Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Sep 1945, p. 1

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ifflWrtyapppsp S 'n ' -\| t* ;'",*|r v^ 4V /J 4 ,,1,A' . 1 ^ <*J:«.v-*k M*K!W*'4WB-*"„ y* • • -f- i Crf " ' " '"""""' " i" ' •*» ?"•'* "jffw «s%>| yt *' '*' t'-l^ ,.- ' <4 . '••>'•• ^ ...... " •*V - ?*>.. '* ' % «V^^'3.SG *'^«** *...• rv'..**' '• • .•'•' ..." * ,J ! - .*- -.' .V. J^.h.^~!2L!Z*L& jl £ v^\ Volume 70 M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1945 No. 17 < ' i5'i | CUSS OF '45 ENGAGES IN College, Business Careers And Service > Lives For Graduates SOLDIER'S WIFE DIES IN HEAD-ON COLLISION OF ARMY TRUCK, CAl About September each year ttte graduates of the previous year begin to feel that they are really grownups «nd "on their own." They see the Jeannette Mary Fisher, 21, wife of Lieut. Floyd A. Fisher of Schevelin, Minn., was killed about 4:30 o'clock on Saturday afternoon in a crash of their car and an army truck. The accident took place on Route 14, northwest of Cary Fisher and his wife werfe returning from Rhode Island-on their way] home to Schevelin; They were driv-i RINGWOOD HONOR ROLL DEDICATION ON NEXT SUNDAY Forty-One Names Are On Service Plaque From This Community DR. C. L. WATKINS, 55, WONDER LAKE DENTIST, DIED SUDDENLY SEPT. 8 The Wonder Lake community\was shocked on Saturday. September 8, 1945, to learn of the death of one of its most prominent citizens, Dr. Carl L. Watkins, 55, for thirty-five years a practicing dentist at 1555 W. TOth street. The Watkins had lived at Wonder Lake for 0the past eight years, where he also practiced. The deceased was taken ill suddenly on Thursday and was taken to St. Therese hospital, Waukegan, ing northwest when they collided^ with the truck driven by Sgt. Arthur f _ ... ..™r ... Allen of Fort Sheridan, who was > , *h® Ring wood Sunshine_ Girls And j where he later died. He was a memdriving southeast. In making the; *he Happy Clover club 4-H girls will 0f Dearborn Lodge No. 310, bend after going under the viaduct ?T a* ® ?r!n?r' A. F. A A. M., Englewood comman- ,;E^i »»etw 1 near the Jones honey stand, the armyjwoof H<>nor Roll which they built as dery, No 59, K. T., the American 5?. S,!? truck swerved into the path of the a clul> Project next Sunday. The 19*^1 a MARTIN STOFFELS FIFTY SEPT. 4 2 <tid a year ago, and realiz/e that they no longer belong to an organiced group but must begin to make their waf alone, encountering a great deal of competition on the /Way toward success. •*s* „ , v One Of Four Couples In Family To Observe Their Golden Wedding September 4 was a happy day for Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stoffel of Pearl street, for it was then that they observed their golden wedding , • . -- ajMwiatt^*"honw^',^em-} family and close Fisher car, according to state police.1 money was raised by the girls from ber of the niinois St&te Dental so- . , to °^T congratulations Reports indicated that the Fisher I £e*Cr»P til CHy and the. Chicago Dental society.**^ couple on this momentous oc. car was so demolished that it was °* time, and represents the: Survivors include his widow, Ger- j • 5! e . . 0 .. , Wd to Sliev^ that Lieut FisheJ ^ and ^irls from that community; trude, a son. Capt. Raymond H. Wat- . On September 8, the couple was Scaped dSth However! he( was in who are servin«f their country. Dedi- kina. » dentist with the »rmv »ir honored at a surpnse open house a sthtoropwpend about 120 i«i unuic u |. starting a.ft o2 p_._m . Tme. ge„n, eral public ; c--ag'o . RECEIVES COMMISSION serious condition The car wasjcation wiU ** held on Sunday» S«P*; forces at Shreveport, LaJ and a sjsJ at .J. Mary's-St. Patrick's school nous COndIt,°n- f^ufjj.^ltember 16, at the Ringwood park, !ter. Mrs. Frances I. Sherman, Chi- hf,ll< ,with more than 200 guests m uejure u, C|aPf;„„ •>«- 9 iv> <.<»u>nii niiKii*' attendance. The evening was pleas- » Along with these thoughts comes one of loneliness as each member of( ^ the class goes his or her own way. | sl°fT?*a" .i, _ , .. . i is invited. . " ° ' jv"q"' Vll. LJJ at o | antly spent in dancing and singing. knowing they will never meet again! With Sgt. Allen was Herbert Ship- T. ..J ,„I. ;..Services were held at 8 o clock on Martin Stoffel ad Elizabeth Rosing, «s a group7 One member wonders I man, also of Fort Sheridan. The fr0 T r!;eth PerOfcCl To tT pfrk iS both of Grant township, were mar- Where another is, what their plans j truck they were driving was towing! [™m t™e " uSa iiiioS^s dU- nL of ried on September 4, 1895, at St. J|re and how they are progressing, [another army truck. Neither man|charged servicemen and men on fur- 64^1 q Ashland avenue and at o Eet?rs ^hiirch, .wew uonaon, conn. ianre crowus mrougnoui me While the following list may not jwas badly mjured- . Hough. The program'will be asp.m., on Wednesday froro^the home °.StPhi, Rh®de . pff^wting.; an ensign at ceremonies held& there ful fa11 da>". among them the " - " +fe^Sr=--i22=«IV«-"-SAJM 'n®»^ T.h?>* set UP ^ekeeping in Big!last week. Both Ensign and Mrs. With the customary a CHICAGO LAD LOSES LIFE JN BOAT ACCIDENT i : Arnold Dubow. 10. Pies Of Shock After -.One Leg Is Severed The end of a perfect day suddenly '; r , 'took on an imperfect and tragic end- ' _ W ing last Sunday when fate transformed the beautiful Fox River into ".V' a death trap. It seemed impossible | j that death could be associated with •' ! (the lovely serenity of the water on i which fell the last rays of the day's sunshine, and yet in a few short minutes an accident occurred which ! resulted in death. Arnold Loren Dubow, 10 years old, died of shock in the Woodstock hospital at 9:15 o'clock, just three hours after he was removed from the **- Tfc absolutely accurate, information Was gleaned from friends, Relatives •nd classmates and will probably be tiie last resume of the' Class of 1945. , Carl Adams of Johnsburg is entering upon his second year at X*ake Forest, having started in the late winter, 1945. Roman Bauer has spent his summer helping on his father's farm south of McHenry. The very thankless job as member of the ration board staff in Woodstock Was the choice of Shirley Bienapfl, Who carried out her work efficiently despite critiscism of the public. Donald Doherty has followed in tlis? footsteps of both his father and ancle in carrying on two jobs, helping on the family farm and working ill Bolger's drug store. Richard Freund, ^oo, has aided in farm work at home during the past three nonths NEWS ABOUT OUR SERVICEMEN LOWELL WALKUP McHenry friends are proud of the. recent commission received by Lowell! riyer following a boat accident. Walkup at the Coast Guard Academy, Boat races on the river had drawn Peter's church, Volo, with Rev. New London, Conn. Lowell was made large crowds throughout the beauti ~ Dubow toy- abandon- Progran Call To Order--Dorothy Smith, senior vice-president. Presentation Of Colors--Legionnaires at Wonder Lake. Interne* was in Hdfow. twenty*-! Walk^hkvebSn WsiSg «lativ?s i m^t of" Jo*h. \h. lid/ d^^^a Greenwood cemeteryy". ' five vpars During that time * Mr.1 and friends in Woodstock and Mc- small boat with Evinrude motor, rode McHENKY NAVY NURSE .nd 4-H senior •^dSSTciS IS ON TEN-DAY LEAVE Harrison, and junior Charlotte Hogan. Invocation--Rev Collins. president, ENROUTE TO OKINAWA Lieut. Elsie Regner, looking as tim"°ta".„™tage°hTS MrvTce. ta'tK "jfhe^H^GW. S°>"1 i„ „„r to McHenry in 1921, .,«.ing up a po»l-war^period i, "Bob" Rich.rd.oj,, Pledge 0j AI,egianc_Alldrey An-!« 'reTen^WIX - »Twnr 'SLT'JZ five years. Stoffel carried, on his work as mail ] Henry but wiil soon go to the west back and forth, sometimes too close carrier for nine years and at the coast, where he will be assigned to to the speeding boats. Fearful same time took an active part in duty. lc»t he would be hit. witnesses warn civic affairs. He served for four •years as township clerk and as school director for thirteen years. The couple and their family moved son of Mrs. Jennie dreas, junior vice-president. ™.a e . Richardson, i "God Bless America"--Led by His eighteenth Martin birthday was on1 Remarks--Card Harrison. Wednesday, he Xalk Captain Pagles, Illinois Reserve was sworn into | MUjtia. the merchant mar-! Talk ^ Sweeney, County 4-H me on Thumdayl Leader r , and left for active Talk F1^ Cooley, McHenry Post duty on _Fnday. Commander. .! a ten-day leave enroute to Portland. to their present home ; Oregon, from where she will leave Both Mr. and Mrs. Stoffel are in by either ship or plane for the Paci- £°°d health at the present, Mr. Stoffic> ! fel stating he is feeling bettet than Lieut. Regner has been at the, he has in many years. *\T Chelsea naval hospital in Massachu-i Their seven living children were setts for the past three months/ ab*e to be with the couple on their where she has been in charge of a golden wedding day. They are Frank department containing 437 patients!0* Waukegan, Mrs. Josephine Stanley morning. It was Reading Honor Roll Names--Muriel who have returned from overseas. ®t home, Corp. William of Strat- She has betn instructing these pa-1ton. . who recently returned tients in psychiatric nursing. from^duty in India, Mrs. Celia Han- EVEN IN PEACE OVERSEAS GIFTS MUST GO EARLY I Christmas Parcels Should Be Mailed Sept. 15 To Oct. II -- ed him to stay near shore. i The accident occurred rafter the Is 'jj races were over, about 6 p.m. Curt j Tyke, who resides at Bluff Lake, . J, was about to return home following . > k. j the races when his boat and that ' | oif the Dubow boy collided, resulting in the latter being torn almost in half. Tyke and a companion «aid . # they did not see the boat until a £r moment before the accident, when | It was too late to swerve. ,1 " The young lad, whose le<r was ." ^ M almost completely severed by the 4'•-i' prcpellor blade several inches below t'1 ^ the knee, managed to swim until - " ' y , J Tyke picked him up and took him *$jj to shore. There he was taken into *' >• a nearby* cottage by members o£v'.«f.^\-S The tonmer McHenrv ffirl admits 'et West McHenry. Sgt. Henry, home I With peace in the air and thoughts, the fire department and a physician that when she began her study of a^ter serving in Europe, Isabel and | °'^ hristmas, 1945, being celebrated! and the leg was treated until he nursine several years a«ro she had Dorothy at home. The eventful dayi*lth loved ones gone so long, it is!could be removed bv ambulance t« 1 no idea that her work would be car- i WHS the first time in twelve years PT^ .wThe„^!ntxT°C-CU!!^1 tried on under , - , -j , . sleepy young: Butler and Phyllis Bruce. Esther Freund has been employed !Ta" i i? * »us ^re a^u Benediction--Rev. Dickson. .. V , *reunu naa own empioyea 4 o'clock and left for Brooklyn, New !v„iu PiHncr nnH r«n« C*% IP p- K*rls Cafe since early m the 1 York. for a six weeks' trainine 1 y ^ and TaP8--* Ke" •nmmer and she expects to continue I ^ W training | s ^ _ io this work. Glorice Freund hasjp ; Echo Of Taps--Robert Freund. fceen living a leisurely life but ex-j , . w V.. "0>ar, ! Retiring of Colors. Ccts to seek employment after i i Members of the local American Le- i tions or in such i» lping her family move into Johns- j !®"*° "°m *-«*rn8» u»n, 10 oan; gion present to pay Okinawa. However, sue .» c»8c. - -- . ->r k. i* t 1 u 1 _ ' . „k ... fcurg in the near future. Junilla !Franci#co* ' tribute to the future Legionnaires, be on her way to the Pacific, where and Gertrude and Joseph, who pass- home by next December 25. To be ptp the leg below the kn«e, but the Freund has been employed, to do I •••• ! Rinewood men who belonir to the she knows many of the boys for ed awav in their youth. sure, many of them will, but there! little fellow was not able to with- Clerical work in1 Chicago, while Mar- Richard Freund of Clinton, OkU- IUinoi8 Reserve Militia are Pfc. whom she has cared in naval hos- j Mr Stoffel has two living broth-; J^lbe theYrr^es^or^cu^atioJboth afte^wa^ iaret Freund has been aiding her lwma, has been visiting his perents,; H d j d WilHam D. Han. pitals have returned. She is enthus- Henrv of Volo and John of * Iat,°fP afterward. ----•- **- * ~ V5«i, «« i--v« » - - - - - rMtic in her work and can well bg West McHenry. Mrs. Stoffel has in Europe and in Japan. 1 Arnold was the son of Mr. and proud of the patriotic service she is three brother* and four sisters, John : A reminder that we must, even, Mrs. Nathan Dubow of 927 Argyle such exacting condi- that the soldier brothers had met. of shopping for our soldiers and jn front 0f the Herman Nye resih far awav places as1 Three of the Stoffels children are «ulors^ overseas. Each of i»s is I der>ce north of the city. rCeTvCeIVr sAh,Le5 1is8 _ Ce€a1 eJJC e rA tWo deceased•. Rose,» who died in 1929. ?KNuMreA TW NE'oVLu r HAseMrvMicWem »a>nR wTilAl KbAe ; It was 1^f--o und nec4eks.s ary to k«a4n t4rKa-. mm. Krents in the operation of Freund's j the Nick Freunds, while on leave. iiry. ' Three of the girls, Dorothy Freund J George Frisby arrived home last Berg, Earl E. Harrison, Gerald C ford, Walter E. Low, Pvt. Roland A. Bauer, Ruban B. Blauer, Leland K. rendering her country. Carolyn Hay and Irene Holt, have j week from overseas, where he has Hergott, Robert E. Low, Eugene J. Chosen the big city in which to fol-; been located for many months. He Miller, Jerome L. Tonyan and Walter CORP. HENRY A. REESE Ipw their careers, all three doing is the son of the Robert Frisbys, Sr. g Wilcox. Those now serving who JIVPOT.T.ET) AT ARMY «ecr«'ta ri'a 'l wor1k . were members were John Doherty ftUUbfii/ IL* AZVOT, I LaVrerne Hobbs has kept ' busy, feting as bookkeeper at the Hester j ed to Reno, Nevada, after spending Oil station. Bob Jensen was em- a furlough with his wife and parployed at the Plaindealer office ents. His brother, Staff Sgt. Erven tintil the latter part of June when! Erber, has been transferred from lie entered the army and volunteered Sioux Falls, S.. Dakota, to Clovis, his services with the paratroopers. ! New Mexico, and another brother, Julia Knox has been helping out 1 Lieut. Elmer Erber, from Palm Corp._ Wilbert Erber hits return- and Frank Martin. Honor Roll CHARLES ACKERMAN, JB. JOHN ADOLPHSON - ROBERT ANDERSON RAYMOND BARKER GORDON BERG - T v , CARL BETTS, JR. At home this summer and has no : Springs, Calif., to Seymour Johnson !--jr A RL BETTS UNIVERSITY. ENGLAND •ther plans for the immediate fu-1 Field, N. Carolina. •ure. Donald Kennebeck is. also at 1 -t- 1 r. -- Ikome at present but is waiting for! Herman A. Schmitt has been transiis call for duty with the merchant j ferred from Clovis, New Mexico, to marine. For a short' while he was' March Field, Calif. jfmployed by Charles Herd rich. Nor- . -- pian Knaack recently finished his; Gene Adams and Arnold Blake, koot leave at Great Lakes. [both veterans of Pacific duty, Were Betty Kramer did bookkeeping for: given their honorable discharges the her father at the Kramer Boat con},- j last of the week.- pany in Fox Lake until August, when she became a telephone opera-1 Glenn Draper was given his dUtor in McHenry. Dean McCracken,! charge from the army at Fort Sheriftike so many boys in his class, joined | dan the past week* the navy soon after graduating and WILLIAM BRENNAN HAY CRISTY, JR. KENNETH CRISTY, JR. NELSON CRISTA" JOHN DOHERTY ' JAMES FLAN NIG AN : ZANE GREY ' ' Gerald haas ,NEIL HARRINGTON FRANK HARRISON NEIL HARRISON ANDREW HAWLEY VIRGINIA JEPSON RICHARD KELLY LESTER KLINTWORTH •fter completing his" boot training CONVERT CRYSTAL LAKE FTHEL KROHV was sent to San Diego. I riTkTTWmV PT TTR INTO A 1 FRANK LAMBERT Mary Grace Murphy is one(of the?WUW1KX UIJUJS A , JAMES LAWFRENCE Jew in her class to be packing her NSW BOARDING SCHOOL RUSSFL LAWRENCE trunk departing for college. £he, 1 -MILTON LAWERENCE ynll leave next Sunday ,for CliKton,; At the ginning of this year, the! JACK LENARD - CHARLES MARTUI FRANK MARTIN - . ALVTN MILT.ER T.oROY NEAL BURL RINKENBERGER DAVTFL SrHMTTT ROMAN SCHMITT JOHN SHADLE Rosing of Volo, George and Frank this year, cpntinue to send our [avenue, Chicago. They had per- : v of Ingleside. Mrs. Mary Stoffel o? j Christmas gifts early, comes this (chased the Olsen cottage about one- Volo, Mrs. Minnie Dalzeil of Ohio, week from the postal authorities, quarter mile north of the city and ^ Mrs. Margaret Hucker of Ingleside1 who have experienced many hectic1 were snendinp the weekend here and 'Gertrude Rosing of Ingleside. . weeks in the past few years just j when the accident happened. The An unusual fact concerning this prior to the hojiday. bey's father^ is associated with the ,Ji eold»n wedding i<< that Mr. and Mrs.' Christmas parcels for army per-;® * D Distributing comjaany, a t TT TT . . . . Stoffel are the fourth couple in his' sonnel overseas must be mailed dur-' sporting goods house on Fullertop ^ - The US Anny University Center in , f„miIv to celebrate such an event, ing the period beginning Sept. 15, < »w™e. j ^ J England,^ designed to give soldiers a njg brothers and their wives. 1945, and ending Oct. 15, 1945, the I The body was removed to the *< chance to get college instruction the ,ate Si|||or, Sto(fel and Mrs. Stof- earlier the better. Parcels destined' 5*rt»a"*> * MiUer funeral home at whi e waiting to return to the United fp, Mr and Mrs Nicholas stoffel and lor delivery in China, Burma, India, 3021 Lawrence avenue, Chicago, ^ States, has started its first semester Mr and Mrs Nicho,aR Strffe, arH the Midd,e East and islands in the, ^here ^rT,c,es were held on TueseRhnven^ ham with an enrollment °* \r^ j,ni Mrs, John Stoffel have ail Pacific should be mailed as early as j day. BUrial was m West I^WH - 15,611 students, including Corp. Heni> 0^=^rXp;|. si^'^r , possible during the period stated, be- ( c^metery. o t> «nrv. ^ Present jjp'.h 4he cr>upi« «t cause cf the distance involved. j" • "** Ir^--1ebr«t;->n Bit'^Hnv U-.VP HK- During this period requests from SERGEANT IN CHARGK nnd fric^Hs frnm Wanker". the addressees art not required in Q|P ffTB PlfiTfTf! TTMTT before entering service. His wife- K ^Gueste'lnd^ ^ mr«Sl?amr | AWARDS, DEOORATIOMB ! A. Reese. 30, of MeHenry. [. Corp. Reese, a member of the-44^ division, is studying commercial art. - He attended Chicago Art Institute Mi'w-"iV«»e Zi^n. Arlington Heights connection with Christmas parcels semce. wife is Antiorh. Guests included Henrv mailS to ar^y personnel. Ea?h gift {the former Mildred Thompson of ^ M Minri- Dalzeil, ^ ^rkS ^hrstmas Arjthwc't^ A selection of 300 courses broth„ and 9ister of the COUole, e2l» ^ lis offered in the fields cf liberal arts. whA ^ man and brides. cel- , science, engineering, fine arts, journ- M fiftv venra airo. ^ . x"»« C™ alism, education and commerce. The cou le jg eratefu, to the many Christmas cards for army; per- Each student is allowed to ^register frien(ls an^ neighbors for kindnesses °yeJ\eB l s u m*y ^ m®1!®*1 at . , - lor three courses, and his hours of unw.v,r v;pw the any time but they should be mailed, has been promoted to technical ser- "Instruction will be equivalent to a t " . -j--: 'tin_ „.h:ch tu0Jr, before Nov. 15, if they are to arrive, geant with the Sunhusters P-38 summer semester at a civilian in- . , , - w •« stoffel 'n t'me 'or *he holidays. The war, Lightning Fighter Group of Brigastitution. Courses are taught '<>r ^^^^L^uraf th^ the ^ian^d department advises that greeting dier General Earl W. Sarnee lMi the most part by civilian educators , . , • . contributed were cards must be sent in sealed envel- Air Force Fighter Command. He is from the United States, authorities w|"c" the hi£h esteem °Pes and P«P*W «t the first-class administrative non-commiasioMd ofin their respective fields. -- Ja.f where she has enrolled at Mount 0rder of Friars Minor Conventual,, » /°^eRe" K ai? yn . ^Je s having received the approval of His has beer dividing her time between ;Exceliency> The Mbst Reverend John! McHenry and Elgin, where she has j Boylan, D. D., Bishop of Rockford,; been residing with a relative^ while ^ through Us Provincial, the! fcer sister, Charlene, has been^ help., v ^ ReVerend Cyril Pita, the ex-i jng^m the William A. Nye house- ten/iye B8tate and buildings of the Hold. 1 former Crystal Lake Country Club. ^ t Mary McAuley has been employed gince then restoration and alteration PAUL SHADLE *t.11 Bo,*5r 8 drug store, where she work hag reshaped the buildings intoi HOWARD SHF.PARD Will continue to work, and her close an ^u^tional institution. ; CHARLES SMIT^ . been iho me during the summwleutLf will «I 'TThhee nneeww^ sscchhooool Lk^noowwnn jwas Ssaainn t . VINCENT TONYAN pAUL w ALKWGTON **oan begin a nursing course at Cook Ma,Ts Mi,no^ u o Coant, hcpitaLChrawo. ! E'^llency^fhe™^; Revftrendf John I IMPORTANT FARM MEFTING Beth Sears Supervisor t)f Music At Watsek* fj HEADQUARTERS, 1STH AIR *"'•* 1 FORCE, PHILIPPINES -- Harry C. > Schnai nan, son of Mrs. Georgia L. Schnaiiman, 2517 Winnemac,Chleago, - -4 ••m in which the couple is held. V-5 PILOT TRAINING f (IS STILL AVAILABLE rate. Since navy, coast guard and marine corps personnel may receive parcels without a request at any time fleer in charge of awards and decorations In his milt. His "Jungle Air Force" group has fought the Jape in air battles from of the year, it is not the policy of Guadalcanal through the Philippines the navy department to encourage! to the French bido-China coast. He the mailing of parcels, during any holds the Asiatic-Pacific campaign - " " The ribbon with seven battle stars and _ _ «» »».»««.. navv suggests, mail not. later than the Philippine Liberation with one ed to learn that his daughter, Beth, Board in the Board of Trade Build- n^ Jt iR noi. .aier ma ^ After graduating from the Mc» Friends of Walter N. Sears of FOR 17 AND 18-YEAR-OLDS Harrington, former music director in ' | the local high school, will be interest-; The naval aviation Cadet Selection | j* sirests mai] not i-ter | oSter l^ not later has assumed her new duties as in? has announced that processing] . . ANER RBOUVUIK IROM WE n,u.ic supervisor of the W.ts.k., „f 17 .nd 18-yj.r-old, for V-6 pilot; ChnstmM ^.rcl. for .jl o.^.^, school. s»t- 111., schools. She is in charge of training has been started, in ac- P*"®1?"®1 in fenjrth Schnaitman attended the University the band, orchestra and choral groups cordance with new quotas established >n weight or ;„ u»L>, fnd of Illinois at Urbana, and the Cenof the high school and band and or- since the cessation of hostilities with or thirty-six inches in length a Y. M. C. A. College in Chicago, chestra of the grade school. Wat- Japan. Examination procedures ^ out that Before entering service he was aa jseka is a city with a population of this outsUnding program are .much j apartments have accountant with the Kraft Cheese "8,700. With a master's degree re- the same as those followed prior to members of the armed company, ceived last June, Miss Sears has V-I dav. i*mply ?r?uided ! excellency, tne most neverena oonn « inruni^i r «ivra . ai„ weeks of summer school studv Imn .c uo.n. tinuing this-^program, the ing and the public is urged ^ to fiar Raiily _ v /"7 J. Boylan, D. D., Bishop of Rockford. j Farmers of McHenry county and , doctor's degree to her navv is offering young men an op- include such matter in gift parcels. John Mqier^as-another The first school term began on Sep- others who are interested, are m- a egTee ! pcrfunity to obtain the finest of Boxes going overseas should be Burned Last Monday tember 10,.with the ninth and tenth vited by Farm jAdviser^^W.^ Bet^ wijj be remembered by many aviation training, valued at $27,000. - stronger than containers used for Great ^des of'the high schoo! department, meus, to attend a livestock market- Mc^enrv folks for her frequent It will equin youths, with ah excep-^parcels which do not leave the McHenry firemen had an* early ^ -J*kes. Mary Ann Noonan has en-; mg outlook meeting Wednesday „= „ -- v-- IL^ knowledge of aeronautic? that shores. All articles should be packed ^ing-^Hto the Jacob Schaefer 0 'tolled as a Freshman at Rosary j ACCIDENTAL f>EATH college. Both Terry Phalin and Dol- A verdict of accidental death was at the Circuit Court room in the jores Peisert are employed to dol returned by a coroner's jury last Court house at Woodstock. _ secretarial Jwork in Chicago. ' Thursdav in the death of Frank * In^crmation on livestock prices in WOOuFtOCK AlTpOFt Charles Page became a serviceman ...... Visits ,here and as a member of the tinnal knowieoge oi aeronautic? wiai snores, ah arwcies suou.u morning •L ^ local city band. will be invaluable in the post-war in boxes of metal/wood, solid fiber- home on Court street on Monday ot tho r,rn,„t r«„rt r«nm ,n fh- world. particularly in a world that I board, or strong double faced corru- when fire broke out in their garage. is certain to become increasingly j gated fiberboard, truck and car inside the buildinif Charles Page became a serviceman i Topel, 40, who died shortly before the coming months to be presented Ooened Last Sunday. only two weeks ago, having joined; noon the previous day of injuries hv Processor R. C. Ashby, chief of - tne merchant (panne. Robert Peter- sustained wheh he fell from the livestock marketing. College of Ag-1 „ „ t. L h" I? " "S y" roof of the casting room ,t the nature, .nd « KpresenUti.e from 'h?u U^H,K tod Ing emered service, jvhile Vivian: Electric Auto Lite plant. He was the Chicago Producers Commission ,ast Sunda> v.ere surpnsid to find more "air minded.' COMING EVENTS Sept. 14 Each box should be securely tied were almost completely destroyed with strong cord, preferably by two and the interior of the structure badseparate pieces, two lengthwise, knot-Jly burned. # ted at crossings. Boxes should be Neither the car nor the truck had cushioned to prevent any rattling or: been moved durine the day. Fireloosenng of the article within. ' men expressed belief that jfije .was All fiberboad boxes should be caused by a short inv the wiring of 'wrapped in heavy paper and 'tied as the car. ^ > Peterson and Shirley Patzke, chums ^^Vthe'ovS C^st^:XVdlttoT the ^ Legion Auxili^nsllllatlon throuphcut their school days, are tion company, with whom he had should be especially important, be- crowded, with cars parked to l»th Legion Auxihary InstaHlation. Bob6Richardson imd^James StiTRnjr ^ee" workin« for the past twenty cau^..of u^rtataties. of present Jhe^curi^itv of . such p^sershy. may Circle 1, W. S. C. S.-Mra. Fred i suggested before "and after apply- «re £o.h --> w^wT " *•«« «>• T"'1 Heide' iH - . . I father OfUiss Margaret, -v former in the merchant marine 1 : -- _ war to a peac oa because for the first time flight in- September 20 ( A total of 82,000,000 Christmas |%»«___ ryj__ i_ fJhiftaiTO Gladv« Stilling is employed in Chi- i George Whiting helped with work on struction. airplane rentals and pass- C. D. of A.--Social Meeting. packages were sent overseas last " wu® ui cago" commuting each day with sev- the farm until August, when h»,| • ~ J ' ,, • 0. « j-eneer rides were available to the W. S. C. S--1 O'clock Luncheon. • year. In view of this, people are I -- eral of her friends. entered the navy. At present he is AmOnST tnCL SlCK public.' Instructors from Waukegan September 23 - asked not to send gifte if there is McHenry friends extend theiij sym- Along the line alohabetically WJ stationed at Great Lakes. ! ^ ; were in charge. P. T. A. Public Card Party--St.; reason to believe the soldier or sailor ;pathy to Miss Margaret OX^ra com" to Henry Schau, Dick and i Virginia Ziolowski has been^oc- ! If the demand is sufficient, this ! Mary's-St. Patrick's School H^l-- is on his way home. . i th%detL n» L1IS Paul Schmitt The former is em- cupying her time at the Villa Club, service will continue in the future! 8 p.m. -- I John uuara, »», wno p»i^«u ®w«y raui s>cnmitt. ine former is where she has been adding Miss Polly Kuby ( of West Mc- on a two-dav a week basis. i September 24 I last wwk. Miss OXJara w« a for- - - . ... . " ,0. BJ. S. • • ( j Births er teacher ,n s school. ployed at the Ringwood Chemical Relbrt, where she has been adding Miss Polly Kuby of West Mc- on a two-day a week basts. Plant. Dick Schmitt is in the navy at | her bit to that of her family in the Henry unedrwent surgery at Sher- • San Bruno, Calif., and Paul has operation of the business. man hospital Elgin the past week. - LEdOX AUXILIARY # ;SeP.t. 25 been helping out on his parents' Seven members of the graduating Cornelius McDonald of McCullom The next .meeting of the Auxiliary Public Dessert-Bridge--K: of C. Hall fair ror'h of McHenry. Elaine Schaefer is the second from the class to be hailed as a "hello' class entered service before gradua- Lake suffered broken bones in an 10f tf,e American Legion will be held --Sponsored by Ringwood Unit, ting and so were not on hand to accident last week. He is a patient | on Monday evening, September 17, at Home Bureau. Mayor and Mrs. J. AMnn Anderr ®ce|ve their diplomas with their at the Woodstock hospital. | the Legion hall, at 8 p.m. The new' September 27, 28. 29 ; son of Springfield, Mass., announce girt, working at the local telephone' They were Nelson Cristy, J | officers will be installed by Mrs. Rummage Sale--City Hall--Sponsor-; die birth of a son, born on Thursday. Friday morning from ^ w 0ff -,. Her classmate, Mercedes Mcr™s Crouch, Ray Guzzardo. Tom j NATIONAL WAR FUND DRIVE ! Neybert of Aurora. The executive ed by W. S. C. S Other survivors include the widow, - - --^'Esther, two other daughters. Mary • M I M H I M I l l l t t l M t l l t t f Schwab and Helen Connelly, and two sons. John and Thomas. Funeral services were held on 9t"'i'ng, will soon begin nurses' tr*; ine course at St. Anthony's hos- Dit '. Rockford. Jean Marie Thome is <-nnloyed in Chicago, while Annanw « Vogt has ban at home this' •tr--'ner. . - A 'olph Weidemann has baan a eorWnrf""1 «a!e«inan at Flt*Gerald> Laws^n, Henry Nell, Ronald Wll- -The county quota for the current! committee will be hostesses for this October 2 helm and Charles Martin. ! Naticnal War Fund campaign is $38- I meeting. All members are urged to Home Ihireau--Mrs. Mitchell Kane. Good luck to you all, and may you , 550.000. *he same amount as in j be present. | October 5 all meet at class reunions in.future, 1{M4. This will be the last call for ••• • Christian Mothers and Altar Society. veari. when all of the boys are home to stay. Onler vq»r rabb«r atawps st the .'s • Shop since l^viiig schooL I Plaliwlaalatt. t help as this is strictly a war time organization. . Mr. and Mrs. Nick B. Freund and October 8 Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Freund spent the Legion Meeting. weekend with friends in Aurora.' October 1#*11 Buv m"re Victory bonds and,While there they attended the fairtRummage Sale--City Hall Sfrn--ori stamps today! tat Sandwich, I1L •d by Sooday N%htwa. September 6. The little boy, who Lourdes church, with burial la will answer to the name of John I Saints cemetery. ; ^ ^ Albin, is welcomed by two sisters, Karen, 5, and Kristine, 2, In addi- ON NAGASAKI RAID tion to his parents. John Anderson of this city is the proud grandfather. Marion's Beauty Sfcoppe will ha cloeed September 17 through . Septaanlur SO, opniai an October U Word waa recei^sd in Woodstock i tr- / on Saturday that Ueat. 8taaleyH,« ?•.- Stienke, SOB of Emil Otiaafca. waa Aa| " "ilgalsi oa the ylaaa which pad the second ateade VMah oa Jmpm ' fa the Nagaaalrl rafeL =r=^j;-

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