Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Sep 1945, p. 7

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mmmm %*'• - «. i4;:- 'i' » • . . j . 111 itiircfill it ittiirii'»• of wild tlni*. Good luck 1j» your air tdvciinm, Kenneth. WMMcrUkl o»»e»»»»»teeeee»»»eee»»e» We also hear tlwt brother, Nelson Farm Accident Costs Continue to Mountr lost Losses Can B| Entirely t_ \ ' By W. J. DiTDEN Accidents to farmers, in a typical year, lost doable the amount of time needed to produce the average annual wheat crop of the United States. The economic ton from accidents of all kinds occurring to farm people is nearly a billion dotper year. In a typical year: 17,200 farm people were killed.* -v; ' 4,500 were killed at agricultural . work. 1*800,000 rural residents were in- 'i . • Jured. • - Of the 17,200 accidental deaths among farm people, nearly half were the result of accidents similar to those in urban homes, due to falls, burns, poisons, firearms and drowning. The greatest number of fatal accidents to farm workers occurred A soldier back from two years overseas was in a tavern downtown the other night, sitting by himself, when the inevitable civilian approached him. After the usual preliminaries, the civilian asked the ve| how he liked being at home. "Well," said the vet, "it's al Iright, but all my buddies are gone and there's no one to go out with but girls!" SCHOOL (By Delia Cheney) Hello folks: Ki we with ami Ilia I wSek milestone of life and we began in tor the crisp fall weather and routine of the after summer season. the game *rlll be a dose one with dear husband and father has been * lot of excitement throughout, |a great shock and surprise to the community. Dr. Watkins had been What j using the window instead of the car i„ his part on the Harrison school rv , . ,,^i aidoor; We may jest, but it sure board and the many friends he has Th^ r«l ^ ^PP*d 0T*r 8erved *»ere will miss him greatly, that Frank Cpnsage, Jim Bowen, Art His willing co-operation in all lfonuans claim the best climate and | Hartung, and Fred (we won't give tivities and cheerful spirit will happened ? Wliy ^ are We j an active figure here in denistry and Cristy, Seaman 2nd Class A, R. {Mtead of the car i„ his part on the Harrison sck ' TVA's new Footana da ern North Carolina is the dam in eastern America, highest in (he world, Floridians claim acand cheerful spirit will re- Wrt uk.* h« .ho »». •T.LffSf'/S; .g»fI? fly --*,*»»Jm this argument between these two scratches and bruises. Wll take brothers and how Wonder Lake com- y01ir word for it that the fog was 1 pares with each. j really bad that night on the road 'where it curves near the dam. Another one of our localites has! The WVmder Lake Rod and GOT taken a hop to Florida for a couple Speaking of cars and t_hi ngs, seems Club met, together with their Au*: of weeks *o check on property own- likJTiTtree rotl>retty~tired"of stand- illiary, Sunday morning at 10:80] eAd/I idLowfni tthhaewre tatvnudl wWeli WwlifsiKh ao khoanpnptyf ' sj ™. u.p. }• n t>h• e *l ast sato rm and• d« eo'clock under the trees at the beach and successful trip to Betty Pavlik, cjded to over iuat where Harold near Horn's Tavern. An extra large whom we have , lately been associa- ; Benson had his car " Nick Van Before running a vacuum cleaner over a rug, pick up pins, nails, coins, or other metal objects that can nick the ten or throw it off fend Mother (visiting school) r?' My son has such original ideas, don't you think? Teacher--Yes, especially in sp6ll- At the Factory turnout made election of temporary officers a simple matter. Andrew Kuns 'spoke concerning the new constitution and by-laws that are to be written. He also asked for permission to pay rentals on 760 additional acres for club shooting this ^ fall. This permission was given, sojme _ _ the boys in the club can look for-1 w« hear Helen Heuter i car parked. There and the top of the i ting with our Bod and Gun Club, m a given Please don't get ideas of leaving us, ear gave way to'the tree. Betty, as your activities here will j • i crt»lnl, b. rnlMH I Grttt™ taA to th. more serious | „ .,y' . ,, . , 'side of life we wish to extend our MummMe, mumssMe, what's that wishes for a speedy recovery to Rev. rau™P Pardon! Pfaultenhauer, recuperating at the while I make e quick get-away. Woodstock hospital. Services of the v-- didnt get Httle Lutheran Mission chureh of Plaggftag In flrei It is dangerous to plug an trie iron into a light socket, but iron may be plugged into a socket anywhere. Egg Whites Sgg whites taken from eggs to five days old will beat "wh satisfactorily than those that newly laid. you !£?w..5 f°r away fast eiyugh and was able to Wonder Lake are still being Tendered pheasant stalking. sympathtae^wlth little Joan. Glad tojat the abode of which was once the The temporary officers, who are to hear all is OK now and no ill effects, ice cream castle on the Lake front function until the by-laws and con- Hope this finds you all better too, at Wonder Center under the ausstitution go into effect, are as fol- Pat Fallow, for your bout with the pice8 of r«v Barts, who has so Foreman (noticing one of the men : lows: President, C. A. Kunz; vice- j mumps. Sure is a funny feeling kindly consented to Rev. Pfaullimping)-* What's the matter? Hurt | president, Fred Sells; treasurer, W. jisnt it, to have a mouth, feeling1 tenhauer's usual place until such a yourself? Frost, and due to the large corres- like it's full of something to ^tt.and ,time as he is able to do so again. Workman--Got a nail in my fOot. nothing there at all, •"' ;' ' »---- --- - •* Foreman--Well, why don't' you take it out? Workman--What, en my lunch hour? - : ' . " - v ; . . . - • Don't adjast moving belts. while oiling, unclogging or adjusting moving farm. • machinery. Some farmers were killed when tractors tipped over, but, next to machinery, the commonest accidents were caused by livestock--by the startled horse or the bull that everyone thought was tame." Motor vehicle accidents not assor ciated with farm work took the lives of 3,700 rural people. The week commencing July 22 has been designated by President Truman as National Farm Safety week. Don't Need'Em City Girl--My boy friend is stationed on a ranch in Australia. County Girl--What kind of saddles do they use over there--those with a horn or without? City Girl--Without, I . imagine. There's not much traffic in those parts. • j Services are still from two to three S land all are welcome to this hour of It's vacation time for Revi Mr.' Christian communion and poaeeful a n d M r s . B . L . M a r c i e l , a n d t h e i r m e d i t a t i o n . W . « r • two Children, "Kit" and Christian, ------ • •' 44 MOSEY INN" TAVERN Located in the Welter Building S||g:.ringwood, ill. ^ Fry Every Friday Night If ;-^*TLAS PRAGKR BEER ' A , v - i Sympathetic Service Mistress (preparing for a party) --Now, when the guests leave, it will be necessary for you to help the butler upstairs. New Maid--I understand, Madam. My old uncle used to drink a bit himself! Practical Viewpoint Sunday School Teacher (explaining the principle of turning the other cheek)--Now, John, what would you do supposing a boy hit you? John--How big a boy are you supposing? i#r Hunt Started fof < Meatier Market Fowl Major poultry associations, key poultrymen and U.S.D.A. specialists- have undertaken an assignment from the A St P Food stores to draw up specifications for an ideal meat-type bird-and to supervise distribution of $8,000 in awards which the company hiss posted. The committee, headed by D. D. Slede, secretary, International Baby Chick association, believes the program will crystallize thinking among poultry breeders and hatchery men on a. chicken with an abundance of "carvings." A broadbreasted chicken would mean more economical growth, more meat per pound of feed consumed, and more profits to poultrymen. A prize of $8,000 will be. given to the poultrymen breeding the best bird at the end of three years. Annual progress awards will total $3,000. •1 * Water for Chickens h order that fresh water may be provided for the cMekens and be kept etoaa, the cover shown hi this illustration is recommended. it may be used with wain basin or sense form of aatematte water font. to Help He--When we are married, darling, I'm never going to be like those husbands who get cross and ugly just because the coffee is cold. She (sweetly)--Well, if you ever do, honey, I'll make it hot for you. pondence and book-work necessary for the functioning of the club, two corresponding secretaries were elected. They are J. McCafferty and Roy Noren. ' A director was appointed from who have decided to spend a week We have saved this last word of i each subdivision at the Lake, so away from Wisconsin Rapids by our column for the news which has t h a t no group would e v e r be in con- d i v i d i n g t h e i r time wth K e n n e t h and been most f o r e m o s t in the minds o f ' trol of the club. These directors Jay Crsty and their families. We | us Wonder Lakers for the pastj are: Wickline, C. A. Palgier; Shore found out that a day of perfect con- week. May we take this opportun- Hills, E. R. Murphy; Deep Spring tentment for Rev. Marciel would be ity to extend our most sincere sym-' Woods, No. 1, J. Pavlik; Deep Spring to attend a ball game and a trip to. pathy to Mrs. C. L. Watkins and Woods No. 2, A. Hay; Wonder Cen- Chicago is in store for him. Hope son, whose passing away of their ter, No. 1, M. Sellek; Wonder Center,1 No. 2, J. Knott; Indian Ridge, No. 1, Jos. Kolar, Jr.; Indian Ridge, No. I 2, Chas. Garba, Jr.; Lookout Point 1 No. 1, E. A. Erdman, Jr.; Lookout' Point, No. 2, K. Engleson; Wonder1 Woods, Dr. VanDenburg, and Whispering Falls, L. Keller. | The Rod and Gun club is in the| throes of creating by-laws and a constitution for themselves. On j Sunday, September 9, the directors, i together with the officers of the club, i met in the arbor at the home of i Andy Kunz, and after much good | natured arguing and constructive: criticism, a rough draft of the first | part of the document was drawn up.! Another meeting is scheduled for ^ Sunday mroning, September 16, 9; a.m. All members are cordially in-1 vited to sit in, and help write the j remainder of the constitution. j 'jUf.- Kv.' Fred Bowman, Proj^ w < C -r * ^ ^ SERVING FOOD ' at tin The War " Has Ended ROLAINE GRILL Matrimonial Parable OH Bachelor--Why is marriage like a cafeteria? Young Benedict--1 don't know, Why? O. B.--Because men grab something that looks good, and pay later. SCHOOL DAZE Teacher--What does M. D. statu) for after a doctor's name? Bright Girl--Money down! Among the Veterans Soldier (back from Europe} •«-- I understand there are an awful lot of unmarried girls in Australia. Comrade (back from theJPacific) --Yes, but the worst feature of all is the fleas. Fandly Cynic iASe--Generally Alfalfa Adds Nitrogen When alfalfa is fe<T on the farm Where it is grown and the manure it returned to the land, there would "'"be a large gain in nitrogen and the gjhosphorus and potassium loss ^ould be greatly reduced. I At the University of Illinois, it was observed that when a ton of hay is •old, 37 pounds of nitrogen obtained from the air goes with no gain ID the grower, but rather as a gain fc> the buyer of the hay. By feeding the alfalfa and using manure, this kiss is reduced.' ; Hormone sprays, or pre-herVest "fruit - drop inhibitors, containing naphthalene acetic acid as the active ingredient, were used both in Ipray and dust form by many apple nd pear growers throughout the untry in 1944. en Hubby linterrupting)--Yes, - they are.. Sifie--They are what? iibby--Generally speaking. . Marital Bliss ~ He--1 have always maintained that no two people on earth think a l i k e . - She (bitterly)--You'll change your mind when^you see our wedding presents. _• Finishing up some of the summer news, the Wonder Lake Lookout Picnic was a tremendous success. Wonder Lake put on her best dressed 1 weather and turned out a beautifully sunny day, putting all the folks in the best of spirits and a real cooperative mood. The Wonder Lake Lookout Point Club wants to take this opportunity to thank all the generous merchants of McHenry and Wonder Lake who played such u big part in helping to make the picnic the grand financial, as well as happy success, it was. May we also give due credit to Bernice Moschel, social chairman, whose untiring effort was culminated in a weary but happy smile at the end o$ the day. Leaving the social events and coming back to the home folks, riiost happy of days for Virginia TVonsen when in walked husband, Orville, home on leave from the navy and convoy duty in the Pacific. Helen, Wayne and even baby, Danny, can't believe their eyes as daddy has been gone quite a while, having touched the shores of the Philippines, the Admiralty Islands and the Hawaiian Islands. In fact, Orville tells us after walking nothing but the ship's deck for four months, those first few steps on solid ground were rather wobbly. Lacking nothing in adventure, the ship weathered two typhoons at Okinawa which were nothing to sneeze at. There is always something new to learn and one thing is that invasion money had been issued by th» United States for use on the islands. Japan had also issued invasion money when she was' occuping the Philippines. While we have been busy figuring ration points oui^ men in service have had to be busy keening track of the valuation of the different money at the ports in which they have landed. Orville's leave is a short one but Virginia's hoping the next one will be soon and a permanent one and we are all keeping our fingers" crossed j for her. WONDER LAKE fromllo't But it will still be some time More yon can get a new car or truck. Meaning that the best of care should still be given to the ones you already have for use. Let us \ service your car so it can continue serving yog* CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY .Phone Wonder Lake 226 CENTRAL OARAGE FRED J. SMITH, Prop. Phtme 200-j _ Towing P U B L I C S E R V I C E H O M E M A K E R S ' brings you practical helps for homemaking YOUR FAMILY WILL SAY "LET'S HAVE THESE DISHES OFTEN..." CASMWOU utfforyowfteedt»w.t« ^ Add Water to Tires There are no ill effects from filltog tires completely with a water solution of calcium chloride. Completely filled tires have an advantage in that pressure is automatically increased as the tires are overloaded, thus avoiding the usual nece*«ity for adding more air and using higher pressures in proportion to heavier tire loads. Resistance to bruising And punctures is not affected by the percentage of liquid filL Love's Tender He--Honey, I'm going to love you till the cows come home. She--Are you, Johnny dear? Bui what made you think of cows? He--Cows? Why, you hsve such *i« Magic Teach Cbok--I hope you enjoyed your game with the sergeant. Hf> awfully clever at cards. Corporal--I'll say he is. Ht started by telling my fortune. Now he's counting it. Modern Improvements Myron --I'll have to wear a cellophane shirt from now on. Byron--How come? Myron--The doctor told ipse tc watch my stomach. Not For Music ^ City Girl--What's that funny look ing thing on your father's bureau^ Country Girl--It's a shoe horn. City Girl--Yes? How do you bio* it? We've had word that Tommy Lauson is home after three years of wandering over the globe for Uncle Sam in one of his prise submarines. When Tommy lights . long enough for us to sneak up on him and get some of his stories, well write them f o r y o u : " - -- ---V V »tsp.s# .• ^ .. tomato Joie* «\ Brown naM °* niasMMt...« si ^ - TOff« *0"^" We hear that there ii no furlough as yet for Kenneth Cristy, Sr., A. O. M., 3rd class, who has just been transferred from Louisiana to Oakland, Calif., for pre-flight training. Tile rainy season , is just about over in California and if Kenneth can just keep from thinking of home for a while we know hell enjoy the lV4 «««. Use half * What you "•••' i cup pow<J«^ogm *Ud -•"* -4 cbow*^ n Mix tog*®** g' pan. ' cover bottom of vanllto to aKg whit**. . MO-fetog balf^»»v HEALTH . A recent survey Of the menibers of the American Chemical society indicated that 90 per cent of thooe who red work in IMS received a salabove $3,000 per year and 10 ftr cent started above $3,600. The annual income including salaries and bonuses received by 10 P*r tent of the members with 40 years of experience was in sue ass of $1V • tOO, while another 10 per cent Some Vscnun Corporal Smith--The bullet hit ms^ heed and went flying oft into spare Sergeant Jones--Did they evei ge» it out? Clean KegMen . suction attachment fls electric cleaner may also be fov cleaning hot air registers, Threading Yarns to an easy way to threaa wool yarns through a needle. Make a loop around the yarn with cotton thread, put both ends of the thread through needle and draw through. can't b* boufhi at a Bargain I IHE&E is ao need to asks chances with Health, your most precious possession. It costs no more--may often cost less--to be advantaged by our experienced, professional service. Bring ttrtry prescription to this pharmacy where highest ethical standards are maintained; where yon ere assared prompt, courteous service. | Bolger's Drug Store ~ McHenry •vt 6) Putin -ym- S«rv«« •• m withwbipp*Cream i«p. \ tbsp*-?• .' to prepare t b»s already he* |) Scald 3 Mwkedin cold^W*"1 Stir in ;0( cream. Place in cov«r*d Wben chilled so B U R E A U • \.yt*C. - : * • f' •4-': ' - - • ^ • ' 5 |'>»f a an Canning Tips You'll Want to Use..; Here's an eaay way to make Maaon jars look apic, span and newt Bofl them, using 1 cup of vinegar to 1 gallon of water. ~ v : Uae a French fryer for sterilixing lids ^ith rotary < and jar rubbers. Savea any chance of burning your hands. Prevent sugar forming in preserves or jam by adding 1 tap. of corn syrup to each pint. Put several marbles in kettle when "•Hnf chili sauce or apple butter. Marbles roll across bottom oi psnrapt this prevents scorching. Try canning fruit juices for drinking. (Uae no sugar or sweetening.) Set rviuc siavi some aside so you can make up a small batch of jelly at any time during the winter when you have m, extra supply of sugar on hand. When melting paraffin, do not allow it to amoke. Pour a thin layer over idly or jam, tilting glaaa eo a little of the paraffin comes upon aides of glass. This pre vents paraffin from shrinkteg; away from the aides. W;' 1 Of , * ' ' . a '•y

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