Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 May 1945, p. 5

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'/ ?" P v/ • •^fU.f >5:-^'-J "SO I liiPii' •s&s&i* *» by EARL R. WALSH Now comes Uncle Gcoift Bohr with further help- in the way of baseball equipment for local boys, Uncle George has a baseball autographed by "Young Ed" Wjrish at tiw time the White Sox played at Johns burg about 15 years ago. orfe says the ball as his ticket to a Shamrock game. We suggested that he add a bit of oersmony by tossing out the first ball. We hope the fever catches a lot of people who have baseball equipment that is not in use. Naw! We don't believe that dishwMMng »t<^ «tK>ut ^ Jim , In reporting bowling scores, some fellows make news by hitting 500 Or even less. But, take a fellow like Pete Koob. If he doesn't hit 600, it isn't news. That's the penalty of having a reputation to live up to. But, Pete is hitting 'em fancy the last few weeks. His latest is a 640 series. • -- The ssraa goes for "Hup" Smith who turned in a 643 in the fast Monday Majors league at Schaefers the past week. \X7HEN (his war Is over, and the * V expected boom in every form of sport come* along, there is certain to be a big need for much stronger supervision than we have today. This includes baseball, racing, football, boxing and basketball above most of the others. For these are the major spectator and big money games. TMs teat a matter ef teday er next week er ««xt month. It is a matter af tfte Mg tangle and scramble that Is eemfeg after the war Is ever when there will be almest es--tlsss preh tenia to taee an* handle, tneluding the retarn home of mlflkmi of servicemen, many ef these hefjnf and expecting t» make a living oat of professional spert. You can see what happened when three or four unknown basketball players, in a New York college almost totally unknown in a national way* almost wrecked basketball. You can figure what will happen if tiie same thing occurs to baseball, boxing, racing and football on a bigger scale. BSUSS WAT A* mOOS Amromrott sobbduu GraattaadKlee The McHenry County Baseball League has Main organised under the 6-team Man and arranged a schedule for the first round of play. Jesse Armstrong, of Algonquin, has been named aa president of the lepgne for the current year. A* in the past, there will be threw rounds of play, with the winners battling in the play-offs for the championship. Last year the Woodstock Alemites defeated Algonquin to win the crown. First Round Schednle^r- May 6-- Algonquin at Richmond ",*• Johnsburg at Hebron ' McHenry at Woodstock Hay IS-- Richmond at Johnsburg Hebron at McHenry Woodstock at Algonquin May 20-- Hebron at Richmond McHenry at- Algonquli ' Johnsburg at Woodstock May 27-- McHenry at Richmond Algonquin at Johnsbqjrg Woodstock 'at Hebron . • Jhnn 31-- Richmond at WoodstQek , (, Hebron at Algonquin -» Johnsburg at McBe "00WB0Y8" Wit US FROM "OLD* WBLAKD" "Well, It's a' grsOdjay for a couple of us here in 4Ye Olde England,' because two of the, Green street 'cowboys' have gotten together. Yes, as I am writing this, good old 'Dick' Williams is sitting here with me, waiting to add a few lines. He is a 8CORBB THBOUGH 84TUKDAY OF LAST WEEK is: lenry m GIRLS WILL HOLD GYM MEET FRIDAY EVENING AT SCHOOL Palace McGee's 2--Tonyan Construction, 1. D. Weingart, 191M>12; G. Freund, 243-688; E M. Smith, 518. The Bridge 1>vem, 2--Alexander Lumber, 1. C. Feiereisel, 178-511; V. Jones, 187-495; H. Smith, 626; M« Budler, 221464. Sip Snack Inn, 2--Walsh Insurance, 1. L. Bacon, 226-575; H. Freund, 522; A. Krause, 530. Meister Brau, 2--McHenry Lumber, 1. F. Unti, 211-211-141-563; W. Wirts, 201-506; W. Schlitt, 214-571. Old Timers Dodblee-- 1st Jones and Cristy - 1019 2nd Rogers and Perkins ........ 970 3rd Freund and J. Sayler ........ 938 4th Dr. Sayler and Meyers .... 934 ' Schaefers' Monday Majors Meister Brau, 2598 -- Viae Hole, 2350. Thorsell, 201-628; Adams, 215- 550; E. Smith, 512; &oob, 246-191- 208-640. Hester Oils, 2613--Oak Park Hotel, 2482. . Peisert, 222-546; Krause, 528; H. Schaefer, 542; H. Smith, 236- 216-191-643. . . .v; ^0;- Swifts and swaBttwp are the acro> bW world. # Z\' ' ' . Calorie 8eares 4-.-^ Sugar constitutes 15 per cent oI the total calorie requirements of the average American diet and Is the cheapest of all carbohydrate food. Mew Gates* got ill it reminded ooest ef Africa. Cabbage CMHT 'f When the house xeeki of cabbaft^ the cause Is usually overcooking «v, cooking at too high heat. I As more state highways become Improved, maintenance costs inpatient here in a hospital and I was i . cr.e a.s e. IAn 4 1925 the ^ cost. .o.f .m ainfortunate enough to get a three-day ••^fs^e-^mmister^ highways pass so headed right down ,to seeiw®s $119,303,000. In 1930 such costs ^ him. | were I191.683,000, and in 1940 were "There isn't anyone in or around! WIS,093,000. We are assured that these atfe, , baseball scores as the battle still ball needs a ruling commissioner rages between the sixth graders of i who will be given full authority to our local schools. Last Friday the' act; who will be well known and Public School nine ran up a 39 to 23! respected around the country; who score/to trim St. Mary's-St. Patrick's, j can pick up .where Judge Landis On Monday the tables were turned j left off. A commissioner within one of those air-tight 23 to 22;0ut these qualifications, (without games. Now, there was a pitchers' j complete authority, would be use- On Friday evening, May 4, girl» from the four classes at high school will hold a gym meet at 7:30 p.m. McHenry who is safe, as I think we -- This will be a -contest in which the1 have discussed nearly everyone. It j girls will take part in competitive, surely has been great and a meeting Test Perfome _. _ stunts and gymnastic feats. ! neither of us will forget for a long- Before buying perfume, place • FOUT Big Sports I The meet will differ from the an- j time to come. drop on the skin and whiff it. Tak- Wp ran take them un in order* inual &YM show in that the enter- "Well, I think I will let 'Dick' ing a whiff out of a bottle will put tBiaasseeDbaalill ---- Iinn mmyv oonpiinniioonn , Dbaassee-l tainment offered will consist only of finish this now but first I want to you off the SCent because alcoholic j acrobati8m_ who are inter. say hello to all of my friends in J battle! i jess n wiu be too late in case some m. , " T . «.«< xi «.» i scandal breaks. Baseball can't look "Toured to Chicagos far North Side, jor any such supporting cornbinaas Judge Landis and Babe Ruth to restore public confidence. Racing -- Racing is a tougher problem to tackle, due to the jealousies of competing sfbtes and the tremendous taxes they gather in. We hope that some of those riders Yet it is a well-known fact that even went back to jobs on Monday morn-{ before racing was stopped, many riding horses to form a .cavalry unit. One bright member of our party advanced the idea that the many idle race horses may have been converted ittto riding academy broncos. say ested in this kind of program are in-1 and around McHenry. vited to attend. There is no admi*-; "This is 'Dick' Williams on the I sion charge. i line now just to add a few words to I Five judges will be present to rate 'Bob's' description of our get-tothe contestants and give points forigether. We cervainmly have had a the winning 'stunts. Hie winning; grand time reminiscing and swapclass will be announced at the end ping news about our good old home of the evening.; town. Here's hoping it won't be -- long before all the boys return to Scatter Seed renew old acquaintances and share j Despite modern equipment and j aS*™nce!: . , . , . . , , I improved techniques, man cannot f 0 ni sav Adios iuSl compete with nature in scattering ^ ^ seed for new forests. gases collect in the neck of the bottle. Then too, chemicals in the skin mi* with the perfume, giving it a slightly different fragrance for each individual. Bramble 8hark A "bramble shark, so-catted feecause of its rough skin, caught off DICK* WILLIAMS and 'BOB' ADAMS." EDITOR'S NOTE--The only thing! we will attempt to add to this letter i is a picture of Bob. And, will he be' ing where they could do their work standing. Another distressing sight- was the number of flat tires along the' way. The old rubber is wearing out. Our four-year-old enthusiastically hoped that we would have a flat tire so he could jack up the car. Just the thought gave daddy a weak feeling that persisted until we returned to McHenry soil. tieRoy Conway, recently given his honorable discharge from the U. S. Army, spent a full day getting food points, gasoline tickets and what not straightened out. About half way through he decided that he should have remained in the army. This civilian life is too complicated! chiselers, crooks and gangsters were edging their way into the richest financial harvest of all sport, where well over au billion dollars was bet through 1944. Where more them a few jockeys were not above suspicion and where general larceny was on the verge of breaking out at any moment. This applies to all racing states, San Pedro, is being processed for preservation by the University of California Scripps Institution of Oceanography. This is the second of its kind ever caught in American waters, the other being takert on NAVY SUPPLY DEPOT the Atlantic coast in 1878. EN3IGN COLBY OF - WAVES ASSIGNED W ^ Teed on Insects Loftf, Wiany-legged, swift-moving The Shamrocks will play the strong Alemite team at Woodstock next Sundlay, the game sorting at 2 o'clock. A good following might help the boys get off on the right foot. The Micks lost to Richmond last in a practice game, 8 to 4. An interesting story comes in on <one of our boys serving overseas. Eugene Miller was reading the Yanks magazine over in Belgium and ran across an item telling of all . the fish dying in the lake at Wauconda during the severe Winter. Call that a fish story if you want to, but it ©brought Gene's thoughts close to home. The Kind of Weather We Have Not Enjoyed Again Brings Thoughts of SNOW SHOVELS and we still have some on hand if anyone wants to buy them. No, folks, we are not kidding about these winter tools. They can be made to do double duty and still are a good investment to bujr even in springtime. Farther down in this ad you will find one of the answers. Whale yon are shivering in the thoughts of wintfy winds and snow shoveling of the past season, look ahead now for awhile and -think of 'gardens, flowers and beautiful lawns. We can furnish the tools, garden seeds and lawn seed. Those snow shovels we have been talking about are a good substitute for a barn scraper. Come in and let's talk it over, _ E. H. Hardware PHONE 2 WEST M'HENRY n fmiM centipedes are beneficial in that they Only s J. Edgar Hooyer could ] ^ smnll includina help here, where an annual salary of $190,000 would be excellent insurance. It would take a direct order from Washington to bring this about. Bat it might be badly needed at any given time later on. Pro Football and Boxing feed on small insects, including roaches, flies, moths and mosquitoes. Centipedes are capable of ! cousin of Mrs. Linus Newman of this .... • • J I i ATFV If MI PAIKIT'B N RO Cf ON ^ The following story will be 6f in -, terest to many local' folks, for it | concerns Barbara A. Colby, grand- ® daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred j Colby of Burlingame, Calif., formerly of McHenry. Mr. Colby -is a. biting, but are considered harmless. city. Mrs. Colby's brothers are Stan They*should not be"controlled unless ley and Walter Wright of West Mc-j their number is objectionable. MilU- j He"5>". _ a pedes are slow animals with many . Ensign Barbara was recently asr . . . . ,r„ > signed to the naval supply depot, --..e le«f- In fact, they have two pa rs Pedro. as fleet officer. U70„M b» olmnif im- of legs on ®aC ^ • lu She is serving with the WAVEs. Ac- poEssSib&le Stor ZhaLvT e aTnHy ruling commis «tePtfon. of cording to an account from a newssioner for college football, as so many sections have their own commissioners who have different and conflicting ideals and opinions. But pro football faces as many problems as tny sport. For one thing, there is the probability of at least one rival league. Beyond that is the problem of many returning stare, who still have a year rfr two years of college play left. Any number ef these will decide to play pro football and leave their eellege careers to the bosky deU. - _j w ... which have only one pair. Millipedes ; paper jn her home town, Barbara, feed on decaying organic matter : because of her new assignment, can j and in no way harm wood or house i obtain anything from a ship's bar-1 furnishings. They live in damp situ- ber chair to a monkey wrench. j a ti o n s , a n d i f t h e d a m p n e s s i s ' H i e y o u n g l a d y t o o k a f o u r m o n t h s j cleared up, they will leave or soon I indoctrination course at Harvard uni- J die. They 'may be controlled by ] versity before being assibned to the | sprinkling Paris green lightly over ! west coast. She was graduated from j slices of potatoes or apples and plac- ! the Burlingame schools and from the r' University of California in 1943. Indicative of the vast number of details which come under Ensign j Colby's scrutiny is the fact that all! • r e q u i s i t i o n o r d e r s f r o m n a v y s h i p s j - in the Los Angeles haitoor pass: life I ing eSthSis bait where -tjbe millipedes are found. -- _ Corn Darkening •_ Some homemakers have reported corn da r kening at the top of the jar j through her hands. Requisitions may and in extreme cases throughout the i include soap chips and cables or This can not only bring about open ! jar. The age of the corn has some-.; corn starch and compasses. Bight Clothes Most mothers find that clothes which are right for their children furnish satisfaction to themselves. warfare between pro leagues, but thing to do with this type of spoilage.' also a civil football war between the Jt should always be used when it is colleges and the pros. It can also the milk stage, and then sufficient lead to any number of scandals. ^ , water should be added before pre- Boxing--Here is one of sport's j cooking--one-half as much water as greatest needs. Boxing, like racing, ; 'corn. This prevents any paramelizahas been largely a matter of state 1 tion of Sugar, which may be the regulation. As it is, we have no real i cause of the dark color. ' boxing control. Champions in one, Corn should be precooked long state may be thrown out in another, enough to reach the boiling point Boxing and racing are*the easiest and then packed in the jars while contests to throw, with more money h0t. Fresh corn in the milk stage, involved in the throwing. Especially in the general direction of the gamblers -- and I mean the crooked gamblers. Boxing needs a commissioner or a supervisor more than Bonding Material Wyoming and South Dakota produce 60- per cent of the American supply of bentontte; a clay used as a bonding material for molding sand in steel founderie.v .. ^ 1 DURATWILL TIBS *1°° . ^ ,, fjIrriffcrf tlMi icvoluuooaqr uecLemr fsbtkknoobcs^ifuSrwitb« r out wrinkling f/. won't «k»d 'round under your e*r by noon! Beautiful, rich prims in new, occlusive ptftwni and solid colors. Stop ia^- yoa'li shop) packed hot 4nd processed in the pressure cooker and then cooled, as quickly as is possible, should give a canned corn of high quality. If it is impossible to carry out these any other single sport. And"1* may Requisites, then corn should not be need more very badly later <m, canned. Some other method for premuch more than it needs one at the moment. I have only mentioned four of the major public sports -- basebaU, rac serving it should be used. '^Trumpeter Swan The. trumpeter swan is a bird of ing, football and boxing. In each .: magnificent proportions, with a NOTICE instance they all need a eommis-; ^ingspread of eight feet, and a sioner who is nationally known, who i wejght of at least 25 pounds. Forhas the respect of the country at, mer]y species bred from Fort large, who has both honesty and j Yukon Alaska, and northern Canproved ability, and who will also J a(jg south to Montana and Wyoming be given possession of "the iron j ancj east to Nebraska and Ibwa. Oi hand," when the iron hand is j thousands of these birds that needed. Any form o£ figurehead °r had once inhabited the United front man would be a useless under- states, Uss thapr^~50-- remained in taking. ^ 1931, according^u) the census of that • • • t year; and /rfmong these only five Our kitchen will be closed every Thursday, all day aad evening, beginning Thupday, May 10, until further: notice. Bob Feller Returns breeding pairs were known to have t •• survived in the United States, con- Now that he"ter'back in the states.; centratedyin Yellowstone National Bob Feller will be allowed to pitch parV-efid vicinity. for his Great Lakes team after twoj The National Park service in 1930 or more years service in the South Pacific. Feller deserves his break began a study to ascertain location, numbers, and condition of the reat Great Lakes, after a fine war majning swans in the Yellowstone record. He has had little chance to > regjon and gave the trumpeters spe- j get any active pitching since he cjaj protection during the mating • won 25 games for Cleveland in season, with the result that more of j striking out 260 hitters. A lot of y0ung than Ssual survived. From • rust can develop in that time, but he this^study, personally financed by the will have the chance now to iron late Georg«; M. Wright, ctyef of the i out a few kinks. Broecoli Leaves Broccoli leaves, dried and ground into ttieal, have been found to be an excellent additi$n\ chicken mash. " , - service's w.ldlife division, developed the plan vhich l»-i to the establishment by executive order in 1935 of the Red Rock Lakes migratory bird refuge, west of the park in southwestern Montana, under the jurisdiction of the fish and wildlife service. Involved In Aecidents The young and the old are involved in the greatest number of traffic accidents. Drivers under 20 years of age have the highest accident rate in proportion to the number of miles. From 20 to 50 years Topping Pie When you top a pie with meringue be sure to cool the pie first to prevent its becoming watery. To prevent shrinking spread meringue to edges of pastry so it has somethe rate decreases, but the rate [ thing to cling to during h»it«ngT McHENRY 32 ••v." - -FOR-; FUEL OIL GASOLINE ' EDW. THENNES ? / - 1 Having moved and /unable ifr keep my same phone number, please call McHENRY 32 /THANK YOU! '.'W Smith's Service Station Intersection Routes 31 and 120, Khn St., McHemy SHELL GASOLINE AND OILS 1 L6t Ua Service Your Car or Truest 10th, These Finer Products ELMER a SMITH r '& Phone McHenry Id. We Pick Up and Deliver . , Two to Three Day Service • T5ry the Vogue for splendid servicc and exceUeii wor^panship Fitzgerald's Men's Shop [Representative} West McHenry "Mr? ,rS *4719**1 f 9* BREAKFAST EE 3 59 ' ' e i h VV h • ' ^ o u B u y > f KMTIMI Heme Ctffee Natieial Di Lixe Oeffee Maatr HNN Ceffte ... |A« l-U. .JAR 2T« I3e MESH CALIFORNIA--fUU. POOS GREEN PEAS . . .2 -23c RANCY ICTTM HEAD LETTUCE. . I06 lIXASRKDKin , -- TOMATOES ...... *19c HOMK MOWN CSISP RADISHES # i * • • winch 5C MfSSKSim A • ^ W GREEN CABBAGE 1 - 10* TEXAS NSW YKLOW _ ONIONS ?-*4" BUTTER P o r t h n, e n I VV r a p p i- d I i >> •> h Creamery ( i 4 K < • tJ Po i n t i CUAM STYLE COM4 MMatz, LARSCN'S MIXlO Vtg-AII KM CROCKER VTECTAILT Soap Mix CAN VMfTABLK 20-OZ. /CAN Wilson's B-V R I C h B r o w n 2 ' J r Gravy Every |ar T i me NATIONAL Evap. Milk SNO SHEEN, SOFTASILK OR Swamdtmi % •OLD MEDAL Oft PILLSiURrS Flour RAO SALERNO BUTTER IO-OI COOKIES p k g. GREEN STREET MACARONI AND CHEESE % R*4 M Kraft Dhratr. 2 ^ 19c • VEGETABLE JUICES - MR* /OHRTJ if • 44-OZ. CAN COME AGAIN ASSORTED Plckto Shredded Wheat / KLLLOGG'5 12 oi t#lc k P 9 1U I BREAKFAST OF CHAMPIONS WhMttM W NABISCO Shreddles HERSHETS " Cocoa 2l»/rOZ. PKCS. SOAP SAVER 0AKITE PURE WHITE CHIFFON FLAKES 20 MULE TEAM BORAX HAND SOAP B0RAX0 rJUMBO WHITE ENRICHED MEAD IK-U LOAVES CRACKS WHEAT NO. 7 3^2S0r, Brtii LoiSfo NO POINTS! 2 Can 1 R«d Point* 2'£H°SM7C Banana Gold Cake 34** NATIONAL dNNAMON ROUS AMERICAN HOME ,14-OZ. IOTTLE 20 BLUE POINTS NATIONAL CHIU SAUCE I2-OZ.2|c BOTTLE 2B BLUE POINTS LITTLE BOY BLUE BLUING CLEANSER OLD DUTCH HAZEL CLEANSER BLEACH CL0R0X wmrn'm To th« prloM o# our m««haii4lM •Mltk>nal amount aparoxlmal^y ^itlvalMl R* •• Ui« Illinois Rttallw*' OooaiwtloBal Tu Avfc. V* NATIONAL FOOD STORES

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