Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Jul 1945, p. 7

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JOHNSBURG (By Tippy Klein anaEvelyn Michels) I the . league and the married mat of Oder Mayme May Hoffman in the Evans-1 Orville and his shipmates keep op ton hospital, Bvanston, I1L jthe good work. We lfeow it's touch J WVmder Lake were hnsy -with their Friends and relatives have visited going but well keep en "rooting". families, the hoys took the opportunwith Mrs. Anton M. Frettnd the »r you, all the way until you're all ity to practice up a little for their home safe again. I game next Sunday with Lily Lake It's fond farewell and come beck|<">tlw*r J*0"11* fi* _?*>• field soon to Lt. Comdr. F. B. Murphy of look» ,8W«" sinc^fe. the U. S. navy, who has been transf erred to San Diego, California for * ~ 1 permanent duty. Lt. Comdr. Murphy's family has decided to stay in Wonder Center until his return. past week in Memorial hospital, Burlington, Wis. Reports axe very favfwr a hospital in Oklahoma after spending a short ftirlgugh with relatives. Patsy, Toouny; Billy Ind . Jimmy Huemann, children of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. G. Huemann underwent tonsillectomies in St. Thersee hospital, Waukegan, Monday. Mr. [arei w turn in" looks swell out the the tail (rasa. Troxel brought "mowed down" & orable and we hope to see Afnes Sunday afternoon and evening, July home soon. 2B, ia carnival day at Nell's for the Mrs. Martha Freund and daugkbeneAt of St. John's school. A plate ters, Virginia and Gladys of Woodlunch and coffee wil be .served at!stock visited with Mrs. Helen Freund, 5 o'clock, so come early and stay Sunday. for the evening. . i Miss Nancy Freund of Chicago has i even though they could sell their Pfc. Paul Fueha left to lesort to b**® enjoying her vacation visiting home very easily, and we hope it's - with her grandmother, Mrs, Cath-1 because they like Wonder Lake and erine Staith. !"us folks" here. Congratulations are in order to I Sad disappointment, hot war is Mr. and Mrs. "Huppy" Smith on a iike that, for the family of Kenneth daughter. ! Cristy, Jr., A. O. M. 3rd C., when l«Hoy Meyers has been promoted; Kenneth didn't get to come home but to,S/Sfh Congratulations, Bud! iWM transferred from Banana River, and Mrs Ange DiBona ofU ?heJn£ntJ50n * £u Mrs. j Florida, to Natchitafches, La. It's a ti<m in Denver, Colo. nl viff ind We Pe^Fi*^v^ ! and .comm „ , „ * yo»ng 'ellow, as-he will T„ n -^r jn«® Neli ana nc. i*aui *u«£s were,receive naval aviation cadet training Mr. and Mi*. Jos. G^Jtaemann en- sponsors. Mrs. Josephine Weingartj and we know we'll hear of good tertamed a B?^' Mr*nd £edv i works and results from Kenneth. yard to a wiener roast, Saturday and children, Pfc. Paul Fuchs aiifl: Wrttl. „ . „„„ . • .. evening. Happy Jntthday was sune Miss Dorothy Fuchs, Mr. and Mrs.! „ ®*P,?ytoJ*® to Harold Fox, Frank S. May, and 1 Frank Nell and daughters were din-! £££STV U wL Hans. Others in the party were Mrs. ner guests in the home Thursday Lou Huemann, Mrs. Vivian Huemann,, evenirur. 1 • surprise when the young folks Mr. and Mrs. Bill Marx,, Jr., Bill! jS2y evening, Mr. and Mrs.• Al- Marx, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Schons, | fred Oeffling entertained Mr. and! Mr. and Mrs. William May jmd son, Mrs. Jos. Stilling, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. An" Richard, Mr. and Mrs. William Mar- stilling, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sie- i ^ pSt tinec, Mr. and Mrs. Frank SMay,hoff, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schmitt,, Druml RichChns- M*. and Mrs. Harold Fok and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hiller, Mr, and l°?hei??nl £ • uJ' T51" and Mrs. Charles Busch. Jg. WiEm IHHer, Mr/'and Mrs. , Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. May enter- George Hiller, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph |3iu ofl rLST Pat sSSIkT Ken- InStfad °l ^ T tinned, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Newkirk. Hiller, Mr. and Mrs. Hank Hiller.( Pa | fngerator, independent boiler, rnde- Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson and'Cards were played and lunch was,®!^*0"^£uewarren, pendent water heater, independent son, Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jack-; served. I o • « £ !? , . ^ J, electric generator or power line, inson, Ed, Jimmy and Kay Jackson,; Mr. and Mrs. William Oeffling, . Springfield was the end Of * sad, dependent cooking range, etc., they Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Huemann,jMr. and Mrs. Peter Oeffling ind;***1™*/ or Frank Wendt, who visualized development of a power Mr. and Mrs. William Martinec, Jr., I Kathleen, Mrs. Lloyd Oeffling and;^ent 86e her mother, not expect- source somewhat similar to that in 'Liquid Heat' Is New Home Plan * Heating Medium Designed to Supply Power for All UtiKtitt in Houttk CHICAGO. -- A new heating medium caUed "liquid heat," designed to supply one central source of power for all home utilities such as house heating, cooking, refrigeration and lighting, is explained in Plumbing and Heating Business magazine.. "For many years industry thinkers have privately predicted that the home would eventually be equipped with one source of power," the article says. - New Power Source* and Mr. and Mrt. William Martinec, j Bon, .Terry, Mr. and Mrs. George j®** to *'ve very *on*:. c*"no^ an automobile, where a dozen sepa- Sr., of Cicero, in their home, Wed-1 Oeffling and family, Mr. and Mrs rate functions are aU powered from nesday evening. The occasion was i Joe Guxxardo^ Mrs. Richard Giiyser ^ ° 80 heartbreaking a jour-j # single soy^e including the engine Connie's birthday anniversary. v jand Mr. and Mrs. L. Barkowski were ney itself, cigar lighter, heater, battery. Joseph B. Callahan S F. 1-C., vis- fntcrtoined in the^ Alfred^ Oeffling ited in the Peter M. Freund home.' ~ ~ ~ Joe has been overseas a year and a will report to Washington, D. C. for re-assignment. ~ home one evening last week. t H H I I I l l i m H I l l l l i h i l News Vtmi Wonder Lake (By Delia Cheney) WRONG SIDE OF FENCE A fanner was telling his lawyer about the dispute he was having With a neighbor over the proper location of a boundary line. Carefully he ^Krent over every detail, and finally awaited an opinion. "I don't see how you can lose this," said the man of the taw. "The precedents on a matter like that go right back to the colonial courts. My fee for handling the matter would be 10 dollars for my opinion and 40 dollars for the court v^ork. I don't think, in fact I am sure, that there won't be any appeal." Slowly the farmer get up, extracted his wallet from a pocket, laid a 10 dollar bill on the desk, and turned to go. I "Don't you want to go ahead with 1 this?" the lawyer asked. "I don't see how I can," wals the s Peanuts add nourishment and * vor to fruit and vegetable nhfc Ttt . scmossiTiow v iflsll WOHDER LAKK M MtasTCaryaJ moody reply, "I was giving you my! Baektag Up the Beys. Here's tons n e i g h b o r ' s c a s e . " / - - - - - * " " * IN THE CHAOt What we want to know, thoughts "•V*VV1 ^*1 how come Frank Wendt forsakes the' llghts* horn, windshield w.per, and good fishing of Wonder Lake to trip up to the north woods to catch bigger fish. How can you say such a thing, Frank, you know our fish are as big as a story can make them. Tsch, tsch, such loyalty, "•'Mrs. A1 Huff, Mrs. Joseph Mkhels, and Miss Evelyn Mkhels were Elgin callers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilke and Jimmy of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Thomas ef Woodstock, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Snyder were Sunday din- J Hello Folks: ner guests .in the Peter F. Freund This week I'd like to introduce y<ro cases were' isolated by order \joi home. ito a few more of our servicemen, (Springfield and Woodstock. Quick even air-conditioning. "In theory at least that development has now arrived." With the financial help of the federal government, through the National Housing administration's of- Two cases of ringworm in Shore! fice of product research and devel- Hills were detected this week and j opment, the idea has been pushed thanks to President E. Murphy, who to the point where a complete range is home convalescing but declines to I of equipment and appliances is now neglect duty when called upon, the either in model form or on paper. Can Run Generators. The Sunday evening club met at, and believe me, war, instead of mak-, The process was developed and acti0n was the by-word. Kw nr- n nD. . the «h ome of* »M• r. and« «M* rs. »P»e •t er *F<. ' in* men bold aamnd) onunftsapiuoikraenn , siMeemmsi Ftcc movies were shown at the' P ® eo ®y Orion O. Oakes of the Freund. Lur«'i was served and!to make them shy and they all Preprizes were won by Mrs. Steve May, j *er to hide their own shining laurels it to their fellow serrican servicemen seem Shore Hills Country Club parkway, £oh? B- p»erce foundation, Summit, Saturday night and thoroughly en-' basis is a chemical known joyed by all attending. It included ! 88 tetra-cresyl silicate which will aba full length picture, "Two Yanks j sorb heat up to 817 degrees Fahrenj of equipment, much bought with War Bona funds; food and munitions for victory being unloaded en Yellow Beach, Luzon, P. I. V. S. Trttumty Dtfartmtm$ S. H Frend & SOB COMTUCTOKS AMD anum Our Experience is at Tour Oei ihn - in BuOdiac tW Wants. Phone 56tW XeHtnry WANflbf6MV We pay $6 to 916 for Old er Injured Hoi see er Cows Standing er Down tf Attn. Matt'i Mink Ranch Johnsburg - Spring Grove Road ' Phone Johnsburg 689-J-S CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSE8 A CATTLE We pay phone Aargns. •' ;3S m Tas|ty Wsfle Add two teaspoons poultry seasoning to the dry ingredients of a basic waffle batter for a tasty waffle which is a perfect foundation for chicken a la king. These waffles solve the leftover problem of bits of cooked poultry. These also go well with flaked salmon or tuna fish in a colorful vegetable cream sauce. * SHEET METAL WORK Fwnaces, Pipe, Fittings and Getters Ml N. Green St, Phone |4Mt Mrs. Peter F. Freund and Mrs. Jos. land give King. . Ivicemen. _ r , . _ Mrs. Peter F. Freund, .Mrs. Steve to have this characteristic, for which jn Trinidad," newsreel, comedy, car- heit when circulated in residential May, Mrs. Jos. King and Mrs. Fred w® somehow admire them the more! jtoon and novelty feature. The club! boilers of present types, at atmos- Smith fenjoyed an afternon of cards Let us get acquainted with John|paid for the movies, and Mr. Nimin-! pheric pressure. at the Mrs. Herb Simon home, Sat- 1 "Bud" McMahon, whom, because of sky donated his services in the run-, This contrasts with water, which urday. I his shyness, we little suspected had! ning of the equipment. Hey, youse, i becomes vapor at 212 degrees Fahr- Miss Bernice King spent Sunday in]Served in Uncle Sam's navy for two,gUy8 who moan about paying your enheit, and shows the possibilities in Chicago visiting with Mrs. Donald years. Bud was in action aboard the! dues, part of your money goes for j the Uquid as a mediUm for convev- - the this entertainment each Saturday i : - y 18, Freund. Msg Ann Schaefer spent the weekend in Waukegan. Our sympathy is extended to the destroyer, McCann, when it wrped Saturday! fng "heat" Tt "is"'claimed"that"^ Japs out of Bougainville, Nov night and it's pretty swell, too, isn't heate<k fluid-a secret formula-can 1942. Seeking peace and quiet after his medical discharge, Bud moved A1 Boehlke family, in the loss of|to Wonder Lake with his wife and their father, who passed away, July has taken up the servicing of re- - .. - frigeration, which has, been a blessing to many of us here. , ' , 14, in his home at Sunnyside Beach. Miss Jane Klein celebrated her tenth birthday anniversary Friday, July 13. Misses Jane, Doris and Joan Michels, Miss Betty Lou Keenan, Mrs. Henry Brits and Christy, it? for Leslie Curlee, Petty Officer First Class in the Sea bees, of the navy. Mrs. Albert Britt, Terry and Tommy, Leslie w»s one of the construction Miss June Klaus, Bobby Klaus, Pat-1 battalion at Tarawa, Marshall Isty Klein, Peggy Ann Klein, Yvonne lands and Saipan, and has now re- Happy birthday Saturday, July 14 to Bill Hoeft. You can tell us your age, Bill, we won't breathe it to a soul. Bill and Alice are back to Wonder Lake again after a week's vacation spent in Eagle River, Wis- Introductions axe in order jaow! consin, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Brucher, Alice's sister and brother-in-law. "V Straub, Miss Judy Michels and Mrs. William Brits enjoyed the afternoon with her. Mr. and Mrs. Benny Britz of Rockford were dinner guests in the Art Klein home Saturday evening. Jack Keenan C. Ptc., left for Chicago after spending a 80-day leave with his family. Mr. and Mrs. William May, Catherine and Richard and Mrs. John Weber of Ingleside motored to Wilmette I^ri^ay to visit with Mrs. O lfyoa were right here compounding a prescription lor yourself, or a member of your household, you could not than our trained specialists pot into ttmry prescription written by a physician. The --divided attention of our skilled pharmacists is given •o this imporant task. Being your next prescription here to this Reliable pharmacy! BOLGERSr; DRUG STORE Green St. McHenry, llL eeeeee ae«a»;#e ceived his medical discharge after two yean of service. Incidentally, be used for heating water, for cooking, for percolators, toasters, flat irons and ironers, as well as literally every appliance utilizing heat, including steam and hot water boilers. Even low pressure steam turbines can be operated from its heat Hope Eagle River didn't put up too | and used to run electric generators much competition with "us'n" back] in areas hot now served with eleohere and that you were glad to be tricity. For hot air house heating in the "old homestead" again. j systems, a heat exchanger has been •m. XX Tt Z\ D . „ , . designed, according to claims made » The Bumble Bees, 4-H club, by ^ inventor wherebv air is this is not the first service Leslie i is definately getting older, per mem- ' hits rendered this good old U. S. A.,jber, as the meeting thai was held I but served in the first Worid War i last week, July 18, at the home of j rflnn!^ obtain heated air lot. in the fifth division of the marines, j Geraldine Cormier, also celebrated' room"* seeing action while doing convoy j her birthday. Two other members duty for two years and four months, i passed into their teens during the with France as the objective. week. Both Joan Heilman and Joan Being of the opinion you would be Biggers are now thirteen. Geraldine interested in hearing a little about j was 12. the islands, I took the opportunity Lake's Lure Cures Vet* Of Allergy for Boats ru .w i HOT SPRINGS, ARK.--There's a .. .. ,r 4K . the ?• dU'| standing vow among soldiers who to ask a few highlights about them, cussed the various factors that cause have suffered from sea«irkn»M «nri Tarawa was completely covered with J spoilage in foods, as well as having other hardships duria# their jourcocoanut groves until destroyed by a brief lesson on the contributions ) nAVa Sway In fbe Wlni Maximum sway of the Empire State building in the wind is 2.97 inches, according to J. Charles Customer--My hair has been giv- , Rathbun, who used the Empire ing me considerable anxiety late- i State building for his observations ly. Can you suggest anything I ought j in preparing a paper, "Wind Forced to do for it? | on a Tall Building." He states in his Young Barber--Oh, I wouldn't ,( article that "It is to be noted,,that worry about it, sir. i think it will > the foregoing data are based on the come out all right. greatest recorded deflections. That ' --ws J j storms producing greater deflections Perfect Discipline j have occurred is doubtless true, so From the door of the barracks, i this value must be accepted with^ the husky tpp sergeant looked over ; caution." The building has an ob> the men lounging about. "Is thtre anything I can say, to wake up you guys?" he asked. Nobody*-/ answered, which seemed to annoy; him. He cleared his throat and raised his voice a few decibels. "Now look here," he shouted, "from now on, when I blow this whistle, I want to see a huge impenetrable cloud of dust come boiling out of these barracks. And when that dust clears away, I want to find two rows of statues on the parade ground!" DR. HF 8. NN ' Veterinarian SW ffankegan «fc McRENRT, ILL. served Vibration period aC &25 sec* Sand the Want Ads In the Right Spa* LADY NEARLY CHOKED WHILE LYING IN BEDDUE TO STOMACH OAS One lady said a few days ago that she used to be afraid to go to bed at night. She was swollen with stomach gas, which always got worse when she went to bed, and the gas would rise up in her throat after she lay down and would nearly choke her. She couldn't lie flat. Had to prop herself up on pillows. Recently si cocoanut UIHII uwiruycu uy » unci leswuu un uie conuwuuvni aboard crnwdnd tenon trnna. the bombing. Proctor and Gamble,of Anthony Leeuwenhoek, lens grind-; Lt th f fh ,„iii t , had gotten their silk stock out of er and discoverer of the first mfcrobej ^ 8 these The Japs had built a concrete in the seventeenth century. I a«\m vohtion. runway for the airplanes, which was Geraldine gave a demonstration on _ r1® natural beauties of Lake completely demolished, ' and they a tossed combination salad, which Catherine near here and the urge laughed to themselves when they she served with Ritx crackers spread1 to see "ow things look from the midconcluded it would take our construc-1 with cream cheese, in the 4-H colors die of the lake have broken down the tion batuilion six months to build of green and white. Fruit punch and1 "boat-allergies" of numerous overanother. Were their faces red when a large chocolate birthday eake com- seas veterans sent to the army rethey found out our boys had built pleted the refreshments which were; distribution center here. another in four days out of white greatly enjoyed by the entire club, j In fact, boating has proved orfe coral neef, which was grouifl down Barbara Sellek, interested the i of the most popular sports among and rolled out and after hardening, group with a well delivered talk onj returnees who visit the redistribugood as concrete. Who said the President William McKinley. tion center's Lake Catherine lodge Americans weren't ingenious? You, The next and last meeting before! The army has two 60- and 130^ must remember, too, that all this camp, which starts July 81, will be horse Dower «Deedboata at th* ].k* tonstraction w «Ki i., fir* don. £rb.r. MIA-, h«n. ! „ Sh! under fire. ^ ^ Phyllis Bruce of Ringwood, a mem- 4n_ rraf* Well, Les, we know Wonder Life ber of the 4-H club there, was a - - I holds no momentous occasions like visitor at the meeting, enjoying every ^ / When you crossed the equator on the bit of it including a piece of white Postal Service Aiding U. S. S. Jupiter, Nov. 21, 1948, but and a piece of chocolate cake which • ^,_.t - p ) We hope youll enjoy settling down no one could resist. | VcOnlTOl OT Lancff here with us again, and your many i WASHINGTON. -- The United friends and sure glad to see you Hie third business meeting of the States post office is helping out in back again to stay for sure, this Wonder Lake Rod and Gun club the current cancer control national |ime, we hope. ; auxiliary was held on July 19, at the campaign by offering to accept con- . . j v Grill, with sixteen present., tributions in envelopes bearing the It was ,a happy and proud moment The chairman in charge of carnival on« wnr<» •• *•»« *for Aunt Carrie when in walked War- j planning, Mrs. Betty Pavlik, called . , mon'th -,the Postmaw^r SVanV ren Rhode, tech sergeant of the the meeting to order at 2:30. Fol-! J, wTEr sEd army combat inf., to spend a few j lowing general discussion, Mrs.^^ Pav-] -T ®" ..ri* ,^)St, °4? J days of his furlough from the Eur- lik appointed the committee women! P®rtment wns P^oud of the part opean theatre of war. Brother charge of booths, and bade them' pven to^us ui helping to make itioduced Warren U> his friends out I choose the members to serve with known to our fellow Americans the ere and hi was taken into the them. ' triith which Will save hundredI~€T "fold" like an old timer. Warren { Mrs. Josephine Wendt will be head lives." f has been in France and Germany and i of the committee for the fltst aid , • jl speaks thi "lingo" pretty swell. We booth, with two assistants, Mrs, HJalR PkiMr»n Rrin. " " noticed three combat bars with a star Mkrie Milbrandt for the committee in ng / f>n each adorning his uniform. Pretty, charge of the hot dog booth, with* 1 Corporal Captain's Pay iwell for sych a young "feller." five assistants, Mrs. Mary Louise OMAHA ' We hear from Orville H. Tronsen, Merritt in charge,of the member- °n 6. M. 3/C., this week in a .letter*to,ship booth, with two assistants, Mrs., ®m*ha is on uie army payroll as his wife, Virginia, that the ship he Marge Philippi heading the commit- i corporal--but his pay equals that i s o n i n t h e P a c i f i c , U . S . S . A l l e g a n , ! t e e a t t h e i c e c r e a m b o o t h , w i t h t w o j 8 . . . attack transport, is credited with:assistants, and Mrs. Helen Reuter in| corporal is the father of 16 shooting down three Jap planes J charge of the children's fun booth, j children, twanging in ages, from 20 Three cheers for our side and maywith two assistants. months to 24 years. A whole week of relaxation for A1 Three are married and a fourth is Schubert and mother at their cottage' over 18, leaving him with 13 direct in Indian Ridge. Dad must slave dependents. The family lives at Coaway in the hot city, though, as his lumbus, Neb., and each month Mrs. vacation isn't here yet. A1 is a; Kinzer receives $300. member of our baseball team and1 ,1'• ' has a chance tb find out what the rest of the boys are doing on the week days. My eoodness! Long time no see,r Lottie--So your husband's in the army now? Dottie--Yes, they've made him a gunner, and that's what he's been j lady got^ERB^HELP e"nd"now ever since I married him. j says gas is gone, stomach feels fine, Lottie--Always been a gunner? ! bowels are regular and she can go Dottie--Yes, ever since I knew i to bed and sleep soundly. him he's been "guniker do this" and | ERB-HELP contains 12 Great "gunner do that," out he never did Herbs; they cleanse bowels, clear gas anything worthwhile!! • from Btomach, act qp sluggish liver i•!> • • iand kidneys. Miserable people soon No Instrument Needed I d i f f e r e n t a l l o v e r . So don't go Grandpa--Been shopping today? I on suffering! Get ERB-HELP. Bol- Grandma--Yes, I had an awful 8 ^ Store. time, but I finally got a barometer. G'pa--What on earth do you want of that? G'ma--It will tell me when it's go-« ing to rain. G'pa--Such extravagance! What do you suppose you've got. your rheumatism for? Get It Straight Storekeeper--I can't give you any more credit. Your bill is bigger now than it should be. Customer--I know. Just make it out, as it should be and I'll £ay AT SUNDAY SCHOOL M'Henry Tire Recappers 311 E. Elm St., McHenry Phone McHenry 424 --*ft-HOUR SERVICE SPECIALIZING IN FARM TRACTOR TIR1 AND TRUCK TIRES • . i y GOOD YEAR TIRES AND TIJBES GOODYEAR BATTERIES Find More Than Ton of Meat in Garbage Dump Telephone No. 800 Stoffel A Raihanspergor Insurance agenta for aD elasass et property in the best <on|aaies. WEST MeHENRT - - ILLINOI8 Office Hears--Dally Baeept Tknm 10 te 12.1:W to 4-M. Men* Wed, FrL Nighta: 7 te 8. Other Boars by AppeiatSMnt H. S. VAN DENBURGH, DC, PIC CMrepracter tM Green St Tel. 292-R. MeHeaey BesMtncs Phene Hebron 92t TEL. WONDER LAKE 411 DR. 0. L. WATKHtB 1 Dentist • Offise Henn - Tnesday A Saturdays: iaja. taf pa, Evening* and Bnndsy Men*v> . ' by Appointment! ^ Leefcent Peiat Wender Lake, 'H" i i Al's Welding Service At Schwennan's Chevrelet 8«1bb Electric Pertnble WeMi^ Acetylene Welding and Cttttk* ALEX W. WIRFS, Operater Phone C16-W-1 or 277 er 17T M'HENRY, ILL. DR. R. DeROM* ia» Gi Phone OI4. Offlee Honrs: 19 ajn. te S pjn. dally except Wednesdsy. kTa» day and friday nights te IMpji Other hoars by appointment. A.P. Freund Co. Excavating Contractor Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane Service. --Road Bnilding-- Tel 294-M McHenry, Hjl Teacher--Why was Solomon the wisest mart in the world? Bright Girl--I suppose it must have been because he had so many wives to advise him. < Complete Recovery First Doc--What did you operate on that , patient for? Second--For $500. First Doc--I mean what did he have? Second--$500. • Above Your Head Joe--Did you hear the latest one i about the profs umbrella? Bill--What about it? Joe--He keeps it full of holes so says Mrs. H. Schau as ih walked j POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y. -- After he can .see whether, it's raining or the Krug family* to, spend! the day neighbors complained their dogs at the Schau cottage in Wonder were bringing home dead chickens, j Lake. ^ \ , more than a ton of assorted meat, "Who says this is a vacation ?" t some in good condition, was found I says Raymond Rqden, busily working! on a city dump near here. Sheriff • away around his cottage. Where! C. Fred Close said the meat, includi does all this work come from ? i ing crated and barreled beef, veal, 'Course the building of that new pork, cold cuts, tongue, bacon gsrsee took some over-seeinsr time poultry, "may have been dumped too. but then it's a pleasure to park : because of OPA investigation of sun> the faithful car in a my place for pected black markets." the night, especially during some of' these sudden storms we sometimes g*t~ Sunday wns a day o* i^le plsvj^g Plant Pi Plant poisoning in animals ie uaujfor the ba^bal! te&m. It was a Sun- i ally rapid in ita course, and veterii • day scheduled for McHenry, but since they dropped out at the beginning of narians rtiswld be summoned '"Tf diataly. not. Sow Thistle Wherever the perennial sow thistle has appeared, it has placed a" burden on the farmer by increasing the labor required to raise a crop and by reducing his crop yield. i A.WORWICK ^ PBOTOGEAPHB Pottraitare- Commercial Photography Phene S78 - Rinrsiii Diiie McHENRY, HX. McHENRY FLORAL 00. -- Phone 606-R-l -- One MJJe Sonth of McH«ry on Route SI • ,x Flowers for all occationil Stractural Steel - Ornamental lien Building Specialties Steel Stairs and Railings - H. L. PECKER 530 Railroad St Marengn 144 MARENGO, ILL. JACOBFRITZ Estate and Ingnranoe Chicago Office "" -- Liacota ISSS-4 /-I SEWER CLOGGED? Have It Cleaned With the SANGER MOTOR-MOL^ NO DIGGING ! AM Work Gnaraateed H. L. RAPP Crystal Lake. I1L : k Phone Crystal Lake ^ INSURANCE rtSt EAKL 1 WALSI Pisssnting Reliable Companies When yen need Insurance ef any kini Phene 41 er 118-M Green A Elm McHenry WEINGART TRUCKING McHENRY, ILL. Sand, Gravel. Black Dirk, F9h( Telephone McHenry W l i Army Army shoes use on an average more than twice as much leather as civilian models and their increased production is expected to rscalt is a fr&sslblg SS psr csat sias in military leather consumption. TeL McHenry S4S-J HAROLD H. BELL Painting. Decorating and Paperhanging Dependable Work 105 N. GREEN ST., hTHENRY Phoee McHenry 6S7-R-I -- Basement Exnsvating-- Sin's SAMS * ea&VBL Special Ratee Lot Filling .. leveling- and J. 1 f

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