v '^^myrrr' *?53r^jP^ . ' _ •* - - - • - . . . . . . ' • . .-.•& Tlraxiday, Jm 81, IMi ? y x • i T,I 1 f ' y ' » * M" T p H y ^ 1^ ' . . . • / . ' • a . r ' A w ..« ' . v . \ . -y: • " • ' • / ' "-V 1- v , l- . , • w . . . »»M»MMHIII»M»MMM |.A» ' ' Oi» Parade .!»»•»•»»«« III »•»»•»»»»•»>< . By "Yardstick" fiTwHnipi Folks! Orchids to the fifty odd willing hands who turned out last Sunday to do their bit cleaning up oar beach. Yon have all done a grand job. Our park grounds 4>eing too ifet from recent rains for any grass catting, all the efforts of the clean-up squad were concentrated on the After about two hours labor by these "Eager Beavers" there wasn't a weed or other debris to be seen anywhere. It was Mr. Nersta<Ps and Mr. Perski's speedy chauffeuring of their •wheelbarrows that kept the rake and hoe squad on the move. The two teams assigned to-cut up neaday. 11m resMsnts of McC Lsk* extended their deepest McCtfUom sympaitfey. ^-- Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Turoey of Orchard Drive enjoyed a pleasant week's vacation at their home here. Mrs. Arthur Thompson and her two lovely daughters, Arlene and Elaine, are here to stay for the summer. Pop will just be a weekender, due to businfss interests in Chi- **" Sheboygan to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Schmidt at the Oak Park hospital and what a bov all eight pounds of him. Congratulations, folks! So you, too have wondered how Rose Kjuninski manages to keep her J-irlish figure. Ask Rose for her ormula. Give credit to George Gorenson, Jr., and Bill Schlitt for that nice paint job on the raft and benches on the beach. The Screwy Doaen is the name of the new social club formed last Saturday with Betty Cermak as president. There are no less than three SPRING GROVE (By Mrs. Charles Freund) Mir. and Mrs. Jerry Miller are the parents of a daughter, born at St. Therese hospital in Waukegan PMt Muster rolls of At 17. 8. marina A* Dnieper dam in Rusaia do> corps, on lite at Washington, D.^C., atroyad by Russian patriots during •re continuous from 1796 to the the Gorman advance early in the present day. i war, was mofe than 5.000 feet long. Waal Notches Bleaches that contain chlorine destroy wooL Good bleaches for wool are hydrogen peroxide and sodium perborate. Bay Loaf Bay leaves, used now in pot and pickles, ware used to times to crown the heads of and heroes. was born to Mr. and JXrzZL presidents with Libby Horn topthe dead trees with cn»fr*ut . the Marge Thomsen secsaws were Messrs. J*»tsat, Grott>,^and Lm ^ The„se huss, Harker and Edmonds. Schultz was elected secretary, Ann 21S WrCC^ng **» wJSffil Horn treasurer. On the program of Messers. ^Dvore, B*ert and; activities of this screwy bunch is a put in their hitch ^h wedges and gk&ti exhibiti0n to be held on sledge hammers, splitting up the McCul?om July 4. If the 8kates huge logs. . j leak it will be every man for him- Haxry Lock manned the camera | gey Betty for membership if and my*e a picture r^rdaf ^ too have that screwy urge, proceedingsi while Jerry Cermak kepfj' ^ friend Huph McDonald sufthe boys tonsils lubricated and he, £emj injury to his foot last too, was a very busy man. Mrs. Nerstad and Mr?. Lock were the most prominent members of the cheering section. All in all the' crew enjoyed nice weather and splendid co-operation. When .the job was finished all went home tired but happy in the thought fered serious injury to his foot last week when he stepped on a; Hail. Hope' to see yott around again soon. Mac. • • . Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Wortman are two very proud people and why should (they be? Their grandson, Charles, Jr., son' of Capt. and Mrs. that they h,ve made th.ircoT.trf- Ch.» in . I»c.n|, taby bution to make McCullom Lake clean and healthy community. News of Our Servicemen Pfc. Peter Nerstad of the Marines contest sponsored by a Hollywood movie company held at Denver, Colo., was awarded first prize for the most physically perfect baby from a group of 1,600 contestants. The baby'* has been assigned to duties as drafts- P*pa, who is now serving with # the man at San Francisco. ! A,.r th? Philippines F. 1/c Chas. Davis reported at the will surely find his tunic a bit tight Naval Armory in Chicago Friday ™ reading this news. Congratufafor reassignment after enjoying ajtions, folks. thirty-day leave. f t Congratulations To S. 1/c. Kenneth Brand left fori Zelma Lee Grotthuss on her second duty on the west coast after enjoy- J birthday anniversary, June 19. ing a 10-day leave with his p&rents, i,, Mrs. Barney Graff on her twenty- Mr. and Mrs. Adam Brand. . ! fifth birthday, June 28. News Bits ! Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tomasek on Mr. and Mrs. Dave Reid were | their forty-first wedding anniversary, made extremely happy over y1® July 3. weekend by the visit of 'their favorite , Mr. and . Mrs. Leo Sales on their nephew, Pfc. Chas. Haseltine, and, twentieth wedding anniversary, June his beauteous wife, Catherine. j 28. WcHaseltine has seen service! Society Notee with Gen, Hodges 1st Atmy At St. Lo and also in the invasion of Ger- The McCullom Lake Ladies many. He was wounded and has re-1 Pinochle club will hold its regular ceived his medical discharge on May bi-monthly session at the home of 1 4 . H i s l o v e l y w i f e , C a t h e r i n e , i s | G o r ® n 8 ° . n- . . . . , determined to stick to her war job j Many thanks folksi for «£•«- at the Dodge plant in Chicago until Jd co-operation That new box on the Japs are licked. * | the beach will hoW a lot of news, F so keep up your £ood work. We ap- Our McCullom Lake Wildcats beat; precise it. the Wonder Lake boys agpun last Sunday. This news we are sure ; will make many of our former Wildcats now in the service very happy. It was Bill Schlkt's superb pitching that put the £kids under the Wonder Lake boys with a score of 16 to_ 6. * Jack Clarke was on the receiving . end, Ken Ingersol played short cener, George Gorenson, SS. _ A1 Brenner • hit a homer in the ninth, Clarence Feiereisel and Clarke both hit two baggers. The five runs scored by the Wildcats in the second inning - really put the game on the ice. For the benefit of our boys in the • service who have requested that we give them the averages in their , many letters to us we shall oblige: Gorenson--4 games, at bat 19, runs 6, hits 6, errors 1, av., 316. Reimer--Games 4, at bat lo». runs 4, hits 8, errors 1, av. 421. Doolin--Games 4, at b*t 19». runs 4, hits 4, errors 3, av., 211. v x . Al. Brenner--Games 4, at bat 20, rulis 10, hits 9, errors 1, av. 450. _ Jerry Perski--Games 4, at bat 17, runs 6, hits 6, errors li av. 868. Ingersol --- Games 4, . at bat 15, - runs 5, hits 2, errors 2, av. 183. -Jack Sales--Games 2, at bat 6, • runs 1, hits 3, errors 2, av. 500. Jack Clarke--Games 3, at bat 11, ; runs 3, hits 2, no errors, av. 182. Feiereisel -- Games 2, at ' bat 9, runs 3, hits 4, errors 1, av. 444. Bill Schlitt--Games 3{ at bat *11, runs 3, hits 4, errors 4. av. 864. Adams--Games 8, at "bat 11, runs 2, hits 2, no errors, av. 112. A few weeks ago we mentioned in our column that our Wildcats are sadly in need of uniforms and equipment. Now to remedy this need the boys will give you a chance to get an extra war tend if you will help • them in their drive for funds ' for new uniforms. These boys are doing a swell job and their constant victories are making many a former Wildcat in the armed forces mighty happy. Let's give them our wholehearted support. Here is news that should make all 7 the boat owners, very happy. Mr. ^Gorenson, chairman of the Beach and Park committee of the Property Owners Assn., informs us that present plans call for Erection of a concrete sea-wall at a portion of our beach with permanent anchorages in- ' stalled to accommodate the many boats which are now scattered all over the beach. To date many boats have been stolen. To prevent future thefts Mr. Gorenson requests that you register your boat with him' or jerry Cermak, who is chairman of the Beach and Park committee of the McCullom Lake Community club, and a number will be stenciled on your boat and space will be allotted to anchor it. There will be no charge for this service. This move will greatly lessen the chances of your boat being stolen and will also keep non-residents from cluttering up our 1 beach with their boats. So for your own i benefit as well as the benefit, of the community* cooperate. ' / ADIOS. CARDr OF THANKS In this manner we wish to express our heartfelt thanks to neighbors and friends for floral offerings, donations of cars and the many other kindnesses extended in our recent bereavement. We are sincerely grateful. MRS. J. VAILLANCOURT AND FAMILY. Mrs. Paul Lewis of Fox Lake at St. TWsss hospital on Saturday, June 16. Mrs. Lvwia is tho former Marie Brlto. Eight graduates of St. Peter's School raeivtd thoir diplomas at services tn ehurch on Friday night. The program consisted of procession from school to 'church by all the children, devotions to the sacred heart, sermon bv Father Dalelden, distribution of diplomas and benediction of the Blessed SacramenU The graduates entered the church marching down the aisle in single (lie escorted by Leigh Kagan and Dianne May dressed in White. The church was beautifully d4corsted for the occasion. The graduates chose for their motto: "Striving Ever Higher to Reach Our Goal." Colors: Axure and gold. Flower: Tea rose. Patroness: The Immaculate Conception. The graduation class of 1945: Theodore Busch, William Kattner, Mary Ann Klaus, Clyde Koutny, Allan May, Georgia May, Georgia Schmitt, Stephen Stanfel. Mr. a?id Mrs. Charles. Freund entertained in their home on Friday night in honor of Georgia May, who was a graduate. A pleasant evening was spent and refreshments were' served to the George W. May family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Weber, daughter, Judy anna, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith and children and Mrs. Eva Weber of Johnsburg. Georgia was the happy recipient of lovely gifts. Mr. and .Mrs. Norbert Klaus held open house at their home on Friday night in honor of the graduation of their daughter, Mary Ann. Those enjoying the evenine were Mr. 'and Mrs. Thomas Mulligan, daughter,: Patsy, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Muntner Sf "Fox Lake, Mr. and Mrs. William Britz, Mr. , and Mrs. Gerald Klaus, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Klein and family of Johnsburg, Miss Kathleen Killbride of Barrington, and Mrs. Harry Britz and daughter, Christie Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Straub and family of Chicago spent the week with Mrs. Bertha Esh. Mr. and Mrs. John Doetsch and children of Wilmette were visitors in the Arthur Kattner home on Sunday. c A theatre party went by train to Libertyville on Sunday afternoon to enjoy a matinee. Those attending were Georgia and Donna Schmitt. Georgia and Paul May, Jeanette and Betty Lennon, Eyvie, Patsy and Theodore Busch, Steve Stanfel, Tom Freund, Mary Ann and Juhe Klaus. CARD OF THANKS AMERICAN LEGION ••• 1 -1 . • .>« • • AT - We would like in this manner to j thank friends and neighbors for: floral offerings, spiritual bouquets,; donatioas of cars and other kind- j nesses expressed in our recent be-: reavement. We are also especially: grateful to the Pistakee Bay associa- j tion. i MR. AND MRS. JOE KARLS * AND FAMILY* Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday JUNE 30, JULY 1, 2,3 and 4 » • - NOTICE - WORTS' SINCLAIR SERVICE and JUSTIN'S STANDARD SERVICE, located at the corner of Illinois Routes 31 and 120^ in McHenry, Will be open every day nntil further notice. I GEORGE WORTS ^ NICK P. JUSTEK CLARENCE'S SHOP JOHNSBURG Place orders now for Bird Houses, Lawn Furniture, Trellises, Window Boxes, etc. Also have full line of leather*goods, market and wash baskets, barn brooms, etc. ' CLARENCE J. SMITH Route 1, McHenry, 111- McHENRY POST, No. 491 AMERICAN LESION Invites You, Tour Family and Tour Friends To Its Annual • / . What has Ralph Trigin's goat eot that gets Ken Ingersol. That boy got himself a knot on the head wo hear for refusing to return a kiss sohie fair dafnsel planted on his lips after last Sunday's game. Ever faithful Ken just knew Annie the goat wouldn't approve, so it's knots to him. The old warrior, Al Horn, paid us a surprise visit over the weekend. The serious illness and the major operation he recently underwent have done things to this grand fellow. Nevertheless the folks were happy to see Al and wieh him a speedy recovery. Mrs. Clarence Feiereisel's mother vassed away last Saturday v after a «J"oTn~ g• nm. --- - .~- aw- - •»••»»«>»• Ivn uTXimsaJl r-.JIBriim , Something New Has BeeftAdded ::: at MUELLER'S CREAMERY-* TAVERN ON ROUT^ 176 AT ^,7" r BURTON'S BRIDGE , • • v _ ' MISS VERA DeCAMP RHYTHM STYLIST , now playing the Hammond Electric Organ every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings. Come out and enjoy a real evening's entertainment fj I 1 This, as usual, will be the biggest summer event in the Lake Region. DONT MISS IT! /( IhI VICTORY CARNIVAL W* if&trj&xi to be present one or more of these wonderful dalys land evenings. Join tihe host of fun makers. Relax and rest along the beautiful Fox River. .. . Tou will meet old fnends and make new acquaintances, all joining in the Victory Carnival spirit. Games of all kinds await "your plea&ure. Wonderful prizes will be offered. No child is too. young, nor is a grandparent too old to join in the gayety to be found at the Victory Carnival at McHenry. It will be held in the Legion Park, right in the heart of the city. Plenty of free parking space available. Enjoy all the outdoor sports such as golfing, tennis, swimming and fishing in and around the lakes "near McHenry. Legionnaires have planned a lot of ts&i _tertainment for both old and young. A special invitation is extended to you and youn. Bring along your relatives and friends. ' S p e n d t h e w e e k e n d and celebrate the 4th at close of the vacation. wimHiL\