' "fa * ^ 4YThursday, Februai7 1*, 194B •^r / *' ' i ' /;S'-V - . THE M'HENBY Pact Thrtt •••»*»»••»•»••»»»»»»•»»»•» McCullom Lake On Parade fr'-- t»cs * 4 <• •». t ,|,» <• •> •• < By "Yardstick" Greetings, folks! The reason that did not have any pictures of servicemen in our column the past fevt weeks was the fact that pictures submitted to us were unsuitable for reproduction anc* bad to "be returned. This Uiaturally threw us, off Schedule. M(e hope to be able to continue this feature next week by presenting to you those three lngersol heroes i GIZZARD CAPSUUS* -Vta. Liifa Bound and aS ffcpM. 0«U Ma of MPMIAL Mo> « T TIM that any BUM eaa get. MM taMlMO Mi Bolger's Drug Store Green Street McHenry who are at present fighting; overseas. I So, watch for them. •• News of Oar Servicemen I Pfc; . Duane Barber of the army l air force somewhere in India has 1 been promoted to corporal according to word received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Barber. Congratulations, Corp. Duane! F 1/c Richard Nimtz has been transferred to Great Lakes from New Orleans for reassignment. It was possible for him to enjoy a weekend leave with his wife, Phyl- 1 lis, thd charming daughter, Jerry. * We hope to see you oftener now, | Dick. J j F 1/c Gregory Burg and family I left McCullom Lake last' Sunday| to I spend the remainder of his 30-day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ! Arthur Burg, in Chicago. j Pfc. Leo Freisiriger, his lovely | wife and baby, enjoyed a pleasant , weekend at their home here. Sorry you couldn't make it longer, Leo. It is indeed a pleasure to us all to have our hero of New Guinea, Sgt. ! Robert Doran, with us every week- ; end. Since his recent reassignment I to duty at Fort Sheridan, it is possible for him to see his parents every : week, a pleasure denied him for the i past three years while fighting the ! Japs thousands of miles away from home. If we can give credence to j recent reports we may soon have the pleasure of seeing his recent beauteous bride, 'Wave Jerry Doran, i Y 1 /c, every weekend. At the risk of giving out military secrets we predict her early transfer from Wash- ! ington, D.- C., to Naval Intelligence in Chicago. Here is hoping! Sgt. Kenneth White of the mari ines, now somewhere in the central Pacific, writes that he is making elaborate plans for his little daughters, Pamela Jean's future. Although he has nevey seen the little r MORE DOLLARS from your poultry can be,yours when you buy our better bred - - - - - * chicks. They contain all the qualities you need for top poultry, prof its* MCHENRY CO, Phone 29 CO-OP. ASSN West McHenry • • • • • * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • mmm • • • • • ! BETTER CAR CARE PAYING OUDN 4U WAR-WINTER! 331SL - Mom and Pop and the Car-. V J, George -- i*ritsit about tim* to Kara the Standard Oil Ifanr do some work under the hood of the ^ type she is his number one pinup girl. Next to her motherf of course. T. News In General We have had many requests from our boys all over the world for letters from the girls back home. HQW j about you gals getting 'together and ! showering a serviceman with mail | every week? We shall be glad to co- | operate with you in securing the address of any boy you choose for the week. So let's get goir\g, girls, and bring a, little joy to some lonesome I soldier or sailor thousands of miles jaway from home.. A little effort on your part will mean a lot to bring a g little happiness tci his miserable ex- [ istence. I The McCullom Lake Community j club's Valentine party held last Sat- | urday was a huge success. The spaj cious Horn's Lounge was filled to | capacity. The main event of, the evei ning was a Valentine dance and the crowning of our most eligible con: ; firmed bachelor, Otter Ebert, as King of Hearts. Seven of McCul- | lom Lake's most beautiful girls, namely, Harriet Lock, Jerry Nimtz, Virginia Grotthus, Loretta Larson. Nancy Rudin, Marie O'Connor and Rose Wirfs bowed before the king • and were rewarded with a shy kiss on their rosy cheeks and a toke»» i prised into their palms. The king j then staggered to his table to resume ..the struggle with the bowlful of spaghetti and meat balls which was i served to all present by the club's ; eracious hostesses, Ann Horn and | Betty Cermak, assisted by Mrs. Struck, Mrs. O'Connor and Mrs. | White. » : The Blue Gills furnished "the dance music owhile our capable Jerry Cer^ ! mak held sway as master of ceremonies. Among those present we spotted Mr. and Mrs. John Freund, ; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reitesel, Mr. ; and Mrs. Carl Reitesel of McHenry. Art Mercier, the famous news commentator onStation" WBBM in Chic «go, Harry Lock, Mr. and Mrs. Whiting. Mr. and Mrs., Syd Smith, F 1 'c and Mrs. Richard Nimtz; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. George Harker, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bdmrfhds and many others too numerou^'tp ijieilition. Now, to quote everyone present, we say "Wow! what aJ3%r;y!"^^hquote. • t So Harriet .Lock had a Birthday anniversary oh. Feb. 9 and her POD failed to tell lis about it. We "shall never "forgive him. Congratulations are also: in #ordef to Fred Nordnian on his 21st birthday enniversary. Valentine's Day- Felx 14. His Pop just couldn't gi.ve, his Mom a better Valentine. Among the folks who ,enjoyed McCullom Lake's health-giving climate last Sunday at their cottages -were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wortman, Mr. anici Mrs. Hclacker. John Scharf and son. Wally Mr. and Mrs. William iThorg and Jake Reiter, who spent Sunday ad/line a little ioy to the life of hi/father, John Reiter, who ' is ill in his home here. We have been asked to tell all • residents of McCullom Lake ^iot to ! be alarmed when .you hear the emergency siren on ' the ;beach . give off i three blasts next Sunday noon and I every Sunday thereafter as weekly ! *ests will be conducted to make sure !thst the siren is in working order. We have also been asked to inform 'you that the siren is there for the use of all nroperty owners* in any ' emergency be, it in case of • fire. ,dro«'niner. or inhalator assistance. A -1 good thing to remember in time of need. " . Art Miller informs us that the _ ! still are a few memberships avail' oble to the Goose Island Community and Country Club. Anyone wishing to join may contact Douglas Arthur, chairman of the membership! committee." Secret meetings aFe held each week on the rear seat of the McCullom Lake Fresh Air Taxicab. We have suffered through two rides t and have not Been able to find any [ . kind of a seat in the damn contraption, so in the words of Barney Graff 1 sometlflne shti*ks around here. Mrs. Linda Waldock, wife of Pfc. Leonard Wpldock. now hospitalized j somewhere in England,, after suffer- i . ing wounds on the western front, and k Mrs. Asmes Idziak. wife of Corp. i. , Idziak, have consolidated on th * home ! •front by sharing an apartment in Chicago as well as their jcys and sorrows. Thev also 'shsyc , the con- ^ tents of the letters they rrceiv.fi from j their heroic husbands overseas. ' . . It was a. r°re tr^at, indeed, f«"r •he g"#>st= Mr. and Mr*- Frank ! ; Howard and Mr. and Mrs. Ed (Fleury 1 to. enj'-v a sleigh-ride aroun-T beautifuV. Mc^'ullo'" IV^VP Ifst Sund^y^.] Admir»l Joe Sch^ef^r acted as nilot,' while Donner and Blitr' n furnished , the motive, power. If the snow holds out or more will be ^orthcomipg H"rin" the week: Adm. Jf># promised to take all the kids of the co*rt- ~~munitv for a ride ner* Sunday. So; . »>rrv for sn^w. kids, if it' c^^s durhours of sitting down George came home with 'most of the lake absorbed in his red flannels and no fish. Betty did not like it one bit, neither did George for he had to spend the rest of the day in bed until, his flannels, dried. We have not heard how Peter fared. ' JOHNSBURG daughter, Diane, and Mr. and,Mrs.• LeRoy Miller visited with Mrs. Leo I Freqnd in St. Therese hospital the past week. Mrs. Freund is fhuch im- 7 ~ «""77 proved and her many friends are (By "Tippy" Klein) . ^looking forward to her coming home, Corp. Jerry Hettermann of Cpmp soon. • . \ Atterbury, Ind., enjoyed a three-day Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Quaintance Our old friend and neighbor, Al' ®pass with his mother) Mrs. Helen Pfive a dinner during the past week Horn, paid us a "surprise* visit last Hettermann. * in honor of their nephew. Pvt. Daniel Wednesday. As you folks all know, ; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hettermann and ^ Dau> wh6 ^'as home on furlough Al is a pretty sick boy, but, in spite 1 sons, Mr. and Mrs. John Herdrich for seven His aunt and uncle, of his ailments he climbed ou; of and sonl and Kenny Stilling, Miss ^r- an<^ Mrs. ,, Thomas Allison, and his bed at his home in Brookhrld. Mary Simon, Corp."Jerry Hetter- Thomas. Jr., Lucille Mazur and donned his warmest clothing and mann, Jimmy Hettermann S2/c, Mrs. F^her William Dau; all of Chicago, braved the elements to- -come and Olivia Keenan, Betty Lou and Tom- w-re Swe*te'at the dilJ?ler* give with his weekly rendition -of my and Jerry Stilling were Sunday- "One' Dark and Stormy Night." guests in the Mrs. Lena Hettermann Greater love hath no man!. - home. Nuts and Bolts Cic Lively Sods "Tired suds" make tired wonutt. waste soap, but always use just enough to keep suds lively so they can cleanse without undue aid of "elbow grea°e." M'HENRY LADY SPIT \ UP ACID LIQUIDS FOR HOURS AFTER EATING Causes Wear/ . Do not over-inflate. This causes Saturday evening guests in the rapid tread wear and bruise breaks. Joseph Frett home were Mr. and Mrs. Tweed of Fox Lake, Mr. and Ed. and Wynn Doran waited two hours at the McHenry depot for the Blue Gills to greet them last Satur-j Mrs. Leo F. Smith, Mr. and Mrs.' day.' -.Henry Hiller, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence We have often wondered how Jim j Michels. Mr. and Mrs. Joe G. Hue- Pupik managed to endear himself in • > °*!' Schmitt, Mr. and Mrs, ; - Steel Earnings In the first half of 1937, a good period for steel production, the in- _ u .... dustry earned 8.2 per cent per ye&x the hearts" of all the mothers of Mc- Jackson and Jimmy, Mr. and on investment. In 1940, the indus- Cullom Lake. Last Saturday We W'lliam Meyers, Mr. and Mrs. i try earned 7.5 per cent and in 1941, learned his secret He' putr their Fox- Stanley Freund and Miss the return was 8.1. per cent. In 1942 babies to sleep while Pa and Ma < Lorr»»ne May- ^«rds were played the industry as a whole earned 5.6 joy a dance together, A true Sa- ]'a, ^'©Ma lunch was served. maritan' ' I Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Karls and t W TV J.IJ * ' . i family visited with iheir, daughter^ Jean McDonald spent thr^ hou^s M , Ann,in the 3aniUrium in Wautrymg to find, her father's counte- ko?an Sunday nance m an antique photograph of, Mrs. Lena Hettermann. Mrs. Olivia the Chicago pohcejorce. h^was hid- Keenan> Qarence Stilling, Corp den behind a half of a bushel of * per cent on investment. During 1943 earnings receded further, amounting to only 5.1 per rent. ; For hours after every meal, a Mir- Henry lady used to spit up a strong acidulous liquid mixed with pieces of half-digested >;food. She says it Was awful. At times she would nearly strangle. She had stomach bleat, daily headaches .and constant iiTegular bowel action. Today, this lady eats her meals and enjoys them. And she says the change is due to taking ERB-HELP. Her food agrees with her. No gas, bloat or spitting up after eating. She is fclso free of headaches now, and bowels are regular, thanks to this Remarkable New Compound. ERB-HELP contains 12 Great Herbs; they cleanse bowels, clear gas from storrtach. act on sluggish liver and kidneys. Miserable neoole soon feel different all over. So don't go .on suffering. Get ERB-HELP. , Bol-, ger's Drug Store;'1 / ;.'V/; Jerry Hettermann, Miss Mary Simon, Ihustache.. It -WM her ^e- ahd^t! ind -.Mrs. Charles^ HerdVich and her eyes that brought forth final , Mr and Mrs. Ed Hettermann visited recognition. _ ^ ' with Rosemary Stilling in the sani- That Lilly Dache creation Mrstnrium in Waukegan fhe past week. Syd Smith wore to the party las Mr ^ Mrs. j h Britz and Saturday was response in a small. dr.uphterSi joanne and R6se Marie of measure for the admiring glances Rock Mr_ and Mrs_ Wjlliam cast herwards by 'the many truests present. . We .had no idea that Joe '.Bubbles" Horn had mastered •the sirn language to a point where he could ' order Yefreshments'bv the use of it. , Bri'7 «nd Mr. and Mrs^ Albert Britz "of Sprirnr Grove Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cafaro of Chicago visited in 'bo Arthur Klein home, Sunday evening; P-yl Berieter. S2/c, of Calif.( Miss Maybe he was only bl'iffmg. but then «hirloy 'Bffifr. Mfs. Paul Lewis and aeainlj it brought results. Siyjwe sit and wonder! *. v Eleanore's Corner « ? Poor Eleanore. we suffer with thee. .Our nain may not bo in -"tlfie same snot, but^it is n'ain nevertheless. We all remember how ohr 0f pox Like, Mr. and, Mrs. WvUi-rn Rritz. Norman Britz and Mi^« Juanita Stanfel of Spring Grov^ "ere dinner euests in the Arthur Kl'^n hom^, Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Scha*efer. .Mr. and Mrs. Michael S^haefor. Mrs. : Eleanore, last week doffed Tier Th<>len „nd Steve Schaefer of eans while eniulatine Tonsv. }\ < \} TTOV T v^ited with Sr. M. Jacob last Sunday she forgot her ro* and in Milwaukee"Monday. : left hpr wunms afoot or "hall we Mr and Mrs Alhcrt Rod{Rf Sr.. i sav afeet ? She made the first step aocon,n.,,vjod their -son,' S 'Sgt. Aii alrjght but the next one was the bort p.^i>r> to Chicago, whon 'ho hirh one -with the result tint she lefr Monda*y for. 'Miami. Fla.,-for uffered. painful abrasions to her Ve-assignriient. after spending a furposterior, jnof to mention her dig; nity., " 'r> ADIOSr- . ' \ Keeping Qualities Cakes and cookies made with ffoney are noted for their keeping qualities lciich with his parents and friends. Mr. and Mrs. .Tos. (i. IJuomann and Joe, (Shorty)c Thelen, visited in the Joseph H. Adams home, Wednesday evening. Mrs. Delia Miller. Mrs. "Mario Frett, George Miller,.Leo Freund arid Canmow change from steel Wheels to FIRESTONE rubber tires on tractors. Come in and let us give you full particulars. FIRESTONE Passenger Car and Truck Tires ajSd Tubes --all sizes. Remember--Tubes are not rationed. FIRESTONE BATTERIES to fit all cars and trucks. We allow $2 for your old battery. FIRESTONE SPARK PLUGS, RADIAft^0il! and FAN BELTS. Special price on Firestone* Spark Plugs--49c. RETREADING ON TRACTOR, TRU€K and PASSENGER CAR TIRES, ALL SIZE§V_ - FIRESTONE Super-Antifreeze, per gallon, $1.20. ~r OFFICIAL TIRE INSPECTION STATION MAIN ST. WEST M'HENRY PHONE 294 i",' Your Government Sticky sludge is building up in many thousands cf this winter. It always does in winter--but it's especially bad thia year because of rationed, short-trip driving. Sludge tends to clog oil lines and screens and may leiad to burned-out bearings and scored cylinders. --Ratter change oil every 60 days, or at 1000 miles-- whichever comes first. Get sludge-resistant, low-in engine-carbon, easiest-on-the-battery motor oil--Standard's Iso-Vis 10 W. And see your Standard Qil Dealer frequently. "" STANDARD SERVICE TC?"Y ScEYIUR STflHDflBD Oa DEALER Car C«i» insf fbe we°k. it's a date. Meet A"d-| fnir*l .Tr>e Schaefrr at Herri's corn"!" 1 • • 1 o'clock Sunday'. No snow, no,g .rid°. .. • Mr*,, Ger'ruHe M'ko'sV e enterfain^ d 'Mrs. Doberstein and her son, A"°"ist. of-Ringwood. last Sunday*: ; ' TTh'p hie three of McCullom L;»ke'. j '••He'- pvritr'«. the Graff's and the.^ Struck's pooled their assets last d"»v ^veninf and went on a wild splurge. With their combined re-: sources they were able to purchase S a' fried, herring at the 'Ringwomi hv the/teek'resort, which they split six ways ( In our hunjMe opinion, no one^nerring has sacrificed more !to .brinj? joy and gastronomical content- ; ment,to humanity than this no* son,;^ of a herrine or was it a daughter? | We shall' never- know. " | W^ were sorry to -hear tha* ourfriend. Joe Broiiilette. ha« suffered J painful injufy. to his ankle when.] | he slipped on the icy pavement last .Sundav. He h?s been confined to i i his Vied this, past wek ard is under ! a doctor's care, We wish you;, a.; speedy recovery. Joe *rtoobll w*rnmd HELP SAVE FUEL "led Here are a few ways to save: Direaor Byrnes has called for ^ \ "a reduction in home temperatures ft 68 degrees." of hot If you have a gas space heater, with no thermostat control, use it only when heat is needed. Don't heat, unused rooms--don't heat the garage. • Prepare whole meals in jthe oven, or one-dish meals on a top burner (don't light the top burner until utensil is in place). L Avoid a continuous stream water: for washing hands, or or for shaving. Repair leak/ faucets. ngmcMMnoHL, Cool cooked foods * bcfprer~v placing them in the refrigerator ... cut down the number of times you open the doot, and don't leave it open. Buym, rt V>' ,1? "ft* ' • f .9 •• •• • • • • • • ••• • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ijnii'iViiwnmil•MMAINIMIMIFIMII 1 11 in » 11 _ '11111111 • 11' i II^.IUIM^JT^NII nil,! I'lmiilii niiilii III[in»i 11 Pote Kp^inski, an ardent disciple j of "Isaac Waltonj don't like to #sh ; alone, so he will resort to any ruse ' to inveigle a victim to join him. | George Baumbeck was easy prey to ! his promises of a big catch last Sun- ; day. The two went out to the big j,hoi» on the lake and after three j WESTERN UNITED OAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY