Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Jun 1945, p. 4

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• * jnK «, r v-v «-- p\ - - »,'r .i/> *' . >: f '"• '• j| 'Mr:i:jltiyi;ffy||iiiijitii IPm MHiiM my Thursday «t , DL, by Charles F. Beahfc. iMlfi^ H BtLLYWOiB TOO LATE TO CLAS8IFY McHenry, Illiiioig FOR SALE FRIDAY - SATURDAY Fay Emerson - Helmut Dantine "HOTEL BERLIN" 4. •.KOSHER Editir%ai Mtatcti Cntered m second-class natter at the pofttoffice at McHenry, 111., Oder Am act of May 8, 1879. One Year lMTIONAL€OnORIAC_ r-~ ASSOCIATION Sister M. Alma of Bain, Mrs. Kenneth Kreuger and 'son, Terry, of Delavan, Wis., and John Muettertiec of Elgin were Sunday guests* in the Ben Justen home. Terry remained for a week's visit with his grandparents. John Scheid and daughter, Rena, j called on friends in Huntley on Friday . afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Burge and , $2.501 baby of Grayslake were local callers ! j on Sunday. I I Mr. and Mrs. Emil DeCroix of! O OLLYWOOD, the town that's 11 made "colossal," "gigantic," mers onm Sunday evening. . Mrs. Vaughn Jones Of Chicago spent the weekend in the Goodell- Jones home here. „ Mr. and Mrs. John Phannenstill, Mrs. Mary Pouliot and Miss Madge . Phannenstill attended the baptism^ of j the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. | Haldeman In Woodstock on Sunday. $ *V Mr. jand Mrs. Ed. Sfcorn of Chi- * Mrs. John L. Robinson of Chicago cago, who recently returned from g* visited one recent day in .the Linus! California, were weekend guests of V? •• " ' F. Newman home. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Johnson at their ;v:. Mrs. Fred Fels of tte Ringwood home on the Fox river. ' unit of the Home Bureau reviewed 1 „ Mr. and Mrs. Harry j Lawrence _ of ^--"Brothers Under the Skin" bv Mc- Chicago spent the weekend visiting Woodstock were McHenry' callers on j and "stupendous" the keynotes of the movies, like nothing better than giving the fans their money's worth. Where the stage supplies a line of 20 girls in a musical, the movies (bless 'em) give us 200. Such prodigality pays off and always has. That's one reason studios do things in a big way. Some of^the boys recently sat down and figured that the fans who pay to see Fred MacMurray or Bette Davis in a picture would be twice as eager to see their favorites if said faVor- ) ites were to do FOR SALE--Single register hot air furnace in good condition. Reasonable. 410 Park St. Tel. McHenry 483-R. * 5 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT--Storage for 1%-ton truck. 410 Park St. Tel. McHenry 483-R. ( f ^ 6 WANTED TO BUY . : Sh : i . V * "Williams at the Greenwood Home Mf!e D G'™D « , ,Bureau meeting last week. _**• Althoff Ralph Ben-j two roles in the ^ " Miss Lucia Rausch of Chicago Heuser and James Althoff same film instead ,.vHted friends here on S-u nd- ay. attended a» «ha^rdw.raere ggrreouupp mmemet.inngK ]i of the customary Mr. -and Mrs. Linus F. Newman » Forest on Wednesday eve-... stin^ ^ V,*'"'"1 visi>od« in the Charles Newman home « v jj j j i.a *» " '^ :;at Slocum Lake on Tuesday. ,^n Scheid and daughter, Ifena, Mrs. Clarence Martin visited her ™lted Waukegan relatives on Snn- S'lvfe.rtdaughter. Mrs. William Smith, in . .. . , ^'• Chicago last week Among those who attended the Mrs Howard Collins and children Harry Schmidt ^°,den w 0 edding anni- *" visited her mother. Mrs. Lumber, in versary celebration on Sunday were ' Ineleside on Tuesday. Mr .f,nd M Mrs- gays °J B€n* Mrs. Simon Stoffel and daughter, " Lena spent Tuesday in Chicago. The Edward Hagert, Peter Petke, Mrs. for . visit TS Imo Heckel of Milwaukee. WANTED TO BUY--Am in the market and can pay all cash for 200 to 300 acre farm. Must have dark ground, fair buildings and mostly un- f der cultivation. Write Box 375,1 Libertyville. 111. 5-4 I WANTED TO BUY--Will purchase from ten to forty acres. Must have good buildings and in close range of McHenry. Write Box 233, Waukegan, 111. , ,-6-4 Gene Kelly with relatives. ' ----~ • Mrs. Peter H. Weber was a Chlc a m c a l l e r o n T u e s d a y . - j Mirs. Nellie Bacon and daughter, -jMrs. Carl "Courier, of Woodstock • visited in Oak Park on Wednesday. 1 " . Miss Gerry Carey visited in the J.' Albert Woll home in Winnetka a few | days last week. She was accompanied i home by Cynthia Woll, who has been ' a guest in the Carey home. ! Miss Helen Frett of Chicago was a local caller on Sunday. Ben Bonslett of Oak Park visit- . ed McHenry relatives last Friday Miss ~ Egg Stains You can remove egg Stains from silver by rubbing it with a cloth' that has been dipped in wet salt. fuel Saver Few people living in cities follow the good old country fashion of banking thi foundation of their homes with leaves, sod or earth. They still do it on the farms. It fa t Barbara Carey spent a few" good fuel saver, too, and would save d» vg last week visiting in Milwaukee, least 5 per cent, and probably WK ^ , 10 per cent, where sills are leaky. ^ •'and Mrs. Carl Weber vfre ---- rlta?y£:48MS Z'"c&] n cago spent the weekend in Mc-1 »y<w have been cutting up onion# Henry or garlic, rubbing your hands with Mr. 'and Mrs. Walter Manning and an acid like vinegar or lemon juice children of Oak Park spent a few will chase away the smelL Alter days this week visiting relatives handling fish, wash your hands in a here. strong salt solution and rinse well Miss Helen Schneider has been before dousing in warm soapy waspending several days visiting in the ter. The same treatment removes home of her brother and wife, Mr.! fish odor from dishes and cooking and Mrs. Anton Schneider, in Mil-i ut«MQte. waukee. . , > . • - Miss Lanette ^Tiiting of Elgin: 1 * spent a few days the first of the 1 Tnck Ya*fc week visiting here. j Do you by chance have an old Mrs. Eugene O'Neill of Lake Gen-, kerosene lamp in the attic or base- " eva visited relatives in McHenry on j ment? It might b s either clear Monday evening. j glass with pressed designs or paint- Sunday guests in the Fred Kam-led flowers, or it might be a metal holz home were their son. Fred, of and glass combination. -Try remov- Indianapolis, Ind., a grandson. Ken- fog the wick and shadeholder and r netn Kamnolz, stationed in Texas, | arranging a mixed bouquet in the Su gJa T ndson' °J" K e i adequate opening. This lamp base hols' wT«^l?ES'bKom,s" in ""f •rel Kamholz, Jr.. fighting on Okinawa. Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Chamberlin and grandson. Guy, left Tuesday morning on a trip into Wisconsin. Mrs. M. Larrison was a Woodstock caller on Monday. the right size for your table or mant* L for the price of one is the bait held out these days. Imagine how the bobbysoxers would queue up if a marquee were to read: "Tonight: 2--Frank Sinatras--2"! The dual role (one star playing two parts in the same movie) is bpek in vogul with a bang. Actors I lire delighted--and why not?--since j this means twice as many closeups. j But camera men and technicians! -are cussin' right out loud, for making a pair of actors sprout where there should be one is a tricky and i tedious job. It was bad enough in i days of silent movies to match such | action, but with dialogue the problem takes on the tone of a Russian trying to translate a speech done in Chinese?****^?*""?*, n , v 7f*i an Epidemic ^ Over at Mutual, Fred MacMurray is playing twin brothers in the comedy "Pardon My Past," on which Leslie Fenton serves as both pro- j ducer and director. Jius comedy has S*r«d playing two distinct ChSrac-j ters, one comedy, the other a heavy- When I asked Fred how he liked be-1 ing a split personality he quipped; back at me with: "Don't forget, Hedda, it isn't every man who gets: a chance to shake hands with him-1 self. And it isn't every man who j gets the chance of being his oyn ri-! ~val for the affections of pretty Marguerite Chapman." | Over at Warners', Bette Davis isi having herself .an emotional daisy; day as two girls--one good, t'other bad--in "A Stolen Life." Bette's a 1 ..triple-threat gal on this. She's also producing it. Bette about emotes herself to pieces when she plays a single role, so you can imagine > what this is doing to her. i . Cornel Wilde of "A Song to Re- j member" is also hitting the dual! , role trail in "A Thousand and One' Nights," a technicolor extravaganza | jaf old Bagdad. A1 Green, director, had his hands full on this one, for. not only does Cornel do a dual stint but Dennis Hoey works in double . Mop Lasts •' V-'. A wet mop that is washed thoroughly after each use and stored so that the strings will hung down will last indefinitely., " ?: m WALLPAPER fcr •magi mm ! Gaaraacctd Vkihable* radtproof Wallpaper, Matching Border, and PiM-Nw ALL-IN* ONE Unit -- Nothing u^l«e to A* low ALL-IN-ONE A A .. > A P E S E. H. Nickels Hardware PHONE 2 WEST M'HENRY Pins--Cartoon aid World News SUN. - MON„ JUNE 24 • 25 Rita Hayworth - Lee Bovnan In' Technicolor "Tonight and Every Nij Warld New» at Cartoon TUESDAY (ONE DAY) Richard Arlen - Cheryl Walker "Identity Unknown" Plus--Musical - Community Singing ami Screen Snapshots WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY Edward Arnold - Selana Royle "Main Street After Dark" -- Special -- "TO THE SHORES OF IWO JIMA" ATbO--Crime Series and World News Fried Apples and Carrots Sometime try frying, apples and Lieut. George Gage Smith (SG) of !r™*S h t0|' ' expesure ^^"8^ the story, im- Jacks-onville, Fla., his wife, also of ^ ,^e appl®s personating an eastern potentate and Jacksonville. Mr. and Mrs. Granger i cut the carrots in length- i his wicked twin brother, Hajji. Ray Smith and Mrs. Ada Smith of JEhfin i sl}cf* a"d ,sPread spent last Thursday evening visiting I ® a small relatives here. Lieirt. Smith is en-1 an»ount of fat. Cover and cook slowroute to the west coast, from where i ^ unt^ nearly tender. You'll need he expects to leave for the Pacific, j to stir often to prevent scorching. He was in the recent movie "Fight- j A little before the carrots and aping Ladyv" which was shown, in Mc-j pies .are done, sprinkle on a table- Henry,,';,^--;, -^ J. spoon of sugar and a little salt and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson let brown* spent last Thursday in Chicago. Mrs. William Heimer returned Saturday from Sherman hospital, Elgin, where she was confined for a few "weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Loomis and Irs. Harold Lindsav and daught* Carol, were recent Chicago callers. Mrs. Henry Heimer and Mrs. Edgar Landgren and son. Billy, attended the graduation services at Notre Good Cleaning Restores . A Badly Burned Pan Ut>, ,, ... Ti. -- , > Though no treatment will make a iSSJ"' b,dlJ' P*n l»« new again, many hopeless-looking ones may be restored to further usefulness if _ proper care is taken in cleaning. Let Dame high sch^i' in"Chicago'one"™-' ^J pan cocl gradually. Never pour cent evening, at which time Dorothy | coW water lnto ® bot dry pan, for Ann Butler received her diploma. meta* may buckle and warp. Ann Smith of Chicago is spending' Soaking, and gentle but persistent her vacation visiting her grand-1 scouring, ^are the sa/est ways of parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mar-, cleaning tin. _ j they" taki Miss Elaine Landgren of St. Eliza-1 fine steel beth's hospital,. Chicago, sperit Snn-1 Use a w< day with her parents, the Edgar. ia nece Landgrens. | 2iarp ut( Mr. and Mrs. Orville Freund visit-1 < When t1 ed^ her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ChasJ full 0f Allen, at Kenosha on Sunday. ed material, though For scouring use scouring powder, n when scraping ever a knife or other pan is cooled, fill it half water, and heat the war Wac ^ i ter gradually to boiling. Baking soda « 5?l det nurse added to the water may help soften hospital, Chicago, is the burned material. The black car- M,wris isrsajt ^ ^ ^ mMt ^ to u» pan usually can be removed only by patient scouring. , • , Freund. Mrs. A. J. Maple and daughter, Mary, of Watertown, South Dakota, spent a few days last week visiting " „ Attend to Parses ner^ auirt. Mrs. Martin Cooney. \ Good purses are costly so the care u" i °' Hollywood, of the old ones is important and simvisited her pie. "The clothing specialists of the weejt' or?e Johnson, last. United States department of agricul- Mr'. and Mrs. Lester Baoon%pent & ^Te ^e A st fab'ic ^ags cm few days the past week voting I c* ^ ^ ?mng s fH-nds in Hayward Wis !Such flulds must not be used on Little Mary RuthHeckman of Chi- leather because* removes the natcago has been visiting her grand-! ural oils and the leather cracks. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heck-1Shiny spots on suede can often be man. . • ' ^ Miss Genevieve Knox is a new employee'at the Fencil company in Huntley for the summer months. Mrs. Floyd Freund has been visitin the Ni*-k B. Frennd home enrol' 4® from Newport. Rhode fIsland, to pes Moines. Ia.. where she will remain while her husband is serving overseas. • . Judy and M>*-v P'acon of Crystal T^dte soent » few days the last of the we«k with their grandmother, Mr«. Nel'ie Bacon. Mr®. George Johnson and daughf* T. Mariorie. of the WAVES, and thf'r etiest. Mrs. Kenneth Burns. vhr *«d Elgin relatives one day last week. P«»"l Yanda is eroploved at the Fercil comwmv in Huntley for the summer months. Mr® P»ter M. J"«ten and Mrs. >le» JiiRtci of -this citv. Mrs. Hprry Coolr of Penspeolq, Fla.. «nd Mrs. Arthxir Bopp of Evpnston left Sun- <*"v for a visit wiAh relatives and" fe*»nds in Denver. Co'lo. Mi-, and Mrs. Percy„Lodtz of Crys- ^ere Sunday evening callers MieHenfy, * . removed by rubbing them with a very fine sandpaper. Scratched or worn corners on leather can be retouched with matching shoe dyes or India ink. Colored shoe cream or a wax polish will hide water spots and other stains on leather. Silver polish will shine metal trimming 6r remove gold plating that has started to wear. Clear nail polish will keep the metal finish bright. Outside stitching on leather or fabric purses can be repaired by ripping the seam and turning a deeper seam and restitching, this usually must be done by hand. If the zipper stop is broken at the bottom and the slide has pulled off the teeth can be held together and the slide* slipped on again. A leather bag that has become limp can be fixed by replacing the cardboard between the lining and the leather. Flavor Put a stick of cinnamon or a few thin slices of orange or lemon peel in the prunes when you steam them. The flavor is delicious. Rennahan, camera man, told me,he went berserk trying to keep the characters straight on the film. In "Sacred Stiff," which comes from Pine-Thomas, Lucien Littlefield also plays two parts, eccentric twin brothers, who get mixed up in the theft of a jewel-studded chessset, of all things 1 Danny Kaye in "Wonder Man" plays Identical twins, too. ^ 77»« Hard Way On the stage a few plays have had a star play two separate and distinct parts in the same show.. This causes the actor or actress to make quick costume changes just off the Stage and switch wigs as quickly as possible. But it really takes a movie camera to present anything as boisterous and blatant as Betty Hutton singing a duet with herself in "Here Come the Waves" or Gene Kelly's startling alter ego routine in which he serves as hilf: own dancing partner in "Cover Qirl." The dual role, however, is as old as the moving picture itself. 'Way back in the days of short-reelers technicians discovered how to make half a film, take a scene, then wind back .and expose the other halt i which had remained unexposed.' Crude double exposure was thus ob- i tained, but it was a far cry from] such smooth achievements as hav- { ing Fred MacMurray hand himseli ^ a letter in "Pardon My Past" oi i Cornel Wilde'a dael with himself in i -"A Thousand and One Nights." ; . The stars enjoy the glory of a, showy dual assignment. No, they I don't get twice their salary, but the I extra footage, applause and glorj | make, up for the lack of bulge i*-j their bank accounts. . i • • • j A Great Opportunity j We'll see if our big boys in the i studios can take it. They're getting | overseas shots like mad. Two top, men from each studio have been invited by the government to go over j Idea is for, them to be shown the; horrors of Naziism, Fascism, ^con- < centration camps, torture chambers, so that from now on they can keep this in mind when planning pictures. Hordes of slaves from many countries must be reeducated. Pictures' will teach them the meaning^ free, dom. accurate Is die compounding of prescriptions, there's no tolerance for error. Our skilled pharmacists are trained to standards of exacting accuracy. Bring your next prescription here for compounding ! MILLER WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS FRI. - SAT., JUNE 22 . 23 2 - SWELL S1JOWS - 2 Lulu Belle and Scotty in "SING NEIGHBOR SING" Plus "GHOST GUNS" with Johnny Mack Brown Raymond Hatton SUN. - MON., JUNE 24 - 25 "A TREE GROW S IN BROOKLYN" with Dorothy McGuire, Joan Blondell, James Dunn, Llqyd Nolan ' TUESDAY ONLY. JUNE 26 Back By Request Bing Crosby in "HOLIDAY INN" / with Fred Astaire WED. - THURS., JUNE 27 - 28 Gary Grant and Lorraine Day ia "MR. tUCKY" * .1:.:: '--Plus -- Gene Teirney, Preston Foster in "THUNDERBIRDS" Bolger's Drug Store Green Street , McHenry * * * ATHLETE S FOOT BOLGER'S DRU Tinstone GROUND GRIP TRACTOR TIRES • posmvK i cuANiNe • MAXIMUM TRACTION • LONGBI LIK • Of all the tractor this tsUad «T nrestana engineers It was foand that no other lire aafeehes tha drawbar pan Of ffee Firestone flteoand Qrip. ttiueni Grips provide as mm* as 16% mors poll than any ether make. To vse^Oronnd gripe miens | less tins. la ... be* Vs Help Yea Ori oa AfftisWis fcr e Tiro EeHwdas CertWeele to F1MSTOMI •ROUND Mtf TSACTOt 1MB. r.jovy Staaiari Battery Has Fil-O-Matlc covers, best aoattty separators and other features of more sxpenstre batteries. / ' y E M f N [ ) 0 L 1 ; N G < P O W E R F U L •; ( -V > . ' t V F O G L I G H T y-Badc OeomHeel v POIOMUM SPARK PLUGS Regular price 59c each, in sets of 4 -or more, with purchase of a FIEESTOKE BATTERY 1 Guaranteed to giro quicker, easier starts and smoother performance or your money back. Preciaion-gngineeredL -- Walter J. Freund TIRES - TUBES - BATTERIES - ACCESSORIES TIRE AND TUBE VULCANIZING All Work Guaranteed OFFICIAL TIRE INSPECTION STATION Phone 294 Main St., West McHenry m Builds Ewes A light grain feed, such as oats and corn, together with bran and good roughage, will help build up underweight ewe,s in winter quarters. & SON'S a AT McHENRY 8peeds Up Detozilleatieq fat germoil has'the property of speeding up the detoxifying action of the enzyme, tyrosinase, on certain poisons resulting from autointoxication within the body. ON SATURDAY, JUNE 23 Between McHenry and West McHenry ONE DAY ONLY The Cristianis, America's Greatest Troupe of Riders and Acrobats. The only act doing a triple somersault from -- two horses The Riding Rooneys, America's foremost family of riders Scores of Funny Clowns--Beautiful Girls Prof. Wm. Newton and his $10,000 trained Pony, Cupid The Flying Clarks in feats of trapeze wonders Irene Lagene and Her Beautiful Arabian Stallion, •' T Rajah Other Great Acts too Numerous to Mention Performance* start 2:30 and 8 p. m. Cut this coupon HfcY KIDDIES out and with 30c (tax included} will admit any child under 14 years of age to M L. Clark & Son's Circus AFTERNOON ONLY Ib., h-' •JJS. I'-,;, . •• ' ^ 1

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