Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Aug 1945, p. 9

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JVoluine 70 M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1945 ••I snwia B!rSS£&D - ... "i . (EDITOR'S NOTE: This neuspay-r . •^through special arrangement with the L ffashirz'on Bur ecu cf W'cr.tern Newspaper - Vnion at 1616 Eye Street, 1\. W., Hashing' ton, D. C., is able to bring readers this tceekly column on problems of the veteran 'k -' -tj g, and serricrmttn nr.d his family. Questions mav be addressed to the above Bureau and thav will ba answered in a subsequent column. No replies can be made direct fluid b>' mail, but only in the column tvkich vill appear in this newspaper regularly J Income Tax Problems It' V V» i P - - * •*. The veteran returning home after -.•t- his discharge will be wise if he consults a government ir.cor*.® t?.x crl- ^ lector to get straight on his income tax with Uncle Safh. »' Even though the veteran is confident he does net owe a tax, it would be well to get it straight from the internal revenue department. For most servicemen and women, the entire-1942 federal income tax was cancelled, but there were some ex- , ceptions. It is possible that if you paid federal taxes for the 1942-43 period, there may be a refund com- ' irig. Unless the veteran is a commissioned officer or had a private income, ho likely v.i'1 cvve no "income tax for the time: in service, since from iri3 there has been no tax on the first SI,SCO of annual service pay t or c 1 the government's contribution . to monthly family allowance. Neither is there a federal tax on mustering out pav, pensions or dis- " abilUy rptlrsment pay, gratuities, war risk insurance proceeds nor ."on the vc terns educational or re- ; habilitption allowances. Pricr vto"IS 13 the exemption, on annual pcy was granted only 'to er.lieted men and was $250 far. a single perscn ar.d $300 for a married person. If you owed income tax .at the time you went into service, you may be one of these who obtained permission to postpone payment. If that is true, then you have six months to pay-up after your clic- ' i charge. You may make applicat'on to pay in equal installments over a • . period equal to your full period of " service if you desire. If there w?re any taxes on real or personal properties unpaid at the time you entered service, there likely will be penalties added and interest charges. If the local courts per- V mitted seizure of your property for taxes while you were in service, you have, under the Soldiers and Sailors Civil Relief ect, the right to redeem it up to six months affcp fpu are discharged. , , . Questions and Aniwers « •. . Q. Is the w'fe cf a serviceman re- I ' quired to Include the amount of her ' allotment in figuring, her income tax? A. No. The amount is taxable income to the person making the allotment, in this instance, the husband. - Q. Where can information be obtainedon the number of battle stars . to which a soldier is entitled? A. Ordinarily the immediate commanding officer i3 the only person whto can determine the number of > battle stars to which a soldier on active duty is entitled. Q, Is the fairfly of a soldier hotiled if he is being transferred from Europe to the Pacific area? A. The war department informs us that if a soldier is being redeployed from Eurc~e to the Pacific, his family will be notified by the department ar.i the soldier will be given every oooortunity to notify the family of his change of address. Q. Ky son has started studying law in college under the GJ, bill of rights. He has decided I like law and wants to take •ess administration. Can he change his course? A. Yes, he is perfectly at liberty to change cpurses. Hd> is entitled to as much time as the law permits in colleges, regardless of what course be studies. Q. How do I get extra gas to drive the familjr ear when m tin furlough and how much gas can I get? A. Apply to your nearest ration board. Take with you the mileage record of the car to be used and your furlough papers. You will get a gallon a day up to 35 gallons. Q. If a woman served for eight months In the WAC and was honorably discharged is she entitled to wear - a laoel button and can she claim mustering out pay? A. The war department says if a woman was honorably discharged from the Womens' Army Auxiliary coi^ps she may wear the lapel button signifying such discharge. If she was discharged because of a service- connected disability she is entitled to mustering out pay and hospital benifits. Q. Must a boy register with his locr.l board on tf*e dav he becomes 18 or how soon thereafter? A. Yes, he must register (Hi his 18th birthday. In case his birthday falls on Sunday or a legal holiday, he must register the following day. Q. What members of a navy man's 'family are eligible for medical care? A. Dependents of a man in service in the navy who are eligible for medical care and hospitalization include his lawful wife, unmarried dependent children, adopted or stepchildren less than SI years old or dependent mothers and fathers. To Release 3V& Million iii Year U. S. Army Plant to Riduei Its Forces in Europe; Draft Will Stay. WASHINGTON. -- The arm* Hw announced its redeployment dem'o* bilization plans, including provMfiniii for discharge of about 3,503,COO mtii ir the next year. Officials indicated et the sawif time that draft caUs* would st&Y at the currcnt rate at about 100,090 men a mcpth for some time. ' ? The army its plsn piiWc after congressional sources, despite edrnohitiens cf sccrecy, ha<%-rt£ vea'ed dc-tHls given to the hpuse military affairs committee. CM Plans Vast New. Technical .Center a To Create More Jobs Through Research The war .dc^rrtircnt r tH-T were the primary points i: deployment plan: "We believe that a program whir'-' gives us an army of 6,968,000 in \12 months from now will provide tn adequate force to defeat Japan." (The armv's present'"strength b absut 8,300,000.) ' . About 3,500,000 men Will be returned to civilian life in the next. 12^, months. Of these, about 1.332.000 will be surplus troops and the rest discharges for physical and other reasons. s. About two-thirds of the combat units will come through the United States en route to the Pacific and will have furloughs. (Informally, it was said the furloughs would • run not more than 33 days.) , The larger proportion of service troops urgently needed in the Pacific will go theie directly. Shipping Prcb'em Cited^ " Transportation shortages, even with 800 transport p'.anc^ being used, will not get the last of the men who are to be discharged back to the United States befbre 12 months, the department said. The United States must transport to the. Pacific vast stores of equipment and supplies both from, the continental United States and from Europe. There are about 76 combat divisions in Europe at present, exclusive of hundreds of thousands c combat troops assigned to corps and armies and a huge force of supply and service troops. A detailed announcement said thai the joint chiefs of staff, made up ol the commanders of the army, UTILITY AND BEAUTY are combined in the overall design of the new General Motors Technical Center (as shown in the artist's conception above) which is to be built just outside the auto* mobile -center of Detroit with a postwar objective of creating "More Jobs Through Research." litis view shows the layout of buildings and connecting roadways around the central esplanade. The central lake will supply water for cooling as well as lending beauty. At lower left is the Administration building and at lower right the new Styling- Section buildng. Immediately above the latter is the Advanced Engineering building. To its-left and |ust to the right of the water tower is the Process Development building. At th& extreme end is the Research Laboratories building. Other build* ings shown in the drawing represent potential expansion. City Council Proceeding* 4 by Western Newspaper Union. , ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF THE TOWNSHIP TREASURER FOR PUBLICATION. Expenditure* Transportation of Pupils to and from School .$ Other Expenditures TWnsJhip 45, Range 8 East, in Mc- Henry County, Illinois, from July 1, 1944, to June 90, 1946. *r«*i • 1 '.-•" Ji .' , , Expend.i tures Administrators, Supervisors '491.25 and Teachers Salaries . 48.00 (Less Deductions) Stationery, Supplies, etc « " . Council Room August fi 1945 The City Council met in semin monthly meeting with Mayor .Overon presiding. AldermefF~*jpresent: Buss, Althoff, .* Ferwerda, Frsand, Regner, Tonyan. None. r , Motion by Resrner, seconded by [Suss, that the minutes cf the lest , : By VIRGINIA VALE. V " JIMMY CARROLL, young Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by J tenor who headlines his owri Tonyan, tha; the treasurer's report CBS show, "Jimmy GarroU.^^F™y^ r^d- Monon cer- , Sings," proves that the place to Motion by seconded by ' tS, • find good voices is in radio's F^und,1 that the collector's report <*rJ% Vocal groups. For five -: years. •' ear~ Jimmy sang in the Ben Motion by . Bu's^. seconded by* '"vi •..Yost, -Ray Block and Lm Murray Repner. that the clerk's report t»e -choirs; before that he'd.^een biiv- ; approved as rfftd. Motion carried.- 1 ing Women's wear for a big cliain .Motion'.by 'Ferwerda. .seconded ' by of department stores, and singing--Ai'hoff. that the following bills be for fun. Last fall, when James Mel- i>sl»d as apploved bv the finance jf: -ton was taken ill, Jimnrty "7" ~ -- TtBted, with only a half hour's re-.].;ovvai-d, ^salary28.50 hearsal. That brought him to the St-*; . ,tr \ir% f^ar-v j- Arthur .J. Smith, salary 132.6<> W. C. Feltz. salary 121.00 Earl R. Walsh, office expense 35.00 R. 1. Overton, salary 56.00 *. ? VY'illiajn H._Althoff. salary ^ 35.00 35.0^ 35.C0 - 35.00 35.00 35.0<> 104.40 30X0 50.00 DISTRICT FUND DISTRICT NO. 12 Bid*. ; Receipts Balance, July 1, 1944 $ 2,611.83 District Taxation 491.34 Other Expenditures Sale or Rent -of School Repairs and Replacements.. Expenditures 539.25 Li hraiies DISTRICT NO. 34 Janitors and Engineers Sal« • • BMg. vies (Less Deductions),.. Receipts • l-ud Balance, July 1, 1944 ;» 2,751V16 Water. Lijrht and Power .... Etxxpoeenndaintuurreefst , JanEixtoprrse ssS uapndp lieDsr, ayFargeeig h..t.,. •^ Health 64.90 Repairs and Replacements .. 48.17 pension Funds 150.0ty Federal Salarv Taxes ........ 414.50 _ Salaries, Janitors and Engineers (Less Deductions) ..$ Insurance .7: &429 26.43 10.00 15.00 96.35 . 36.02 8.49 i 6.70 6.75 43^0 98.03 Property .... 110.00 Edward J. Buss, salary Fr^d Ferwerda. sal iry ...... Georjre P, Fi-eund. salary Joseph M. Refrner, salary. Alfred Tcnyan, salary . Earl R. Walsh, salarv Pobert L. WeHer. salary Vcrncn J. Knox, salary • Mayme Buss, clerical salary, commissions Fpecial Sewer Fund, sewer service Math N. Schmitt, Compensation insurance ......... Hen J. Smith, haulinjr Frennd Oil Company, pas, oil distillate ard kerosene ........ Carl N. Weber, sidtwalk tention of his present sponsors-and ' R°n be^. J" ™urlwell. repairing hls radi0 Program has led to his be- < Martin stoffei;' 'la^r "at""cit"y ing pursued by the producers of; - two musical sl^ows His present pro- 'TheVdow WVnii'Clabir;i'rdtif gram replaces the Lyn Murray ; pp,.^ JIMMY CARROLL Total Expenditures Edc. Receipts "I JTotal . Expenditures $ 1,240.26, 677.5? • . DISTRICT NO. 156 I show, whose vocal directof hi once worked for! Rent Insurance - .l.«. Other Expenditures Repairs and Replacements.. Pension Funds Federal Salary Taxes Edc Receipts Balance, July 1, 1944 .... Distribution of Trustees District Taxation navy and air forces, after consulta- i All other sources tion with General MacArthur and j Admiral Nimitz, had arrived at a , Total Receipts preliminary estimate of the trcops and equipment needed to crush Japan in the shortest possible time and at the least cost in lives. "Our army is now 8,300,000 strong," the war department said. "Under the approved plan we are now engaged in working toward an army strength of 6,968,000 a year from now on. That will give us all the strength we believe we can deploy effectively against Japan and wiil also enable us to meet our occupation responsibilities in Europe and to maintain the necessary training and supply force in the United States." For Foreign Service. The department said that "every physically fit soldier in the United States who has not yet served overseas will be assigned to foreign duty when he completes his training or. if he is performing an essential administrative or service function, as soon as he can be replaced by a returning veteran." The number of troops needed for occupation duty in Europe and the length of time they will be there, the army said, "will depend on the situation in Europe and the nature of our international commitments." The planned redaction of 1,300,000 in total army strength, the department said, would not be sufficient "to permit the early discharge of all the men we consider should ,be returned to civil life" because of extended overseas and combat service. "Consequently," the annduncefnent continued, "it is planned to hold selective's^vice calls hereafter at a level above that necessary to replace men lost through battle and normal attrition and thus make Jt possible to release more men with ft record of long and arduous service. This procedure of releasing the j and Compui8ory Att. Sermaximum number of veterans and vices w • their return to civil life will permit , ^^Accounti'ng"^rthe call into service of those men £jces who have heretofore been deferred for one reason or another." Total Receipts 8,213.17 Expenditures Insuranoe « .'«9 Repairs and Replacementsu. 1,281.07 DTstrlbutidn 'of ^'TrusteesT."V~ 614'09 District Taxation _ , # District Taxation 3.964.60 ^ Other Sources Total * *r * 1,349.47 AU other Sources 27.00 m „ •• -r' DISTRICT NTO. 12 . I Total Receipts ' ! Total 'Receipts $ 5,169.03 . Expenditures i ... i Insurance _2qgn' Expenditures Other Expenditures ca Boards, Business Offitfes „ Repairs and Replacements John J. Vycital Hdwe rapplies ." ... jBldK. ^ E«lward H. Nickels, paint Receipts • ! Cecil B. DeMille has been with William H. Althoff Hdwe, sup- 68*4(> Balance, July 1, 1944 .$ 663.34 Balance, July 1, 1944 17,309.46; Paramount since its early days, and i P'ies 2,961.461 now, from August 26 to September ^ar?V Electric Shop, supplies 150.00 29, the studio will celebrate its H- E Buch & Son, repairing .$20,420.92 .$ 250.68 3,705.53 i 809.18 and Compulsory Att. Ser- ' New Grounds, ^Buildings and v*ces $ ^^0, alterations (NotRepairs) 227.09 13,471.30 51425 Administrators, Supervisors .$ 4 735.76 ar,d Teachers Salaries I (Less Deductions) j Stationery, Supplies, eto. .. Libraries '. 3,167.75 2,385.11! Expenditures i Boards, Business Officii. vrcesCOmPUlS.0.r.y...^.tt...^e^.$- 100.00 Janitors and Engineers Sal- Administrators, Supervisors j ^LeSs Deductions)... and Teachers Salaries . ! £,?*' "V':"uV ", " n" (Less Deductions) 1,896.80 Water, Light and Power Text Books A..?~ . •• 36.20 Janitors Supplies. Freifht, Stationery, Supplies, etc. , 83.62 and ... Janitors and Engineers Sd*i„ , r aries (Less Deductions) .. 400.00 g Expenditures Puel i 639.87. {*ePain| Replacements.. Water,'Light and Power 56.56 Fed«ral Taxe8 ».40 ^Total Edc. Receipts 168.30- 32.00 29.40 55.00 28.00 „ , . , 4 00 Receipt# ^ 7*20 District Taxation f 1,212.55 iQo'nn Other Township Tr^as- 340 00 urers - 1,212.55 ** • ToUl Deductions 1,212*5 Total Expenditures $ 3,868.65 DISTRICT NO. 86 DISTRICT NO. 15 I ! Rweipla ^ I 5*lar!ce'iu,y J- 1<M4 029.09 New Equipment (Not Replacement) 3,080.01 • . ' Total Expenditures $19,765.50 DISTRICT NO. 156 Edc. 91 nn Receipts qto ro Balance, July 1, 1944 $--2,738.79 err oj Distribution of Trustees ..„ 369.36 57.84 District Taxation 41,904.61 in qh Other Sources 2,187.71 io i j Reimbursements By State Board for Vocational Edu- 7.50 cation 1.. •. 14.00 1 296.45 Xotal Receipts :$45,146.77 * A i«n ik Expenditures ...f 4,loU.lo Boards, Business Offices "Third of a Century" anniversary So he speaks from experience when he says that Gloria Swanson was the most outstanding feminine star of all those he's directed, fie discovered her In a Mack Sennett comedy. Ginny Simms isn't too busy with her new picture--it's "Shady Lady," with Charles Coburn and Robert Paige -- to think about her new radio show. It'll be a half-hour show, taking over the Jerry Wayne spot. She'll continue giving a brock to ex-servicemen who were professional entertainers beftfre the war, but with only one on each program, and. will also have guest comedians. 47.39 75.00 45.00 38.00 39.70 16.40 625 20.40 lt.40 16.40 63.31 12.00 240.20 ' • ! 16.00 and Compulsory Att. Ser- . vices .$ Legal and Accounting Ser- . vices Administrators, Supervisors and Teachers Salaries (Less Deductions) 26,501.16 Stationery, Supplies, etc .... 4,352.82 Libraries 70.66 Janitors and Engineers Salaries (Less Deductions).. Betty Hutton collected afiout 40 3,423.88 different perfumes to take with her on that next overseas trip. She discovered on her Pacific tour that front • lihe G.I.s want to get acquainted again with the fragrances the girls they used to know are using. . --*-- "Policing Germany," latest RKO, "This Is America" release, was hydrants Tonvan Construction Co., digginjr. Waukegan street 1.25 Alexander Lumber Co., supplies ". Til The McHenry Plaindemler, printing and publications 2L40 Suburban Oil Company, patching material ---- 70.88 Buss Motor Sales, oil and repairing police car .--......... 86.10 Western United G. and E. Co., gas and electric U50 Illinois Bell Telephone Ok, telephone service -- SL34 Public Service Co., power and light i. - 198S4 Pittsburgh Equitable Co^ meters 808.40 Special Sewer Fund: Fred C. Feltz, salary 127.70 Public Service Co., power and light 53.58 Motion by Freund, seconded by Buss, to adjourn. Motion carried. R. I. OVERTON, Mayor. EARL R. WALSH. City Clerk. Balance, July 1, 1944 $ 2,151.12 .J^tion Fuel District Taxation 19.34 AJI 0ther Sources 27.72 Water, Light and Power jyil Other Sources 125.00 Total Receipts Expenditures Salaries, Janitors and Engineers (Less Deductions)$ Insurance Other Expenditures Repairs and Replacements.. Janitors' Supplies, Freight, Express and Drayage Insurance Total Receipts .$ 1,611J ...$ 2,295.46 . Expenditures Insurance 153.04 Transportation of Pupils to , Interest on Bonds ... ... 683.78 and From School ........... 832.70 Bonds 1,000.00 Health 150.09 6.50 449.68i DISTRICT NO. 36 Edc. Receipts Total ^Pj^diturw ........$ 1,^16.82 Repairs and Replacements. Other Expenditures 3,180.64 n,403.01 1,354.27 280.57 88.33! i 5,023.80! 34.50 1,333.06 380.31 1,109.87 2,753.001 107.80 . 1 Total Expenditures --.J$48^29.00 DISTRIBUTIVE FUN©- -- Receipts lutal Receipts 3,133.98 Income of Township Fund ..$ 74L25 „ - _ &pendlt«irjs From County Superintend- Boards, Business Offices „ ent- r 3,145.57 and Compulsory Att. Ser- From Other Sources .... 19.42 v>ces „.$ 33.00 Pension Funds Federal Salary Taxes Total Expenditures ^$ 638.87«- .^ Equipment (Not Re- DISTRICT NO. )* Balan^ July 1,1944 ...^^--1^76.59 placements) pj. Distribution of Trustees .^. 290.73 fr.TTi^t. District TWation 4,066.63 Balance. July 1, 19« ...m4«7.65 AU °lher Sourees * «»-21 Distribution of Trustees .... 1,321.93 District Taxation 17,670.69 Tuition of Transferred and Non-Hi Pupils Received .. 1,580.02 All Othef Sources .336.60 Total Receipts Expenditures ,.$31,346.89 Administrators, Supervisors and Teachers' Salaries' (Less Deductions) ...... Text Books Stationery, Supplies, etc. .. Libraries Janitors and Engineers Salaries (Less Deductions) - Fuel Water, Light and Power .... in . tree and tried to catch it. *nd Dr,y*^ - monkey evaded them, but when a Japanese stepped out of the dense foliage the mdnkey leaped into his ! Health arms. The Jap ran before the Yanks ! Other Expenditures Monkey Snubs Luzon G.I., ' Leaps Into Jap's Arms DIVISION COMMAND POST, LUZON, P. If - Pvt. Dalas R. Haycox, Fort Wayne, Ind., and two comrades at an outpost for the 43rd divi- Administrators, Supervisors and Teachers Salaries (Less Deductions^ Text Books 1690 Stationery, Supplies, etcfi..« Litraries , ' 106 00 "Janitor8 and Engineers Salaries (Less Deductions) .. Fuel IO 030 25 Water- L»»ht and Power 160 62 Jan'tors' Supplies, Freight, 422 80 IT Express and Drayage .„. -•32 7R Heailth " - Other Expenditures 1 491 00 ^ePairs and Replacements „ *879 44 Pens'on Funds 905 94 ^.^^ral Salary Taxes New Equipment (Not Replacements) Total 2,895.45 Incidental 34.93 Tnistees 20.60 15.58 107.50 2,909.80 185.76 Transportation of Pupils To* and from school could reach their weapons. Pastor Ignores Raised Eyebrows at Wedding BUFFALO, N. Y. -- Halfway through a wedding ceremony at church, the Rev. Albert G. Butzer noticed a change in the expression of the guests. No one made a move, however, and he continued. As he pronounced the couple man and wife, he turned and saw a Are behind the altar. A candle had Ignited a curtain. Repairs and Replacements, Pension Funds I Federal Salary Taxes 54.78 54.91 1,369.80 607.24 ' 100.00 61.75 $ 3,239.24 Expenditures ,. Expenses of $ 185.20 For Publishing Annual 20.00 Statement .... Compensation of Treasurer 377.30 Released to Districts .......... 224.40 For Treasurer's Bond ........ 222.45. •••-4. -- Total 4 3,239.24 48.48 -- TOWNSHIP FUND 48.60 , ^ Receipts 106.61 Bonds on Hand, July 1, 314.56 1944 ...'.....$ 3,636.00 103.90 Expenditures - 255.85 Bonds on Hand, June 30, 1945 $ 3,636.06 86.95 ' S. W. BROWN, -- •* v Township Treasurer. Total Expenditures $ 4,957.6$ Subscribed and sworn before me ^DISTRICT NO. 87 ' this first day of August, 1945. • Bldg. - • • -r. t r L. E. HAWLEY, Receipts . ^j' Notary Public. Cooking U Ont ot tiM Arte Cooldnf is one of te rweat of arts, tachidtaf such nnetlces as: Simmer: to cookm water thai is Just below boittai; PanbroU; to cook in a skillet on top of the stove, without added tat or water, and without a cover. Panbroiliag is ttsed to cook tender chops and steaks that have Cat of their on; Braise: to~brown meat in m Bttla hot 1st, than to cook it in steam, with or without added liquid. Ma and pot roast are good a*» of braising; Saute: to ban in a little hot fat over direct t, tuning it often so that it, data stick to the pan; Marinate: to let meat or cooked vegetables stead in an acid-oil liquid to improve ttw Bichjrd|T^,r: who'a r^Ucin,! «•*•»•« *?*• cheese, oy plain white sanra aad bake it in tbe oven untn H is a golden broil on top; Cream: to combine vegetables with a sane* made of fat, flour, milk, aad seasonings; ICince: to diop lood into flne pieces, so line that it Is 'Wi* a scuid maasf Baste: to moisten food erhile it is cooking, naing tkM liquid or gravy ia whidi it to oookad; Meat Stock: the liquid Jn vfaich meat has been filmed in a typical German city under American military occupation. It presents the problems of the police force, shows the critical food situation, and the steps taken to check the spread of disease. 1 % Dan Duryea, who has another of those vicious roles ia "Along Came Jones," still shudders at the memqry of his ftrst Broadway role. He played a G-maa ia "Dead End"-- aad opening night the property forgot to lead toe revolvers (tosh blaaks. So there were the Gmea, iavehred la a gaa battle, wtto I't ftre, and the anditeshent tuly 1, 1944 ..„......$ 2,105.4? District Taxation 1 7S Received from other Township Treasurers 204.05 Total Expenditures $17,955.29' DISTRICT N,0. 17 Bldg.. IReceipts Balance, July 1, 1944 ,-$ Expenditures Neat DISTRICT NO. 17 Edc. Receipts Balance, July 1, 1944 --^4 District Taxation Total Receipts ^otal Receipts 2,468.94 Expenditerea {Repairs and Replacements..$ im DISTRICT NO." 37 Edc. 9 Receipts Balance, July 1, 1944 ... Distribution of Trustees District Taxation Weather Man's Tools 1 Some of the instruments used ia 159*41 studying the weather include the barometer which records atmospheric pressure used in forecasting 788.61 Aft fll Received from other Town- 4otJ27 'hil> Treasurers Koeeipts .... 2,14L»»| occ cj, the weather, the thermometer for recording temperature, hygromaters and psychrometers for measuring humidity, altometers which 669.41 measure evaporation, nephoscopnps 68^01 which trace the. movement of the 791.35 felouds, and various gauges used ia , measuring precipitatkm and ereigb* 618^2 ing anow. , Baad the Want Ads ' John Charles Thomas on the air this summer, is a brother-in-law of Jan Peerce's, and at the moment the two are competing for the star spot on a new air show to be launched next month. Movie companies are also after Tucker -- he may be seen with Deanna Durbin, we hear. And he's been signed for lO ^gueat shots on the Chicago Theater of the Air, on NBC. --$--- j " " " " Members of the company of "Great Moments in Music" burst into applause at the end of a rehearsal recently. Karen Kemple had stepped out of the chorus to take the place of Annamary Dickey, who w& unable to make the rehearsal. Karen's op her way up! -- -- A haze enveloped NBC's studio A during a rehearsal of Eddie Can-! tor's summer replacement show, i "Wednesday With You," and some-! one called '{Ifire!" Before a small; panic could get bigger, a quick- { thinker in the control booth said,: "Don't worry, kids -- it's only the script." ODDS AND ENDS-Ou e fishing tri» Ray MiUmnd terns pretty promd when he ! m 16-pound MmfU tmrnm tkm his Muriel, putted m en 18 pounder. The encestori of Gel* Storm, Momogrem's rising star, were mmemg the first seven femilisi to settle ti Tease. . . . Sonny Tufts went te HeUyweod mmtk em il^inl werdrebe, bmt he's efcasva eilker toom e mniferm im pictures, or heem east m 1 mien steriee. . . . Rkmiu Fleming, whe mmde her debt* *i "jpiWiwy km eleedreie im mAWeme.\. . Jem Teteel hut mmat he e smhn is her_fal TIfcsl ia do 9mm" s fa* e hrk . Seeing Eye Host of the Seeing Eye d«^s Ok* German Shepherds, bttLaot all. Individual dogs of other oreeds, such as Dobermann Pinachers, Boxers. Labrador Retrieffers, etc., have been trained successfully. Both male and female dogs are trained ia this work. a toife, Impreve Lighting Many industrial plants are entering upon programs to improve lighting condition" to give better eye comfort to workers. Because of freedom from glare and good diffusion, fluorescent lamps are being used extensively to improve seeing conditions in factories. t Fort Iiarasste' •- Fort Laramie, "cradle of American civilization in toe West," waa too first permanent settlement to Wyoming. Fabulous Jim sad John Jacob Aster's : paay owned the post at times For 41 years after Ska life oral government bought It la fltf. It was the moM import--I o*i|* la tha settlement of tha WssL i ii A1 av ^ •:, . . . • • .. • " * .. . s2La. - A • 1,1 " 'j'

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