Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Jul 1945, p. 3

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PiUMMM IIHMMmiMM On Parade UMMMMMM 11 uiinlll By "Yardstick" AJ top MAN on this WEEK'S honor ioll of fighting men we present to £ou the son of Mr. and Mrs. Al. ipjjFetle. f ,"V , jV. at MMIn Mi, and later to W<w|wii, ft. L, where he t*qght Signal Classes. He was later assigned t» duties aboard the U.S.S. Clyte, a submarine supply ship serving our Atlantic fl#ei. After four months of service aboard tills ship he was sent to the Naval' Annapolis Preparatory School at the William and Mary College in Williamsburg, Va. On completion of his three-month course at this school, Robert Wetle was assigned to a post as Signal man aboard the U. S. S. Tweedy 532, a destroyer escort ship, one of Uncle Sam's fast tigers of the sea, where he is doing his part to bring, the war to a victorious conclusion. We salute you, sailor! ;k News ef Our Service** ; S 1/c Bbbert Sales surprised his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sales and his three brothers, Jack, Jimmy and Chickie, when he cane home last Wednesday to enjoy his 2X-day leave from duties as gunner aboard the S. S. Endicott in thi Atlantic. Among the many interesting souvenirs j Baumbeck we spotted Mr. and Mrs. Robert brought home front his many I Willard Sckults, Mr. and Mrs. Walmonths of service overseas was ajter Hojnacki, Mr. and Mrs. Steve sword belonging to an Italian gen-j Poplawski. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard eral, numerous unmounted cameos I Jensen, Mother Jensen and her lovely and many other interesting articles, j daughter, Mrs. Ed Miller, seemed to Among the many relatives and i be enjoying the friends who called at the Sales home at another table. ovotts fuMtai c the Pyrites, Ctonaks, Barkers, monds, Homs, the fit Wjaltons from the beautiful flower beds of the Steinbachs and Herman Jahnke. The beautiful silver cornet adorniAg the head of Mrs. Struck was created by Mrs. Bessie MysL In our estimation never before has there been a grspter expression of good will and n isndaliip to any two people but then no where on earth can one find a community of grand people that Is McCullom Lake? Among the many guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Al. Hrffn, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Horn, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Perr, their weekend guest. Jack Moore, Mr. nad Mrs. Eno McKim, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Walton, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sawdo, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Pyrite, Mr. and lbs. Peter Kaminski, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. Itog Kojnstad, Mr. and Mr*. George Hjarker, lb. and Mrs. Fred Edmonds, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Graff were late in arriving due to their work at a war plant. At the table of George and Betty their twentieth , wadding anniversary, JnML Miss IMR Crtek, who entered this world with a bang! July 4, twenty years ago. Our offer of twenty-fire feet of to the_ garbage scattering* is the folks here these varmits. they do the guilty ones will soon team that our road sides are not the proper jdace to dispose of their rubbish. We have a beautiful community and intend to keep it so. AJDIOS. m i M M i i n i M i n i l i u m Lake MMMMIIIMMIHIIMMM (By DsUa Cheney) Today, folks our column carries . nftstly local civic n##s, which I know 'is of interest to you as well as individual news, so 1 give you the following: The AuadlUary of the Wbnder Lake Biting no special game on hand, the parried men of Wonder Lake played the regular baseball team ana were taken for a ride in the first game of six innings with a score of 28 to 1. They did much better in the second game of five innings with a score of 8 to 6. The decisions of Umpire Bud Shau were good naturedly questioned, however, and rules were slightly brushed aside at times in a friendly spirit. That's all, folks, how about a little local news for next week? Those boxes have been pretty empty. COOKED A im DINNSS; THEN THREW IT TO DOS Keeps Out Oust • i _____ . Weather-stripping doors of ctoaets ! Ferns, MO «set high,, once pap ti Mlv and cupboards will keep out dust.! Kansas. • Easily 8terei Since cabbage can be stored ai low temperatures for at least three months with very little loss at vitamin C, it provides this important r O"" * * _ Impel tan! > . * v> - Soap left in fabrics may intifee * ^ them dingy, yellow, or even broim- - ish in streaks. The fibers may siao tually be weakened by such bestnutrient when other fresh vegeta- ! metot.' Don't slight the rinsing )ob, bles are not easily obtained. ! say the home economists. One lady recently stated that she used to throw her own dinner to the dog most of the time. It made her sick just to look at anything to eat. i She was swollen with gas, full of' bloat, had headaches, felt worn out and was badly constipated. Finally she got ERB-HELP and says she now eats everything in sight and digests it perfectly. Bowels are reg- S 1/C ROBERT WETLE He attended St. Mels Military School in Chicago and is a graduate # McHenry High School, class of %3. Robert Wetle entered service Nov. 1, 1943, and studied at the Duke University in New. York under the V-12 program. On completion of studies there he was assigned to Rod and Gun dub met at the Rolaine *nd normaL .• §h« ^enjoying Grill oo Thurwfcy, June 28, with six-1'/® once rao™ »nd hl" 8°me teen persons present. The Rod and °ther woman" since taking this New Gun club is sponsoring a carnival on 0oSP£.u2Sir0 . . tl) n . -- »•>. iHMMf IA 11 m tn n<«> MAMO1 ERB-HELP contains 12 Great relatives and;be themselves immenselyiHerbs; they cleanse bowels, clear gas toeSa2: 22riS'w , « S?2. {nr^mlch'^ <vu"i8ih to waioome .w®" • Then there was Mr. and Mrs. * 11 owners of the and Wdn*y»- Miserable people soon Mr "'I?1,"- Wi,J«ra L°rtie» of Chi-! Steve fjuska, Otter Ebert, Annette ^™^-^^^^ cago. Welcome home, sailor, and it H Betty Horn and our ownbe- membership in this club. loved Grandma Horn, Mr. and Mrs.1, __ . ... . ... . ' Hugh McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Leo!™1® carniTaJwill be held in the Saks, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Sheriff,! ^ ^ 'SLk'cJjS IMrltto^t' i«« <*» " »<* "rr»UGr„S^Jim Pupik. o?r' cago. is our hope that your short leave will be a most enjoyable one. Coast guardsmen Carl Barone spent two days of his SO-day leave at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Trigin. He has been in the service over two years with eighteen months of duty feel different all over. So don't go on suffering. Get EXB-HELP. Bolger's Drug Store. •, M'Henry Tire Recappers 311 B. Elm St., McHentf Phone McHenry 424 4 ^ " ^4-HOTJR SEKVICE SFBC1ALIZIHO IN FARM TKACTOSTW8 - Aim TRUCK OOODYEARTOBBAKD TUBES - i,A ^ ; „ . . • L • -• J overseas to his credit. We hope you enjoyed your short stay, sailor! News Highlights Last Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Paul Struck celebrated their twenty-fifth have with us again. menfolk. !#"• Mr. and Mrs. John Freund of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. F. Friesinger were enjoying themselves at their table. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Osterby, Erling Olsen, Mr. and Mrs. . ... T..I« i® wedding anniversary and it was their A. Johnson, Harry Lock, Mr. and ® . -f' y ' 4 intention to spend the day quietly, | Mrs. Ed. Steinbach were enjoying the J „ * p.' _oa . , . but their many friends and good refreshments at another table. Mr.' Betty ravlik was elected The next meeting for th£ men of the club will be held on Sunday, July 7, at the Rolaine Grill, and the next meeting of the Auxilliary will neighbors at McCullom Lake had and Mrs. Mike Schmidt received a! Acikll other ideas. For two weeks prior hearty welcome from the crowd when .„ _? _I. v.. INHERE Is no srmistloB in JL our betde with disease. We Work in close co-operstion "With your physician to mainlain the high health stand* Srds otthis community. Here, hi# prescriptions are carefully compounded from fresh, potent ingredients. You can depend upon us at this Prescription Headquarters. can be readied at Wonder lake 383 for any information regarding this event. AH th« ladies of the district are in to this day heads were put together; they msde their appearance. and plans made for a gala surprise; The tables were heavily laden with party to honor the couple. It was i numerous cakes and tasty tid bits indeed, a surprised Mr. and Mrs. prepared by the culinary artists, . ... . , Struck who entered Horn's Lounge Anna Horn, Betty Cermak, Emma urged to attend with the aim Saturday evening and were greeted, Pyrits and Mrs. Al Horn. Mrs. Marie J>®w °f forming a permanent club at the door by at least a hundred O'Connor and the glsmorous Betty !for tne Auxiiiiary. iM^rinrthTir'Vr,?™^: H°™ """"f1 ^ *nd- . Shore HIU. Country club K«ld it. :f.tion., Th« to L tun. of ^M.n- ?uncl8>' Jul» ; delsohn's weddii* march, played by the, P?rV°se of electing new officers iOtto Pyritz, Mr. and Mrs. Struck i^ «rSl m^ a,nd dlscuss,n& current problems of fv.« iomi ®n4 V"*"®8 I were led to the stage^wtrere^erry Coles, who gave out, the subdivision. tj,e tunes on j,i„ accordion while Cermak, master of ceremonies, presented them with a beautiful silver bowl filled with clusters of silver ;er's Drug Store Green Street McHenry with twenty-five silver dollars all dated 1920 imbedded within the petals. This masterpiece was the original creation of the floral artiste on the staff of the Mendel Florists of 1424 West eighteenth St., in Chicago, and brought many "Oh's and Ah's!" from all those present. his lovely wife, Darlene, made mlrry with the crowd. The affair was the gayest ever witnessed by anyone at McCullom The following of ficers were elected at the meeting: E. Murphy was re-elected president for a period of three years; Wm. Wendt was re-elected secy-treas., for a period of two years; Al Kolar was Lake. All credit for the success of | re-elected as vice-president, whose this party is due to Jerry and Betty. duties include the handling of pat Cermak and to our good neighbor, j triotic and civic affairs and care Emma Pyritx. of the flag; Frank Cheney was It was difficult indeed for Mr. • elected road commissioner for the ,v. j and Mrs. Struck to find words to (term of one-year. Those elected for After the* * presentation the"~happy' express the gratitude welled within the board of trustees were Harvey pair, as well as the guests, were j their hearts at this demonstration seated at a long table decorated with; esteem. ^ a huge basket of flowers. There! .. J _ • • > . were roses from the garden of Lieut, j 01^^f Clarence Feiereisel and and Mrs. Jack Gregory, sweet peas i Christ Dvore, chairman of the Road from the Sam Deskis garden and Committee or the Property Owners cussed and approved at the meeting j Ass'n. of McCullom Lake, inform us I was the putting 1 in of culverts at through their secretory, W. P. Tur-1 necessary places to better the roads. Biggers and Ed. Cannon. Mr. Wm. Clark resigned his position on the board and Mr. Milbrandt was elected to finish his term. One of the major problems dis- M MOSEY INN" TAVERN located in the Welter Building -- * RINGWOOD, ILL. - --«• Fish Fry Every Friday Night ATLAS PRAGER BEER ' .Fred Bowman, Prop- I riey, that work on the roads will be | gin within a week or as soon as j equipment for this project ' can be moved here. and the cleaning and filling in of ditches where needed. We would like to add that due to the efficiency and well managing of their . offices, i Jew"8 ••• 'A Now mr a nan who could walk at lite rate of ttfe milss a day... Captein Robsrt Baiday ot Vry, England. In 1006 he bet he eoaid walk one mile every hoar for 1,000 conescutivee hours. The amazing thing is fen did it! Imagine... one mQe dnving each hour, day and night, for 41 days and 16 hours. But Captein Barclay's feet hurt, and plenty ... Now that cars are wearing out aft an alarming rate, many ex-motorists are unhappy about th& feet, too. Awy mile you drive speeds the day when your own ca* will wear out and quit. .. UNLESS it gets the , professional cars that can^heck needless Str-e-t-c-h your car's life with your Standard Oil DtaUr'* Bttttr Car Care Service. CAPTAIN BARCLAY ia bk walking dne from an old print published in 18t$ (MC atory abotmi Another improvement on the pro-1 the president is serving his third gram Nwill be the erection of a. term in office and the sec'y-treas., building, 12x12, to house our inhala tor and first-aid equipment. 1 The Road Committee of the Prop erty Owners Ass'n. wish to express and vice-president are serving their s e c o n d t e r m i n o f f i c e . D u e c r e d i t j should be given all these men who have been willing to take office and STANDARD OIL DEALERS' BETTER CAR CARE • * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * • • • • • • « t»Mi••••••••••••••••••••••••*ee»a War Bomb $ •ar- THE ROLAINE GRILL WONDER LAKE : -J^erving Choice Foods Such As CHICKEN ^ < STEAKS, ETC Parties may_J» arranged for luncheons or dinners by calling . WONDER LAKE 226 , • •' * V • • 'srrm* : i^JBAR ROOM OPEN ALL DAY. tiLOSED MONDAY „A Bring Your Car Here v , For a Thorough Tightening p Squeaks and rattles are usually: a sign of wear and should be taken care of immediately.' Our men know the points to be tightened. Add life to your car or truck by having this important serviee attended to now. • r CENTRAL GARAGE rSED J. SMITH, Prpp. Phone 200-J -jfohnsbnrg their thanks to the folks in our com-! burden shoulders with the affairi munity who have so whole heartedly and headaches of the Shore Hilli i supported ' them in their etforts to j community. We welcome a new» [ give McCullom Lake the best paved j comer to our fold. E. Cannon, who ; roads of any community in McHenry has recently bought the home of | County. Mr. Walsh, who willingly gave of | . ; . . ; . | his time wh,ile-living here, to act as Weekend guests at the home of attorney 'for the subdivision. j Mr. and Mrs. Otto Pyritz were Mrs. . . , • _ % V J \ „ . a ' ° Kulvitsky, her grandsp»?v Waher, and The Busy Bunible BeSi'club | Mr. Hoeft of Chica0<J. * [met at the home of Esther Jklartin . Mr. and Mrs. Ffank Howard and | on Tuesday, June 26, MrV^twofold family left for Kentucky last Mon- purpose. One was the regular meet day to enjoy a short vacation. Hurry ing and the other wasnhe thirteenth back, felks! -«-r'birthday of' the young hostess, Es ! Mr. and Mrs- Daniel Foley and ther. On the program presented, i Mr. ahd Mrs. George Wilhelm ' are Joanne Resheske gave a talk on the ;out for the summer. Their week- care of the feet. "Our Journoy; fend guest was the beauteous Miss Through Life"; Barbara Sellek in-: ; Campbell of Chicago. structed the group on "Why Foods! ! Mrs. Lee Larson spent the week-. Spoil." Joan Biggers gave the high- ; end with Mrs. Helen Lenquist in lights in the life of President Taft;1 Chicago who is convalescing after j Esther Martin demonstrated the ! her recent illness. cooking of carrots and radishes^ _and Mrs. Lena Stepiper became the Sharon Grace Sells demonstrated the bride of Mr. Ben J. Schaefer of t wilting of leaf lettuce. Johnsburg at a qwiet cen mony in A.ter the program, the club meni- St. Mary's church last Saturday, bers, as well as the four guests pre- The happy couple .will make their sent, sang the traditional 'Happy home in Johnsburg. Congratula- Birthday to You." and were Igiven .ions to you both. the choice of strawberry short cake Those two . charmers, Miss Ann or chocolate layer cake--but not a , Klemmer and Mrs. Josephifte Loesch, child was able to make the choice,! are enjoying a two-week vacation at and so took a.piece of each! Guests] the Kantorski home. Have a good attending were Richard Richards, time, gals! 1 William Hayes* Lee Burt, attfl Mar- June 20th started-O'jt as a happy got Wilson. . day in the lives cf Mr. and Mrs. Ed --"* ! Derr for, it was their third wedding Coming back to some of our per- 1 anniversary. If ended sadly as Peg- sonal news, the many--friends of j gy suffered an attack and had to 'Rontiie Wilheim have been helping] ^ ie removed to the Woodstock hos- him celebrate lfis home leave after.' • . pital where an operation was per- boot training at Great Lakes. Ron^; 'formed. We are happy to -report nie is now Se.aman Second Class, but*, t h a t s h e „ i § „ , M f i t h „ u a a g a i n e n j o y i n g h o p e s ' . t o a t t a i n t h e s t a t i o n o f g u n - j a speedy-recovery. , ners mate. The strains of dance!. | B*J«£y Graff, trustee of the Mc- music and laughing voices eminated l Culrfim Lake . Community Club,, in- from Ronnie's house \fchen t A-enty-,1 j forms us that a regular, meeting of eight of his friends decided a send-; j the club will be called Sunday, July ing off party was in order and a1 18, by F. W. Bailey, the club's presi- good time was had by all and that's j dent. Cards will be in the mail in- for sure. Good luck, Ronnie, and forming the members pf the time may your wish come true, but the! ; and place of the meeting. (main thing is to come back soon, George Cable spent three days St safe and sound. j the Woodstock hospital undergoing a Another member of our commun- • ' complete physical check-UD. We are ity, Walter J. Dean, now stationed,' sure that it is Mrs. Cable's tender at Great Lakes, will letljVe for the,1 care that was in no small measure Navy base ^t San Diego/California,: responsible for His early recovery. i next week. jlrs. Dean will keep the ! Chalk up another victory fot„. Qur home fires burning here at Wonder i McCullom Lake Wildcats last Sun- Lake while Walter ig gone. Although: day. Their schedule called for a the Deans have been anticipating this eame vith the Lily Lake boys, but separation, parting is never easy at! when this team failed to show up its best, so our hearts £o out to; i they arranged a game with a scrub Mrs. Dean and we again voice the! team and administered the usual hope that the war will soon end. j Wildcat beating. In spite of the ex- -- j , cellent pitching of Arlene Thompson,! Touching a little of the comic ] the Scrubs fell in defeat „with a side -of life, furtive glances were! i score of 5 to 2. j cast7 around by the occupants in the We were indeed surprised to learn i car of H. Shau on the way home from ! that Willard Schultz has taken to' the Free Show at McCullom's Lake" |'hf air. Therese tells us that old! the other night. Nothing was said, j Zeke has been taking flying lessons i however, and Mr. Shau drove to t 't the American airfield in Park Long Lake to catch a train the next * Ridge, 111., for the past few months day wondering, with all the window* I and expects to solo next Monday, open, why such a repulsive odor still < Zeke is anticipating the day when clung to the car. The culprit was he will be able to look down on the found to be a dead baby skunk under pigeons. Warning to all pigeons,be the front seat. Time7 MU ftri THEY DID IT BEF0RE- ' - = THEY CAN D0TT AGAIN T Witrr Farmall Tractor Power Tnoocaoo* the Spring, from the Rockies to the Atlantic seaboard, worried farmers searched the skies for signs of clear weather, but the cold ^rains fell relentlessly. For more than a month the seed should have been gerrpiqating in the warm soil. Millions of acres lay unplanted because the ground was too wet for preparation of the seed bed and too cold, for germination of the seed. Only a generation ago there could have been hut one outcome--crop shortage and food scarcity. Nature allows scant time for planting when - the warm sun waits till late Mayor June before drying the soggy soil. Horses are too slow and tire too quickly to get the job done then. But the farmers remember May of 1943--only two years ago--when their fast, untiring m ^tractors averted crop failure. Then, too, rains flooded the fields and the month was all but spent before they could go in on the. land and plant In IMS, most farmers irov\2 their tractors from dark to dark, and longer. Many planed around the clock, working in two or three shifts. They made one of the greatest crops in history. In today's war-torn world--with hunger and disease already stalking many peoples --even one major crop failure could bring famine. This is why the sound of tractors and planting machinery was heard, day and night from the. Plains states to the Eastern seaboard--why headlights stabbed the darkness over the fields. America's farmers are doing it again, in spite of an unprecedented combination of adverse circumstances-- bad weather, shortages of machines and shortages of manpower. For the second time in three years, they are relying upon their tractor- powered machines to help rescue large Areas of the world from catastrophe. More of these tractors are products of International Harvester than of any other company. . INTESNATIOIVAL HABVISTUt COMPAMT 1»N. Michigan Av* Chicago 1. TTHanii J:. on the alert. Congratulations to JCr. *nd Mrs. Art Thompson gn little deodorising. Time out for a little baseball now. 4'kr

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