Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Mar 1945, p. 4

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BMP! / \ K j j-'\ T™Tx3sr^&ijfPSP^^WJBt1,'1"1 w ^,*vprkT<$vpwt« •_•«* i*!'; * *V» *"'• * «$ 1? _ efrsn Tfcuiiif At I r, BL, bTSarta. P. R*lek A. * CbItrad m second-class Mtter "lbs postoffice at McHenry, HL, flfc* act of May 8, 1879. Om Year ..$2.50 IATIONAL EDITORIAL- ' \SSOCIATIQM \*/FUm(t^. FOR SALS IAVB TOO KBABO about the «ew reduced Auto Liability and Property Damage rata*? They will surprise you. Aak oa for insurance rates. The Kent Co., K$0Mry. Phone 8. 27-tt FOR EXCHANGE -- RD4 Diesel caterpillar tractor with plow and disc. Want row crop tractor unit, complete. Contact George P. Freund, McHenry. *43 DEAD ANIMALS WILL WIN THE WAR -- Five dollars is the least we pay for dead horses and cows in good condition. Wheeling Rendering Co. Phone Wheeling No. 3. Reverse the charges. No help needed to load. 14-tf FOR ANY TYPE OF HOME INSULATION, ASBESTOS SIDING OR A NEW ROOF, see Bob Frisby, People's Insulation Co., 104 S. Riverside Drive, McHenry, *111., Phone McHenry 211-J. Woodstok, 210 E. .Jackson St. Phone Woodstock 817. 20-tf WANT BEEF? -- BeUerstartget- {GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us ting .something to feed or P^ Hd Qf u each week ggrraassss. First three cars of 500 to! ^ * desired. Reasonable 600-lb. stock steers this season arrived this week. Now ready to show. Always steers to show from how on. Will sell one or more. Visitors always welcome. My cattle guaranteed against death loss for thirty days. Farm on Route 20, two miles west of Belvidere, 111. H. iL. Dunning. 43-3 rates. Regular year- round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 365. • tf WANTED WANTED TO BUY--Portable brooder house. Call McHenry 615-M-l. 43 FOR SALE -- Roper range. 6 bur- WANTED TO BUY -- New or used ner, good condition. Mrs. F. C. Sher- jcje cream machine; must be in good man. Woodlawn Park, McHenry. 43 conditionor a 4-hole freezer. , Call ' „ ~ : „ ;Bill's Diner, 513 Main St., West Mc- FOR SALE-Crown e«S Tang* gwd j phone 4*8. 43 condition; oven regulator. Call Bill s ; J « Diner, 513 Main St., West McHenry, HEL^ WANTED Phohe 438. 43 - cFvO\Rd oSAiLsE -- Endgate seeder w.i+th. 1 j WAN, TED. • -- > Part time cook and, gnus attachment. Peter A. FreOnd, =teadS[ Ml Place Restau™"' Route 2, McHenry, , St.. BhHenrv. S7-tf rcUUUf 1 ~ *43-2 Green St., MeHenry FOR SALE--Six-room home. Must be moved from present location. Phone Richmond 701. --------*43 WANTED--Man Boat plant, fPox 90-J. work in Kramer Call McHenry 37-tf FOR SALE -- 120 Bass Piano Accor WANTED Girls for store work. dian; good condition. Peter Kamin- , _ _ i ,r .. ski, McCullom Lake, Tel, McHenry j BolEer 5 Dru" Store" 35"tf 656-M-2. •43 T WANTED--Praft exempt man- -for war work. .Apply Miller Products. Phone 195. - 39-tf FOR SALE -- 400-lb. Reachin "Mc- Crrfy" ice refrigeratbr: 45 cubic feet. Reasonable. Carey Electric Shop. Phone 251. - - 43-tf HELP WANTED -- Bartender, relief FOR SALE - Furniture, one elec- °r *tead? McHenry 12; McHenry Town Club. * 42-tf ffeodstock and JMf-- Allbee, at Park Rapid*, Utak, in the finoa Newman bona .on Friday. Mrs. Charles Dowe and children, Gerald and Thomas, are making an extended visit in New Orleans, La., where Serviceman Dowe is stationed with the navy, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Ward and son visited relatives in Momence laat Sunday. Mrs. Herbert Nelson of Lake Villa visited in the George Lindsay home last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ekdahl and daughter, Carlene, <rf Lake Villa were callers in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Lindsay on Sunday. Miss Evelyn Kraft of Richihond spent Tuesday evening in the home of her aunt and uncle, the George Lindsays. On Wednesday, Mrs. Lindsay and Miss Kraft visited in Chicago. Mrs. Harold Freund and daughter, Donna Lee, of Coulterville, 111., and Mrs. Donald Freund are visiting in the Jos. L. Freund home in Johnsburg. Mr. and Mrs. William Spencer and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Page spent Sunday evening in Chicago. John Regner and son, Joseph, turned Sunday afternoon Springs, Ark. Mrs. William Spencer an ter, Mrs. Thomas Phalin, sp day in Chicago. Serviceman and Mrs. Kenneth Kreuger and baby of Great Falls, Montana, have been visiting her parents, the Ben Justens, and also relatives in Delavan. On Sunday Mr. Krueger will leave for Florida, after which he expects to be sent overseas. WAR PLANT NEEDS MORE WORKERS TO PRODUCE WEAPONS SIMM v* y* •-fSkvfiJU jftiiWiiWi Death-dealing mortars, backbone of the infajitry, are fightifig in every theatre of war--lobbing high explosive . shells over weeds, hills and -rocks to clean out enemy guns and troops, saving lives of countless American G.I.'s. The more "mortar shells our fighting men can fire, the harder we can ^ ^ hit the Japs and Germans. That.! vanjty of an actor as giving his T* HAT man Laughton's here again. x Having just come through with one of those amazing character delineations of his in "The Suspect," the braah feller now moves into hia swashbuckling armor once rtiore. We're going to aee what I'm sure most of us have long yearned to see, and that's the character of Captain Bligh of the famous Bounty operating on the ahady side of the law. For that, in a nutshell, is the essence of Charles Laughton'a role as Captain Kidd. Ha p l a y s a h a r d , rough, rugged, obscene man, an individual of low birth who lives up to the very worst possible expectations. He la c o a r s e , v u l g a r and common, yet aspires to enter bility. He is obsequious to the point of utter disgust in the presence of his betters while plotting to stab them in the back---which he accomplishes with the utmost glee and the foulest treachery. This story could have the modern setting of today, but this is Charlie's story, so let's get on with it! /f*a a Trade Secret i r What I want to know is, how doea "Cuddles" Laughton do it? No use asking him. How does a fish swim, a bird fly? No star in pictures is tougher to interview than my friend Cuddles. He has a genius for throwing an interviewer off balance with one shrewd crack brusquely tossed out. I know. * He's tried it on me. It just happens that I swing a mean bludgeon myself. We get along, but beautifully. "You know* Hedda," he said to me when I asked him about his Captain Kidd role, "nothing $o, titivates Notice la hereby given to the legal voters, residents of th# Town of McHenry, in the County ot McHenry and 8tate of Illinois, that the annual town meeting and election of officers of said town will take place on Tuesday, April third, A. D. 1945, being the first Tuesday of said month. The polls will be open at 6 o'clock a. m. and will close at 5 o'clock p. m. on said day in the place or places designated as follows: No. 1 -- Royal Blue Store, Ring** wood, I1L No. 2 -- City Hall, McHenry, I1L No. 3 -- Eva's Restaurant, Riverside Drive, "McHenry, 111. No. 4 ° -- Bildner's Barber" Shop, Johnsburg. The officers to be elected are! ' ONE TOWN CLERK. « ONE ASSESSOR. * THREE JUSTICES OF PEA'CE. ' THREE CONSTABLES. The town meeting for the transaction of miscellaneous business of said town will be held at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m.i on said day at Eva'g Restaurant, and a moderator having been elected, will proceed to hear and. consider reports of officers, to appropriate -money to defray the necessary expenses of the town and decide on - «Kh measures as may, in pursuance'of^nw, come before the meeting. Given,under my^and at McHenry this 14th day of March, A. D. 1945 H. WALTER ANDERSON, . - Town Clerk. (Pub. March 15 and 22) Amciiir tke Skk Mrs. Evelyn Aim anderwent*aurgery at the Woodstock hospital on March 7. * Mirfs Lena Stoffel had the misfortune to break* h^r arm in a fall at her home last Thursday evening. Kathryn Klapperich underwent surgery at St. Therese hospital in Waukegan last week. Charles Duncan is ill at his home on East River Roitd. James Downs is recovering from an appendectomy which he underwent at St. Therese hospital last week. We have just received* word that mm' turned to accident on November' 6, in whkh she was seriously injured. She was confined to a hospital1 until the first of the year, suffering- a Woken right leg, fractured skull. «Sd four broken ribs among other mjttriea. She has improved greatly* friend* here wjJJ he glad to hear. = Buy Btaebiaary The west coast countries of SouOi America are now heavy buyers Of used textile machinery. v : 1' - •» >•< trie tea Volo. kettle. Reed's Bar-B-Q, 43 FOR SALE Vicland seed cats. A. F. Dimonr Tel. McHenry 600-R-2. 43 POR SALE -- Antique walnut bed with box spring; 6 oak dining room ersonm takes millions of mortars--bver two million rounds of mortar ammunition are fired on the Rhine front alone in a single month. . . That's why the William M. Fancil versatility a workout." And his voice trailed off in one of those droll, defep throated chuckles that can chill the_spines of audiences. 'I've always had the feeling," he Mr. and Mrs. Paul Albert and son, Cpn\pany, of Huntley, Illinois, which, Went on, "that Captain Bligh was a loads fuzes for this vitally important | piece of unfinished business. We left front line weapon, has been asked to j him in midair, so to speak. It's inincrease schedules ag^iri and again, in order to furnish fiftes for mortars chairs, rocking chair and moderp Ronald, attended the Sports Show at i needed now at the fronts. iron ""bedstead. Call Round Lakr*'the Coliseum in Chicago on Sunday. 4223. *43 I Mrs. Floyd Cooley §pent Saturday ' ' -- - ; i n C h i c a g o . .FOR SALE-- Seed potatoes; also i . , eating potatoes and certified seed, I Mr" and Mrs: Lynn Smith and son, Late and early Segel. Tel. 92-J. *43-4 FOR SALE -- Good quality baled red clover hay. Also three tons |i>od baled oat straw. J. W. Cristy, Ringwood, 111. 43 potatoes. DavelSe"nis'/ R°ck^n; and Mrs. <Ed. Holle of Oak Park were Sunday visitors in the home- of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Conway. Miss Mar jorie Duker, student nurse at Cook county hospital, spent the weekend visiting at her home here. . ' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hart and son of FOR SALE -- Com ^heller, almost pew; electric brooder stove, new; two "white ganders; one Holstein bull. Tony J. Miller, Route 1, McHenry, Justens, last^ weekend. HI. Phone Richmond 4710. *43 These fuzes go into the same mortars that your sons, or your husbands, may be using in Germany, or in the Philippines, or on Iwo Island now," said D. R. Gage, personnel manager of the plant. "Yet we can't get the fuzes out if we don't have the workers to do the job. Right now, we need men , and women workers at once in the fuzeloading plant to keep up with increased demands'".from the battlefronts." Men are needed to work as exploChicago, visited her parents, the sive operators and general labor. Womenr are needed "for . assembly Mr. and Mrs. John/^Phalin and j woric. Women don't need experience Mr. and Mrs. Thomas\ Phalin and or training and housewives who have never wqrked for pay befor^ can do a vital job in helpiJ^ to assemble mortar fuzes. Another 'division of the Fencil company, the gasket plant, produces ^ ^^^^^bter of j the gaskets for internal combustion $3.75, all per bushel. Also many ^ite,r engines used by every branch of Other bargains. Postal card us to-I™ relatives herelo ^y^oodbye |the armed services. Fencil gaskets day for catalogue and samples. Hallrbefore entering the aWy nurse!are now fighting at the front lines Roberts' Son, Postville Iowa. 40-4 i corPs- Last week she received her in tanks, amphibious weasels, trac- ' I appointment and on March 15 will FOR SALE -- Hand operaiing^meat son, Donald, visited Billy Phalin at slicing machine. Call Mcflenry 393. Great Lakes on Sunday. The latter Pa's Tavern, Elm St. and Riverside is recovering nicely after suffering Drive, McHen~w. ' 42-2 j a broken leg in an accident on N -- -- -- Y e a r ' s D a v FOR SALE -- Alfalfa $16.50, Clover „. T y w $17.40,; Blue Tag Hybrid Seed Corn! Mlss -Jeanne w-« FOR SALE--Year- round comfort and j report for duty at Camp McCoy, economy with fire-proof Johns-Man- Sparta, Wis. A graduate of St. ville Rock Wool Home Insulation i Joseph's School of Nursing, Elgin, "Blownin" walls andceilings. Call she will enter the army with the LEO J. STILLING, McHenry 1JB. rank of second lieutenant. 36tf. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh White and Mr. ' ---- ; ---- ; and Mrs. Shirley of Birmingham, BABY CHICKS Try Foxdale s Mich., visited in the Robert Thomp- "EARiLYBIRDS" this year for son home on Monday . earlier feathering, earlier market | Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander and size, earlier eggs and Earlier profits,. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith of Hebron ROP SIRED, trapnested White Leg- Were callers in the home of M. and , >s' Wj ^ Mrs- Robert Thompson on Monday shires, and hybrid EARLYCROSS evenjng for fnrers. Limited supply^from our ; Miss Maud Granger, who has been rtTTi °- ?!0r!enm^ spending the winter months in Elgin, w / l t e • s p e n t , t h e w e e k e n d i n t h e R o b e r t FARM & HATCHERY. INGLE- Thompson home. On Sunday Miss tors, jeeps, ^bulldozers, trucks and scores of other top-priority weapon? teresting to speculate on what would have come off had Bligh been the one to desert the law instead of Christian. I have often said to myself; 'What-a pirate Bligh would have been!' A man of, such tenacity, power, self-discipline, a real master of men, could have become king of all buccaneers. "You may imagine my pleasure, then, at having a role of exactly that flavor dropped into my lap. . A Dream Come True "When Ben Bogeaus proposed that I play Captain Kidd for him, I said, 'Have you got a script*' Whereupon he placed in my hands a literary creation by Norman Reilly Raine which, in my opinion, is as fine a contribution to screen literature as you'll uncover in a month's search. And of course I'd wanted all along to play Kidd. I suspect most of us, if We told the^tcuth, would own to a suppressed' libido' 'where pirates are Concerned." "Captain Kidd" ..promises to be something more than just another Laughton film. It's an outward manifestation of something that keeps stirring beneath the surface of things in Hollywood. I mean the constant and ceaseless upthrusting NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a tentative budget and appropriation ordinance for the town of McHenry. in the County of McHenry, State of Illinois, for the fiscal year beginning Tuesday, March 27, 1945, and ending Monday, March 25, 1946, will be on file and conveniently available to public inspection at 'Eva's Restaurant, Riverside Drive, McHenrjr, 111., from and after 9 p'clock p. m., Tuesr day, March 27, 1945. , Notice is further given hereby that a public hearing on said budget and appropriation ordinance will be held at 2 o'clock p. m., Tuesday, April 3, 1945, at Eva's Restaurant, in this town, and that final action on this ordinance will be taken- by the electors at the annual town meeting to be held at 2 o'clock p. m,, Tuesday, April 3, 1945. Dated this 14th day of; March, 1945. MATH N. SCHMITT, Supervisor. H. WALTER ANDERSON, Clerk. (Pub. March 15 and 22) MILLER WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS SATURDAY ONLY j £ y- March 17 ', Startling! Realistic "THE MASTER RACtr* . Plus .vi-V "CLANCY ST. BOYS* With the East Side Kids. SUNDAY-MONDAY March 18-19 Miracle Entertainment ' HAIL THE CONQUERING HERO" Starring-^ "- ! • Eddie Bracken ;^M£lla Raines Witfiain Denwarest " - TUESDAY ONLY ; - March 20 Back Popular Demand THE SULLIVAN'S" WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY * FRIDAY March 21-22-23 CARY GRANT in V* NONE BUT THE LONELY ^EART" . with ' Barry Fitzgerald ' -Eithel Barrymore ' • • . , / ' ' • Colony McHenry, Uttnois FRIDAY-SATURDAY FIBBER McGEE AND MOLLY •HEAVENLY DAYS' * News and Cartoon SUNDAY-MONDA!*,^- "•' ' March 18-19 • Jack Oakie Linda Darnell James Cardwell Lynn Bari "SWEET AND tOW DOWN" • Plus 4 v *fc»rld New* <cgtd Cartoon TUESDAY (ONE DAY ONLY) Loren Tindatt . Jeanne Bates 1. "Sergeant Mike" Also 2. "Prairie Rangers" : WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY Anne Shirley Dennis Day 'Music In Manhattan' •V TOWN AUDITOrib' MEETING The town auditors of McHenry township will meet on Tuesday, March 27, 1945, at 7:30 o'clock p. m., in the town clerk's office for the purpose of auditing all accounts against saigl township. All persons having bills against township are requested to present them to the undersigned or to the supervisor. H. WALTER ANDERSON, Town Clerk. :;0tab. March 15) CLARENCE'S SHOP ^ JOHNSBURG Place orders now for Bird Houses, Lawn Furniture, Trellises, Window Boxes, etc. Also have full line leather foods, market and wash baskets, barn brooms, etc. ' CLARENCE J. SMITH Route 1, McHenry, Ill- Light, airy surroundings, modern | of new personalities, the struggle of SIDE, ILL. 39-tf FOR RENT Granger and Mr. and Mrs. Thompson visited in the Harj-y Alexander home in Hebron. s Thomas McLaughlin and . Mrs. Julia Kralowetz spent Sunday evensafety, devices and ample rest periods are a few of the advantages offered at the Fencil Company. In addition, two new cafeterias, one for each plant, serve hot, home-cooked food to all employees at less than cost price. If you haven't yet taken a war job, here's a chance for you to do a vitally important one at the Fencil company. Apply at the War Manpower Commission's United States E m p l o y m e n t S e r v i c e , 2 3 6 M a i n street, Woodstock,-and do it right away! If you're already working at one of the Fencil plants, or at another important 'war plant, remember that that's where you are FOR RENT -- 5-room house; fur- «nace heat. Wickline Bay, Wonder1,. • . _ , ,, , ' Lake. $50 "per month. Write Box ^ene.y,a< where ^were callcare Plaindealer. 41-tf'ed by the lllness and later death of * L, O. C. Murray. FOR RENT -- Four-ro6ms on second Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gibbs, Thomflocr. furnished. On Green street. ; as and Kathryn McLaughlin were Address Box ' Y," in care of Plain- 'callers in the O. C. Murray home in dealer. *43 MISCELLANEOUS "WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIR ING -- All work fully guaranteed. Geneva on Monday evening. needed mo*t, and stick to your job have Laiighton. talent to rise to the surface and above it. Even I was impressed by a remark Bqgeaus made about Laugh- -ton. " 'Captain Kidd' was handed me," Bogeaus said, "by Rowland y. Lee, who has always yearned to direct it. Instantly I thought of 'Mutiny on the Bounty.' And what did I remember about it? Why, Laughton, as Bligh. It wasn't Clark Gable you remembered, or the others. It was Laughton. He dominated even the scenes where he didn't appear. I thought Laughton's other films--'Henry the Eight,' 'Ruggles of Red Gap,' 'The Beachcomber,' etc., You couldn't get away from it. I simply had to until Victory! Hybrid Ontoa First hybrid onion variety to t>e developed is "Califor ;a Hybrid Red No. 1" released by the California agricultural experiment station and the U. S. department of agriculture. Mr. 'and ' Mrs. Clarence Whiting i Especially adapted to areas of mild and little granddaughter, Terry, of Elgin visited -relatives here on Sundav. " „ y Mrs. Harry Kopple, of Dubuque, Torchy Krause, 310^ Elm . St., Mc-, I0wa, visited her sister, Mrs. Maurice Henry. Tel. 379; 42-tf j Gladstone, last weekend. Z7" ' I Walter Herrick of Chicago, sta- Brush Better / ! tioned with the army in Florida, ft !• better to brush carrotSi^with , viBited McHenry friends last Thursa stiffs brush rather than to pew day. V ' ' * .them. , I Mr. and Mrs. Lewis McDonaid of winter climate, it can be planted in the field in the fall and harvested in spring or early summer. Yield ranges in 100-pound bags from 460 to 768 an acre. The bulbs average4.? pound in weight, a little more than 3% inches in diameter and 3^! inches in height. The onion is a red ^lobe with white flesh. GOOD CLOTHES DESERVE GOOD CARE \ 103 Elm Street Phone McHenry 104-M Clean Surface Scrape or wire-brush any loose or scaling paint from the walls and other surfaces and sandpaper smooth where necessary. Then look carefully for any cracks, nail holes, or other openings and fill them with crack filler which can be obtained in forms suitable for different kinds of surfaces from any paint dealer or paint department. When using putty on exterior surfaces, it is wcVl *to prtrric ~tnr~ho}cs -with a coat of paint, then apply the putty and paint over it. For interior plas-, tered walls, patching plaster and * various crack fillers are readjly ob- : tainable in the stores. . Injurious Insects More than 6,000 kirids of injurious insects in the United States take a toll of about one-tenth the produci tion of food and fiber crops. The I additional loss caused by plant diseases is not less than half this. Chuck Laughton, who has feelers like a cat, is happy about "Captain Kidd." Incidentally, if it clicks, it's going to make Laughton a wad of money, 'cause he's go.t an interest in the profits. Just about everybody on. the Kidd picture has a percentage deal. Other producers talk about such a plan. Arthur Lyons and David Loew have one up their sleeve. But Bogeaus is really doing it. I shall watch the future of this young man with much interest. I don't know where he's .going, but he's headed somewhere. * • • •' - "• Living and Learning One of our boys now in Germany sent me a clipping about Mickey Rooney from Belgium. "The fog came down. Where the fields were there was a great blankness, and a soldier in a jeep said, 'I want to get opt of the army and go home to my wife as soon as this is over. Bui I pity the guy who doesn't see this for himself. Seeing the way these guys suffer makes me appreciate everything I have!' The private was .Mickey Rooney, who's tojiHng the combat zone in a three soldier jeep. Imported Paprika In a single year, before the War, the United States was importing over 3 million pounds of paprika from Hungary, more th^n .from all other countries combined. Best Care Medical care authorities In the U. S. department of agriculture say that, for proper medical attention one doctor can f$est take care o about 1,009 people, qQ the average VITAL WAR WORKERS ^ » NEEDED • Ji: w ^ Explosive Operators and Other Ctetypl > ~ Help Wanted Urgently ' *7 WE ARE ASSEMBLING AND LOADING THE FUZE FOR THE 4.2 IN. CHEMICAL MORTAR SHELL, AND TO KEEP OUR ARMED FORCES IN SHELLS WE MUST DOUBLE OUR PRODUCTION. THIS PROGRAM IS ONE OF THE MOST VITAL IN THE COUNTRY TODAY. WAllirMV If you can work with yr vUlAn* your hands from a sitting position, we want you. We need your help. Come on down and give us a hand. Good wages. ^ ir-jv _ - AP^LY IN PERSON AT HUNTLEY or AT THE USES OFFICE AT WOODSTOCK or CALL HUNTLEY 2861 / William M. Fencil Company HUNTLEY, ILLINOIS All hiring done in accordance withHV'ar Manpower Conjmission rulings. 0 • i" 9

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