Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Oct 1945, p. 6

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:••• a\ FOR SALE »•- HELPWANTED FOR SALE -- Circulating heater, I HELP WANTED--Married man to work on farm. Will Have own house to live in. Address "T," care McHenry Plaindealer. v 22-tf HELP WANTED--Woman for general store work. Bolger's Drug Store. 18-tf I I HI I I I n i l l l l l l l I I IU< r> NcwsPlrwi Wonder Lake (By Delia Cheney) HeUo Folks: hmm aod the it again, is of the each successive -A- »n Irthday be We're missing the cheery wittisisms and happy self of Bud (Henry) Schau who has been taking a bout with a close call of pneumonia. Stay Looks like • the alarm clocks arc' out of the night air for a while, barns coal or wood 5 to 6 room sue.HBiur waxviuu -- ^nemicai P"*ni.i ri j venr early these crisp hunt-1 Bud, so we can see you your , old Call McHenry 151-J. Joe Brefeld. helpers to learn operation of filter I in_B ^ jf the shots we hear ate self again, or shall We My, your •23 presses, kettles, centrifuges and hi« j * their h there>8 man a young self again. Call •23 FOR SALE--Lot and 20 acres on HELP WANTED -- Painters. Route 120, V* mile east of McHenry. Pistakee 168. 1 Call McHenry 77-M. --! WANTED--Married man for farm, FOR SALE -- Spring chickens and;fully equiped, small dairyjSalary or spring ducks, alive or dressed. Al-1 shares, modern house. Write Box bort Schmidt, West McHenry. Phone 214, Woodstock, 111. McHenry 687-J-2. •23 •23 ! HELP WANTED -- Secretary, work FOR SALE -- PLAYER PLANO and! for department head. General office ROLLS. Terms. Write Verne Net- work, typing, filing and record lceep- IOW, Route 5, Box 310, Waukesha, ing. Ringwood Chemical Corpora- Wis. •23 tion, Ringwood, 111. Tel. Richmond 6. FOR SALE--Ring-necked pheasants, dressed or alive. PTione McHenry 214-M. 2M FOR SALE--Fur coat, site 14, in excellent condition. Can't tell from WANTED ^ r new. Phone McHenry 281 between 8 a.m. and 6 pjn. *28 FOR SALE--Baby basket with folding stand; end table; radio stand; cedar chest. Can be seen any evening after 6 o'clock. . N. Oeffling, Apt. 1, Town Club, 201 Riverside Drive. *23 WANTED USED CARS 193C to '41 Cars Top Price For Clean Cars H. *. MONET MOTOR SALES Phone Elgin 5421 213 S. Grove Ave* Elgin, HI. •28 FOR SALE -- One pair natural, H.. ~ : TT^ j matched Norwegian silver foxes; or- WANTED Experienced dairy farmiginal cost, $350, will sell for $65. eF operate 160 acre dairy farm One sable dyed kolinsky muff and 50-50 purse combination, original $65, will sell for $20. Above like new. Tel. McHenry 237-R. 23 price basis- Must have capital to pur- , chase one-half of cattle. Good land and modern buildings. Give references. etc. GEORGE E. FIDLER, FOR SALE--8-piece dining room set, 120 South LaSalle Street, Chicago. 6 chairs; buffet and table; cabinet , 23 radio; overstuffed rocker. Henry 31... - Call Mc-i 23 FOUND FOR SALE -- Six-room residence, forced air heat, stoker, garage, three acres land, 50 fruit trees; one mile from railroad. Price, $9,000. Also six-room summer home on Fox River, 1 mile south Pistakee Lake. Jacob Fritz, Johnsburg. ; Phone McHenry 672-R-2 or Chicago, Lincoln 1333. 23NOTICE---I am giving up the weav- FOUND--Red leather zipper case, containing pair of glasses. Owner can have same by paying for this ad.. Call at Plaindealer office. 23 mSGELLANEOUS ---- -- . i pumps. Opportunity to learn pro- , „ th«' rfinnar tahLuf FOR SALE -- Furnished modern. 4- i cesses and earn promotion. Ring- j *[• ht 00 nn*r * room cottage, on Fox River near wood Chemical Corporation, Ring- * Pistakee Bay, with screen porch, in-iWOod, 111. Tel. Richmond 6. 23 side toilet, oil heat, frigidaire, gas,; , running water, linoleum covered i HELP WANTED--Men for construction. Bargain $3,500. William G. tion work. Ivar Fredricksen, Won- McKinney, 1607 South 16th Ave., der Lake. Til. Wonder Lake 221. Maywood, 111. Phone 7486. 23 14-tf Well, first on our list Of community news today is the business meeting and election of the Community Club officers. "Hie minutes of the last meeting were read Mid a financial statement given and nominations were then in order. Our new chairman is now Mrs. W. Merritt, vicechairman, Mr. L. Henthorne and secretary, Mrs. Burt. Due to a house full of guests, Mrs. Burt had been unable to attend, tat gave consent to having her name put up for nomination. In view of the enthusiasm and general discussion after the meeting, looks like we're in for a lot of good times sponsored by the cub. , ' The Wonder Lake Gospel Club will dedicate their new songboolu on Sunday, October 28, with a special program for both the youngsters and the oldsters. Rev. F. W. Anderson of Chicago will be present to conduct the dedication ceremony. The Gospel Club has not, until the past month, ever taken an offering, because of special private financing. However, due to the large enrollment, /the new donated songbooks were inadequate to supply their needs,v so voluntary offerings have days to go toward purchase of more The long trip from Oklahoma City to Wonder Lake was worth while for Mr. and Mrs. Leslie M. Mason when it meant seeing their two younger grand children for the first time. John and Ona Marie were home with their parents, but little Keith is still in the Children's Memorial hospital in Chicago, recovering from inllwensa meningitis, and will probably not be home far several weeks. Daddy, L. R. Mason slipped away from the hospital Friday to attend the Meeting of American Chemical Society in Chicago while mother took in the city on n shopping tour. May we extend our deepest sympathy at this time to Mr. Walter Harrison and son in the loss of their wife and mother. Any words wtf: may write would be futile in vie# of this unexpected tragedy but we want you to know your many friends are thinking of you and standing by to keep you over this barrier of grief. Nciwa from Harriaon School It was good to see Jerry Cristy back in school again after an absence of two weeks. The ' kid" sure missed him. W% have started an Indian exhibit at our school and want to thank Mr. Hallstrom for the lending of his been accepted for the past two Sun- coHectioh of Indian Arrowheads. Incidentally, we don't like to brag, of the little books used in the group but our "murals ^ Indians amj singing so. much enjoyed _ by the gcenery are pretty swell and we're children. The Gospel Club also wishes to institute a pick-up service for the children unable to get to the meetings. If your children have been unable to attend because of a lack of transportation, please leave your name at the Gospel Club, and the youngsters will be called for. We hear from the Wonder Woods subdivision this week through a saying this after hearing favorable comments on them. lot of - What's everyone so quiet about? Oh, we have on our best manners today as Mr. O'Niel is here from State Superintendent Nichols office in Springfield and we want him to enjoy us and our school, Our teachers sure have to get paper in the form of a quarterly news j around to keep up with these meetletter sent out by the subdivisions j ings that are going on. Aurora secretary, Mr. H. C. WV>erner. We was the place on October 19 for an FOR SALE- ; ing of. rugs business and would like , . . Nine electric chicken have my customers call for their brooder houses, 150 duck capacity; mga or ragg Catherine Hiller, 107 each. Bargain. Also 4 fipe steers., South Riverside Drive. McHenrv. Cham O Lakes Game Fields. Phone McHenry 166. • *23 •23 find that the directors of the sub division include the following: Dr. VanDenburg, Mr. Chirat, Mr. Lotz. Mr. Wojida, Mr. Belsky, Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Zech and Mr. R. Koehr. Plans are in progress for the improvements of the subdivision and new resolutions have been dscussed and some passed including the request that all dog owners keep their nrko ciiv t u • « v -ij NEW CAR for $2.95? Not exact- dogs on their premises or under di FUK »ALfc--Two choice 75-ft. build-1 jy gut that's all it costs to make rect control; improvement of Beach ing lots on Waukegan street. One | the old car look like new when you 1 and erection of a' fence around it block from schools and business sec-j it with Nu-Enamel. Carey tion. Phone McHenry 89-R. *22-2 Electric Shop. Green St., McHenry. FOR SALE -- Hampshire purebred 23 by John Hiffman, material to be furnished by Mr. Magliaiio. Mr. H. C. Woemer has advanced the idea of buying one of the portable build I. E. A. meeting and Mrs. Foley and Mrs. Blount both attended. McHenry grade school had a day off so Martin Foley and Daniel Prince came and visited with us. Evidently school holds a fascination for rhem no matter if they have a day off or not. Welcome back to school, Barbara. Sellek in the sixth grade, who has been absent for two weeks because of illness. Bet mother Sellek misses having her girl around the house. gatherings. The idea is still open for discussion. A resolution prohibting rifle shooting in this area was also adopted. The road problems were also disscussed. nnl'lifv «;f«nd AiC 0 hai>!r«H1FUR coats mothproofed for 5 years ings used by the war plants and drive"'* Si. Ind Xn L nil, for only *125- Moth-spray j erecting it on the association lot to dnV€ * aa^mritJIS Al J |™J«31 guaranteed to repair your coat if be used for meetings and social and registered. Also purebred Shrop-: damaged by moths within 5 years. wit of W.d™rth? n'^Tel Prog Store, McHenry. 23 Villa 2151. 22-2 FALL WHITEWASHING--All work FOR SALE -- Eight-room home on 1^.^^*433 R* Phannen8tilL Ph°n®, Waukegan satfrMeedtt•; oAMnAe a--n da one-ih.«ail#f mctlenry • 23-3 bathrooms. New, modern kitchen J WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRand dinette. Installing new boiler! ING -- All work fully guaranteed for hot water heat. Tel. McHeniy "Torchy" Kranse, 310 Elm St., Mc Henry. Tel. 379. 42-tf FOR SALE--Bar and back bar. In- puT IN YOUR ORDER NOW quire 202 Green Phone 360. SCti-rneuettt, MU.cIHTemnrray . * VJ1 » WUHB For driven weUs and repairing Le8ter ; Bacon, 203 John St., West McHenry, FOR SALE--Year- round comfort and . HI- Phone 175. •20-4 !^°nDLritw fir.e-pI°of Johns-Man- WK iNSURB YOUR PERSONAL •ffle Rock Wool Home Insulation PROPERTY iji the city or country, Blownin" walls and ceilings. Call wherever located in the U. S. or , LEO J. STILLING, McHenry 18. | Canada, against fire, burglary, wind- 36tf.! storm, all in one pelicy. For inform- -- ation call Jacob Fritz, Real Estate Your reporter appreciated this news sent to her and welcomes news from any of our other subdivisions as exchanging of ideas results in helping each other with our individual subdivision'problems. SPRING GROVE FOR RENT FOR and Insurance, Main St., Johnsburg. i Phone McHenry 672-R-2. At Chi- RENT--Cottage, three rooms, I cago, phone Lincoln 1383. 17-18 furnished; oil heat; rent to May 1.1 tppp'odd . T, t.-- Ann Deskis, McCullom Lake. Inquire I p tAw WHITEat Horn's tavern, *23 ~ Henkel. Volo. *-• I Tel. McHenry 681-M-l. 16-tf FARM FOR RENT--Good soil and Another problem presenting itself was the disposal of garbage and while we're on the subject, a plea has been made to the home owners to turn in the license number of the car whose occupants have been seen throwing garbage along the black top, to Mr. E. Murphy of Shore Hills, Wonder Lake, and action will be taken against this misuse of the highway.. That's all folks except may we remind you again of our scrap paper Here I go again, asking for news. How about those returning servicemen, those birthdays and anniversaries. Don't hesitate to drop me a line, RFD 1, Ringwood or leave it at Heilman's. Thanks a lot. News goes in on Monday night for Thursday's paper. Charles Freund) next nsCtng wfll lhl on November 1, with Mrs. Noriwrt Klaus entertaining. Friends and - relatives who dropped in on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner on Thursday, October 18, in honor of their fifty-second wedding anniversary, were Mr, and Mrs. Hike Freund of McHenry/Mr. and Mrs. George Wagner and family of Chicago, Martin Wagner ox Ottowa, Henry Wagner of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Heinle from Eakhorn and Joe Freund and Math Neisen were supper goests. Sgt*, Heinle has just been discharged from the army. The Christian Mothers and Blessed Virgin sodality held its meeting in St. Peter's parish tall on Thursday night. After the meeting cards and bunco were played and prises went to" Mrs. Ray May, Mrs. John Kattner and Mrs. George W. May in five hundred and bunco winners were Mrs. Ben Smith, Miss Lorraine Huff and Miss Anne Spindler. Chili con carne, cake and coffee were served by the committee in charge. Mr. and Mrs. George P. Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gerasch of McHenry spent Thursday evening in the Charles Freund home. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray May were Mr. »nd Mrs. Arthur Kattner, son, Billy, Peter M. May, Mr. and Mrs. John Doetsch and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Beely of Wilmette. ' . A nice crowd attended the Halloween dance held in St. Peter's parish hall on Saturday night. Prizes were awarded to Mike "Happy" Wagner and Mrs. Isabel Smith for the best Hard Time costume. Mr. and Mrs. John Schmidt visited in the Arthur Kattner Some Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgern, Mrs. Lucille Nlelson, son, Bobby, and Mrs. Robert Lent visited Martin Nimsgern at St. Therfese hospital in Waukekan Sunday Afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. William May and sons of Johnsburg were dinner guests in the George W. May home on Sunday. Major Arnold N. May of Fort Belvoir, Virginia is enjoying a furulough at his home here. Louis EL Bell , Louis B. Bell, eldest son Of Edward C. and Florence E. Bell, passed away October 17, 1945, at the Woodstock hospital. His death being caused by a serious accident on October 5, while he was employed on the Joseph P. Freund farm, Spring Grove, 111. He was born near Ringwood on August 11, 1883, where he lived until October, 1924, when he came to Spring Grove to live with his sister, Mrs. Bertha M. Esh. He leaves to mourn his death two sisters, Mrs. Bertha M. Esh of Spring Grove and Mrs. Mary Esh of Barrington, nine nieces and nerphews and a host of relatives and friends. His mother, father and three brothers preceded him in death. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at the home of his sister, Mrs. Bertha M. Esh, with Rev. F. A. Graham officiating. Pall bearers weje Paul Waspi, William Shotlff, Joseph P. Freund, S. W. Brown, Clarence Pearson and Louis Hawley. Interment was in Ringwood cfmetery, Ringwood, 111. CARD OF THANKS Wo wish in this way to thank neighbors and friends for the' many kindnesses extended us during the illness and death of our brother, Louis E. Bell. We also wish to .thank everyone for the beautfiul floral offerings and kind expressions OT sympathy. MRS. BERTHA M. ESH AND FAMILY MR. AND MRS. GLENN A. ESH AND FAMILY. EDWIN VO0SL, mtim The undersized will geil at pabii^ jmotioiu at 5fl6 S, Qroon ^ ; St., McHenry, on * _ r " SUNDAY, OCT. 29, ) the following described property, to-wit: , Black walnut bed, spring, dresser and dressing table; woaL Wilton rug, 8 x 10; Aiminster rug, 9 x 12; dining room table and buffet; kitchen table; odd tables; gas stover; gas plate-, kitchen cabinet; kitchen cupboard; dining room, kitchen and odd chairs; antique chairs; ferneries; sanitary couch; 2 beds with springs; sewing machine? davenpori and chair; beautiful lace tablecloth, 2 x 2% yards; Spanish guitar; music cabinet; 100 fruit jars and crocks, dishes and many other articles too numerous to mention. duels* Terms cash. .• * - -GEORGE F. LINDSAY. Mi Jacob Stoffel, Clerk jggj EDWIN VOGEL, Auctioneer The undersigned will sell at public auction at 103 Court street, McHenry, o& ; Sunday, October 28, at 3:30 p. m. the following described property, to-wit: BUFFET % BED, SPRINGS AND MATTRESS PIANO 12x15 BEDROOM JUJG SCATTER RUGS DROP LEAF KITCHEN TABLE AND CHAIRS SMALL BOOK RACK STANDS WITH PLANTS SMALL DESK LAMPS METAL CLOTHES HAMPER DISHES & GLASSWARE "FEW CURTAINS PICTURES AND FRAMES TWO CAR ROBES SMALL CHAIR AND ROCKER PORCH GLIDER *Y GRASS PORCH RUG TWO BADMINTON •RACQUETS AND NET TENNIS NET SOFT BALL AND OTHER BALLS AND BATS PA.SFBALL GLOVES GOLF CLUBS AND BAG Ff!W BOOKS MANY OTHER ARTICLES -TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION fERMB-CASB FRED. C. SCHOEWER Robert Weber, Clerk Now we come to some personal | was born here and spent his early news and we find a happy, laughing i childhood. The family moved away crowd of youngsters gathered at the I when he was 3 years old. home of Sharon Grace Sells for a I Members of her club entertained at .* wwu bum ouu, ommo TAxrira rvaonnAta . combination birthday and pre-Hallo- i the home of Mrs. Ray May on Thursbuildings; all tillable land; medium 1 narKUva n p'iwm m!i « !ween party on Saturday afternoon.! day afternoon. Cards were played swe farm; modern home, water in ru «Tu0 wro^" i ^ear that while the rest of the and lovely prizes went to Mrs. Nor-* house and barn. Address Box X, P1)®"® ^stal LAke M3"M or Wood-! children hesitated in getting their j bert Klaus, Mrs. Arthur Klein, Mrs. mm McHenry Plaindealer. 22-tf 8loc* - 19-tf j faces and hair wet in ducking, Rich- j George W. May and Mrs. Paul Lewis. DEAD ANIMALS Five dollars le1 an* Richards skilfully managed to A beautiful satin quilted robe was the least we pay for dead horses andl^®4 a?plf-by j.nhali!l? and avoid- presented to Mrs. Charles Freund, cows in good condition Wheeling d ? ducking in. We're betting , who is convalescing from a recent Rendering Co. Phone Wheeling No i to 8cn*b his face good j operation. Many thanks to you ladies. 3- Reverse the charges. No help The Holy Name society of St. Peter's pansh held its regular meeting in the Parish hall on Monday night. After the meeting, cards were played and refreshments served. ""w w Mr. and Mrs. Charles Michels, son, Richard, and daughter, Lorraine, of McHenry were visitors in the Charles Freund home on Tuesday night. ' Nick Etten, New York Yankee first baseman, visited friends and relatives here last week. Mr. Etten WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT -- House, 6 Tooms or more. Call McHenry 31. Dr. H. S. Fike, 305 Waukegan St. 23-tf needed to load. 14-tf FLOOR TILE--for kitchens, bathrooms, recreation rooms, commercial Also floor sanding Henning Newman, WANT TO RENT--Lieutenant Com ( mander and wife desire to rent house buildings, etc. or apartment. Apply Mrs. Jimmy and refinishing. o Robertson, McCullom Lake, West Mc- j 932 Marvel Ave.,Phone 181, Wood- Henry, 111. Phone 656-M-l. 19-tf; stock, IU. WANTED TO BUY HAVE YOU nEAKD about the new reduced Auto liability and Property WANTED TO. BUY--Modern sum- Damage rates? They will surprise mer home between McHenry and you. Ask us for insurance rates Antioch, $8,000 to $15,000, cash. The Kent Co., McHenry. Phone 8 Jacob Fritz, real estate, Johnsburg. Phone McHenry 672-R-2 or Chicago, ---- • ^ Lincoln 1333. 17-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage each week, »or oftener if desired.- Reasonable tes. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 365. tf WANTED TO BUY OR TRADE RIFLES, SHOTGUNS, PISTOLS GAMBLE'S -AUTHORIZED DEALER PHONE 459 WEST McHENRY 20-tf Food Distribution fa 1944, 80 per cent of our food went to American civilians, 13 per cent to U. -S. armed forces and 7 per cent to foreign countries and U. S. territories. GOOD CLOTHES GOOD CARE mi • # ' 'v 103 $lm Street Phone McHenry 104«M !9S V./'.- . M ... ', ~ " 7:30 p.iiL, sharp Wednesday, Oct 31 At Gaulke's Sale Barn--Route 47--Woodstock, Illinois .TrHt . Charles Leonard, Auctioneer 76 HEAD OF DAIRY COWS, EITHEit CLOSE SPRINGERS OR FRESH WITH CALF BY SIDE. 150 FEEDER PIGS V FEEDER STEERS CALVES STOCK BULLS HORSES BEEF CATTLE SHEEP v BROOD SOWS 25 HEAD FEEDER CATTLE YOU CAN BUY -- YOU CAN SELL FARMERS: Call Tuesday and, truck will pick up your calves Wednesday morning, for fee of 50c per head. Call Woodstock 572 or 499 if you have livestock to consign All consignors make arrangements to get your livestock in. either the day before the sale*or bring tame morning of sale. ' Ciini; per cent down/balance ia monthly instaUmenti. „.l to 16 months time at \/2 of>l per cent interest. Woodstock Commission Sales Co. Inc. WM. E. GAULKE, Own.r-Phon# S72 WE NEED FOR OUR TIME PRODUCTION PROGRAM OFFICE EMPLOYEES BILLING) OLX&K BOOKKEEPKBt '| ; v 8TEMOORAPHSBS MXOHANIOAL DRATTBMn PRODUCTION DEPARTI91NT EMPLOYEES ,, V ^ MACHINISTS SPRAY PAINTERS . ^ MATERIAL HANDLERS ENGINE LATHE OPERATORS TURRET LATHE OPERATORS DRILL PRESS OPERATORS _V PRODUCTION ARC WELDERS a TRUCK AND TRAOTpR MECHANICS - ^ We are interested in securing the services of individuals who desire permanent, full time employment. . --_ 'Ask any of our employees. »» THE JFRANK G. HOUGH LIBERTYV1LLE, ILLINOIS lljil I :I I.UIIIIU. 11JJJLI.: Mil .

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