Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Nov 1945, p. 3

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spent Sunday Willi Zfon City. V^B*- w of El|in the William (BylfefeGcoiX* Mr. vrf Mn. William MeCannon aJibritwl their golden wedding an- •fttenary IV Mtini open Inmim to tkeir friaada aad relatives 8dnday. A pot-loek (fimer was aerred at --on. There were 200 guests ttit rsgiatered. They came IT «o, Harvard, Detroit, Morton Grave, Woodblock, Chicago, aad Mn. Mart McCannou and family of Wuodilwk spent Sunday afternoon and twain with Mrs. C; ? /-•- : C'K" BOUBL DBUGS Mr. aad Mrs. Frank Walkington aad faasfly of Libertyville spent Sonflaraoon with we former's par* Mr. aad Mrs. Baa WaUrington. j.W. S. G. 8.- win meet with Mrs. viola Low on FMday. A potlock dinner • will be wind. Mr. md MBra. Lend* Smith enter, at a family xwntioa aad bridal for Mr. aad Mrs. Frank at their home Sunday. led ware Mrs. Georgie Hantaan aad daughters, Beratee aad Mia, Dale, of Elgin; Mr. aad Mva.<W9Ham Wurtringer Woodstock; Mr. rkrwe and family of Buntfey; lira. WVtttles and son, Glenn, «*£ Menenry; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harrison and family, Mr. aad Mrs. Boy Harrison and family, Mr. aad Mrs. Clayton Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stephenson, Mr. and Mrs. Chancy Harrison and r undersigned will sell at public auction at Johnsburg, door weet of Art Smith's store, on SUNDAY, NOVEMBER IS, I P.M. lie following items: is Two-piece living room set; dining room set; upholstered lliairs; 3 stoves, oil, coal, laundry; beds, lamps, chairs, tables, rags; hand cultivator and many other items. TEEMS--CASH ARTHUR PETERS Ed. Vogel, Auctioneer '^notkeA jluyip Sale CHARLES LBONARD, Auctioneer The undersigned having purchased the Boiling Hills farm will sell at pWic Auction on the , Aurm located 6 miles west of .Waukegan, % mile flhat on U. S. Route 46, on State Boute 120 on | SATURDAY, MOVEMBKE 17, AT 12:30 SHARP ! m ftBowing described property to-wit: 51 HEAD OF LIVS8T00K •onsisting of the following: fl Holsteia Heifers dao ts fi a ahoat 'December let; 3 Guernaejr Heifm to freshen ahoat December 1st; 4 Holsteia Heifers, 18. aroaths old; 10 en, 10 to 12 BMBtha old; 1 P. & Holstein cow; 1 P. H. Holstein ball, 1 eld; 1 Holsteia Ball, I aMaths old; Team gray BMurea, wi. I3H ia to Jack; Black taasa, Saad7 years eld, well broke; Bay S-gaited ridlag well .broke; Eastern bralw saddle hone. eea* Voayaa aad aie Smith aad forty-two^ Bacon -of Crystal Lake waa a caller in the Louis Hawley home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kane attended a birthday dinner honoring the birthday of the former's father, Earl Kane, Sr., at Mundelein, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson, Kt. and Mrs. Ehri Gott, Mrs. M. Roberts and William Groth of Chicago dinner guests in the George Haberlein home Saturday evening. Kenneth Cristy, Jr., of Great Lakes, spent the weekend here with his parents. Mrs.. Bobert Olson of Chicago spent the weekend with her mother. Mrs. Doberstein, .and sister, Dorothy. Mrs. John Cristy and children of Woodstock spent Sunday in the Kenneth Cristy home. Mrs. Doberstein, son. Gust, and daughters, Dorothy and Mrs. Robert Olson, visited friends alb Gilberts, fll., Sunday. Mrs. John Cristy and Bobbetto Cristy visited John William Cristy at the Winnebago hospital Sunday afternoon. He is getting along nicely from an attack of polio, v Mrs, Mingel~ Andreas of Maregp^ spent the weekend in the home of her son, Weldon Andreas, and family. George and Nancy Ainger of Greenwood spent Wednesday with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard. Mrs. Jennie Bacon is visiting in the home of her'son, George Bacon, and wife at Antioch. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison spent Wednesday in the home off their daughter and family at Greenwood. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., entertained St. Mary's guild of Harvard at her home JVednesday. j Mr. and Mrs. Will Harrison of Round Lake spent Monday evening with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison. i Ensign Larry Collins of Beloit' called on his grandparents. Rev and: Mrs. Collins, Thursday. He was; on his way to California where he1 will receive further training. The Home Circle was entertained,] at the home of Mrs. Rose Jepson Thursday. A one o'clock luncheon was serveed by Mrs. Jepson, Mrs. Shadle and Mrs. J. C. Pearson. A fine program was enjoyed in the afternooft. First Sgt. Harold Snyder spent Thuraday night and Friday with Wayne Foss. They were guests in the A. C. Taylor home in Elgin for supper Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas entertained the five-hundred dub at their home Thursday evening. Prises were awarded to Mrs. Kenneth Cristy and B. T. Butler, high, and Mrs. B. T. Butler and George Shepard, low. Mrs. Louis Hawley spent Monday and Tuesday with friends in Chicago and attended the funeral of Mrs. Clarence Wfeidling. Mrs. Fred Bowman is visiting with friends in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr, Charles Carr and sons, Elmer and Clyde, and Mrs. Frankie Stephenson attended funeral services for Mn. Alice McLean st Woodstock Thursday afternoon. Mrs. McLean was a sister of Charles Carr and Mrs. Frankie Stephenson. She had resided the Etst year with her daughter at inneapolis. Ringwood friends have received announcements of the marriage of Miss Clarice Huff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Huff, and Lt. Melvin Pierner of the U. S. army air corps, which took place at Oakland, Calif., on November 3. Pfc. Russel Lawrence arrived home from Missouri for a five-day furlough, Friday evening. Cadet Audrey Merchant spent Sunday night and Monday with her Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., visited Bob Vogel at the Veteran's hospital him day in Mrs. mat waalu M&anaon homo. {at Woods, Wis. She reports Bill Hoffman arrived here from jsHghtly improved. a loqg siege of service in the Euro-1 Mr. and. Mrs. Ed. Bauer spent pean theatre of war. He is visiting Friday evening in the George Hiller his wife and expects to be dis- home at Johnsburg. charged soon. f Mrs. Sibre Whiting an? children LeRoy Neal spent the weekend visited her sister, Mrs. Lenard with relatives in Chicago. < Burge, at Grayslake Friday. Mrs. J. C. Pearson and sons were> Mrs. John Hogan and daughter, visitors at Woodstock, Monday after- Charlotte, LuAntt Bauer, Muriel Butnoon. ; ler, Ferrol Martin, Carol Hrarison Mr. and Mrs. William Heine of and Suxanne Musay attended the Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Alan 4-H banquet for its outstanding Ainger and children of Greenwood members given by the Woodstock were Sunday guests in the' George Chamber of Commerce at Woodstock Shepard home.. j Friday evening. The awards were Mr. and Mrs. Will Roth and daugh-' given at the close of the banquet, ter, Carol, of Minneapolis, spent;Ferrol Martin's award was a trip Friday with Mrs. Frankie Stephen- i to the opera, Carol Harrison's a trida, and Mr*. Ray Merchant ai> | Birbmoad aad Mr. ai tended a birthday party for Suzanne I Schurman of Watwovtii Coles at McCulloms Lake Friday nesday evening with Mi.'aad afternoon. James Bed. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pearson! and LeRoy Neal were Elgin visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Maud Walsh and Miss Es-' telle Thompson of Lansing, Minn., 1 are visiting Mr. and Mrs. William MeCannon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell of Mc-- Henry spent Saturday afternoon > with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. | James Bell. j Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Miller of ffew FferiMa < We have an electrical for nearly every purpoao. It A new one is a very thin "*f llfillT coating that, the makers say, it i to stand a good deal of bending « out cracking or breaking ft--m wire on which It is applied. Mr. and lbs. Glenn Treon of Crys- state members were Suxanne Mussy tal Lake spent the weekend in the land Carol Harrison, each to receive Walter Harrison home. j gold lockets Iflor corrupting six Mr. aad Mrs. Will Roth and: years of club work. Charlotte Hogan daughter, Carol, of Minneapolis i was put 6n the state project honor called on Wayne Foss, Friday af- roll. The Sunshine and Happy ternoon. ) Clover clubs were the achievement - Mrs. Boy Miller and Mrs. Ray clubs. Miller and daughter, Geraldine, of John Rauen and Louis Freund of Waukesha spent Sunday in the John Spring Grove were supper guests Hogan homo. fof Mr. and Mrs. James Bell Satur- Mrs. Ed. Bauer and daughter, Lu- day. i$&nn were visitors at Woodstock,; Mr. and Mrs. Sibre Whiting at- Friday afternoon. /tended the funeral of the former's Mr. and lbs. Andrew Hawley and! aunt, Miss LaNetie Whiting at Mc- Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler attended. Henry Thursday. the horse show m Chicago Saturday ! Misses Helen and Amy Lawrence evening. of Chicago spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders of their parencs, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Sycamore and Mrs. Bertha Saunders Lawrence. of Harvard spent Sunday in the. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Merchant Fred wfiedrich, Jr., home. and Miss Alice Howard of Kenosha Andrew Hawley is on a business spent Sunday evening in the Ray trip to Michigan this week. Merchant home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brennan Mrs. Paul Hill and daughter, Pa- Bead the-Want Ads ENTERTAINMENT FINE FOODS AMD LIQUORS We cater to Partiea and Banquets ; ' Entertain your family and Mends • at the RIVERSIDE HOTEL •- (At the Stale Bridge, McHenry) - Phone Fox Hole 266 : Hotel 318 , j. * •». "-V ' 6, 'I? "• Machinery F-20 tractor on rubber; Mc-D. silo filler and pipes; Hayes corn planter With fertiliser attachment; 4-wheel tractor with 12-ft. body; rubber tired Mr.°and Mrs'lftiy Mcreha"nt. Wagon wrth rack; 8-section steel drag; 2-section steel dra*; 7-ft. mower; | K Mr and Mr9 Granville Carlson of ffS deliVAry r^keT^?y jeii ^ douWe dl*cs; McCormick T-ft. grain, Maywood were callers in the Clayton •iader; 7-ft gram drill; wood-wheel wagon and rack; 2 wood-wheel wagon n c h e Saturday afternoon pars; 2 water tanks; 2 14-inch gang pWws; 100 chickens mostly puUets; B,uce -e satura*y «ternoon. S Muscovy ducks; 40 ft. of silage. ropu. TBOaP TSRMS. a. a OLSON w FINANCE CORP. / - - --- - CLEBKINO ^ Wk P. iWaea, Kapreeeatotiva-yPhone, Woodstock lit Farm Service Way UCTIO L. H. FREEMAN it SON. TeL 118 or 122. Hebron. 11U Auctioneers Miss Esther Lawrence arrived home Sundav from a trip to Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Robert VanDusen AUCTION CHARLES LEONARD, Aactloaeer Having decided to quit farming, I will sell at Public Auction on farm located 3 miles south of Richmond, 3 miles north of Ringwood, 1 mile west of Solon Mills, and one-half mile east of Roule 31, at 11 o'clock, THURSDAY, HOV. 29 the following described property; t®- "i3 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK consisting of CATTLE -- 32 head of Holstein and Guernsey, milk cows, several fresh with calves by aide; 7 head Holstein heifers; Holstein stock bull, 2 years • On account of the shortage of help and having decided to quit the dajry o hnr.r. in business, the undersigned will sell at Public Auction the following described Z ipod work horses, 10 •roperty on the farm known as the L. G. WILCOX farm, located 1V4 mile3 and 12^ y®*1? one 3-year-old colt. forthwest of Greenwood, 111., 6 miles Southeast of Hebron, 111., 7 miles ithwest of Richmond, 111., and 8 miles North of Woodstock, I1L, on . TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20 IMS, comm earing at 12 o'clock noon 41 HEAD OF HIGH CLASS CATTLE » TOUNG SPRINGING HOLSTEIN COWS. Sosse of these cows will ikav* calves bv adaHv day ef sale. --1-- 8 Holstein Firat^Calf Heifers, Springing or with Calves by side. ( Holstein Cows, Milking Good. / C Springing First Calf Shorthorn Heifers. 1 Purebred Holstein Stock Bull, Not Registered. Hay, Grain aad Machiaery 800 bu. Vickland oats; 2400 bsles first cutting mixed hay; 210 bales second cutting alfalfa; 420 bales straw; 25-ft. silage in 14-ft. silo. Farmall F-20 tractor; tractor plow; tractor disc; IHC tractor cultivator; power mowing machine; side deliv- j ery rake; rubber tired wagon; New! Idea manure spreader; Allis-Chal- j mers combine; 3- section drag; horse 1 disc; walking plow; broadcast seeder,' 10 ft.; 2-section drag; corn planter! ^ and check wire; 2 single-row cultivators; 2 IHC mowers; dump rake; „ f ' IHC hay loader; iron wheel wagon This is a real herd of cattle, mostly first and second calf. Mo Cow Qver „aniidu rack;i IHC corn binder; IHC silo 6 years old. They are heavy producers: 29 head of this herd produced 17 filler and pipe; IHC corn shredder; cans daily last season. This is an opportunity to get the best at auction. , hay rope; hay fork, 4 prong; all of . Laboratory tests taken in August of each cow's milk prove that this the a^ove machinery in first class aerd is free from mastitis. *<• ' i shane. HOGS--7 Purebred Dun* Jeney GUIs. I IS HiUk cans; single unit, !HC Poultry--4 Old Geese, 1 Gander for breeding. MILKING EQUIPMENT--Surge milking machine, complete with 2 units, piped for 3L cows; 17 milk cans, pails and strainers; Stewart Clipmaster electric clipper. FEED--10 tons good second cutting haled alfalfa not rained on, 600 bushels good Vicland oats. Usual Illinois Farm Auction Service Terms. EABL MECKLENBUMG Oak milking machine; double unit IHC milking machine; water heater and tanks, pails and strainers. Many other articles too numerous to mention. LUNCH WAGON ON Gjt^UNDS Auction Service "Aactions that pay are managed the farm service way" JL Fresaua, District BeaMsaHative, Phoaa lit H K B. D. taft, Lake finri, f%am 142, Qidte TERMS -- All sums of $25 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of 6 months at 6 per cent on good bankable notes will be extended. If credit is desired make arrangement wth the clerk before sale. No roperty to be removed until settled s? W«* BEET State 1 s: ^ • Woodstock P.T.A. Presents > , 40 :JACK AND JILL PLAYERS Ift "THE HAUNTED CASTLE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, AT 2 O'CLOCK Admission 25c (Tax IncL) -- AT ^ WOODSTOCK COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL Tifkets On Sale--Nov. 15 to 21, Grade Schools Nov. 23 - 24 At Hubert's Pharmacy NO TICKETS AT DOOB Mail Orders (Incl. Stamped Envelope) ^ Woodstock P. T. A., Woodstock, 111. 9» NOTICE All bills for medical service due me or my office must be paid to the bookkeeper at my office and to m . nmnn . , DR. A. 8. ROHBEROKR, Woodrtoek. il.. 7:30 p.m., sharp| Wednesday, Nov. At Gaulke's Sale Barn--Boute 47--Woodstock, Illinois Charles Leonard, Auctioneer 75 HEAD OP DAIBY COWS. EITHER CLOSE SPRINGEBS OB FRESH WITH CALF BY SIDE. 150 FEEDER PIGS FEEDER STEERS CALVES STOCK BULLS v BEEF CATTLE BROOD SOWS 2S HEAD FEEDER 0ATTLK « YOU CAN BUT -- Y0V CAN 8E£t FARMERS: Call Tuesday and truck will pick up yottr calves Wednesday morning, for fee of 25c per head. . Call Woodstock 572 or 490 if yon have livestock to oonsigii Ml arrangements to get yovr Hvestoet ^ e"lh<»r the day before the sale or bring same morning •>f sals. .1per cent down, balance ia monthly iastall- 1 to 16 months time at Vt of 1 per cent interest Woodstock Commissioii Sales Co. Inc. WM. E. SAULKE. Own«r--PhoM 872 tm At f iQfli at Hoahmm IBiaola For Cccc wide |Mii« ptoydry snd how • TOUR MUNI mtTNIt MAS $10«00<MKMMM TO H INVISTID IN TNI FUTUM OP NOtTNttM aabe m4 |*d yeao this s«a has p«--EUNOI8...ITS INOUiTMnr .. 2a die production of machinerjr. ANO INPIVIOUAU ami food fee war. And duoagh thto utmcndoua of Noctfaecn have proved hare. V bf tmamg Nonbem Illinois' bcosd msouapicity toward better things, aft of * sound, tease future. will take some time is to be ex- Bat wacso cadi riwnen the changc-ovcr period-- dot inditidaal prosperity-- bjr ahowing patient ecKhmsdi\tf lg o*f t'b* e- pcobd- l*c nic aAt* band aa«nidl aa f£i«rwmn d/leaasiiMre Mto i gwt am which is going ahead! Northern Illinois area sad is people! As proof of that belief we will invest $10,000,000.00 impossible Noctbetn Illinois indostries, businesses, haters, indiridiuis-- •p help solve problems of fecooTcnioo. r- For it has always been our belief that in being a "Silent Pmrtaet'* a> the area we should do all possible to help sound tawqiniri oa 4>eir way. Thus, more jobs are madf, mote porrhsiinf power results sod even more new }ob« are made In that way, we believe we am doing our part to Jielp keep all Northern Illinois going ahead! If job, too, |nTt a financial smdi with us? nfef aotcK li NORTHERN ILLINOIS CORPORATION 68Wi>i OHKHs 0« RAU, KUNOtt tBANCM QfnCHi AM0«A

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