r- FOE SALE DKAI> ANIMALS--Pi»» the least we pay for diid Mwi cows in good tsowHMon. WlinHm Rendering Co. Phone Wheeling No. 3. Reverse the charges. No Mp needed to load. 14-tf FLOOR TILE--for kitchens, bathrooms, recreation rooms, commercial . . , . , buildings, etc. Also floor sanding FOR SALE--Model A pick-ijp truck., arKj reflnishing. Henning Newman, 510 Slain street; TeL 466 201982 Marrcl Ave..Phone 131, Wood- ~^iT- ,totk' m 5W FOR SALE--Straw, 60c per also alfalfa hay. Pteter A. Freund. MAVE YOU HEARD about the new Tel. McHenry 614-R-l. ^ 3 i reduced Auto Liability and Property FOR SALE -- Conn goid lacquered' Damage rates ? They will surprise alto saxaphone. May be seen at | you. Ask us for insurance rates. Matt Freund's, 206 Elm St., Mc-;Th« Kent Co., McHenry. tfhone 8. Henry. 20 27-ti FOR SALE--Universal range, ware- GARBAGE COLI.ECTING -- Let us house type. Can be seen Sundays, dj8poge 0f your garbage each week, only at Mineral Springs, 3/4 mile, Qr 0ftener jf desired. Reasonable south of new bridge. °E } ntm- y**r round route, for- .C- G- ^ker- TeL MeHe22 merly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. 695"M"1V i Phone S6B. tf FOR SALE--Dining room set, large : - . ~ table and si* chairs; good oil burn- j WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIR* or. Mrs. Anna Forest, Golf Course JNG -- All work fully guaranteed. Subdivision. *20 ^ "Torchy" Krause, 310 Elm St., Mc- FOR SALE--Fresh dressed fryersT, Henry. Tel. 379. _ 42-tf stewing hens and eggs. Call McHen-1 xnET.P WANTED ry 651-W-2. *20; MUrWAHXW FOR SALE--Registered spotted Po- HELP WANTED--Woman for genland China Boars. Telephone Mc-! eral store work. Bolger's Drug Store. Henry, 662-M-l. *20; _18-tf FOR SALE--Junior youth bed, like wri.p WANTED--Man for general new; reasonable. Telephone McHenry Worlt ^ jays per week. Call Pista- 677-M-2. „ *20 kee id4. ^ 20 £OR ^SALB-Six-room residence at WANTED--Woman for work McCullom Lake, with or without . . .. AA pply -4. w>«_ furniture; with basement and garage. 100 ft. front and fruit trees. Telephone McHenry 673-R-2. *20 HELP WANTED--Men for construcat Eva's res- 18-tf jtiftNSStnte (By Tippy Klein and Evelyn Michels) LeRoy "Jack" * Keenan enlisted in the Sea Bees (Navy Construction Battalion) as 1st Class Petty Officer and left for Camp Endicote, Rhode Island, in-January 1948, where he took his basic training and was transferred to Camp Parks, Calif., from there to Fort Huene, Calif., leaving LeROY ."JACK" KEEN AN for overseas in July, 1943. Jack ? - TCrr~PVftHrnMcRpn Won- sPent two years in the South Pacific, FOR SALE--Oil heater in excellent Jj®, T_i,e >pej 'Wonder Lake 221.1 and was promoted to Chief Petty condition; Dri-gas cooking stove.; ' , 14-tf Officer in June, 1944. He received Call after 6 p.m. Vincent Adams,! i | the American Theater of War Ribphone 110-J. 20 HELP WANTED--Woman to take bon, Asiatic & Pacific Campaign Ribtoyp g at tp uit, I j t - i l u ^ c a r e * of home with t h r e e c h i l d r e n . - b o n with two Bronze S t a r s , and ,i rsli Call McHenry 634-W-2. Henry Fel- Philippine Liberation with one star Kichmon --*-- t- 19_2 ancj the good conduct medal. Among some of the islands on which he linoleum, 9 x 884. 20 ™ meten, Jr., McHenry. HELP WANTED--CONSTRUCTION served were New Caledonia, Guadplfnnne , „ _ canal, Bougainville, Sterling, Mona, *20-21R m Wauconda 3231 after 7 pm., Emaru, Mog Mog, Fois, Leyte and IO. W. Potter & Sons, General Con-In i.nm(l w«« m»Ho hv FOR SALE--Fireside cabinet heat- LABOrErs wanted at once! Telemg stove; very good condition. Phone McHenry 130-W. *20-2 lfl w ^ ™ns. ^nerai uun- Samar His trip home was made by FOR SALE -- Eight-room home onj tractors, Wauconda, Illinois. plane, covering 6,000 miles to the Waukegan street; one and one-half | HELP WANTED--Girl for general bathrooms. New, modern ^tchenj ^ j0hn J. Vycital Hdwe., and dinette. Installing new boiler pv,nn<> q« m for hot water heat. Tel. McHenry McHenry' Phone 98"M 686-M-l. l$-tf FOR SALI^-Water front lots in city, half mile from depot, close to all schools, $1,500 each; subject, to raise. Call owner, telephone McHenry 207-R. 19-4 FOR SALE^--Year- round comfort anu economy with fire-proof Johns-Manville Rock Wool Home Insulation "Blownin" walls and ceilings. Call LEO J. STILLING, McHenry 18. 36tf. FOR SALE--Well built home at McCullom Lake; 4-rooms; large porch; high attic, suitable for three large rooms; running water; garage; also lot in rear. Price $5,950. Jacob Fritz, real estate, Johnsburg. Phone McHenry 672-R-2 or Chicago, Lincoln 1(333. WANTED--Truck driver. Lumber Co. Tel. 46. coast. He received his honorable discharge at Navy Pier, July 28, 1945. 20 Mrs. Keenan is the former Olivia" Hettermann and they have two chil- WANTED TO BUY McHenry | dren, Betty Lou, 9, and Tommy, 7, 20 who welcomed their daddy back home. J.ack is proprietor of his own painting and decorating business. ~ WANTED TO BUY OR TRADE RIFLES, SHOTGUNS, PISTOLS GAMBLE'S AUTHORIZED DEALER PHONE 459 WEST McHENRY 20-tf FOR RENT WANTED TO BUY--Modern summer home between McHenry and Antioch. $8,000 to $15,000, cash. 17-41 Jacob Fritz, real estate, Johnsburg. Phone McHenry 672-R-2 or Chicago, Lincoln 1333. -- 17-4 FOR RENT--Modern, warm, insulLOST ated cottage; gas, electric, hot water, Kstakee't194 niCely furnished* C*'J ! LOST--Tail gate for Dodge pick-up WANTED TO RENT 20 truck in McHenry. !ward. Call 176. Re-. *20 WANTED Corp. GeAld Hettermann was inducted into the army April 27, 1948. He reported to Fort Sheridan May 4, 1943, and was transferred to Camp Stewart, Ga., for anti-aircraft training-. He was then sent to Camp or Mrs. Mrs. Joseph Klein and . Lon Schwartz of New Uiere Sunday guests in the _ home. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hoyte have moved from the Hettermann flat to the Reeves home in Sunset View, which they purchased. Mr. ana Mrs. Peter IF. Miller of McHenry called in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Michels, Monday. Mrs. Steve Mav, Mrs. Mike DiPiero and Mrs. Ange DiBorva were Woodstock callers, Monday. Mrs. Verdeen Grabenhoff of Woodstock called on her sister, Mrs. Frank Michels, 'Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George King, Jim King and Miss Bernice King, Mr. Mid Mrs. Earl Paddock, Jr., were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Klinker in Woodstock. Frank Michels and daughters were Spring Grove callers Sunday afternoon. Chief Petty Officer" and Mrs. Vearl Heines of Ottawa, 111., Miss Violet Crowly, Chief Petty Officer Wm, McGinnis, Mr. and Mrs. Crowley of Chicago were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Keenan. _ Another new home will be added to our community in the Anton M. Schmitt subdivision. Steve May has purchased the lot next to the Ben J. Kennebeck home and ground was broken the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith will observe their golden wedding anniversary Monday, October 8. Open house Will be held to friends from 7 to 9 in the evening. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament marked the opening of Forty Hours Devotion at the 10 o'clock mass Sunday morning in St. John's church by the pastor, Rev. A. J. Neidert and his assistant, Rev. Clarence Thennes and solemn procession of children in white. Prayer hours were observed throughout the day with services in the evening. Closing of Forty Hours took place at 7:30 Tuesday evening with Father Averbeck of Sacred Heart Seminary, Geneva, 111., celebrant, Father Egan of Woodstock, Deacon, Father Daleiden of Snring Grove, Sub-deacon assisted by Father Banmhoffer and Father O'Rourke of McHenry. iFather Blake of Richmond, Father Esser of Virgil, JJ1.,. ,. Father Neidert and Father Thennes. Msgr. Nix of McHenry sang the Litany of All the Saints, also entoned the Te Deum. The choir under the direction of Sister M. EdwarcKne beautifully sang the impressive music. WANT TO RENT--Lieutenant Commander and wife desire to rent house WANTED--Good home for red, fe- ,i^ t i male, thoroughbred, Irish setter, five ^ months old, with people having ap- Henry, 111. Phone 656-M-l. 19-tf nropriat<> home and affection. Must _ MISCELLANEOUS , ZLINJ',OUR,ORDER • sp^r ^ driven wells and repairing. Lester "h f r ' Bacon, 203 John St., West McHenry,: * - 111. Phone 175. *20-4 WANTED GERALD HETTERMANN „20 Pickett, Vs., in July 1, 1944, was I sent to Camp Miles Standish, where Gas heating stove nr he left for overseas. He landed in MeCtalibm Lake On Parade Mr. and Mrs. George Boyle of Elmwood Park are parents of a young son, born Monday, Sept. 24, 6:50 p.m., at Belmont hospital, Chicago. He weighed 2 lbs., 1 oz. He will .answer to the name David Allan after his two young Uncles now in the service, David Boyle and Allan McKim. They also have a daughter, Patricia, who will be four years old October 13. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson are the new owners of the Mike Artery hoihe. Mr. Nelson recently returned from overseas. While there he wa& in the third army as M. P. They have two young daughters. Nice going, sou two. McKims received a card from Mary Grace Murphy, who is attending college in Iowa, last week. Reports the home sickness is just about over. Received a lettter from Bob Sales, S 1-C., on Wednesday, he is on a troop ship navy transport. He has been at Manila, Leyte, the Marshall and Philippines since he left after his leave in July. His new address is Robert L. Sales S 1-C., Commander of Transport Division 63, Fleet P. O. San Francisco, Calif. The Olsen home was struck by lightning on Sept. 28, causing some TWO pints of Berlou sprayed on your 9 x 12 rug protects it from moth damage for 5 years or Berlou !>ays the damage. Average cost only 50c per year. Bolgers Drug Store. 20 WHrk , . , . -- i floor I furnace for 5-room cottage. LiverPOol, England, and from there WHO does the painting jobs in your c-jj pfotakee 194. 20 was sent to Southhampton, Eng. He damage. Also the Grotthuss family nome? Jobs look better, and the J ^««- • --J - • - * work's more fun when you use Nu- Etaamel. Carey Electric Shop, Green St., McHenry. 20 WE 'INSURE YOUR PERSONAL PROPERTY in the city or country, wherever located in the U. S. or Canada, against fire, burglary, windstorm, all in, one policy. For information call Jacob Fritz, Real Estate and Insurance, Mail} St., Johnsburg. Phone McHenry 672-R-2. At Chicago, phone Lincoln 1333. 17-13 FALL WHITEWASHING--All work guaranteed, Al Phannenstill, Phone 433-R, McHenry. 18-4 crossed the English Channel and felt the impact of the storm that | landed at Omaho Beach, France. He evening. No wonder .all our phones Tunpt»nf» Tniigrhfioff iwent as far as Paris, France, and were out of order the next day for if £ i • r> «.«.• t « was hospitalized the 28th of Septem- awhile. Useful in Cutting' tools ; ber 1944. He left France to go back Dolores Schlitt is helping a lone- First produced in metallic form in j to England. After al month in Eng- ly Bailor stationed at Great Lakes to 1783, tungsten was not used alone land he returned to the States in make the Schlitt home his second until 1904 when it appeared as a fila- \ December. 1944. He was sent to; home. ment for electric lamps. Most of the Staten Island, New York, and from • tungsten processed in the United *here Topek^, Kansas, at Winter r Fpl! Dairy Ratioa States goes into tools for cutting jpe"fra« hospital. He was then sent) A full ration means feeding to each metals. Machine tools fitted with I <*>w enough feed to produce the tungsten carbide cutters can whisk iqac Mr. i, *»,- !»!?_ greatest amount of milk economicalthrough steel « the rate 0( 400 feet ^ Mary S^TnT j^ i: £w '*• ^ determine ,he proper .mount a minute. Brass, bronze and alumi- • owner of the Hettermann Sinclair of 8fain' give the animal all the num can be worked almost as fast Service Station, located iir>Johnsburg.; roughage, including hay and silage, as if they were soap. So hard is the carbide that it will scratch sapphire/ and can do the job of diamond- studded oil well boring drills. Tungsten puts a stiff backbone in softer metals, is anti-acid, and reshe will eat. Then weigh the grain Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Nelson, Mrs. I ratlon *>emg fed at that time together Lorraine Watkins, Mrs. Helen Amann with the milk produced. GraduaUy and Mrs. Edward Freund of Crvstal increase the grain ration and< Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob ;Pep- check the production. If .here is an ^ ping were guests in the Albert Pep-j increase* in milk production up to IS sists corrosion. Ancienf "swoTdmak- ping home, Tuesday evening, honor-! pounds of grain it shows that the a coo»> tor load togirtliar in the evening. The farm lad was catering s large peil oa his back, Holding a ehlcken in «ns hand, a cane hi the other, and ltading a goat They came to a dark lane. Said the girl: "I'm afraid to walk here with you. You might try in kis» me." Said the farm lad: "How could I, with all these things I'm carrying?" "Well, you might stick the cane in the ground, tie the goat to it, and put the chicken under the paiL" FAMILY CUSTOM j WLfey-A fitter diftie for ytfj today marked "Private and Confi* dentiaL" Hubby--Well, what did It sspi^ : Dead er Alive Teacher--What is the most useful creature la the world to mankind? Scholar--A hen! Teacher--How do you make that out? Scholar--We can eat it before it is born, and after it is dead. Army Mess Mother (visiting camp)--What do you get to eat? Rookie Son--Oh, a little bit of everything. Mother-r-What do you mean by everything? R. S.--Well, mostly soup, stew and hash! Motherly Advil* Daughter--I met the best-looking young officer at the dance, and he told me I was the prettiest girl he had ever seen. Mother--Now, my dear, don't trust any man who deceives you at ttte^ very first meeting! Safe Deposit H " Mrs. Smith--I have hidden all my savings in the mattress. Mrs. Brown--Why did you do that? Mrs. Smith--I want them where I can fall back on them, v Wonder Work# * \ Lyra--Did you hear about my miracle? Myra--No, what was it? Lyra--I swallowed a dime, and the doctor made me cough up two doliars. , . , SPEAKING OF GEMS I Daughter--Daddy, dear, what is your birthstone? Father (forcefully)--I think it must be the grindstone. Doggone Hi-rThe Vet had to sew up my dog after his fight with the Great Dane. . Si--Is he okay now? Hi--Sure. A stitch in time Save* canine! . „ , ___ u-pu, it_ nut it to ! inK OI> his birthday anniversary. I animal was not getting enough and TR^ SPRAYING AND WHITE- keen-edged blades for fight- Friends and relatives attended the; the increased feed should be con- Mrs. SEPTIC TANKS CESS POOLS AND jectiles and in erosion-resisting gun J/uarenP. F^®und are their grain feed should br reduced to the ^ ^ " ^ E A N S ^ S f B i S ? . ! {^Va n d m e r 0 8 l 0 n r e S i 8 ^ g U n P r e S e n t' ^ h i s p a r - 1 o r i g i n a l a mount. ? ; "J101!,6 0 Co^stal ^3"^ or Wood-1 Some of the metal is used for ' Friends «nd relatives attended the ' «• •' . - - stock ooO. 19-tf | making electric lamp and radio tube Peterson-Freund 'wedding in Chicago, , ?m.e ftFPTir tamica tvaTAt i i?r> fiiaments, and for contact points; Saturday. - i Nat««al 4^C* SPWAPF Avn nn TM w such 88 are on telegraph relays. | T^ T ^v. M-«. Florence Ped-i revea} t.hat jn. 4,850,000 persona Sk ai AKn J r R N v J v n i « L a t h e c e n t e r s and i n s u l a t i n g p a r t s - ™ - M«. Lena H e t t e r m a n n and we« i n j u r e d in home a c c W e n t S , and ETLING^1?AlAnf T 8180 diP into the supply. Salts of EHw'r Hetterr«»nn attended the tav- 32,500 persons were killed. i». PrnhoSnnef fcrryy st™al LLa&kee 771?6«-.MM . ^200- 22 i tpuonwgdsetresn> a^d^ yeing f* a ntad k^i ng bc.hoenmze. ^ ^"^in; held at "Pink" Harrison's Toothful Slaaguage He--What have you got for dessert tonight? She--I made you some policeman's biscuits. He--What on earth are they? She--Cop cakes! ' mm *ftjt - ' jjfef; HAXOLD H. BILL MmlBc. BaeintfM msA ~ •" Papvteaglag DepeadaMe Work IOS-N. G&EEN ST^ hPHpNKY EOTHESMKL ELEOTBIO spOP ELECTRICAL CONTBACTOB8 RADIO' RBPAR8 us eattaate tfkat next dectri* cal job of years. LBO G. BOTBERBtBL, Prop. . Phone McHeary 272-M S04 Rivenide Drive S. H. Freud & Sob 00HTKA0T0B8 X AHD BUILDBBi Our Experience Is at Your Servlee In Building Yoor Wants, Phone 66-W •• . • McHenry Freund Co. Ixeantiiif Oontr»otor ' Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane Service. - - *-&oad Building-- McHenry, Hi .?r' MB.VAM PhC 1J» flma m-i McHeary litwi V2C X.MOMB TEL. WONDBB LAKS 41t' D*. a L. WATKIM8 " ' * r-*K n--- - i» • nsiff 9ew§ *; U'c >1 ; Taoeday A Saturdays: • ajn. te B pa. go asri taftr Mora lags by AmiIsIsmbH Pelat Wepier Lake, ft It's a Hard Life Father--Why are you crying, son? Boy--Tommy slapped me. Father--Why don't you slap him back? Boy--It's no use, Dad, it would only be his turn again. Ftfty-Flfty Boss--I notice you are always the last to arrive in the morning Shd the first to go at night. CHerk--You wouldn't want me to be late twice in the same day, would you? PAINTING, DECORATING, PAPER- ical, paint, and tanning industries. ING--Peter Kaminski, West McHen- §y. Tel. McHenry 656-M-2. 15-tf Subscribe for The Plaindualer Order your rubber stamp* at the Plaindealer. ' TN'Widpy afternoon. i Bini_ m..u ^»TaHvene«^eTono™hlItdi«^aw/{n ' ^ uPstairs shelf or drawer for O--on. Welcome home. Al! Sfiw00/" SUPP,Ue1 Mr. «nd Mrs. John -Herdrich and ? . tissue, tepial tissues, and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hetter- bath.tub cleamfc saves a tot of mann and sons and Jimmy Hetter-' runJluUt UP aqa^Rwn staixs J$) get I replacements. ' *... J No More Fishing Sitgeant--So that WAVE rejected you after all? Well, cheer up, there's plenty of good fish left in the sea. - Corporal--Yeah, but this one took all my bait. . WeH Fixi ra--My new boy friend would to death if it weren't for his^Jtaections. Dora--Oh, a playboy, eh? . Cora--No. He's a plumber. -GOOD CLOTHES DESERVE GOOD CARE GLEANERS 103 Elm Street Phone McHenry 104*M Tral laltaM BMbtO-Ue Dos't a«sUct Mdv row kauri ixaMUiMmAvArtCAA • ikw Bubi Mwriiii T«d*| WATTLES DBUG 8TOBE McHeary, IB. Amerieaa Flower No American flower is probably better known and admired throughout the world than the dahlia. It is numbered among the dozen or so flowers of high rank which have special societies and exhibits in Europe and America. »Named after the Swedish naturalist Dahl, its birthplace, however, is Mexico. It was cultivated in the gardens of the Aztec emperors who knew not only the single species but also the varicolored and the semi-double ones. Yet, in spite of the fact that the early Spanish conquerors must have come In contact with it, it is believed to have been taktf to Europe onlv la 1790. Order your robber itaapi at tbs Foot of the Class Teacher--Now, Jimmy, give me a sentence containing the word "sphere." 0 Jimmy--My father has a sphere cold, t la the Army Now I Corporal--This unit certainly has a humorous cook. Sergeant--Why~3d- you say that? Corporal--Everything to preparer has a tunny taste. « Extead Meat Soya flour and grits with their high quality protein, are good tor mixing with'ground moat to make it go farther. Tea MOes In lttl, each freight car formed each day on the average a service equivalent to carrying ill toos of freijtfxt a distance al one mile, la IMS, the daily average roae to 1,001 ton-miles, an Increase at Ml WXINOART TRUCKING McHENRY, ILL. Sand, Gravel, Mack Dirt, FflBag aad Liateeteae Telephone McHenry 6M-B-S Phone McHenry 687-R-S ' ,-- Basement Excavating -- NETT'S SAND & GRAVEL Special Rates on Road Gravel aad Lot Filling .. Black Dirt.. Power raveling and Grading. I. E. NETf Johasbarg P. O^-MeHoary Al's Welding Service Ai Schwenaaa's Chevrolet Sales Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Weldiag aad Cottiag ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator Phoae 615-W-l or 277 or 177 M'HENRY, ILL. --Wa^tIid to bM We pay $6 to $16 for Old or Injured Horses or Oowi Standing or Down if Aliv«. Matt'a Mink Ranch Johnsburg - Spring Grove Road Phone Johnsburg 669-J-2 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES A CATTLE We pay phone charges. -- DR. H 8. JTO MS Waakegaa St. %' McHENRY, ^ . - AUTO INSURANCE-- EAKL t WALSI PrSsaatlag Reliable Oompanies When yea need lasaraaee ef any Mai Phone M or 118-M Green ft Elm ' McHenry 1 11 Telephone No. 800 Stoffel ft Rdhaasperger Insurance agents for aD classes ef property in the best Mn^^aniee. WEST McHENRY - - ILLINOIS ^jacob ram Real Estate and Ingnrance Mala St, Johnsbarg Tel. McHeary 672-K4 Chicago Office^ Luwola 1UN McHENRY FLORAL GO. -- Phone 608-R1 -- One Mile South of McHenry on Ronte 31 Flowers for all occasions! SEWER OLOGGBD? Have It Cleaned With the 8ANGER MOTOR-MOLE NO DIGGING Ai Work Guaranteed H. L. RAPP Crystal Lake. III. . ^ > Phone Crystsl Lske S3? A. WORWIGX '>• /• t Fertraitare • foiasaerclafr Phetegrapiy Pboa* 176 -- Riverside Drive MeHBNRY, IlL, Structural Steel - Building S] OnyMBlt al Irea pe^yee Steel Stairs and RaiHags H. &. BBOKXK 3M Raihroed St. Mareaia 144 MARENGO, ILL. For ftXrBIOEKATIOIf "Oa^f ;' ' WOMDIS LAX! M8 \ LAWN MOWERS OTTO ADAMS Service & Repair Shop has been appointed Moto-Mower distribtitor in lbSew7 and vicinity, handling a quality Mae of POWER MOWERS HAND MOWERS GANG MOWERS POWER SICKLES TRACTORS LAWN SWEEPERS Stop in and see OTTO about the new Trade in your old mower on a new 1946 model ftp-war prices on all machines. - (Corner of Johnsburg Road and Pistakee Bay Road) complete line of parts will be stoekad at aD tinea. THEMOTOMOWEROa 1M5 Washington Blvd., flhicago, BL