Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Oct 1945, p. 6

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HELP WANTED--Part-time typist Write R. Shaver, Gen. Del., McHenry, 111. *21 FOR SALE FOR SALE--Straw, 60c per bale; , , ' also alfalfa hay. Peter A. Freund. j HELP ^WANTED--Man for construc- «Tel. McHenry 614-R-l. *20-8 : tion work. Ivar Fredricksen, Won '• I I IN • • ' •-- ^ T j i l r j * FOR SALE--Fireside cabinet heat-1 ing stove; very good condition. Phone "McHenry 130-W. *20-2 jjELP WANTED at Crystal Lake Wednesday afternoon. , Mrs. Rose Jepson sprat the weekend with relatiVes in Elgin. Cadet Audrey Merchant of Elgin spent Tuesday and Wednesday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ray Merchant The Home Bureau met at the home of Mrs. Mitchell Kane Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. .and Mrs. Baker gave the lesson on flower ar- Tel. Wonder Lake 221. rangement and Mrs. Sells cn minor 14-tf projects. There was a good attend- I ence. vs Full time male: Mr and Mrs. Glenn Jackson an<J HELP WANTED--Woman for general store work. Bolger's Drug Store. I , 18-tf Striker'H,:: "Qy B7 WILLIAM I. MURDOCH KCQUN Newspaper Syndicate. WNU Feature*. FOR SALE -- Eight-room home on. bookkeeper with some ^typing andfamily of Richmond spent Sunday in Waukegan street; one and one-half! shiPPin^«*P«ne"^; ? bathrooms. New, modern kitchen smaU McHenry firm. and dinette. Installing r for hot water heat Tel. 686-M-l. |jy Needed by tj,e Beattv-Low home. utiicu .. „ Write B*ooxi | Mr. and Mrs. Louis Manson and Installing new boiler 157, McHenry, for appointment 21 Mrs Martha james 0f Rockford Charles, Hobscn ir * quired of his eight-yea r-o' nephew. He shot a rather bew: dered look at his wife who smiles knowingly and folded her armsacross her ample front. 1 "Why. Butch?" Charles repeated. "Why can't you tell your new teacher- Miss Melrose, is it?--that you're to instead FOR SALE--Water „ ... _ , „ , come straight home of McHenry WANTED «po BUY--Modern sum-1Sund»y "W1!h Rev- and Mrs-. helping her fix a recreation room in mer home between McHenry and:Co",ns- „ . her basement?" front lots in Antioch. 58,000 to $15,000, cash. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison, «Well gQgh Unk_» Randolph city half mile from depot, close to Jacob Fritz, real estate, Johnsburg. spent Friday in the home oftheir ""Butch" Speers said evasively, star Si Whoil, e«hr.akj«" to Ph»«« McHenry 672-R-2 or CWw;! W.IUm., _.nd| tag .1 the floor. raise. Call owner, telephone Mc- Lincoln 1333. Henry 207-R 17-tf 19-4 MISCELLANEOUS Lake. Wm. is home from a long *» .. u . wI# seige of duty with the Seabees inJ .. *hou.ght H,elen, H?°LJ the South Pacific. V*"* *feen bu* of Jealousy, didnt ,, . «* » *» a _j take' a big bite from Charles Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet and peace Qf mjn(j( then 37 years of t U1 iuub unu&B IWN--RUJ , U TT- L ' OF P • 1,1 10 mm n» - FOR SALE--Magic Chef gas stove, driven wells and repairing. Lester ^ ' j thing. "Tell him, Randolph," she ' " nM ~ " ,." „ j ' . pressed primly. "Tell him what you •20-4 , _ Mrs. Rose Jepson spent from told me" FOR SALE-House in Richmond, on „ . „ _ . - . v mmu, u.w o, w Mam street. Call 135-J. 21 puT IN YOUR ORDER NOW--For marriage to him hadn't taught her a E--Magic stoye, wellsi "Pairing. extension dinette table, metal bod Bacon, 203 John Sty West McHenry,' |and dresser, 2 pair rose drapes, 2 111. Phone 175, Tuesday until Friday in the home ... . thA . v ,T i&susr PERS0^t ^r.son' H*rold- r4 *** s, ss.'s ^yjohmburg. rtSe^VocSedAV™" Ir Mrs. Charles Cole. ijtfd »ta. hrf 'm' .>^V?'FOR SALE -- Modern, three-burner Canada, against fire, burglary, wind- Hill spent Thursday in Elgin. | Helen w»> .vtromelv nleased at " . " oil stove for cooking. Place for storm, all in one policy. For inform- Mrs. Charles Ackerman and daugh- .. - „# nn rharW pans. $15. Filling station, Wonder ation call Jacob Frit*, Real Estate ter, Darlene, of Seattle, Washington,; .JJ* "^rleii Lake. Tel. Wonder Lake 568. 21 and Insurance, Main St., Johnsburg. eame>riday evening for a visit with {®"f- : ------ -- --- Phone McHenry 672-R-2. At Chi- her daughter, Mrs. John Hogan, and bug plenty of jaw room. If the boy FOR SALE--Four hole laundry stove; cago, phone Lincoln 1333. 17-13 family. i wanted housework, she intended to cabinet model haater, burns coal or : : > Helen and Amy Lawrence and; see that Charles ordered him to help wood. 5-fi room size; good condition. FALL WHITEWASHING--All work Robert Shueberg of Chicago spent! at home. "Imagine, Charles, a Call McHenry 151-J. *21 guaranteed, Al Phannenstill, Phone the weekend in the Oliver Lawrence teacher using her looks to inveigle /nIirl-rvc r.n 433"R. McHenry. 18-4 home. _ ^ I a roomful of children to help clean CHICKENS FOR SALE--50 White -- _ Aron Bruce of Great L^kes spent, her cellar! Rocks 5_. mo. old, triple A, $1.7o xree SPRAYING AND WHITE-'the weekend in the Clayton Bruce "Ummm," Charles muttered. He each; »00 chick size electric brooder, WASHING -- Frank Henkel, Volo.|home. i had enjoyed almost all of his neph- $34., used two months. Edward Tej McHenry 681-M-l. 16-tf Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce enter-: ew's affection and admiration .ever Thennes.-phone McHenry 451-R. 21 ^ ~ ^ained at a birthday party at their; since the boy came to live with FURNITURE FOR SALE -- Vanitv ^ [ STT O llome evenm£ in honor °? i them pending the reunion of his pardresser; chest of drawers; leather CJSTERN8 CLEA3^ells Bros. Harvey Ackerman. Those to attend ents, one a soldier and the other a couch: dining room set. six chairs; PhoT?e fi C,£'stal Lake 543"M or ^ °°d-j were Mr. and Mrs. Axel Carlson and willing hospitai patient. - stock 830v 19'tfIdaughter, Shirley, of Bull Valley;; »Well> gosh Unk .. Butcn at. SEPTIC TANKS INSTAI.I.EI) Mr. and Mrs. Haroldm A;„ck uerimi;„an„, Mrs. trt avr>\ain a*ain A.i, lemptea to explain again, »nes . . by tbf fcttrtwi ol «nim«l (nduttry of the.lfoited States departmuxt of agriculture have shown several methods of destroying the minute parasite causing the painful and sometimes fatal diaaaae. trichinosis, This parasite is sometimes present in raw or Imperfectly cooked pork, and endangers the health of persons eating it. Outbreaks have been caused by eating home-made salame, which is a particularly dangerous food, as usually prepared, for several reasons. It is commonly believed that old, lean hogs make the best' sal&ne, and these are more apt to carry tha parasites than young hogs. Most home-made salame is cooked little, If at all, and is not usually stored at very low temperatures. The situation is made worse by the fact that eating the material is usually started soon after it is finished. SalaAe from packing houses under official inspection is a safe food, the necessary precautions having been taken in its preparation. Heating pork so that all portions of it attain a temperature of 137 degrees or moife, USD A scientist^ found, will kill the trichinae parasite; likewise, pork refrigerated at 5 degrees for at,ieaat 20 days is safe. , - ;v . '?s?V j large coal circulator, enameled; % wood finish hed. coil springs. Fair Sbeeee ssiSgnn aattttaacchheedd tat o uBooyyda'ss mani . TILEerman Hogan! ^ c™ WORK; ALSO LAND SURVEYORS, and family | a"d ^ash woodwork and stuff. And b0X- • - ETLING & MALONE, Crystal Lake,! Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., fh,® sings to us while we work, and -- . .. , . Tit nt- n i.^1 T _i /• ir AA n . . . ' ! tplle lie etAflAtf. onH <SnMivi«inn Rivpr Road I N S T A L L E D, Charles Ackerman, Miss Lillian Ack- )„-• „„ u„,„ »„ „i,0ir. 2ak> . SEWAGE AND DRAIN T I L E erman and Mr. and Mrs. John Ho*an I 1US] teaC.hing how to pamt cha,rS if FOR SALE--Two table radios, late 111. Phone Crystal Lake 716-M. 20-2 j arrived home Saturday evening from ^ellf4 us s>®^r^_a^,7~ ,,, , s_*«_ ...models, $20 and $25; one 12-tube I _~~Z " |a two-weeks vacation at Lexington, I .lsn,:. n8»t, Charles interconsole radio, beautiful cabinet and TLR coats moth proofed for 5-years Ky. i rupted. His wounded pride astone, $35; finest radio service in the f°r only 25c a year. Berlou Moth-!* Bob and Percy Leonard of Lake' su^icd a^ cloak of indignation, country. Ccles Radio Service, Venice ;spray guarantees to repair your coat Geneva spent Friday afternoon with! "After this, you come straight Park subdivision. Phone McHenrv damaged by moths within 5-years. Mrs. Jack Leonard*. I home, Butch. Hear me?" 303. 21 Bolger's Drug Store, McHenry. 21, Mrs. Charles Brennan and Mrs. i "O. K." the boy said in a small K O Lf" + William Hoffman spent Saturday at. voice, awed by the unusual severity FOR SALE -- Utility wheelbarrow; YOU CANT buy a new sprayer, new; used 2-in. pine fence -set for $175. But that's all it costs M Jennie Bacon is visiting with pickets. Address Box ' L," Plain- £ make it look like new again with her daughter at E1 ine dealer. *21 Nu^-Enamel. Carey Electric Shop,. Mrs *Mec Andfrs(1 FOR SALE--Bar and back bar. In- Mrs. Alec Anderson is visiting ZZ with her daughter, Mrs. Ted Kcoisquire 202 Green Street, McHenry/HEAD ANIMALS-Five dollars * V1 u Phone 360 21-tf 1 the least we pay for dead horses and , Mrs. Lonnie Smith is visiting her co\\s in good condition. Wheeling daughter at Pans, Texas. FOR SALE--Boy's bicycle, pre-war, Rendering Co. Phone Wheeling No. | Ringwood School Notes 26-inch balloon tires. Tel. McHenry 3. Reverse the charges. No help ' T v ^esley Hunt.& Kenneth Betts) ; 638-M-2. . 21 needed to load. 14-tf! We listen to "School Time" each *»"* -- TTTrrr^r. -- . day at 2:15. It is an interesting of his uncle's command. "Aunt Helen can find plenty *>f work around here/' Charles said righteously, "if that's what you want." -That was just what Helen wanted. "We'll start right IJOW, Randolph," she said. "Get the water on for supper. And tomorrow after school we'll clean our basement." They didn't, though. In vain Mrs. FOR SALE--^5 odd chairs; sleeping FLOOR TILE--for kitchens, bath- radio program for school toys and H^bson peered out the living room cot; small rocker; ice chest; bird rooms, recreation rooms, commercial girls. i window for two hours after the clock cage; 2 mirrors; "bookcase; 1 10-gal. . buildings, etc. Also floor sanding A committee has been appointed! atoo the bookcase struck three. No crock and slop iar, $6. Mrs. Sher- and refinishing. Henning Newman, to purchase some new pictures for nephew. Filially he arrived barely rard, East Pistakee Bay on Regner 932 Marvel Ave.,Phone 131, Wood- our school rooms. Some of the j a few minutes before his uncle, road. *21 stock, 111. 51tf mothers are members of this com- ---------- 1 1 mittee FOR SALE VERY REASONABLE-- HAVE YOU HEAKl) about the new i Mrs." Ellison, visual education "He did it again, Charles!" Mrs Hobson greeted her husband. Given a QuooMt, th» Navy quickly erected thia modra dairy bam at/ , Guam from the Stnte-Steai arch-ribbed utility building. 8--o%a«lachi at th:*>«' '" right ara part of pasteurizing unit boiler installation. TVo-story eonatructlcn provide* a hay lolt and feed mill cpace. Ensilage storage bin and cutter r;|U in foreground. Basic "Quonaet 40" buildings similar to that from which *" barn wis erected now are available to American farmers Iter® at home, "ft: ^ (U.& Navy Photo) . i v v -1 Quonset buildings such as b^(k 4wh-ril»fciil adapted py the 'Cucumber Com- Stran-Steel framework into which mandos" in farming Pacific Islands nails are, driven. The framework for our fighting forces now are avail- is assembled quickly with bolts and able to agriculturists in this area, j screws, and the buildings can be dis- The Great Lakes Steel Corporation! mantled and re-erected at will. Cost Stran-Steel Division, manufacturer of erection and maintenance is less of Quonsets for the navy, announces than for similar-sized structures ' of the appointment of E.^ L. Kakkom & other types, according to the maflu- Co., of Woodstock as its local dealer facturer. - In the peacetime program for the" Production of the packaged buiidbuildings which tile war made failings will continue for farm, induslnous* : trial and aviation purposes in the "Cucumber Commandos" operated > sizes most Used by the navy. Retail under joint navy and Foreign Econ- prices are abcut *900 for the basic omic Administration direction to sup- "Quonset 20," a 20 by 48-foot strucply fresh food to the Americans as , ture^and about $3,000 for the "Quonthey hammered on the doors of set 40," a 40 by 100-foot general Japan. The fir^-resistant, rot-and-, purpose building. Shorter or longer oo .termite proof, round-roofed Stran- Quonsets in those widths and wider sport as their forebears, to other i steel structures were used principally multi-arch structures may be purnations of the New Worid bull- for feed and implement storage, chased at proportionate price difflighting is as unknowr^and in fact (dairy barn and residential purposes, erences. as alarming a spectacle--as it is to { ----• ' ' . __i_L the citizens of the United States. It is probably because Mexico and Lima were two of the richest and most important cities of the Americas and both of them seats of viceroyalties that, ever since the early days of the colony, bulls were fought there, Spanish-style, for the amusement of the Viceroys, nobles and the general public. As the enthusiasm of ^Spanish Tradition s - ' •' One of the great Spanish tradition's that are still followed in certain regions of the western hemisphere ia that of bullfighting. However, while some of the Latin American countries are as ardent fans of the JOHNsniTiw; Two card tables; brass bed with reduced An to' T.iability and Property teacher, showed the second educaspring and .mattress;, large walnut IMmagu rates? They will surprise ticnal movie at our school last week, dining room table, with 4 chairs and Ask as for insurance rates.' We saw an interesting picture of buffet; six odd dining room chairs^ rh,. Kent Co.,' McHenry. Phone 8. different places throughout the United i»nito i'ftPL*ov linnlontvi iMier 8' v 111* ^ ^ ^ StfltfiS r-- \ Field, Fla. He left Hunter Field, Ch»., : i in April 1944, for overseas where he • j acted as aerial gunner on a B-17 'IT'IZT-Z _____ Flying Fortress. He served eight mcnths in the European Theatre. (By Tippy Klein and Evelyn Michels) During that time he participated in • thirty-five missions as a ball turret Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith and "Mr. gunner. He is the possessor of the and Mrs. Peter Smith motored to Distinguished Flying Cross, the Air Johnsburg, Minn., to visit with their Medal with three Oak Leaf Clusters the population for this type of sport i sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and the European Theatre ribbon with increased with the years, it be- Mrs. Math Mullenbach. lour battle stars and the Good' Concame, without losing its Spanish fla- Ladies night given by the Com- ^uct Mfdal. After returning to the vor, part of the national life of Mexi- munity club was well attended Wed- state in January, 1945, he reported co and Peru as well as that of ! nesday evening at Nell's Ballroom. to Miami Beach Fla., then to Dodge Venezuela and Colombia. While to- | Friends and neighbors surprised A™y ^ir Field' K.anfsday there remain in Latin America 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Smith with a . h® only a half dozen countries where (charivari on their golden wedding an- f£wls' w®sh» th«n to^Camp White, this diversion is allowed, the "land of ; niversary. Monday evening relatives Tt£re 111 the Aztec and that of the Inca still : from Chippewa Falls, Wis., motored J « w „ puf" ^ ? bullfight- : therti. , ^ .. tember 28 1945, at Camp Adair, uig m the world^with Colombia and Mrs. Harold Fox was on tke sick Oregon. Al lives with his parents, Venezuela as close seconds. In a list the past w?®k. ^ , Mi* and Mrs. Albert Rodig, in Johns. „ few other Latin American countries : Mrs. Joseph P. Michels has been burg. ; bulls are played with but never 'confined to her bed but is much im- " .• * killed. ; proved. 1 . » Mrs. Peter Freund, Jr., underwent Night Clubs _ .... v surgery in Victory Memorial hospit- In 1944 there were an estimated condiuons vary _ al, Waukegan Monday. Her many 10,000 night clubs in the U. S., ev«l Nation-wide rates conceal wide j friends wish her a speedy recoevr-y. . after 2,500 had closed because of variations in health conditions from j Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Oeffling, Mr. the high ta*:es. These 10,000 included state to state, within states, and and Mrs. George Thompson and Mr. oniv tj.p real rnrlttnil 'immop« ami among different groups of people. | and Mis. Art Klein enjcyed Fri- cafes with "Uv^,eXSment R . The infant mortality rate in New !day evening at the Shady Rest m was estimated that there were 70,000 Mexico for 1043 was 92 per 1,000 j Woodstock listening to Al Klemme cabarets of all descriptions catering "I'm sorry. Unk," Butch began j live births, nearly as high as for the p!ay the> electric ojrgan. ^ to night life and including the juke • ' w " _ ... nfiv nlanne dispose of yout white rocker; linoleum rug, x 10; small mahogany dre?ser with large • mirror; single large mirror; 9 x 12 qarhAGE COLLECTING -- Let rug; mahogany living room chair; vacuum sweeper. J. - M. McOmber, east side of river between the two bridges. *21 FOR SALE--Year-round comfort and Phone 365. economy with fire-proof Johns-Mantremulously. "Mis? Melrose said she was sure you wouldn't mind if I helped just once more--" hi.= voice trailed off into miserable to attend a teachers' meeting at rhaire fafh week.!Aurora the nineteenth of this month, or oftener if desirod. ReusonahlrSom® v;e.rv interesting Insects have rates. Regular vear round route, for ! w flockl"? '"to cu,r sch9o1 roomsm »rl> Goorge Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. ; ^L*re'#CoHeCtin? insects as Mr. Andreas and Mrs. Hawley plan "Hence # when he saw the mounting storm in his uncle's face. "By George!" Charles growled, throwing his hat on the hall table "If you ask me," Holen said tart ly, "the boy should be--" "It isn't the boy's fault," Charle: •cunumv «,u, ,„-e-F,r,,u, We are now studying about some snapped. "It's that teacher! VOL ville Rock Wool Home Insulotion WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIR- sL^ ^ nit and ceiKn*,. Call IM -All w* fuUy Z\J$S «; S-S"^bSi W haj." SSS, •' a part of our nature study units. i We are now shlilvino ahnnt cm LEO J. STILT.ING, M.-Henry 18. 'Torchy" Kranse, 310 Elm St., 36tf. Henry. Tel. 379. -FOR RENT FOR CASH RENT Farm known ,as Kennebeck Farm-- 85 acres tillable soil, 15 acres new seeding for hay--85 acres good pasture. Price $750. per year. See Leo Miller or call 620-R-2. RINGWOOD T ; WANTED TO RENT WANT TO RENT---Lieutenant Com- An -mi- ~mi house froih clay. I his wife and nephew were startled . Miss Thompson directed our music by the wild light in bis eyes. "By class Monday morning. She plans George, I'll tell her a thing or two! mnrn?n„ H CUr ea.? Monday Butch, where does she live?" MM rs. VL . TALckerrml'aLn, Tfr om S« eat..t.le , '"On•• - on Market street, near Wash., visited in the John Hogan .«!. stammered. family recently " 8 the old Brennancer place, Dorothy and Frank Smith's mother Hplen sai^;, 'Charles - wbere are left last week to visit hei daughter yo"-,goin?," ... and son-in-law at Paris, Texas. They To cal1 on Miss Melrose. plan to motor back. ' "Charles, don't do anything you'll Peggy Whiting visitedrh^r grand- regret!" >• Bang! The door slammed violently Mrs. George Shepard) 21'2 . Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley, Mrs. a?d 8on->n-law at Paris, Texas. They Andrew Hawley and Mrs. H. M. p Stephenson visited Mr. Stephenson _ ^ oin^ V1 at the Woodstock hospital Tuesday p^?r Sunday, ievening Bllly Sm,th from McHenry was a ly- Butch gulped. G--gosh! mander and wife desire to rent house; T nnH j#v Prinfv unvo visitor in the Mrs. Smith home at "I should say so," Mrs. Hobson «r ,fpplf v MrSwilXy 1 received their honorable diJharges Rl"^ood- ^ , o ^ sajd, blinking. The gieen bug had Robertson, McCullom Lake, ^West Mc-, i armv Some members of the State De-. taken a bigger bite than she ex- Henry, 111. Phone 666-M-l. 19-ti"^ Shepard, of Education -will' peeled. "W Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Lester JJ^Henry county _the latter part of say so! Carr attended the Legion auxilliary month. 'I should most certainly rate in 120 counties in 16 ia aeatn , mr. box Dlaces southern j celebrated their forty-second wedding F _ states is higher than any of these anniversary with their children Sunstates'total malaria mortality rates. : d*{„^r ,n|^n.n celebrated his 7th Subscribe for The Plaindealer AUCTION Read the Want Ads WILLIAM H. McAULIFFE AUCTION CHARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer The undersigned will sell all per- WANTED WANTED-Good timothy hay .for at Richmond Wednesday evenhorses. nrM^ajx.4 ^E1it,e l, icTmre e« rT oo p i>F«a. rm9 , i Mr. aon„d, Mrs. Harold Weber and, the window for the 20th time. Still no Charles. She did hope he wouldn't make a complete fool of himself. The Bunco club w™as enrtertaainemd; s ixAo vents in the front of the >thueS e\t*imn'feif t™20n - yHeaerlesn breefmoreem bwerheedn How Jet Engines Work phone Woodstock 1610:W-2, Rt. 3. The actual functioning of the jet Woodstock, 111. * 21 engine is KO simple that it Jwith the latter's parents, Mr. times i^ hard to understand. Air WANTED--Enlisted man recently re- Mrs. George Haberlein. turned from overseas, now stationed wu ---v-- nn fVl„ . • at Fort Sheridan, would like to buy >n the home of Mrs. Mildred Mun-; 8tar» ®lnJos* I moderate or share ex- shaw at -Elgin Thursday. Prizes ™fe h ^setage It funpenses for daily ride to Fort Sheri- were awarded to Mrs. Ray Merchant nels t0,the engine, where it is comdan. Call McHenry 188. 21 and Mrs. Thomas Doherty. 1 Prfssed by a Swiftly revolving im- -- --| Mrs. Wendling and daughter, Ger-1 Poller. The air is whipped by the WANTED TO BUY trude, of St. Louis are visiting in; impeller to a combustion chamber, ..... •« . -1 .. .... th«> George Shepard home. ! where fuel (usually kerosene) burns •«»; j Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kattner of fiercely. -A Richmond spent Friday evening ioi..~ The air expands and increases in I the Ed Bauer home. velocity. The' air and gases then • . * WANTED i Mrs. Wattles and son, GleniU^L-Pass through a' turbine, wheei which1 r-- TO BUY OR TRADE [TffcHenry spent Sunday in the C. L. ; WFLES, SHOTGUNS, PISTOLS j Harrison home. . . ) Mr. and Mrs. William Heine of i Chicago soefit Sunday in the George j Shepardr home. birthday anniversary by inviting his p l a y m a t e s t o . his home S a t u r d a y , a f ternoon. Those nresent were LeRoy Hiiler. William Weber, James Huertiann, James Thelen, Robert Hettermann. Robert Novak, Earl Turner • ! and Mrs. Ed. Hettermanrt and sons, On the Volo-Gilmer black top, be- ',Jo?v and Harrv. ing 1% mile southeast of Volo, 1' Mrs. Jack Keenan and son," Tt^nmy mile south of Hwy. 59A, near Vftsey and Mrs. John Herdrich were Elgin sonai property at public auction on School, 8 miles east of McHenry, on callers, Tuesday afternoon. the fann known as the William H. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 19 * Ml*, and Mrs. Frank S. May, Mr. McAuliffe faim in Seneca Township, at <11 a'/iIaaIi- • an<^ Mrs. Ford Jackscn, Mr. and Mrs. y miles west of Woodstock, one-haif Bill F'rye were dinner guests in the mile west of the Evergreen school Ortman's Lunch Wagon on Grounds Sam Smunk home Saturday evening. h„use, 7 miles northeast of Marengo, 39 CAl'lLE--27 choice Holstein and Mr.-* and Mrs. Leo King and family, 10 miles southeast of Harvard, on Guernsey milk cows, consisting of 11 Mr. and Mrs. Leo F. Smith and fam- VfilDAx OCTOBER 19 * fresh cows, 9 close springers; Hoi- ilv and Mr."and Mrs. Joseph Hiiler • ' * » i i i. stein bull, 18 months old; 11 open and family visited in the Art Klein _ Commencing at J2 oclock sharp Holstein heifers from 4 months to 15 home Tuesday evening. .® described property, tomonths old; ten of thepe heifers are Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. May visited jrvArk ew T TTRVCMRXNV vaccinated. in Chic»co one dav last week. j 92 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK HORSES--Outstanding team of sor- j The Men Foresters held installa- Consisting of rel geldings, 5 to 6 years old, w^ tion of cfficers Tuesdav evening. 1 18 Head of Holstein Dairy Cow* 3,200 lbs., with light manes andj Mr. and Mrs. LeRov Wngner moved A number of which will be fresh tails. Good breeching harness. I -from the Stephen Schmitt farm to by sale date. 29 PIGS 4 Duroc Jersey sows; 25. a farm 8t Grayslake Wednesday. j 10 head cf bred coming two year ra^f A wt,' „ I Corp. Louis Oleynichek^ who has old Holstein heifers; 30 head of POULTRY---10 turkeys; 50 White Ro- been serving overseas the past two yearling Holstein heifers not bred; main hens (laying good); 40 Muscovy |years is enjoying a short furlough 10 Holstein heifer calves. Holstein I Kurori iKOAKU! #r.*i A with his wifP and small daughter in bull, two years old past. The supper hour passed. The |rfcl^D--1,500 biishels of Control and josep|, Schaefer home. Lou is. This a choice dairy of Holstein clock struck seven. Helen looked out Vicland oats; * * ton loose i expecting his honorable discharge Cows and anyone desiring to purchase h^; 240 bales cf 2nd cutting aifalfa; 1 ^ext wA. some high class good quality Hol- 490 bales of straw: some silage; 35 S/Ssr^. ALBERT RODIG stein heifers will have an opportUlir M^rmwipv COrr* n S'Rgt. Albert Rodig was inducted ity to do so at this sale. * MACHINERY -- J._ Dv .Model A • the Army- Air Forces on March J Team of gray mares, 9 years did trhctor on rubber with power lift and 2„ 1943 Hg rPDOrted at Scott Fir Id ^eight 2,400 lbs.; black mare, 11 yrs. power take eff; J. D. 2-row tractor and j£esrns> XJtflh befcre attending old, weight 1,500 lbs.; gray mare, 10 20 years before cultivator; New J. D. 7-ft. quack dio gch<>cl r gioux p^lls g. Dak.t, years old, weight U00 lbs.; bay Charles had chased the milkman with the fire tongs for stepping ir the pansy bed. Her husband's mild gray eyes had held just such a wild light on that occasion too. Seventhirty. Seven forty-five. Then she saw him coming up the walk. Mrs. Hobson's heart swelled with relief M^r;o v^C;D" tr?ct0ri»dis?; and later gunnery school at Tyndall «e,din«f. " yws old, weight' 1,400 Mc-D. 2-bottom tractor plow; Peona|",,u * • . lbs.; 2 two-year-old^ geldings, weurht 14-ft. tractor drill; J. D. 7-ft. trac- j ; l,3CO lbs., not broke AUCTION tqr mover; Allis-Chalmers No. 60 combine (on rubber) new Mc-D. 2' roll shredder; 3-sec. wood drag; Mc-JD. corn planter with fertilizer at- j tachment; Mc-D. manure spreader; On Casey and Day Rds., being 3 " '4 miles GAMBLE'S JfeWHORfZED DEALER V PHONE ,459 V WEST McHENRY is connected by shaft with the impeller. This turbine spins thousands of times a minute at temperatures( of 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit and hot-' neparcK nome. „ , ' ter. The blast passes out the jet ex- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Escher and nnH alarm 6Hr hut frnm ^ corn binder; Mc-D. side delivery miles north of Libertyville, H.L^S h.rr;?„Ut Sr i »KC: Hammer King hammer, mill; p" 1 o'clock " what? She threw open the door "Charles! Goodness* I -hope you didn't -- well, what did happen, anyway?" X. LMJ * r t . . . . . . I. . I . i haust at the rear tip of the'plane 20-tf children of Chicago vimted ^e jat- giving th? forward thrust. Vaillan-; Subscribe for Th Plaindealer jter's mother, Mrs. Tillie j court, the past week. j ! Mrs. Stephen Schmidt and Mrs. ' Ed. Bauer called on Mrs. Marvin Stationary hay baler (cn rubber): s'eel wheel wagon and rack; 2 wood w-hetl wagons with double boxes; potato planter; corn sheller; grain Charles kept his eyes averted as I blower; buzz saw (mounts on front he .stepped • inside.'~ '-tt'm sorry, i rf tractor); 70 ip. 6 in. belt; JjO ft. Helen. I didn't think--" ' 8 in. telt. "Sorry? Didn't think? Charles, tell j MILKING EQUIPMENT -- DeLaval me this instant!" * jtoilking machine, complete; 20 jnilk « year^cld gelding, wt. 1,500 lbs^ not broke. • 15 choice feeding hogs. 125 choice White Rock pullets, j,. Hay, Grain and Farm, Machinery 14 tens of second cut alfalfa h*y, baled; 4 tens o** clovcr and timothy hay, baled; 10 tons of mixed clover' find timothy-hay, loose; 60 tons of alfalfa hay, Iocse; 3,000 bu. of oats; ; 10 tons of old corn; 48 acres of standing corn; 12 ft. of silage in a ?2-ft. silo. 8-ft. tandem disc; 3 bcttom Case 14 r springers, 1 b-monw-oia in. plow; 3.section 15-ft. drag; Mc-D, *«-?• •WE' «p~*ri I GOOD CLOTHES DESERVE GOOD CARE 103 CLEANERS Phone McHenry 104-M OrrfeT your rubber std^s at .the Plaindealer. m TREAT MASTITIS WHILE COWS ARE DRY fcf. True MASTITIS in row herd wUk cow* in dry... this iMallr ifou bM nwln T«M Mck qaamr of •WT cow with BwbiTi»Ci«J» --• Watch fcr auction arrows! --3^' CATTLE-- 24 Young Holotein and Guernsey cows, consisting of 5 cows with calf "at side, 7 ppringers, 1 6-month-old r, , , Guernsey , Yes, yes! But Miss Melrose*-" | cans; 2 sterilizingf tanks; Losse Elec-iare T. B. and Rings tested. Nearly MC-D. grain binder; Mc-Df coni fcind- "Well, we talked a little bit," jtric water heater; cream separator,! all «f these cattle are 2nd ealt hen- er wi{j, bundle loader; Mc-D. «-ft. Charles explained hesitantly, "and, . vpmio • . .. cl^ 7ro IhV "Jow"; Cas® 5^{- mower; Mc-D. 10-' Helen she's so small that the ftrst iMISCFLLANE0US -- Electric clip-! ford heifers, average *»e«ght 7C« lbs. ft. disc; Mc-D. 2-row cultivator- Helen, snes so small tnat me nrsi, Tractor chains; 1% fon chain|Ready to put in feed lot. Mc-D. single row cultivator- mSd- 500 gallon gas tanks; 211 MACHINERY--F-12 Tractor on rub- corn pjanter with fertilizer' attach * -- L_. «-ow.-tractor cultivator; ment. ^ bottom 16-inch tractor 16-O-LAC Trtriffr iriiiBin htlialinliibtKwulwur WATTLB8 DRUG STORE McH--ry, HL mrthing I knew I was helping her paint r . ' the basement wall!, and tomorrow 'drinking^upf^'^'sil^f cart^'Elec-jbe^ wiVh'1'2-row IM going to leave the office earyjtrjc FENCE controller; 2 rolls new new Mc-D. 2-boUwm iw-n.t.. 10-in. riding plow; rubber tired plow; Mc-D. tractor mower for F-12 wagon with hay rack; 2 steel wheel or F-14 tractor; Mc-D. silo filler new wagons; rubber wheel wagon with Hammer mill; Mc-D. corn binder; triple box; Little Gem grain blower- 6-ft Mc-D. tr%ctor disc; grain dnl ; Universal milking machine with pump J. D. corn planter with fertilizer at- p,pes and motcr complete (2 double tachment; 7-ft. Deenng gram binder; units); 10 milk cans; circle saw \T«.. TJ.. anVAQ/lar• v riih- i i_ . . . c * and help her and the kids move . barb wire; pump jack; electric motor; some heavy furniture downstairs, j io oak wagon poles; hog waterer; Butch, I'll meet you in front of the I window sash; 2 galvanized stock school at--why, Helen! Here, take | tanks; scales; 25 bag^ of 12-12-6 this chair! green!' You're positively fertilizer. BUILDINGS--16 x 80 ft. Portable Economy laying house; 12 x 12 ft. suaaj9 ,o pp^ aq, hOU8e; 10 * 12 ft brooder asewouj suot»nDndd» ipns q8noi^ POtrfRY EQUIPMENT --2 electric -ie 'uiBidxa 8%m^o»da 'mm battery brooders; 2 electric brooders; -jaj ua8oa;iu jo uoj^eondde q|im PrUltrv netting sasaajpap suaaj^ dyuan; uj }u»|uoo UOJT AQX "NAJ SQ; U{ UMOIS ESOQI ueq) UOJJ ajoui ufviuoo X^uauaS fupds aiji uf UMoaS suaaoS dpunx •uoi{ u{ t(S|q aaa xau«ui apzafjo o| tpfi iroi uo UMOjf suaajg dpuni mMD l|uix Order yoor Robber Stamps at 11M TRUCK--1934 Chevrolet long wheel base truck with platform body. FURNITURE -- Kitchen range with oil burner; large heating store with double oil burner: kitchen cabinet; pressure coolcer; 9 x 15 Linoleum rug; dining room set. ALBK&T CLKMXNT8, Owner fYoelieh. Wick A Chandler, Auctioneer*. AwfUpi" ^ New Idea manure spreader; 2 rub- Also many articled too"numerous ber tired wagons and racks; 2-wheel to mention. trailer, etc. j Terms; All sums of t2Rnn MILKING EQUIPMENT--New Mc- under that amount cash, over that D. milking machme 'with pump, amount a credit of six months at 6 motor and 3 single units; new San-i- per cent will be extended on notes matic electric water heater; new approved by the clerk. Anyone de- Quick Cool milk cooler; table model siring credit, kindly make arrant . j •,, ments before purchase is made. No MISCELLANEOUS Post drjll; property to be removed until settled emery wheel; electric brooder; Air j for. compressor and spray gun; 2% x 2tt x 12 ft. steel tan'k ;; eelleeccttir ic fence controller; 60-ft. 7 inch belt, etc. PINE CRB8T 7ABM, Owner Wm. A. Chandler, Auctioneer. Estate of WILLIAM H. McAULIFra Hani McAuliffe, Execubrix First Natkmal Baak ef Weedeteek, . I.' -. ...' ' -V . . ' ' ' J

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