Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Sep 1945, p. 6

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IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Yeir-round brick bungalow, plast- ATTENTION, PLEASE Attend Hackett's Stores ered walls. Four rooms furnished,) -{JREAT ANTIQUE AUCTIONS attic partly finished--can make 2 rooms. Full basement. S«wer, water, ni, electric, telephone. F .H. A. terms. Phone McHenry 667-R-2 or •74-M-2, or come to Lily Lake Village Hall between Yolo and McHenry 1--Friday, Sept. 21, 1 pju sharp 3--Saturday, Sept. 22, 7 p.m. S--Sunday, Sept. 23, 1:30 p.m. N We will aril a complete line of an- . „ tiques, farnitnre, china, brass, copper, on Rt. 120. Mr. Ed Lannas of Frank j igj^n relics, old books, firearms and Sampson A Co. y 18 curios. We are located on Highway -- SO, 4 miles east of Delavan, Wis. THTM of Sale--Caah. Stewart G. Wixom, Auctioneer. *18 FOR SALE--Two console radios, $15 each. Coles Radio Service, Venice Park subdivision, across from City Hall, Call McHenry 308. 18 FOR SALE--4-burner gasoline range, with oven. Green jand Ivory trim, fSO. Large_ rug, $12. L. F. Mann,, FLAT finishes, satin finishes, Yiew aturday p.m., *o r SeujnfdaKy ownly . *1188 ! beautiful high lusters! They're avail- Mm .n ^ complete Nu-enamel FOR SALE--22 h.p. outboard motor, line of paints and paint products, Johnson, 13-ft. Lyman boat. Price Carey Electric Shop, Green St., Mc- $150 ttoo $400. Phone McHenry; Henry. • 18 C24-R-2. >18 : •' I' EIGHT cents a year will protect a FOR SALE -- One hundred AAA i man's or lady's suit from moth damwhite rock pullets, ready to lay. age for 5 years. One spraying of Price $2.50 each. TeL McHenry; Berjou guaranteed Moth-spray does 68&J.2. • 181 it or Berlotf pays for the damage. ---- . a ~ :-- Bolger's Drug Store, Green St., Mc- FOR SALE--M<«ern, five-room bung- Henry. 18 alow in Crystal Lake, one-half block from Lake. New furnace, insulated, WINDOW SHADES--Need new winautomatic hot water) new roof, new-i<jow shades? We have them. C. M. ly decorated, garage , and chicken' N*iesen, located at Peter M. Justen house. $7,500. Also, Frigidaire re- Furniture store, 523 Main street, frigerator for sale, A-l condition, West M<JIenry. Tel. 63. 18 $110. Call Crystal Lake 81-R. *18 1 ot._ XT : . 10#. FALL WHITEWASHING--All work FOR SALE--New two-wheel, guaranteed, A1 Phannenstill, Plione trailer chassis. Tel. McHenry 175. 433_R McHenry. 18-4 lo • • " • ^ ^ s -- T PAINTING, DECORATING, PAPER- •FOR SALE--Three rooms of furni- ING_Peter Kaminski, West McHenture, complete, reasonable, Tucker s yel McHenry 656-M-2. 15-tf Sweet Shop, corner Riverside Drive and Pearl street. *18 DEAD ANIMALS --Five dollars i* I777T -- ~ , . .the least we pay for dead horses and FOR SALE Kitchen table, 2 chairs, cows jn good condition. Wheeling f?*« ^°U T I" c°tS7 JIL^,sPnn^s' Rendering1 Co. Phone Wheeling No. Call McHenry 675-R-l. 18; 3. Reverse the charges. No help FOR SALE -- Metal garage, torn needed load- 14'tf down; $25, as it is. At McHenry FLOOR TILE--for kitchens, bath- WANTED -- Couple, caretaker and help with poultry; housekeeper and eook for small, adult family on •state in Barrington. Good home. Tel. Barrington 450. 18 HELP WANTED--Woman cook or couple for tavern and restaurant. State experience. Must have car. For further narticulars write Box A, care of Plaindealer. *18] HELP WANTED--Woman (or g*iT eral store work. Bolger's Drug Store, 18-tf On*. .4# in New Tort; Mark Twaigfead a luncheon MMMMBI with hit wife at a downtown hoteL He showed up at the appointed hour. His wife had not arrived. For an hour he waited; then ordered his meal. Before departing, he left a note for his wife with the waiter. When riie appeared later in the afternoon, die discovered with amusement that it read: "Never the Twalns shall meet." HELP WANTED--Woman for work in ikitchen. Apply at Eva's restaurant. 18-tf WANTED-^Mother's helper to assist with light housework. Other help kept; own room; top wages. Call collect Highland Park 186. 18 HELP' WANTED--Girl for general store work. Bolger's Drug Store. 17-tf HELP WANTED---Men for construction work. Ivar Fredricksen, Wonder Lake. Tel. Wonder Lake 221. 14-tf Night Club Patrons The estimated gross number of patrons- frequenting night clubs in the fjnited States in 1944 was 200,000,000 (including repeat visits). The estimated average check was $3.00. Level Country Pomerania is one of the flattest sections of Germany -- a province of extensive forests and numerous lakes. Isolated hills, found in the region east of the Oder, seldom exceed 800 feet in height. Prewar Ponrferania's population of 2,000,000 made one of the least thickly populated of all German provinces. In general, the province has a sandy soil with •he exception of the lands bordering its lakes and rivers. Here agriculture has been highly developed, with potatoes, sugar beets, flax, hemp, tobacco, rye and wheat Boat Co., Venice Park. Tel. Mc-1 roomSj recreation rooms, commercial the principal crops. Lumber, wax. Henry 303. . lo j buildings, etc. Also floor sanding! wool and cattle are among the FOR SALE--Model-T, %-ton Ford refimshing. Henning Ne^nan, chief exports. truck, tires, large body; good for u tiV Ave.^*hone 131, Woodfarm trailer. Fred Pagel, R-2, Mc-l8tock' IIL 51tf Henry. *18 FOR SALE 130 TRUCK TIRES 8-ply--7.50x20 RATION FREE These are used military track tires, ranging in price from $14.20 to 21.40 A Real Btay McHENRY RECAPPERS 211 E. Elm St. - Phone 434 McHenry, 111. 18 FOR SALE -- Fox River frontage, high, year-round residence and two summer-cottages; sandy beach; also river front lot; mile south of State bridge at McHenry. Fred Pagle, Rt. 2, McHenry, 111. *18 TREE SPRAYING AND WHITEWASHING -- Frank Henkel, Volo. Tel. McHenry 681-M-l. 16-tf SWEDISH MASSAGE PHYSIO-THERAPY BY APPOINTMENT J. J. IMIG TEL. WAUCONDA 3334 •16-3 FOR A$fY TYPE OF HOME INSULATION, ASBESTOS SIDING OR A NEW ROOF, see Bob Frisby, People's Insulation Co., 104 S. Riverside Drive, McHenry, 111., Phone McHenry 211-J. Woodstok, 210 E. Jackson St. Phone Woodstock 817. 20-tf HAVE YOU HEARD about the new reduced Auto Liability and Property Damage rates ? They will surprise yon. Ask us for insurance rates. The Kent Co., McHenry. Phone 8. 27-tf % - , - i j ' < 1 <4 A i --SJ. ^ ff."' '!^ FOR SALE--Year- round comfort and economy with fire-proof Johns-Manville Rock Wool Home Insulation "Blownin" walls and ceilings. Call LEO J. STILLING, McHenry 18. 86tf. GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispone of ynur garbage each week, Bats Climb Bats cannot rise up into die air from the ground like birds, but must climb up some object such as a post or a wall and drop off into the air. For this reason bats sleep upside jjown. When disturbed they release their clutch on the branph or beam to which they are hanging, drop a short distance and fly away. The bat possesses among the keenest ears in the w&rld--being able to hear the beating wings of the tiny insects it pursues and catches in the dark. To raise its temperature when cold, the bat has merely to flutter its wings. There are more than 2,000 species and subspecies of bats; because of its great wing-spread, the bat can fly much better than a bird, being especially proficient at turning. « SMART PUP Harry--I figure my dog can always help" me with my ration problems. .. Jerry--How come? - Harry--He's a pointer! Ball and Chain? Jones?-You know Brown Jias nfver been Sway from home in twenty years. That's what I call perfect love. - Smith--It sounds ty me like paralysis! Can 'Em Waiters "Are you* the girl who took my order?" asked the impatient man in a cafe. "Yes, sir," the waitress replied. "Well, I declare!" he beamed. "You don't look a day older I" Slight Acceleration Rastus--Ah done seen a when Ah passed de cemetery. Sambo--Dat mus' hab giben you a start. Rastus--Brothah, Ah didnt need no start! Wanted? Cashier--I regret to report two cases of absenteeism. Bank Presidettt-^Well, what are they? if. Cashier--Mr. Jones and $50,000. Likes Company Father--Now look here, Jackie, if you aren't a better boy you'll never go to heaven. Jackie--I don't want to go to heaven; I want to go with you and mother. Small Oranges Don't overlook the advantages of smaller-sized oranges when you're or oftener if desired. Reasonable 1 buying this popular citrus fruit, say rates. Regular year round route, for-1 extension nutritionists. Tests have merly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith, j shown that the juice from small Phone 365. tf i oranges averages better in flavor because the juice of the small FOR SALE--Well built home at Mc- WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIR-1 orange is richer and sweeter than Collom Lake; 4-rooms; large porch; ING -- A11 work ful,F guaranteed, juice from large fruits. The juice of " "Torchy" Krause, 310 Elm St., Mc- the small oranges is richer in vita- Thrown for a Loss Boy--Give me a kiss. Girl--Nay, nay! . f Boy--Give me a hug; then. Girl--Nay, nay! Boy--Were you ever scared by a horse? ' Slow Motion Joe--I don't see how basketball can be a very fast game. Bill--Why not? • Joe--Well, you tell me that most of the time they progress by dribbles. Ghost Writer Dumb--Who do you think wrote the most of anybody in the world? Dora--Some girl named Annie Nonamous. On the Up and Up Flier--It makes me mad when someone tells me 1 haven't enough altitude. Pilot--It makea me soar, too. Henry. Tel. 379. 42-tf LOST high attic, suitable for three large rooms; running water; garage; also lot in rear. Price $5,950. Jacob Fritz, real estate, Johnsburg. Phone! McHenry 672-R~2 or Chicago, Lincoln 1333. 17-4! LOST -- Black, lady's combination •r ; j purse in McHenry or Johnsburg, Sat- |vR SALE -- Attractive 6-room urday evening. Mrs. Cora Herdrich, house; drive-in garage; on water,Tel. 87-W or 684-W-2. 18. front; beautifully furnished; newly fc.";" landscaped; all modern; ideal loca-|I^ST--Lady's Elgin, octagon shape, tkm; near school and shopping; trans- 'wrist watch in West McHenry on porta tion, C. M. A St. P. Ry.; few [Monday morning; keepsake; reward. Blocks from town; must be seen to! Call Mrs. John McNish, tel. Crystal' be appreciated. Call after 6:30 at; Lake 8002-Y-3. 18 Fox Lake 3734. 17-2 --Tinted cabinet photograph of girl in graduation cap and gown. Mailed from Chicago to West McHenry and lost enroute. Please write sending information to Box D, in care of Plaindealer. *18 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT--5-6 room modern house unfurnished, within about 10 miles of Ringwood. Basement, stove, and refrigerator, desirable. A, K. Parlour, Box 96, Ringwood, I1L *18 WANTED--'For cash rent, by March, 1046, about 120 acres good land, good buildings, near McHenry or Woodstock. Address Box H, in care ef Plaindealer. *18 min C or ascorbic acid, too. We throw away considerable amounts of the nutritive value of oranges when we use only the juice. This wasteful practice discards edible orange flesh and decreases materially the amount of ascorbic acid for which citrus fruits are particularly valued in the diet. The strained juice contains from onehalf to three-fourths of the amount of the vitamin C contained in orange, segments. When orange juice is held in the refrigerator for. 24 hours the average loss is only about 5 per cent. WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO RENT--Year 'round house suitable for. famiW of four, within reasonable distance of railroad station and shopping. Phone WW. 18 WANTED It) BUY--Modern summer home between McHenry and Antioch. $8,000 to $15,000, cash. Jacob Frits, real estate, Johnsburg. Phone McHenry 072-R-2 or Chicago, Lincoln 1333. 17*4 MISCELLANEOUS WE INSURE YOUR PERSONAL PROPERTY in the city or country, wherever located in the U. S. or Canada, against fire, Jtiurglary, -windstorm, all in one policy. For information call Jacob Fritz, Real Estate 1 and Insurance, Main St., Johnsburg. Phone McHenry 672-R-2. At Chicago, phone Lincoln 1333. 17-13 Order your rubber stamps at the Plaindealer. WANTED TO BUY OR TRADE-- Rifles, shotguns, pistols--GAMBLE'S, Authorized Dealer, West McHenry. Phone 459. 16-4 WANTED TO BUY--House in McHenry. Phone 433-R. 1&.2 • WANTED USED CARS 1936 to '41 Cars Top Price For Clean Cars H. E. MONEY MOTOR SALES Phone Elgin 5421 213 S. Grove Ave., Elgin, 111. Feed Perennials Where perennials are planted in beds, they are usually so thick that It is impossible to feed between the plants after they get above the ground, because of the danger of injuring some of the young «/tender shoots. So, in crowded perennial beds, early application, while plants are still dormant, is the most satisfactory method of making the initial spring feeding. Of course it is satisfactory fb feed at any time, but more care must be exercised during the period when growth is tender Apply the plant food at the rate of one rounded tablespoonful per squa re foot of surface area. Feeding will give you earlier bloom, deeper color, and healthy, disease-resistant plants. Where perennials are mulched and it is too>early in your locality to remove the mulch at the time of feeding, simply scatter the plant food evenly over the mulch, and it will be washed down into the soil by snow and rains. GOOD CLOTHES DESERVE GOOD CARE -CLEANERS Street Phone McHenry 104-M Read the Want Ads TREAT MASTITIS WHILE COWS ARE DRY Tmi MASTITIS iajroubttdwliik cow* an 4fy... thi» •»--11? gtra bMNNldi TM Ntk JHIM of mrr cow with BaabaTaacCarfe, O-LAC MTEG-LACKAI J*'1 «( SO »ar 04JUC m* kiST -- - WATTLES DRUG 8TOBB McHenry, DL MO, THANK YOU! Housewife--Have you ever been offered work? Tramp--Jus' once, ma'am. Outside of that I've met with nothing but T|ie Strait ol ttte Dardattelles is fee southern stretch of one of the moat strategic waterways of Hie eastern hemisphere, the National Geofrafthie society am. The Dardanelles, the W of Marmara, and the Strait of the Bosporus together toon a lTO-tnlie-long cetrklor. cutting through western Turkey, and joining the Black and Mediterranean seas by way of the long arm of the Aegean. Filling the gap between Europe and Asia the two straits and fee intermediate sea operate a* a sort of maritime traffic valve. The Dardanelles passage, about 40 miles of winding waterway, narrows from 4 miles to less than a mile. The sapphire sea of Marmara--studded with rocky islands and named with the Greek word tor rock--is about the size of Lake Champlain. Shorter and narrower than its southern counterpart, the 18-mile strait of Bosporus diminishes from 1% miles to a half mile in width. The narrower , reaches of the two straits--where the shores are not more than 4 miles apart--total about 92 miles, mo^e than the length of the Panama canal. A fort any* where on the'narrows is in position to dispute passage. Gibraltar must keep watch over a 9-mile width of water.' Protect Glass Chlef thing you have to lteep in mind when you clean the enamel surface of a range is to protect the glaze. Porcelain enamel is a kind of glaze, you know. It's hard, but it can break with sudden changes of heat and cold. So a good rule to follow when you're cleaning your range ia "Wait till it coois." Old City Dresden, originally founded by the Slavs, existed as early as 1206. Later, as a small German fishing village and a fortified town, it .was successively ruled by German and Polish kings. It was burned to the ground in 1491. When it was rebuilt it was fortified. Napoleon made it his headquarters and further fortified 4t in the early 18th century. His htkt victory, the Battle of Dresden, was won there over combined Russian, Austrian and Prussian forces. A few years later the fortifications were destroyed to be replaced by boulevards and parks. Pore Chocolate Pure chocolate runs about SO per cent in oil or fat content. Chocolate is the cacao With this content left in; cocoa is cacao with it taken out. Extraction of the fat and oil leaves cocoa powder, a form used in beverages. Cocoa butter, the solid oil by-product of the manufacture of cocoa powder, does not readily become rancid, and so qualified for use in medicinal salves, soaps, pomades, and cosmetics. Native to the American tropics, the cacao tree by transplanting reached its greatest commercial stature oh the west coast of Africa. The Gold Coast, Nigeria, and neighboring territory have been developed by British interests to productive leadership. Brazil, consistent runner-up, took top position in 1938. British output sagged under the handicap of disturbed marketing conditions Sat IS tog. ance the normal iron daQy ; balance merely means a fee amount of iron taken into fee body and the amount lost through If fee intake is equal to fee loss through- excretions, the individual ia said to have an iron balance; if iron intake is greater than fee amount lost, the subj\ I has a positive balance; and if fee amount consumed is less than fee amount excreted, fee subject is in iegathre belance-s-in other words he is losing Iron from the body. Growing children and pregnant women should have a poaitivo balance of iron or an intake of about 19 mg. per day, while about 13 mg. per day is sufficient for maintaining equilibrium in the -normal adult. By maintaining the proper iron balance, fee individual 'fortifies himaw against'anemia. • .. • . Milk Quality Clean, sterile utensils, prompt cooling of milk or cream, and keeping milk and cream cool until marketed are key factors in maintaining hi^i quality. Optical Literature r. The first book devoted wholly to spectacles was published In Spain in 1820. The first English work on spectacles waa published half a century later. Tax Obligation A family man, who eatns $9,000 a ye«r spends about as much on taxes as he does on food--about 11.000 yearly. freight Load In 1921, the average freight train carried 651 tons of freight. In 1943, the average load per train rose to MM tops.-* Sain of 71 per cent. Saves Sugar .. Try sprinkling sugar on cookie dough with a shaker rather than by hand. The process is easier, the sugar is spread more evenly, and sugar is saved. Painting Doors. Doers that are open in warm weather frequently have both sides exposed to sun and rain, and should be kept well painted so that moisture will not seep into the panel Joints and cause the door to fall apart. Likewise, window sashes should be given special attention, as the putty around the glass deteriorates if not painted periodically. Artificial Inseminatkm The first large scale daugjhtwdam comparison of heifers sired through artificial insemination shows considerable production improvement. On 120 dam-daughter CORH parisons, heifers resulting from conceptions with semen from proved sires used in New Jersey artificial breeding rings produced 9.3 per cent more milk and 14 per cent mone butterfat than their dams on a 3X. 305-day, 2-year-old basis. Read the Want Ads Preand) ^ and Sft. Clarenee ufafyMy discharged army and have re- Wagner, ardT^ttsnded~i5a wedding 13? Heinle at JanakviHt, Wis., on Saturday. September 8. . «•»«» «f her dub met at the home of Mrs. Edward May on Thanday afternoon to spend an afternoon earda. Lovely prises waN\awatdscores. A delicious hunch was served to com. plete fee party. Mrs. Birtha E%h is enjoying a week's vacation at the Dells, Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. John Sanborn visited relatives in Chicago last weak. Leigh Hagfcn celebrated his sixth birfeaay oh Sunday afternoon by inviting several of his little playmates, to Us boose for aparty. Games were played and all the children recaited prises, A delicious lunch waa served which instated birfefey cake and iee cream. Leigh was the happy recipient; of many gifts. Those to Jennie L&mon, Beverly Adsit, Leighl Pat and Mary Lou Kagan. Mrs. Robert Lent, Mrs. Lucille Nelson and Mrs. Alice Pierce visited Mrs. John Amborn in Sharon, Wis., on Saturday. Sunday guests in the George W. May home were Mr. end Mrs. Arthur Kattner, son, Billy, Mrs. Lucille Nelson, son, Bobby, and fee Charles Freund family. Pfc. Eugene Meyer, who has been serving in Germany, is home wife his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyer, on a thirty-day leave. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kattner and family 0# Richmond were visitors in the William Kattner home on Suhdsp.' . . - Salvaged Tin % There are eight d (tinning and six shredding plants fir "T"|gmi tin cans in the United States., Brasil Discovered ia 1500 Brazil was discovered on May 3, 1500, by the Portuguese Adsa. Fedrb Ahrares CahraL Use Surplus Jellies Perfectly good preserves or jellies which somehow accumulate in the cupboard are splendid to use in }eUy roils, gingerbread and spice caka. Sunday School The original Sunday school dates beck to 1735. In those days, "swarms af profane and vicious children were let loose upon the streets on Sunday," Encyclopedia Britaimica says. This condition engaged fee attention of Robert Raflces who "resolved feat aome acheme should be tried for mrtfeqg an end to fee evil." A Suncay schobl was then started in fee city of Gloucester. It was so well attended feat the idea spread to almost every large city in England during Raftes' lifetime. Now the Sunday school is here to stay, not only in England, but perhaps also ia most countries throughout the Christian world. Need Rubber Stamps? The Plaindealer. Orders* TIME PRODUCTION NIFYIRIFRI Bella, Jea Bill--Are you looking for me, old man? Joe--1 don't even^know your^i man! Maa Csasy Jane--How do yott know Mabel has a heart like fee army? Joan--It's open to any MA between ages of 18 and 48. * Papa Pays - Boy--Does your older sister liva it home? Girl--No, she doesn't live at home. She's not married yet. Ouch! Doc--Are you taking fee medicine regularly? Patient--I tasted it and decided I'd rather be sick my way. > Silly? He--What are you giggling about now? _ .Lfihe--Oh, about half the time, School Dase Teacher -- Correct this sentence. ff)ur tcacher am in sight. Smarty--Our teacher anr\ a sight! Fair Exchange . Boy--Gimme a kissl Girl--No, I won't, but 111 trade. Covers Scratch To cover scratches on furniture, if the wood is dark, rub the scratch with a freshly cut walnut meat or touch it up with iodine. This will make the scratch less noticeable. Disagree en Easter Dais According to fee Encyclopaedia Brttannica, chufth aufeoritier'have been unable to agree for almost 3,019 years on fee exact day when Jesua Christ first appeared after his cruct- I. : if ' OFFICE EMPLO " BOOXKKXPXSS, STZKOQKAPHXKS MECHANICAL D&ATTSltSN PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES 7 TIMEKEEPERS^ MACHINISTS SPRAY PAINTERS MATERIAL HANDLERS ENGINE LATHE OPERATORS TURRET LATHE OPERATORS DRILL PRESS OPERATORS * ,Wf _\ •*? - R J TRODUCTION ARC WELDERS TRUCK AND TRAOTOR MECHANICS We are interested in securing the services of individuals wha desire permanent, fall time employment. - *'Ask any of our employees." .",v • » THE FRANK G. HOUGH. CO. LlBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS , .-JX

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