Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jul 1945, p. 7

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» j•'**» ;>*?& "™ ,n • *m?•'" f. ; ir * .-,1;'*' v* •* 'as£**i '*fef A •; . '!?'-. • '-: THAT'S FANNIN* OEM «" v ' < ' '^1 Another Chapter in National's Progress to National Tm Ob. Itod and aodoaiatai program was mealed today la the announcement Iqr Robert V. RaamiMB, President, that the company bad obtained an option from the Chicago and North Western Railroad to purchase ?ie land for the neloeation of Its Chicago warehouses. This property covers approximately 10% acres on the southwest cdrner of Chicago Avenue and Pulaski Road--890 foot frontage on Chicago Avenue and 1,000 feet on Pidaskfltoad. National's plans call for the construction, as Mon as materials are available and building restrictions lifted, of the most complete and modern food distribution center in the country. Plans are for a one-story warehouse for the handling of distribution merchandise with inside unloading and loading facilities to accommodate 30 freight can and 50 trucks. In addition to the grocery distribution warehouse. the company plans a completely air-conditioned fruit and vegetable distribution center to assure National's customers of the ultimate in freshness of its freshfruit* and vegetable?. There will likewise be accommodations for the distribution of fresh meat, poultry and fish, including a department for the prefabricate of meat cuts, as post-war plans of the company emphasize the development and promotion of its meat business. Frozen foods will also play a big part in National's future, and accommodations will be ftwided for the handling and distribution «£; fi' rrcnen foods. AO of the company's present Chicago manufncsl&s: taring operations (including baking) will likewise to be relocated to the new site. These include the1** ,'vmanufacture of salad dressing, peanut butter, pre-p^ serves, fellies, beverages, oMve and pickle padGing.i.fW pre-packaging of dried Traits and vegetables,. 7"\ •picas, extracts, coffee roasting and many other processing and packaging operations. | A new modern and complete bakery 6ill be installed along ultra-modern lines to provide high. quality bread, cakes and cookies. A portion of the second floor facing Chicago Avenue will be provided to accommodate the company's main offices, research and food chemistry labratories. The buildings will cover 654,500 feet of ground and have a capacity of 9,738£00 cubic feet. Construction is planned along ultra modern lines: windowless glass block ana artiflcally lighted; air conditioned, with thermostatic; temperature control. Other modern innovations include a large National Tea Co. super market to accommodate not only employees, but customers in the vicinity; a - cafeteria will be provided for its many hundreds of employees; parking lots with a capacity of 900 cars will be provided not only for employees but customers of the company's food store? salesmen and visitors. MNGWOOD 3 _ Mrs. Woodcock of Elgin were callers I their daughter and family of Chi- --'here Wednesday. jcago over the weekend. ! Frank Hawley of. Chicago spent' Lenard Car*y and daughter, • Monday night in the Andrew Hawley Phyllis, of Wheaton, and Mis8 Flor- |home i ence Carey of.Lyons, Wis., spent Sat- , , „ , urday in the Oscfcr Berg home. (By Mrs George Shepard) i Mrs. Mildred MunshawofElgin p jj. Muzzy was a Chicago ^j Mr and Mrs tt"1 ^nesday until Sunday Thur8day Mr and Mrs. Wal- Jj iJL ' j w Cov" in McCannon home. , teJ. LqW an<j daughter, Patricia and fnJtiS nf Chiraio Mr Wffl Misses Alice and Marion Peet of Mrs. Viola Low and daughter, Alice slS£«rt5 Utw£' fn?Mr 1 E1*in are enjoy™* a vacation with Mae an<j son Robert, spent Sunday the J_ Low Hom«.n«.r H«- Sm. ™'wednLliv L°°'" """^! C.'det Audr^. M«rch.M .f Chic.»o | The W. S. C. S. will m«t with nome on weonesaay. is spending her vacation with her Mrs. Kenneth Cristy Friday after- Mr and Mrs. Earl Colhy and ^ Mr and Mrg. ^ Merchant.! noon, July 20th. k?^23l ™ K«'«™ <*'• Mr,. S. W Brorn, ««nt s.t«nh, Mrs^ Wm. of Chicito, Mr. „<1, H.rvartl, .p«nt Thursday .ftenKxm *'^™°™d'V^F,-SK««maktr Mrs Oliver Aino-pr and Mr and 5 with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alec; ™r. ana Mrs. rrea Kaemaxer oi Mrs. Uliver Ainger and Mr. ana, . . Q K Jefferson, Iowa, spent the weekend Mrs. Alan Ainger and children of; Anderson. , relatives and friends Greenwood, Luella Krumpen of Madi- Mr. and Mrs. Glen. Ford and daugh-j „ Weldon Andreas and daueh- m «"n "" son, and Wayne Foss spent July 4th,ter, Wilma, and son, Bobbie, of Crys-, J -| McHenry Flour Mills, water- ^ ui 1 i v. -tal Lake and Mrs. Mary Hill and > • ' • Paul Ws Friday at Helen and Amy Laurence and Robert Shnabanr of Chicago spent Sunday in the Oarer Laurence home. Mr. and lbs. Louie Abendroth and Mr. and Mrs. . Ifolvin Wagner and daughter, Sswha, of Elgin, spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Jennie Blacon. Clayton Bruce of Oregon spent the weekend here with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Boy Neal were visitors at McHenry Sunday evening. Mrs. George Shepard entertained the Richmond Legion Auxiliary at her home Tuesday evening. OUy Council Proceedings .. • -I COUNCIL ROOM July 2nd, 1945 ?he City Council met in regular semi-monthly meeting with Ma^or Overton presiding. Aldermen present: Ahhoff, Buss, F'erwerda, Freund, Regner, Tonyan. Absent: None. Motion by Althoff, seconded by Buss, that the mfnutes of the last regular meeting be approved is read. Motion carried. Motion by Tonyan, seconded by Freund, .that the treasurer's report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion «fby Ferwerda, seconded by Regner, tnat the collector's report be •pproved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Reffner, seconded by AlthofF, that • the clerk s report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Regner, seconded by Ferwerda, that the following: bills be paid as approved by the finance committee. Motion carried. Howard Cairns, salary ...$ Peter Wirfs, salary Arthur J. Smith, salary W. C. Felts, salary Earl R. Walsh, office expense Mayme Buss, clerical salary, commissions Westinghouse EJec. Supply " Co., street light bulbs Ruddy Bros., cleaning sewers J. W. North A Co., audit Wm. H. Althoff Hdwe. Co., cable, desk top A supplies Buss Motor Sales, oil & re-' pairs--police car .......* Earl R. Walsh, insurance on police car McHenry Flour Mills, supplies -- Hester Oils, gas Pete Seyl, overhauling sewerage pump Wm. Buchert, gas for police car Martin Stoffel, labor at park Fred Kunz, repairing streets --use of truck Harry Soldwick, cleaning stand pipe Harvey Biggers, cleaning ' stand pipe Theodore Winkel, repairing streets--Wbrk at park .... Collector of Int. Rev., Income Tax Earl R. Walsh, supplies, postage, federal stamp McHenry Art. Stone Co.,, sand, cement and lime Hie six-year<old son of a weflknown insurance man has Inherited his father's self-confidence and gift of gab. One evening the fatter came home to find sonny with a ban and bat. "Hi, Pad!" shouted sonny. "Watch itte! I'm hitting 'em a mile!" The boy tossed the ball up, took a swing and missed. "Strike one!" he shouted gleefully. "But watch this one, Dad. Boy, oh, boy, am I going to knock the cover off this one!" Again he tossed the ball in the •ir, took a poke at it, missed. "Strrrike two!" he intoned. "Whata you know! Well, it only stakes one to hit it. Am I going to clout this one!" Carefully he took hia stance, carefully he tossed his ball, ifflfEtily he swung his bat--and missed* "Strrrike three!" he announced. "And out." Then, exultantly, "Gee, Dad, am I a pitcher!" 128.50 116.80 182.60 121.00 85.00 49.16 31.80 274.10 175.00 l 85.53 84.11 i 34.68 i 1.08 1.901 15.4F7 I 19.95 - 83.60 48.00 5.00 6.00 54.30 165.30 15.00 «vr FOB TAT AN ORDINANCE MAKING THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION FOB THE CURRENT FISCAL TEAR BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of McHenry, Illinois: 8BCTION 1. That it is deemed necessary in order to defray the necessary expenses and liabilities, of said City for the current fiscal year, that there be and there hereby is appropriated to provide for the general tax levy and other revenue for the current fiscal year, the aggregate sum of Eighty-six thousand seven hundred and twenty-six and no/100 Dollars; that the object and purposes for which said appropriation is made and the amounts appropriated for the same are as follows, towit: Interest on bonded indebtedness -- Payments on Maturing bonds .... Public Property-- Purchase of real estate for park ...i. Improvements to park property Materials and. supplies Labor and Repairs Telephone ; Light and Gas Miscellaneous Water Works-- Salaries "3,600.00 Equipment _ Purchases 500.00 Add pineapple juice to your taktf •ppj*. -| _*• For _ nntioiEATior 8EBVICZ oan ' WONDXB LAKS 568 • • 4 •*« 880.00 2,000.00 4,500.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 750.00 /• 75.00 - 150.00 > 100.00 S. H. Freud & Sor G0HT&46T0B8 AHD BUpiDKRS Our Experience IsW Tour Serviea ' in Building Tnt Wants. Phono 56-W McHenry, Jane--It must be two years since I've seen you. I'd hardly know you, you've aged so. Joan--I wouldn't have known you either if it hadn't been for that dress! WhBe Others Sleep Nettie--No wonder Betty is always getting the best of you. She's a somnambulist. Lettie--What's that, a kind pf efficiency expert? Nettie--Sort of, she walks in her sleep so she can get her rest and her exercise at the same time! ^ Labor and Repairs Power .......... ..... Meters Collection fees ..... Miscellaneous Salaries- Police City Attorney ...... City Clerk Mayor and Aldermen Treasurer Collector ....... Streets and Alleys-- Salaries Lighting 2,000.00 500.00 ~ 500.00 175.00 250.00 WAHTUi f6 6UV We pay $6 to *15 for Old or & Jured Horses ar Cows a**~Mtg or Down If Attve. Matt'. Mink Ranch Johnaburg - Spring Grove Bond Phone Johnsburg W9-J-2 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES A CATTSB We pay phone^chargea. 1,500.001 200.00 420.00 1,600.001 120.00 - 120.00; 2,000.00 ....... \ 2,600.00 2,500.00 80,000.00 1,200.00; 400.00' 450.00 Better Left Unsaid ' - Ex-Soldier (at boarding house table)-- We were slowly starving to death, but we cut up our boota and made soup of them. Old Boarder (across the table)-- Not so loud, my boy! The landlady might hear you! Swing Time Harry--How did Bill get that bump on his head? Jerry--Playing the saxophone. Harry--Oh, in front of someone's house, eh? Jerry--No, in front of the trombone player! Material and supplies Construction ; Miscellaneous .1.! :: Fire Protection Legal Fees and Court ooata Maintenance of Sewerage Disposal Plant-- Labor and Supplies ........ 3,000.00 Construction 1,000.00 Sewer Fund Support ...... 300100 Insurance ............ ........... 150.00 Salaries 150.00 Band 836.00 Library 800.00 Printing 375.00 Loss and Cost of Collecting Taxes 2,000.00 Contingent-- Auditing ...... Special Salaries A Wfeges JOHN F. BRDft SHEET METAL WOK Funaced? Pipe, FHttaga am Getters lit N. Green St, McH Phene 24S-B DR. H. S. FIKB Yetertearlaa SOB Wastegan It. Fhene tl McHENRT, ILL. Supplies Printing Election . Insurance Sundry ... Motor Fuel Tax 225.00 1,000.00' 100.00! 100.001 400.00! ...... 400.00 400.00 i ....... 12,000.00 4.03 farm in the George Shepard homte. Duane, are visiting her parents in 1 I I 1 111 11 1 111 U1IH< II lilt' s. i: Blind Sorrow i; ;When a loved onfe is snd-;; ;denly taken, blind sorrow;: ;oft takes over. It is then;; ;the invaluable assistance of;; lour service is so much ap !! i Ipreciated. | ILet ns «erve! when the need! I Iarise8. ^ Jacob J listen Sons:: FUNERAL DIRECTORS j: Phone' McHency; 103-R : IResidenccIt, McHenry 112-W!: Green Street, Corner Elm :: M'HENRT Mrs. Eleanor Bacon and Mr. and daughter, Mary Ann, of Woodstock, *1',:- : spent Sunday in the Ray Merchant j Kra. jo, Warner of Me- „ , „ „ _ | Henry spent Sunday in the Abe Dave Ramaker of Somers, Iowa j Laurence home. spent the weekend here with relatives j Migs Helen Ruth Butler entertainand friends. led at a stork shower for Mrs. Rich- Mrs. Emma Merchant, Miss Selma ard Stanek of Hebron Sunday after- Evans of Woodstock, Mrs. Glenn {noon. Guests were from Hebron, Benoy and children, P. F. C. Ethel 1 Richmond and Solon Mills. „nilp „rfFTi Krohn, Lois Krohn and Mrs. Charles furnished entertainment. She receiv- i p" Coles and daughter spent July 4th jed many nice gifts. in the Ray Merchant 'home. ! Mr. and I^rs. Eiof Borgeson and Miss Luella Krumpen returned to daughter, Helen, of near Hebron, her home at Madison, Wis., Saturday spent Sunday evening: in the W. JJ. after a two weeks' visit in the Geo. > Harrison home. _ Shepard home. J Mrs. Lora Munshaw, Mrs. Fanny Mrs. Thomas Doherty entertained Udal and Mrs. E. Shuett of Qgin the Bunco club at her home Friday spent Sunday in the Wm. McOanafternoon. Prizes were awarded to non home. Mrs. Mildred Munshaw, Mrs. Berg, Mrs. Ray Merchant and who has been visiting in the Me- . Mrs. Georgia Thomas. Guests other Cannon home returned home with than the members were Mrs. Mildred them. „ , . Munshaw of Elgin and Luella Krum- Miss Amy Harrison of Madison pen of Madison. spent the weekend with her parents, Peter Olson and son, Pete, Jr., of > Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison. West McHenry spent Tuesday eve- Miss Lillie Oarby Of Klamath ning in the Ray Merchant home. j Falls, Oregon is spending the wee* T/5 Rex Ray and wife of Cam|» j with her sister, Mrs. W. B. Harrison. Claibourn, La., spent Thursday night I Mr. and Mrs. A1 Steiner and son works repairs . 3.00 Edward H. Nickels, supplies ,98 Zimmel Motor Express, de? livering glass Western United G. & E. Con gas and electric Illinois Bell Telephone Cft, telephone service Public Service Co.," power A light 4 Math Weber Estate, property 4,000.00 roperty ...... 1,800.00 SPECIAL SEWER FUND: Fred C. Feltz, salary Paul E. Gerasch, labor at sewer plant - 7.50 Public Service Co., power A ~ light --....... 64.31 Collector of" Int. Rev., inr . come Tax 6.60 J. W. North A Co., audit 50.00 Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by 2.06 1.50 3.001 189.77 127.70 Precisely Located Hi--Where does that new hand come from? Si--Well, from his description, I'd say it was Warm Mattress, Virginia. Hi--Never heard of such a place! Si--He says it's just above Hot Springs. Pending Disaster She--Oh, darling, I'll just love to share all your troubles! He--But, honey, I haven't any. She-^Oh, I meari ifter we're married. TOTAt $86,726.00 SECTION 2. All unexpended balances of any item or items, of any general appropriation made by this Ordinance may be expended in'mak-i ing up any insufficiency in any item j or items in the same general ap-| propriation and for the same general purposes or in a like appropriation made bv this Ordinance. SECTION 3. Office Heera--Daily Except Them. 1# to 12.1:8« te 4M, Men, Wed, FrL Nights: 7 te A Other Hoara by Appointment H. 8. TAN DENBURGH, DC, PhC v Chiropractor 129 Green St. Tei. 292<^L MrRiwy Residence Phone Hebron 92« TEL. WONDER LAKE 418 AR. 0. L. WATKI1I8 Dentist Office Hem Thjs °rdinance shall j Toeaday A Batardays?* ajn. (e f Buss, to. approve the police bond of Howard Cairns signed by Thpmaa P. Bolger and Arthur Smithy Motion carried. Motion by Regner, seconded by Freund, to approve the police bond of Peter Wirfs signed Dy Ben J. | Brefeld and WiHiam Buchert. Moi tion carried. Flame Thrower Myron--My girl is carrying the torch. Byron--She must love you a tot. Myron--No, she's a welder. On the Rail Old Salt--If the weather gets real bad we may have to heave to. Passenger--I may have to right now. take effect from and after its passage. approval and publication, according to law. Passed this 2nd day of July, A. D. 1945. Approved this 2nd day of July, A. D. 1945. R. I. OVERTON, Mayor-of the City of McHenry. Attest: EARL R. WALSH, -- , City Clerk.1 . (Published July 12, 1945) 8 Evenings and 'Sndsy Miming* . by Appointment! Lookout Point Wander Lake, OL v Sound Waves ' Audible sound waves have wavelengths of from half an inch to 60 feet. ~TOOR CLASS Alanas werda,. to adjourn. Motion carried. R. I. OVERTON, > Mayor. |^RL R. WALSH, f1 City Clerks4 Waterproof Work Shoes To Add to Wear and Friday in the Walter Low Mr. and Mrs. Joe Murlack of Motion by Buss, seconded by Johnnie Neal of Somers, Iowa,! Chicago were visitors in the Ed j thoff, to pass and approve the spent the weekend with his parents, Bauer home Sunday afternoon. | nual appropriation ordinance Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neal. Sgt. James Harrison and wife and, reaj> Motion carried. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley en-1 son, spent Monday afternoon m the Motion by Buss, seconded by Fertertained the 500 club at their home | Walter Harrison home. * -- - Thursday evening. Prises were Mrs. Mildred Munshaw of Elgin awarded to Mrs. Louis Hawley and 1 and Mr*. Wm. McCannon were d|n- B. T. Butler high and Mrs. Weldon ner guests of Mrs. Jenme Bacon Andreas and Kenneth Cris.ty Low. | Saturday. ... x ,,>< - Miss Suzanne Muzzy left Saturday Calvin Mohr was a visitor at Milfor a two week's visit with relatives waukee, Friday. at Minneapolis. Leonard entered service Mrs. S. W. Brown spent Thurs- Thursday and is at Ft. Sheridan. day in Chicago. 1 Corp. and Mrs. Vincent Tonyan Among those from out of town to arrived here Sunday from Paris,: attend the funeral of Mrs. Charles Texas, for a visit here with rela- Carr here Thursday Were: Mr. and tives. . . - Mrs. Harold Carr of Kalamaxoo.; Rev. and Mrs. Collins spent Sunday Mich.. Ella Wolkims of Racipe, Mr. afternoon in the home of their son, and Mrs. Herman Carr and mother Paul, and family at Arlington and Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Beck and Heights. . family and Mrs. Boeck and son, Mrs. Helen Johnson and daughter, Robert of Arlington Heights, Mrs Janet, returned home Sunday from Orrie Harrison and daughter, Ber- a week's visit with friends at Rocknice of Wbodstock, Miss Rovena Mar- fordr-- shal and Mre. Ralph Bennett of Mc-i Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marlowe and Henry and Floyd Carr of Green-1 family of Huntley, Mr. and Mrs. Wffl. WOqj , Wurtringer and daughters of Wood- Mr. arid Mrs. Dodd entertained stock. Mrs. Wilbur Benoy and daughter, Mrr, and Mrs. Lonnie Smith and family, Catherine Freund, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison and daughter, Carol, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison, Sgt. and Mrs. James Harrison and son enjoyed a picnic July 4th, with the Roy Harrison family. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison and daughters, Amy and Carol, were quests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marlowe and family Sunday at Powers Lake. Hie Marlowes have a cottage at Powers Lake for a few weeks. \ .... The Home Bureau will meet with Mrs. Wheelock Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Catherine Vogel, Mrs., Dan Waterproofing of work shoes will add an appreciable amount of time to their wear. Application of neata> foot oil, tallow, wool grease, cod oil, castor oil or. a mixture of these can be applied quickly and easily at home. Simply spread the warm grease on the upper part of the shoe with a cloth, and then rub it in thor-. oughly with the palm of the hand. To grease leather soles and the seams which join the sole** to the uppers, place the shoes in a shallow pan containing' enough grease to cover the soles. If the heels are rubber, let them extend over the outer edge of the pan so that the grease will not touch them. Rubber heels and soles should never be oiled because grease softens rubber. The life of dress shoefe as well as work shoes can be prolonged by oiling the soles. Just be careful not to get the oil on the uppers, for most oiled leather can not be polished. Castor oil is one of the few oils that will permit polishing after it has been applied tO 'leather; _ Johnny--Dad', that problem you -44>elped me with last night was aH wrong. Father--I'm sorry, Johnny., . Johnny--Oh, that's all light. None of the other fathers got it right either.. Plenty ai Producers • Joe--How do you account for the sugar shortage? Bill--I dunno. There are lust as many people raising Cain as ever. Rough and Ready; ; -- Jim--Your girl seems to prefer football players. Slim--Yeah. She likes to be the center of a huddle! Doctor's Orders Army Doctor--You must avoid all forms of excitement. Patient--Can't I even look at them across the street? In Perfect HealtA Military Doctor--Ever had any organic (trouble? Rookie--No sir, I'm not musicaL We Helped the Doctor Is Belp Her.ii • Careful compounding of specialists give dose actenprescriprions is an aid to tion to the important work rapid recovery. That is why ao many Doctors direct their patients to bring prescriptions here, where skilled of fulfilling Doctor's orders. WfyoottakeadTaatageofthis reliable service the very next time you hare a prescription? Bolger's Drug Store GREEN STEEEf McHENRT, ILL. ^pamsmm 1 Laurence and daughter, Susan and Mrs. Ray Sengbush of Elkhora spent Thursday evening in 'the Fred Wiedrich. Jr.. home. Gene Vogel, who has been spending the week in the Weidrich $ipme returned home with them. Kenneth Fransen was a visitor >*ere Monday. He is home from the South Pacific for a furlough. Mrs. David Powers and daughter, ! Evelyn, and Mrs. Kenneth Powers | and daughters, Judy and' Patsey of Crystal "Lake spfent Sunday with Mr. ! and Mrs. Sibre Whiting. j Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinse of Crystal Lake spent July 4th in the Harrison Peet home. j Floyd Foss of Richmond soent I Monday evening In the Wayne Foss 1" homm. ' • . Good Customers The natlbns of America are our best customers. They buy from us mo|t ttaM^three-fourths of all their impbrtlHra sell to us more than four-fifths of all their exports. Frequent Dilemma Wifie (indignantly)--I want an explanation and I want the truth! Hubby--Which do you want first? Brain Storm Dora--I used to think-- Cora--What nriaHe you stopT Liver Blood-Building The number one food on the bloodbuilding list--#o-4iver. Rich in the iron, copper and animal protein especially needed for good red blood, liver also is a good source of vitamin A and the B vitamins, and even contains D. Point-free and.comparatively cheap, pork and lamb liver are as valuable nutritionally as calf and beef liver. In IWM !<•«*» fvtNaisv»il wtfwtAsmllKhsIw* or more the iron at calf Ihrer. Indebted to Chinese To the Chinese the world is indebted for the discovery of the compass, silk, tea, porcelain and .powder. Telephone No. S00 A Rcthinspargir Insurance agenta for aD flaw af property In the bast MO^anles. WE8T McHENRT - - ILUNOlB Al's Welding Service At SchwersMn's Chevrolet 8elw Electric Portable Welding Acetylene . Welding and Oattteg ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator Phone 615-W-l or 277 er OT M'HENRT, ILL. A.P. Freund Co. Excavating Contractor Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane Service. --Road Building- Tel. 204-11 McHenry, Ik A. WORWIOK ^ Portraiture Commercial Photography Phoaie 275 -- Riverside Drive McHENRT, 1U* *S. S. MOM* 1M Grace Street Phono S92-J. Melenry OCIae Boars: It mjm. te I dally except Wednesday. _Taeaday and Friday nlghta to SH pa Other hoars by appointment. McHENRT FLORAL 00. -- Pbone 608-R-l -- One Mile South of McHenry on Ronte SI Floweri for all occationa! •U ^ JACOB FRITZ Real Estate and Insurance .Main St, Johnaburg ' T«l- McHenry .4T1*R • ;Chicago-Office nase Lmcoln 1SSS-4 v Structural Steel • Ornamental Ira* Building Specialties Steel Stairs and Railinga H. L. BECKER 330 Railroad St. Marenge 144 MARENGO, ILL. SEWER CLOGGED? Have It Cleaned With the SANGER MOTOR-MOLE NO DIGGING All Work Guaranteed H. L. RAPP - Crystal Lake. I1L Phone Crystal Lake 931 E5& INSURANCE '£5 EARL R. WAISI Presenting Reliable Companies Whesi yon need Insuraneo of any kind Phone 43 or 118-M Green & Elm McHenry WE2NGART TRUCKING McHENRT, ILL. Sand, Gravel, Black Dirt, and LisMStone Telephone McHenry CSS-B-I Fish Eggs Pupils in the eyes of some fishes are very slow in their response to light and darkness. In some sharks and rays it takes two or three minutes for the pupil to close when expneaH .ligfc# MMI mm jAna «<• J aa hour ta opcn ful^r in the dSs. I TeL McHenry 243-J HAROLD H. BELL Painting, Decorating and Paperhanging Dependable Work 105 N. GREEN ST., M'HENRT Jl Phone McHenry 637-R-S -- Basement Excavating-- NETT'S SAND it GRAVEL Special Rates on Rood Grovel and Lot Filling. . Black Dirt.. Mppag leveling Od Gradfa^ J. B. NBTT P. •JCt.... - Jtam

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