Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Jul 1945, p. 2

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RINGWOOD • \ FT; (By Mr*. George ShepsrdJ Mr*. Louis Hswley and daughter, Marion, and Mrs. Lester Carr spent Tuesday afternoon in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepafd wer* visitors at Woodstock Tuesday morning. t Mrs. Mae-Harrison is visiting with her daughters at Crystal Lake. Misses Myrtle and Zelja Jane of Algonquin and Mr. Taylor and daughter, Irma, of Elgin, Spent Wednesday afternoon with Wayne Foss. William Beth, Sr.. of Chicago was a visitor here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hopper and daugrhtters of Chicago spent Wednesday in the Andrew Hawley home. Mrs. Andrew Hawley returned home with them for a few days visit. Mrs. Wolf Shadle and Mrs. Lonnie Smith entertained the Home Circle Thursday at the home of Mrs. Shadle. A one-o'clock luncheon' was served and a fine program was enjoyed in the afternoon. Three new members were taken into the society--Mrs. George Haberlem, Mrs. Arthur Low, and Mrs. Roy Dodd. Tll0¥ESSi©iiAi' SWm Frank 'Mi mmt, , Urtm Jr„ cshhrated Iris k now rtitkmi at Ctmp Crowder, fUBSflfi® V THIS is a pharmacy to which physicians torn with instinctive preference! They direct pttient» xto OS becmusc they know thafCSreful compounding is our first consideration. Yet, though we maintain highest ethical standards, you pay no premium for this Professional Prestige and the service. Bolger's Drug Store Green Street McHenry fourteenth burtMfey umiwmn Saturday by entertaining a few mends at a wiener roast at his home. Miss Helen Ruth Butler spent the weekend with relatives in Chicago. Chicago spent Sunday with the lat- Chicago spent Sunday with the lattter's parents, Mr." and Mrs. George Haberlein. Mrs. Herbert Gilden, Mrs. Ben Whipple and Mrs. Gene VanHorn' of Elgin were callers in the Clayton Bruce home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and daughter, Nance, and son, George were visitors at the Hager Pottery at Dundee Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bruce of Belvidere spent Sunday-in the Clayton Bruce home. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jolitz spent Monday at Woodstock. The W. S. C. S. will meet with Mrs. Kenneth Cristy Friday afternoon, July 20. Lieut. Lester Klintworth of Madison, Wis., visited his mother, Mrs. Lora Martin, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce and family enjoyed a picnic at Kil Buck | Park near Oregon, 111., Saturday. I Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders of | Sycamore and Mrs. Bertha Saunders I of Harvard spent Sunday in the 'Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. • Mrs. Charles Brennan and Janet {Johnson were visitors at Zion City Saturday. i Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frey of 1 Blue Island and son, S 1-C, Herbert 'Frey of Great Lakes, Mr. and Mrs. | Wilmer Montayne and sons of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jackson and family and Mrs. Mervin Christen- | son and son, Bobby, of Richmond, i Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olsen and sons 'of Hebron, Mrs. Roland Jackson, Mr. 'and Mrs. Walter Row and daughter, | Mrs. Emma Beatty, and Mrs. Viola I Low, Alice Mae and Robert enjoyed j a picnic Sunday at Reatty's Pond. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marlowe and | family of Huntley and Mrs. Wattles land son, Glenn, of McHenry spent Sunday in the C. L. Harrison home. The Youth Fellowship met at the John Hogan home Tuesday evening. The Rural Youth group met at i the Ed Bauer home Thursday even- I »ng- | Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart and son, | Billy, of Waukegan were supper j guests- in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., • homefpunday. j Harry Guetchaw of Harvard visitled Bill Brennan Sunday evening. | Mrs. Jack Lenard received word jthat her husband, Pvt. Jack Lenard, „ There was a 4-H meeting at the Harrison school Friday morning for the 4*1 leaders and members and their mothers. Mrs. Hals Butler of Champaign and Mrs. Clara Sweeney of Woodstock wars present. Mrs. Fni Wiedrich, Jr., and gy Lenarck spent Tuesday at horn.' Mrs. W. B. Harrison and Lillie Darby spent Friday afternoon in the Chester , Stevens home at Spring Grove. Edward Harrison of Elgin was a caller in the Harrisoii-Peet home Sunday. Lester Nelson and children and George Bacon of Antioch called on Mrs. Jennie Bacon Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Johnson and Serviceman and Mrs. Donald Finch of Elgin and Mrs. Finch and daughter, Judy, of Flint, Mich., were visitors in the Ray Merchant home Friday. Mrs. Eleanor Bacon of Crystal Lake was a caller here Friday. Mr. and Mrs. James Bell were guests Sunday at a dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Britz at Spring Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith entertained a group of relatives and friends at their home Sunday. They were Mr. and Mrs. William Wurtzinger and daughters of Woodstock; Corp, and Mrs. Vincent Tonyan of Paris, Texas; Mr.. and Mrs. Ben Tonyan and sons, Henry Williams, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Barber, of Beloit, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Berg and daughter, Geraldine, of Walworth spent Sunday in the Oscar Berg home. - fa Mrs. Jacob Rau£n and son, Louis, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harbaugh of Kenosha were callers in the James Bell home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown were visitors at Madison, Wednesday. * Leland Berg and Robert Low were Elgin visitors Saturday. Floyd Foss of Richmond spent Monday evening with his brother, Wayne Foss. Mrs. Wallace Dobyns of McHenry, Mrs. Bessie Borrougs, Mrs. Paul Ganzlin and Miss Grace Carey of Wilmot spent Wednesday in the Walter Harrison home. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bauer and family spent Sunday in the Mrs. Elizabeth Weber home at Antioch. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carney of Chicago spent Sunday in the Roy Neal home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harrison and Miss Lillie • Darby spent Sunday in if: Miss Daily remained for * visit. Ifrs. M. Sraer and LuAta visited Mrs. Attrsd Kattner at the Woodstock lioipltal Wednesday afternoon. Fred Wiedrich and son, Fred, Jr., attended the herse races at Antioch Sunday. . Mr. and Mr*. Ed. Nickol of Chicago spent Btmiiay afternoon with the latftrY iattehft/ Mrs. Dobersteih. Misses Dorothy Doberstein and Nancy Rttdin were visitors at Waukegan, Saturday. , Mr. and Mrs. Robert VanDusen and family of Elgin spent Sunday in the OHver Laurence home. Mr. and Mrs; Joe Wagner of McHenry spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Laurence. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Welter and son of Chicago are- visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Welter. SPRING GROVE (By Mrs. Charles Freund) Pvt. Walter Brown who is stationed in California and Mrs. Walter Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brown of Iowa visited friends and relatives here the past week. Guests in thfc Charles Freund home on Tuesday night were -Pvt. and Mrs. Walter Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brown and the Edwin Freund family of Crystal Lake* Rev. John Daleiden and the Ushers of St. Peter's Church met at the home of Charles Martin on Tuesday night. Following the regular meeting cards were played and refreshments were served. Members of her club met at the home of Mrs. Arthur Kattner on Thursday afternoon. Games of 500 were played and prize winners were Mrs. Kattner, Mrs. E. May, Mrs. Wm. Britz, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Gillespie. Lunch was served following cards. " Mrs. Harry Britz and daughter, Christie Lee, are living in the Albert Britz home until the return of Seaman Harry Britz who is overseas. The Annual chicken dinner and carnival will be held on St. Peter's Parish grounds on Saturday evening and Sunday, July 21 and 22. Preparations are being made for delicious meals to be served on Sunday. Chicken dinner with all the trimmings at noon and a plate lunch at five o'clock p. m., will be served in the Parish Hall. There will be plenty of games to/entertain you throughout the day and a band concert will be held Sunday night. Everybody welcome. Mrs. Lucille Nelson, Mrs. Robert Lent, Mrs. Alice Pierce and Mrs. Marge Amborn of Sharon, Wis., are enjoying a week's vacation at the Dell's, Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith and children of Johnsburg were callerii in t|ie°ChaHsa JPVetmd hone Wedneeday night SAbby Gabe has returned to his home m Cicero aster eral weeks with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wffiier. Herbert Wagner returned with Him and is spending this week it'Us /home. Mr. and Ma*- John Jpg and Mr. and Mrs.{ Math Nimtfern visiM Martin Ntmsjgern at Bt Ther seats hospital in mrakegan Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Sanders are the happy parents of a daughter born at^Woodstock hospital on Saturday, July 14. John Sheets, Lt. Charles May, Jimmy May and Bobby May enjoyed the Cubs game at Wrigley Field, Chicago on Thursday aftibnoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Ptttges and daughter Frances of Chicago were visitors in the Math Nimsgem home oh Monday. Read the Want Ads WfUHQNDS Oiiciii Nmvjt Phctc Conference. Navy Secty. Forrestal discusses war in Pacific with Vice Admiral R. K. Turner left), Gen. H. M. Smith, USMC, and Rear Admiral Harity Kill (rfght) on the deck of ship, War Bonds helped to provide U.S. Treasury Department Order your rubber stamps at the Plaindealer. •i ll should be n there is no **ndfc using corn syrujf to Bach fruit requires a d|np proportion of the sugar and corn syrup mixture. Charts or recipes will be necessary, snd the material is now being prepared and will be ready about May 15, well ahead of the c«nnlw| ififffl ' : Martee trnsris Matter fells of the U. 8. martee cprpa, og fll»«t Washington, D E, S-SfdST"',ro^™* to flheep numbers have ping for a number of j arn states and United whole. |7:30 p.m., sharp At Gaulke't Sale Barn--Route 47--Woodstock, Charles Leonard, Auctioneer 50 HEAD OF DAIRY COWS, EITHER CLOSE SPRINGERS OR FRESH WITH CALF BY SIDE. DAIRY HEIFERS ; CALVES JSrTOCK BULLS HORSES r BEEF CATTLE SHEEP --- BROOD SOWS AND FEEDER PIOS WE LOAD OF JERSEYS BY MR. PARKS YOU* CAN BUY -- YOU CAN SELL ALL CONSIGNORS PAID CASH DAY AFTER SALE Call Woodstock 572 or 499 if you have livestock , to consign All consignors make arrangements to get your livestock in, either the day before the sale or bring same morning of sale. x lerms: 25 per cent down, balance in monthly installments. ...1 to 16 months time at % of 1 per cent interest. Wjoodstock Commission Sates Co. Inc. Phone $72 ' •. jL £... ' • ' 'N i $k**. NO INEMY BOMBS Oi| AMERICAN PARMSWOMEN BUT THERE WERK OVER 17,000 FATALITIES ON TNI FARM FRONT LAST YIAR r i to Surrounding Towns FARM | S A F E T Y | ^ «ajr v *• to*.: I B B 4m I J U L Y 2 2 - 2 8 £ * . U you are *n inexperienced hand, an older man, oc a woman, patriotically helping to fight the battle ^nq the food front, it will be wise to remember that • • _J fcrm work can be dangerous wort-- that you majr suffer a serious injury, or even the loss of life-*"" 4 unless you are careful mar's •sting and Sal* I Fortunately, much of the danger itk farm work can be eliminated by the individual * farm worker. By taking a few simple/precautionary . measures--by being care(ul. .. you make your very important contribution to the.',war effort without .. risk of injury to yourself*or others. Warnlnfl! Most farm accidents are traceable to nothing other than carelessness--to The worker who doesn't bother to "make sure", whcK "guesses" that he'll be safe enough, is the one who_. gets seriously injured. It's just good common sense to make safety a year -round rul^ so that your life; "^ffour form, and your future will be protected. k r * /.• \ uolcit you know the They'll aerr« ' •id kit Thh orivwHwawnl far Ik* NATIONAL SAPITY CbUNCIL is spMMNd by N* Public Strvice Ctmpmny »/N»rthttu llliu$ik ... /

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