Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jun 1945, p. 5

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5ft*'9Wt by EARL R. WAL6H Those "Sorority Sisters" at the Hvcndde Bakery complain about pnttin| sports news in S. I. H. lpey prrfef the amJwy business, bat are ahraya so helpful with "Oh, I heard the best one for your cotamn today but i wouldn't dare teU." • i ,, Vkieh brinp vm right up to a newt item on the Shamrocks. Manager Bolger informs us that tke team will lsse Dean MeCraeken to Uncle Sam's Navy- this week. , Dean has been hitting the ball pud putting allaround hurtle in the, team. Ttoa layer shortage is sp acute that anager Bolger nay have to call out $e Mutate. „ ^ theftaAwitha pMeMn vith the Jtes^ tVemd, JcAmsburg thirdhis n«dc but picked s foul off the fence in the third Inning* One of the flutyt plays yowlj be seeing took plaee in the fourth timing when Wagner picked Bad off ftfst base. The way "Sonny" Miller pit $he ball on Ma mb gave further widveir that McHenry has a first baeeasa* who can really hanffle his position. £H% a natural. £ The day was made to onder for football nd soma of the boya got into the spirit the day by Uddng the ball around. Pour local ugh reel. Meeeaafully passihf the^exiuaination given recently by the army for 17- year-old yodjc men desiring college ebones un&* the army specialised training reserve program, it was announced "by Colo&d Joseph EL Torrance, Chicago. The four are Roman J. Bauer, rail J. Schntitt, Fred C. Svolwda and Adolph H. Wddeman. Colonel Torrance, Klein, Smith. Arnold "I Am Music" Keenan, Cynthia Song--"In the Elaine Turner, Piano--"Off to Catop" -- Freund. „ Piano--"The Star <Ja*er*M--J"»c« Oeffling. Violin -- "Merry Widow Walt*" -- Robert Chris tensen. Piano--"Garland of Schmitt. Betty Lou Mr. and Mrs. George' Knight have moved ftoia an apartment in the Tucker building on Riverside Drive to the Conway place on the same Roses"--Donna j street recently vacated by the Richard Hester family. informing thai Walts'*--Elsie^Smith, j »»»+»»»«$ KIMWMMMJ»,lI Jaaiea< in piano: Robert Christensen, preparatory ond year in vMin. • « Kxsntnros ttuaoss young men of their success in the j Piano Oueta--"Star Soanijled BanemxmamiMinattiimoni , sUaMid-: "«Yvo«un kha.wve. dJMemH.1 ner," "Blue Danube"--Donna and onstrated excerp tional ability# and Georgia Schmitt. have won for yourself the right to j Vocal Duet--"Wkter Births l+MM--M'ttMMi If IMM a free military scholarship at tae of the nation's leading colleges or Bud Miller was potting plenty on the ball--our MM 4 out of Ugt#d cotpst wl 10 strikeouts in which the batter qu^te of th* ASTRP, urn .~iiJ;™'**r"!th?r-^ of™.S? Srs £ Bird Rose- j Woodstock hospital on Tuesday, June marie Schmitt. * Piano--"Minuet"--Jane Schmitt. r* . „ Wmrran H, . ,n nf Violin -- "Intermeaao" --~ Clarence I Mr: Mn- ^*ffren Woodstock are the . parents <rf a " £be universities, located, in all probabil itjy in^cither Illinoia, Michigan, oi - D«-" - Kennethft took the third strike. Murphy and MeCraeken covered a lot of territory in the outfield, putting en nice sprints on occasions. That's George Whiting--not Sib in We told Winkel to get In shape for m* saaswy lmt hs P^ no at- ^ ^ SmTi. TS::«».John,bal* lineup, the wisecracks?* say, "That I. want to sajs!" . Th* election board pit the city ball haps what had us upset was being confronted with a Republican ballot. LOST: ' "Brenda's" beanie, lost this time.V JOHNSBURG H. Freund ss A. Freund ef G. Jackson c . B. Miller p.... J. Freund 3b . S. .Freund lb L. Freund 2b B. Frett rf ... R. Schaefer If G. Whiting rf want, to take 5' EHl l! ^Itfs really BOX SCORE Mow Leo Stilling oi out some time afkd prove that his fishing book or book fishing is accurate. We're always sticking our short neck out too far. Does anybody have a book on how pnd where to catch a chicken or steak? Schools, those necessary evils in the lives of children, have come to the end of another term. We always enjoyed vacation up to the Fourth of July--then began to .worry about September. The schedule makers in the McHenry County Baseball League have had to revise their original set-up to satisfy the whims of the weatherman. R. Schuler TOTALS * MeHENRY Conway ss ... MeCraeken If Wajmer p-2b H. Stilling 3b Murphy cf-p , Miller lb AB . a5 ..... Ji 4 .....4 L. Stilling rf-cf ,..4 Bolger c 3 Knox 2b-rf --, -..8 H. Freund rf *^.1 •m i 0 2 % 0 1 0 * * 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 a you anlist, training you stating that lie more will re- "the sooner free college ceive." The ASTRP is open only to 17- year-old men who meet physical, educational and other qualifications. Under the program students wear army uniforins, and the cost of their tuition, food, quarters and books is paid for by the army. Depending on their age when they Reading--"The Musicl Stool"-- dar ence Thelen and Robert Cnristenian this Davidson, 26, i Luon May 1 Piano--"Beautiful Heaven" -- Joan A" Nell. i Piano--"Little Havana Glri** --8ally King. ,-v, - . • • Vocal--"Comin' In On i Wing and a Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davidson of Prayer." "The Football Game"--'Marengo have received word that Boys' Choir. : their son, David S. Davidson, 26, Piano -- "Hungarian Dance"--Mary died on May_6 from wounda rSceived Ann Freund. •M" betfnr"t^"ining," tJHey ~"Wili ""^ciive Vocal--"Glow Worro"--Patncia Hue- j Although the family did not move to 3! .«' mann TVIami Hietialii and Marenaro until after vouna* Davidaon i • Due to ^dfWN wescther eondftfioas, the *a«es which srers scheduled for Sunday, June S, have been postyoned to June 10, by the Chain > Oxakea Boat club. These races 'win be held at Flatakee Lake beginning at 2 p. m., ahatp, X slight change has been made the program as follows: The 175- h.p. and under race has been "KWTigTd to a Class E race. The first and aecond winning boats of this race will be withdrawn and a consolation race for the remainder of the boats of thia class will be held .fa. this my onay Mirtrtheir "* I am cards, gifta, flowws MRS. MINNIE fa / CARD OF 1VANK8 1 Wld like in thia iray to tfMflk' the many friends who sent entifc flowers, gifts and other raaMiftbrancea while I was confined to ttp hospital. HMV were all much a$» predated.» KATHRYN SIMONT: - & - Subecribe for The Plaindealar n i H H i i H i H i i M n i i i i i i n n m i i i i i i i i i i i M m n t i :L WIAPY FOR BUSINESSJ f f-' • •• \ \f>% s\ J * We are pleased to annon&pe the openin^^of W newly REMODELED KITCHEN AND DOTHO ROOM : on THURSDAY, JUNE 14, again serving the beet food ;; obtainable with improved s«rvioe.. . "Z\% f from two to four 12-week terms of college work before going on active duty at the conclusion of the term in which they become 18. . *T. JOHN MUSIC m. ASS TO PRESENT MUSICAJLE SUNDAY --Sally King, Elaine Freund. Vocal--"My Garden** -- Mary Ann Freund. •«» Vocal--"A Brown Bird Singing" -- Elaine Nell. Piano--"Songs My Mother Taught Me"--Patricia Henn. " | Vocal--"Ave Maria"--Vocal Group, Musical persons in this community! Mrs. Adams (soloist.) will be interested to know that a i Piano--"Frollicky Rollicky 14 musicale, given by St. John music j Elaine Freund. class of St. John's parish, Johnsburg, j Piano--"English Dance" --„ Georgia will be given at Nell's pavilion on; Schmitt. manii. Dolores Miehels Dorothy; Marengo young Davidson Schmitt. "' was in service, ha was well known Piano Duet--"Here Comes the Band" for spending the summer months there during his childhood. Survivors include, besides his Also Wines, Liquors and GOcktails ae yw <> them. Louise Kempton, and Bruce, 5 years old. PAPER REACHES DAVE SWANSON IN Wind"-- j SOUTHWEST PACIFIC Recently, Dr. and Mrs. C. "W. Sunday. June 10, at 8 p. m. Admtel! Voeal--"My Wild Irish Rose"-Clar- Klonts received a very interesting sion will be fifty cents, including tax.! ence Freund. : l®*ter from their nephew, Dave Swan Proceeds will be used for the bene-; Violin Duets--"Ama^rllis," "The Two ®°n» 1 W"° *or P*8* three years fit of the school. Grenadiers"--Clarence Thelen and has been ,n the, naXy and for . ® These young folks, all of whom; Robert Christensen. are talented musically, have worked j Vocal--"Indian Love Call, diligently, under the capable super-; Dreams"--Elaine Nell. vision of Sister Edwardine* and are j PSano -- "Dancing Doll" • MeHENRY TOWN CLUB .j; Riverside Drive and Pearl St, Phone 12 - Meftaxry < • r . gram The R H E 000--2 9 3 TOTALS 39 Score by innings: McHenry 010 010 <Johnsburg 000 061 Stolen bases--J. Freund. Two-base hits--B. Miller. Three-base hits-- Piano--"Indian Chief"--Walter Frett Next Sunday the teams will play! H Freund, B. Miyer, S. Freund, J. Piano Accordion--"Santa now prepared to present a nro which should be very enjotfatM? entire program follows: PROGRAM "Heigh-o, Happy Land" -- Vocal Group. 00*--7 14 31 Piano -- "Twinkle, Twinkle Star"--Catherine Freund. "Day IMane Freund. Vocal--"Say A Prayer For the Boys Over There," "America, My Home" --Entire Group. Those who are receiving recognipast two years has been a member of the crew of the U. S. S. Mitchel, •somewhere in the southwest Pacific. He states, "The Plaindealer is coming along very well; I usually get four or five copies at a time and certainly enjoy having them. Always look forward to receiving the new editions. Especially do I enjoy the tionJ o*f \vthleii r years work Lare Elaine many pictures, as I've been able to Hm' r 0 ' ^ nf IN ex I, ounuay xne KUDS W»H » - - * MJH-- M. the -m-mUma, «b^d. for W.^; »• May 27. McHenry will travel to Richmond. Algonquin will play at Johnsburg. Woodstock expects to have Howard Judson available to pitch against his old mates at Hebron. Shirley Christensen. Piano--"Aloha Oe"--Adele Schmitt. Violin--"Auld Lang Syne" -- James Adanis. balls off--Wagner, 3; Murphy, 2; Miller, 2. Winning pitcher--B. Mil-I ler. Umpires--K. Burg and A. An-1 Piano--"Dance of the Sunbeams"-- and derson. , f l Dorothy Hiller. Little Nell, who is awarded a junior diplo -ma in voice; Clarence Freund and Mary Ann Freund, who receive junior Lucia" --.certificates in voice; Elaine Freund, Sally King and Mary Ann Freund, tTSSir^aSS. "•» -">• friend, here. Rosemarie Schmitt, Dorcrthy Hiller ^ , „ . , _ Jane Schmitt, preparatory sec- Order your Rubber Stamps at The ond year in piano; Arnold Freund, Plaindealer. remember a good many of the people shown. And the weddings--well, most of my class must be married by now. Dave spent two years in McHenry, raduating *with the class of 1940. A letter from Lt. Clarence Anderson states^ that he is playing a little baseball and watching the Plaindealer with interest in keeping up with our local games. CITY SIGHTS: Leo Blake rolling a cigaret. (Just like a rootin'-tootin' Cowboy Joe.) It's only lately that we've taken to reading weather • predictions, but it looks like the guy who predicts must have trotted off on a vacation and left a rubber stamp. Each day we read: "Mostly cloudy and occasional light rain." The way this Nick Etten *is clouting the ball for the Yankees, it's about time for us to pop off again about him being a boy from these parts. - They are going to run the Kentucky Derby again this year and it looks like the horses will get all the attention. Regular gold-coast boxseaters can't make the trip. . Many restaurants are planning meatless days. The way a lot of us civilians. complain, it might be well to proclaim a beef-less day« Manager Mel Ott fines a pitcher $600 for throwing a wrong pitch to 'a batter. Just think of the possibilities. Why, the Phillies could wind the season with mortgages on "iers' homes! HEADLINE NEWS. This week we have news that should make the headlines of Robert Ripley's "Believe It Or Not" column. Directly from the mouth of So I Hear, comes a sworn statement that on Tuesday, June 4, 1945, he voted the straight Republican ticket in the election held at the City Hall, McHenry, 111. OUTBREAK IN FIFTH GIVES JOHNSBURG 7-2 WIN OVER SHAMROCKS^ big inning gave Johnsburg a ~ ? to 2 victory over the Shamrocks last Sunday on the victor's diamond. The game was originally scheduled to be played on the McHenry diamond, but pre-game inspection found the Johnsburg diamond suffering less from the heavy rains. Dick Conway opened the ball game by slapping the first pitcH to center field for a safe hit. After Dean MeCraeken flied out to center, "Moose" 4 Wagner came through with a hit to center and., hiked to second on the throw-in. A golden scoring opportunity died as Harry Stilling tapped to the pitcher and Murphy grounded out to second. "Sonny" Miller, 'first man up for the Shamrocks in the second inning, was safe when a wild throw pulled Bud Miller off the bag as he covered i first. With two down, Bobby Knox cracked a sharp hit along the left' field line to send Miller home with the first run of the ball game. The fourth inning found both teams loading the bases, but in each case the pitcher prevented scoring by fanning a man for the third out. The Shamrocks scored their -second run in the fifth as "Mo^pe" Wagner drove a mighty triple to right and scored on an error. "Howie" Freund opened Johnsburg's half of the inning by picking the same spot for a three-base blow. Then the boom guns started! A couple of errors helped the Johnsburg cause and befpre Murphy could restore order for Wagner on the mound BqwatiDB by Nature... styling by VanHeusen! Spring-bright colon Ut tibe keynote of osraew drifts, ties, spuiuwatr \ , For colorful smartness this Spring, let Van Hausen be your color>fuidfc N Spring-bright itnpet and pastel toon bring hew freshness to Van Heuia patterned shiru. And of course. Van Heosen whites, smartest color of all, with the f«mnnf Yaa Uflucn collar attached. Talond to a Tee" am these handsome new Vaa Heosen sport shirts--styled, of Sonne, with typical Vaa Heusea drill. Sold colon and two-tone combinations in many 85c and up MAIN STREET MeHENRY M'i'-nK 'M ...41 r n i . A r KPN R £ A V Cheese 10c Pillsbury's 10 OMl A . . . N 10' Juice RAISIN '*<>*> «AN nee. IH a l a a a a Kfi. Ml" CALIFORNIA JUICY LEMONS lb. 12c Frash Georgia Peickes 2 as. 29* Califoniii Bias CInniB* •%3S< Carrots ARIZONA FRBH • <| • 2 VAN CAMP'S--WITH MSAT 1 It4 roWs CliM Cm Carat tic SNO SHEEN. SOfTASlUt OS SiwdMi "St Me CHASE & SAMSOtN erths CtllAl Ot OATMKAL CtappPa ISe KADOTA FlgJaa SS ISc SUNSHINt f t Hi HtCracktrs ...f& 22c TOOTSII Fadgs Mi Stile CHOCOLATE COLO Layer Caka each 34c 1 8 sar^' SOAP SAVtS - A Oakiti -%g5; 4 A STEfi. WOOL SSOAf 1 • • Bgi Clifc 7 PADS I UC KtTCHBi - m Kkanr |gS>' T* MM priMS ml mm* •nnifcss* •Mltlwwl HM«Ml «*M WIMI* sasnnf SOAP FLAKES CMSsa WINDOW CUANKS WIMISX «£S14e. u m i u M _ MM Syn&ISe WAUPAfCK CUAMMk "3tS« • fciwhi wW N aMMI «• •MTVA**WK is aft w atiaaaaa at kl Taa ML -iL :• *r NATIONAL FOOD STORES

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