Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jun 1945, p. 3

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* - "• iv-V-: V* *f*%r *^>m '^7. *r*5 4s 'hhm* a a f r 'j * • ' / <7*^*" ?^» -i-?^A V "' !.'3s$fKj "V 3 ram unii ' • • » § IMt l I I tUI I IMM t|l t^lta •-^r- RINGWbOD (By Mn. George Sheperdl w and Mrs. Chartss Qifford and ^mhtnr, Lenore, of Sen Diego, Cat, Mrs. Duane Bell of Zion Oity, Mr. iai lliir TiA FUaiki of Antioeh end Mrs. •pent Saturday and daughter of Cryi- Mr. and Mm Ted Kooiatra and sons of Harvard and Wfcyne foN span Sunday la tfce Ake Anderson home and helped him celebrate fab birthday. Mr. and Mra. Arden Frisbee of GeMtwood ware callers in the Qeyton Harrison home Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Paul Nordgren and daughter, Naney, X. S. Cwdpe and Mrs. Don 8raart Vrf Waukegan wan callers in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., hoate Monaftenwen. n. W. R. Hoffman, Mrs. Charles Mr. and Harold Bell of Mc- Henry spent evening in the Jan es Bell home. Mrs. Ten* Carlson of Los Angeles and Mr. and Mrs. Wetterer of Chicago and Mrs. Eleanor Bacon of Crystal Lake spent Sunday in the Louis Hawley home. Mr. and Mrs. James Bell spent Sunday in the Harold Bell home at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Sibre Whiting , and family spent Sunday with her moth- CrfUl Ulg., ^^ Lake and Billy of Stane^Tcornera were! .Mnt7 Satuiriav^and ^Stomdav fftor. mJth^W^r H«rri«n, hom., j'£d ho^d,y fcJI'- Dwi*ht Davis .ndL .."'"Z. 8!"«V. «" <&!!* t»« .ntl Mn T.illUn Bauer' "nine, Mrs. Charles Gates and Mrs. day afternoen. Mrs. Biwman andT Helen Johnson spent Saturday in Kenoaka. Mrs. Katherine Vogel and grandson, Philip, and Mrs. Dan Laurence of Elkhorn spent Thursday in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Mr. iBi Mrs. Charles Paet spent Sunday afternoon with relatives at take, f Ml U MM lit tits a i Pad Taada WU1 SlMMk At Mothers CM* Paul Yanda will, be guest speaker at the meeting of the Mothers club J?,nAb« £e!i T" FritaT. *2*™°°"' monthsT iS * «p£t £!? ^P^lSr to «* urgent call for help t~!LT plwis of the,at the Woodstock hospital, one boy, in Legion for Returning Ser- jack gales, • * The portion of - The following girls completed a course in aduK mine Nursing and have received their certificates and* Sins in recognition of same: Mrs. [arion Mrs. Phalin and Mrs. Alfred Tonyan. Instructor was Mrs. Quentin Walsh. The course was conducted weekly for fifteen weeks during the winter i Anderson, Mrs. Barbara Jones, Betty O*ohaa> Mrs. Harold American vicemen." i ne musical po the program will feature Joan Strever, who will sing several vocal selections, and Mary Ann Stoffel, who will play a piano number. Mrs. C. W. Klontz will act as chairman. Announces Daughter's Approaching Marriage: served on the motor corps. Thirty-eight girls volunteered to give their time and by arrangement with BCr. Duker, this program was very successfully carried on. Two girls would serve one day each week, from January 25 to May 31. The girls have been very faithful and we have very good regarding Miss Phyllis Bruce spent a lew r-~" dj. tt. put With ot MUboB, «* M^TTAfinr'Wis., spent the weekend with his W mother, Mrs. George Maitin, on Sun- SFtSTSS Mr<^ ^ ^ took him llrs. Pauline White and Miases P1VK/v_ Marion Hawley and Evelyn Weingart Un- Sengbush of Elkhorn spent Tuesday in Chii _ reports from „ .the hospital regarding' their co-op- Mrs. Frances Garland of Wood-1 eration. stock announces the approaching A working schedule for the summarriage of her daughter, First Lt. I mer months has been arranged for Frances Garland, SHA]5F, to CWO i by Miss Mae Justen, using girls from David 1(. Donald, Jr„ SHEAF, Paris,! the home economics department. This per- France. All Wadding plans are con- schedule begins on June 7 and con-jsona that Monday, July 2, 1945, is A covered aoap diah, preferably one with a hinged topi, makes MI excellent container for an orange •tick, cotton, cuticle oil an* other manicuring items. \ 1+m.i •--: :| Vernoa J. Knox, Lawyer If NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of Barbara King, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all per-, sons that Monday, July 2, 1945, is the claifiT date in the estate of Barbara King, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. KATE THIES, Executor, v (Pub. June 7-14-ti) Paiatteg Stairway ^Whaa painting a atairway, palai w*y other step, lit paint diy, tbm punk the remaining steps. Prepare cheese badi bf cream cheese wtth 1 finely chopped nuts. Bon ii Vernoai J. Knox, Lawyer NOTICE OF CLAIM DATS Estate of John A. Winkrants, Deceased. ictgo. Miss Edith Darby of Chicago spent the weekend in the W. B. Harrison home. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and family spent Memorial Day with relatives at Algonquin. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heine of Chi spent the weekend with Httleh Johnson. Lester Carr is enjoying a twoweeks vacation from his duties at the Chemical plant. ' Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Northrup and son of Hartland spent Sunday ^ T , „ M -- •with her parents;^ Mr. and Mrs. Math f1" P T eter 8,/,haU °n Saturday evening, June 16. There will be a fifty Notice is hereby given to all _ . _ le ... tingent upon military orders and tinue weekly including August 80.lib* claim date in the estate of John further details await future diapofti- Transportation is provided by the A- Winkrants, Deceased, pending in tion of SHA^F. ICas Gariaod Was 1 motor corps. i the County Court of McHenry Counone of the first girls from McHenry j In conclusion, let me say that the *y> Illinois, and that claims may be to join the WAC and to serve on McHenry Junior Red Cross is deep- s filed against the said estate on or foreign soil. She is well known to ly grateful to all who in any way 1 before said date without issuance of many, hi this eommualty, having been1--'-J - "-1- a frequent visitor here before the war. - v Holy Name To JkZr-iy:... Sponsor , Dance . : r' v . . , Hie Holy Name society of St. Peter's church. Spring Grove, is sponsoring a dance, to be held in ha community, been ' participated in this program. A. JOANNE RUUEN, " Junior Red Cross Chairmalk ,• cent admission charge, is welcome. Everybody i Surprised 0*^ j Birthday Anniversary and Mrs. Ed Bauer and chii- j William Sutton was surprised by TWICE TOLD Ite«s of Interest Taken Froa the Files of the Plaindealer of Tears Ago 8IXTY YEARS AGO summons. HUGH A. DENEEN* Administrator* with Will Annexed. (Pttb. May 24-31, June 7) M'HENBY LADY SPIT UP AOID LIQUIDS 70ft HOURS AFTER EATIN« ego sp«nt Tooday nicht And Wedattended the funeral of William Doo- pj*™" Mt¥®h®t NSy^kvi^n7JWs sister I Mr- and Mrs Ed ®«uer chii-, », John h uioi g nts si te ,,drgn 8pent Sunday in the Fred May members of his family last Sunday, Mrs. Andrew Ramaeker, at Somers, home Sprin? ^rove _ the* occasion being his birthday an- Aft' Mm AlKaw- Tiuli» >nH Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stardy and; niversary. An enjoyable afternoon .Ljn' m Tinrnm 'our daugrhters of Lake Geneva spenti waii spent, following by the serving jng and decorating their cigar fac- .k0 tlvo . .. ttiioonn DDaayy iinn tthhee ^Jooee ^Vaialillilatannccoouurrtt the weelcend in the Okw Berg home, of a delicious supper. Present were tory, and it now makes a very neat ERB-HELP Her food affixes with Mrg w B Harrison spent Satur- R- E. Sutton and daughter, Gert- and tasty appearance. tKB-htLr. Her food agrees with * a tka 1 a^anI n m . _ a A For hours after every meal, a He- Henry lady used to spit up a strong acidulous liquid mixed with pieces of! half-digested food. She says it was awful. At times she would nearly strangle^ She had stomach bloat, daily headaches and constant irregular bowel action. Today, this laay ">e«ls and enjoy,'them. And '; v --Ji. 'J k: -si *40 ic Hearing Aid Ommplttt mtk rmdiomie tmbm, ejifef .mtkrimmmi COME IN AND HEAR FOR YOURSELF .Ms&ttm. ers GREEN STREET-- V M HENRx • m': •# ' >* ; ^ iThe re-oiHwiiiig 0f Seaco Sales and Service owned and operated by Fred J. Svoboda, formerly located on Riverside Drive in McHenry, now in Lilymoor, west side J of Lily Lake. Specializing in ignition, motor ttme-nps, and overhauling on sdl makes of cars. Scientific methods, modern equipment iiiit years of experience to insure satisfaction. Complete line of distributors, generators, starters, fuel pumps and ignition parts for ford, Chrysler prodacts, Baick. Chevrolet and all other makes of cars. home. her. No gas, bloat or 'spitting up after eating. She is also free of i .„u | rude, the latter's friend and Eleanor s. S. Sheperd A Son, have comt * txt __Lm. * 4 fY Mrs. Ed* Bauer and daughter, Lu* i Larkin of Chicago^ Mrs. Robert rnenced the erection of a larsre ware-' u a u " » . • . fen iSTwiu, iR jsl. b.:|^ ?%sL2s 1 as; Day in the Oliver Laurence home. M^Henrv Tom, ma^y derks at H Colby's Aore from 8tomach, act on sluggish liver Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shulze and ^ss McHenry. # # # and M«» gt«1. ^i -I'd kidneys. Miserable ^5ple soon Make Plans For ' DIRECTIONS--Turn south on Center Ave., (Route 320 and Lily Lake School.) Turn left at Third Road, (leading to lake,) secoiyl building from Center Ave. Wednesday in the Walter Har- Decoration day with Dr. and Mrs. r^Qn home Bridge-Luncheon MrTnd Mrs. Nick Klein of Spring. ^ and Mr8" Covins spent Wed Grove were callers in the W. B. p»__ni{ Harrison home Sunday evening. 1 „ ' , . , Mrs. Harry Anderson and Mrs.' Mrs. Sibre Whiting ana daughters Leo Karls of Richmond called on1 were visitors at Woodstock Friday. Mrs. Jeimie Bacon Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Sibre Whiting and morning. ~ family attended a graduation party George Woods of Lake Geneva for George Whiting Friday evening called on Mrs. Cora Kelley Tuesday. the Ed. Whiting home. Misses Helen and Amy Laurence of Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon of Chicago spent Decoration Day in Antioch visited Mrs. Jennie Bacon the home of their parents, Mr. and Sunday. Mrs. Oliver Laurence. Mnet Laur-; Mr , Lillie Darby of Klamath Falls, Ore., o iieauay in the home of their son, \\ Frank, at Wilmette. Henry Miller, of Johnsburgh, were feel different all over. go don't go married on Tuesday morning at the[on suffering. Get ERB-HELP. Bol- Johnsburgh church. The Riverside f»er's Druff Store. Forty members of the Altar and Cornet Band gave them a serenade! Rosary sodality of-•< St. Patrick's at their residence in this village on church gathered in the Legion hall Wednesday evening. on Monday evening, attending the; last meeting for the summer monthi. FIFTY YEARS AGO. During the business meeting, plans were made for a bridge-luncheon, to c. R. Hubert's Ice Cream Parlors r red Jo ovoboda v Box 416, McHenry, IlL I 1 1 i | K'l'H'Ht 1' t1 !• Civet .1 ence accompanied them bacc k to Chicago for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Welter and son of Chicago spent Decoration Day in the Matt Welter home. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Harrison and Lora Wiedrich were visitors at Burlington, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Weber and son of Chicago spent Decoration Day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Haberlein. . Floyd Foss qf Richmond spent ' Tuesday evening with his toother, Wayne Foss. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCannon of San Diego, Calif., were callers in the Ben Walkington home Sunday evening. lfss. George Shepard spent Thursday and Friday in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Alan Ainger at Greenwood. Cadet Audrey Merchant of Chicago spent Thursday with her parents, lir. and Mrs. Ray Merchant. ' Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wagner of McHenry spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Laurence. Ernest Shook and daughter of | Belvidere, Jewel and June Brace and| Mr. Bruce of Mt. Vernon, Ql., spent be held at 1:30 o'clock on July 12 j at the Home Bakery are now open, on the lawn of the Walter Carey j Ro^. Sherburne and Geo* Harrison residence. , quite a number of sheep killed Cards were played following the j and mangled by dogs, on Saturday meeting, with prizes being merited; night la«t aMirr. aanndu sAwiirrss . GGeeoorrggee Hnaaubeerrileeiinn Kni1gVh??t i-nJ ohanu cftihoanl ib.r ?idTgde ;^ Mr sG. ^C,lraffre- miTnhe*d all th*e« >mstr doef nsM oinnd atyh isn igvhi-t S ' *~kend w"h AngeLe .nd Mr,. Quentin *11) the for fmit Chicago. | Walsh in contract; Mrs. Peter Weber 0f any ^ind are slim. The members of the Methodist and Mrs. George Schreiner in pi-1 Boards of Education should adopt Bui/a? smpmetMS Sunday school and their parents enjoyed a pot-luck supper and social evening at Muzsy's hall Sunday evening. John Doberty, S 2/c, arrived home Sunday morning from Memphis, Tenn„ for a 9-day leave, after finishing his boot training. He will go to Norman, Okla., to aviation machinist acfeool for further training,, Oraiaata Catavs Walls in some parts of a largo industrial plant are painted'gray in graduated tones, starting with a dark shade at the bottom of the wall and proceeding upward progressively lighter to the ceiling, with the purpose of concentrating t^e,int«i> aity of the light from above. Different colors are used tor the end, walls, some of which are painted, pale blue and. others pale vellow. Heg Cholera The combined efforts awina £• yowari. and tht mti hag-cholera serum industry appear • . . . to have brought hog cholera under JULm.* unusually effective control this year, the U. S. department of agriculture reports. Department veterinary officials warn, however, thst this Infectious disesse, though apparently dormant in many areas, ia home. Helen Laurence Droowski of Chicago spent Sunday in the Oliver Laurence home. Mrs. Rilling of Hollywood, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Murray of Chicago spent Saturday with Mr. and M*s. Wolf Shadle. , 4 . .. , ,. , e. . ^ , ,1 still a serious danger to swine that family" W^d.tock. Mr. JS Mn hav* ^ '"i"*' »• nochle; and Mrs. James Dohsrty and Mrs. Earl Marshall in rummy. * * * Hold Christening At St. Msry's The infant daughter of Yeoman „__f and Mrs. Gerald Miller was baptized, the Amos WhTting house, en: Water on Sunday, June 8, at a service held: ,treet at St. Mary's church, Msgr. C. S. v Nix( officiating. The new baby has I been named Carol Ann. She wore I for her christening the same dress in whi^h her daddy prohibitory laws against the cigar ette and not allow students to attend school if they are addicted to their use either in or out of school hours. F. C. Going has moved his family here from Chicago and is occupying FOftTY YEARS AGO 5K" was baptised, nsors were Orville Freund and . Richard Jung. After the christening a dinner was served at the George Kiddlesen home at McCullom Lake to Mr. and Mrs. Orville Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jung and son, Dick, and Mr. and Mrs. Jos. J. . Miller and daughter, Terry.' Funritare Polish Two parts boilea linseed oil and one part turpentine make an excellent polish for furniture. Apply mixture with a soft cloth, then rub off excess polish with a dry cloth, polishing until the surface is entire* ly dry and will not show a Anger mark. CLARENCE'S SHOP JOHNSBURG " Place orders now for Bird Houses,.Lawn Furniture, Trellises, Window Boxes, etc. Also have full line of leather goods, market and wash baskets, barn brooms, etc. •• v. • - • v Route 1, McHenry, 111 to'JN4 treat' WASHINGTON, D. C.--The Army has overcome what' in the past would have seemed to have been insurmountable obstacles and the Navy has promised full unconditional surrender. Chief of Staff General George Q. Marshall and Fl*et Admiral' Ernest J. King said today, in. commenting on the Mighty Seventh War Loan. Butter toj>k a two and a half cent tumble on the Elgin board Monday, the official price being quoted firm at 22 cents. Postmaster Waite has made a number of improvements, at the McHenry post office. The boxes have been brought forward several feet and shelves are being put up to be used by the rural mail carrier* Mr. and Mrs. Mat Freund are now nicely nettled in the rooms over, the blacksmith shop on Pearl street, j* John Pint will soon begin the erection of a handsome new residence on the lot he recently purchased from Mrs. Frank Winkles on the corner of Maple avenue and Pearl street. THIRTY YEARS AGO P. H. Weber hag moved his familv to this village from Park Ridge, 111. For the present they are making their home with- Mrs. Robert Schiessle.^. .Work on the new home being erected for Wm. Spencer in the southwest end of town is progressing very favorably. It will be a beauty when completed. llieo. Schiessle has also invested in a buss wagon and he and his family we now enjoying, the pleasures as well as "comforts of a beautiful new Overland touring car. Schneider Bros., the live-wire West! Side grocery and meat fijrm. " have' received their, new auto truck and are making good use of it. TWENTY YEARS AGO jyour Your brakes are on* of the most important parts i^f ycur car. Tfr'"}' '• r • •' • Regular inspections are important for your own* safety, and the safety of others. L It requires ooly*a few minutes to test your brakej. Better^drive in today. If brake service is needed, there is no better place to have it done. CENTRAL GARAGE Phone 200-J FRED J. SMITH, Prop. Tawing iohnsburg The grading gang*, is now at work! on that part of Elm street extending west from Green. ^ The rain which visited this terri- _ _ tory during Tuesday night, proved & General Mar->rrft ben^fit K to f the crops and fields, shall said' Henry Hobart and wife and War- • •*,'<» ,Tn Francisco and sister, Miss Am- Airov hair i fie, of O&tend, visited both Ostend MARSHALL J?8/® • OVfh r: and McHenry . cemeteries aiw! scatpast would have seemed to have been tered flowers «n the *ravea of loved i n s u r m o u n t a b l e o b s t a c l e s . S o h a v e I o n ® * - • • ^ . . . . you. That is where The enemy mis- • Mesdames A. u. Barbian and John calculated--for to Americans, noth- frreund have leased the store room ing has ever been impossible. Yours J during the many years occupied by 's a hard task--a heavy responsi- j the M. M. Neisen grocery, and will bility. But we of the Army have ' open iij the near future, a women's conlideoce itUhanti *y»oAuta ewe»5i1l1l ' OMil ikkll/tvAm'o Onnattol Wa achieve the impossible. Admiral King said: < "We have had two wars to wage: One of those wars is just beginning. That means that your nwn labors, far from over, are also just beginning. The Navy. like the Army. has one o b j e c tive. The uncontional s u r r e n der of the enemy. We will attain that objective because of people of good faith. People who have demonstrated again; and children's apparel store to be known as the "Nobby Style Shop." Cotton Speeding Up The cotton textile industry is now spinning 40 per cent more cotton on 30 per cent fewer spindles than it did 15 years ago. ! City Movement The farm-to--cciitVy movement, cept for a short interruption during the great depression, has grown ever since colonial days. Once this nation was predominantly rural, now only one-fifth of the population is on farms. Old Too&brsshes It will pay you to keep an old patriotism and their willingness to toothbrush in the kitchen for clean' undertake the most rifcantic finan- j ing egg beaters, graters, forks, facial task ever undertaken by " people/ a free < tricate china figurines. --SPECIAL SALE MONTH OF JUNE ONLY With each purchase of a car battery we off SPARK PLUGS 5 «a<A,IaS^l •f 4 or More to give qaiour guoother perforaanee Stop ija and look rhie Qvofty, Low /Vfce over our special values tM* mo^h BIKE AUTO SUPPLIES WHEEL GOODS MOTOR OIL 1» aB sttalgM ride Im lias. Deep teat DAIRY SPR4V Get Your Free VICTORY GARDEN AMP SOIL CONSERVATION $15.20 BOOKS ttr •ifc-al ^ Gr*d* l Tin CmrkhtMtt Sttdtd, TIRES - TUBES - BATTERIES - ACCFSSORIBS T}RE AND TUBE VULCANIZING All Work Guaranteed OFFICIAL TIRE INSPECTION STATION PHONE 294 BftAIN ST., WEST McHENRY

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