Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Sep 1945, p. 1

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reat Need For Seen In Post-War Period! •I"." \ i niies vJrPP" McHENRY TO REMAIN ON DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME Fallowing the. line of other suburban cities, McHenry will remain on daylight saving time throughout October. Instead of turning the clocks back to stai^ dard time at 2 o'clock next Sui day, the present time -will remain until October 28. Railways, bus lines and airplanes will operate on standard time, but suburban trains will stay with daylight saving time as long as Chicago does. Hiere probacy t*fi\ ot ttt'ftee* fbr *linger #ho hasn't at SOBS* time since the for scheduled basketball games the nd of the war taken Stock of things gym has not nearly handled the large which of necessity we have done crowds of the past few years and it without during the part four years, has been impossible to stage any Many h*ve already begun to plan sort of tournament here for that The Park Pub Opens for the time in the near future reason. . , . Its Doors To Public ^ " when our dreams of post-war living The auditorium, also, has provev WOOTB 10 ruOllC .... %ill come true. With some, the too, crowded on many occasions and! -- ,, 4^ Manning has gone no farther than ,it has been necessary to turn people McHenry folks. especially-wrWle on the satisfying of an appetite with away. V north In order to have an altogether j learn that activity will be the key- bara Freund and Walter Miller are ining has gone no farther than juicy steak or vjuiity with a pair «f nylon stockings. However, with many the dreams have been on a much larger scale--the building of GLASS, QRQANIZA' T.KADKRft ARE EL TION ELECTED AT LOCAL HIGH SCHOOL, With local schools having started little more than three weeks ago, we find that all classes and organizations have elected their officers to take a lead In the yarious activities of the ensuring year. The Seniors at the high, school have elected Fred Svaboda as president, Herb Johnson as Vice-president, and Ercell Lock as secretary and treasurer. Joann Durland and James Althoff were chosen as members of the student council to represent their class. Joann May will head the Junior dass as president, with Walter Miller, vice-president, and Helen Dunnorth Green street, will be happy to can, secretary and treasurer. Bar- WITH NURSE 00EP8 modern and adequate educational sys-1 note on the Brewery corner once1 student council members, tern in all respects, there are many | more for the, first time since the j The Sophomores elected •David additions and improvements which Brewery closed its doors several sea- Page as president, Alan Bockman. must be made. These will most like-1 sons pgo. The Park Pub, on the • vice-president; and Katherine Green, ly be taken in order of their im-l corner of Pearl and Green streets, ] secretary and treasurer. Elaine Nell portance until the ultimate school (is now open, serving excellent food I and Ray Boro were chosen as repreis the fulfillment of present dreams. | and refreshments. isentatfives on the council. Larger Room |._ Owners of the new business are1 Freshman president is Mark Hop THew homes, new stores ^ However big or however small, fhese dreams soon to come true are #ery important to each of us per- >nplly, but there is another dream hich affects several hundred fames in this community, which is _ vital than any individual planning and should be as important to... _ --- , .. . . -... .. fveryone. That plan concerns the! been a growing trend to build school j ea °* t*1® river lor the past Legion Invites Families Of Service Folks To Homecoming At the Bridge On October 4% VIRGINIA JEPSON Lieut. Virginia Jepson, dai^Mff of _ . Mrs. C. J. Jepson of Ringwood, is Large modern class rooms would ^rank Holt «nd w- C. McGlasson. j kins, vice-president is Clarence Feir- one of several local girls who is do- Throughout entire course of in haying a home or form; h«w lar* the- war thoughts have centered on can get free medical and rehabilitathe day when our boys would re- tjon benefits; and many other qnesturn .and we could honor them in tions that will aid returning vetsome way for their inestimable ser- erans. The important part which vice. <he American Legion plays in help- Th'is opportunity has come at last P*?®'x e through the "Bill and while it cannot serve as enter- ? Rights will be emphasised ai*>, tainment for the boys who are not ^r thiajargest 0f an service organwith us, it will be a homecoming »»tIons been a friend to serfor the many who are now discharg- *,ce»cn a™e &fteI ^ war. ed and those #ho are home on fur- . ciiange In Laws ^ lough. A recent change in laws now per- ,, J. n ... . . mits any member of the armed forces, McHenry Post No. 491, Amencwi even though still in service, to be- Legion, extends an invitation to come a member of the Legion. Hereservicemen and women, their wives, toforet only discharged tenuis wen father, mothers, brothers and sis- permitted to join fcers to attend an open meeting next Commander Floyd Cooley and the' Thursday evening, October 4, 8 entire local membership inp. m., at The Bridge. ; vites these men and women who have Qualified speakers will be present served and are serving, as well * i seem to he high on the list of im- B°th are well known here, the for-1eisel and Ferol Martin, secretary.!',n* all-important job, caring for to discuss a subject dear to the their families, to attend this'important items, with a new library I m*r,. reading m the Country Club John Boro and William Schlitt werejour mounded veterans. Lieut. Jep-i hearts of each man and woman who portant meeting. The advice received running a close second. !There has subdivision for many years and the < elected class representatives. * i fon' who enlisted m the nurse corps j },as served and his or her famiiv,' may prove invaluable to then£ 5.V «W,f• Heeds of our high school in the way §f building in the next few years. School board members and SupU |)uker -have long felt the rising need ||f such a project, but war intervened and put a stop to any planning libraries which will accomodate fifty ygar. to seventy-five pupils with tables and chairs for study to care for the needs of this large a group. In this case a librarian is employed to take full charge. Tie state department, in toi wuilding takes place is something %hich will come up for further di*r .: cussion in the near future. ! Steady Growth LE6I0IIAUXILIARY However, it is an unavoidable fact ! their annual check-ups, have been, f|f| A QTP Q QflAATA that very soon steps must be taken! demanding a larger and more modern i ynj|||| r lL QIIAll I 11 ,|o enlarge our scfttol in at least i library in our school, but due to *»•••••• • *••• *#wnV I w »me respects. To what extent this j the restrictions of war have not enforced their demands. A cafeteria is another "must" for a completely modern school, for at present more than one-half of our -?r "TK mi3El "h'oi with thrLV.du.t«.. i, Ar* SnSffi " J, the year that Sttpt. Duker came! ^ * ^"*{3 • McHenry, the number had risen fo^ t » nine-two students and twelve | Irsidt uaattetesn. dftei d 1h9ig25h- 26s,c hwoohle n inP UtPh"e8 ?elWsewhnLerree ffoorM la«ckk 5or bDeetttteerr SfacciluTlttiieess . fliew building, there were 125 students and 210 young their education Intervening "«C7 £1 'SSfiS? *"CMM FIFTY-SIX NAMES Mrs. Catherine Weber * Was Installed At Last Meeting As President Athletic Leaders lS8t ha3 r *»een sUtioned since |namely ^ .«GI Bill «f Rights." This The newly formed Legion Auxfl- One of the first orirani»«tirtn« »ayi /^y J10* # speaker will answer questions as to iary has offered its services .also, elect officers was the Athlltir »» t o Creek, Mich. A graduate of how tj,e ex-serviceman can obUin to make this gathering a^success. ^atrThicr?ncruedesAXet"t"; \re C^m?Uutyu hlfirh 8c.h0? 1938; further education; how he can ot* The ladies will be on £nd to serve student bodv Thev Virginia took her nurse s training at uin funds for setting himself up lunch at the conclusion of the meetstudent body. They chose George Evans ion hospital. Her pleasant dis- in busineg8; the help he can receive ing. Goran son as president, Hugh Mur-! position and cheery smile should do pny as vice-president, and Kathryn much to bring cheer to the wounded ??. a® 1?e5r*Jf Fy treasurer. veterans with whom she comes in 1 he Girls Athletic association elect- • contact ed their leaders At the athletic ban-j * i-- | quet held last spring. They arte Er-1 'cell Lock pnd Anh Bolger, presi-!T|A|A SSII1CMDV dents, the girls having received a | VVII Ml Hi Mill tie vote; Agnee Miller and Kathryn I «* W Ifl lllallll I Nye, secretaries; and Rosalie Williams, treasurer. Joann Durland was elected board chairman and Helen Duncan, Eileen Smith, Catherine Schwerman and Loretta Larson, representatives at large. Seniors represented on the board are Phyllis Smith and Nancy Carey; Juniors LeROY "JACK" KEENAN LAST RITES TUESDAY IS ELEOTED COMMANDER FOR LORETTA QUDTN, OF LOCAL V. F. W. POST McHenry Unit Nor 491, American Legion Auxiliary, met on Monday if better facilities. |evening, September 17, for its third | are Barbara Freund and"Joan May" Other necessary improvements in-|meeting. The charter was closed and Freshmen are Margaret Bol^r', Diane Freund and Elaine Nell. Mask Officers The band elected its officers soon practical j new officers. Mrs.noren'ceNe'yhart ®f.ter th« u"1of the, ye*r *ls?" subiects. I of Aurora acted as inntallin<r officer i . 'or,an_ Schmitt was elected presi- MEN RECEIVED SPECIAL nother service organization, the terans of Forreigrn Wars, had its I first meeting here on Tuesday even- | ing, Sept. 25, in the City Hall. The HATIVE OF McHENRY McHenry friends and relatives were saddened to learn of the death on Saturday, September 22, 1945, in Elgin, of Miss Loret'a Quinn. Miss grown until it has reached an •»-i 8;n.fPtim0ntal „nH ^ insUlling officer ei^ied presif: o7K kntra .n/4 The instrumental and vocal de-jW{th Mrs. Kathleen Edrerton. also . ^ *»*y. vjce-president, and William Kreutser . Veteran Member Of Quartermaster Group local group will be known as the | Quinn died after a lingering illness, Fox River post of the V. F. W. at the age of 68. LeRoy "Jack" Keenan was named | TTie deceased was born in Mccommander; Leo G. Rothermel, senior | Henry on September 4, 1882, and J ~ D i r -- s p e n t h e r e a r l y l i f e h e r e . A f t e r going to Elgin to live, she was employed for forty-four years at tke Elgin Tflitch company. Survivors include a sister, Maria, living in Arisona; and two brothers, William and Henry, both otf Me- •-'im { vice-comnvander; Paul P. Karls, junior vice-commander; Arnold M. Blake, Gat quartermaster; William Pries, o C. Heimer and Howard Voelts, trustees; Frank E. Gende, adjutant. Installation of the new officers has been set for Monday, October 15, This week's news of servicemen in-which il is. hoped that a11 elutdmesa storiess of two of our McHenry presen^t members and some new ones on h(tnd> Rem€mber> it is Henry. The body rested at the Jacob Jos« me hiirh enrollment of 275 bovs and1 The instrumental and vocal cte- ^th Mrs. Kathleen Edgerton, also V " y' v'ce-Pres ten Sons funeral home until Tuesday T 1(Jent' and who were awarded speciiil wu' 06 on "r!, 11 '» To i f t f c #S5?^ Lniar partments will most likely be in- Qf Aurora, acting as installing ser- Jea" Nidoels, secretory. LibrarianJ . w^° another an honcr to belong to such an or-jat 9;80 0»cl0ck when Iast fw' eluded in plan, for additions and im-! geant-at-arms. The duties of Sianist' "e. Luann Bauer, Dons Jean Freund SfiJV" ^ 0fT third man who «*ni".tion' toJ' "th* , conducted from St. Patrick's =c 5: ^w^rte nSds !lar«er room8 with acoustical needs newly i„»t.lled officers an: Presi-L Kathryn Nye Was elected presi- truclt C°mP*ny decisions will be made during the, growing neeas. [taken into consideration will no,dent, Mrs. Catherine Weber; first £e"1 <** the orchestra; Catherine e i w.uw fi"t few meetings, so make it Future high school enrollment fore- doubt be part of the picture. I vice-president, Mrs. Minnie Green; Schwerman, vice-president; El id a cast must naturally be judged by The enlargement of botht he audi- 8econd vice-president, Mrs. Margaret pa*e, secretary; and Kbrarians, Mar-, , , present grade school enrollment. At,torium and gym, which have already h. Smith: secretary, Mrs. Lura Yan- *,ret Bolder and Diane Freund. Stu- ;son °f ™n- .M' J' . M , this time the number of pupils in I mentioned, must take extensive da; treasurer, Mrs Eva Bacon; his-ident director »s Marion Freund and eaI7ied .n|fh l t T to wear the Meri- DAOTinTMnTTB the grade schools in this community; proportion8. The former should be tnrian. Mm M.rv P«d-p- chanUin ! concert-mistress, Beverly Schwerman. torious Service Unit Insignia, a gold- GIVEN POSTHUMOUS Melvin J. Walsh i point to be present on October 15. Staff Sergeant Melvin J. Walsh, j J. Walsh, has just SIONA MTT.T.lEft Ing just under 700 dard size, with provisions for larger sergeant-at-arms, Miss Barbara A.;^oi^e •re at present 242 in the parochial shower and locker rooms, and for an Weber " ' achool; 170 in the public school; i muipnont room. be tori&n Mrs Mirv Pritc" cHRolftin Beverly Schwctmau, . . -- - • • • - - - ny Mi,, .er/e-nt.' The mixed chorus efected its of- jxeath QJ^ATION OF SON a member of a unit awarded the -J have taken a steady rise also, the built to accomodate twice as many Miss Gertrude R Weber' sergeant- mix total in the surrounding schools be-; people and the latter made to stan-j at.arma Mrs. Laura Smith; ass'ti^f8 1*8t^eek' "suiting in Ti.r. , . _ . . choice of Dolores Murphy as pres- ® m .M"" o5^« u Miiw i. in „«{«•1 w",l"n "m® **»"»m u. naraay wai ident; Nancy Rudin, vice-president: Meritorious Service Unit Plaque. Mrs. Signa M. Miller l* in receipt named to lead the organisation dor onri j Thi* information comes from the of a letter sent oy K. J. naray, inv pn,ninv mr v«.. ELECT WM. Q. BARCLAY PRESIDENT ORCHARD BEACH ASSOCIATION W The Orchard Beach association cently held its annoal election, ht \ '<•£ < which time William G. Barclay was jit Johnsburg; fifty-four at Wonder Lake; forty-six at Lily Lake; fortyfour at Ringwood; and smaller groups lit Lincoln, Cherry Valley and Cle Play Room Among-~the desirable but not so necessary improvements include a play room which can be utilised pl,' v, . land Joann Strever.' secreUrv and This information comes from the or a letter sent oy «<• ing the ensuing year. ~Kurt Voss Th. presidtnt named tt>. folio.-! '""""V Mbr»rj.n» »re J..ephin, Slith Ami? on L»..n._t _ ^ ^ hiT""priSi Z "JS-TStag i ing persons to act as chairmen of,Carver, Bernice Smith and Clarice ^/^ttery, 123rd field artillery bat- commendation awarded by the com- Vo treasurer . . . • - . - - - - j - ! -- m a n d e r o f t h e s u b m a r i n e f o r c e , P a c - mens. In view of the abjve we M b those who mu8t gta can expect the high school of a few at K IbtAn k AnM A SkAWA M AlktMk IIMAAMT school durin*g the noon hour and those who wait for buses after hours. This should include provisions for wrestling, ping pong and boxing years hence to have an enrollment of some 335 students. "" Influx From City The steady influx from Chicago: among other things* jBchcols has left i,ts mark too on the 1 It is a known fact that all modern increasing size! Every year there public school buildings provide for are added to the total enrollment a club room which may be used by --about fifteen young people from city! the students and which also would < schools. If this trend continues also, j be easily accessible to the ppblic for the total may well be expected to club purposes. | reach S75. N Probably the most popular with 1 ^ At the present time the building the athletic minded would be the | Is fi l l e d t o c a p a c i t y , w i t h m o s t r o o m s : b u i l d i n g o f a s w i m m i n g p o o l , t h u s i " (crowded each period of the day. The ! following the pattern of other large study hall cannot accomodate th* schools in the county, Woodstock and large groups free during several Harvard. periods. Two teachers have no home! There we have the dream of the rooms in which to do their work. ; future Community high school of About three years ago the state; McHenry. Citizens have long been passed a law requiring every per- proud of the unusually good loea- i son to take physical education on a tion and in general the fine school l five-day week basis. Before that which has been the alma mater of] time onlv Freshmen and Sophomores local folks since its construction back were required to take gym twice a1 in the twenties. It will be interest-1 . week. The law has Caused difficulty ing to look back' in the future years | and cannot be met under present uoon these dreams, especially if in; conditions. the interim they have become a' Sport fans have long realized the reality. j The girls chorus members elected J*1.1?" 'n th®, X?t r®n „ :«c fleet to her late son Ernest Carl . A new was announced, nan- , Eleanor Edstrom as president and Liberators of Bag"1®- TJ^8 battery . fireman second class for mer- in* the president of the preceding Marion Conway a» secretary-treas- ^as .teen the Meritorious , member of the year as chairman of the Doaid of ' urer. Librarians are Dagmar Andrew Service Unit Plaque for superior per- *• » Granfon The directore. As a result of |Us " and Alice Hintz. formance of du*y. citation reads as follows- cision, Dr. P. V. CareUi bectaechair- * % With such capable leaders as these, , In overccming the numerous prob- citatum reads as wuows^^ ^ & automatically, with William & M the school should accomplish much !<m8, 0 supply encountered in the . » ^ ^ u g S. j°ne8> Harold TolHcuehn and J. Gsrduring the present year. J^gles and mountainous terrain of member of the c^ of the U. &. ». ^ ag the Pacific theatre, the men of ser- Grunion, which destroyea tnree en w R Meado Kurt y^. vice battery displayed great initia- emy d^^yer?_wh^®Earl Sheahen were chosen to serve NEWS ABOUT OUR SERVICEMEN live, resourcefulness and devotion to and"pwS£ on the roftd Other com autv. Service battery is charged waters, uespite severe ana persw mitteeg wilj ^ annomtsd m with the task of supplying all the tent anti-submarine measures result- futUre. troops of the battalion with ra- !ng, *rom.these three 8««essful ati tacks, the Grunion was brought safe-l tlTmeS1rofaserv^mUtt«y dur-1 ly through the counter attacks and | gQ]f QF SOLDIER ing three campaigns, Sgt. Walsh contmiied a" NARROWLY K&HAPKI) took part in thV final campaign in As a member of the crew of the HAJUMIWLY E2SUAPSD K Mr. and Mrs. Math B. Laures are the Philippines, culminatng with the Grunion, your performance of duty DROWNING WEDNESDAY in receipt of some very interesting capture of Baguio, the summer capi- f.n important and material con- ^tten by taf of the Philippines. tnbution to the prosecution of this p>te 8tepped in ^ UTed ^ "" life of little George Scarbroogh, 2 year old son of Corp. and Mrs. Walter Scarbrough, on Wednesday of this week after the little boy had Photo by A. Worwlck. McHeonr MRS. CATHERINE WEBEK whi' Vernon T. Kopaell inH' with the Sv WITH THE 40TH INFANTRY.Wa/wtt|a«| t ivs MAX on Levte lsl^d. DIVISICN IN THE PHILIPPINES-- MoOULLOM LAKB MA« As the censorship Technician Third grade Vernon T. DIED WEDNESDAY ON ban was^nTted Kopsell, Rsute 2, McHenry, has been nrammtv ANNIVERSARY int° F°?. RiirS'.l,.G*0?r* and b»3 thert soon after fwird.d the Bronxe Sttr m«l.l »(.r, BIRTHDAY AM1UVSKSA*! comp«m£n ^ >th Vernon Kramer Wm Disch&rsred At Tolad^ Another of our navy men, Vernon Kramer, son of Mr. and Mrs. George LADIES NIGHT r A* JOHHSfcUBO OOMMUH1TY CLUB wlr he"was able military operations against the en- j The birthday anniversary which,were playing near their sones on emv on Negros island." ! would under other circumstances been | Riverside Drive, when oaa of them ter£tfn« T* ne r" Kopsell, with another soldier, vol- celebrated in the George Scheubert decided that it would be Am to play mertiZS^hat at h^s" unteeVed to carry on foot necessary hSine, will hold no happy memories near the water. ^ mentioned tftat at bis g g for a damaged observe-1 in years to come, for at 5:80 o'clock Both Jads were on the pier in fallen September front of the Jos. W. Freund resithe various committees which will _ (carry on the activities of the aux-'iences. "Ers! iliary during the pew year: Ameri- first opportunity he intended to -r--- • . , . •v.ninir jOMism and community Mrvice, Mrs write to the Plaindealer We will tion Plane- P 0f ev^cuating ^ 26, 1945. Mr. Scheubert pa^~away dence when 'in" playing, *George *^s v ^ .Ethej McGee; child welfare, Margaret most certainly be anxiously waiting ^the purp^ ^e ^ ^ fifty^fourth birthd.y. Death pushed into the water. Fortunately, Ivf which was still in enemy hands and was the culmination of an illness ex- Mr. Freund^ happened to be standing tn enemv fire. tendinar over a six months period, at his front window at the time and IH. Smith; auxiliary loan fund and to hear cf his progress, (education of orphans of veterans, Wednesdav October 8. wW be £MLrr*s.' Minnie Green; jjuunniioorrss,, MMiissss Norman, son of Mr. and Mfrs. John *n a er\lf. ^mn-nion travell- Mra " Scheubert's sister was buried when he saw what happened called .. «* S? AS^LlJSf'SJl.rLS: « by foot through an tWt wM in Chio«o th, iw diy ~ her hu^ W» ^whter. Mr». Bymm K*. «*• resides with him. McCullom: Mrs. Nye ran to the river and- ____ well patrolled by the enemy, yet band's death. t\hrr ee regular mme^ettiinngg," nni^gtn,t",_T luueessdaaayy.. I«t , Cristy; George Erb£r has _ returned fr?m ^he^si^essful Completion™1*" i Lake's most prominent residents, was when she saw the little fellow ly- w,r ft0tlvltlM months :in the^Pacific fromi the^ successf^ c^mp.etton y 01 ( presiden P t p^perty O^- ing on his b«k gasping for air, she ^ r-from serrtc. * **• Srt'Xk "Th.'club"™ "Sr,Kv2?TL^"r„y.l'°r """ ian life on September 19 at Toledo, f on that date ingtead of the Ohio, after three and one-half years £^lar meetjn- ni»ht Tuesday It -r* c.ri?ty: national defense and of service. Vernon enlisted his ser- ^ ^ held at NeU's Ballroom." All ac^vltie^ M™- Eleanor Foley; twenty-six ... w.c 7he "mission for which thev had vol- past president of the Property Own- ing on his back g vices on. February J* ,are>, urgently "reqwwted to^Snd. iSSPy L?S; ^^ublStti^Mii Si ™d ^ tnm Z completion^ j er" ablation and treasurer of tte'jumped into the water to res«» Great «Tlhe committe in charge of this af- *deie Froehlich and Mrs Vera' Jfn? Mrvice* V this mission both men returned the newly formed organisation whose him. Needless to say, Mrs. Scarfair is as follows: Math N. Schmitt, Charles MartiTTtTtioned in Brook- two miles alone. „ ! purpose no obtom better train brough was most grateful to Mrs. Martin^ btook deVQtion to dnty ,, the cfca., service for McHenry-. Nye for her timely aid. ' tion accompanying the award states, j A resident of this community ^for; "was responsible for the repair of | the past eight years, Mr. _ Scheubert much needed artillery liaison plane was employed as _ an_ engineer with to"""™", there f 7?f"» Adele Froehlich ,nd Mr.. Ver. K«,e; •j? «SJS- iS3«: ceived Tim Indiana he went D™"° "'""iMh. Gert^Weber; nation.! new, parent., the Clinton Martina -serving at Coco Solo, Canal Zone, *' I Mildred Nickels; gold star, Mrs. .Panama, for one year. After his Laura Smith; Pan-American, Mrs, return to this country he was star 1 ' - J s sent to the naval air station. JT" " "J qVhmitt Edward' Schmitt rehabilitation and veterans' emplov- Charles Martin, stationed in Brook- " nker Hill, Ind., where he re- JechaefTr je^v Scho^ Xi !"ent and craft shoP> Miss Eva StiU- lyn, New YQ& wih the coast guard, additional training for eight ^p j ^^ A^to^e W^helm' Wm ,ngl ^nanc® committee, Mrs. Ger- returned tofifry on Monday of this 3 iSTi- P f o* • fu ilfji AliLw trude Schaefer, Mrs. Mary Weingart, week after enioying a leave with his 1 t ! Martmec, Leo F. Smith and Albert ^ r^-trud* Weber: national n.w. n«rent«. the Clinton Martins. I* RESIDENCE CHANGES and the safety of its pilot." William Kreutier th? i Crr°?ra^J^f.°" Harrison and daughters until ill health forced his retirement, have moved from the former P. J. j * •' !;• f' i'cs; > tioned with the air ferry squadron %at Columbus, Ohio, where he remained for eleven months. Among the Sick Martin Obenauf has been a medi- Ercell Lock. Rehabilitation Wav«s ath Washington!16!). WC.h has WITH THE FIRST AIRBORNE j Sjirjrivors include . Cleary home on Waukegan street _ jb^ een home on leave, speennddiinngg the ARMY OCCUPYING BERLIN-• j ™* ^5,l^iliki'igJht*1r ®AtIm!h* T,hi!ftlftt I t^o ^C*r yj®s*ta«li Lake, wwhiwerrve "sihwe hnaws pur- Much stress is being put on the time with"her parents, at McCullom Rounding out its second year over-1 "S?: - chased a house. The place vacated *-11 r _i._ seas this month, the 3609th quarter- alL? j ^ . ,L1JLIL1. - wilKbe occupied by the new owners, master truck company has s^n ser-| . Th® the Nick B. Freunds, who will mora rehabilitation program now in full Lake, swing; and it is hoped by ali that vivnrr the lo«al unit will make wuiita ! cal patient at the Woodstock hos-j ing along these lines. Mrs, The City of McHenry will open pital. _ Bolinger, eleventh district American sealed bids on 1% ton truck at regu- "Pink*' Harrison has been confined lar meeting of the City Council, con- to St. Joseph's hospital ii) Chicago vening at 8 P.M., Monday, October the past week. . 15, 1945. Specifications may be se- Mrs. John Matcheni Jr., has been cured in the offce of the city clerk.1 a medical patient at Victory Mem- The City Council reserves the right )0rial hospital. a'fine show- Vernon Kramer has been given hU vice in seven countries and four cap- KnFlf>£i^f^Thiia^1 ' "1 lOA**\i h e n f r o™ t h e place on John •frs. Therese honorable discharge after a long per- ital cities. Now aligned to U. S. VnVral services Vill be held Sat- ?treet NLW ow?e" of 0 the l**er headquarters, Berlin district, the *u"e™ "«Ja home are Mr. and Mrs. George Ton- iod of service with the navy. 3609th has hauled everything in the urda> from the Mats funeral home to reject any and all bids. CITY COUNCIL OF McHENRY, _J^_j|SARL.B. WALSH, City Clerk. • -- -- • • & : / NOTICE • , The McHenry county ration board chairman of the Aurora unit, ga^e a very inspiring talk on "Amer- j Steven Konig is home on furlough, army icanism," which was much appre-1 having returned from overseas duty, shells ciated by the ladies. , " - . Four delegates were named to rep- j Word has been received from Sgt.! bottled soft drinks. resent the unit at the county meet-; Harold Dowell of his safe arrival in Corp. William Kreutser of West supply catalogue from 90mm ~ " "e and f material to WAC lingerie from airfield landing strip to cannot accept any more canning you" to local Legionnaires for the sugar applications or issue any more i sum of $34.97 collected in milk boteanning sugar after September 28. ties throughout the cfyy to help in Anvone not applying by that time sending the papen to our boys. The will not be able to do so and all bottles will not be placed in local applications on hand will be mailed stores in the future; however, the from the Ration beard by September: paper will continue to be sent to the 29 boys still serving Mrs. R. Ben Jones is a patient at 1 ing to be held on October 5, at | Guam. Memorial hospital, Wauke- Cary. They are Mrs. Minnie Green, Mrs. Clara Cristv, Mrs. Ida Greene and Mrs. Lara Yanda. THANK YOU! » A number of ladies from neigh- Again the Pliindealer says "thank' boring towns were nresent and are as follows: Mrs. Duff, Mrs. Vick and Mrs. Boone from Harvard; Mrs. Ellison from Richmond; Mrs. Lowe and Mrs. Stephenson from Ringwood; Mrs. Cowan and Miss Mer from Crystal Lake. Sabeeritoe far Th* Lt. Ohio, week. McHenry is a veteran member of the ,. 3609th. which during the drive to Martin Cooney of Dayton, the Elbe last April carried gas in is visiting his parents this five-gallon cans to the ninth U. S. army forward dumps. In a 26-day yan, who wilt soon move there fro« at 3440 North Central ave., Chicago. ' {orjQeT H j. Sohaefer place on Main street, recently purchased by NOTICE Mr. and Mrs. O. Tollefseri of Chi- Mi Place Restaurant, on McHenry, desires to announce that ca,go « Grgen nounce St,| The latter expect to make iperod the company's huge tractor- FORMER RESIDENT DIES trailer units delivered 10,800 tons or Mrs. Rcsa Haverin. widow of the!two and one-half million gallons of late James A. Haverin. died in Chi- the precious fluid for General Simp- "igo on September 92, 1945. The son's armored forces without loss of Haverin s operated a tavern in West a single gallon. McHenry many years ago and later j The company spent seventy-four at Lily Lake. Funeral services were conseendve days on the famed "Bat held OB Tuesday of tfafc wmk. . Ball" roate in Fraaoe Arid tfc» the ^kitc hen will reopen on Wedn_e_s -:, their home here in the near futwrew. days, but will remain closed on BECOME CITIZENS 4 Thursdays until further notice. , Twenty-three from McHenry co«Rk- 19-*P tv were admitted to citiwaehip a| • 2 ! Woodstock on Monday brfore summer of 1944 and later became! William M. Carroll of the part of the "ABC" system, the truck; court. Names of line running supplies oat of Antwerp, ehieles opented by the MNtt have travelled a total distance cf approximately tJMLfiOO milss since the outfit hit Grennock, Scotland, on 8s»> 1B» IMS. M'.aA . . Jut sl.. ~'j£SiaV.„ . Jtjk.„^ • from McHenry are Kstiwrlw Denmark; Otto K. " ~ .. and FMacea M. Wmw. Nsrway.

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