H11 >»> > II mint i i i i i u • - • • LILY LAKE - the air. For on October 21, First Lt. Richard M. Gilman will be married to Miriam Miller, in the Kirlcwood Hotel, t>e« Moines, Iowa. The Gilmans have long been residents here, Let's wish our future newlyweds all the happiness in the world. Everyone who spent Saturday night at the grand opening of the Bos Stop Tavern will tell you the sandwhich were served were the The people present were (By Dick Hyatt) Here I am again, folks, with more news. This has been a rather pleasant week; the weather has been a little more amiable, but most everyone of us stuck close to the radio listening to the baseball games.; 7** , - - Well, well take a peek at what we've j actually pressed in likesardines. Begot here shall we? sides the folks from the surround- Heading the list this week is an ing countryside, there were guests announcement which has been made from Round Uk« *jM some by the Ladies League. Their meet- from Chicago. A delightful evening ings will be held every other Wed- was enjoyed by all attending. nesday evening, instead of the usual; Hold your seats, everybody, I every Wednesday afternoon. This don't want to send chills and thrills 1 arrangement will continue until fur- up your spine, but we have in our ther notification. The response of midst a Mr. Dick Shaver. Mr. Shaver the pinochle players at the last meet- j is a feature writer for "Araasing ing WHS a wee bit better than usual. , Stories!" The Shavers intend to Wedding bells are once again in;make this their permanent residence. GwmUsh if- .'** ;< s .<• f are glad to have you frith us, folks. , It seems they're singing an old familiar song around the Yaeger home, titled, "Help the Poor." Tea, if anyone sees Mrs. Yaeger taking to scrubbing floors these days or if they don't see them buying a chicken for dinner this Sunday, can credit it to the Mister. While playing pinochle he lost his week's budget or I wonder if that was some of his usual winnings he had stocked away somewhere in hts glass jar. Itlooks like a long winter, Mr. Yaeger, you better get in the groove and do a little winning. Happy faces will be seen when approaching the Schiovani as they have received a letter from their son, Don. After six weeks of no mail, they have gotten word from Don, that he is on his W)ay to Tokyo. All the folks join in and wish you loads of good luck, Don. • The C. J. Hyatt family took Sunday off and went into Chicago to see their many friends. As Cliff Ivu recently been discharged from the army it is the first tune the whole family could go in together. They had dinner at the children's great grandmather's home. Keeping up with the times seems to be quite a habit with Mrs. Lannes. Saturday, while walking in front of her home, she fell and sprained her wrist. Every year just about this time, she is laid up for some thing or other. Here's hoping you get well soon, j&s we wouldn't want you to miss that delicious roast beef dinner, that's coming up soon. By the way, folks, we hope to see ... wife. Let's hops lit jk SMigfi. return . home. Mrs. KWLL two aunlp are here from CaBtenia. Thursday the Kiehls nd ttiair guests went to Chicago, where • family reunion was held, at the. home of Mrs. Kiehl's uncle. Sunday another gathering was held at the Kiehl home hers at the lake. A grand -time was had by alL During this week the KieMa and their gusats plan on spending their time by visiting their many relatives. Here's hoping you have nice weather. I think you will have to get out your winter clothing as it looks as ir .it may be a cold week. It seems we have some hidden talent around here, but don't ask me Where it has been hiding, "as I couldnot answer. Appearing in the Junior class play, "A Bit of Honey," is our one and only, Les Krieger. Caution, everyone! By the looks of things we are getting rather careless with Ourselves. First it wss Mrs. Lannes and now it is reported that Mrs. Swenski has cut herself quite badly above the eye. Let's all try to be a little more careful and try to prevent such mishaps. We all hope you will get well soon and the injury is not serious. I wonder if Ruth Latin is catching cold or if she already has one now, also why it took her so long when she was called to come to the meeting Saturday night. Some say she was detained for ???? Well, 111 let you ask her. Saturday morning:, Jennett Dunn, one of the pupils attending the Lily Lake school complained of a pain in her stonqach. Later on in the day she was taken to the hospital in you-all there. My mouth is already I Woodstock, where she underwent, an watering and I hear the program j appendix ^ operation. She is still in which has teen arranged is magnifl- j the hospital. We all hope you will I cent in every detail. It's only a few | days off, so come on, folks, start i planning. Remember, Saturday, Oc- 'tober 13, Rudy's Place, the annual be well soon, Bennett. There is a favor I would- like to ask of you folks, and that is if you have any news to put in the column installation of officers of the Lily that has happened during the week, Lake Beautifying Club. The pro- would you please be so kind as to | gram has been scheduled to start, drop it at the Hyatt home anytime i at 8*30 pm around dinner tim&^ It would be i Last Friday, the P. T. A., had its ?reatl£ »PP«ciated and would help j monthly meeting. Every one attend- • ling enjoyed himself to his utmost. Now for the fleld of sports Last I T h e r e w e r e m a n y s u r p r i s e d f a c e s ^ ! ? ? £ , ' , • h « K r W c . a 'upon those entering ja little late asj®0 jjjj Tn g!L RlnnH I thev gazed upon the vasjt crowd. It! 20-yard touchdown. In the second ' realiil y was a swell turnout. |i team frame, Monday afternoon against gt jjm Krine one our | Spending the past Week here at; boys> caUghtHhe one good pass of | the home of the Abbinantis were Mr., game. This gave our team a and Mrs. Romano. They were very, gajn Qf about eight yards. Nice (By Eltell Lock) » ^ At the mguter meeting of the board of directors of tfcs Property Owners sspsristlop, the Mowiat issignments were made for the year of 1M«: Director of roads, C. D'vore: director of perk and beach, 6. Qoranson; director of safety, W, Smithy director of membership, C. E. ParselL Tbese directors wftl^be responsible to the sssoriation and the com* munity for any activity Ar program undertaken by the aasoeiation in their particular deportment. In addition to the above, A1 1Mb was appointed chairman of the entertainment. a committee which has bean inactive for the post two years. A1 promises some real activity for the entertainment of all in the community. The nefct meeting will be held on the first Sunday in November, 10:80 ajn., at the home of George Goranson on Park View Drive. Mr. and Mrs. William Halldy, Jr., are now the prowd'parents of Judith Lynm, a seven pound two ounce haby girl, born Tuesday, October 2. The ladies pinochle club of Mc- Cullom Lake met st Mrs. Syd Smith's home on Thursday, October 4. Mrs. Clarence Feiereisel won first prise, Violet Theile won second, and Mrs. Syd Smith, the consolation prise. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. George Goranson. . Rose Kaminski's mother has been NOW ON DISPLAY The first brand new Corunado Electric Washer since 1942. Check these Coronado features when you visit our store; large porcelain tub; fa^mium plated wringer: massive balloon rolls; large, high vane agitator; sealed-moil transmission and lifetime lubricated motor. We have worked out a plan that. seems the most satisfactory for the sale of the first washers, because quantities are naturally limited now ... come in today and find out how to purchase a new Coronado washer. ----: Telephone 459 Tha Friendly Stora Authorized Dealer West McHenry, Illinois Farm Service Way AUCTION happy the weather was agreeable and they enjoyed their stay' here immensely. , i Well, folks, if you ask me, the j Hintz's are attached to this place: somehow, as they are still with us. | Don't get the idea we want to get j !rid of you, but I think you better. Ilook out as Mr. Yaeger is looking! {where he can win back some of the j j money he lost the other night. i Mrs. Zieman spent last weekend at Rudy's Place. As she has been out here quite frequently, she spent ! Sunday afternoon visiting her many | friends here. Everyone will pdmit it was nice weather for doing so. The Gilmores once again have spent the weekend in Chicago. This time they visited their partner, Mr. Kissel. The Kissels-will move out here as soon as their son, Dick, recovers from a recent operation. Dick is intending to go to the Lily Lake school. Let's all hope he gets well soon, so our population will be increased. Spending a very delightful weekend at the Mackay home were Mr. and Mrs. Ellson of Chicago. Mr. Hints is visiting his brother and other relatives in Chicago. He will remain there a few days. You bdtter watch him, Mrs. Hints, he may have a J^londe or a redhead in the city he am went to see. Also Mr. ami Mrs. Bitterman and son, Tommy, are spending a few days in Chicago visiting and doing a bit of shopping. Mrs. Venier's husband left Mondav, for Fort Sheridan, where he will await a discharge. He has been spending his furlough here at his poing, boys, and lots of luck in the future. Well, that's about all the news for now so till then . . , Pod Opeher A tricky machine has been invented for the quick opening of pea pods. The pods are first cooled to make ihem brittle; then the air pressure is lovered and the pods pop open. for SMIM Prescription . ond Froth, -'-'v Potent Drugs Jt is no accident or happen* Stance that has msde thi| , ^haraascy Prescription •.Ourdominanpi^. •ition i> the natural reiul| ld«pe»dahle service. Skilled • pharmacists are backed b$ ipe highest quality of freshf potent drugs. The finished ; jnrodoct is fairly priced|Tf-' - priog your next prescript' lion here for compounding!, Thomas P. Bolger The McHenry Druggist* • IIM| [* • e e e ft* ttf past tor days, tffl start week for the Common Wealth Edison company in Chicago the fifteenth ^|Us month. Disk Tewels The life of dish towels is usually short tf they are used as pot holders. Cfaefc badly scotched, their days «f usefulness are soon over. Marine School The marine corps has its own correspondence school and instruction la sons of tits ails, trades and soft* ences is given leathernecks anywhere they may beTrtatiored. Conserve energy otf the refrigerator. Freeze no more ice cubes tkcai you actually need and don't wasls ioe. Alter quick freeing, return (he cold control to the normal setting so soqn as the job is done. £ :• Needlepoint footstools cleaned by the "dry1 rubbing lightly in circles, suds With a spatula. To color fulness, pat an ous spot with a doth warm water. „ dipped in Read the Want Ads At Qaulke's Sale Barn--Route 47--Woodstock, Illinois Leonid, Auctioneer - ^ ftBiLD OF DAIRY COWS, EITHi&^ SPRINGERS OR FRESH WITH CALF BY SIDE. 150 FEEDER PIGS FEEDER STEERS 0ALVE8 STOCK BULLS HORSES v ^BEEF CATTLE SHEEP BROOD SOWS 7 25 HEAD HEIFERS YOU CAN BUY -- YOU CAN SELL FARMERS: Call Tuesday and truck will pick up your calves Wednesday morning, for fee of 50c per head. / Gall Woodstock 572 or 499 if you have livestock to consign ® All consignors make arrangements to get your livestock in. either the day before thp sale or bring same morning of sale. xerms: 25 per cent down, balance in monthly installments. ...1 to 16 months time at y2 of 1 per cent interest. Woodstock Commission. Sales Co. Inc. " lbs. E. GAULKE, Owner--Phon. 672 m: * L. H. FREEMAN & SON, Tel. 118 or 122, Hebron, III., Auctioneers r o » # $00 f s i € Si Chas. LeonardA % Ed. Vogel, Aucts. State Bank of Richmond, Clerking K; •'Having decided to discontinue farming, the undersigned will sell at Public Auction on the farm known as the WILSON FARM, located 1 mile West of I1L, on gravel road just North of Hebron Lumber Com* yany, on ' WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17 , 1W5, coanaencing at 10 KM o'clock sharp 52 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK « HEAD OF PUREBRED REGISTERED HOLSTEIN COWS * Purebred Registered Bred Heifers, 5 Purebred Registered Heifers, 11 •Maths old; 6 Purebred Registered Calves, 3 to 6 months old; 1 Registered Bun, 20 months old. Sunny Home Walker De Kol, out of Infci Walker Ormaby 8th. His dam was Raggie Rag Apple Echo De Kol. This herd is line bred from Carnation Bred Bulls and featuring the blood lines of Sir Inka May and May Walker Ollie Holmstead. This herd runs mostly to first, second and third calf cows. - They have been carefully selected and home raised. They are large in size, well mark- ®d and have averaged about 1,100 lbs. of milk daily for the past two and one-half years. HORSES--Team of Brown Geldings, 10 years old, weight 3,200 lbs. Perfectly matched and broke and safe for anyone to handle. 1 est of Breeching Harness. « FEED--2,000 bushels of Vicland oats, 20 tons of old corn in crib, 45 tons of first crop alfalfa in barn, 35 tons of second crop alfalfa in bam, 26 tons ol baled oatstraw, 40-ft. of alfalfa and molasses silage in a 14 'ft. silo- 35 ft. of corn silage in a 14 fL._silo, 20 seres of eqjrly maturity corn in field. MACHINERY--WC Allis-Chalmers tractor on rubber with starter, lights, power take off and power lift cultivator; F-20 tractor on rubber with power take off for Allis-Chalmers machinery, Gehl C-40 silo filler (new), McCor TWJ11 £°v 2"B hamm.er mil1- Smallev forage and grain blower, Model 60 Alas-Chalmers combine with scour kleen and rotary pick up attachments, Allis Chalmers field forage harvester -with rotary pick up, McCormick 10- ft* tractor fertilizer grain drill with g£Ass seeder, McCormick power mower with 7 and 5 ft. cutter bars and 4 sickles, Little Genius 16-in. two bottom tractor plow, McCormick 8-ft. tandem disk, McCormick 8-ft. tractor cultipacker, McCormick field cultivator, 3 section drag, 2 section drag McCormick 2 bottom plow, 1934 Chevrolet 1% ton truck, McCormick corn planter erith tongue truck with fertilizer attachments. Emerson mower, McCormick side delivery rake, New Idea push type hay loader, rotary hoe, single row na>Mwin« T^aftnin n. ^ - * * V ? 9 « « ii tired wagons with flair type triple wagon box and set of dump boards, 10 H. P. .3 phase electric motor with compensator starter and 50 ft. of cable, 1 B P. electric- motor, corn sheller, buzz saw, emery arbor, 10 molasses barrels. oil burning brooder stove, coal brooder stove, metal rain shelter. 12 x IS ft.: brooder house, 10x10 ft.; brooder house, 10x12 ft.; 2 hog self feeders: 1R hole steel nests, quantity of other poultry equipment. All small tools an farm. DAIRY EQUIPMENT--20 8-gal. milk cans, Surge milker, complete with S single units, motor compressor and pipe for 31 cows; wash and solution tanks, electric Dairy Maid hot water heater, Lbsee kerosene heater, pails asd strainers, electric milk stirrer, power Primrose 600 lb. cream separator. FtmNlTURB-Pining table and 6 chairs, china closet, sectional bookease, kitchen table and 4 chairs, dresser, 3 9 x 12 rugs, floor lamps, Majestic radk>v telephone desk and chair, 2 rocking chairs, vegetable bin, mattrees, Ivory table, wicker swing, breakfast set, clock, heater, and other effects too numerous ^ mention. Usual Illinois Farm Auction Service Terms, f JOra WILSON Farm Auction Service "Auctions tibat *. D. PHUIU Beptueaatative, Phone 112; hat fay are Managed the Farm Service WMT!M KMNT Lake torn, Phone 242, Cashier. Clark. The undersigned has decided to sell his 17 acre farm and -the personal property on same at public auction, located, 2V4 miles east of Spring Grove on blacktop, 3 miles north of Fox Lake, 1 mile north of Fox Lake Golf Course on the State Park Road on SUN., OCT. 21, '45 Commencing at 1 o'clock P. M. FAST TIME the following described property: 17 ACRE FARM TO BE SOLD AT START OF SALE TERMS ON THE FARM -- Cash, make arrangements for terms with your own broker. , , MKIUM & C0MPMW, tKv LLIS1! V" MEW UK* *TEEL G0®*®**™*11 Hwuwita ^iouso" 5 HEAD OF UVBSTOq^ Oonsisting of 2 work horses, years old, 1 riding horse, 10 years old, 2 feeder pigs, 100 1-year-old hens and (MNne pullets, geese Mallard ducks. Hay, Grain and Machinery 20 tons baled hay and baled straw; small quantities of oats; 2 incubators, chicken waterers and feeder and other equipment; quantity of barbed-wire; 60 oak posts; 500 gal. water tank, high pressure; computing scale and chicken scales; McCORMICK DEERING F-20 tractor on rubber and cultivator; 2 mowers; 1 iron wheel wagon and rack; 1 hay rake; 1 corn planter; 1 two-wheel trailer; 1 four wheel trailer; 20 oil drums; 1 gas pump; I garden power cultivator; Ford Model-A tractor; sulky plow; corn cultivator; bean cultivator: spring tooth harrow; new pumn jack and motor; Model-T, old truck, 1 Chev. old truck; 200 rods chicken wire; 4 electric brooders; 4 battery feeders; all small tools, forks, shovels, etc., 2 oil burner stoves, 4 coal and wood stoves, kindling wood, piles of second-handed lumber, 100 ton of old iron. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 1 electric Gibson cook stove; electric wash machine, Fedilcoo special; sorts and chairs; radios; quantity of other household goods. > TERMS--All sums of $26 and under that amount cash; over that amount a cred it six months at 6 percent will be extended on notes approved by the clerk, l^iose desiring credit kindly make arraage--yts prior to purchase. Not property to bs re» until settled for. v.4 6U8 KNAPK, Own* Stran-Steal construction represent* tSe new, improved method of producing fire-safe, durable buildings for farm and industrial use. Its efficiency and economy have been proved in more than one - hundred and fifty thousand Stran-Steel "Quonsets** produced by Great Lakes Steel Corporation to serve :^'on military bases throughout the world. All-steel, economical to buy and maintain* Stran-Steel • "Quonset" buildings are rot-proof, warp-proof, termite-proof and weather-resistant They go up / faster, stay up longer, and maintain fine appearance with a minimum of attention. , liThe backbone of Stran-Steel buildings it die simple, easy-to-erect Stran-Steel framing system. It consists of lightweight steel members, fabricated to required lengths and shapes, and providing a patented nailing groove in joists, arch ribs and purlins for attaching i materials. Siding and roofing are simply nailed on by ordinary hammer-and-nail materials can be attached to die interior just aa simply, when required. "The appointment of a dealer for Stran-Steel "Quonset" buildings in this area marks an important step in providing better value in buildings suitable for j§ variety of farm and industrial requirements. Noff: available are the Stran-Steel "Quonset 40"--a many* purpose building W wide by any desired length i| increment* of 2C . . . and the Stran-Steel "Quonsc*^. 2d"--a smaller many-purpose building wide by any desired length in increments of 12\ Ask your Stran-Steel dealer for complete details on thesftfamous "Quonset" buildings. He will be glad t» advise you in selecting the gight building for your particular needs. cszn ens GREAT LAKES STEEL COirOMTION IMN-STm MVISION, PEHOUCOT BSILBIBS, SETBSIT it, aiesisM s ' i s ' i . ; i ' o e N * | » *?*;• I v o --a a t t • * * . . w - : . i