tftft til 4'\-~ . - •-•$/'• * ..'•' ^."fr-i-4-.'~-^-.."-n*rr-"V------jjffc-- • ' " ' ;->"i 'X* ' •"r ' ••»*(• "-"-•**• s-j--*•----^. >-^- w j'gT' fWtjrjiv '^sls ••"•?*rf-;-#*^4^ RINGWOOD ter, Phyllis, and ton, David, of «^$Toodstock are spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Rose Jepson. Seaman Charles Smith is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith. He has just completed his * (By Helen Johnson) . f|r. and Mr*. George Shepard were callers at Woodstock Tuesday morn-".boot training at Great Lakes. i"& i.* Mesdames Louis Hawley and J. C. Pearson, Roy Harrison and H. M. Stephenson attended the Eastern Star card party at McHfenry Monday evening. v _. Mrs. Alan Ainger and children Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brennan and Bill Brennan spent Thursday afternoon at Elkhorn. Miss Carol Schmidt of Woodstock spent a few days the past week in the home of Mrs, Rose Jepson. Mr, and, Mrs. Weldon 'Andreas enspent Tuesday afternoon with h«?r tertained the Five Hundred club at parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Shep ard their home Thursday evening. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Kenneth Cris- Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart and son, ty and B. T. Butler and George Shep- Bill, of Waukegan spent Sunday af- ard low. ternoon in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. . V • ', ' • Mrs. S. W. Brown is a patient at the Woodstock hospital. Miss Luella Krumpen of Genoa Qty is visiting Mrs. George ^Shepard. Miss Virginia Jepson is spending the week with her mother, Mrs. Mrs. Roland McCannon and daugh- Rose Jepson. She expects to leave t'--C> 7 :'"t A • '. Every Chick Must Pay Its Way It's important that every chick pay its way this year. Therefore, it's important that yon select chicks that are bred for quick growth and feathering, steady egg production and efficient use of feeds. That's the kind of chicks we sell MCHENRY GO. FARMERS CO-OP. ASSN Phone 29 West McHenry '%•" j tj XJTUNDREDS of people are needlessly killed every year, for want of proper lightning protection. You can never tell when your turn will come. Neither good intentions nor opinions about lightning offer any protection. The U. & Government, insurance companies, fire marshala, and electrical engineers, all say good lightning rods, properly installed, give absolute protection against lightning. There is ope way to know that your family, propsrty and stock ars protected install m Wm. H. Althoff Hdwe Cor. Route 31 and Main St., West McHenry THOMAS RAFTER, Auctioneer The undersigned, being unable to obtain competent help, will sell at~*Public Auction on the farm known as the Cooper Farm, 3 miles west of McHenry, 7 miles east of Woodstock, on State Route 120/ on g SUNDAYTAPRIL 8th . «t* 1:00 o'clock, sharp, the fpllo^pg described property, to-wit: • • • ?*;• . Y 24 HEAD LIVESTOCK 22 HOLSTEIN DIARY COWS--10 of these cows are close springers, of the balance, 7 have been fresh in the past 30 . days. These cows have plenty of size and are in good flesh. Look these over before the day of sale if interested in buying some good cows. HOLSTEIN BULL--2 yrs. old, &OAN MARE, 4 yrs. old, weight 1,400. 10 ft. silage in 14-ft. silo; 5 tons alfalfa hay, "baled"; 5 tons clover hay, "baled"; 2 hog feeders. DeLAVAL MAGNETIC MILKER, 2 single units; 12 milk . • cans. __ tJSUAL THORP TERMS. ^ A. COOPER ' THORP FINANCE CORPORATION, Clerking. W. F. POWERS, Representative. Phones Woodstock 110 and 391 tar Camp McCoy, Wisconsin, the first of the week. ^ " Mr. and Mrs. George Haberlein spent the weekend with relatives in Chicago. Mr. and krs. Alec Anderson spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Ted Kooistra and family at Harvard. Mr. and Mrs. Webster Blackman and daughter, Joan, of Chicago spent Thursday and Friday in the Charles Brennan home. , Mrs. Rose Jepson returned home Wednesday evening from a visit with, her daughter at Evanston and Woodstock. Mrs. George Martin and son, Lieut. Lestef Klintworth went to Elgin Friday. He returned to Arkansas. Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Fay of Chicago spent the weekend in the Frank Fay home. Mrs. Charles Brennan and Helen Johnson attended a funeral of a relative at Kenosha Tuesday afternoon. Helen and Amy LStorence and Robert Shulberg of Chicago spent the weekend in the Oliver' Laurence home. Mr. and Mrs. Granville Carlson and daughter of Maywood spent Friday night and Saturday in the Clayton Bruce home. Mrs. Lill Conway and Mrs. Eleanor Bacon of Crystal Lake were visitors here Wednesday. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stevens of Milwaukee spent Friday evening in the Agnes Jencks home. Misses Alice and Marion Peet of Elgin spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and family spent Sunday with relatives at Algonquin. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and daughter^^Mary, Mrs. Helen Johnson and daughter, Janet," Mrs. Jack Lenard and children spent Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Bertha Saunders at Harvard. S. W. Brown and Harold Evans i were Sunday dinner guests in the |B. T. Butler home. ' Pvt. Zane Grey of Camp Barkley, | Texas, arrived home Sunday evening on a 12-day leave. From^here jhe goes to California and to the So. i Pacific. Mr. and Mrs. Shook of Woodstock spent Sunday in the Clayton Bruce : home. ; j Miss Earline Vogel of Elkhorn I spent the weekend in the Fred Wied* | rich. Jr., home. Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon of Antioch spent Sunday with Mrs. Jennit Beacon. Paul Glowser of Zion is visiting in the home off.Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. Sibre Whiting arid family spent Sunday with her mothi er at Crystal Lakie. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and children were callers here Sunday. Mrs. James Lindemann and daughter, Carol, of Crystal Lake were callers in the B. T. Butler .home Sunday evening. Mrs. Bertha Saunders of Harvard, Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders of Sycamore, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lehard and family of Crystal Lake, Jark Brennan of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brennan spent Sunday in the Fred Wiedrich, jr., home. I Dt*. Howard E. Danster, rector of i the Episcopal church qt Waukegan, | visited Rev. and Mrs. Collins last week. . y '. j Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler called I on Mrs. S. W. Brown %t the Woodstock hospital Sunday afternoon. | Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and ; daughter spentSunday in the Beatty- Low home. Mrs. Mary Harrison fs visiting her daughters at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. George Lohse of Desplaines, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sechur and daughter, Mary Jane, of Waukegan spent Sunday in th^ E<i Bauer home. Mrs: Rose Jepson. wen ton Tuesday, where she will Visit her daughter and family for a few days. Rev. and Mrs. Collins attended Easter church services at Waukegan Sunday. . • ' " Mr. and Mrs. Glenn TreoYT^and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heinze of ^Crystal Lake were callers in the Charles Peet home Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Roland Jackson and daughter, Cynthia, spent Sunday evening in the Beatty-Low home. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Smith and sjjnr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley and | Mrs. Wm. Hoffman spent Sunday in, the Lyle Hopper home in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Steiner and son, Alan,- and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Green and son. of Chicago were callers in the Ed. Bauer home Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Vera»'Burton of Richmond will give a talk dn nutrition at the Ringwood school April 11 at 10:30 a. m.„ Mr. and Mrs. Chantey Harrison and daughter, Carol, dinner guests in the Henry Marlowe home at Huntley. , Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison were Sunday evening dinner giieirts in the Arden Frisbee home at Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Miller and sons of Richmond were callers in the Ed. Bauer home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stephenson attended church at McHenry Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington attended church services at the Baptist church at Woodstock. . Mrs. George Jepson and son, Stanley, and daughter, Mrs. Clarence Heidner of Wauconda spent Sunday afternoon in the Mrs. Rose Jepson home. The Home Circle will be entertained in the home of Mrs. George Sherpard Thursday, ApHl 12, with Mrs. J. C. Pearson as assistant hostess. The roll call will be answered to by each one giving a house-cleanine hint. Mrs. Shepard and Helen Johnson are to be on the program committee. Each member should bring a hat she has designed. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith were Sunday dinner guests in the Lonnie Smith home. Mr. and Mrs, Vera Malsch of Glen view were callers in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harrison were callers at Burlington, Wis., Thursday. a Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Treon of Crystal Lake were callers in the W. B. Harrison home. Sunday afternoon. Pvt. Zane Grey and Milton Laurence spent Monday in the Robert VanPusen home in Elgin. Kirk Harrison of Chicago was a caller in the Clarence Pearson home Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Agnes Jencks spent Sunday with friends in Elgin. David Hutchinson of Woodstock spent Sunday in the J. C. Pearson home. Mr. and Mzs. Wlm. Wurtxinger and daughters ef Woodstock spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith. P.F.T. LaVerne Harrison of Camp Atterbury, Ind., spent the weekend in the J. C. Pearson home. . Mrs. Wilbur Benoy and daughter of Woodstock is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCannon were visitors at McHenry Monday afternoon. . VOLO =4 (fey Mrs. Lloyd Fisher) Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey and family were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Florence Grabbe at Crystal Lake. In honor of Harold Grabbe's birthday anniversary. Mrs. Pearl Dowell and daughter, Adah, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Scheid jr., in Wauconda Thursday. Mrs. Alvin Case and Mrs. Glenn Bacon were Chicago callers Thursday. Mrs. Walter Vasey and Mrs. Frank Matescek were Waukegan callers M3hday. • Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and daughter, Mary Lou, were Sunday evening visitors at the home of Miss Vinnie Bacon in Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. John Rice and daughter, Marian, of Chicago visited Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Thennes Sunday. Mrs. Edwin Underwood, Mrs. William Wirtz, Mrs. Alvin Case, and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher attended Worthy Matrons and Worthy Patrons night at the North Chicago's Easter chapter, Tuesday evening. Miss Marian Wirtz visited the Antioch high school Monday. Mrs. Philip Thennes spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Detrick near Huntley. The Wauconda-Volo 4-H club held meeting at the Wauconda Township high school Tuesday evening. Mrs. George Scheid Jr., of Wauconda, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher Friday. On Budwell Road, 2% miles south of Barrington, 5 miles west of Palatine, ltt miles north of Algonquin Road, second farm east of Barrington Road, on at 1 o'clock - LIVESTOCK ' Brown Swiss cow (due May); team of mules (gentle). > POULTRY ^ t 50 Brown Leghorn heps, 60 heavy1/ hens, 3 Mallard ducks. FEED *- 100 bales. of hay, 50 bales straw, 500 bushels corn, 50 bushels oats, 200 lbs. millet seed, ton 0-20-0 fertilizer. MACHINERY 20-30 Wallis tractor; Case 2-bottom plow; new 4-sec. drag; J-D No. 999 corn planter with fertilizer attachment; M-H quack digger; M-H 8-ft. grain binder; J-D mower; J-D side delivery rake: cultipacker; twowheel pony cart; 2-hole corn sheller; snow fence; buzz saw; 2 cream separators; smoke-house; New Idea manure spreader; harness; 200 steel posts; hay loader; Deering corn binder; 2 large stock tanks; 2 wagons and complete line of other machinery. * . FURNITURE Combination gas and coal range; large hot water tank and coal heater; 2 washing machines; ice box, etc. Paul J. Beirau, Owner Wm. A. Chandler, Auctioneer. ' Public Auction Service Co., Cliffc RIVERSIDE HOTEL eS|:, McHENRY, ILLINQI^f" In addition to our regular menu, we • • | are now serving all types of Chinese j: and Cantonese food--prepared to meet •> the most discriminating appetite, by!: Chef Louie Yung, formerly "of the i; Crystal Lodge. Deep Lake ^ Xake Baikal in Siberia is the deep* est in the world. * LADY NEARLY CHOKED WHILE LYING IN BEDDUE TO STOMACH GAS One lady said a few clays ago that she used to be afraid to go to bed at night. She was swollen with stomach gas, which always got worse when she went to bed, ind the gas would rise up in her threat after she lay down and would nearly choke her. She couldn't lie flat. Had to prop herself up on pillows. Recently this "lady got ERB-HELP and now ays gas is gone, stomach feels fine, towels are Tegular and she can go o bed and sleep soundly. ERB-HELP contains JL2 Great Herbs; they cleanse bowels, clear gas from stomach, act en sluggish liver and kidneys. Miserable people soon "eel different all over. So don't go on^uffering! Get ERB-HELP. Bolgers Drug Store. V- SALE OF HOUSEHOLD ^ PROPERTY Having agreed to share my home with another family, I will sell at public auction all of my household goods, except a few pieces for one room, on ~ Sunday, Apr. 15 commencing at 1 o'clock, p. m., following: One General Electric refrigerator; drop leaf dining -table; center table; 2, stands; 6 dining room chairs; were Sunday 16 kitchen chairs; New Home sewing machine, like new; 3 rocking chairs; good feather bed, white duck feathers and down; 2 double beds, mattress and springs; double bed and single bed, no mattress or springs, all wood beds; set quilt frames and clamps; electric iron; ironing board; one box bed spring, never used, for iron bed; several quilts and pillows; sheets, 4 pair, large size; one handcrocheted lace sheet; 2 hand crocheted lace pillow cases; 4 pair hand crocheted lace pillow cases; one white bedspread; rug, 9x12; rujr, 11x11; carpets, one 10x14; one 10x16; 3 Irish linen tablecloths; one linen tablecloth; 3 laprobes, one heavy; 2 rubber belts, 4-in., 16-ft. long; 7- tooth cultivator, Diamond tootk; cistern cpver and collar; 250-lb. scale; keg 8d nails, never opened; gas plate and many other articles too numerous to mention. Terms--Cash. « No property to be removed until settled for. ED VOGEL, Auctioneer. ROBERT WEBER, Clerking. I P. J. CLEARY Aeroaa Street from Grade Scfceel WEST M'HENRY. ILU 6.00~x 16 ' How, with no new tires in sight, even for many essential drivers, it's extra important you r^cap "slipping" tires while you can. We'll do the job quickly, thoroughly ... giTe your tires deep, long-lasting treads for thousands of extra, safe mileSt Ira certificate needed. DEPENDABLE EXTRA-MILEAGE McHenry Recappers Telephone