SIXTY TEARS AGO Lslsae^,to Fndaridc Bwiau,, «f Bancroft, Iowa. H. E. Wightman has purchased the new house built last year by Henry Poife and moved into the mum. We did not. learn the consideration. The German paper, "The Familien Freund," has moved to the front room in Jacob Bonslett's building, one door south of Bacon's warehouse. H. C. Smith is laying a new floor in his billiard hall, painting, papering and otherwise improving the in- FORTY TEARS AGO R. Bishop sold three new wagons . en Thursday of last week. A pretty good showing for one day. »• We leant that W. H. Ford, of Wauconda, is negotating for the River- ' side House, in this village. He hopes .he may make the trade, as he is a - , live man and would make the River- -y aide secpnd to no hotel in the north- ,->-S west" f . " . . , Simeon Coville and wife started for the New Orleans Ezpoiition «{ -.< Monday morning. Ben Buss, Jr., telegraph operator <>/V\ at the depot, has been transferred v.'H to Lake Geneva, the former operator there being sent here/ Butter took another tumble Monday, the official price being reported twenty-five cents firm. Chas. Lamphere has moved his family to Gilberts, 111., where Be has secured a good position. Ben Adams, who has been on the Jos. Schaefer farm, will soon move to town, having rented the^ Simee house on John street. r . The West side, we are informed, is to have e new meat marketinthe very near future. THIRTY TEARS AGO FIFTT TEARS AGO Married--On the 2$th of February by Rev. J. Straub, D. D., of McHenry, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Leisner, of Terra Cotta, Miss Estella Anna Dr. H. G. Wells and P. A. Bohlander have invested in new Fort runabouts purchased through the local agent, John R. Knox. Ed White of Woodstock will operate a motor bus line between thfit city and McHenry just as soon as the weather will permit regular trips. A new plate glass front has been nlaced into the store room occupied by the Centerville five and ten cent store. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Barker and and Mrs. Peter J. Freund. TWENTY TEARS AGO : |s A1 Noonan is now the leader of the Polly Prim orchestra of this dtp. The other members of this excellent musical organisation are Roy Kent, saxophone; Newell Faught, banjo; Mrs. Ray Horick, piano and Gus Ueber at the drums. Mrs. Ethel Coe of Woodstock is the new county superintendent of schools, having been elected to that office by the McHenry county board of supervisors to fill the unexpired term of the late Miss Hattie Dake. McHenry's new fire truck made its initial run here last Thursday evening, the run being in answer to an alarm at the home of Ross Wheeler, who, with his wife, occupies the Wm. H. Althoff house in the north end of the city. "MOSEY INN" TAVERN e Located in the Welter Building RINQWOOD. ILL. ^ ' ^ -^--Ftsh Fry Every Friday Night. ATLAS IPRAOEK BEER Fred Bowman, Prop. , City Council Prooeedinfi "March 19 1,945. The City Council itnet 111 tegular semi-monthly meeting with Mayor' Overton presiding. Aldremen present: Buss, Ferwerda, Freund, Nye, Regner, Tonyan. Aboeut: -None. Motion by Regner, seconded by Ferwerda, that the minutes of the J last regular meeting be approved as i read. Motion carried. ! Reports of various' appointive offices were received by the council. A letter to the mayor frem the ar Manpower Commission regarding midnight curfew was read and iiscu«sed. Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by Nye, to adjourn. Motion carried. R. I. OVERTON, Mayor. EARL R. WALSH, Clerk. Viral Stocking* The French were the first to attempt to make a stocking of any kind, and in the seventh century their men were wearing leather en* casings for purposes of warmth and protection. . . • Type A luitk Type A lunch, as outlined by War Food administration, calls for onehalf pint of milk as a beverage, a fruit or vegetable or both, whole wheat or enriched white bread, butter or margarine, an egg, ^cheese, poultry, fish or meat or dry beans i or peanut butter X ' i :S !<. r\l- < ,,s w.*-' (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) Report of the Condition of West McHenry State Bank McHenry, HI. (P. O. West McHenry) f transmitted in re^ppppfe to call of the Auditor of Public Accounts, pur- ^ant to law and showing conditio^at the close of .business on ihe th day of March, 1945. V , ^ RESOURCES - > 1. Cash and due frojm. ^ '..-V $ 697,301.90 ifc-^Jnited States Government obligations, direct r ' and/or fully guaranteed ^ 2,031 - 4. Other bonds, stocks and securities ' 275,101.27 - 5. Loans and discounts ~ ' ~ .752,88Cw 6. Overdrafts . ' . i: 1 i .'-.ZL.;, 412.68 7. Banking house, $2,549.00; Furniture and fixtures. &1.00 , . 2,550.00 -^,13,759,716.61 * r "i • . ' 1 * I" " ^ Grand Total Resources ... ^ "v LIABILITIES i , 12. Capital stocks. ; "" ' .1$ * 60,000.00 14. Surplus •]*" ""' ' • - "j • . ^-^i)0T000.00 15. Undivided profits (Net) " -"ill' • N " < 64,9^8.46 16. Reserve accounts , ' ~ 52,500.00 17. Demand Deposits ;V : 2,278,989.80 Time Depo&itsh--. ...r"-' . ,,',1 • 1,249,153.91 '• Total of deposits:. :: * (1) Secured by pledge of loans and/off V : ^ v investments w 7 t ~ r 180,^95.(67 ^ (2) Not secured by pledge of loans -- ' 'andy^or investments - }T-r 3^347,848.04 (3) Total deposits 25. 0her liabilities " ~ ,..^3,528,143.71 14,134.44 Wif- Grand Total Liabilites/,... j ......$3,759,716.^1 Memorandum: Loans and Investments Pledged -- to Secure Liabilities-: ~ ' 26. Ijoans and investments pledged :i U; S. Government obligations direct and/or fully guaranteed : .$ 731,000.00 tv «t1" Total pladged (excluding re-discounts) !>„.$ 731,000.00 27. Pledged; . . ^ (a) Against U. S. Government and postal savings. deposit's -^- ^-^702,00^6 (b) Against funds of State of Illinois " ' 29,000.00 total Pledged I ,$ 731,000.00 I, Robert L. "Weber, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of, my knowledge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above agree Tr^with the items and anl^eints shown in the report made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant to law. \ ! * - * ROBERT L. WEBER; Caehier. j Correct, Attest: WILLlXM M. CARROLL, -GERALD j. CAREY, fetate of Illinois, County of McHenry. ss;. * Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23rd day of March, -|945. LILLIAN M. .LARSON. |SEAi$^ ' Notary Public. i 4^ -him. (By Evelyn Lavin) Hi Neighbors: We're proud to announce that Lily Lake will at last have a W. A. C. of its- ^ery own. Miss Lou Svboda will be inducted into the corps April 4. Congratulations and good luek to you, Lou. Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace had the Tgirls" out for the day, Sunday. "Qrandma," Mary Daly, and her neighbor, Mrs. Relmers, of Grayslake, spent the afternoon visiting the Wallaces. Then, because the rain was so discouraging, they finished the evening with a movie. The Saturday evening gathering at the Bob Corbin home included Mr. and Mrs. MeDermott and Mrs. Morrison. They enjoyed another session of that popular game, royal ruratni'. Who the winner wjas, I couldn't discover. The evening was completed with a delicious light supper. Andy and Lou Anderson really celebrated the coming of spring last Saturday. For the first time since Christmas, Lou was out visiting. She and Andy spent the day with the Fred Buscheks, of Wauconda. Wednesday, Lou held open house for Mrs. Tillie Bach and her friends and Mr. and Mrs. Hill of Harvard. Mr. and Mrs. (Laurence Sansone and their family spent Sunday at their cottage, lliey were pleased to announce the arrival of their first grandchild, a bouncing baby boy, bom to their son and his wife three weeks ago. Among Sunday guests at the Roy Swenski home were Sam Cohen and his son, Michael, and Sidney Chrissman and his daughter, Sharon. We're happy to hear that Mrs. Frank Keller's father, Anthony Intrieri, is greatly improved. He was able to be moved from the" hospital, to Mrs. Keller's home last week. One of his greatest joys in being home was found in the pleasing company of his grandson, Corp. Wm. Martini, on the last week of his furlough. Corp. Mantini served two years in the south Pacific, fought in two major battles, and received two presidential citations. On Sunday, the day of his departure, his aunt and uncle, the Kellers, gave a large party "in his honor. They were indeed sorry that, due to Grandpa In-, trieri's illness, they were unable to bring their ^nephew out for a few days at the lake. , WThe Victor :Bassis' Vpent one of hose extended weekends at their lome here. Beginning Thursday! most of thejr time was spent in cleaning and planting their garden. 3everal new varieties of shrubs will Improve their already lovely lawn this coming season. Letters from the Wilbur Swansons were not so cheerful this time. Both Bill and Lorraine were "feeling bad. Sounds like they're lonesome for Lily Lake, maybe? Young Tommy's pleas have been heeded. The Frank Bittermans are back at the lake to stay, we're happy to report. « Mr. and Mrs. George Then, of Glenview. passed a pleasant Saturday with their grandchildren, the Clifford Kiehl "sprouts," Clifford, jr., and baby Marilyn. The Jack Wrublewskis ane happily anticipating an Easter visit from their son, Marty. Marty has been working in the city * these past months. There's more good news over at the MeDermott home this week. "Mac" MeDermott has been promoted to midwestern manager of Foille Inc., a drug concern. Good luck to you, Mac; Thp George Wegeners and the Ale* Wirfs were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Krinn, of ftesPlaines. Mrs. Krinn's birthday anniversary was the special cause for the family get-together. Many Happy returns, Christine. Another neighborly gathering took nJ. ce at the Pierotti home, Saturday; Enjoying the evening with Betty and Roy were the Hints, the BlataLjthe Wirfs, and the Ellises. :< ^ Servicemen's center for .this week seems to have been the Charles Normanc1 home. Saturday evening they were glad to receive their neph- . of Ms mi bMM MjUa iftt returning from Fame*, wfc*» he was wounded In . action. Sunday evening brought a visit from C. P. O. and Mrs. Ehner Jensen of McHenry. C. P: O. Jensen is in on an emergency leave from the Seabees in California. He was called to the bedside of his mother, Mrs. Anna Christiansen, who ia dangerously ill at the Belmont hospital, in Chicago. t The reason for the Mg celebration at the C. J. Hyatt home Sunday was the third birthday anniversary of the twins, Kenneth and Kathleen. Helping them eat their big birthdfcy cake were their grandparents, the C. O. Hyatta, the Joe Yaegers, and Corp. and Mrs. Koemerchek, weekend guests of the Hyatta. Many happy retsrna, kiddies Among the "famous firsf visits of the season at their lake homes were Mr. and Mrs. Joe McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Oilman. If you folks had let us know you were coming, we would> have turned on our Lily Lake sunshine for you. Gad Abeute-- • Who--in compensation for : waiting for the mailman on the highway received nineteen letters from one serviceman in one day ? Why--did a certain L. L. visitor place molasses cookies in between his limburger cheese sandwich, and. what was the outcome? Club Memoranda-- P. T. A. election of officers, April 6, at the schoolhouse. Rummage Sale--date as yet unannounced-- donors please get in touch with the chairman, Hattie Einspar. (Ladies League--one of the last evening . meetings crl the season, April 4 at the Lakeside hotel.' Card Party--April 28, at the hotel --everyone invited. A happy Elaster to you all. So long-- • SLOCUM LAKE Read the Want Ada OLUB BREAKFAST LUNOHEON -- DINNER - ~ br 1m ft " STEAKS OR CHOPS Home-made Pastry--Sure BEST 07 OOJTFEE Manor House, of Course Go To ' Diner - Restaurant 5X3 BI|in St., McHenry s i "Where the Taste Tells" Give Us a Rinff A Phone McHessy 438 CLOSED ON TUESDAYS (By Mrs. Harry Matthews) Mrs. Forrest Grunewald and daughter, Patsy, and Mrs. Mamie Fischer of Golden Bull Farms were callers at Libertyville Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hayford of Crystal Lake spent 'Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Wm. Armstrong of Chicago spent the weekend at the Blomgren-Lusk home." Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beu of Island Lake spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Miss Marion Dowell of North Chicago spent the week-end at the home of her mother, Mrs. Celia Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Lusk and daughter, Betty Lou, and Mrs. John Blomgren were guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Swanson at Highland Park. Mrs. Celia Dowell and daughter, Marion, were among the guests Sunday who enjoyed a birthday dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson jst Volo. A. D. Smith of Libertyville and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jorgensen and two children of Round Lake were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hairy Matthews last Wednesday. Mrs., Harold Tornoff and Mrs. Fannie Wilson of Chicago spent the past Veekend and Monday at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Thomson, at Williams Park. W. E. Brooks and son, Chesney, and Otis Phillips were." callers at McHenry last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Grunewald and Mrs. Mamie Fischer of Golden Bull Farms were callers at Evanston Monday.' Mrs. C. H. Hansen called on Mrs. York at Island Lake Monday. Mrs. York is recovering from an attack of flu. Harry Matthews has been confined to his home the past week with an attack of pleurisy In the left lung. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burkhart of Williams Park visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Ludermann in Chicago from Wednesday until Friday last week. , Mr. and Mrs. Amoid Burkhart of Chicago af>ent last Friday and the weekend at the home of the former's parents* at Williams Park. Mrs. A. Knockmus, Sr., an<£ Mr. and Mrs. S. Tallisch of Chicago were callers at the home of Mr. and' Mrs. William Burkhart at Williams Park Sunday. Robert D. Matthews, Warren Pankonin, Harry Case and Richard Fisher, from Board Two of Lake Co., took their pre-induction examination at the Van Buren st., station in Chicago last Saturday. All the boys .passed the physical examination. All are graduates of the Wauconda Township high school. St. Mary'a Oaths* Sunday*: 7K», 8:80, 10:00 and list* Holy Days: 4:00; 8:00; 10**. Weak Day*: 1:45 aad 8:0t. Pint Friday: «JO and 840. Confessions: • Saturdays: 8:00 n. m aad TM p. a. Thursday before Fink Flldaj Attn 8:00 Mass « Hwraday; 8K» p. m. aad p. a. Msgr. C. 8. Nix, 4iL' Nrttt Catha^^iiil , Sunday: 8KKK ItsM. Weekdays: First Fridays: 1-M. On First Friday, Ci triboted at 6 JO, 7:00 and Mm a»4 during taa I'M Satwdeys: 4HH> to 8:00 a 7^M> to 8^0 p.m. Tkanday MliaFint VMNK 441 to IKW p.BL aad 7^0 to Ml Wm. A. OVoofira, pastor. St. Joha'a CatlMOe Masses: Sunday: 8:00 10:00. Holy Days: 7:00 ul I.# Weekdays: . 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. , f Confessions: . v. Saturdays: t:80 aad 7J1 Thursday before First Friday: Ml and 7:80. .Rev A. J. Neklert, pastor. Evangelical Latheraa Chatch John St. East of Highway 81 West McHenry, 111. Herman C. Noll, pastor, Round lake, Illinois. A cordial welcome is extended to all who have no church affiliation to worship with us. The message heard from our pulpit, we are sure, will fill your heart with hope and courage. Servieea 8 aJL Sunday School .,«,..«...10 "Christ Our Only Talking Point!" W E L C O M E Listen to the International Lutheran. Hour Sundays--WGN 11:30 a. m. Community Church Sunday School: 10:00 a. m. . Worship Service: 11:00 a. m. . A Junior League: 6 JO p. m. E!pworth League: 8:00 p. m. .1; ; Rev. Mack PowelL pastor. St Peter's Catholic Oar^ Sprlag Grave Masses • , Sundays: 8:00 and 10JO. Holy Days: 6:80 and Mi. ' Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: dJO. Confeeaiona: ' - Saturdays: 8J0 and 7:18. Thursday before First Friday) S Jt and 7;18. Rev. John L. Dateteea, Wonder Lake Bv. Luth. Chureh (Missouri Syilod) Sunday school--10:00 a. m. Divine services 8:00 p. m. H L. PFOTENHAU1R, Pastor • Grace Lathefaa Charth • KWmsp4 Sunday School: 10:16 a. m. The Service: 11:00 a. m. John W. Gable, j|»n*w«M»d Chureh • : ' Ringwood, 711. Sunday--Public worship, 9:SO. Church School, i0:30. Choir Rehearsals--Wednesday eve ning. Mrs. Kenneth Cristy, directors McHENRY LODGE A. F. ft A. M. McHenry Lodge No. liS8 meets the Arst snd third Tuesdays of esch month st the hall on Court street. < Dark Straiaa The phenomenon of melanism, the opposite of albinism, produces dark strains of enimalvtach as the black panther. ; , - Kat Spaflnrar Seeds It is a common thing for Russian boys to carry a handful of sunflower seeds in their pockets, cracking and eating them as American boya would, .peanuts. • Odorless Cooklaff Odorless, cooking is the promise of a new deodorant. It is a white powder which turns pink in water. If a Solution of the deodorant ia simmered on the stove when cabbage or onions are boiling, the usual odor is completely absorbed. Scientists aad Musicians Scarcity of reeds for woodwind musical instruments has resulted in efforts to produce them in this country, reports the United States department of agriculture. The best reeds in the past have come from cane grown in southern France. Recently musicians have found that equally good reeds can be made from the giant reed, or "reed-cane" (Arunda donax), grown in our Southwest. As a further aid to the musicians, the Agricultural Research administration scientists have (found a tasteless chemical, ethyl cellulose, that waterproofs the reeds, thus increasing their utility and life. The scientists say musicians have reported satisfactory results with treated reeds in clarinets, oboea, and other instruments. SEWER CLOGGED? Hate It Cleaned With t|* SANGER MOTOR-MOlS NO DIGGING All Work Guaranteed. H. L. RAPP -- Crystal Lake, IIL Phone Crystal Me 332 WEINGART TRUCKING SeEBMET, H4L Sand, Gravel, Black DirV Telephone McHenry fffr-R-2 Vernon j. Knox ATTOKNBY AT LAW -- OFFICB HOURS -- Taeedaye aad Fridays ' ' Other Days by McHenry . . Phone McHenry 637-R-2 -- Basement Excavating -- NETT'8 SAND A GRAVEL Special Rates on Road Gravel aad Lot Filling . . Black Dirt.. Leveling and Crsdtep, J. BLNBR lehaabarg P. haf /i _ li aariaa of poor ******f Mama, wm ao faaporof young Aril added Oie stoek aioce 1888. TsL MeHeary 848^1 HAROLD H. BELL Falattag, Week 105 N. GREEN ST., Ifwuiv S. H. Ffiaailt SoB CONTRACTORS AND BU1LDER1 Oar Snpckaea la at Year Bervise ia BuBdlag Yoar Wanta. Pl>on»M-W MtBrarr y f - - - - : or Dowa if AlHe. Mitt's Mink Ranch Johnsburg - Spring Grove load Phone Johnrimrg 688-J-S CALL AT ONCB ON DEAD HOGS, TORSES 4 CATTLE We pay phone charges.' JOHN r. BBDA . 8HBBT MITAL WORK Fuiaausa, Flps^ Ca»f 181 N. Greea 8L, mtrmnr • VeteHatohe 308 MTaakegaa St. Plwae 81 . McHENRY, ILL. Office Hears Daily Except Thara. 10 to 18,1 JO to 4 JO, Moa„ WedL, FrL Nighta: 7 to 8. Other Hours by Appeiataieat H. S. YAM DBN BURGH, DC, PhC Chiropractor ISO Groea St. Tel. 88S-B. McMewy Residsate Pheas Hebron 888 . TEL. WONDER LAKE 418 ns. o. l. WATxncs Dentist -Office Heara - Taeeday At Satardays: 8 a.m. to 8 pja. Evratoga^ snd^Sanday^Mernings Wonder Lake, flL Al's Welding Service At Sehwemsn's Chevrolet Sales Electric Portable Wdtfag Acetylene Welding and Cuttlag ALEX. W. WIRFS. Operator Phone 815-W-l or 277 or 17V M'HENRY, ILL. i DR. R. DeROME -- Dentist -- 120 iGreen Street Phone 98-J. McHenry Office Hoars: 10 a*m. to 8 p«. daily except Wedneaday. .Tneadsy and Friday nighta te 8 JO pja. Other hours by appeiataieat. McHENRY FLORAL 00, -- Phone M8-R-1 -- One Mile South of McHenry on Route 31 ' Flowers for all oooaiftmsl A. P. Frennd C«. Excavating Contractor Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane Service. --Road Bnilding-- TeL 804-M McHenry, Ik A. WORWICKPHOTOGRAPHBB ^ PM^rnitare Ceatstercial Photography - Photo-Ftatahiag Enlarging - Copying - Framing Pheae 275 -- Riverside Drive McHBNRY. li f. FO» AUTO INSURANCE '&S EAKL L WALSI Reliable Companies of aay MM 48 or 118-M Green A Elm McHenry Telephone No. 808 Stoffel A Reihansperger for aO __ propsrty la tke best eoa^^aaioe. WIST MctDENKY - - ILLINOIS