mm » tofete. M e«k» with on thiir *.».*/»**** BleCvllom Lake On Parade By "Yardstick* i s -Creetinga Folks! „ Have you boofht that 7th War Bond yet ? Messers Feiereisel and Schlitt have given of their time and effort moat generously and have done a errand job to date in their ef- Jbrt to put McCullom Lake over the lop in War Bond sales. If you are One of the few who happened to be Out when they called contact either one of these two gentlemen real Soon and make their job just a bit easier. If you want that feeling of _ satisfaction that comes from • doing a Mood deed for your neighbor, then dont forget that beach cleanup party scheduled for next Sunday, June 17, promptly at 9 a. m. Here is a Chance for you to get the winter's rust off your rake and shovel, not to mention the kinks in your bones. JBe there folks! Well be looking for /"you! , The parents, as well as all the Jfc- - Cullom Lake folks, were happy t<J Jttlcome home three of their boys %ho have Ipftnt long hard months •'In combat with the enemy. . ) F. l/C RAYMOND MUSYNSKI *,'• . F. 1/c Raymond Musynski arrived > • home after eighteen months of service in the Pacific. Among the many ! 'friends and relatives who welcomed him home was hiB sister, Mrs. Agnes Idziak, whose husband is also doing his bit in the Pacific, ftay will re- Ert back for duty July. 6 and will a very busy boy for the next few -weeksu May we also extend a hearty welcome to you, sailor, and, hope that your leave will be a mo$J. ; : , enjoyable one. The second one of our Pacific heroes to pay us a surprise visit is PFC. GERALD BURG ' _ Gerald arrived home on June 3 ami the following day wis married 1 to Myrtle Sandoll of Oakdale, Louisiana. The happy couple are honey- Baooaing at McCullom Lake. Gerald will report for reassignment at ft. Meade, Md.. on June 14. Our Jwarty congratulations and best wishjta for » happy married future to jroo both. ' Mr. and Mrs. Adam Brand were also pleasantly surprised when their eon, S. 1/c Kenneth Brand, arrived jbome from seven months' duty in the Pidfte. He years service in the Navy eat Is every inch a sailor. Kenneth la scheduled to nport at Sea Ffcaacisco for reassignment on June SI. We are all mighty proud of the ribbonk^ and star adorning your breast, Kenneth, and - hope Oat you enjoy your snort leave to the utmost. News ef Oar fluThw Pfc. Leroy Keehnle, now soaaewhere in Fiance. has just been promoted to T. 5 in Ordnance. We can just see his one and, only Helen Engels beaming all over, as well as his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Harker, and, justly so. F. 1/c. Gregory Burg is now one of the many of Uncle Sam's Navy men who are stationed in the Hawaiian Islands. R. M. 1/c Roily Justen is now stationed at Shoemaker, Calif. His wife, Kay, arrived home this week after enjoying a two-month's stay with her husband. Corp. Dave Boyle of the Army Engineers is now, and has been for many long months, doing his bit on the Ledo Road in Burma. His commanding officer was on the air last Sunday over ,a Chicago station recounting the splendid job his outfit has done to get vital war supplies to our allies over the new Ledo Road. Nan Bits Mrs. Let* i«arsen suffered painful injuries to W left Hand last week when she tried to shut Sff a power saw in her husband's home workshop which' had keen left running. In spite of her injuries Mrs. Larsen welcomed Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lindquist and their son, Lance, with her million dollar smile when they arrived Sunday to enjoy a week's vacation at the Larsen home. "Don't Fencie Me In" is the current theme song of th» folks at Mc« Cullom Lake. We yisfc thut w© possible to fence in those tW6 punks who have recently been driving up and down our roads in a flashy blue coui>e and promiscously shooting their firearms within our community. We appreciate the fact that they trot rid of a few gophers, but their careless use of their rifles endangered the lives of people in the vicinity and the people here are determined to nut a ston to this practice. Our McCullom Lake Wildcats did it aeain and again in last Sunday's dov,Sle-header with the Lily Lake 4eam. The first "game ended with a score of 19 to 2 in favor of our boys. The Lily Lake boys were eluttons for punishment, so they nlayed a second game which ended in i 7 to 6 score, again in favor of the McCullom Lake Wildcats. Bill Schlitt was on the mound in both games. Need more be said? Numerous reports of thievery have come to us this past week. George Harker reported the theft of his boat from its moorings On the beach j last Sunday. Lumber was also stolen from a cottage under construction. | Be one the lookout for any strange! cars or suspicious characters in your block and help rid our'community of these rats. Mrs. Jane Nelson moved into the newly remodeled Dave Reid cottage last week. Sgt. Nelson, who is now in the service, may soon be back to share Jane's happiness in hef new home. * * Mrs. Harry Lock and her daughter, Sandra, arrived home Monday, after a most enjoyable Week's visit with relatives in Springfield. Glad to see you back, girls! Mr. and Mrs. Plunket enjoyed the weekend at their cottage and also the news of their son's safe landing in the Philippines. Miss Jean Marie Tliome. who has just recently graduated with high honors from the McHenry High school, has embarked on a business career in Chicago. She has taken; a' position with the C. Clemens Co. there, of which Ed. Derr is the owner. Congratulations and the best of luck to you. Jean. The Clemens concern specialises in high grade printrk an" a tor sea, Tm, Jr., aad dauahti, Pat, mat a pleasant wesksnit readying their cottage for the saauaer season. Hope to have you folks with as seen. Mr. Spencar has beta la ill health all winter hat is noa^we aiahapgy to report, wall on the road to iacovery and, win in the near future enjoy the healthful climate of McCullom Lake. Among the many folks to enjoy the pleasant weather over Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Turney, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Freisinger, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Foley, Mr. and Mrs. Palm and daughter-inlaw, Mrs. Bud Palm, whose husband is now serving with the armed forces in the PacifWi ;Mr. and |frs. Antom Pietrqwskflttr. and Mrs* jEhrlichi |Cr. aft&MrtfSX Christman, Mr. and Mrs. Will HRht, Mr. and Mrs. Max Kolirr and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Wortman. It was Fred Thomsen's and George Harker's birthdays last Sunday, so the neighbors decided to help them celebrate the occasion. The Harker home, being too small to accomodate the crowd, they decided that Fred and Marge's home would be more suitable for the festivities. As always, Peter Kaminski and his accordion were on hand to liven things ' up. After that party we will hazard | a bet that there was many a lame Norwegian on Jfonday morning -- | lame from 'dalicing to Pblish music. | In our estimation at Ifeast forty j people shared this discomfort. A i swell time was had with a bunch of I nice people. Many happy returns of the day to you both, Fred and ; George. 1 ; Clem Wlrfs reports another visit froiifl the sttfcide squad. Could he have reference to the two gals who left him shakihg in his shoes because | he failed to repair their water pump I on timie? We iare happy to report that Mrs. Tony Doolin, who, last Monday un- | derwent surgery at the Michael i Reese hospital in Chicago, is well on | the road to recovery. * I Little Patsy Stacknich Ms also been discharged from the Grant hos- | pital after undergoing treatment for ! injuries sustained in a fall from a i second-floor porch. She is especially 1 glad to be home, when her big sister, Betty, graduates frftm school on ! June 21. | Having trouble with your heating stove? or maybe your Victory garden needs hoeing. If that is your i complaint, don't hesitate to call on | our good neighbor, Hugh McDonald. He promises to take care of your I need at any hour of the day or night. You don't believe it; do you? Try calling 670-W-l at any time and be convinced that Mac is able and i willing to help anybody in distress any time. No charge for this service. Wonder Lake papers, please copy. Congratulations To Miss Virginia Grotthuss on 'her sixteenth birthday anniversary and, believe it or not, she has never been kissed. We don't believe it. Kenneth Sawdo on his seventh birthday, June 14. Marcella Fritz on her eighteenth June 16. It will be open house at the Fritz home on that day. Wanda Crick was 17 on June 11th. Many happy returns of the day to you, Wanda. Do You Know That Grandma Annie Sawdo of Sturgeon Bay, Wis., is, visiting her favorite son, Lee, for a few days ? Your news box has finally been installed at the beach for your convenience ? ^ ' Yards tide, will ©e one year old next week? ADIOS. <n i mm i i t i ' i n n ii ii i it with and Jim, Arthur Diedrich. _ Wire haaey to ham that the ft--it* daajpwsr, Mrs. Stantar Mann, h fMfar along so well after her • Keep up the good workj^ to Agnas 8 _-- to ftrelitr at tha WeeasI Co. 1Us company is' enin the handling of V* man Agnes is xaally doing her share as this promotion testifies. Mr. and Mia. {tassel Cook of Chicago> aad thrir children, Judy and were Sunday guests at the Walter Onspar home. Bill has beenpersuaded to stay for the week. Hope yea • have a ' good time, fellow. Grandma Einspar has been very worried about .little Jimmy away down in Texas with his folks. Last week Jimmy fell and cut his arm on a tin qui. Latest reports from his pommy' assure us that he is getting along fine after the Navy, doctor stitched the cut. There is a faint sound of wedding bells coming from the direction ef the "Joe" Yaeger home. From all indication* the nappy couple will be granddaughter, Mary Jane Yaeger, and Petty Officer A1 Becker, ana tiie date, on or about June 28. _ Weekend guests at the Charles Rogers home were Mr. and Mrsi MlUer of Chiepga. • i Another load of furniture from the makes ua even moref sure that the Clifford O. Hyatt? will be with us permanently in the very near future. At any rate, we hope so. We were sorry to learn that Mrs. Oman Garrison was at home, sick all of last week. Hope this weekend will find you entirely recovered, Mrs. Garrison. | Mrs. John WJallfiee Covered so much territory in ene day as she did last Thursday. With a party of friends frOHV wayslake, she started out for Chicago and the MCFL Breakfast Club. From the broadcast wiey went on a tour of the Board of Trade building. And then, to finish the afternoon, the bond rally and Air Force Show, featuring Sgt. Lindsay, at Marshal Field's. Needless to say, the girls all had a swell time. Sunday, the Wallaces went to St. Luke's hospital to visit Mrs. Wallace's mother, Mrs. Jeanette Hallbeck, who is recovering from an operation. In the evening they visited Mrs. Joseph Healy and her new daughter, Patricia Ann. Little "Pat" is the fourth great-grandchild of Grandma Mary Daly. Harold Lannes enjoyed a three-day pass from Great Lakes. He expects soon to be transferred to another station where he will study radar. Don Schiavoni and his cousin, Bob Corsi, }|ave finally been separated. Don has been sent to Norfolk, Va., where on a recent 72-hour pass, he visited relatives in New York. Members of the Beautifying Club ave^urged to remember that garbage naiades the tfaaa iw sjacfloa. of officers. All mambei* are asked to he present. Mary Freund and Bfffe Weiler will be co-hostesses at this Friday's P.TA. social, at tho schoolhouse. Let's all come out for a really good time. So long ... SPRING GROVE (By Mrs. Charles Fnand) The Birthday Clab met at the home of Mrs. Leon Van Every On Wednesday afternoon. Cards wove the afternoon's diversion and prise winners were Mrs. Frank Sanders, Mrs. T. Oleson, Mac. Frank May, Mrs. Joseph Brown am Mrs. Mary N. Freund. A lovely lunch was served. Misses Helen and Sis Sanborn of Chicago spent Wednesday evening with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Sanborn. j Georgia Schmitt held a party at her home on Saturday afternoon in honor of her birthday. Garnet were played and refreshments which included a large birthday cake Were served. Those to make up this were Georgia May, Mary Ann Klaus, Evelyn Bush, Edna Hanford, Jeanette Lennon, Betty Jean Diedrich, Bernice and Estelle Hiller, Kathleen Freund, Lorraine Huff and George and Donna Schmitt. Fred Sparrer and daughters, Joan and Jean of Chicago were weekend guests in the Harry Myer home. Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgern visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kennebeck in McHenTy on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Esh, Mrs. Hazel Francisco and sons were guests in the Albert Britz home on Thursday. Mrs. Arthur Kattner, Mrs. John Weber, Peter M. May, Mrs. Eldred Johnson, daughter, Ruth Ann, visited Helen May at Elgin on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Kutish of Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. Leander Lay spent Saturday evening^- with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kattner. Mr. and Mrs. Andiy Straub" and daughters of Chicago and Mrs. Bertha Esh were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Britz in honor of Mrs. Britz' birthday. Mrs. Lucille Nelson, Mrs. Bernice Lent and Mrs. Alice Pierce spent the weekend with friends in Sharon, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Mansford Carlen of Rockford and the William May famths Arthur The flMBMWen caOol oet to toe B'jseeQ Badotph tone erf Batarday where a sfcpw stack was aMaaa. The toe , was, extinguished without any Itother damage. ggfc dagsaco Karls has a raloagh at his Mrs. Bertha Esh aad visited in the home ef lb. and Mrs. Kenneth Crain near McHenry en Monday. Sunday visitors in Brits home were Mr. thur 'Klein and Michels and da'ughter s. Frank William Mrs. Ar- Mrs. Leo Johnsburg, Mr. and Mrs. Pressor and family of Chicago and the Norbert KlauS family. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Klaus of Chicago tpent the wsskend with heip parents, Mr. and Mm Joha lay. Siato Csafsfe John Hay, when c^cretary of sUte, was «mf«Ting tee day with Min* later of Oiina. Hfc was asl&d later about tho conversation. "I tolked and talked until* the minister was hazy," replied the diplomat, "and then the minister talked until I was woosy." TO SAS^' One lady said rseeatly that h# to >•iKhs a "gas & That is, when she ate* BMal it^sesaMd ee ^arn right toto' EKB-HKLP. Ear auala aczea er. No gas or bloat after eat- Headaches aad coasti "Oh! wiat reUef." . "Whv don't other gas . jtion sugerars gat Erb-Hib?" ERft-HELP - contains 12 Oreat Herbs; they deaase bowels, dear mm from stomach, act on sluggish liver and kidneys. Miserable people seoa feel different an over. 8o dont •* on suffering. Get ERB-HELP. B» ger*s Drug glssfc laerease laeeme la the four years ending Januatlr li 1M4, the highest increase in torn laeeme occurred in the Great Plains states--North and South Dakota, Nebraska and Kansas.' > 'i 'r'/ t X1 1n 1 1 » l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 < I I I I 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I t I I I HI 1 1 I I 1 1 1H I I . < » • . ii LISTEN BILL! Tour cat will rraann smoother, aocelorate fiurfcer, urn gto and give morei ddrmiv ing enjoyment if you have the valves scientifically ground and reseated, cartion cleaned and motor tuned up occasionally and have it DONE RIGHT. We are properly equipped aad possess the "know how" to do this job RIQHT. Have us do it for you now. f SEACO SALES AND SERVICE Ii Lilymo<Mr « West Side of lily Lake ~ Fred J. Svoboda, Box 416, McHenry, IU. DIRECTIONS--Turn south on Center Avenue (Route 129 and Lily Lake School), turn left at third road (leading to lake), second building Irons Center Aceaute* _ ^ - t - • > ' i - f - I I - 4 - i ' - i ' 1 ' - i ' ' t ' » - t - 1 1 1 1H l l i f f i ing and engraving been in existence fo worl and has or many years. ' Our bar maestro, Joe Horn, needed some concrete fillings in his dental cavities last week, so he decided to pay a visit to a dentist. Lacking ga* in his chariot he rode his nephew's bicjigle to toftn to have his tootsies taaen care of. When he come home, imagine his surprise when he found both of his hip pockets filled with gravel. We can readily understand how this happened. There is so much of Joe and so little to a bicycle. Our friend, Elmo McKin, is now busily engaged raising potato bugs. His latest • experiment of crossing a YOUNG MAN--HIGH 80H00L GRADUATE WJTH MATHEMATICAL ABILITY FOE OUR COST ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. WE WILL TRAIN. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY^ WITH POST WAR SISCUJUTY. •"' . : . . i . LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS m THE ROLAINE GRILL WONDER LAKE Serving Choice Foods Such As CHICKEN STEAKS, ETC Parties may be arranged for luncheons or dinners by calling WONDER LAKE 226 BAR ROOM QPEN ALL DAY; bLOSED MONDAY _dL LILY LAKE (By Evelyn Lavin) Hello Neighbors: There was a big celebration over on the north side of the subdivision Saturday night. Yes, a real tripleheader. "Mae" and "Pete" Simons celebrated their second wedding anniversary, "Mae's" daughter and her husband, "Ceil" and Ernie Allend, celebrated their seventh anniversary, and Clif Kiehl, Sr., celebrated his birthday, all in one bif affair at the Simons home. Dancing, singing (especially singing?) and refreshments were enjoyed by all. Among the folks Wishing the three of them "|£any Happy Returns" were the Ray Swenslds, "Art" and Lyda Diedrich, "Marge" Kiehl, "Andy" and "Lou" Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Letz, "Pat" Donneganv "Joe" Perl, Vera Anderson, and' Rudy Singer. That all good tilings come in three was again demonstrated to the Simons on Sunday when, to visit the Simons, came Bill Brady, Sr., and his -wife, Billy Brady,, Jr., and his wife, and Bill Brady the third two months old. The Ernie LaMeire household been especially joyous lately, due to the arrival of three of its favorite sons on 80-day leaves. P. l/c Lawrence LaMeire is at home for the first time in a year. Warrant Officer Vernon LaMeire has had to wait four years to visit his home. YouH remember these boys as the two who met for the first time in almost four years in the South Pacific, last December. Daughter Patricia's husband, Steve Konig, of McHenry, is also enjoying a 30-day furlough. Claudia Konig, Mrs. Betty Hazelbauer and her children, Billy and Darlene, and, Mrs. Gladys Melone completed the family reunion held in honor of the boys. Miss Mary LaMeire has returned from a two weeks vacation with her sitjter, Mrs. Hazelbauer, of Chicago. If you should happen to see any Hollywood talent scouts around you may be sure they are looking for our two lovely dancers, Misses Lucile Nielson and Arlene Svoboda. These young ladies are taking part in a dance recital in Harvard on Monday night and in Elgin on Wednesday. Most enthusiastic in their admiring audience will be their friend and neighbor, Miss Jeri Einspar. Pvt. Louella Wallis of the W.A.C. has just finished a fun filled threeday pass in Lilymoor with her mother, Mrs. M. Svoboda, and sister, Miss Mildred Svoboda. A birthday cake with e, dies and plenty of ice cream was enjoyed by Arlene Svoboda and her guests on Sunday afternoon. A. very happy birthday, Arlene! ?ooa 1 j v» '• '••!*•••-* • ' ' WAR LOAN io (Aetn Mud* Mert fawtificet on ike Qawefte€€ur cf zoaiaan. wow jwma, and alt ike S/oetfy nulebioneb cn BUT IXTRA BONDS BUY BIOGIR BONDS This advertisement foe the 7th War Loan sponsored by the Public Service Company of Northern Illinois