---v- .« -A> •«»•.•->»»s-«r- " - - -*»•' ' *•-" ^ y 1 ** XWUML.- axwaftpMT.iB % .- # •• •" .. -A • ,• .-•, •• •%'_ "* * .4-; V; •••->:'*' " * , " ? !'lJ •fc A " " "" "" f : ,K! M KINGW00D (B| lbs. George Shepard) LHtar Cmrr entertained the. dab at her home Thunder aflikift. Prlsee were awarded to Mn. Georgia Dwnu and Mrs. Nkk Mn. 8. W. Brown ipest Wednesday in Chicago. Mr, and Mrs, Louis Hawl iWt«i at Crystal Lake, ley ware wndiy Low were visitors at Woodstock Wed- Thoiaas Doherty attended a shower for Mabel Bolger at the Legion Hall Tasiday evening. Mies Mae Wledrfch was * visitor at Geno* City Thursday mbrning. Seaman Earl Betts is heme from England for a Yisit here with his Mrs. MUdred Nunahaw of JQgin egant^Taeedey with Mr*. Wm. Me- Mrs. Walter Lo*n.«ad Mrs. Viola *- ----- Mrs. Julia Kratowits and daughter, Karen, of McHenry spent Thursday with Sibre Whiting. Mrs. Clayton Bruce spent Thursday in WootriHiek, Mrs. George Shepard spent Wedneeday with Mr daughter, Mrs. Alan Ainger, at Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. George Haberlein spent a fehr dan the past week with relatives in Chicago. I'MOSEY INN" TAVERN • XfOoted in the Witter (• •>, ' ItnfowooD, oi, • fish fty Every. Triday Night - ATLAS PRA6KB BEES ' <t£ i^v'AV1 Fred Bowman, Prop- 'Matmim w. CLARENCE'SJSHOP - JOHNSBURO : Place orders now for Bird Houses, Lawn Furnitfae, Trellises, Window Boxes, etc. Also have full line of leather goods, market and wph baskets, barn brooms, etc. X : .*? • • •: ; CLARENCE J. SMITH * R o u t e 1 , M c H e n r y , H I - ' - Bring Your Car Here For a Thorough Tightening Squeaks and rattles are usually a sign of wear and should be taken care of immediately. Our men know the points to be tightened. Add life to your car or truck by having this important service attended to now CENTRAL - NtED J. SMITH, Prop, Phone 200-J Towingj - ^Dhnsburg At. mad Ootm Qwrntint k mam ymJ5S^£^BSSmam^S^St£S Mr. and Mra. t. N. Muny weie visiten in Chicago Wedaeeday. Open house WM hdd at the hmue of Mr. and Mrs. Bea Walldngton Friday eveninf in the home of Mr. and Mis. Joe McCannon of San Diego, CaL About forty Mends were present. Coffee, cookies and doughnuts wire served. Mr. and Mrs. McCannon left Monday for their home in San Diego, after spending two weeks here visiting relatives. Their son, Lt (j. g.) Roland McCannon, was home for a short leave and left Thursday for overseas. - Mr; and Mrs. Lester Carr, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bacon of MfeHenry are spending fishing at Hayward, Wis. Frank Musnr, Jr„ will leave Friday for a visit with his uncle and aunt at Minneapolis, Minn. Laurence and danghthe week Wednesday and Bobert Van Dueen Mrs. Oliver ter, Janet, Thursday in home in ElginL ~ Mrs. H. M. atepheneon attended the county meellhg ef the Legion Auxiliary at Richmond Friday evening, JOHNBBURG (By Tippy Klein and Evelyn Michels) Mr. and Mrs. George Zprastorff and daughter, Georgia Leo, of Woodstock and* Mr. and Mrs. Ange DiBona of Marengo visited in the Jos. P. Michels home Tuesday. Mrs. Fred Shoewen of McHenry and Miss Doris Jean Michels attended the bifthMay perty of M*-- Mary Ann Karls and were unintentionally omitted last week. Mrs. Jos. Karls. Mrs. George King Mr. and Mrs. Frsnk Jung and daughters of Spring Grove visited in the Jos. P. Minds home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jadt Bode of North Chicago are liting In their summer home, for the season. Their daughter, Panltoe,^and ensign in the N^vy maafc, Mrs. Connie May. Mrs. Marie fBusch and Mrs. Maris Worn attend nl !js 'party/in tiM Fred Husmsnn heme with Mrs. Vivian Smith acting es hoetees. Cards furnished the evening's entertainment and a delicious lunch concluded an enjoyable evening. Mr. end Mrs. John Edcnier were in Misses Alice and Myfrn*^ of j aS^e te"^e wo^uf who mikde the supreme sacrifice in Germany on March 24, 1945. Congratulations are in order to Mr. sad Mrs. Fred Fowles of Piswith the music class ^ their first grandson, born at NoU*k *--« -v«iin7 w££»£ the Homer Fowles. ' t>rov*d «u ! Graduation exercises of St. John'# family of Greenwood spent Sunday M4tl< Ainu w« rl„ n \ «chool were in St. John's church Tues- Cmr ! Hite ^ •"-- -h° »» DO'" Wither Laurence and Car* IICMJ A*MI.. T -lT Elgin spent the weeki parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. jand Mrs. Alan :end . Charies it AhfW with their Poet. Norses' Corps, is stationed in San INego, Calif. . < Special ceniiaent is given Sr. M. program ehe sr ores Michels, Betty Ann Miller, Kath- J7» Jackson, Kathleen Oeffling, Paul Tonyan, Walter Miller, Jamee MUler, .Harold Schaefer, Harold TIM ind • \ Jimmy Carver. Chicam Monday attending n recital of their granddaughters, Patsy and Marilyn Bonder. Mrs. Henry Hiller, Putty and Kay, Mrs. Connie May Beverly, Ardy and Arlett, Mrs. Vera Heumann and Jimmy, Mrs. Bill Freye and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Martinic of Cicero attended the sixth Urthdaf' party of Dotty Martinic in the wm. Martinic home. Little Billy Martinic fell hn a garage recently and suffered a slight concussion. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Martinic and Veraen J. Knox, Lawyfcr NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of ^ Barbara King, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, July 2, 1945, is the claim date in the estate of Barbara King, Deceased, pending' in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims max be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. KATE THIES, Executor. ' - » {Pub. June 7-14-21)--r-- Cream Roe re A Hollywood actress finds water The town of Venlo, the TTsffcsf lands, changed hands ten time*. MO yeass. -- • / ' •• & *< & .* • i" ' -'I yM.-J-W*' Walking Fish Hie Chinese walking flA moiw over dry land from one pool of water to another by twisting its in energetic lesps. y v f ter and moisten cheek. Dab oh a few blobs of rouge and btend out* ward. Llgnln Stabiliser Successful experiments have made in Quebec With ligpin extract as a stabilizing material in road construction. Lignin is a byproduct of lb* pulp and paper industry. Heretofore it has been regained largely es a waste. In the Quebec expertmeat, lignin extract In powder form Is mixed with gravel end clay, whereupon the mixture is spread in layers and rolled. Lignin increaees the bonding oower of the clay to make e stabilised and semi-permanent met. . ^ in the George Shepard home. Miss Esther i*r-j amu-*! ruMi» u~ Tv oljnf Umnt. Friday th .nd Mr." Art! R. «nd Mr*. W. A. CoHin. rf ji£g-•."* P?^ ! Beloit spent Frtdajr night with the Mr Sd 1^. former's parents. Rev. and Mrs. .nd M™ P!& Mri Harry Collins. On Saturday they ali Mrs xr:B fV»nnri Mr IHa'm ! drove to the home of Paul Collins at Math Blak* and Mr and ! Mr. end Mrs. Ed Hswley and Mrs.! 5ie2n«POrd ,*ck80n h<5tee j Elesnor Bacpn of Cryetal Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Hertry Nell, Misses' Henrietta and Ethel Nell, Mrs. Mar-! Arlington IM«ht. «wl »P«it tk, ftwpid of lKRtmy MUixM »' part? 6"\ ... ™ . W_ |ta «>. P • •- - " evening. i Frank Hawley of Chicago spent Sun day in the Louis Hawley home. »lu ui.«. v: " --. wh«. B. will ™»I„ further tr.IN. ^ "M ' Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Doherty and *: I son. John, and Mr. and Mrs. Sibre \ Ji Whiting attended the Bolprer-Weber JJJ8' ^ydV,^1*In "ow*rd» Mr:; weddinl at McHenry Saturday. *,nd I Misses Helen and Amy Laurence M a jaT y' i and Adaline Dubowski of Chicago Jfw' *5® H^en spent the weekend in the Oliver, 2L*, ^ Donall Laurence home. fS™ Hfman^f Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bauer end fam- 2L T^ in the ily spent Sunday evening in the Geo. J®** honorm* their May home at Spring Grove. ! w 8 1 H°ly Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wajrner of Mc-]Co™™uni®nL-®Jay 27 Henry spent Sunday in the Abe V ^ t"? f\?' Laurence home. ^ M ' » -J i™*!, Michels, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Panknin »nd ^dJJrs ^ f*ck«0"-Mr. and Mrs. family of Chicaeo spent Saturday Var?^e. Miehelsand Mr. and Mrs. afternoon in the Clayton Bruce home. ^ln, Vl8lt®d in the Leo King Mrs. Thomas Doherty and son, F u nd*y u John, visited relatives at Winnetka' Johnsburg won the baseball game Friday. j Sunday over Algonquin by a score Miss Lora Wiedrich spent Sundav to „ , with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank i Se*m*n Jimmy H^ttermann of Wiedrich Glenvjew spent the weekend in the Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler and J»ome of his mother, Mrs. Lena Hetfamily spent from Thursday until | _ ' _ Sundav eveninsr with relatives at j Wilba Blades and son, Timmy, Morton. 111. Miss Helen Ruth But-! 8P«"t. Monday in Chicago visiting ler, who has been attendine college: Wl*> h *r>ends. at Bloomington, went with them Keoe"tly on a Saturday evening and is home now for the summer va-i ?Jr- ®nd Mrs. Cnas. Busch entertained cation. i „.rV and Mrs- Wm- May *nd sons, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pee* and R'chard and Harold, Mr. and Mrs. dauehW* called on friends in Wood- i°"* Huemann, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry stock Sunday afternoon.- j * T"u Mrs. Wm. Marz, Jr., M»-«. M. M. Pnrmer and mother f5 ' Mr. Wm. Marz, Mr. of C'«co, Texas, Mrs. Emmn Eckert, *"d Mrs. Heniy Wilke of Marengo, Mrs. Wm. Teters of Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hiller and Mr. | Mrs. Ro" Latbnn and daughter nf >n® Mrs. Harold Fox. The evening j Crvstal Lake. Mrs. Watson Rounds,. w,f* progressing wonderfully when! <<on «nd d*oehter of Geno« Citv snent •?* °* a sudden in the middle of a j Snndpv afternoon in the Frank Wied- n,ce car" game, when Mrs. Busch j ricH home. w*" preparing a lunch, having the i Mr. and Mrs. Pheln* Saunder« of teWe set beautifully with a nice as-! Sv^«.nre onent Sunday in the Fred sortment of food and everything that W«*drich. Jr.. home. ff**8 with it the jittery table de- Mr. and Mr«. Lyle Hooper and ^eloped falling arches. It looked for Hnuehters of Chicago visited rela- a minute as though we were going to her* Sunday. ! P*rt^Ke of the victuals in a sitting Fred Wiedrich. Jr.. wpent the' past position on the floor, but through w*»k at Albert Lea, Minn. v I ^he efforts of some of the mechanics The W. S. C. S. will meet with present the table was soon fixed and Mr«. Lo«'»* Hawlev Friday. June 15. everything was put back in-, its M*«. H**»M Aim and Mrs. Rov j proper place, excepting one cup and Smith of McHenrv soent Friday af-!one piste. After that the evening temoon in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr.,; progressed successfully and wound home. j UP with a good time being had bv all. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bauer and son. | Miss Jeanie Busch ia entertaining MiH'n, snd daughter, Joan, spent; her little cousin, Sandra Jean Burns, Sw^^v in the Gregory Kattner home j Chicago for several weeks in the at Swing Grove bom« of her parents, Mr. add Mrs. Mr.'and Mrs. J«roes Bell and Mr. | Chas. Busch. •nd Mrs. Harold Bell and Mrs. Kate' Miss Betty Schons is entertaining Wort* of (McHenry soent Sunday t her- little cousin. Judy Hensel of Chi- »^®rnoon At Zion with Mrs. Emma1 cago for several weeks in the home Bell. " ! of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jerrj- Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown were i Schons. visitors at St. Charles. "Sunday. I Miss Dorothy Fuchs, Mrs. Frances Mr. ard Mrs. Alec Anderson spent Weingart, Mrs. Millie Sdions, Mrs. Sunday in the home of their daugh-1 Dorothy Zoellner, Mrs. Marie Frett. terr Mrs. Ted Kooistra, at Harvard. | Mrs. Vera Huemann, Mrs. Lou Hue- Mrs. Everett Hunter of McHenry Let Radionics lend you its ears •••••eeee«*««*«««eeeeeti% . for juste few minutes, end msmver whet new woride of sound this fine instrumeot can bring to many hard of hearing. Revolutionary--in first cost, low upkeep, eeae and con- ' Tenisnoe of uee. You will not be prseaad to buy. W» sell only to those who can be helped. No high preeeure salesman will call on you. Radionic Hearing Aid $40 ^ m I«M> Raady to w««r--compteta with radiooic tubas, crystal mknphoM Bt|Mtk «»rbattariaa and bativar circuit. Liberal guanatM. On* modal--On* Brie* Out urnlity--Zmuth't Jhmtt. N» olni--m good/^ear DCPCNOAftU EXTRArMILEAOl RECAPPING NO cnmncATi NH Tires Thin? They won't go lor on slssling, sum*: saer pavements ... bet-; ter get some protection en them before they burn up and let you down. Save ttres, save line and money ... eee us today for fart, expert, low-cost Goodyear re- W« Inofte You -- Come In for Demonttratk* BOWER'S DRUG STORE 6.00x16 McHenry Recappers i 'i •t i* Amsjucoh railed on her narents. Mr. and Mrs. i Bell. Monday. 11 1 I I I I Ml H1 1 Ml H I| n n 1 1 M". J. C. Pearson was a visitor X at McHenrv Monday afternoon, Mr. and Mr*. C. L. Harrison and T dauehter, Car^l. were Sundav dintier!.. o^iests in the Henry Marlow home at ,; | Huntley. ^ Mr. and Mr*. S. W. Smith and j J Mrs. Andrew Hawlev were visitors at Woodstock Thursday. Floyd Foss of Richmond Monday evening Wayne Foss. Byron Marlow a few days wn i^Mr. spent brother^: intfey spent with hi* Chancey 'lev ei- i , o f / t h e TS. Lyle prandparents Harrison. Mr. snd Mrs. Andrew tertained Sunday in ho birthday anniversary off Hopper. Those to attend were Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hopper and daughters. Dorothy Ann and Eleanor Jane, o* Chicago: Mrs. W. R. Hoffmsn, Mr. »nd Mrs. S. W. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn E. Hanford of Long Lake, spent Saturday evening in, the S. W. Smith home. The Ringwood Happy Clover club organized and elected the following officers: Charlotte Hogan, president; Jene *Betts, vice president; Audrey Andreas, secretary; Jane Betts. recreation leader and Darlene Andreai, reporter. This is going to be a food club, staking use, preservation and storage of fruits and vegetables. The meetings are on Wednesday afternoons from 1 to 3 o'clock.. Audrey Andreas gave a talk on ways to keep vour feet healthy. Jene and Jane Betts gave a demonstration on how to wash your hands. Charlotte Hogan gave a demonstration on how to make a finger salad. The next meeting will be at Althea Walkington's, June 20. Reporter Darlene Andreas. VltaaUn In Reee Garden Tests Aom that roes hips when ripe and fresh are so rich in vitamin C that 6 to 8 of these small fruits may be enough to supply an ifrrflt'i Amiirr fnr gUaiT,<m I ., "On the Hour ;; ::of toy death, do not weep: ]Ifor me -- Cry not 'Parted,: $ parted: union and meeting: are mine in that hour.' --: Old Persian Manuscript." ^Sorrow which comes to us: all in the passing of a loved' one is hard to bear. We have dedicated ourselves to lighten the burdens of those vre serve. ! % When the need arises, let; as serve. ; # , ± Jacob Justen Sons; FUNERAL DIRECTORS j Phone McHenry lO.'^-R ! Residence, McHenry 112-W; Green Street, Corner Elm < M'HElOtT MI IH1I >M#« TT8LF IMIMTA CARNIVAL Spoiifloicd by Wm. J. Mctztn Pott No. 865 HARVARD, ILLINOIS Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday , S-- **3rsr?' _ f B I GK NIGHTS JUNE 20-23 Rides Entertainment For the Children New Coifcessions Fun for Everyone \ Part of the proceeds of Carnival to be set aside to continue our Recreation Fund for gur boys in service. # • 1 ^ J Jl/fatit ait tin