Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jun 1945, p. 4

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HBLP WANT*© -- Dial SitaA|(( Snii|i wi hdHni! pay. Rolaine Grill, Woofer e. dall Wonder Lake CM. - ltf *• f«Miei at McHenry. HL, ftiM «f " On t«« «2J0 IALCDITORIALISSOCIATIOH mui WANTED--Draff man' for war work. Apply Kilter Prodocta. f*m 1M. . «•** WANTED TO BUT _L WANTED-TO BUY coffee urn, M. L. Bart, poration. Tel Steam-heated 7 to 10 fad. capacity. Ringvtood Chemical Cor* el. Richmond 6. 3-2 WANT TO BUY -- Snail farm or vacant; 5 to 80 aires; eaah. Would like sane in McHenry territory. Address Box MT," care Plaindealer. *8-2 WANTED FOR SALE WANTED--Corn. Hills. ^ McHenry Flour 2-2 FOR SALE -- Shetland pony; also , WANTED -- Responsible person or harness and saddle. Telephone | couple to share home on south side RoundLake 2117. ^ of McC^lom Uke. Located on lake ----. ; shore. Tel. McHenry 668-W-l. 8 HOUSE FOR SALE--George Meyers residence, 7-room house and lot and three extra, lots, one in front of MISCELLANEOUS house and two across street from WE HAVE CASH BUYERS for winresidence. Address Mrs. John MonV t« or summer homes, farma and vagmnery. 1222 Circle Ave., Forest cant. List your real estate with us. Park. III. Phone Forest 474. * Jacob Frits, Real Estate, Johnsburg. -- -- ---- : rTTT i Phone McHenry 672-R-2; Qiicago .FOR SALE -- Lattice fence, 60-ft., pj,0ne, Lincoln 1888. 8-4 long and 5-ft. high. Inquire at thgjf , Frtvnd Oil Co-, West HcHtnry. 8] FOR SALE -- Eight-piece dining room outfit; kitchen cabinet; three kitchen tables; small cream separa- • tor; two bed springs and mattress; •g.jg two rockers; gas laundry stove; two -- Ll ro-gal. crocks. J. Greer, Rt 81, A FLOOR TILE--for kitchens, bathmiles south of McHenry. Tel. Mc- j rooms, recreation rooms, commercial CONCRETE -- MASONRY FOUNDATIONS--CHIMNEYS FIREPLACES ESTIMATES FURNISHED . ROCHELLE TEL. 673-M-l Henry 617-R-2. *3 ; FOR SALE -- SiriV pre-war bicycle balloon tires, like new; all accessorijes included. Call McHenry 665-R-2. •3 - S_ buildings, etc. Also floor sanding and refinishing. Henning Newman, 982 Marvel Ave.,Phone 131, Wood- 5itf CESSPOOLS AND SEPTIC TAJfitS ^-cleaned. Phone Crystal Labi WS FOR SALE -- Two Belgian horses; 716.M; Fred Wells, two Holstein milk cows; two Holstein calves; one cream separator. Call McHenry 608-W-2. *3 -M 52-4 WE INSURE YOUR PERSONAL PROPERTY in the cit^ or country, wherever located fin the U. S. or cigar case, $10; 6-ft. candy case, $10., an{j insurance, lfrain St., Johnsburg. Call McHenry 302. 31 Phone McHenry 672-R-2. At Chic. r _ r-P 1 " ™ L ' " r o l " 1 3 3 3 - 5 0 1 3 heater, electric flat iron, floor lamp, lawn MOWER SHARPENING library table, drop leaf kitchen table. AND REPAIRING--Hand and power Mayme Buss, 516 Waukegan Road; | mowers< Robt. Thurlwell, liO Main TeL 139-W. •-B St., West McHenry. 49-tf ^yerS?iM0, dining TREE SPRAYING AND WHITEroom tables and chairs, kitchen tables [WASHING -- Frank Henkel, Volo. and chairs, porch furniture, buffet, j Tel. McHenry 681-M-l. 46-tf class case, table and floor lamps, in- . a-door bed iand mattress, odd chairs "AVE YOU nEAltD about the new and tables, day bed, dressers, van- [ reduced Auto Liability .and Property ity, gas range. Call at Tomaschek's, | Damage rates? They will surprise north on Riverside Drive, turn right, you. Ask us for insurance rates drive to Orchard Beach Road to Shalimar subdivision, first house on the left. *8 Mr. and Mra. Richard and family of Chicago visited Mra. CkrlHiatt jet the home of lira. Zena Bacon one day la* weet ' )[( l fWr dren left Monday for Peoria, where she iwil spend several weeks visiting relatives. . Mrs. James Powers jand, children spent a few days with hear parents at Warren, HI., recently. A marriage license has bean issued to Arthur Henning of Genoa City. Wis., formerly of MicHenry, and Marion Jphnfcie of Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Simon and daughter, Kathleen, left* last week for New York, where they will visit Mrs. Simon's sister, Betty, and her family, the Don TTiatchers. Mrs. Simon is the former Miss. Marie Kempfer. , Miss Margaret O'Gara of Chicago, former teacher in the local Ugh school, visited friends here on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDonald of Woodstock called on his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman, one day last week. Mrs. Carl Courier and daughter, Rita, of Woodstock, spent Sunday afternoon visiting her mother, Mra. Nellie Bacon. * Mrs. E. R. Sutton *nd guest, Alice Sutton* of Pasadena, Calif., M. A. Sutton of McHenry and Joseph J. Sutton of Elmhurst attended the funeral of Mrs. Katharine Nolan in Round Lake Memorial Day. - Alld children guests in the John PhtliR Ittfte. Miss Maud Granger, who spent the wihtfe? Months in Elgin, has returtfed to McHenry and is making * ho Richard Wray of eallere on Mam- Lim* and MM. Vale Adams and ion af Wayeraaa, Ga« left Monday r his parents ho*. U. wast, after being etaHeaed in Qaargia for tbtfpaat two y«pura. Mra. O. ToIMin of Chicago was a local caller a few days the first of the wwek. Mr, and Mia. Harry Labine of Arlington Heights, formerly of McHenry, called on friends here this Kound lako on nemonai i MjS, James Mahonev *n< of Chicago. vmvtd ftililk Mlfte. FOR SALE--Brick house, four rooms, full basement; three years old. Located in Lilymoor. Call Crudele. Tel. Chicago, National 2836. 3 FOR SALE -- Quincy air compres- The Xent^Co., McHenry. Phone 8. WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING -- All work fully guaranteed. "Torchy" Krause, 310 Elm St., McHenry. Tel. 379. 42-tf FOR ANY TYPE OF HOME INSULaor; tank 14x48; 94-hp., in good con- ATION, ASBESTOS SIDING OR A dition; fine for parage or shop; $150 H. Bennett, R-2, McHenry. *3 FOR ^ALE NEW ROOF, see Bob Frisby, People's Insulation Co., 104 S. Riverside Drive, McHenry, 111., Phone McHenry ry ana hW home with the Robert Thompsons for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholz visited in the Ernest Kamholz home in Chicago on Sunday. Mrs. William Johns and daughter. Carol Ann, Miss Audrey Warner and Doris Walbaum of Elgin and Lieutenant Jeanne Warner of Cleveland, Ohio, visited Relatives here on Sunday. Mrs. Edith Cheatham 'of Greenville, 111., Mrs. Cordie McCracken of Reno, 111., and Mrs. Irma Dutriex of South Bend, Ind., have been visiting in the L. J. McCracken home and on Friday evening attended the commencement program at the high4 school. Mr. and Mrs. Ray McGee attended funeral services for Thomas Ryan at Woodstock on Wednesday morning of last week. Mr. McGee acted as pallbearer. Miss Marjorie Duker, R. N., of Cook County hospital, Chicago, was a recent visitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Dukier. Mrs. Anna Miller, son, Robert, and granddaughter, Bunny Stogel, accompanied by the William Miller m H ! family of Fox River Grove, witness- j ed an exhibition at the Douglas Air- j craft corporation in Chicago on Sunday. I Peter Engeln of Woodstock visited Mr. and Mrs. Linus Newman one day | last week. j Mrs. George Mitchell of Janesville, j Wis., a former tfeacher in the local high school, has been visiting in the* Arthur Hoppe home. Miss Bonnie Page, cadet nurse at Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Wegener and family of Volo wen Sunday callera in the Martin Wegener home. MY*. John Fletcher Mid daughter of Washington, D. C., are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Howard. Mr. and Mra. John Joyce and the tatter's mother, Mrs. Delia Callahan, of Chicago visited Mrs. Callahan's sister, Mra. Peter Doherty, on Sunday. Mrs. Kathryn Young has returned from a week'a visit with her daughter and family./Mr. and Mrs. Jack ShetterSay, in Dayton, Ohio, , COMING EVENT® • . .Jane 7 Pot-Lock Sapper and Installation-- C D. of A. Circle 8, W. S. C. S.--Mrs. Lillian Cox.-' ' , :,4-rr - ' JtfM 8 Christian Mothers. Mothers' Club--Legion Hall. Neighborhood Club -- Mrs. • Simon Stoffel. June 12 Circle 1, S. C. S.--Mrs. Zion Baker. Bridge-Luncheon--Sponsored by ; Altar and Rosary Sodality. Jute 14 Circle 4, W. S. C. S.--Mrs; Yelma Douglas. tGairrkfotmn Favorite The tomato, grown in about 19 out of every 20 gardens in town and country, is by long odds the favorite garden crop. . lmitti day.Wl. afletoplorw oftke Comumer iwyrf vivedby ertlea a McHenry county _ drive will L l«t,000 of the MfliraukSM .. government ^ wfll toni* H8,0fj000 and hd»1MBnged, as it did dnrtig the previous War Loan drives for every covnty in which it operates in tw^ve to tta noMd is a,gMv fUy narvoi^a rtiuacular teoakm. ^ore „ teg «< Htm lida, darreaaad etataa to participate in ita huge purchase, minoia ia allotted 95,742,- 000 to be distributed aammoonngg the eounties the road serves. H. A. 8Mndrett, trustee of the Milwaukee Road, in commenting on the purchase, said that in to Moisting the United Statee in the of the war and contrihn |o the success of the 8eventh War Loan drive, the investment likewiae will be advantageoua to the railroad. McHenry, llWimh WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS FRIDAY • SATURDAY 8ATURDAY ONLY, JUNE » AIN STREET AFTER DARK 4Mtk Edward Arnold tfe Pictwf of 1M1 Tlurflla DANGEROUS JOURNEY" All Star Revae 'Hollywood Canteen9 Read the Want Ada Pine -- World Newa SUN. * MON^ JUNE 1* NOK, JUNE 10 - 11 Hamphrey Bogart - La MURbfiR MY SWBBrr' Starring JHtk VmnUt Qaire Trevor To Have and Have Not" Anna Shirley and WorM Newa TUESDAY ONLY, JUNE 18 Back By Reqaept! "BRINGING UP with Gary Grant ani'1 Katharine HeplNini kaoWyiasdactivety, TUESDAY (ONE DAY) will be 1."Grissly's Millions 2. "Vigilantes Of Bolger's Drug Store Dodge City" McHENRY, ILL. WED. THURS. JUNE It GREEN ST. Password To Thrills! THURSDAY Errol Flym • Henry Hall WEDNESDAY "MINISTRY OF Featuring Ray Milland and Marjorie Reynolds 'Objective Burma" Cook County hospital, Chicago, spent | the weekend at her home here. | Mrs. Nick Miller has returned i „. , j,. unve, xnctienry, in., rnone mcnenry • , „ k. S1 211-J. Woodstok, 210 E. Jackson ^;!nol™l2caTe«™«t^loS: ^ Woodstock 817. 20-tf ...... , ... i?x ^Hy„^-M,fr "ddreM P- DEAD" ANIMALS WILL W.N THE relatives in "".th ' WAR -- Five dollars is the least we Mr. and Mrs. Walter Manning and FOR SALE -- Twelve musknat traps, j Pa? *°r dead horses and cows in good Tel. McHenry 233-M. 31 condition. Wheeling Rendering Co. Phone. Wheeling No. 3. Reverse the FOR SALE -- Sandwisch Easy Way charges. No help needed to load. 14-tf hay loader; also number of milk „ . „„, ^sans. Robert Knox. Tel. 630-W-l. GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us sons of Oak Park visited relatives here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Duker and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferwerda attended the graduation of nurses at Cook County hospital, Chicago, on Monday dispose of your garbage each week, i evening. Miss Marjorie Duker was I or oftener if desired. Reasonable {a member of the graduating class FOR SALE -- Piano and breakfast j rates. Regular year round route, for-1 Cadet Berniece Freund of St. set. Phone McHenry 681-W-l. Call i merly George Meyera'. Ben J. Smith, after 12 noon. 3-3 Phone 365. tf li l^OR SALE -- living room set, in-| eluding davenport and one chair. Tel.: 207-W. 8 ers Rt. 1, West McHenry. Tel. FOR SALE--Electric table top stove; Westirighouse. Clarence Westphal, . 022-11-2.1 * Mr. and Mrs. William Perkinson and daughter, "Marilyn, of Chicago FOR SALE--Year- round comfort and' 7rere *i«tors in the Ted Winkel economy with fire-proof Johns-Man- h°2J! du™» iY\e P*»t week, vflle Rock Wool Home Insulation Colhn? -1" •»d..cSli""' ..C"11 i a vacatio^in ^ LEO J. STILLING, McHenry 18. _ , Mr and M„ William ^nivan ^ i Mrs. Myrtle Lonergan of Chicago mr\D Sa Aa Li vE 8on0 acres alnl usabvil e f*a rm ' were recent guests in the Linus New- man home. • land. Between Ring-wood and Solon w . _ .A. Mills. Good set of buildings. Call n Mr: and Mrs. Lynn Smith and son, or write Carl Ohrwall, P. O, Box Senni8\°f Kodcton, spent Memorial 211 or phone Crystal Lake 8049-Y-4. cJJways parents- the Martin ^ ^ Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Kimball of Chicago were r?qent McHenry visitors. Miss Alice Siitton of Pasadena, Calif., "-has been visitfttg relatives here. k Anne's hospital and Mrs. Andy Muller of Chicago spent the weekend with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Freund. Mrs. Robert Frisch, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Larkin And John Sutton of Elgin visited relatives here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Larson and daughter of Chicago called in the Linus Newman home on Memorial Day. Miss Barbara Carey returned home For US, V-E day means more fuses*' We must DOUBLE - our present output to the Pacific from NOW ON, a steady, well-paying job. . ;• \ Mf'v last Friday from St. Mary's of the Woods college at Terra Haute, Ind., where she has completed her Freshman year. Miss Eleanor Larkin of Chicago visited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. Anna Waldman of Milwaukee, Wis., visited McHenry friends the first of the week., She will be remembered by many old friends here as the former Anna Swadish. Mrs Waldman's son was killed in Germany on April 14 and since that time her husband has also passed WANTED TO RENT - six room h£e." rei8UVeS ^ ^ „ , Jfrmanent home, in or around Mc- jjrs Charles hf tr«. \ ^.rs: Francis Bonslett of Henry, 'write A. Richtmyre, West j visitS Mra JosSh^ ®van8^)" «®lled on MeHenry rela- McHenry postoffice. 2-2!^! Ia8t WpV P one tim Saturday. aay last week. I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frett, Jr., WANTED TO KENT WANTED TO RENT - Five or .ix' **11 and his"n^r?-M»^S^^ and .0^ , 0' Aurpra, visitiS ^ T.OST ' 1 ^rs- Mervin Kent of Chicago spent uwoi --[-a recent day with relatives in Mc- • Am, tM , ' - Henry. LOST--Black purse, containing su^i! R. E. Sutton and daughter, Germoney, also two No. 3 . ration trude, of Chicago visited friends and --' ®°oks And three No. 4 books. Re-, relatives here during the past week? ' ward. 'Mrs. Frank Spurling, Wauke- j Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber and fam! >an Road, West McHenry. ^ *3 i ily and Earl Conway and son, Ronald, % , • . • r^: «(. • GOOD CLOTHES DESERVE GOOD CARE 103 Elm Stmt Phone McHenry 104»M friends and relative? here on Memorial Day. Jacob Buss of Chicago spent Memorial Day with McHenry relatives. FATHERSDAY You will enhance any gift you give Dad a hundred fold by tucking a War Bond in the package. Give him the present with a future and at the same time help put the Mighty Seventh over the top. Get a Bond in His name today. "IS - WOMEN AND MEN - You Need No Experience UQHT FUSX ASSmBlX JAN1T0B8 WATCHMEN -3- YACKEBS • - WAREHOUSEMEN EXPLOSIVE OPERATORS JJMITED NXnUI^EII; or TOOL A*D DIE DAY AND NIGHT SHIFTS-7 A. TO % A M. . TO 4:30 P. M.; 4:30 P.M. --BEST WAGES-PREMIUM FOR NIGHT WORK . NO LUNCH POX TO PACK - DfeLIQIOUS HOTiMEALS _ / IN OUR CAFETERIA IDEAL FOR SUMMER"--PLEASANT-LIGHTBUS SERVICE -- McHENRY AND CRYSTAL LAKE OR FROM ANY POINT WHERE A SUFFICIENT GROUP IS ORGANIZED ^ COMPANY INSURANCE AND HOSPITALIZATION AVAILABLE AFTER NINETY DAYS. . % .. ' J •: WM. M. FENCIL COMPANY HUNTLEY, ILLINOIS f 1 CALL COLLECT HTmTLET 2Wl OR CRYSTAL LAKE «33 ArT** l>. It i All Hiring In Accordance With WMC Regulations. . -•te-.'V*

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