> Society Notes Many Attead Jm Hoaie Bnwa MmBm ~ The June meeting of the Ringwood Home Bureau unit met with Mrs. C. h- Harrison. There were twenty-two ttifiembers and fifteen guests present. Chairmen reports were given by "Ms. Troxell on' doting; Mrs. Cormier, foods; Mrs. Dimon, home man Ghiistian Mothers w Plan Rummage Sale --The Christian .Mothers ana Altar l^t meeting on Frid.y evening. "<"> L"nd««y_Mri. Lindsay «n- Twenty-nine members were present. I gonnced th»t Ringwood un.t ... the Following the business meeting, cards! * ' m county to Inake its were enjoyed, with Mrs. Anna Feltz, qu° ' m „.rul.1L .1 winning the five hundred prize, and Mrs. Kathryn A. Freund, Mrs. Evelyn ^airman, ^nd her wmmittee showed Ite, Mrs. Josephine Heimer and »PnnS _ vegetaMea from .their _ f _ __ Evelyn FreAnd winning high dens. *any ®fferent kinds of spring j lilies of the valley and white violets. Celia Juste was I "°Yers were brought to the meeting The ladies serving wore corsages of ^ J " white iris. Green and white, the 4-H colors, were used in the color scheme fit honors in pinochle. Awarded. tlje special prize. Mrs, $£ti»esa Weigart and her committed cdri&lded the meeting with the X" fey the *ill convene next ™^July;<^ y home adout the import- MM* Jeasie Fred Sells, each told of her and the progress that had been made so far this year. Sandra Sells added spice to the program by a humorous reading. Group singing was then enjoyed, under the leadership of Ferol Martin. Following the program, dainty refreshments were served to all, with Mrs. John Lindsay and Mrs. Eva Eppel presiding at a beautifully arranged tea table. Each home Bureau member wore the unit badge and eath 4-H girl's mother a small corsage. Guest speakers and Mrs. J. T. McNeil, mistress £ar~ l of ceremonies, wore corsages of and discussed. A large arrangement of sixteen different varieties of iris was 'shotKO.. The major project, 'Care and Repair of Electrical Equip Cemetery Association Elects New Officers At the annual meeting ance of checking the electrical equipment in the home ,and howe to take _ th* care of minor repairs. She stressed on" Richmond Road" one evening last the fact that good care of equipment week in honor of Miss Mabel Bolger, for the table, bouquets and corsages. ^ntertain Bride Personal Shower ; Mrs. John Bolger was hostess at a- personal shower given at her home Woodland Cemetery association field ig always important and even more who became Mrs. Richard Weber' in elected for Q„ _ ...z o_.i j aadattaa, win appear as er on tn program during the afternoon scasioo. Another faeat of the day will ha Mrs. Mary Ligon, home a^iser at large, extension service, University of Illinois, who will bring the state greeting. Unit and county officers reports and the election of county officers will help make up a most interesting and worthwhile program during the morning session. Luncheon will be served at noon by the woman of the church. Reservations for the luncheon by members' of the Ringwood unit may be made *ith the unit chairman, Mrs. C. L. Harrison, on the Richmond exchange, or Mrs. Eva Eppel on the McHenry exchange before June 20. The Ringwood unit will be in charge of registration and luncheon tickets. Registration will begin at 10 o'clock. ^ W. S. G. S. Will ;v. Meet June 21 The regular monthly meeting of the W. s; C. S; will be held on Thurs- Co-eoiW at Aha West McHenry State ham and members of the Community Methodist church choir were hostesses at a bridal shower given last Urarsday evening in honor of Miss Laura Sherman. The party was held in the Legion hall. Aboot thirty-five guesft were present to enjoy an evening of bunco and cards, after which dainty refreshments were served. The guest was presented with many lovely gift*. FATHER'S DAT SERVICE Father's Day will be observed next Sunday, at the Ringwood church when a special program is presented appropriate to toe day. This will take Itlace at the morning worship servce at 9:80 o'elock. The subject of the address will be "In Honor of Our Fathers.?' It is the hope of the pkstor th$t the day by sortie sincere e: _ •tilde for our fathers. last week, of.ficers were ^e ensuing yea^r They were Robert At the close of the meeting, a Games provided entertainment 0^" * www handicraft display was held. Those the guests, with prizes so at present. a wedding ceremony, on Saturday.! vice-president; Ony-Wheejer' «"^re- displaying articles were Mrs. Ber-J sented the winners.* During the evetary; and Mrs. George Johnson, nard Freund, Mrs. Frances Schmitt, ning, M3ss Bolger was given a large, -ec Mrs. Clinton Martin. * Mrs. Nick -prettily decorated box in which her NOTICE Children in the vicinity of Woodland cemetery are asked by the day afternoon, June 21, at 2 p. m. in the church hall. This will not be nbe^ien"gt p'roer- s8eer™ved ^dduurriinngg ttnhee "j arftfertneoorr^T .l^l!^!dii^« these lots as a playground, resulting the de3truction 0f private proptreasurer. Three .directors of the Zior Evangelical church wi'l be guests wre JQh^ Oreymil^, Mrs._ James Freund. Mrs. Fred Schoewer and gifts "had been placed. After the1 Farev^ On . .-^v Sayler and M j hnyj Mrs. 'Thompson of Elgin. The latter games, those present assembled at a Miss Schonh|g'~'",;;j "'v '• Other directors y>hose terms have showed several articles thatske had table attractively decorated for the ! On S-Iuk'-w • evening,* June 8, a not expired are Mrs. George Lindsay, woven on « loom » . . .. . Fred Feltz and Mrs. George Kramer. • " Annual dues are now payable to Gathering Honors private prop ate in finding other p-l aces fprJ^'EPI'i fir children to play. - '<>?'j/- COMING EVENTS tile secretary. Due to the scarcity Several In Family of help and the increased expenses, occasion, with miniature brides and far«yr 11 oarty was given at the sum-1 . , umbrellas made from marshmallows mer T^^e ol Mr. "and Mrs. William | . y g q as favors. honor n_. Invited guests were Mrs. Ed Sul- Schoning at. Pistakee Bay, in of their daughter, Shirley, who Douglas. -Mrs. yeima aalf braad, top wtlh ft strip of fcaoon and flUp under the broiler until the bacon It brown. Use one pint of dry cot- Ufe cheese to aix slices of ; ^ ^--:--1 1 Anhough thd buqr beaver hay known to reach a weight of 68 pounds, ha belongs to the tame family as the squirrel and the mouse, Foesfl remains indicate that tha came animal, in prehistoric days, weighed aa mmh aa 400 or milk, J Into the wan to baka. • Air Valves Don't neglect to have worn oat Obsolete air valves replaced on ators of Meant heatfaig plants P air valves are one of the moat mon causes 'of complaints as poor heating. It la a complaint that can be avoided if air valves checked by a heating contr once a year. 1 Phone McH«nry 19. We Pick Up and Deliver Two to Three Day Service :;- Try thei Vojrue for splendid service and •Mr* workmanship v [Representative] ' y,' ^ ,v West McHenry " '"-'J of help and tne increase^, expenses. Members of the Phalin family en-1 livan, Ann" Rita, Margaret tUd Gra« leavin-r shortly on a singing tour of -- . . T ... "J.""® U „ . w « lot owners are requesited joyed a dinner and outing last Sun- Bolger, Shirley Weber, Mrs. Martin Canadi. Dancing and visiting provid- forester ^ orester -Hal. this small ^possible. annual fee as soon as Honor Bride-To^Be At Shower Sunday day in honor of the graduations of J. Weber, Marilyn Miller, Mrs. Isa- ed the evening's entertainment, after v. . T Lj".ne A four members of the family and the bel McVicker, Mrs. Loren McCannon, which a very delicious lunch was ~ ^ -- -- - Jbirthday ....onored of another. Marjorie Duker, Mrs. Clinton Beck- served. McHenry: 4-H Club. anniversary June 21 guests were John Phalin,1 enbaugh, Helen Knox, Margaret and Those in attendance were Dr. and w a c c _KInilar* Meetiitf Mics Fd__ Kin- at a ^;hose birthday it was Lucille Knox, Florence Larkin, Madeline Freund, Mrs. Holpfear, Mrs. Irene Trimble,! B' - Mee lilf. Maurice and Julia Phalin, who grad- Mrs. Harold Evans, Mrs. Clarence -- ~ - July 6 $ t $ t If r , , T iv v.1.- Maurice Julia fhaun, grad- Clarence-the Misses Helen Bembenek. Muriel ^ »u„. \M Mr Mm gSSSS fr07 ,S\- IiaryVSt: PatriA'; Angtee, Mrs. Robert Ruboldt. Ruth Wood LoU Wulf GreS,,""^B« Ctatat-n Mother, .nd Altar Soc.e|ty. Kinp ^Irindav 'nAjprnoo^' Bunco ' j.nd Juha Knox, who finished| Reihansperger, Lorraine Thennes, Chicago; William Goetsche of Chi-' King, on Sunday afternoon. Bunco her studies at the local school. Mary Ann and John J. Bolger. . : Cajro Ray Rineelman Walter Brown, „Th»e -ho enjoyed . dinner at the ^ ' ' ' cSSfcT'kS 3 Charli C°5 the following quests. Mrs. Konaid Nineteenth ....ole near Antioch Sun- Harry Schmidts Hold Paddock. Mrs. Everett Paddock, Mrs. noon were Mr. and Mrg. John Open House On Sunday. Sr;i tr?iSiS "TnUT1 * PFh^aal"inn-- Mrrss.. Eleanor Foley and ffttTfmm--ll Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schmidt of, ^eund. Mrs. Everett Klinker, Mrs. j]y j^r anj ^rg Knox and 140 Riverside Drive will observe their Jr uSf tS • r* ^auPhters, Juliav Lucille. Helen and golden wedding anniversary on Sun- Miss Evelvn Michels,; Miss Margaret Eileen, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phalin, day, June 17. Open house will* be Freund._Miss Jmiilla Fteund, Miss daughter, Mrs. Patricia McCannon, held at the home of their daughter • tr-nayerTti • an(1 .son' Bi"y. Mr. and Mrs. Harold and husband, M». and Mrs. Harold +u u rniC* n "ost®?.ses Phalin and family and Mr. and Mrs. Miller, at 422 Riverside Drive begin- Sf SL: <SSw' B6™" K,n« Pa"1 Doherty^ i ning 3 o'clock that day. Friend, The guest of honor was the happy Rntertain« A* recipient of many lovely gifts.. She Dinner Party .... Jill become the bride of Earl Pad- Miss Margaret Freund entertained Attend Silver at a dinner party held at her home, Wedding Reception Saturday morning ^at 9 o clock. on Route 31,, north of McHenry, on Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Freund of Sundav evening. At 7 o'clock, guests | Waukegan Road attended the twentyassembled at a table which wafs cen- fifth wedding anniversary reception beautiful bouquet of of Mrs. Freund's brother and wife, Birds More Nnmerons In the Pacific islands birds are jail of McHenry. All of the guests much more numerous than mam* reported an enjoyable evening. | mals. * THIS--Sunday Is Father's Day t t "~rare invited to call on Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt during that time. Following the dinner, j Mj\ and Mrs. Mack^y, at Marengo on nlayed. Those who at- Saturday evening! \. The celebration Foresters Will , Hold Initiation ^ i-ored with St. Mary's Court JiTo. 594. Catholic red roses Order of Foresters, will initiate a "wp'r tendef1 WPre Mercedes Stilliner, Flor- was held in the Community building., day June ir in the Forester hall at ence 01pa Ziolkowslci RitaiFour hundred guests in attendance, L,™ ^i'll Tonvan, Skyler Case, Leonard passed a pleasant evening, trippinr 1 ? o FrPUnf1, Raymonfl Stilling, Wilfred the light fantastic to the music of! .o fl Freund, Jerome Tonyan and Eugene the "Rhythm Airs" of Sycamore. AI the buffet lunch followed. i |n charge is exwectmg a tendance a from the members court ancl neighboring courts, all of whom are extended an invitation to attend. * * * 4-H Club Welcomes Six New Members Freund. • * ** .' Mr. and Mrs. Freund remained at O. E. S. To Observe i • the Mackey home to be present at a Friends Night j family reunion to be held -there on, The last meeting of the O. E.~ S.: Sunday, at which time 100 guests en- • was held on Monday evening of this' joyed a bountiful dinner and a pleas- j The second meeting of the . Mc, ^ a£terni°n- • .. . / I ^Mondav Cbybt^" presWent> °Roll Ju"® 2~' Dpdiratio* of the fi. E. s! 27th Annual Meeting j call was taken and six new members nWalso^ ^ **** tHat eve" | Bu.r,eau j answered ihec all. Thev are Carol . . J L Th% twenty-seventh annual meet- Conwav • Nancv Nelson Po+sv Wat • . .locaI chapter has received an mg of the Home Bureau held on Fn- 21 Ceii* nS. RulrAnnaS D± - - - -•As %ycJotZr- o««r W « and approved and it was decided that Mothers Club H»kt« duesJ|punting to five cents a meef L^t 8nmmer Meeting making aorons and others broomstick Fridav nftemnnn tv rS - v. "ii1 skirts. . Shirley Glosson gave a- dem-]^n bal1' onstration at the meeting on "How tw^nt^"f,ve laH'ea P™*- To Iron a Shirt." - - noon wa® Pauil TVk%!n.drs , owfuh ot h«es o,kaef teinr"- fAre«tinp,lv r>n the pccomplishments of the'American Le«rion to date and their plans for the postwar period. 29, at the Grace Lutheran church* Woodstock, starting at 10:30 - S A V E * ESTER OILS ^ ' "The Best Por Less" GET OUR PRICES ON TANK WAGON SERVICES, WE GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU MONEY FUEL OIL, GASOLINE 7^7" LUBRICANTS ---- WEST OF C. & N-W. R. R., WEST M'HENRY, ILL. TELEPHONE M'HENRY 240 /'vvr- • S A V E « Rresent FsaMob. •'Show Here Jane 2ft From 8 to 80, thev're all antitfpat-: \r»oi^oi * t. ing with pleasure the fashion show u c. ^:°1 <fra^ to be held on June 29 at the Colony jJXrJ i^H^n^ ^h«? detheater. under tiie sponsorship of ..w:... listeners with two piano St. Mary's-St. Patrick's school P-T-A.^ '^w^w Joan" Strever who As in the past. Betty. Nielsen will Mv Mo?W ^ns ?f .S0"* be in charge of the sho^v. The movie : ^ ,and. Waitahowinpr that night -Will be "Lake ^ the ^ter havin^been Hacid Serenade." starring Vera Ral- ^P08*^. bv Joe Turner of Wood aton • • • • Void Worthy Matrons lad Patrons Night stock and city. Mrs. Carl Weber of this r«urt Jovre Kilmer ; ; " ; T n , U r J f I n r t a l U N e w - O f n c a r a - * ± 3 - ^ the Eastern Star, held Worthy Ma-! .! Co~rt J?yce Kil-mer No- Catfitrons and Patrons night recently.1 3au5%r", ?f America met in «n : i.u_ r- the K. of C. hall on Thursday evel% ose serving in the East were niner. .Tune 7, for the nuroose of Delia Nightingale of Barrington as worthy matron, and Ralph Kocker Qf - ourpose »rtny Kaiph or in-itiation *nd th„e ijn-syta\l ling of Sew irrington ...worthy patron. In t(fe If est were Alta Kirkman of Woodflock as associate matron and Les- THI N(W "SfOHOi-OM" MAKt-ttr noM Noiirwooo irs quicki o*f« •• ••••* om m mort. nWw MtUZ *KTMii-i»a>* camploio* i! ' NATUtAl 4 LASTINOl * iMMi aahml looking lor<k. mm HM «*Ut liidln Dud IIM m4 --4 Imn *yt*sl HATTItlHOl CrMtM e^tsLo. aw* caamctM mm HtMin m »w«n umm«u Bolgei^s Drug Store sxKEEX MUENBY cented ,in- the ranks of membership. Officers w»re installed by Mrs. ^stella McGill of Belvidere, district deputy. They were Elizabeth Thompson, KTand regent; Helen Weber, vice grand reeent; Gertrude R. Weber, prophetess; Laura Weber, financial secretary: Nettie Fleming, historian; Rertill* Freund. monitnt; F^hel Mc- Gee, lecturer: Elizabeth Schoe"'er, treasurer; Eleanor Yon'1?, org^n'st; Vproniea Klein, sentinel; Laura Wiser and Eleanor* M'lW. trustees for three years- HeW Miller, trustee for one year; Bertilla F»^nind acted as installing monitor. Gifts were presented to the installing officers, the grand regent, end to all the officers for the ensuing: year. A pot-luck suppe rpreceded the mnetinc arvd a few games of cards followed, with prizes being awarded to Mrs. Rosemary Young, Bertilla Freund and Mrs. Oaur* Wiser in pinochle; Mrs. Helen Hettermann W five hundred; Mrs. Madeline Henn and Julia Justen in auction bridife, and Mrs. Marie Yegge and Mrs Ethel McGee in contract bridee. * • \ Represented At V W or y Luncheon The Rinp^'ood unit of ..the McHenry County Home Bureau are privileged to send their chairman, vice chairman ind her committee to the county Victory Luncheon at Greenwood *n June 18. This unit was the first to reach its quota of members That quota of thirty-seven members was reached last September. It also has the honor of beincr the first uni with 100 per c^ent^ paid membership 4-H Girls, Mothers En'ertained At Tea The Rinsrwood unit of the Horn Bureau entertained the 4-H girl and tKeir mothers at a tea at th Harrison school recently. Abou fifty were present to enjoy the after noon. Mrs. Frank Muzzy of Ring wood rendered two beautiful pian solos, and Mrs. Sweeney, home a<j viser, and Mrs. Johnson, county 4-] chairman, each gave a talk about 4-1 work in the eoan^. The 4-H leaders •4km. B O N D Will Please Him Most Tuck it in a gift packa chosen from our outsta ing. selection of Father's Day gift suggestions. FOR POP GIVE YOUR DAD one of our Gustom- Bilt pipes and watch his grin spread from here to there! t EAGH ONE of (these superbly fine, handcarved Algerian Briars /indifferent in design from every other. WHICH HEANB that YOUR Pop will have a pipe that's like none other in the world! AND THE COMBINATION of careful .draftsmanship and mellowed imported 4>riar will insure him the utmost in smojt^- pleasure. GOME ON IN and look at our collection!. Prices raoge from $5 to $10. PIPE THIS! If you think Pop would rather pick oat his own pipe, give hgpi a "Custombilt" Gift. Certificate! With it conies a token gift--a miniature pipe in a replica box just like the real thing. Here's a really NEMp^ather's Day gift idea! THOMAS P- BOLGER iE THE M^HEHRY DRUGGIST PHONE f l - D . MEHENRY.ILL Skipper Sport Shirts v Skipper "Tee Shirts Skipper All Wool Sweaters Cheney or Wilson Ties in newest ^patterns Tie and Handkerchief Seta . --" ' 12.80 to $10.95 75c to $1.95 : „$5.95 to $2.50 % $2.50 I t $ Suffer Hose, various colors-89^. fa $1.65 ^Elastic Suspenders ^ $i and $1.50 Gaberdine Slack* ....._ $3.95 to $12.50 Windbreaker Jackets r....$7,95 to $13.95 Leather Slippers (non-rationed) ...... $3.95 Expanso Leather Belts $1.50 __..$1.50 to $5 Swank Leather Wallets . : ™.;J$a.50 to $7.50 Wool Plaid Shirts Jantzen Swim Trunky Pine Robes ' | Stratoline Belts .. t t t t $ $ t t t t r 1 4) *8.95 $2.95 to ts $12.95 to $25 The Store for Men - McHENRY .0.