Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 May 1945, p. 3

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pm- fw mmm Uli-I'l MIIIMIIIMI11 <1 M H •Mtr Lake i| 11111 III IIM»»KIM»tKI (By Delia Cheney) rbon school enjoyed a pleasant Monday, May 21, with Kiss iAiiI, tat wait about days to begin, iww use .v:; II. <>.EV- i [t - Todd, head of the Art Dept. of Chicago University. She was introduced to the children teach by Mrs. Mead, art sui our schools here. Miss l«uu iuunu | •pedal interest in the Toy Shop project of the lowef grades aim the day modeling ana murals of the *?P« grades. Another point of inwhich the children can well be of was the hack drop scene in the spring graduation program. The artistic talents and pleasant surroundings of the *kchool were enthusiastically commented upon by Miss Todd and if the children and teachers went home that day with their head* held just a wee bit higher, can wi blame them? A perfect ending' for the day came when the seventh and eighth grade papils and teachers had dinner and attended a movie in Crystal Lake. We have some new permanent residents to welcome into our fold this Week, which makes us very happy account of" we will get to see tfcem and talfc to them the year *round. _ •'* Mr. and Mr*. A. Audfrio and their three children will enjoy Wonder Lake and their new home. Donald and Virginia have transferred to our will have to far eehooi 'a parents have purchased a home in Indian KMn, out, doe to Circumstances will have to wait uptil some time next year before occupying it penaaneatly. Weekends ended too soon to suit Mrs. M. Fuller, so she decided to Sit settle down and stay in Wonder ke. Mrs. Fuller's young granddaughter, Carolyn, is going to keep and teach- her grandmother company and ppilsa ns ipervisor of to enter first grade at our school Todd found the autumn. \ Tofimy Tyke decided name for a new white bit he received was *n ideal rab- Rabbit. So Peter Rabbit contentedly munches on the carrots Tommy feeds him and thinks after all what's in a name when there's food to be had. He missed his little friend, however, when Tommy w*» confined to bed for a couple of days. Eddie Tyke was glad too see him up again, however, as he didn't want his brother to bq, sick on the special day for him, his birthday anniversary. May 26. Daddy Tyke was glad, too, as his birthday has been made a holiday, Decoration Day, May 31. Lots of candles and cake for the Tykes this week. Welcome home agaip to Mrs. O. A. Tronsen. Daughter Helen has transferred to Harrison school and is in the third grade, but we'll have to wait awhile, not long we hope, to see Daddy Tronsen home again, as he is busy fighting overseas. Mr. Tronsen is serving in the navy. Two sturdy little boys are keeping Mrs. If' •V CLARENCE'S SHOP J0HNBBURG Place orders now for Bird Houses, *Lfcwn FtiirnittHfc, Trellises, Window Boxes, etc. Also have full line of leather goods, market and wash baskets, bam brooms, etc._ : - ..y, CLARENCE J. SMITH ~ Route 1, McHenry, 111*. I* Is Your Truck eage from It's best to be stup! Jiiet us check yo certain that you are getting the most your gas; that your whaals an proparly alignad; that your luiricafcion is complete. Tune-up your truck now • CENTRAL GARAGE WMB J. SMITH, Prop. . . ... Phone 200-J / ^ Towing |ohnsburg etie«#•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Tronsen busy at home while their •liter, Helen, is at school. , Oh! Ah! Oeh! 'Another game lost to McCullem Irip, Come on out to the ballpark mat to the Lumber Mill yon Wonder Lakers and cheer your baseball team so they'll have the old zest and vigor bade before the league games start. Games start at S o'clock, Sundays and they need your moral support. The team says many thanks to Mr. Frederick for his ' V " ' V ; ; i :.c- - * - 'x ^ *4\ n< ~'r j nimhelh Mictom hmch Tommy turned to school this week been ill the _ The Firemen held their regular meeting at Town Hall on Monday night. Following the meeting cards were played and refreshments were served. Rev. John Dpleiden and the ushers of St. Peter's Parish met at the The serving of a " " 4e party. »tte Freund relufHal •nd Wl.. SilT'SCS tn h?^ -«» P-^t start a new trend toward a successful season. For you folks who haven't used the Ringwood school road, that new highway is on its way. Remember the bad curve that provides thrills on icy roads? It will be no more. Hie road plough has straightened the kink and cut through some of the fanner's fields. Last but not not least we'd like to say we're glad to hear you're up and about again, Mrs. Renter, after your recent operation. We've missed your cheery smile around these parts. Don't forget to drop me a line with your news items, folks. TTiis is your column. Youll still find my boxes at Heihnan's 'and Wright's. TOHNSBURG night for a meeting. Cards and visiting furnished the entertainment and a lunch was served. The Christian Mothers and Blessed Virgin Sodality held their meeting in St. Peter's Parish Hail on Thursday night. Btafore the meeting all gathered in church for Benediction of the Blessed 8acrament and enrollment of new members. After which cards were enjoyed in the hall with prises going to Mrs. Nick Freund, Mrs. Fred May, Mrs. Ben May and Mrs. Anton Meyers in five hundred while bunco prises went to Mrs. Louis Young, LueUa Hanford, Clarice Ann Klaus. Jane, who does all the work-- Georgia May. JXnetta, who takes all the credit-- Evelyn Bnsch. Kay, who tags along .-- Georgia Schmitt. Place--a room in the Junior High School. • ^ _ Time--the present, about 4 p. m., on Friday. Piano Solo -- "Dorothy" -- Georgia Schmitt. ActioA Song--"Rainy Daisies"--Middle ^ Grades. One Act Play--"A Crown for Mary," Upper Grades'. thi interior of his salooa by putting down a new floor and paserinff and tasty man- ••• 111 i the a*w West McHefiry Stat# building. Andrew Miller is among the from McHenry to enter Hm 4 of the Terra Cotta factory, he ing qujt the brewery recently. TWENTY YEARS AGO painting it in a neat ner. Mattie Seickem, Who was so severely injured by the falling of the derrick at the German church, last week, seems to be improving, and his friends entertain strong hopes of his i final recovery. ~ » i Last Sunday witnessed the 1msliest ---- * J j automobile traffic of the season . ' FORTY' YEARS AGft I I this city. This was especially notice- * table along Pearl street which j? Mrs. Maguire, an old lady--Jean-i Monday. TTie official price was reette Lennon. ported firm at twenty-five cents. ae grounds of Orphanage. te present, a T ing in May. u.nfftrrt iVoc#1 Solo--"Chapel In the Field"-- w c 5?^! ^aminUtM knnaii^Bd 1 , The Circus Clowns"--Middle Grades. PiMno Solo--"Hie Beautiful Danube," meeting were Mrs. Steve Freund, Georgia and Donna Schmitt. Song--_*For God and Country"--Up- Margaret, an orphan -- Sharon tFreund. Sister Agnes, Superior of the Orphanage-- Mary Ann Klaus. Mrs. James J. Karkness, a visitor-- Bitty Jean Diedrich. Place--the the Holy Child " * Time--the Sunday morn- Theodore dosch. (By Tippy Klein'and Evelyn Michels) Steve Mrs. Frank May, Lorraine Huff, Mrs'. George W. May £»d Mrs. John Kattner. Refreshments were served. Captain Arnold May of Virginia is enjoying a 21-day furlough at his home. The infant >eea of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith waf christened Harold Arthur at St. Peter's church Sunday morning. A host of friends and relatives paid tribute to August Huff by atfuneral se 75 on Many friends and relatives attended the funeral of August Huff in Spring Grove Monday. Our sympathy is extended to the children.. Our sympathy is extended to the family of Mrs. Robert Vogt *ho Biased away Saturday with burial in cHenry Tuesday. Mrs. J. W. Woolfe left Sunday for her home in DesPIaines after spending a few days with her daughter, and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pierce. Many friends and relatives attended the Simon-Hettermann wedding in St MaryVSt. Patrick's Hall in McHenry, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs.' Hettermann are enjoying their honeymoon in northern per Grades. services at St. :h Monday morning. The id passed away at the age of n Friday, May 18th at St. Therese's hospital after an illness of but TWICE TOLD Iteau of Iatereet Taken From the Filee of the Plaiadealer of Years Age and Lake Geneva. Miss Esther Felts is a new employee at the L. A. Eridraon store on Main street. - Misses Eleanor and Mildred Kinsala, Esther Felts, Bertha Schiessle, Arline Harrison and Harriet Bobb now occupying the Isaac Wentworth' spent Sunday as the- guests of Miss house on Waukegan street, which Gladys Van Natta at Franklin Park has recently undergone extensive re-: and that evening saw "Rose Marie" pairs. tat the Woods theatre. Ladies' latest style cravenette coats for $9.00 and $10.00 at Block A Bethke's. W. D. Wentworth and' family are The marriage of Misfe Mary Freund of Wauconds to J place in is a brother village and has many friends here who extend congratulations. Herman Nye, who is attending >nds Joseph J. Buch takes! school at Madison, Wis., passed the Chicago today. The groom weekend in the home of his father, bher of J. J. Buch of this Dr. N. J. Nye. THIRTY YEARS AGO CARD OF THANKS ,\I desire in this manner to extend my 'thanks to those who sent me , flowers, cards and letters while I was Robert Patske has quit his job at in Sacred Heart sanitarium, Milwauthe Terra Cotta factory and' is again: kee; also for prayers offered. . Eatemployed in the M. A. Thelen ha&- pecially. I wish to thank the Rev. ness shop. Mr. Thelen is doing a i Fathers Neidert and Utennes and splendid business since moving over! the Sisters. to the west side. I MRS. ELIZABETH SCHMITT. Butter on the Elgin board of . trade! sold at 29 cents per pound last Saturday. m RESIDENCE CHANOE8 a few week's duration. Our heart- j felt sympathy is extended to his' bereaved family. Pall bearers were' Joseph Schmitt, Martin Nimsgern, SIXTY YEARS AGO T . ^ ... . . .. I Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tamasy and Jos. J. Frett s new home in the baby have moved from Chicago to north end of town is ready for oc- West McHenry. They are residing cupancy. in the cottage known ap^fhe "Little The fixtures are being installed in; Cottage" on Route SI." The new Board of Trustees, were organized on Thursday evening last! John Rauen, Anton May, Fred Meye^ f R ®ishoP . was chol?n and Joseph Brown. Intent £„ The children of St Peter's school J,V .uvv.. ... Wisconsin presented the following program to g. Perry was appointed treasurer efor' and will be at home with his mother, * 1**** in.5 on the ensuing year, and Trustees How- ' Sirs. Lena Hettermann. I Sunday night. It was greatly en-; ard, Weber and Cristy, street com- > Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund and I J°yed by all present. , mittee. ! Nancy of Chicago spent the weekend PROGRAM | Miss Jessie Wightman, one of our! in the Mrs. Catherine Smith home. Song--"The Star Spangled Banner"-- post office deputies, has been on They also attended the Simon-Hettermann wedding Saturday. Mrs Hannah Carlen and Miss Myrtle Carlen of Rockford spent the weekend in the Arthur Klein home. Seaman and Mrs. Hank Britz and Christy Lee of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson visited in the Art Klein home, Wednesday. Mrs. Ray Blades and son, Jimmy, spent seveal weeks in Indiana, recently, visiting friends and relatives. Little Tmmy Blades celebrated his first birthday anniversary, Tuesday afternoon. First Holy Communion will be received by twelve Second grade children in St. John's church at 9 o'clock Sunday. They are Patricia Klein, Mildred Hiller, Mary Ann Miller, Arnold Thelen, Melvin Freund, Francis Oeffling, Walter Frett, Tommy Thiel, Tommy Oeffling, Donald Weber, Robert Smith, and James Adams. Crowning of the May Queen and enrollment of the scapular will be .held in the afternoon. .. . Seaman Jimmy Hetterman is enjoying a 7-day leave with his mother, Mrs. Lena Hettermann. Mrs. Henry Nell visited with her mother, Mrs. Helen Freund, several days last week. Rev. Raymond Hettermann of Aurora and Pfc. Donald Hettermann of Indiana visited with their father, Henry Hettermann, the past weekend and attended the wedding of their cousin, Saturday^ "Mrs. Frank Michels, Mrs. John Pitzen, Mrs. Joe Freund, Mrs. Ford Jackson and Miss Evelyn Michels were Elgin shoppers Monday. Miss Peggy Land re, and Miss Lorraine Machen from Chicago spent the weekend with friends here. A surprise birthday party was held at the Peter F. Freund home in honor of Mrs. Peter F. Freund, Saturday, May 12. Lunch and refreshments were served to Mr. and Mrs. Jbe E. Miller and family, Mr. and Mrs. Steve May, Mr. and Mrs. Joe King and Sally, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Freund and Charlene, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith, Mrs. Delia Miller, Mrs. Math Freund, Mrs. Nick Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Freund, Mrs. Peter Neiss, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilke and Jimmy, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Snyder and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Thomas and Miss. LaVeme Freund. A good lime was had by all and wished Susie many happy returns. St. John's Blessed Virgin Sodality held a meeting, Tuesday evening. Plans were made for a public card party to be held at Nell's, May 30. Everyone is urged to do his part and makei this an outstanding success as the proceeds will go to our school fund. Father Neidert and Father Utennes gave their usual interesting talks. Cards and bunco furnished the evening's entertainment and a delicious lunch was served by the committee. ^ . "Next Thursday evening Wefe will be a meeting of the Johnsburg 4-H unit. A recent baseball game ^between this grojip and a McHenry team resulted in the former winning by a score of 15 to 0. SPRING GROVE the sick list the ppaass t few days. Thomas Walsh $ moving back into his ^house, lately vacated by Dr. Fegajrs. FIFTY YEARS AGO Upper Grades Action Song--"My Grandpa,"--Primary Grades. Piano Solo--Semper Paratus -- "Oh Dem Golden Slippers -- Donna Schmitt. P1MiddJe Grades ^ N<>t i The Kelter block at the east end v"«nsS^rriX" Holy M^h't! The Committee -- Franklin, Allan , , , . „ „ „ , , May; Charlie, Stephen Stanfel; Jelly is having a "walk out" with Rod, Clyde Koutny. «• at 34 cents per pail. Perry A Melly, who helps a little -- Edna Owen. i ANNOUNCEMENT Due to remodeling aild enlarging our ldtchen, it has been necessary to discontinue serving food, effective Hay 22. ~ Watch for our opening in the near future, it which time we will be able to again serve the best of foods with greatly improved service.» McHENRY TOWN CLUB W. R. DOMES, Proprietor a 2 «• J* Gmwoliite it vital to victory ... don't loute it. \ Buy mor* War Bonda ••••••••••• ' . 'L' • V W" (By Mrs. Chtrles Freund) "" " J '» '• r- Guests in the home of Mrs. Nick Freund on May 7th were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyer, Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank May, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Meyer, Mrs. Elizabeth Freund. and Mrs. Elmer Smith. On May 10th Mrs. Koberstine entertained members of her club at her home. The afternoon was spent at cards and prizes went to Mrs. Arthur Kattner. Mrs. William. Britz, Mrs. Koberstine and Mrs. Ben May. A lovely lunch was served .following cards. Mrs. Cliff Pacy visited in the Frank Wagner home one day last week. An 8 lb. 12 oz. boy was born to Mr. and Ms- Charles Martin at St. Therese's hospital, Waukegan on Monday, May 14. X A party of friends gathered at the home of Mrs. Nick Freund on Wednesday afternoon of last week in honor of her birthday. Cards furnished the entertainment and prizes were awarded Mrs. Joseph G. Wagner, Mrs. J. J. Freund, Mrs. Frank Hiy, Mfs^UonJ^ Every^ Mm. SidltM :mm WW 9afoawa\ wun. United >*v, ".V "~+ > •

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