Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Apr 1945, p. 3

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>'T, ^ s Auz^W'- * J W'Twa |r"3 <n»» i«t i iti it i ii r#< i n i ii " <"*• * ' » - # * ""*' ' '* • "*' • / • " *~ •> » £ir§i^?g » <- LILY LAKE , » M H I I I I I I I I l lltHli notkc" will come eooh, brln^ag encauami Mwi of LerwTenee. That CpL Julias Oilman ii borne on furlough is a fact of which we are well awar«. , We really burned those phone wires trying to get a few words with him, but, all w# got was the busy signal. Must be that "Julie," who has been on duty In the bleak Aleutians, is losing no time in contacting all his old friends. of (By Evelyn Levin) flello Neighbors: There's a little good and a little news from the service-men ill Ernie LaMeire family this week. Vernon, the elder son. is on his way from the South Pacific. This Hope you enjoy every minute be his first leave in fotir years, i your furlough, Corporal! wager Lily Lake will be the site! „ Mary and Vine Schiavoni's hearts jtf some exciting good times for | beat a little tester when they got a Vernon. The sad news came in a : telephone call all the way from Florfrom the War Department about; ids. It was Don, calling to tell them LaMeire. He was wounded thst he is well and happy and exaction and his folks cannot com- | pects to leave for advance training Mmteate with him until further j soon. You can be sure that'i one •otice. Here's hoping that "further! phone call they love getting. Mrs. CLARENCE'S SHOP JOHNSBURG Place orders now for Bird Homes, Lawn Furniture, TrelliseB, Window Boxes, etc. Also have fall line of feather goods, market and wash baskets, barn brooms, CLARENCE J. SMITH V Route 1, McHenry, 111* Schiaveni spent four daya fa Chicago last >wk, showing the sights of the city to Mrs. Edna Corsi, her sister-in-law from California, who is spending two weeks with them. Highlighting the girls' Chicago trip was the most enjoyable evening at the Latin Quarter. A servicemen's center of sorts, was the Charles Normand home Saturday evening. Among their guests were Mr. Normand's nephew Sgt Charles O'Leary of Woodstock. (Sgt. O'Leery has recently returned from France where he was wounded in action) another nephew and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Twell of Crystal Lake (Mr. Twell has just received a medical discharge from the army) and Mr. and Mrs. Claude McDermott (for "Mac's" service record we must go back to the last war when he was a member of the U. S. Navy.) Along with Mrs. Morrison, Miss Pierotti, the Levins and the Normands, these service and ex-service men and their wives enjoyed a rousing game of that favorite royal rummy. The Lilymoor Property and Land Owners Association will hold the beginning meeting of their season the first Sunday in* May at the schoolhouse, 2 p. m. All members are urged to be present for the nominating of new officers who will be elected some time in June. Thirty-eight folks turned out to enjoy last Friday's P. T. A. social at the scholhouse. Hostesses Einspar SPRING GROV* w * Your TJruCK Delivering the Goods? It's best to be sore! Let &s check your truck to make certain that you are getting the most mileage from your gas; that your wheels are properly aligned; that your lubrication is complete. Tune-up your truck now for spring. . --_ CENTRAL GARAGE _ --FRED J. SMITH, Prop. Phone 200-J : Towing* Johnsburg (By lirs. Charles Freund) Mrs. Mark Pierce entertained members of her club at her home on Tuesday night. Cards were the evening's diversion and prises went to Mrs. Ella Siegler, Mrs. Tillie May and Mrs. Pierce received consolation. A lovely luneh was served following cards. Rev. John Daleiden and Charles Freund attended Forester meeting it St. Mary-St. Patrick Hall in Mc- Henry on Tuesday night. * Anton Meyer was host to Rev. John Daleiden and the ushers o£ St. Peter's parish at his home Wednesday night. After the meeting cards were played. Refreshments were served# Among those from here who attended installation of officers and banquet of the Women's Catholic Order of Foresters at Johnsburg Tuesday night were Mrs. Ray May, Mrs, Arthur Kattner, Mrs. Ed#Ird May,' Mrs. Jake Miller, Mrs. Al. Schmitfe and Mrs. Edwin May. The Blessed Virgin Sodality and Christian Mothers held their regular meeting at St. Peter's' Parish HaQ Tlmrtday night. Cards were enjoyed following the meeting and prizei went to Mir?. George W. May, Mrs. L. L. Kagart and Mrs. Jos. Nims- Catherine Ann May and Bernard Baadie. A large ci^wd attended the, Bingo party held at St. Pain's Faqff^ Hall on Sunday night. ^ . Sttage Pratecttea To prevent freezing of silage on tiie surface, use a covering of old blanketing fhat Just fits the area of the silo. You can flip the edge of the blanket away, take out what feed you need and return the blanket to place. Corrosion and lack of care of unhoused farm machinery cuts its Bfe in half and adds to the upkeep cost, according to the agricultural engineer pf the University of Missouri. : A wmmmmmrnm First The first Hshed at B UPSET STOMAOHB YIELD INCHES Cupped Nats , OAS AND BLOAT CMpped mits will ndt absorb moisture and make cakes and bread , --a was M Iuu OI dry if the nuts are placed in boiling j I'd burst. Sour, bitter substance water for a few minutes and drained i rose up in my throat from my usiset before being added to the batter, [stomach after meals. I got ERB- | HELP, and it worked inches of gaa< ' and bloat from me. Waistline is way. Grassland Agrieultare [down now. Meals are a pleasure. I - Of all items responsible for, and praise Erb-Help to the sky."--This is fundamental to, a grassland agricul- j an actual testimonial from a livture, most important is the matter I in* right here in McHenry. of fertilization. Grass farming calls ' ERB-HELP contains li Great: for the maintenance of grassland at ! Herbs; they cleanse bowels, clear"gaa Save Overshoes Tea can help save rubber overshoes by cleaning, drying, and keeping thaim cold. Never leave oversheas outside the house. Clean Jftk 141 hi*h level ot productivity. This from stomach, act on sluggish liver r sway from neat, and stun requires frequent if not annual top- • and kidneys. Miserable people to hold shape. Put them * " So don't oa ant off carefully so as to ft void wsar and tear. dressing with fertilise Read the Want AIMri feel different all over. />n suffering. Get ERB-HELP. ger's Drug Store. ;v " £ to extend and improve service Erm telephone service is more highly developed in this country than anywhere else in the World. In the territory served by Illinois Bell, Spiral and farm telephones hiive increased more „ than 115% in the last ten vears as compared to an increase of about 50%>in city telephones. Ctour first job is to win the war^ but the telephone -----eonipanies are preparing a wide-range program to further exfend and improve service to farm families. , Important new devices «and methods were worked out, and others "Were being developed, before war demands /called a halt to the pro- --gram. Just as soon 4s conditions permit, the necessary manpower/and equipment will again \l»e put to work on t^ie job. The goal is to bring -r the telephone to of farm families. greatest possible number ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY gem in Five Hundred, while bunco and Wegener did themselves proud j prize winners were Miss Elaine with a supper of homemade baked j Schmitt, Miss Celia Miller, 'and Misi beans, salad, cookies and coffee, j Lorraine Huff. The committee a|»> Everyone is invited to their installs-1 pointed for the meeting in May were tiop of officers to. take place at the Miss Shirley May, Miss Clarice May, schoolhouse, May 4.. . Miss Gladys Meyer, Mrs. Margaret This is the last call for those who i Feltes, Mrs. Marie Bell, Mrs. Chrisheed to be reminded, of the Ladies i tina Brits and Miss Celia Miller. A; League card party. When . . . Sat- J delicious lunch was served following' urday evening,. April 28. Where . . . cards. at the Lakeside Inn. Come on . . . Mr. and Mrs. Frank May, son,; join the fun. Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Katt- < Reports from the Beautifying ner, son, Billy, and Seaman Leo Lay Club's entertainment committee ! were among those who joined in the promise us something new and inter-: celebrating of the twenty-first birth-, esting in a spring frolic the latter; day anniversary of Gerald Smith, part of May or early June. Watch I son of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith in. for further particulars their home near Johsburg, Thursday Cupid's arrow traveled with such night. force that we expect it to land Al-1 Mrs. Lucille Nelson, son, Bobby; fred Regner and his bride-to-be, Miss and Mrs. Robert Lent spent--^Ke Dorothy Obenauf, right over here j weekend with friends in Sharon, Wis." in a cottage at Lily Lake in the very i This community was shocked to near future. Quite a surprise to Miss I learn of the death of Anton Schaefer Obenauf was the gathering of some I last Wednesday, former resident and twenty folks at the Regner home, j well known in these parts. Many atT Sunday afternoon, to shower her tended his wakes in Arlington with many lovely gifts. The wed- Heights, among them being Mr. anj! ding date is set for May. 9 in the Mrs. Frank Wagner, Mike Wagner, bride's home town of Fremont. j sons, Herbert and Richard, Mrs. J, This week we're ringing happy • J. Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Charles i birthday for Betty Pierotti, who | May, Mr. and Mrs. Ford Hanford, celebrated her Tuesday birthday an- j Mr. and Mrs. John Jung, Mr. and niversary with a Sunday dinner and j Mrs. Ray Freund. Quite a few also cake with her,in-laws, the Paul Altis- attended his funeral on Monday, simos. Betty claims she'll celebrate ; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kattner, son, .Tuesday, too--by sitting down all i Billy, Mr. and Mrs. Ray May and day. Bet you a ,nice new penny you"' Peter M. May visited in the John can't do it, Betty! -i Doetsch Home in Wilmette Saturday And another happy birthday to! night. The Doetsch's new baby girl "Red" Ellis, whose pals saw hta was christened' Siisan Margaret on Jjirthday anniversary in with a floUr- \ Sunday. Sponsors for the baby were ish. Thirty of them gathered in fun-making at the home of their friends in Pistakee Bay, Saturday evening. Many happy returns to both Betty and "Red!" ' Vic" Bassi, Jr., .had his tonsils removed at St. Therese's hospital in i Waukcgan Saturday. He returned Sunday, looking rather peaked. Cheer up "Vic." A week of our famous sunshine will have you in tip-top shape again. Mrs. Patricia Konig and baby, Claudia, were welcome guests at the home of Mrs. Konig's parents, Mr. pnd Mrs. Ernie LaMeire, this past "'eek. They stopped there while their furniture was. being moved from Antioch back to McHenry. Sunday dinner guests at the LaMeire home were Mr. and Mrs. John Rich- i erts. After dinner they all we^it to 1 ke Defiance, where an ^enjoyable J evening was passed with their { friends, the Thor Andersens. | Mrs. John Gill and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Such and baby, Annette. wt re weekend guests of the Ray rtftwenskis. . ---rr-- ' We were 'happy to see the Andy Staudts out Sunday with" their new seven-week-old daughter, and their friends the John Dumbroskis. 'Tis a shame we don't know the new ai- '-icival's name so that we* could~'welcome her properly. Spring vacation in the Chicago schools brings some of our very gpod friends out for the next week or so. They are Mrs. Henry Click and her son ' S)cipper," and/ Mrs. ,|JKleirf and her daughter, Carmeik. 4JEnjoy your stay, folks! / / 1 Some Lily Lake reconstruction --r-which required little finance but/lots . ; r.f elbow gi-ease, was thi£ birdhouse •r )>over at the "Pete" Sjtnons, It's j feathered tenants were/ in quite a ' dither when the wind tippled' it over -last week, "Pete" ha^ it iSll fixed now thor!_h. It will take sortie win.i i to get it but of that/ well of cement i Ar.offier scene of/great/ activity is j £he * Bpp" Corbin liodsfcholJ. A new garden cultivatorTwas arrived [ With three different/ atlachnient* p You'd better rescue/ your carpets. Ma rgaret, befqie ,\\u plow tluni, un der. ' ' The next best/thing to being /i ^tld at the circus, is taking one there, j Try it sometime. I did last Sat- t j urday. Little Miss Barbara Lynn f - i £ a s t h a m and your humble c o r r c s - ' gondent enjoyed the jions, tigers, ' high wire thrillers, bareback rider, 1 j peanuts, ice cream, cotton candy, and i / ; a stomach ache. / ] , The Lily Lake c)ub , will hold ito?,' • meeting the evening of Tuesday, May ! 1, instead of May 2, "at 8 p. m. j " j " The Lily Lake P. T. A. will hold ; • its installation of officers on. Fri- »y evening, May 4, at the schoolsuse at 8 p. m. "Hie new officer^ , j elected are Mrs. Louise Nielsen, - j president Mrs. John Milinac, first! lvice-president: Mrs. Lee Bassi, sec- "tond vice-president; and Mrs. Edith | ! Blake, third vice-president; Mrs/ 1 Eleanore Wirfs, secretary; Mrs. Mary Freund, treasurer; and Henry Fast, | installing officer. JUDGE SATOr.. M Judge, remember that place up in the mountains where we went trout fishing last year?" MI sure do, George. We had a great time QP there, didn't we?" „ **m never forget it But this will interest you. Judge. I heard just yesterday that the. revenue men raided a big still right near there. Guess that's where all that highpriced moonshine we heard about has bein coming from." "Wouldn't be a bit surprised. 1 saw in the paper the other day where the Government has raided thousands ot such stills during the past year." ^ "Sounds sort of reminiscent, doesn't it, Judge?" "Exactly and it's not hard to figure out. As soon as the distillers stopped making whiskey and devoted their entire facilities to the production t>f industrial alcohol for the Government... the racketeers muscled in. again." « ' ! "I hate to think of how that might have:, spread. Judge, if the Government hadn't' found it possible, without interfering with our war effort in any way. to permit a short resumption ot fegal whiskey production recently." -T;- Tkit •tortfMNMl tptmtntd it Cmtftttmct •! Alcaktlu Bmnaft Imdtatrtm, lar. • Help chicLj and young birds grow and develop. Give them TON AX in their mash. Especially after so attack of any disease. And u a tonic and cooditiooer. Contains mild axringena to belp relieve Enteritis; also blood building atcments. Tonax helps control intestinal parasites. It provides trace mineral* aad reliable nimulants. For layers too. inexpensive and convenient. 24b. caa enou^i for 400 d-Jcks for s tnoorh, 75c Bolger's Drug Store Green Street McHenry tlemaa valuable meat The abfave picture shows one Distributor •d. The inset (circled)f has hopper detached to show working" assembled as shipped. The inset (circled) etacne parts and mechanism. PPe id i / D«v«lo^«d iiptcially for Pat- / tura and Orchard improvement All heavy steel electrically welded construction. 'Spreads all broadcast materials --Top Dressing--Nitrate--Phosphate--Lime --Slag--all commercial fertilizers and seed broadcasting operations. Pulled by wagon, truck .tractor. Capacity 35 gallons or 300 lbs. Can ipread 23 to )0 foot swath at 13 miles per hour. Now in use in over 40 states -- ORDER TODAY -- IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT , Specify whether you want one for tires or""** lussed wheels. Price $100.00 F. 0. B. Pamapoii, Msb--s R. M.- Fleming Implement Co. FABM IMPLEMENTS TRACTORS - WAGONS NEW IDEA LINE Phone 33 McHenry. HL sttrt**1 * YOURS NO CERTIPKATI NIKDKO 24-HOUR SCRVICC McHENRY TIRE RECAPPERS TELEPHONE McHENRY 424 ' 311 E ELM STREET McHENRY ... -iJ •

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