.'A V ' a m second-class matter at at McHsnry. I1L, under of May 8, 187V. On* Tear : $2.50 lALCDnORIALSSOCJATION ^/TZaw/pt- FOR SALE s\ «,t • ; i. . iflAWN MO AND IWABW^W^. mowers. Robt ItathrafcltO Main St. West WtU«arj+±l ^ 4®Mf TREE SPRAYING AND WHITEWASHING -- Frank Henkel, Volo. Tel. McHenry 46-tf HAVE YOU HRAKfr Meat the new reduced Aato Liability and Property Damage rates? They will surprise you. Ask us for insurance rates. The -Kent Co., McHenry. Phone 8. 2?-tf DEAD ANIMALS WILL WIN THE WAR -- Fiv& dollars is the least we pay for dead Horses and cows in good cortdit'on. Wheeling .Rendering Co. Phone Wheeling No. S. Reverse the charges. No help needed to load. 14-tf FOR ANY TYPE OF HOME INSULATION, ASBESTOS SIDING OR A NEW ROOF, see Bob Frisby, People's Insulation Co., 104 S. Riverside i Drive, McHenry, 111., Phone McHenry F'OR SALE--Ape* electric vacuum 1211_j Woodstok, 210 E. Jackson sweeper. Tel. McHenry 88-J. t>t gf phone Woodstock 817. 20-tf mm jL-sft of Turn wUh two la the «*an ta'balk* libra, Ilrrid _>•***£ FOR SAKE--House, 7 rooms and,GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us bath, full basement, modern *urn*ce dispose of your garbage each Week, heat; automatic hot water T^?*j!<>r oftener if desired. «Reasonable neiJTth;e^Vest McHenry business dis-|r«t*s. Regular year round route, fortrict. Write or phone. Claude Moan, merly George Meyers. Ben J. Smithy 486 No. Main SU Crystal Lalfe. Tel.! Phpne 865: ./ . tf Crystal Lake 751-W. *52! -- . •: , " FOR SALE -r- Six-room house oil Pistakee Bay road. Phone 233-M. 52 FOR SALE--The "Little Cottage." Inquire at Math Baur's, on Route 31* McHenry. Phone McHenry 235-R. 52 The Henry , Lang family of Harmond, Ind., arrived last Thursday to spent the weekend1 with her mother, --, --_ ,. , _ , , i Mrs. Zena Bacon. Mrs. Lawrence FOR SALE--Kerosene chicken brood- Mitchell 0f Waukegan spent Thurser; twenty jods poultry fencing. A - day w|t^ ^er mother. Sunday guests dress Box 319, McHenry, 111. j jn Bacon home were Mr. and <v\p niip TVior mancle Roval Mrs. Harvey Rapp and daughter. Of ArWttm Hei,** .nd Bob & Bakery, upstau*. m Ifc. | Bacon o( Ch.cago Henry 190. 52 ; Mrs. C. A. Frasier of Gnnnell, la., spent a few days the past week with FOR SALE--Two-piece parlor suite. Geo. Ross, Shalimar subdivision, one mile ndrth of McHenry. P.O. Address, R-l, McHenry. her mother, Mrs. John R. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freund, Mr. McLaofUin, Who haa bean ill. llrs. Anthony Schneider an d daughter, Toni, of Milwaukee, Wis., spent the weekend visiting Mrs. Kathryn - Schneider and daughter, Helen. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rossi and son, Gaocge, of Chicago spent Mother's Day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox. Mr. and Mrs. (k G. Eder of Evanston and daughter, Mrs. George Johnson, Jr., of Dodge City, Kas., spent Sunday in the George Johnson, Sr., home nere. „ . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Anderson and family and Mr. and Mrs. James Mahoney and children of Chicago spent Mother's Day in the John Phalin home. Mrs. Regina Marre of Waukegan spent the weekend in the home of John Scheid and daughter, Rena. Mrs. Harold Dickow and infant son, Randall Bruce, returned home from the Woodstock hospital on Tuesday. . . Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Neater and daughter, Suianne, of Chicago spent Sunday in the Nick Kenriebeck home. Sunday guests in the John .Blake home were the Jack Reinert family of South Elgin. . Harry Beteman of Chicago spent the weekend at his cottage at Orchard Beach. Mother's Day guests in the home of Mrs. Martin May were Mr. ana Mrs. Ray Henniken of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bungard and family and Mrs. Mae Bungard of Elmhurst, Mr. and Mrs. EJmer Schmallfeldt and family of Kenosha, Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph May and daughters of McHenry. Mrs. Peter Leisser of Chicago spent several days the past week with her daughter, Mrs. Charles Miller, on John street. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young and Mrs. Joseph Weber and family visited Spring Grove relatives on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young spent Sunday in Chicago. Staff Sgt. Rudolph Cvigr, who recently came home from overseas, was a Sunday visitor in the Albert Vales v, v iur* aim inioi x icuiiUf juii hiiuoimiiCei. Sgtu. Cvvviiggir serv*ecdu t»w»?ev»n»tvy^ - Ad- and Mrs. E. R. Sutton and Mr. and l seven months in the European the- *52 Mrs. Albert Krause were recent j atre. Other guests in the Vales FOR SALE--1937 Buick Opera^coupe. tir fjHy eqaiped with radio, heater, defrosters, clock and white walls--Ex "~r~ i Roberta, have been visiting Mr. and cPehHoennet 228-J or address Box 443 Mrs. William Hyatt in Waukegan. Misg Betty R'gner> cadet nurse at McHenry, ill. St. Ann's hospital, Chicago, spent the weekend with her parents, the Joseph Regners. guests in the Frank Marshal home home were Miss Marie Cvigr, Henry in Richmond. Mrs. Carl Hyatt and daughter, FOR SALE -- Gasoline stove, good condition, insula^ ovei), Phone Woodstock jL81. v ' 52* \ r * , Trunrad and daughter, Mildred, all of Brookfield Order your- rubber stamps at th« Plaindealer. Mrs. William Smith and daughter, -- - Ann, of Chicago spent Mother's Day FPU SALE--Carmen, 126-base jpas^ in the Clarence Martin home. On aaeordian in A-l condition. Reason- afternoon the Martins and »M« for e»»h. Call Mapnry 430-R. j their g«#«t§ Visited in the Glen Rob. >• . - . 52jigon Jieffl# In Woodstocki FOR SALE-- Nichols Brothers Hy-j Bonnie Page, student nurse brid seed corn. Tel. Wauconda 4131 «t Cook County hospital, Chicago, or McHenry 106-R. Earl Paddock, ( spent/the weekend at her home here. *61-21 Mr. and Mrs, George Witt, Mr. ~ " ' 1 --~ I and Mrs. Leo Scheia, Mrs. Junw | LARGE ONES, small ones. I sell s Hebbe and Mrs. Harry Garland atfarms List your farm with Dan j tended funeral services for the formduirtlan^ Woodstock, 111. He sells I er>8 niece ^ Fprreston, III., on Sun- ?»; 61'4^ytoiTA li.p, UBriffht 1 Miss Christina Adams visited ^n . ISJer fSfebltl ^mes Watterton home m Chi- M 'Mfim only if tha one imp mm ft ««i irterprat tea tlopf cflmefljr. Bare are some d th^, tarma common to pastry Spalt to mix ingzadianta Jtboro^ ghly; eraaa: to manipulate butter witii a spoon or beater until H is soft and smooth; stir: to mix ingredients with a circular motion to bland them; best: to lift the mixture in a bowl over and over, using a regular, rhythmic motion; fold la: to blend ingredients by placing a spoon or spatula down through the mixture, turning it under the mass, and bringing it straight up to make a fold. Ingredients are folded in to prevent the loss of air already introduced into the mixture, and cat In: to blend fat with fldur by cutting the fat into little pieces with two knives, a fork, or a pastry blender. Other terms include: seald: to heat just below the boiling point. To scald milk, heat it in the top part of a double boiler until it is foamy on top; batter: a mixture of flour and liquid that "is thin enough to beat; dough: a mixture of flour and liquid that is, thick enough to knead V rRjlflut. , . rf.. v Me* T. 3' Cases awetpt' tubbrouloslain patientt in it* eaily stages, aha to prevent the spreading at the diaeaae among the population, there are still about l0O(- 000 new cises of and 60,000 death* from tub^culosis each year in the United States. rte drawing Pates * " Many serious diseases--infantile pariilysis, toiisiltfl*, and r^sqmatSc fever among them--fremwnt^r start #hh vague Mdy paina. Parenta who attribute symptoms of IB health to "girowL g paliik," are taking a tec* rifle risk became toaftpat growth doesn't cause any pain. laitis are saved ly to cover pereaniaMMC* w« vpw iTHW m MWQF* Ml held considerable water, pining the winter, when they are not activity growing, moat planta at a perenniu iMrbaceous nature resent too much water. • { Fsrk lPonrlste ' Travel to- national parks during 1M1, the last prewar year, topped 21,000,000 persons. Attraetlve Drink V" A sprig of mint and s cherr> frozen into each ice cube in your electric refrigerator makes the serving of cold drinks more attractive. f n Shaving Lamp Plastics provide shavers with the j lamp they have long wanted. A glass bull's eye lens provides spot light and the entire plastic shade is made of translucent white material to give maximum illumination by diffusion without glare. The lamp throws no shadows in the mirror when placed directly "overhead. FMST TIMTM TIRES • Whether m W the Oaide tread design (left) or the Rib tread (right) yon get maximum value for year money, ttuy steering . . . maximum flotation . . . CHm-XHpped Cord Body for extra strength, finger life. CesM Is .. . Uf Us Help fas Mate . Oaf rear Apjrflceflee For a Reffeefag CerfMeefe '.f >> - < >v *- "f ' • , x St i > Vj" * ' • 3 «/, ^ 'J'l " #.(• "' BEST TODAY...STILL BETTER TOMORROW WALTER J. FREUND * 'V OFFICIAL TIRE INSPECTION STATION MAftJ ST., WEST McHENRY PHONE 294 ed rotarV $nm with 3 ift., Suction and 2 Irt., discharge. Both items in V%rV good running condition. McHenry Flour Mills. 52-2 cago a few days the first of the week. Mr. apd Mrs. Lewis McDonald of Woodstock called in the home of her parents, the L. F. Newmans, on Fnday. THEY'RE STILL COMING IN AND Mr. and Mrs. Ray Page and daugh- STILL GOING OUT. Good colored ter, Celia, and Mr. and Mrs. Claiv good framed yearling steers costing ence Martin attended the state elecme from $13 to $13.50 per cwt. The i tion of officers of rural mail carriers right kind to put on grass to make i at Naperville on Saturday. ' beef next winter. Will sell one or | jj e. Sutton and • daughter, Gertmore. Also a few eight months Df Chicago and son, Sgt. Robert corn-fed locker steers left. Visitors gutton, Jr., who has been enjoying a always welcome at the farm on Rt-i furlough from army duties, visited 20,--two miles West* of Belvidere. H.! relatives here on Sunday. I*. Duffining. 51-3 j Muriel Frett of Chicago ipenT a FOR 8ALE--Year- round comfort and' few days las^^ee^ «s°l LEO J. STILLING, McHenry 18. 86tf. Mrs. Genevieve Swenson of La- Grange visited Alfons Adams home recently. Mr. and Mrs. George Stoffel and daughter of Woodstock visited their parents here on Mother's Day. "-- Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward of war work. Apply Miller Products, i Eigjn were McHenry callers on Sat- Phone 195. 89-tf urday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of HELP WANTED Hi# . t-- -- WANTED--Draft exempt man for WANTED -- Married couple, good wages. Tel. Woodstock 312, or write McHenry Co. Farm, Hartland, 111. 52-2 WANTED -- Auto mechanics, body men, painters, helpers or any cacto learn tne Chicago spent Mother's Day in the home of her mother, Mrs. Mollie Givens. | Mrs. Paul Kamholz and son, Paul, i of Chicago were Sunday visitors in the Fred Kamholz, Sr., home. Fred . , . - . . * - "Kamholz, Jr., who is confined to a servicemen wwhing to r hospital in Indianapolis, Ind., also ttade: ^th a f^nent organization gpe|;t the day at his lome here, handling all of GeneralMotorsCaM. M Nellie Bacon Bp€nt the week- A!so, can furnish housing panted. end ^ ^ Harold Bacon home In li l^kp'!Crystal Vd^on Sunday witness- Ifc Garage, Phone 347 ^2-2!ed the first ^.Wnion of a class WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS 200 THURS. - FRI. - SAT MAY 17 - 18 - 19 Jack London's "ALASKA with Kent Taylor and Margaret Lindsay dene Autry in «OH, SUAANNA SUN. - MONDAY, MAY 20 "MRS. PARKINGTON" surring Greer Garaoir; Walter Pidgeon, Edward Arnold TUESDAY ONLY, MAY tS Back By Hequeat! ^BAHAMA PASSAGE^ In Technicolor with Madeleine CarroH, -Stirling Hayden WED^ THURS., FRL, . MAY ^8, 24, 25 Hnmphrpy Bogart in ^TO HAVE AND HAVE NOT" u• * i'*.-»- .^ - 8* at §t. Thomas chujrch. Little Kay mirariVT T AVTnna ' I Bacein .was a member of the class. mloliCLaxivW fiUUS J Mr ^nd Mrs paul Albert and son, -CESSPOOLS AND SEPTIC TANKS 8^^_?unday V18ltin« rela' W^?1 ^ 5*B2^4 Mrs! jack Purvey and children of of 716-M. Fred Wells, *52'41 Lake and Mrs. William Mor- WE INSURE YOUR PERSONAL | £an of Elkhorn, Wis., spent Mother's j -PROPERTY in the city or country, Day in the Joseph J. MiHer home. • :"Wherever located in the U. S. ^ an<* Mrs. G. P. Newman andt Mo&enry, Illinois FRIDAY - SATURDAY William Powell - Myrna Loy Thin Man Goes Home" Plus--World News and Cartoon 21 ^waerever located in tne u. o. or ». .. Canada, against fire, burplary, wind- Mr. and Mrs. Linus Newman were ^torm, alt in one" policy. For inform- callers in tne Lewis Mcation call Jacob Fritz, Real Estate home in Woodstock. and Insurance, Main St., Johns burg.1 Sunday .ggests in the Frank Hay JPhone McHenry 672-R-2. At Chi- home wert, Mr; art<J Mrs. Frank AUcago, phone Lincoln 1333. 50.13: man and family of Westmont, Rose _ ---^77--i ---- Earl and Frank Rohr of Madison,]!^* uiij I f J..M FLOOR TILE--for kitchens, bath- Wis., Mrs. William Hay of Lafay- ||# fipUng LaQ) irooms, recreation rooms, commercial je.tte, Ten., and Staff Sgt. William J SUN. - MON^ MAY 20 . ~u. s. Navy Carrier Ship (HvviiiO) ivvivittiun ruviiiD| »nu ow*n okv« vv uumii ( buildihgs, etc. Also floor' sanding Miss Elaine Landgren, cadet, nurse; and refinishing. Henning Newman, at St. Elizabeth's 'hospital, Chicago, I 4)32 Marvel - Ave.,Phone 131, Wood- spent Mother's Day with her par- i stock, 111. sitf ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Land- Subscribe for The Plaindealei* i 1 Thomas McLaughlin and niece, m-v. tit: . GOOD CLOTHES DESERVE GOOD CARE 103 Elm Street Phone McHenry 104-M Anne Baxter - John Hodiar 2. "Sunday Dinaer For a Soldier" Sanday Matinef 2:46t Continuous Last Show in the Evening at 9:15 TUESDAY (ONE DAY) Vaudeville Show (Musical) Constance Moore - Jerry Cokmna 1. "Atlantic City" Ibn Neal • Adele Mara Roger Pryor 2. "Thoroughbreds" WH>NESDAY - THURSDAY Charles Laughtwn - Ella Raines "THE SUSPECT" For US, V-E day means more fuses^vye must DOUBLED our present output to the Paeificjfrom NQW ON. Secure a steady, well-paying job. " > ^ - WOMEN AND MEN • You Need No Experience tIGHT FUSE .v. JANITORS WATCHMEN •, PACKERS •• WAEEHOUSEBIEH < JBXPLOSIVE OPERATORS DAY AND NIGHT SHIFTS--7 A. M.TO 4:30lVlft.; WP.M. ^ • TO 2 A.M. : S3BEST WKJEP^REMIUM «DR NIGHT WORK s NO LUNCH BOX TO PACK - DELICIOUS IN OUR CAFETERIA IDEAL FOR SUMMERBUS SERVICE -- McHENRY AND CRYSTAL L^KE OR • FROM ANY POINT WHERE A SUFFICIENT <?^)UP IS ; ';/; . 1 . 2 ' OOWANY INSnKAHCE AMD B08PXTALIZATI0N A¥JUItP^ jMTra W**TY PAY" WM. M: FENCIL cdMPANY HUNTLEY, ILLINOIS OK CRYSTAL LASS 583 AITS* « P. M. AO Hiring In Accordance With WMC Regulations.