V * "i .-v- ""^4 |?^iF\rx ^ ^ INJ SLOCUM LAKE ^ - (By Mrs. Harry Matthews) Jtr. K. W. Lusk was a caller at Waukegan last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews were, callers at Woodstock last Friday. ... - . - ^ W. L. Spafford spent Monday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Grunewald find Mrs. Fisher were callers at Wheeling last Friday. Mrs. R. W. Lusk and daughter, Betty Lou, were callers at Waukegan Saturday. * * Mr. agd Mrs. R. W-. Lusk, Mrs. John Blomgren, • Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Spafford and Mrs. Hyry Mat- ,thews and son, Lyle, were guests last Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping. Mr. and Mrs. William Justen and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Redmar 4f East Troy, Wis., and Robert "Matthews were dinner and supper guests Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Forrest Grunewald at Golden Bull Farms. . ... Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Lusk speM; last Friday visiting friends at Maple Park. " ' \ Mr. and Mrs. Axel Nerstrom of .North Chicago and Mrs. John Blom-j gren were callers last Saturday afternoon at the home of Mr. and 1 Mrs. M. Jensen north of McHenry. | Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Brooks and! Mrs. Thomet of Libertyville spent,] last Friday "evening at the home 6t j Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks, Chesney Brooks spent Sunday at Elk Mound, Wis. " -fm. MEANS I » ! Monday, Chartoa Erickson Buffered a stroke. His wife frantically appealed to Mr. and Mrs. Bailey to. summon a doctor. Mr. Bailey called a doctor from McHenry who made every effort to locate the Erickaon home but failed. s The doctor then returned to his home to await another call. During this delay Patrolman Nick Adams of the State police force administered first aid, then Sgt. Robert Doran and Pfc. Jerry Morrissy, home on leave, drove to McHenry and with the able assistance of Chief of Police Howard Cairns of the McHenry police they directed the doctor to the Erickson home. In spite of all the efforts of all concerned Mr. Erickson, who was 71 years old, passed away Monday morning at 7:20. He is survived by his- widow and two daughters, Caroline Tackett and Hilda Sandburd, who reside in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Erickson acquired JOHNSBtlRG (By "Tippy" Klein) Hie <*Lady Foresters, St. Agatha Court, No. 777, receive their Easter communion, Palm Sunday. -- • Sgt. Paul Pitzen arrived home Sunday night after an absence of 3 Mi years. He is Enjoying his furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nick S» ^Pitzen and friends. Mrs. Mildred Garrett, Elmer, Freund, A.- O. -M., of Florida and Mrs. Peter Neiss visited in the Ge<yge Hiller home Monday evening. Our sympathy is extended to the Jos. P. Miller family who received word last week that, their son, Leo, was killed in action. Mr. and Mrs. John Edmeir and granddaughters^ Marilyn and Patsy, Teturned home from Florida last • r property here five yetfrs ago i weej( feeling fine after a well needed and have made McCullom Lake their | regj bringing back with them a v DON'T SEND THE MADMAN V ON A WILD GOOSE CHASE WITH IMPROPERLY ADDRESSED MAlt - CHECK Oldest Settlement .. Ciudad Trujillo, founded by Christopher Columbus' brother, Bartholomew, in 1496 is the oldest European settlement in the western hemisphere. • Husband Controls In the majority of states, property-- even when acquired by joint efforts of husband and wife--is subject to the husband's control and belongs to a gi, ater extent to him. In 1943 in Floriua, for-example, the legislature gave women, for the first ('time, the right to.manage their, own property. „ FULL NAME, RANK OH RATE tf NAME OF SHIP, OR NAME OF ACTIVITY, AND 4 NAVY NUMBER, (WRITE IT OUT) FLEET POST OFFICE TW Nm Mail S*nr<«* McCullom Lake On Parade AUCTION On Hwy. 21, 3 mi. south of Lake; Villa, 1*4 mi. north of Grayslake, 2nd farm west of Avon Center School, on v - SUNDAYAMARCH 25 I --^^-42^80--4>?cleek^--!^..<-v--j CATTLE--22 'young Holstein and Guernsey milk cows, consisting of 8 springers, 4 cows with calf at side, 5 cows recently fresh, .4 growthy, j bred heifers, due to freshen in ! August; Holstein bull (18 mos. old); Holstein bull (bom July); Guernsey heifer (born Nov.). Yearly herd average test of 4.0 Cr, "" HORSES and HARNESS -- Roan Geld, smooth mounted, wt. 1450 lbs.; Grey njare, smooth mouthed, wt. 1300 lbs. " • FEED--4 ton of loose hay; 8 ft. of silage. . MACHINERY--McD. 10-20 Tractor Int. 2 bot. 14 in. tractor plpw; sulkyplow; new McD. 8 ft. Tractor disc; horse drawn disc; American 8 ft. grain drill, (good cond.); Buckeye.J3 ft. grain drill; 2-2 sec. iron drags; MdD. oil bath mower; New McD. . By "Yardstick" Greetings, folks! This week we present to you another one of McCullom Lake's favorite sons, S/SGT. JOSEPH CRICK •ome home, soldier, and our* hearty congratulations to you both. Pfc. Vincent Diana stationed at the Downey hospital at Great Lak^s, 111., enjoyed a weekend leave with his parents. Sgt. Robert Doran and Pfc. Jerry Morrissy enjoyed a weekend leave from duties at Fort Sheridan with Mr. «and Mrs. Ed Doran, parents of our New Guinea hero. « Those three gorgeous WACS who chose McCullom. Lake for their St. Patrick's day celebration were Pvt. Trudy Griggs of Fort Sheridan. Hometown address, Winston-Salem, jSb C. Pvt. Evelyn McAuliffe^ Fort Sferidaw- Home-town-address, Hartford,. Conn., and Pvt. Lois Hosselton, Fort Sheridan. Home-town address, Ashland, Wis. Ashland papers k please copy. •News In General President F. W- Bailey of the Mc- Cullom Lake Community club informs us that a meeting of all block cantains will be held at his home on Sunday, March 25. The purpose of this meeting is to make plans for an extensive road improvement program and also for the purchase of a tractor with snow plow attachment to keep our roads open during the "winter months. All block captains ..are" requested to be present. The "time 2 p. m., Sunday, March 25. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eastlund and j their daughter, Frances, enjoyed the home for the past two years. The entire community mourns the passing of this grand old man. On Monday, March 19, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rochelle celebrated their thirteenth wedding anniversary. Our congratulations and best wishes for many more such happy events. Latest reports from opr Ann Horn indicate that our old friend, A1 Horn is coming along very nice after his recent operation at St. Luke's hospital in Chicago. The fact that he insists on being shaven by the pretty blonde nurse rather than the barber to indicative of an improvement in(j'01d Smoky's*' condition. You can't keep x good man down, is our Opinion. - Among the^iolks out ov^r the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Max Kolin, their lovely daughter, Dorris, and - her cousin, (Lynn. John Steinbach and son, Edward, who worked hard Sunday readying their cottage for occupancy; Mr. and Mrs. George Petersen* who have recently purchased the Joyce cottage; Dr.' find Mrs. Rathibun, Mr. and Mrs. Aug. good old Florida suntan. Saturday ' evening guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fox were Mr. and Mrs. John M. Pitzen, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. J. Freund,. Mr. and Mrs. William May and sons, Richard and Harold, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. L. Freund and son, Melvin, The evening's entertainment consisted of moving pictures and refreshments. Miss Violet May was pleasantly surprised Sunday at a nuptial shower ; in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Steve May. She will become the bride of Michael DiPiero, April 4, and was the recepient of many beautiful gifts. Cards and bunco furnished the entertainment With a delicious luncheon concluding an enjoyable afternoon. Mrs. Opal Duncan and daughter, Mary Catherine, Mrs. Alice Downey and Wayne Armstrong of Chicago were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Frye. Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson were Sunday evening callers in the John Weber home in Ingleside. /, Seaman Arthur Jackson has com- _ Paper When a paper sticks to i niahed table top it can be removed without marring the surface by rubbing with olive oil. Strohlhoff, Tom Lee, Mrs. Olson and j hjg studied in Bainbridge, Md., Fritz Oscar Nelson, father of -Mrs Rochelle. Mr. Nelson proudly wears a gold medal awarded him for fifty years service as engineer on the E. J. & E. R. R.--1880 to 1930. It is indeed gratifying to us to learn that our humble journalistic efforts in a small measure ease the pains of some of our bedridden friends. A complimentary message has been delivered to us by Ann Horn from Robert Schultz, who has Been confined to his hospital bed for the past four years, due to injuries and has Ibeen^promoted to Seaman 1st class. Mrs. Math Woolfe and daughter, Magdolyn returned home recently after a month's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James F, Coombs in Bentonia, Miss. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wioolfe returned to their home in DesPlaines after spending a month in the home of their son, Math Woolfe and visited a Week witnxMr. and Mrs. Wm. Pierce. * Mrs. and Mrs. J. A. Patterson of incurred while employed at a local j Johnsburgh atended a dinner recently plant. Many of our boys now in held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. the service remember this swell guy j Harrer at Skokie, honoring the Pat-, and it is our hope that they drop | terson's son, J. A. Patterson, yeoman &?JiILeLjHI?^^^-^^-««cond.€lassr.-U^N,Bn ^n..leave from ings, fellow, and keep your chin up. From your many friends at McCullom Lake a hearty hello! Happy Birthday To Mrs. Pam Wortman, March 18; Mr. Tryg Ronistad, March 25; Judith Mary Struck, March 27; Mrs. Fred Thomson, March 23; Mrs. Hattie Edmonds, Mfirch 25. News From Abroad Mr. and Mrs. John Skidmore cele- Camp Peary, Williamsburg, Va. In attendance were Mrs. J, A. Patterson, Jr., Lee and Jane Harrer. Dr. and Mrs. Donald McElroy and Judith McElroy. > Mrs. Albert Thelen underwent surgery in the' Ravenswood' hospital in Chicago last week. Her many friends are wishing for a speedy recovery. Leander Miller Of the armed forces He attended grade school in Ken- weekend at their cottage here. They corn binder; new McD. .8 ft. grain tucky and is a graduate of Walleefhave another daughter, Elsie, who binder; dump rake; Int. silo filler j high school in Chicago. Sgt. Crick j is employed at the Chicago regional (good .cond.); New Idea manure entered service Dec. 3, 1942, received j office of the See Bees. ^ spreader; iron wheel wagon and new j his basic training at Fort Knox Ky., j This week we welcome Mr. and basket hay rack; 3 hog feeders; new after which he was sent to Camp , Mrs Nick Diana who> with their 50 ft. belt; new 165 ft. 1-mch hay j Young, Calif., where he remained daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and ^ ! u.ntil 1W3, being assigned toj Mrs. Anthony Landi> wiU make their MILKING EQUIPMENT -- McD. the 743rd Tank Battalion. Incident- ' permanent; home here. The Diana double unit milking machine (com-, ally it was his tank outfit that took ; home on the ,ake front is among plet*)^ milk cans; 2 ster. .tanks; i part in movie "Sahara," starring the most beautiful in the community. ' • [Humphrey Bogart some fa;:Their w-ee^end guMte j*ere Mr. and , ovie1"" i Mrs. Angelo Rajani arid their two amous daughters, Marian ^aAd Jane, of Chi- JOE STANTON Owner ^ Wm. A. Chandler, Aact. j' v>., Public Auction Service Co4 Clerk AUCTION Dec. 1943 S; seas and too 'D'r day* inva fought in Frai and in*"" the "(Belgian Bulge." ithe ast June. He ca_Q l?g ium, Holland For the past few weeks the t.e nd,e r TAft fthki; s writing .h e nostrils o.f J„e rrJy C,e rmak, who inci . . . . . . . . . . , i s s p e n d i n g a f u r l o u g h w i t h h i s brated their fifth wedding anniver- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. P. Miller, sary last Friday. John still has thatfaiMj friends. ~ gleam in his eye when he looks at' the Missus and after all those years. Ain't love grand ? Harriet Dodd is having water trouble. No, it's not on the knee but in the pump. Here is hoping that the condition may soon be remedied. And then-there is Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neal with their thirty roosters and but four hens. No manpower shortage there. Mrs. Helen Lau has a lovely daughter named Phyllis, who is addicted- to Dr. Pepper. In our estimation this slick chick is on the down beat. Better change te. Peruna, Phyllis,;. Did Yon Know That » , ' Mr. Loci and Mr. Wetle are mail box lean ers ? Otto Pyritz is always hungry? from \ her • The farm having been sold, the undersigned will sell at Public Auction on the farm known as the . 'WOODBURY FARM, located^ 8' mlfes . West of Hebron, 111., ori $oute 173, driveway just West of Hawley's ^ Corners, on C7" MONDAY, MAR.CH 26 1 • 4?45. Sale to start at 1 o'clock P. M. 31 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK _ 18 HOLSTEIN MILK COWS-- Ifiight of these cows are and his comrades are making things 18 a ^berofMcCuUom tough for the Nazis east of the ^ Community club beach and Rhine. Before entering .service he Par* committee, wem, imtated by the smell of fish. Last Sunday Jerry was determined to find the source of So, using his proboscis for a compass he headed eastward and soon ended up on our beach where he discovered the cause of his nasal irritation for the sandy beach was just covered with dead fish which have been washed was employed by the John F. Jehlke , . . . „ . .. L. H. Freeman & Son, Auctioneers ; Co. in Chicago. His favorite sports determined,, to find the so\ -- ' are hunting and fishing. It is with th,s odonferous d»*urbance Sirs. Boyle's home? Mrs. Schrall returned Florida vacation? Jim Pupik has a past? ' Betty Baumbeck . still rates the title of the best dressed Woman in McCullom Lake? • w Bunttnf Licences According to the Fish and Wildlife service, state-issued hunting licenses for the 1942-43 season totaled 8,091,187, a decline of 441,167, or jU9t_ over 5 per cent, as compared withal 1941-42. Revenue from license sale% reached $13,598,423, a decline of' $323,551 or only about 2*4 per cent. In number of states-issued lioenses, Michigan topped the list with 795,- 251, followed by Pennsylvania with 648,620; Ohio, 553,072; New York, 552,004; Indiana, 376,949; Minnesota, 371,082; Illinois, 323,587; California. 266,909; Washington, 264,526; and Wisconsin, 256,720. federal migratory - bird hunting stamps (duck stamps) were issued to 1,380,092 sportsmen during the 4942-43 season, 57,128 less than the Something, new has been added to preceding year, or a drop of slightly .iless than 4 per cent. Minnesota 4ed in the purchase of duck stamps with 110,986; Michigan was second with 108,663; California was third with 91,619; ^Wisconsin was fourth with 83,527, and Illinois #as fifth with 88,391.. great pride that we add the name of S/Sgt. Joseph Crick to the evergrowing list of McCullom Lake heroes. ^ » News of Our-Servicemen. and "12 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, Br^d, 'First Calf. Some of these heifers are springing, the balance are safe in calf. They are good sized and raised from the best cows. 1 HOLSTEIN STOCK BULL,-^ 14 months old. MACHINERY--John Deere Model A tractor on riibber with brand new ".power lift cultivator, John Deere tractor plow on rubber, 10 foot John Deere grain drill with fertilizer attachment and tractor hitch (brand Bew), Kigh speed rubber tired wagon onfduty at the controls and any other*equipment he possessed. All Jerry need- Pfc. Frank Tomasek is another one ashore. After viewing this deplorof ,our heroic sons who" has received able condition Jerry went into a * medical discharge from the army action. His first move was to apafter suffering wounds1 in the Euro- peal to Mr. Fleury for aid. Mr. pean war theatre. _ Fleury then went into action his call- S/Sgt. Wilbur Weinsheimer is now ing on Mr. Howard, who graciously K . s,pnn?ing'I stationed at Manila,-P. I., while his consented to give Jerry the use of iiiilking good. They'are'large"'young ' Marvi" Weinsheimer a tractor with Pilot Joe Brouilette quality. FlATdregory Burg, A. P. D., re- ^ n®w was manpower. Then he recently returned from overseas duty mCT®heral the siren, so he hazily enjoyed a weekend leave with his Polled the switch and it was then twin brother, Pfc. Gerald Burg, who • things began to happen.. It is home on leave from duties in the was time at all before he had a Aleutian Islands. crew of able-bodied men all willing ' ^ „ w . . . . a n d a b l e t o h e l p o u t . Corp Allan Murgatroyd returned | 0ur thanks ^ Mr Fleury, Mr. to the States after serving in the Howard Mr. Feireisel, Mr. Lock, Lee Pacific and is enjoying his furlough j gawdo GeorRe Barker, Pilot Joe ^ re 've®' and T M.r8-! Brouilette, Sidewalk Superintendent David McDonald of McCullom Lake, j Art MiHer and ]ast| but not lea8t, S/Sgt, , Jerome B. Steinbach sta- Jerry Cermak, who saw a job that tioned irf Brazil, stated in a retfent I had to be done and dooed it. GeOrge The O Connors' dog mistook -Rosie for a fire plug while she chatted with a neighbor ? Wave "J erry Doran's Y/c name is not on our honor roll? ^ Matt King is a swell gtty? m Uncle Mosher,. •"our boss," ; will on break down and give us poor rrespondents a party? ^ . ADIOS. Frodnctkm Story One of the most amazing ptedtaetion stories involves henum, the lighter-than-air gas that lifts our dirigibles and barrage balloons. Twenty-five years ago a cubic foot of helium cost about $2,500; today the same quantity can be pro-, duced for about two centsr and rack, New Idea tractor manure letter to Betty ^Cermak, that he has I Harker was rewarded for his efforts spreader~Ofts¥ubber, four section drag, John Deere tandem disc, three section spring tooth harrow, steel wheel Wagon and double - wagon box, De Laval milking machine, complete with motor, compressor, pipe for to cows and double unit; wash and solution' tanks, 8 8-gal. milk cans, pails and strainers. Kerosene Heater. . Terms--All sums of $25 and under, cash. Over that amount a credit of six months will be given on bankable notes approved by clerk, bearing • f per cent interest. No property to fce removed until settled for. MORRIS WOODBURY MEBRON STATE BANK, Clerking two years sleeping by recovering the pole gals in Brazil don't summer when the supp spent t^he past in a tent. The appeal to Sgt. Jerry as they are a little too dark to suit him. Nothing like our good American girls, eh, Sarge ? he lost last supposed big one took it away from him, and what do you suppose was at the ned 'of the line--a four-inch Wue gill. According to an old ditty, "Old Mc M. M. 2/c Robert Goodwin of the Donald Had a Farm," but our Hugh Coast Guard is now stationed in Chicago and soon expects a promotion to M. M. 1/c after passing his examination recently. We're keeping our fingers crossed for you, Bob. Pfc. George O'Flaherty of the U. S. marines is enjoying a' threeweeks leave after twenty-three months service 1n the Pacific. He was married on March 11 in Waukegan to Miss Thelm* Patton. Weland Jean McDonald, a true son and daughter of auld Erin, had a party last St. Patrick's day and what a party it was! Green hats, shamrocks, corned beef and trimmings, '•Blue Gills" and all. Wow! Was it a success? Our answer is in the positive. The entire tfbmmunity was saddened this week by the death of one of our good neighbors. At 2 a. m. VIGOR That 4s what yon can expect in your flook when the baby chicks are GRAND VIEW chicks. Constant repeat orders year after year from satisfied customers is proof that our chicks prove to be moneymakers in every way. . McHENBY GO. FMHK CO-OP. ISSN Phone 20 West McHenry • • i ' Powdareo mdbnei are the market The powder givea a rich, marrowy aoup, without long simmering on the stove. "^MOSEY INN' TAVERN Loeated in t&e Welter Building RINGWOOD, ILL. < Ifria, f ATLAS PRAGSR BEER , - V 2 Fred Bowman, Prop. '••••» s i i. - i- $ JOHNS-MANVILLE ROCK WOOL -BLOWN IN" your attic aad Sidewalls by The „ ' WALLFILL « r?C. ;$6 Years IBrpsiitaj|'.^J HOME INSULATION r&EE ISTIMATES LEO J. StlLLINQ ^ ' 200 E. Pearl SMf PHONE 18, M'HENRT TOUR BUILDING MATERIALS DEALER LAWN MOWERS filBW OBS, HO«»/ ; ' , / ' 0SED ONES, HASO TO OXT. 1 BROKEN ONES, I FIX 'EM.. " Repair parts, handles, roHerc, pawls, pinions, hangers, . bearings, bed knfvts, side plates, wheels and tires. BOB THURLWELL 110 MAIN ST*. WEST KcHENBY v» a FOR TASTY FOODS TRSt RIVERSIDE DRIVE MiII Italian Dinners on Short lfotice -- _ STRICTLY HOIOS OOOONG ^ ^ OPEN FOR BUSINESS ^ ON APRIL 1 Your Best huorancti Fke Inewnfftrw policieeeeidocncoveraDuuaingatlullvelqatloo, and even the moet favorable aettkmeotof kxa ia poor tioo whea tbe preeeat coet of rebuilding is oonaidtred. Lightning roda abaotetdy protect your bolldhip agnfaiBt fire by lightning. Sciantiata eay it la ImpoealWe for a boflding to be fired by lightning ^eppropariyprotectad by lijbtping roda. C ALL US E ESTIMATES WM. H. ^LTHOFF HDWE. Cor. Rte. 31 and Main St., W. McHenry Q j: :-"T