ill not marry,' so I am[ aloijs. except for Maureen. "Now- Ralph has married ajrain, , IT... . .md married a young girl obviotisly --- • Speaking of Shore Iiills, we are in . filt H t -h j, „ nf five s all s.ummer, if this weather keeps _ the.^evening. Delicious .^refreshment on a. secret we, wouldn't breathie for jtuj,• is nrpttv frivolous -,nd dnpen't V. Just buy a snow shovel and get were served at the close of a very the world. "Plans are being'made hy w^t Maureen. But Ralph, usy- • " • i enjoyable eyeaing. . " " ; E. Murphv and Trustees for a St. j nrosrort-d bought a hnm<»: and A J»ad Jeak^. -race,"has r_ blisses Arvilla Ann. andI LflahJMae Patrick's Day doings. Keep tuned in | placed his'son in a fine school, is deset the Electric Light Co., back some, Fisher attended the second year ceje- for further details and be sure to ! termined to have the child with but it is expected that "McHenry wijl bra,tion of the Wauconda Red Cross keep that date open.';. , 'them They have one servant a be lighted in a few days. ' Unit. Miss Arvilla Ann Fisher ap- Seems like Bill Hoeft is like The j Filipino who has been with Ralph for --7 \ peared on the musical program with^^ motorman who takes a street car ride j years; except for what he does, the -THIRTY \ EARS AGO a,V. oboe solo Bourree by G. F. pn .^jg day off. Shirley v Woodward, | new wife will have to do everything Handel. _ Marian Hawley and' Betty W-aspi in the way of housework and care of The electric light and power ser- • vice bas1)een anything but depend- I able during the past few days. ' On accpunt of the severe storms of the past few days the t. din ser-; vice has been, somewhat irregular. j Borden's hav£ resumed ice ship- ; from the Ringwood Chemical Plant where Bill works, had a pleasant my adored baby; evenings will have to be sacrificed to staying at home with Maureen, and the new wife of -HO MCATfONS TH/S WtNT€R, GfULS, FOZ FAKM-SK BROIVN MUST Wr MO-RE MR "BONDS WITH tii$ MILK VOUARS " Careless Smokers Careless smokers and the careless visit with Bill and Alice, Friday. We handling of matches are responsible have it ^hat little Johnny Woodward | course won't like it, and, may take tbr more home fires than any other II, is a grand baby to take visiting. , it out in dislike for. the child. Father Demands Daughter. "Maureen is not sjpoiled. But she is a sensitive, loving little thing, and transplanting her will go hard with her. She may become unmanageable and troublesome. The thought drives me frantic. I have asked Ralph outright to leave her where she is, happy in her home and school, with pets, games, friends to help her develop into a lovely womanhood, but he pleads that he wants his daughter now. I have carried her through baby sicknesses; her father has contributed neither effort, money, time nor interest all these years. , "My own lawyer--an old man, says that I have no legal claim. Sut there is another attorney here who feels that there are stronger arguments th&rrmere legal ones and that I have a chance of winning. What do you think is the probability in a case of this kind?" "I have wired Mary Lee by no means to be fo<5lish enough to attempt any such litigation. The child's father has not only the strongest but the sole claim; Mary Lee has nothing, except the memsingle common cause Never sntoke We'd like to mention that further in bed. in the attic, nr in the garage details of the Bob Von Bampus and Betty Anderson wedding* February 3, will be forth coming just( as, soon as we have a picture for you ^f the cutting of the wedding cake: r Say, you young folks! of the TYouth's Community club, a meeting -was called by Arlene Kamp, president, to discuss by-laws and dues. Don't let a little sub-zero weather keep you away. This is serious business. Be sure to come at the rioti *3 jjf the next meeting, won't you? * Your reporter would like to write j'up news about Wonder Lake s^fivice men and would appreciate if fyoii would leave jiny hotes you would "; like written up, with Mrs. Heilman, who said she would see that, I get I them. M^ny thanks, Mrs. Heilman, and let me have your news, folks! V m A PARENTS RIGHT Natural parents have the fursf and host right to their children. This right is fixed in the laws of every state. Occasionally, these laws may result in some injustice, as in the case' considered in this issue. A young mother, 'dying soon after her baby was born, asked her friend to care for it. The baby, Maureen, grew into a charming and attractive child. Now her father, uho has paid no attention to Maureen for five years, and has not contributed to her support, icants his daughter. He is married again, and isifairly prosperous. „ • The mollt&s friehd. Mary hee, who has'cared lovingly for Maureen during the trying years of .babyhood, doesn't want to give up the child. She plans to fight for Maureen in court, although she has no adftptiotf. papers, or any legal, claim JSt. John's Catholic Church, Johnsbarg Masses: Sunday: 8:00 10:00. - "r Holy Days: 7:00 and 9:00. - " - Weekdays:. 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:S9. Thursday before First Friday: and 7:30. ' Rev A. J . N e i d e r i , pastor. 2:80 Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church John St. East of Highway 31 - West McHenry, 111. Herman C. Noll, pastor, Round Lake, Illinois. A cordial welcome is extended to all who have no church affiliation to worship with us. The message heard from our pulpit, we are sure, will fill your heart with hope and courage. Services *...U....;...... 9 >a.m. Sunday School ..: ....10 a.m. "Christ Our Onlv Talking Point!" W E L C O M E Listen to the International Lutheran Hour Sundays--WGN 11:30 a. m. Community Church \ Siniday School: 10:00 a.m. Worship Service: 11;00 a. m. Junior League: 6:30 p.m. : Epworth League: 8:00 p.m. Rev. Mack Powell pastor. Fine Lvce V. --j:™. Poi^t d'Alencon is a fine hexagonal mesh lace developed at Alen* ] con, France, by copying and slightly varying ihe needlepoint ot Venice. Its heyday was the early 18'5>jcentury, when lace collars, cuffs, gar- j-0ry of five happy years of adopted St. Peter's Catholic Church, Spring Grove Masses: . Sundays: 8:00 and 10:00. Holy Days: 6:30 and.9:00. : Weekdays: 8:00. ' First Friday: 8:00. ' " Confessions: Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:16. Thursday ttefore First Friday: 2:80 and 7:16. Kev. John L. Daleirten, Pastor. .. i Wonder Lake Ev. Luth. Church (Missouri Synod) ' Sunday school--10:00 a. m. • Divine services--3:00. p. m. H L. PFOTENHAUER, Pastor . Grace Lutheran Church Richmond */ Suhdfey School: 10:15 a.-m. "_L_ • The Service: 11:00 a.'- m. John W. Gable, pastor. - - > - Ringwood Church ' * Ringwood, 111. Sunday--Public worship. 9:30.; Church School, i0:30. Choir Rehearsals--Wednesday eve ning. Mrs. Kenneth Cristy, director ^^vCheek Chimney rjroiir Chimney should be checked lor defects least once a year, preferably in >the early faU. The same applies to your furnace, flues, stove or stovepipe. TeL McHenry 243-J HAROLD H. BELL Painting, Decorating aa^j 1 Paperhanging . . i Dependable Work- 105 N. GREEN ST., M*HENRY S. H. Freund & Son CONTRACTORS ? AND BUILDERS Jbur Experience is at Your Service in Building Your Wants. Phone 66-W McHenry WANTED TO BUY " We pay $5 to $15. for Old or Injured Horses or Cows Standing or Down- if Alive. Matt's Mink Ranch Johnsburg - Spring Grove Road; Phone Johnsburg 669-J-2 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES & CATTLE We pay phone charges. y « 2 • JOHN P. BRDA SHEET METAL WORK Furnaces, Pipe, Fittiiigs and Gutters 101 N,. Green St^ McHenry Phone 243-R DR. H. S. FIKB Veterinarian 305 tVaukegan St. i*hone SI "XT McIIENRY, ILL. Office Hours--Daily Except Thurs. 10 to 12, 1:30 to 4:30, Mon.. Wed., - Fri. Nights: 7 to 8. Other Hours by Appointment H. S. VAN DENBI RGH. J)C., PhC Chiropractor 120 Green St. Tel. 292-R. McHenry : Residence Phone Hebron 926 ters and shoe rosettes were what the well-dressed gentleman was wearing. TRAVELS OH K)ap>; feENIUS,NEVEf? motherhood. If she is wise she will surrender Maureen with as much advice and encouragement as she can instill into a child of five, and remain friendly with Ralph and his new wife, so that she will be able to step in and help when the steprtnother finds the problem too much for,her, as she well may. Laws are madje for the greatest siood of the greatest number in the majority of cases. They can take no account of personalities and of j speaial situations. Unless Ralph can be proved ai®. unfit guardian for Maureen^, nothing can take her away from him. Maureen has cetft Ralph I McHENRY LODGE A. F. & A. M. McHenry Lodge No. 168 meets th»- first and third^ Tuesdays of each montl on Court street. . .. nothing. She cost "one womarrtier life, and another five years of love. care, expense, time,, effd'rt. But the law hands her over to Ralph as a matter of course1. Case of Unfaithful Wife. There was another case in which the law was even stranger. A your\g wife, desperate at the coldness and dullness of an older husband, went away with a younger lover, set up an ideally' blissful little* Bohemian menage, had a year or two of radiant happiness and then went to her husband, to Rlead for a divorce because a child was expected. The husband not only refused the divorce, but claimed the child as his, as <it .would-be born while she wag still legally his wife. And his claim was sustained., Again, in a certain western statf it was formerly' the law that if a husband discovered proof of a wife's immoral action, even though it had been committed yearS' before her marriage to him, he could claim an annulment of his marriage and full custody of his children. Fortunately such a law would only rarely be ihvoked, aijd it was recently repealed. The absurdity of claiming that first, there was no marriage, and second, the father had upon the children the claim that~«nly~ legitimacy gives, was too patent, and thev law was swept away. But before it^was swept away, it was brought to public attention by a husband, „v father of four, who- was maintaining a very affectionate relationship with a certain widow in his neighborhood. He had discov ered early indiscretions on the part of his wife and cited, this, iniquitoas law, it was maintained, and the four small children were turned over to the widow, who promptly married their father. The mother went away, and shortly afterward took her own life?^ This is a true case. Laws aren't always. juSt, and laws j jrjne lady ,said a few days ago that , can be changed-- But the law that i used t0 be afraid to go to bed gives the surviving parent first claim ; at njght. She was swollen with on a child is as old as Solomon stomach gas, which always got worse and never will be^rev'oked. Ahd one when she went to bed, and the gas of the sharpest lessons life teaches would rise up in her throat after she us, from the time we are babies lay down and would nearly chqke walking on the grass in the park, is her. . She couldn't,^lie flat. Hijd. to that it never pays to-fight the law. prop herself "tap on pillows. Recently I ; , this lady .--got ERB-HELP and now - t says ea& is gone, stomach feels fine, ^ An Exe/ciSe for Thin Leg% _ / ' bowels are regular and she can go If your legs are too tbm, -here is an j to b<,(1 and - sleep SOundly. exercise that will help to fill them 1 ERB-HELP contains 12 Great out, an_dfwill also strengthen the Herbs; they cleanse bowels, clear gas arches of your feet: cross your legs fronr stomach, act on sluggish liver first one way then the other and see- and kidneys. Miserable-People sooi> saw the foot that is free, first push- feel different all over. So don't go ing toes as far down as they will go, on suffering! Get ERB-HELP. „Bolthen banging them up as far for- : ger's Drug Store. ward as possible. This can be done while you. are sewing or reading. You"can make your legs look fuller by wearing flat-heeled shoes, the ballet type slipper and almost heel* TEL. WONDER LAKE 418 DR. C. L. WATKIlfS Dentist - • Office Hoars • Tuesday A Saturdays: 9 a.m. 5 p.i » Evenings and Sunday Mornings by Appointment! Lookout Point >0 Wonder Lake, III Al's Welding Service At SchwermanV Chevrolet Sales Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Welding and Cutting ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator ^ Phone 615-W-l or 277 *r 177 MUEKKT, ILL. DR. R. DeROME -- Dentist -- 120 Green Street - Phone 2M-J. McRniirt Office Hours: 1Q a.m. to 5 daily except Wednesday. J>m. T»N*- da v and Fridaiy (rights to 8:30 p.m. Other hoars by appointment. Petroleum Search The four most promising p&rts of the earth in which to search for petroleum are the Near and Middle. East in the Old World, the environs of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean sea in the Western hemi- , sphere; the Dutch and British East ^ Indies in the "Far East; tfnd the land fringing the Arctic sea in North America, Europe and Asia. LADY NEARLY CHOKED WHILE LYING IN BED-- I DUE TO STOMACH OAS McHENRY FLORAL CO. -- Phone 608-R 1 -- One Mile South of McHenry on Route 31. Flowers for all occasions! A. P. Freund Co. Excavating Contractor Trucking, Hydraulic and Cranp Sprv^e, 4 --Road Building-- Tel. 204 M McHenry, 111 PHOTOGRAPHER Portraiture - Commercial Photography - Photo-Finishing Enlanring - Copying - Framing Phone 275 -- Riverside Drive „ McHENRY, ILL. « -I am nhme, except for Maureen." less sho^s with high bracelet straps^ •I Paper Board Rockets , • j ' Cardboard meat boxes carrying | supplies from the United States to Great Britain are converted into rockets by the British. The great j strength of these boxes makes them eminently suitable for this purpose, j While the pulp shortage has made it necessary to reduce the strength of British boxes, the American variety is so strong that it is possible to jump on the boxes without the danser of ^hem.' ; Damaged By Fall V A. fall may damage the. thermostat of an iron or throw it out of adjustment. Dropping an iron may cause broken connections inside or may nick the sole- plate, causing it to catch fabrics that are being ironed. Be tareful how you place your iron, when it's in use. Set it firmly on a stand or stand it on its heel, away from the edge of the ironing board. V Vernon Knox ATIORNEY AT LAW _ OFFICE HOURS--^ farm LJFB . Tuesdays and Fridays Other Day a by Appointment . -- McHenry. • - . . illinola ^TEO INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH Presenting . . . . - Reliable Companies When you need in*uranrr any klite Phone 43 «r 1I8-M Green & Elm McHenrv Read the Want Ads Phone McHenry 677-R-l -- Basement Excavating -- NETT'S SAND & GRAVEL Special Rates on Road Gravel and Lot Fillirg . . Black Dirt . . Power Leveling and Grading. J. E. NETT Johnsburg P. O.--McHenry Telephone No. S0Q Stoffel & Reihansperger Insurance agents for all classes at property in the best <»mpanies. WEST McHENRY - - ILLINOIS /••Or--