Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Aug 1945, p. 2

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****** RINGWOOD (By Mrs. Georsrs Shepard) The McHenry chapter of the Bestft" ern Star held a card party at the |S^_home of Agnes Jencks Wednesday with Mrs. Florence Larson as chatr- PW- tnan. There were twenty tables of I 1 toinochle, bridge, 500 and bunco. Sirs. Thall received the special prize W ••• r>nd prizes were awarded to Mrs. % George Haberlein. Mrs. Thall, Mrs. |? ' Downs, Mrs. Feiereisel, Mrs. Cart, Mrs. Sales, Mrs. Jepson, Mrs. Holly ^ :v*nd Mrs. John Kattner. A 1:80 >.m., luncheon of ice rceam, cake ? W and coffee were served. _ Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger alid children of Greenwood spent Tues- , evening with the letter's parents, ^ ' Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard. Mr. and Mrs. George Haberlein (spent Tuesday iif Chicago. . V Corp. and Mrs. Neil Harrison of .v -^':Fort Ord, Calif., are visiting the ,T_' yt-.- iformer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray- ' rC.Vwond Harrison. Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Charles E^>3»eet spent Friday afternoon in Mci Henry. . . . Mrs. Neil Harrington is visiting her niece and nephew, Shirley and j town, and repairing them« Bp ta a Johnny WaUrington of Libertyville substantial manner , J , the past week. Mrs. Herbert ffernam and ton, FIJTY YEARS AGO Jerry, of Morton, 111., and Mr. and We learn there is a prospect of Mrs. Carroll Farnan of Pekin, HI., a new general store being opened spent Thursday and Friday in the in this village in the near future. B. T. Butler home. We are not at liberty to tell more Mrs. Harry Ritter and children of at this time. Woodstock visited her parents, Mr. W. A. Cristy has just commenced and Mrs. Matt Welter, Monday. j receiving cucumbers at his factory, Mrs. Ait Lau and Mrs. B. T. But-land the receipts are something over ler were among those to receive i a hundred bushels a day and intheir nurse's caps at the graduation j creasing daily. exercises at the Methodist church in 1 Mrs. E. H. Walker and Mrs. W. A. Woodstock Sunday afternoon. j Cristy started on Monday for a three or four weeks visit among the Thousand Islands, on the St. Lawy a Mr. and Mrs. William McCannon attended a picnic at Wonder Lake Sunday. Lt. Virginia Jepson of Battle Creek, Mich., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Rose Jefceon. _ . Mr. Stanek ot Richmond, R. T. E. Lucas, J. W. Kimball, F. Lucaa, Butler and daughters, Helen Ruth M. Clark, V. Kimball and Mrs., C. Dixon with their families, spent Sunday at Pistaqua day. rence river. A. & Kimball, George Parks, H. Allen, B. Matthews, F. Bryant, F. Kimball, F. Vosburgh, N. FORTY YEARS AGO Many new brick walks have been laid about town. A great improve- .••S daughters. Helen KUU and Muriel and Mary Maxwell attend ed the ball games at Wrigley field, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and family spent Saturday evening in the Ernest Andreas home at Diamond Lake. Dave Raemaker of Somers, Iowa, j ment. The work of laying new conspent the weekend here with rela-j crete walks still continues. < tlves and friends. | Butter dropped half a cent on the _ Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and { Elgin board Monday--20^4 cents. S'lier husband, Pvt. Nell Harrington, in family spent Sunday with the lat-' C. B. Combs of Fort Hill has pur- - Indiana. i ter's parents at Algonquin. ! chased the Chris Kyriss property ? Mrs. Oscar Berg and Mrs. William L Mrs. John Vollman of Elgin iswest *f ^ railroad tracks. cCannon spent Friday afternoon, in visiting her sister Mrs. Roy ^tarri- MisS Carrie Rothennel is a new employee in the John D. Lodtz tailoring establishment. Miss Christina Buss will again teach school the coming season, having been engaged to teach the Lily Lake German school. Her position at the postoffice will be taken up by Miss Florence Granger. cHenry. son, for a few weeks. . . . G e o r g e a n d H a n e y A i p g e r o f M r a n d M r s X o < j d a n d h e r m o t h e r w'i Greenwood spw»t ^"4** ™ h r * of Woodstock spent Sunday in the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Ben Wajkjngton home. Mr* and Mrs. Ralph Simpson and Laurence and sons, Jbe ' eon Dennis of Evansville. Ind., and t»nd Will, and Mrs. Ella Kunz spent "Mrs. Lill Conway of Crystal Lake i Sunday with relatives at Fox Lake. Called on Mrs. Cora Kelley Friday I Mrs. Anna Tonyan returned home evening. i with them for a few da*y 's visit, ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frey of -. Blue Island spent from Thursday -Until Sunday in the Beatty-Low home. " Mesdames Rose Jepson, Agnes > \ Jencks, Chancy Harrison and George 1 j&hepard attended a school girls' re- . union at the McHenry Country club * Saturday. - Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kooistra and . children of Harvard spent Tuesday evening with her parents, Mr. and ^ V, firs. Alec Anderson. t v Mr. and Mrs. Edward Harrison, Alice and Marion Peet of Elgin, Mr. L \ ' "#nd Mrs. Glen Treon and Mr. and i 1 ftfrs. Henry Hinze of Crystal Lake, H!r. and Mrs. Charles Peet, Mr. and!of J. Wiedemann, has been treating Mrs. Walter Harrison arid son, Earl, j his building to a new coat of paint, , .. find Miss Edith Darb", Mr. and Mrs. j putting up new signs, etc., and the •. Raymond Harrison and son, Bruce, place now bears the name "Station > v Corp. and Mrs. Neil W. Harrison and j No. 1." , > "It. Lester Klintworth enjoyed a pic-1 The family of John I. Story took f- Jic in Walkington's Woods near1 possession of his summer residence * "Wonder Lake, Sunday. at the lakes on Tuesday, and will Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hopper and remain about four weeks. ' , {laughters of Chicago spent Sunday* E. Carpenter has fitted up a black- In the S. W. Smith home.. _ {smith shop, one door east of the .. - . Mrs. Chester Stevens of Spring . McHenry brewery, and is now pref? rove spent Friday in the Walter pared to do.all kinds of work in his ;Harrison home, ' j line. , Paul Collins of Arlington Heights j We underetand that G. T. Howe Vas a caller in the home of his contemplates putting a new roof on TWICE TOLD TALES - Items of Interest Taken From the Files of the Pleindealer of Years Ago THIRTY YEARS AGO C SIXTY YEARS AGO Roibt. Schiessle, at the old stand The front of the old "Tip" Smith building on Main street, now owned by Schneider Bros, of Woodstock, is receiving a new coat of paint. Butter on the Elgin board of trade sold at 27 cents per pound last Saturday. Jos. Leickem has gone into the photography business, having erected week and visitors over Sunday Monday were much impressed < the neat appearance of oar village in general. TWENTY YEARS AGO Jttvtrs serving in the court of record will receive $5 a day instead of IS. as has been the case in the past. Attorneys are of the opinion that with the new tew in effect better juries will result. Crystal Lake has been selected at the location for a new $100,000 theatre. A farewell reception will he in honor of Rev. M. J. IT pastor of «t. Patrick's, at the hall, Saturday evening at 8 o'elock. The well-known pastor is leaving for * sojourn abroad and will set sail in Bsptaiiibai Charles J. "Watrouae. of Chicago recently sold Bis cottage in the Wheeler addition. CASD OF THANKS I desire In this manner to express ^sincere thanks to the many lends and neighbors who sent me cards, gifts, flowers and who offered prayers for me daring my recent illness in the hospital. MRS. NICK M. JUSTEN. MODIFY SALARY RUL* • The bureau of internal revenue has modified its salary stabilisation rules to permit limited increases in Salaries, bonuses/ commissions, fees, incentive pay and other types of com-' pensation. The modification in accordance with a presidential order issued last Saturday, applies in all salaries in excess of $5,000 and to salaries below that figure paid to executives, administrators and professional workers who are not members of labor unions. . Wet Shoes Stuff wet shoes with paper and al^ low them to dry slowly. CLARENCE'S SHOP JOHNSBURG Place orders now for Bird Houses, Lawn Fnrnitnre, Trellises, Window Boxes, etc. Also have full line of leather goods, market and wash baskets, barn broom^ t|c. _ •' , CLARENCE J. SMITil Bonte 1, McHenry, 111- s parents, Rev. and Mrs. Collins, Sun-ihis buildings at |pay evening. . . . BUT MT DEAR! . . i DID .YOU NOTICE HER WIMDOW < Cadet Audrey Merchant of Elgin P' ; *pent the weekend with her parents, -Vfr. and Mrs. Ray Marchant. 1 ?»; \ Mrs. Charles Brennan and Helen Johnson attended a party at Keno-j ^iha, Friday. "• .1 Mrs. Fred Weiderich, Sr., and i - / idaughter, Mae, spent Wednesday at | i . Woodstock, j. Mr. and 'Mrs. Elmer Carr and fam- 1 » 51 / spent Sunday with her mother at iv , McHenry. ,1- - Miss Edith Darby of La Grande, :pl. 7 -Oregon, spent the past week with her T., - leister, Mrs. Walter Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jackson ud family, Mrs Mervin Christensen and ^ ' • son of Richmond, Mrs. Roland Jack. !^, ason and daughter, Cynthia, Mr. and !%-•---Mrs. Charles Frey and daughter, ' Jean of Blue Island spent Sunday in the Beatty-Low home. p r <t , Charles Carr spent Thursday in the 1 'home of his daughter, Mrs. Dewey '*• Beck at Arlington Heights. Mrs. Lester Carr and Mae Wled-, f-r - rich attended the Freund-Pitxen I :wedding at Johnsburg. Wednesday. Helen Borgeson of Hebron spent the weekend in the Walter Harrison home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiednch, Jr., and daughter. *Mary, returned home from a trip to Minnesota, Sunday. Roberta Lenard returned to heir home at Lake Geneva Friday froia a week's visit in the Jack Lenarfl. home. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and family were visitors at Crystal Lake 8unday. Paul Shadle of Mayo General hospital at Galesburg, 111., arrived home Friday for thirty-day visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wolf Shadle. Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and children of i ~ S^nlhS.TI",™"ir wit1' -- CLARENCE N1ESEN Mrs. Ed Bauer and daughter, Lu! Maybe they're talking /, about your Window shades, too. Now is a good time to look them over, and if they're not right let us put them in good condition. Eapto- «h*?... NO. Just look at this value. Ann, attended the 4-H achievement day at Woodstock Tuesday. The Happy Clover and Sunshine 4-H club girls held a hamburger fry at Buttons Bay Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sehrer and daughter, Mary Jane of Chicago spent Sunday afternoon in the ed. Bauer home. /The dedication of the Honor Roll will be held at 2 p.m., September 9. Wayne Foes began his duties at Montelona school on Monday. Roy Welter of Chicago spent the weekend in the Matt Welter home. Mr. and Mrs. Chancey Harrison and daughter, Carol, spent Sunday at Elgin and St. Charles. Amy Laurence and Bob Shueberg of Chicago spent Sunday in the Oliver Laurence home. _ Mr. and Mrs. Ed. ' Bauer spent Tuesday evening in the Fred May home at Spring Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Walter and son, Roy, spent Saturday evening in Woodstock. ' Ernest Shook and daughter of Belvidere spent Sunday in the Clayton Bruce home. Guy Alexander returned home from a two months fishing trip in Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. George Powers and family of Franklinville spent Sunday in the Sibre Whiting home. Granville Carlson of Maywood spent Sunday in the Clayton Bruce home. Among those from here to attend achievement day in Woodstock, Tuesday were Mrs. Clinton Martin and daughter, Ferrol, Mr. and Mrs. Art Hoppe, Mrs. Betts and twins, Mrs. Paul Walkington, Mrs. C. L. Harrison and daughter. Carol, Mrs. Ed. Bauer and daughter, Lu Ann, Mrs. Wilbur Benoy, Dorothy, Sam and Frank Smith. Pwl Walkington entertained NIGHT AUCTION 7:30 p.m., sharp Wednesday, Sept 5 At Oanlke's Bale Barn--Route 47--Woodstock, Illinois Charles Leonard, Auctioneer 75 HEAP 07 DAIRY COWS, EITHER CLOSE 8PRINaiRS OR FRESH WITH tiALF BY SIDE. FEEDER STEER8 CALVES ^ STOCK BULLS HORSES ^ BEEF CATTLE SHEEP BROOD SOWS AMD FEEDER PIQS YOU CAN BUY -- YOU CAM SELL -- m MM BACK COW POR MMIM MUM corr Ml HM If ACL UK MWSMNi CAM OT IT WIM M en*MS SI LmiMI tl Pedsr M. Jvstai Pvnttirt Mere Tel. M FARMERS: Call Tuesday and track will pick up your calves Wednesday morning, for fee of 50c per head. ALL C0H8IGN0RS PAID CASH DAY AFTER 8AU Call Woodstock 572 or 489 if yon have livestock to consign AU consignors make arrangements to get your livestock In, either th^ day before the sale or bring same morning of sale. i'erms: 25 per cent down, balance in monthly installments. ...1 to 16 months time at % of 1 per cent interest. Woodstock Commission Sales Co. lac. Phone 872 "1 t o T* XX 17 l* u x £1 Ej TIME TO COAT qualit ..ifc (Billy Belcher, Caller) LILYMOOR CLUBHOUSE Qk Route 12b, East of McHenry Sponsored By LILYMOOR PROPERTY OWNERS ASSN SATURDAY EVEM "SEPTEMBER 1 at 8 p. m. Music by the Original Broncho Busters, featuring yie Adams Brothers in 12 feet of Harmony Jitterbug Contest MM Watts Bumps-arDaipf SCHOOL OPENS NEXTWEE sttezt your boy off right with new suit. We have them in ei^ee 9 to 14 DUBATONE 69, nil pwsMil day <m iriiaefor izttarior Available in moat unlaw FINE PRIMER SUPER, ALUMINUM PMNT 65 ONE QT, [GAL . . » * • PINT . 19c 13.35 tuifacm bmm peinted that is afftbt eoeft f>eriaHy for GAMBLE'S 100% PURE PENNSYLVANIA OIL 70c M No finer oil is produced in America or in the world tkaa ChuaMe'a Permit Grade No. SIS Meter OIL Compare specifications with say oil ROOFING 90-lb. Color--Helio Jade ^ In Rolls $2.06 per roll Coven 106 Square Fe^ Insulate o »tiM attfiM with GAMBLE'S "Homeguard" This Week's Sped£ Fibre, Roof Coating and Bonded Roof Coating !: Tbe Friendly Store Telephone 459 am Authorized - Dealer West McHenry, Illinois ill..- A.l * . -ll'...t ' JUL*!*.. ... .« -V

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