Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Nov 1945, p. 1

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iSBSBP^ IlliiHwBlr® •7--r r^v '," •• -*• ™*~ ".fi'iiiiS"* -- . *v .« • r.»• i*-**4#..-,- i\ • ' i •<••& 1 K .,»*>** - sq-'im&f"™"' " iss^a. * » „ r»^.v"*-'\ -„ •:,V- ^ps»?ia:: - ^ ^rij^ - rsSESSS mm^*m , •ft' '•-.; , ,'t~. . • ^ j'/.-'^' ' .1'= • c:•.,:... -. '.•.. ...'".. **••:>••' 'v^W^ieN! f.^^-f?'* ' VMS* «r : .* J i, ?"rr5iS,"S - *%* V * '• *-* Volume 70 M HENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1945 No. 27 OUT 07 AIR CORPS i'C;" ' SCHOOL SUiVEY_ COMMITTEE TO dE we OR NOV. 27 435 Hoard Members r To Attend Woodstock Meeting Next Week ^ UNOHARTED PACIFIC REEF DISCOVERED BY LOCAL CREWMAN'S SHIP • _____ Kenneth A. Brand, seaman first class,McCullom Lake, and other crewmen of the cargo-towing ship USS Lyhx, have the distinction of Hiving the name of their ship given an uncharted reef in the south Pacific which they discovered while on one of their trips that totaled 75,000 miles since her commissioning. In the final phase of the war, the Lynx ttfas called into service with lUiAd hM»l »..»)<». t« $fk?." j«*®«®- -, tahned fidfetfhe nsFe leoeft Ofokrin atwhae, wochceurpea thioenr I? t TT ||" ^ notified by jcrew served eight days during the K ?Tty 8UP" I opening of that operation. She was STThTtoM 11^-™^" dSihaiing cargo in the Marshal i«S£J£Z?r .2? '« I ^7 ^* S reendern was r enceewivse do. f *** J*P »«~ L w'.wfn • JkJ?Urir>fc^ The ship was one of the pioneers • WmhnwJ^nf *l Co™* Sc*10®1 Sau*r vey i'n ocean-towing. Her tows ranged from huge drydock sections to other . T_® comp* ly With .th.e require-1( suhsiupasl claarrggeore s thinacnlu dheedr smelof.t or Htoerr peudno- 2®° . .an ®*P»*n»tion of the act,1 boats and tank-landing craft, the meeting will be addressed byj Her log reveals visits to New Zea- f,t (J- g.) Roland McCannon, county land, Australia, Hawaii. News Hebaupenntendent of schools, (in mili-! rides, the Admiralties, New Guinea, _S?ry . 8erv'ce), who will present a Philippines, Carolines, and Rara- ^[fs, . tl|e ^ew *aw- j tonga, in the Cook Islands^ where .;; Following this address, ample time she was the first navalvessel to fill be provided for a discussion of visit. e question of the establishment of LETS TAKE A LITERAL MEANING OF TMANKSGIVINGj THAT EXTRA BOND! PROVE YOUR HOLIDAY. SPIRIT. This ' is not only the season of our genuine spirit of the day. This They contained pencils, paper, Thanksgiving in terms of a calendar may be done in many ways, not erasers, compasses, pro-tractors, coldate and tradition the least being our support of the ored drawing pencils, blotters, but also in action.; current Victory Bond drive or the needles, thread, toy furniture, yoyoa, Especially this Red Cross. Tne latter is a, worth- balls, dolls, tops, puzzles, painting year of 1945 do while project in which even boys boxes, l\air ornaments, marbles and J we have an abun- and girls can participate. games. i-V I dance of thinp , Gift Boxes for which to be Colored pencils, washc' loths, and Good Will Messages A: ' thankful. We have pocket combs can be as potent ges- ,MT k^. wtoonr y'as wgraera-theisst-; ptuornedse roofu s intterrenaattiieosn, al Mfrrise. ndsMhiipld reads %Hov*r1or°?L« .h °«id^de^d. The nnoLtes, of we have welcomed Howorka, Junior Ued Cross chair- apprec,ai!ln, from. "nfoItunat,e - back thousands of man of McHenry county, declared J P60? ' "V®84 f. e °f *rar,s ; our boys and happily anticipate the this week in discussing the gift box ®how they realize that al-; homecoqjiiiK of m.„y more „ lhe AX"U' SyeTa!r' ' for TThha.dnSk!srgWivinn Jg >?thh iys virtim *hM<! o"" toy have been 'riend« ,cro" lost in the ru^le of bombings or In thoughts, these unfortunate peoa bright necktie for a growing boy pi* have our sympathy. Does ouri POST-WAR LIFE (N LEYTE TOLO BY E. T. New Edncational ' Athletic: Programs •••! ••""d ' Substitute For Drill . /ri ~--'» c«n uo t& ucai iu t*suiuiisii a are apt to forget that all feeljng of brotherhood and sympathy .. . v?in^s~° ^USI happen ac- between the younar Deoole of various ^t€ Wfth "peace now reigning a great ! many of our boys have returned ; home, glad enough to forget their service periods, especially the law months spent overseas. Those still , across^ have but one thought upper- | most in their minds, getting home aa j quickly as^possible. In view of the above, it fs only natural that we at ' home hear less from our boys than (.formerly. Partly because of this, yie letter received this week from Photo by A. Worwlck. McHenry j ,**• Erwin T. Laures, serving with LT. GEORGE JOHNSON 1 ^fupation forces in UfttL %: Lt. George E. Johnson has been' »PP««ated. County School Survey Committee. If a majority of the board memr„ our new found happineu. how- e,„" Jo » Vreat" d.«r,„%stal;tish ^'Trile. ci• d• entally. They are- God-'sr .--rew a--rd mucitiin^rncsi'i wuhroe wjuiulli"ik4 ui v«iiuu.> s~teaotreps e thBaat rcbaiapnU, intosw annsdh ipw ocrhkaerirsm aarne ,,^^. ' e Wsise-P! ara*fttieorn mboarsee thaat n Truax , piainH^/H. j Vv « four- ^Plaindeal^ and the maay fine foi the millions of prayers of peti- nations who will te tomorrow's progressing satisfactorily to date 5 o XMAS SEAL SALE OPENS The Seal sale, sponsored by the lers in attendance at the meeting McHenry County Tuberculosis as- . ^ote in favor of a County School sociation, opened Monday and will torvey Committee, procedure is spe- continue until Christmas. The local dfied as follows: ; campaign is part of the thirty-ninth --- 1. School board members shall be annual national Christmas Seal sale. • jlivided info two groups, rjiral and Approximately 10,000 letters are •rban (urban being those school: being mailed to •/residents of Mcfcoard members from districts having Henry county. The drive is conduct- «ny part in a city, village or incor- ed each year from the office of the porateH town*. . county nurse. Miss Mabel Hobbs. 2. Each group (rural or urban) ^ Mrs. L. W. Binna is again county (lay meet immediately or at an ad-1 chairman. . jjfwraed meeting to elect its representatives to the ; Committee 3. The rural group elects five Members, at least one of whom- shkll •ot be a school board member. 4. The urban group elects four j« •embers, at least one of whom shall I •ot be a school -board member. I 6. Committee members must not' Another group of service folks fee persona who are professionally j from McHenry have been ^ given Hqgaged in education or are em-1 honorable discharge during_ the people o{ George B.rbi.n, town,hip eh.irm.n,: £ , ^wi^Xr" m^' tb.<nItodS& '.'rd A? nkn will Ka tnmnmr'o ori,,H,. states that cantains anH ttorkers ire' years' serv!ic ea ltwerit hm otrhee thaarnm yf ouarir- P*°P,l e of »Mr coH enry w.h o made it tion during war. We "still have "a' .dult'" """ ° ^ut^agreat dealofco-operation is J°rces- A .^duate of Altus AAF, ;^ible tor us overhereto receive ppreaacyee rst,o thwiisn , tismo e leotf'fse rcinogn tinfhuoem ou;r Junior Red Crow members in the ^11 needed during the remaining wa8 ***^ the AAF train- g® ne^ of ome. Tht Plaindealer thanksgiving * them lnn McHenry coun^ty scVh oo.l s n 7, ; mg command where he served as a ,, done much toward makuie our recently *"**- B.26 and A.26 .,ot instructor until(httle city one of which we «fn ™1 m. u VI' •„ . . packaged su.ty boxes for shipment Lets take her advice and buy that relieved irom ac'ive dutv under the! •* proud. I find it aui'e diffimlt Ii ssaatSisffvyiinn^g ?toA ya«lli r'o]fi us imf uwche mcloosree otonr nO acrtoebaes r ov1e2r setoa s.c hiElderaecnh ibno x,w aorf fibnondd ytooud aay . mTuchha nhkaspgpivieinrg pnerigshont wfoilrl arm^y 'g8r addeumaoteb iloizf atMiocnH epnrrovg rCamo.m mun(c-!ocni:ivesin coef tfhelilso wfas ct frboumt I the lam that have d°ne Jegulaiion site, was packed with having made the day happier for | ity"hTgh'^sch^rand V'foroiersTudent a darn g^d ti"y! someining ^nicn Droves to ourselve3; new, clean toys and school supplies someone else. 1-* vn. * . USS HAMLIN CREWMEN PLAY IMPORTANT PART OUTSTANDING SERVICE RECORDS CHALKED UP at the University of Illinois, he was that's what counts. " | ployed by the Graybar Electric . ' Since I last wr larger 'm making We know, and wrote to the Plain- TELEPHONE STRIKE HAJ | Co., Chicago, prior to entering the dealer from the good and colorful ' WTTftT * TAWN TAT TTWfl AAF. Lt. Johnson is married to jjja-e of Texas, much has happened. IN LAST DAYS OP WAR SY DARNELL BROTHERS BUT 0NLY IN PERSON 1925 Hinmah Ave., Evanston, 111. NEWS ABOUT OUR SERVICEMEN employees of any school district. 6. Voting for committee members tfiall be by ballot with a majority, flequired for election. 7. Unless 25 percent of the schoo! »*rd members in each group (rural ~4nd urban) are present to elect .committee members, adjournment •rast be made for not more than ten 4Nys- I 8. School board members shall Jgote in person and no yoting by groxy shall be ^permitted. Powers and Duties The law specified the following •owerS and duties for the County Purvey Committee. To «?dy the school districts! Herman steffes has arrived back ^f the county and their organisation^ ^ states after a long mice for the purpose of recommending de- .. . North Africa •liable re-organization, which in the penod ln Wort" Atnc>' Charles Page, petty officer third in the ">erch*nt marine, is en- ties or he pupils and inhabitants of j0yjnjf a ieaVe with his parents and past week. They are Donald Meyer of the navy; Mary Brefeld, who has •been with the lady marines at Camp Pendleton, Oceanside, Calif.; Larry Huck, also a navy man; Charles Herdrich of the army;" _ Herman Kreutier, who recently returned from Europe. Joseph Gausden, marine flyer, will p on inactive duty next Monday, le has been serving at Glenview. William John Gerlach, 20, .of the McHenry folks who recall the Jess . TJ1® telephone strike locally seems navy, a Johnsburg resident, and other Darnell family, former residents now ...P6 en®u8fh news to keep the town crewmen of the seaplane tender USS residing near Dundee, will be inter- J* ^ n^' 1 !t C€rt*,n'y J)a8 itsdraw- Hamlin played an important role ested to learn of the whereabouts of hacks for the renorter who endeavors in the far-reaching, extensive dam- the four boys now in service. ? a l ne^'sPaPer deadline. The age dealt Japan by the famed Fleet , Pfc. Harold Darnell has left Eur- ?hort Thanksgiving •week doesn t help Air Wing One during the closing ope and is expected home within a "\.r, e**e *•"« situation 100 days of the Pacific war. few days. In service four and one- e fr* Moving into combat waters the'half years, he was overseas twelve! Since lack of telephone service is campaign for Okinawa and later in months and earned two battle stars. 8U°h news, most folks will be inoperations around the Japanese Sgt. Kenneth was discharged at terested in the statement made on homeland, the Hamlin backed up Tucson, Ariz., with ninety-eight Tuesday by A. H. Mellinger, presiplanes of the air wing that sank points. He served overseas twenty- dent of the Illinois Bell Telephone ! more than 155,000 tons of enemy:five months and has the E. M. rib- company. Whether we are in sym- : shipping; damaged another 138.000 hon with seven battle stars, and the P*'hy with his statement is some-1 i tons and shot down forty enemy Purple Heart with two clusters, two'thing to decide, individually, but ; planes during the 100-day period. French medals with citations and whatever. the decision, those little i At the same time, the Hamlin also ^ve Presidential citations. He was black instruments will be silent until was taking part in the fighting as w>th the 50&th parachute infantry some agreement has been reached, gunners and other crew members which jumped and spearheaded at- "We very much regret that dewent to General Quarters to help tacks from Africa to the Rhineland pendable telephone service has been i repel air attacks as many as eighty, j when the battalion of 1,000 men was interrupted by a strike of certain eight times in a single month. .wiped out with the exception of telephone operators. We are doing | thirty men, Kenneth being one of everything we can to supply emerj « « a T T*PTT V f f A V l V " TQ jthem. Jgency service and appreciate the u X 10 Pfc. Elmer was discharged at Mc- public's co-operation. It's a healthy iONE OF MOST POPULAR f Clellan Field, Calif., last month and American custom to gripe about the i pT iVfl VTTEH VPVQVVTin joined the regular, army the next, umpire in almost any sport, but it's «SuC e°°" a*ter ^ »Jong with my . unit, had stormed the beaches of l*yte with fixed bayonets. Inside I ™,f"urJh®u™ » fceachhead had been established and the .area policed. In- I fantry units had cleared the area of ! Japs about nine months be'o pot there but >he n«u«rhtv bnn * i™nJ P°'ice up their cigarette butt*. £ 1* • pat s where we came into the oic- • i MESSAGES FROM MEN IN SERVICE «!^»rsL^vSK!Ss!E K-iHS and have five days j but the correspondent assigned to leave coming. On cover us fell into the officer s latrine November 20 I go soon afier we landed on inactive duty,! "After our flanks w^re secured and as nayal officers the giant grasshoppers of Leyte hS are n«A discharged.. provided us with air superiority a? heen-tiovej inian(j where weMtaWshed wonderful receiv-.3Ur permanent camp. NatmSr w* ing the Plaindeal- had to do a complete joboflandehra vaen db e^unn lwins youjscaoing, which wasnt easy. T%e Ser- snakes didn.t care tGo vice, you don't! and we offered to leave, but a Se£ reahre what it Gnd Lieutenant sitting on the fcop of the weekly news fJrnoem* nMl. c»H en^ry 'a^nd a ninety foot palm suggested that we vicinity. Thanks again for sending f; gtick it out for a few^Ss whS we djd ' Ml he paper. day. His wife, the former Miss .<ot very American-like to walk off!-agAo . friHened waansd inJ atrhee dsarimvien gs qtuoa dCrhoin- !j tbirnega k aroonurn d hadrlofain ^nothiL 7 Priscilla Dean, and three children re-! the field and quit play because ol I I. We intend to .ravel slowly;, ned our Uw eounty, more efficient and econ- j a/lmtnia^MfiAn A# vtukltM iriCIMlo* T -- neia ana piay teeause 01 i* we inienu w iravei siowiy camn ..j wa a j^ Success seems ahrdly the word to fljde near McCleilan Field. Ian umpire's decision. The union has1 and it will urobatly be about » Then came th» n»<». t "'e* descrtbe last Friday night s enter Roy Darnell has just returned , ordered the operators off the job be- week before I get to McHepry. 1 render Wp >ii tamment at the high school, forlto Djx> Car., after spending ' cause the War Labor Board decision the performance^ by the Junior class | a ten-day furlough at his home.' to meet their full demands. was something extra special. In While there he wag nu^ed to Miss "We agree with the Illinois Telecfaitcyt , ctrhoewrde wwehroe mdeasncryi beind tthhee capplaay- ' yiolet Sedenberg of Elgin.• - - •chools and a more equitable distriftntlon of public school revenues. (b) To confer wito school authorities and residents of the school dis- Raymond Guszardo, stationed at Hastings, Nebr., is home on leave. -- . . . . " B i l l " P h a l i n o f G r e a t L a k e s s p e n t EX? lh„ed h°tld th. .«Mnd with hi, SSUTtSAU' Sat! •f school districts fn the county. discharged alter maay months (e) To make reports of its study, service. and recommendations, including ,as the best ever presented here. mn VT wr*r Few who witness these annual1 rAMUnlva XI/ wtfivl plays realize the great amount of A A A COMMITTEEMEN work and time entailed in prepare- ri/xmrrwr. •%rm. B tion by- the direttor as well as the * OB COHlllu YEA|p ^ cast. Student actors and actresses I phone Traffic Union tfyst operators' I wages should be increased. j j 'We agree that these increases should l>e retroactive to May, 1945. The only major issue between us is: hop* to .ptnd Thanksgiving at home j ^"ioth^brih £k Z'AX- " " SOCkS th" *«" *»<" • Yours truly, LeROY W. HETTERMANN. pair . . . d i r t y a n d h e a d ed for the docks. The war was over, we were going home. Then we heard that voice again. Our old OLD FRIENDS MEET llie meeting of two former local _ * d (a) Whether the weekly increase! residents, neighbors in West Mc' gnakes and was now Kurlrin* f«, hould be the full amount the Union Henry, in California recently, comes tai .gtick d a few ^eeL,^ I ^ demanded. toon our attention this week. James _aid "a • ^ks«. •»* MI are complimented on their talents, McHenry County farmers will take (b) Or, whether the weekly in-! andA LT .acumra FFa.vy hacl hbe«e.nn vvii«siittiinng» ?aId.' ®nwl«.0 n_tlntl ue. d mto .r ead. hia comic with little thought to the person most time out from seasonal work in the crease should be the amount called his mother and brother in Belling- £££* c* ana st,u »*» » next four weeks to elect AAA com-|for in the decision of the National" ham, Wash., and at the same time munity and county committeeman 1 Telephone Commission, the wartime Mrs. Lois Rapp (the former "Tiny"; Army Ian*t Bad for the coming year. Three commun regulatory agency set up for the Bacon) was visiting _Mr. and Mrs.) ^"Seriously, the army isn't bad at responsible for the successful outcome. In the case, of last week's class play that person was Mis^ XL0' of a sch^rdistri^Utl andb°the ^ thirty-third division which arrived .ioundaries of proposed or recom- h°m«L^thl9 la^f week\ " ried school districts, concerning^ fche Bronze Star medal foi heroism re-organization and financing of,00 Northern Luzon. - school districts of the county. Helen Stevens, g*rho for many yeais ity committeemen and two alter- Elmer Freund was a member of has been efficiently directing the nates, as well as a delegate to the two annual class performances. "A county convention, will be'chosen in stabilization of wartime wages in Robert Ulrich (Rita Bacon) in Red-,all and most of the time it goes out the telephone industry. This same wood City, Calif. Enroute home to;of it's way to make the GI's cornweekly increase was accepted by! Los Angeles, James and Laura stop-1 fortable. You will hear fantastic same1 City Little Honey was a disti. nct high- each of the county s sixteen farming twweoe kolyth erin clarregaese opweraast orasc' cUepntieodn s biny !LP«o1s tAo nvgiesli t ,,h is sister, Mrs. Joy Hunt- tales from return--ing men and women, Jight in her long list of successful | communities. The delegates will {the Company a short time ago. ler, atSan Bruno, Calif., While there some of which will praise the army •' tH ' CLOSE USES OFFICE Pfc. Harry Dahms has been given his release at Camp Grant. For the first time since 1942, United States employment service employees in Illinois will observe a Thanksgiving holiday, USES State ^JPirector Charles P. Casey said in Announcing that all USES offices in Tike state will be closed on Thanksgiving day, November 22. For the past three war years. USES offices in Illinois remained •pen on holidays which fell on regu- "aar workdays with the exception of Christmas, Casey said. Order your rubber stamps at the Plalpdealer. ^ ! Ernest Winters, radioman ' third cla&s, has been discharged from the navy. Arthur, oldest" son of the Arthur Smiths, Sr.. has arrived home from India and given his discharge. _ t # ier, ax oan v,aiu. mine uw« suuiv ox wnicn win tne endeavors. Hater elect the three-men committee «In addition to carrying out the they called Mrs. Rapp at the Ul^ichs and its policies and more which will The very capable cast included j which will administer AAA activi-! directives and recommendations of i and then planned a reunion at the, not. This war, however, and the such talented Junior girls as Loretta ties within the county. ; the governmental 'body set up to iHu^er home. Needkss to say, victory over Japan and Germany is Larson, feminine lead; Carol Mar-j Chairman Bert Bridges, of the j administer wartime wage policies these former neighbors1 in our little ample proof of the efficiency and ticke, Geraldine Nimtz, Barbara county AAA committee, said this we have in this case followed Pres-|city had a very enjoyable visit. 1 - Freund, Rosemarie Matzat, Albina week that dates, hours and places! ident Truman's recent announcements Fred Meyer has returned to civilian life once more. Samec, Lois Weideman and Joan holding the annual election are now concerning postwar wages. This has JACK AND JILL May, Besides the heroine, other; being determined. Announcement j been demonstrated by offering to *>t a VTPS mMf Tfl roles included Miss Marticke as a will be made within the next few discuss postwar wages immediately, carefree teen-ager, Miss Nimtz as days. and by offering certain increases im-1 WOODSTOCK* NOV 24 the loveable kid sister. Miss Freund, In McHenry county, Mr. Bridges i mediately as a credit on postwar ad-f the family cook, Miss Matzat, a said, there are approximately 2,100 jU8tmenta. There would seem to As a civic project, th* P. T. A. charming sou'hern wi^ow, Miss Sam-,farmers eligible to vote on commit- be little else we can do£ «»c. the domineering mother. Miss teemen this year. "Eligable" farm- Weideman, the trained nurse, and ers are those who participate in the capability of not only the army but *Sof the other services as well. Opin- 1 ion! will vary, but that's mine. § "With the war over and the big f job of keeping the fellows occupied I they take the boat for home 'f confronting them, the army has sub- • stituted an education arid athletic Robert _ Newkirk has gone on inactive duty after'many months service with the navy air corps. 77-year-old 1945 agricultural conservation, flaxseed payment, sugar, or crop insur- Among: the Sick organization of Clay, Central, and P»<>Kram for the much dreaded drill Dean street schools, are sponsoring aru^ °vLe/ t,™e .'"."Ctjons. In a Children's Theatre production on our ® „r ? emphasis is placed on Saturday, November 24 at 2 - p.m., j sports, we have two ball diamonds, at the Woodstock Community high1 a , basketball court and the many school auditorium. Other facilites needed m a well Joseph Crick of McCullom Lake has received his discharge. It iIm Nopti v-- •I this Community Thanksgiving Is ln the air. Ttie spirit of the Good Provider hugs you warmly. What better time or reason to buy another extra Victory Bond. the good provider of the future? As you sit around the f e s t i v e table this year, first year of world peace since 1939, remember the millions of men and women still ln unltn strange lands. In Germany skout 2,500,000 Americans will be separated on this family holiday from fathers, mothers, brothers, sls- tos, wives, sweethearts and children. extra Victory Bond Is a link between home and the Tokyo or BaUn patrol. Iben'a self-interest in your purchase of any extra band today but (km •service to year cumin too. Yeu have most to gain fay ownsrdbfe of as many Victory Bonds as yea au> possibly buy. You guarantee yourself a better chance for personal psaee and pmspstlty. You also help j«ar government to pay the war costs and return home of men and weam who will be badly .missed Thanksgiving Day in your own home Miss May as a ~"young grandmother. • Eesides the male lead, ably por- i ance program, . , trayed by Bob Svoboda, a navy offi-, The county AAA chairman, m re- I UbieW7oun^dWfelfowU8Li8h"e "Sri^V, Se ^rth^ng^ap^af^foJ I ^nt citi*IJ'in11!'^ and an outdoor theatre keeps us out ,U!.'s.«fTh« postwar proWm. ^ ^ AB " Music between acts was furnished ahead of us is the vital concern of t h A °It s/ fS'kt^whic^to tow? in^njar"^; "Food' a,w»ys very important, is by a senior girls' chorus and a boys' every farmer Consequently, it » ^rese hosS ' £ able t0 lro in to Sie Land of DusV much ^ in _i • : ' I a kia /mm Kfiaf infpriHif fn vnto in 1 nerese nofipiial. i DC &D16 l O gO O n lO wic ulna O I L/U9I. . . . . ; * Th, Jack and Ji„ P,.y,„ .^pre- Frank Johnson has arrived home ' after flying in the Indian theatre for many months. • Technician Hiird Grade Chester Beiection "Italian Street Song," sung mac xne men saminuienng aaa ; Ho -ard has been released from the by Elaine Nell, Louanne Howorka,' programs in the county are the no^™' | army. • • pTovid,* sr:"y "sr. t was in Texas or our own FOARD ONE CALLS - SEVEN EEOISTRAN1S FOR EXAMINATIONS^. The following registrants • have been s ordered by Board One^ to report for physical examinations in the near future: McHenrv-- RICHARD M. BLAKE. Rinr wood-- FRED I. QHASE, JR. H»rv»H-- ROBERT W. FARVER FPFD C. FRENK ) W "'stock WARREN H. KELLY M*rw«to-- ROY E. SANDERS H'Hrri-- - BENJAMIN E. MARZAHL operetta "The" Desert Song," and a the coming elections-to make sure Mrs WilliamMeKeils has been a Laughtir isprovmetiior im- Hawaii We ^ our own Ice i ««t* v tii.f •»,» »Hmini*terin» AAA medical patient at the Woodstock and the audience when a series of u. r¥.n.„. » i " selection Song, that the administering AAA " amusing characters are ship-wrecked and seek refuge in the castle. There1 °f.^h,ch ***** m hLu8,s,.b?a nnd^ ea'»ah ^ wJo ™ust te£ _" I've,* ^rattl eodr iolfnin aclolyn sipdelaraBb^ly mMo ra, 'ckhNilrdirwenn ^wKon stumble oonl tthhpe ghosts Iahnadd finish whhaen*g j it utp for tonight F ^ ^ McforCe. l.:t^ '.J Henry - which I hope is before Carol Harrison and Joanne Strever. ones he wants to represent him. Accompanists were Marion Freund; , , ~ and Catherine Schwerman. COMING EVENT8 Also between acts, Harry Mueller,! representing* the Junior class, pre- November 71 sen ted Miss Stevens with a gift in appreciation for her valuable assistance.; Funeral Rites NOT. 15 For Local Resident's Brother Lady Foresters. Ralph Smith has arrived home from Augustana hospital, Chicago, where he was taken after he broke his leg in a fall a few weeks ago. Mrs. Mary Pouliot has been confined to a Chicago hospital following | and are . _ , an auto accident. . quaihtance; a ship's captain and an i Ptrf»»- Nov. 29, 30 and DM. 1 Mrs. Rose Milier is a patient at ; amateur detective, who endeavors to; j , • , , • •nut Rummage Sale--City Hall--Sponsor- the Woodstock hospital. solve the mystery of a stolen jewel J?tl ed by O. E. S. | Miss Dolores Michels underwent owned by an Indian prince; a small NNoovveemmbheerr S9S$ , surgery at the Woodstock hospital! child who „w.ailik,s. iin„ hKe.rr sleep; a«nndd :st*ck around for a few more years. Card Party--K. of C. hall--Sponsor- on Saturday. 'the mother of the prince, who is ed by Fox River Valley Camp,, Miss Lucine TTielen has been a able to weave aspell and bind all R. N. A. December 3 Altar and Rosary Sodality. December 4 ! "Martin Maher of 6106 Normal ; Blvd., Chicago, brother ctf Mrs. . Peter Schaefer • of West McHenry, ^ _ died on November 11, 1945 at his Home Bureau^-Mrs~ J. H. Nixon, home. He is survived by his wife, j December t Lucille; six children, Lawrence, q D of A Thomas, Evelyn, Dolores and Eileen i * ' December 7 - Maher and Mary Kowlaik; also three Chrf^ian Mothers and Altar Society, brothers, James, Thomas and Ralph j December 14 Maher of Chicago; and two sisters, |0 R g installation of Officerssurgical patient at the Woodstock these people within the castle walls, hospital. ; There is also a princess involved !~ Miss Marie Nickels, daughter of'the mystery. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nickels of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin. I danghter. Rita, and Miss Ann Smith, : visited Mrs. William S*«ith in St. j Anthony's hospital, Chicago, last | SuTnhdea y. George Glosson family are • spending the Thanksgiving holiday with relatives in Eau Claire, Wis. Mrs. Loretta Baal, Chicago, and Mrs. Schaefer. Funeral services were held on November 15 at 9 a.m., from St. Mary's church, with interment in St. Mary's cemetery. Mrs. Schaefer attended services. Center street, entered Victory Memorial hospital on Tuesday for medical treatment. Mrs. George Miller entered St. Therese hospital on Monday. "Sincerely yours, -ERWIN T. LAU "Burauen, Leyte, P. Residence Changes ' | • ' APPROPRIATE 9M* Wr. and Mrs. William An appropriation of $9,000 was ap- j family, former operators of {troved by the board of supervisors i Diner" in West McHenry, have moved ast week to be used by twelve Amer- to Fox Lake, where they will opart ican Legion posts and one V. F. W. a restaurant. WGM Johanna Thompson, % Installing Officer. MARRIAGE LICENSES FEED SUBSIDY DEADLINE Bert Bridges^ chairman of the McHenry County Agricultural Conservation association, announced that November SO, 1945. is the deadline set for filing applications for the Wa have a Una selection of Christcards. Order years at the .t--"-7-. ; i . •*; •_ Mrs. August WiH® of Chicago spent a few days last week with her mother, Mrs. Ida Mix. Uw latter «eUui>ed to Chicago to spend a faw A marriage license has been is- i July-August-September Dairy Feed sued in Chicago to LaVaraa Soder- j Subsidy payment. Therefore, ffcrmlund, McHenry, and Frank J. Peter- > ers who have not yet filed for the son, Chicago. I three months are urged to da so 1 before that data. Aapttes" * SI tk* to be filed in the AAA uj. Order yoar rabker ;Dbi jPlihrffiikr. .. office la post in the county in bogardus work This money is used in relief for needy veterans and their families. Allocations follow: Woodstock, $2,500; Harvard, |900; Crystal Lake, $1,600; Maretwo, $700; McHenry. $1,000; Cary. $200; Fox River Grove, $200; Algonquin, $100; Union, $250; Huntley. $200; Hebron, $160; Richmond. $200,and the V. F. W. peat at Ckjatol Lake, $400l The Pteladhalar. Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Wagner (Lacille Simon) moved on Toaaday to Milton. Wis. Mr. Wagner rm his discharge from service last NOTICE Croas HoagpteUaatieoi pv* re daa and payahk at tha office of Earl R. Waf b r^ Blue

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