Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Aug 1945, p. 8

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J *>- : Society . Legion. Auxiliarf ;••• - Meeting Tonight' . Remember, th£fe tdfl be an Important meeting of the newly organised Legion Auxiliary this (Thursday) evening, August 16, in the L«- Jion hall so please plan to attend, ny mother, wife, daughter, sister and especially Gold St*r iBOtbere and wives, are, invited. . • • Bdch Party At McCulhjp Lake Members *nd prospective members of the Athletic club are reminded that tonight (Thursday) is the date set for the beach party at McCullom Lake. Following the swimming, there will be hot dogs and other refreshment^* served. Attention ,>' . R. N. A. Member*! ' • A special meetiti£Wf Y mwiftef* and officers of Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. A., will be held on Tuesday evening, August 21, at, 8 p.m., in the Woodman hall. All are „ urged to attend, as plans concerning the county convention to be held in McHenry in October will be discussed. The convention draws several hundreds of wpmen from throughout the county to McHenry, thus. making extensive planning necessary. UV|9fVl*9fVB|V At Jencks Rome A dessert-bridge will 'be held on the lawn of the Mrs. Agnes Jencks home at Rinfcwood on Wednesday afternoon. August 22, at 1:30 o'clock. There will be prises for cards and also special prises. Everyone is urged to attend what promises to be a very lovely social event, sponsored by the local chapter of the O. E. S. « Initiation Att O. EL S. Chapter The local chapter of the" O. E. S., held initiation last Monday evening with h social evening being enjoyed hy many members. The next regular meeting will be held on August 27, and Advance Night will be observed on September 10. COMINGEVENTB August '.It' C. D. of A.--Social Meeting. ' Legion Auxiliary. Athletic Club Beach Pfcrty--McCullom Lake. •" August 19 Family Style Dinner--St. Patrick's Catholic Church, Hartland. Annual Forester Picnic -- Conway's Woods.. August 21 Lady Foresters Annual Picnic. ' ' August ' 22 . .. . ..\v Dessert-Bridge --Jencks Home, Ringwood^-- Sponsored by O. E. S. August 23 Lady Foresters--Meeting. . August 24, 25, 26 Gay Nineties Carnival r-- McCullom Lake.'v • .. ** * ^"'^Aagust l? ' mr-rr XX E. S. ;• '• Entertain • For - ; Servicemen ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blalce enter- September 7 tained last Thursday evening * at christian Mothers and AltaT Society, thejr home on Elm street in honor) September 10 of two servicemen home on furlough i Advance Night--O. E. S. - after many months of overseas ser- . vice. Present were Mr. and Mrs. 1 ******* 11'» »I t ***** John Blake and son, Sgt. Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. Anton P. Freund and Servi c e m a n a n d M r s . I r v i n F r e u n d . I r - » _ , , • , a - f vin arrived . home recently from j •• • • # * • <• * *+++* '& «' *1 >•5^% ***** Guam* * Alfred Thelen has been a patient at St. TTierese hospital the past week. Mrs. Beatrice Peterson of West Among the Sick Ninety Years Old August 6 Old friends of A. p. Loomis of Woodstock, well known here, will be i McHenry underwent surgery at the interested to extend congratulations j Woodstock hospital on Saturday, to this nonagenarian, who on Au- Mrs. Andrew Kuby of West Mcgust 6 celebrated hjs ninetieth birth-1 Henry was taken to Sherman hosday anniversary. He and Mrs. Loom- j pital in Elgin the last of the week is spent the day and following week j after she fell from a chair in her with his son and wife. Mr. and Mrs. home, breaking her arm. C. G. Loomis of Beloit. Last Sun- \ joseph j. Frett returned last week <|ay Mr. and Mrs* Edwin Natson from Alexian Brothers hospital OUR SERVICEMEN T. C. Winkel of Lilymoor dropped into our office during the past week to say "thanks" for receiving the Plaindealer during his two years of overseas service.^ We remember a similar visit from him just before leaving the States. While the time has seemed short to us, the young soldoubt experienced so many changes that the past twentyfour months has seemed a long time. Sgt. Wfhkel was one of the many unfortunite men who has come home not only to changed general surroundings but also to a change within his own home, for his father passed away several months after he went overseas. However, he hiis returned the same smiling soldier that left, and is enjoying a thirtyday furlough with his mother. dier Several of our serviceman of whom we /had lost trace of as far as address was concerned, have informed us as follows: Richard Weber is now at Oceanside, Caljf., William O'Brien at Camp Claiborne, La., and Henry BuCh at Aft>uquerqUe, New Mexico. " . ' • REARRY NEWS **^&CAPE SERIOUS INJURY Two Harvard rseidents narrow!jr escaped with their lives in serious automobile accidents last week. Both men, Roy Anderson and Harry Esmond, were hospitalised. Anderson employed by the Gorham tracking company in Woodstock, was returning home' in his car early Saturday evening. August 4. He pulled around a semi-trailer truck to paaa it, mar the outskirts of Woodstock, bat, when he saw another car approaching, tried to duck back in line. He smashed into the rear of tbe track and the front, of his car was de-* molished. Anderson coffered severe cuts on his head, cheet Mid anna, and his leg was injured. . Photo by A. Worwick. McHenry . MARSHALL BACON The above picture of Marshall Bacon was taken several months ago, upon the soldier's return from service in the European theatre. Marshall, the eon of Mrs. Zena Bacon, entered the army early in the war and was one of the first of our local men wounded, in the spring of 1942, in Norlh Africa. After a period of hospitilazation in Florida upon h(s return to the States. Marshall was honorably discharged, a few Weeks ago at Camp Grant. Frank Martin has been transferred from San Diego to San Francisco, Calif. A letter from Mrs. H. O. Krepel of Crystal Lake, formerly of McHenry, informs us that she has had no word from her sonj LaVern, in months. The Red Cross has notified. four been Sgt. Harold A. Dowell has transferred from Fort Riley, to Kearns, Utah. ••«. been Kas., of Waukegan joined them at Beloit and accompanied them home. Mrs. Natson is the former Adeline Perkins, a granddaughter of Mr. Loomis. * • •• • . Annual Forester < Picnic On Sunday. The annual Forester picnic will be in Chicago and is improving nicely. Mrs. George P. Freund underwent surgery this week in the Augustana hospital in Chicago. Mrs. Nick M. Justen is a surgical patient at the Augustank hospital, Chicago, this week. ick Adams underwent surgery at held next Sunday. August 19, in, the Woodstock hospital on Tuesday Conway s Woods. Everyone is asked ' to bring his picnic basket at noon. After the lunch there will be games for old and young. . * * • • • • . 128 Ladies Attended Public Card Party Thirty tables of cards were in play last Thursday afternoon at the second dessert-bridge of the season sponsored by the Altar and Rosary sodality of St. Patrick's church. The party was held on the spacious lawn of the R. I. Overton residence on Riverside Drive. morning. Mrs. David Rosencranz (Ella Kane) is recovering nicely after undergoing surgery at Sherman hospital, Elgin, lapt week. Wesley Guffey entered Hines hospital for treatment last week. John, son of Sgt. and Mrs. John Jones, underwent surgery at the Woodstock hospital the last of the week. Mrs. Fred Cooley is again feeling better after breaking her arm in a fall recently. Both Steve and Paul Harvey have been visiting home folks during the past week. Steve has spent most of this summer traveling with the "Here's Your Infantry" show, which hSs been touring the country. Paul is stationed at Waycross, Ga. M. L. Mclntyre p has been transferred from Yuma. Arizona, to Blythe, Calif. R. J. Sutton returned to Santa Maria, Calif., on Saturday after a furlough spent with his parents. Two local soldiers were recently discharged at Fort Sheridan. They were Sgt. Richard Schneider and Corp. Robert Doran. Irvin L. Freund is enjoying a thirty-day furlough after service in the Pacific area. MISS FRANCES BARBER TO SING WITH BAND THIS FRIDAY NIGHT Miss Frances Barber of Richmond, a Junior in the local high school, will be guest soloist at the band concert to be presented this Friday evening at 8 o'clock on the high school grounds. Miss „ Barber, a j parcel had been deposited in the member of the bass section of the i mailbox in front of the post office, band, has a lovely soprano voice I ' new type customer ^ According to reports, when Fiid Blau, Lake Zurich barber, opened his shop last week Tuesday morning, he found a goat inside tied to the door knob. The shop was locked and the question in the mind of residents is how the animal managed to gain entrance and get tied. RETURNS STOLEN PURSE The person who took a purse from Mirs. Don Thompson of Barrington, wife of a serviceman, while she was shopping in a grocery store, has returned the bag with the family supply of ration books and everything else in it except the $40 cash. The disappearance of the large black bag was reported to Barrington police on July 28. On Tuesday of the next week Mrs. Thompson was notified by the post office that a package had been left there for her without postage or a return address. It was the purse with all its contents less the money. . Her address was printed on the wrapping. The which lends jtself well to her chosen numbers, "Let Me Call You Sweet- JsTeSlr LIMIT LICENSES At a meeting last week the Libeiv 1",as oaiuei *s. fi nance which places a limit on •aapt hnnplr oQgrtuaim s last winteor n.iaoitK r thoec nnuummobeerr oofi lliicceennsseess wwnhiiccnh ccaann the Corp. Glen R. Glos, son of Mr. and' Mrs. George H. Glos, now stationed at Langley Field, Va., AAF trajning command radar observers school, where he is serving as radar technician, has been promoted to sergeant it was announced this week, This promotion was one of ten hun- 0 . , , , „ | Susan, and Frank Muzzy of Ring- dred and forty-four announced at the ^Special prizes were awarded-Mrs. j W00d underwent ininor surgery at post during the week, making one Frye, Mrs. M. J. Walsh and Miss; the Woodstock hospital on Tuesday; uf the larges't lists raising enlisted Florence Knox, these prizes beinp: j morning. men and women in grade in the donated by Mrs. Harry Durland, Mrs., Harry Durland was taken by am- history of the post. William Nye and Mrs. John Stilling.; bulance to Henrotin hospital. Chi-' A grand prize of a black purse was i cago, on Monday morning after beawarded to Mrs. Herman Schaefer. j coming ill the previous day. Prizes wer^ also given for cards. ! Charles Pedersen, who resides be- Preceding the social part of the ! tween Johnsburg and Spring Grove, afternoon, a delicious dessert was; is a medical patient at Victory Memserved by Mrs. Say McGee and her | oriai hospital this week. committee. school and should prove equally as popular with the band thif Friday night. " » The complete program ii as follows: "The Star Spangled Banner" March. "Gen. Douglas MacArthuj-"-- Huffer. Serenade, "The First Heart Throbs" --Eilenberg. Overture, "Radiant"--Kiefer. March, "El Cap] tan"--Sousa. "Finlandia" -- Sibelius1**- Arr. by St. Clair. "Victor Herbert Favorites"--Arr." by Lake. March, "The New Colonial"--Hall. Vocal Solos: A. "Let Me Call You Sweetheart" --Whitson and Friedman. B. "Moonlight and Roses"--Lemare, Black and Moret. Miss Frances Barber, Soloist. Selection from "The Merry Widow" Lehar. Trombone Oddity, "Sliding Some"-- Chenette. March, "Washington Post**--Sousa. Finale, "God Bless America"--Berlin. ARE YOU A DISCHARGED VETERAN? LET'S HEAR Local servicemen who were farsighted enough to take with them their cameras when going overseas will no doubt be the proud possessors of. some very treasured pictures in years to come. Some of these viewed lately were taken at Agra, India, by Warren Jones, who has sent home some beautiful pictures of the famed Taj Mahal. ILLINOIS' BIGGEST / BIRTHDAY LIST IS NOW IN COMPILATION issued to serve alcoholic beverages. Under terms of the ordinance, effective now, only five Class A, two Class B, and five Class C licenses may be granted. There are five Class A (taverns which can sell beers, wines and liquors) now operating; there are two Class B (package goods) establishments, and one Class C (beer only) licenseholder. RAILWAY PROTECTION Otto Buhl, secretary of the Crystal Lake Chamber of Commerce, has received word from the Chicago & North Western Railway j company that the request for more adequate crossing protection on Terra Cotta avenue will be investigated and a report made. The request to the railway company | was made when Leonard Larsen narrowly- averted death there or* July 23 when a milk truck he was driving was struck by a passenger train. BKnra BUILT SATS PUBUO More than/ 400 Cartas and ratal establishments were add*d to the rural electric lin4ks of> the Public 8ervfay Company Northern"' Illinois during the flrat lb months of 1046, making a total of 25,480 rural customers served by the company as of June 80. Britton' I. Budd, president,, said another 1S4 farms were jn process of connection on that date and still another 681 were adjacent to preeenl Unas, making electricity available to 87.2% of -the farms in the 6£00 square mile, 16-county area comprising the company's territory. Rural power lines, he added, are being built just as rapidly as maniwer materials permit. Of the ,971 farms and raral units in the company's territory, only 8,826 now require power line extensions and completion of the job of rural electrification js scheduled fbr the immediate postwar period. During the year ending June1 SO. farm customers of the company used an average of 2,500 kilowatthours of electricity, an increase of 154 over the previous year, Budd said. days are with us again. No, not fgir ration books'this time, but school registration. Seniors will fegirter on Monday mornii*. August 27 i JunWs on Monday afternoon, August 17; 8ophonores on Tuaeday mo*niiig,Augaet 28; and Freshmen on Tuesday gust 28. IN MEMORIAM In memory of my dear father Henry Block, who passed away three years vago, on August 14. MILOgjg) Bg>CK UNDSAt. HARJtY C. LOOK NKW PKKSIDKNT PROPERTY OWNEBS ASSOCIATION Harry C. Lock was elected president of the Property Owners Association of McCullom Lake at a meeting held last week. He succeeds Clarence Feiereisel, who so competently handled the job during the past year. ^ Others elected at the annual election were Christ Dvdre, vice-president; Ray C. Willits, treasurer; and Wilbert B. Turaey, secretary. Both Mr. Willits and Mr. Turney served in the same capacity last year. C. E. Parcell was elected as director to serve for one year and C. Dvore, I William Smith and George Goransonj were elected as directors to serve a three-year term. | "Hie,, retiring president thanked his officers and committees for helping make a prosperous year for the association. McHenry, minois Miss Betty Cannoa To Become Stewardess MOTHER IS ARRESTED Mrs. Dorothy Stocker, 25, who resides in Vernon township near WTreeTing. has been arraigned in Waukegan on a charge of contributing tp the delinquency of her five minor chil- j dren. Mrs. Stocker was arrested at her home on Rt. 45 by deputy sheriffs. Her husband, Felix, was wound- Friends here will be interested to learn that Betty Cannon, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. H. Floyd Cannon of Waukegan, formerly of MicHenry, left Monday morning for Miami, Fla., where she will begin training as a stewardess with Pan American airlines- Her six weeks of training will include clipper ship flights to Cuba and South America. Miss Cannon graduated from the Waukegan Township hjgh school in 1942 and Studied for a year and a half at Lake Forest college, where she was a member of Alpha Zi Delta sorority. She recently returned frcm a Girl Scout summer camp in Wisconsin, where she acted as FRIDAY AND, SATURDAY THe pktare That Chicago, Would >;•: . Not Show! . , - with Aane Jeffrcqra " Lawrence Tieraey Fdmimd Lowe "D1LLINGER" Plua---World News and Cartoon. SUN. ft MONn AUGUST 19-2* Van Johnaon Lionel Barrymore Marilyn Maxwell Gloria DeHaven "BETWEEN TWO WOMEN" AlpO--Musical, News ft Cartoon. TUESDAY (ONE DAY) Richard Dix -- Janis Carter L "Power of the Whistler'! Lyna Merrick Rahtrt Stanton 2. "Blonde from Brooklyn" WEDNESDAY ft THURSDAY Sonja Heitie Michael 0*Shea TTS A PLEASURE' * Let Radionics you its rL ..nwrmii 11 -- We have seen no better OF YOUR WHEREABOUTS! i ones in encyclopedias. Another scene I which should capture a prize was McHenry folks and those from the ®ne of some native beasts of burden Secretary of State Edward J. Bar- igtj jn act{on and is now confined to rett has begun preparation of the|an army hospital. Deputy sheriffs biggest birthday Ijst ever compiled i found the children, ranging in age in i«/lm01s' mi. i- from eight months to eight years, When completed, the Iist^ will con-; naked and dirty. They were unatthesppl'canta ^0^7^ No doubt a good many such pictures will come out of this war. New sailors is Richard W. Kelley, stationed at Las Vegas, Nevada. Pvt. Walter J. Grisham, 19, son of Mrs.' Emma Grisham of 160 S. Aldine .avenue, Elgin, who was wound May 1, 1948. It m i. . . , a ,new license, good for three 3 ia w Ii when his birthday rolls around. Foar Generations Hold Ret? 7i ion Four generations of the John Phalin family held a reunion at Walkup Woods in Crystal Lake last Sunday, •with about forty relatives in attend-, - , ance. Out of town guests were s j sun-oundmg^ community have done a -.2-C., Jack Phalin and RM 2-C., Billy j splendid job in sharing the burden Phalin of Great Lakes, Pfc. Robert!of helping us send the Plaindealer T. C. Milller and James McDonough j e^cJ1 week to the many boys and <*£ Chanute Field, 111., Lieut, and i from here who serve m all Mrs. H. V. Phalin of Corpus Christi,! Parts of the world. The many let- Texas, Mr. and Mrs. James Mahoney |ters Pnnted from time to time in the and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry An- paper are ample proof 6f the apprederson and family and Mr. and Mrs.!ciat,on °' these servicemen and Frank Rossi and son, all of Chicago. I women. McHenry relatives present were Mr. Now, more and more of our boy3 , . R,._ - p , Q , and Mrs. Robert Knox and family, being released from active duty | ed in Belgvm^ on Mrs Rlpannr Folev and rhildrpn an<l are returning home. Some of 1 returned to the States in April for Julia and Martin, Mr. and Mrs! | theseshave been unfortunateenough j ^ been given an u in tne auw George Phalin, Mr. and Mrs. Harold have come back handicapped. | J®"orabl« 5T"|y of the Secretary Phalin and family and Mrs. Loren Others, whft expenenced a kss rigor-; at the %"V 1®le8^"t with inevitable d< -- - ous service life, have returned in ap- (Larson, Colo. He was being treated -- pearance much as when they left, | there for frozen feet and shrapnel yet with indefinite ideas as to what ! wounds^ in the arm^ A graduate of "the future holds for them. m sist of more than three million names --the names of all the state's motorists having driver's licenses. It wjll be employed, in the future, in issuing, driver's licenses under a new law which became effective July I. This legislation provides that licenses issued this year, shall expire ufion the first anniversary of tended. She had left them alone for hours and it was after midnight when she returned home, where the deputies were waiting. up to each ACCIDENTAL DEATH A coroner's jury returned a verdTct that Fred Tuerck, 48, came to his death July 28, by being accidentallyrun over by an Elgin, Jofiet and Eastern freight train near Diamond driver after that date to^ apply for, Lake. Tuerck had been employed a,new license. years,|as a section hand on the railroad. ",s | Tj,e verdict was returned after it Purpose of the law, which is op- j wag stipulated that if further evierative in Illinois only, among the (fence is developed, the inquest can forty-eight states, is to spread the, ^ reopened. Chemical analysis of "J? aPP ons' | stains found on a shirt Tuerefc had worn the night before his body was McCannon. SrOMQt'OM" MAKE-W PKOM NOllYWOOO the driver's license law was enacted in Illinois, requiring motorists to have permits by May I -elrery three years, there has been a tri-ennia! pile-up in the automobile department c *--r of States office, elays in issuing licences. The birthday timjng of the new law will eliminate delays, save Bob Richardson Has Narrow Escape In Track-Train Crash I u:„u 5- iqaa 1_ the considerable expense of extra --- riii ni w help hire, and increase the general human nature, it is natural that once was employed by the Illinois Waten efficiency of the operation. Secrethese men are discharged we are in-1 Case company and the shoe de- tary Barrett's birthday list will make clined to forget them to a certain | ^ 10^" i impossible for any driver to avoid extent, focusing our attend on upon fore entering service in July of 1944. applying! for a license on time. those still fighting the enemy. Yet | He is the son of the late James ,B. i There is even this readjustment period is the most j Grisham, a veteran of ..World War 1 difficult of all for many of them. ; andi fo"»»er commander of the1 Watch leap y€ftr ^ are , Said to have • wag struck by the 2 o'clock passenger To show our boys that McHenry j Cty p st o V te rans of Foreign birthdays „pnly once in four years, j train from the north at the McCullhas not forgotten them for the finc 1 Grisham family formerly | fj^e iaw says: "The anniversary ofjom Lake crossing. Bo'b, driving for the date _of birth of any applicant i A. P. Freund. contractor, approachfound on the railway, had not been completed when the inquest was held. When Tuerck'is body was found it was nude above the waist. The stain-marked shirt was found in a bunkhouse where he lined Kitlt other section hands. , • ' Bob Richardson had a narrow esa provision in the j cape on Friday afternoon of last and former commander onff 'tthhLe Wwa.tcfhi !l aw covering those pe, rsons born in week whe1n. ut.h. e truoc k he was drivin®g Cooled by Washed Air MILLER WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS SATURDAY, ONLY, August 18 Gene Autry in * -RIDE, RANGER, RID®" with Smiley Burnette PUnr Edward Everett Horion in "STEPPIN* IN SOCIETY*' withvGladys George SUN. & MON^ AUGUST 19-20 -ERING ON THE GIRLS" In Radiant Color with EDDIE BRACKEN VERONICA LAKE SONNY MARJORI TUFTS , tIE REYNOLDS Extra Added-- "THE FLEET THAT CAME TO STAY" See How the Navy Met the Threat of Japan's Kamikazes! TUESDAY, ONLY, AUG., 21 OUR SCREEN--*-- effort put forth to speed the victory i made their home in McHenry. that is finally in sight, we would like j - r ..... ' to carry out the following plan. We! -Recent transfers include Merle C. wwiisshh tthhaatt aallll mmeenn wwhhoo aarree ddiisscchnaarrgg--1 Davis, from» Jacksonville, Fla., to years in which there is no FeBruary ed, or their families, would send m Cherry Pomt. N. Carolina, and Bob 29) be considered as March 1." born on February 29, shall, for the ed the crossing traveling west. Findpurposes of this section, during the Stilling from Columbia, S. Carolina, j to San Diego. ******4******************* Births irs OUICKI (My o« MM to M • wwrt pawd»>.»H "kcrMK-t»or* compltxioa NATURAL A LASTINOt 1 Mhtrol looking •w NM «*0t ItMklM Nat their names and also let us know just what work they are doing at present. There are also many who have no doubt "not yet, found work which interests them as a future full-time job. If this is the case, let vis know \n what work you are most interested and in what you are best ' qualified. Local folks will be glad to hear Of the progress of those already located and perhaps i bom last Thursday, August 9, at the will be in a position to give to some-, Woodstock hospjtal. Mrs. Justen is one not yet entered in some line of work. In fact, we have already noted one such case, where both employer and employee were benefitted. I Drop us a line during the next week, even though you may have I been discharged Some time ago. j Local folks may have lost trace of 1 you after you left for service. They ! will be interested in knowing where- | abouts of boys who have returned, j A future article containing this news should be worthwhile to all con- Icerned. fhg that he was unable to stop in time, he turned the truck -sideways, resulting in the back of the vehicle being struck by the train first and as the truck swung around the front of it was hit. While it was completely wrecked,, the driver fortunately .escaped without a scratch. Veterans wishing to apply for W- "Finp fluprnqpv How •> Mr. ahd Mrs. Ralph Justenare plus war property for use in con- u t> » the 'parents of their second "sori, 1 nection with an agricultural enter- 5©tS High ROCOIu prise should contact the local county1. -- AAA office, Chairman Bert Bridges j Peterborough, N. H. A., daughter has stated. 16 • |0f the registered Guernsey sire, Ti- [StJRPLUS OF WAR PROPERTY GOES TO t RETURNED VETERANS *************+**i>*++*****i "AIR FORCE" with John Garfield --• Gig YoMg ears .. for jort a fcw miuatee, and discover what new worlds of aotsad this fiae iastrament can hife* to asanv hard of hear* ing. Revoiotionary--in firs! 1 and con- * of uae. Ton will not bo pressed to buy. W» sell only to those' who *** be hilpon Mo salesman yvm. Radionic Hearing Aid O *40 *• •#*" "7* IllMfltVw- - CotRt fi ftt DltHMMiVOtfOll' BQLGER'S TDRLfig SIPRB S • Si' J the former Beatrice Weber. A son was born last Friday to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Thompson. Mrs. Thompson was formerly Miss Kath- RE3IDENCE CHANGES Triple--A offices have been design- anna's Felix, owned by H. A. Hookated to make the applications avail- er and m. M. Strever, West,McHenable to the veteran and to assist ryt Illinois,- has completed an official ryn Worts. 'n completing the form. When Advanced Register record. She is Mr. and Mrs. l»uis Schmitt of. the application has been certified by; Meyer Farm Linda which produced Johnsburg - are the parents of ajthe Triple-A committee, it will then • iaF-98.7 pounds of milk and 721.0 daughter, born on Sunday at ; be forwarded to the district office of j pounds of butterfat. Woodstock hospital. | the Smaller War Plans Corporation.! This records was supervised by the * A daughter was born on Wednes- Mr. Bridges says he believes this! University of Illinois and reported day, August 8, at the Woodstock hos-! program of the Surplus Property, the American Guernsey Cattle pital to Mr. and Mrs. Julian Thomas • Board set up to make surplus goods;club for approval and publication. of Woodstock. Mrs. Thomas is the 1 available first to the veteran who I former Miss Virginia Engeln. The needs equipment in establishing or maintaining hi8 own agricultural enterprise will benefit a great number. Bolger's Drug Store HtKKN STREET M&ENRY The L. B. Drake family is now residing in the Lallinger home west of McHenry, which, they recently purchased. Mrs. Clarence Anderson and daughter, Linda Evelyn, are making their home in McHenry while Lieut. Anderson prepares to leave for Pacific duty. f couple has one other child, a girl. MARRIAGE LICENSES A marriage license has been issued in Chicago to Arthur J. Wright ol Ringwood and Angela Classy of Chicago. A marriage license has been issued to Evelyn Feffer of Crystal Lake and Lawrence J. Bartels, Chicago. CARD OF THANKS ASSISTANT FIELD DIRECTOR Miss Kathryn Kortendick, sister of Mrs. John Bolger of this city, who has been executive secretary of the Rockford Red Cross chapter for In this way I wish to express my i many years, is now taking special appreciation to those who sent me training in Washington, D. C. This cards, letters and who visited me 1 training will fit her for her new during my stay hi the Woodstock position as assistant field director hospital. MRS FORD HANFORD. She wil1l make country in an army camp the fourth woman in the ever to be appointed to hold such a position- - u"* . • •> '• <* FAMILY STYLE D I N N E R SUNDAY, AUGUST 19 - ;• • at ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH HARTLAND, ILLINOIS „ 1 -:m

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