Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Nov 1945, p. 7

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UIMiminnMIMIMMIt Wd Ml ^ . • -- (Bjr Dick Hyatt) alaa ma the P. T. Aj lta.C.0. H»m» J. N. Yaapr «m the M* i. Caurda and toco were qp- Jtvad lf alL Ifcere was a comparatively Km cmrd attending on the 4nt of Pecuhar. Tie milting of the Ladles laiiw #hich was scheduled for this Wednesday has been postponed until the JbUewinff Wednesday evening because of Thanksgiving being the foUouring day. mends Clinton, A w*o*t Ufmht Kiehl*s brother, Harold, wifa and three d^bts, also Mr. Kiehl*s deter and her husband and daughter were out. In the near ftiture the Teen Are club intends to sponsor t card and which will be teld at t h e L a k e s i d e I n n . T h e p u r p o s e o f this event will be to raise funds from ihape, or at least to aoaw extent, lets all try to cut outf rfcft* of travel down when driving through the around subdivision. Accidents can happen \ before you can realise it. Co-operation would make our community a far better and safer place in which to live. The following families spent the _ PROVIDEN* FARM AUCTION A house warming parly took plaeeife*. Jjn QiS^^Thes^vrtU Sunday at thabo^T of Mr. and'^1' 111 Ghiea»o. They wtu Ifers. Morrison guests were Mr. Mr. an home of Mr. Among the and Mrs. Friested, and Mrs. Kirryher, and~Mr. and lbs. H. Coleman and son, also Ronnio Heinz, Donald Horwwrd and K. trim. It was a nice day tar Mr. and Mrs. Morrison, as tne guests brought all the 'food with ^ttn. Therefore, there was no cooking to be dona. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Monanty and their little daughter are spending tiie week at the home of Cliff Hyatt and family. Bob has been one of Cliff's buddies for several years and AUCTION a lot of "oh nays," as they have in their possession an «gg % inches and 7% inches round the Ilia haulers oat with their fans, but most o4 them caMl back home with Just their guns and missinga few sheila. Among tiioaa tramping arwitd the fielda were: Mr. Kunts, Mr. By- . att, and Mr. Moriarity in one group, hinds fi Mr. Abbinnati and Mr. Morrison also which games will be purchased and j weekend at their cottages. The wont out. The former group re- 'a trip to Chicago will be made. They I Anschuetss, Brooks, Hopperts and turned with something anyway. ! are looking forward to seeing you ; Sansones. All were busy closing tip Anyone sick? Well I hew that I all there. Come on out and give the j their homes for the winter. Mr. and Dr Vincent Sarleyand his brother, [kids a big turnout. Watch for this'Mrs. Brooks are still busy putting - - * • - important date. Last week I was talking to Mrs. Etten, and upon inquiring I found( that her son, George, has received j sure his discharge, and is eago with his family. , Clarence, is on his way home from j shouldn't freese , this winter, Mr. overseas. Good luck, boys. iBendras. ^ ^ following" described property to- " l«mP sanding. Mary Schanovi is still in .St. I the way of dub wii« spent be at 2010 Irving Park way. Spending a most delightful day with the La Mfires on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Muholland and Mr. and Mrs. Art Muholland- The beginning of the week Mrs. L» Meire's eldest son, Vernon, a warthe addition on their home, and it. tbeir farm will is quite some addition at that, folks, on the farm 2 miles CHARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer The undersigned having rented j 8ec^nd r» to Michigan huntta* deer.. Well, | fatally wounded early _ -- returned Saturday but with not against the British date "Shannon." iucil Sunday morning he left for Lawrence ia uu •« hmu. ii " hunt pheasant. We all hope voui "e®* have better luck this time, Claude, j The following is a brief review! Mashreom Poisoning of some of the highlights of the | Because of the great danger~X< journey made by the Hintss on mistaking poisonous mushrooms for route to the south. Space will not . edible ones, no one who has not permit me to include the elaborate been trained to identify them with dMerssc- nphtions given me by Mr. and absolute surety should attempt to O,u: n„V^ ss "r eaUn«- Hi sell at nubiic auction a show in F'aannlleerr., IInndd.. OOnn tthhee ffooaurrtthh 00013,0 vcr* vvllooll*enmt Ppo01is*o™ns and Visited Mammoth and Floyd 9' ******* i t., .i™. Collins Crystal Cave in Kentucky.> are sk>w developing. 1L--- of 6 miles west of Huntley and M mile r?M,ns ^rygtw *-;ave in itentucfcy. Speaking about new additions, that eagt of 6 corner8 on Route 2<>, on, ™»ey next visited the Cumberland re is a honey of a garage Mr. Ul„tU„ iu Mountains m Tennesee, and Rocki CHARLES LEONARD, Aactisaieer To settle Estate, will sell the following personal property on the Bafer Firm located 2 miles West of Fremont Center, 4 miles East of Volo, 8 miles north of Waucondat on fhe Volo-Gilmer black-top road on WEDNESDAY, DEO. 5 Commencing at 11:80 o'clock sharp {he following property to-wit: ; 64 HEAD OF LIYE8T00K consisting of 24 Choice Cssrs 24 Holsteias--mostly new milkers and Spriageia several with calvsa by aide. This h. a good home raised herd. 4 two-year-old Behtain Heifera-- Springing. Two-year-old flektein 8Cock bafl. •-months-old Holstein bull 2 yearling Holstein heifers 8 Holsteia Heifers calvsa--4 to ( BMBtha old. Three head of good work benia ft[OG8: IS head shoats --- weight about 100 lbs. ea. One breed saw. Feed and Machinery 25 acres shocked corn--hybred-- food hard corn; 5 acres standing . fori*; 2 silos--12 ft. and 14 ft.---both Hull; 80 ton alfalfa and clover, mixed •-in barn; 15 ton mixed hay--in |urn; 1,000 bu. oats; 150 bu. wheat; itack straw; IHC tractor; 8-bottom tractor plow; tractor disc; Me-D. mower; J-D. hammermill; side delivery rake; Chevrolet pick-up, 1988, good eMfltim; Broadcast seeder; corn planter; Mje-D. corn binder; 2 iragons and boxee; horee disc; 2 •leighs; platfoim soda; Mc-D. grain %inder; manure spreader; Iron-wheal Wagon and rack; hay loader; hog fade; dump rake; hay fork and rope; 18 milk cans; DeLaval milking machine; 2 set hernese and collars; Iniscellaneous other tools and equipment. rant officer in the coast guard, Spent' Therese hospital, Waukegan, where Beautifying club will hold two days home on his way to New she is recovering from an operation lts meetangs every third Saturday i undergone last week. It is reported ®veninK in the office of Mr. Lannes j She is doing nicely. We are all hop-1 *iere. at !***• ? business j irig for your speedy recovery, Mary, i ses*'®n °f •*£h ,s, OV€V 4' A • -. . ,! social gathering will take place dur-, A rather queer incident occurred,} w&ch cards and bunco will he) .the u home °f the enjoyed. Plans are also being made! Venmers. Mr. and Mrs. Venmer ^-'"' ^ to holding a Valentine's had awakened early that morning danp^ Watch for this date also. | New Alcohol Plant ®n* the world's largest and -- , , . u . th«y America's first, commercial plants Commencing at 11:00 o'clock sharp inJ?.8 brother for the production or ethyl alcohol - " at Camp Blanding. The Hints's then from sawdust and waste Wood was | spent several days in Palm Beach - wrge, nas receivea sur« u & Huntjev black ton road 4V4 miloa i Mountains in » i is Hving in Chi- ^ndrts has just Y^'ld^ northwest of Hamony, on City, Geqj-gia. After spending Mrr . MONDAY. - SL *SSXSr>~S AUCTION Martin Bohl, Aactleaeer Having decided to quit farming, I, Kenoiha will sell at the farm 4 miles west of1 "wauconda, % mile south of Island Lake on the black top river .road, 1V4 1 miles north Of Rowson Bridge and 6 miles nor$h of Cary, starting promptly at 1 o'clock sharp on SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 25 the following, .described property towit: 24--HEAD Of CATTLE--24 20 milk cows, 4* Swiss, 15 Holsteins, Jersey with calf at side, 3 heifers, 18 months old, Bull, 14 months, 2 work horses, two sets harness. This fi an extra good hard of cows. Machinery (All nearly new) McCormick Deering Threshing machine, 22x88; New Idea corn husker, new, 3 years; McCormick Deering Silo filler, 5 yrs.; Fapec Hammermill, new; McCormick Deering tractor, F-20, rubber; tractor cultivator. McCormyJt Deering 14 in. plow on rubber, new; McCormick Deering disc; New Iidea \Hay Loader, new; side delivery hay \rake; rubber tired preparing to leave for It was just a matter of a UCTION CHARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer This week, folks, this next paragraph is devoted to those who have had birthdays in the oast week or who will have them while this paper is in the printing. On Thursday of last week Mrs. Abbinnati and Mr. Bsser celebrated theirs. Mr. Gilmore's was on Friday and he is still claiming he is only 28. I wonder? Sunday Mr. Neil 88 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK consisting of 22 Choice Dairy <*oifa 22 Mostly Holsteins, some of which will be fresh and close springers. , 1 Pure Bred Holstein Cow. 4 Holstein Heifer Calves, 6 months old. 1 Holstein bull, 7 mos. old, pure bred. 1 Holstein bull, ltt years old. 1 Hampshire Sow; bred. 1 Hampshire boar. Team 6 and 8 year old brown Mares, good work team. Machinery and Equipment Allis Chalmers W. C. tractor on rubber, with fluid in tires, with power take off; 2-row cultivator and HaVing decided to quit farming, I, son grew a year " das older, and on .power lift; 2-bottom 14-in. Mc-D. LUNCH WAGON ON GROUNDS TERMS: All sums of $26(00 and finder that amount cash, over that amount a credit of six months at six rlier cent will be extended en nates Approved by the cleric. Anyone deiiring credit, kindly make arrangements before pnrchaes ia made. No " to be'removed until settled E. F. Traat, AdnuL iWeat McHenry State Bank, <3leridnf. C. J. O'BRIEN AUCTION CHARLES LHONARD, Aactleaeer Due to the shortage of help, the Undersigned, having decided to quit dairy farming and operate aa a nog 'and grain farm, will sfeO the following described personal pnfparty at public auction on my fun, f*miles test of Woodstock on VffiMRt at. This farm is on the same road as Swede Huebech auction that was held on November 2, 4 miles northwest of Union, 1 mfia wast of Franklinville on FRIDAY. DICBiW 7 hay wagon; steel wagon; New Idea Manure Spreader; DeLaval Milking machine; seven milk csns. McCormick Deering mower, new; McCormick Deering colm binder; Deering grain binder; set of sleighs; 8 in. 100 ft belt; 6 In. 60 ft. belt; 1986 ton and half Ford truck, stick body; corn planter; grain drill, with grass attachment. Horse cultivator; 100 bede first crop alfalfa; 2 stacks first crop alfalfa; 16 ft sileage. Some household goods, small tools #nd many other articles too numerous to x mention. TERMS--All property to be settled for before being removed. Credit uS?rE*r%r CLERKS: Al Collins and Erwin Kvidera, Cary State bank. A. DILICH AUCTION AUCTION raw; 25^t iilage^"in 14-ft silo, i Jif^t S V^? miw J^th^ of ! ch^k, fe^er8_ *n« *F«armmwal l F-20 tmraccttoorr-, ttrraaccttoorr npilonww, ° ' .f n>,,es 8°"in o1 waterers; meUl nests; Cowboy tank tractor disc; IHC tractor cultivator; I? g ^ Lake, 10 miles east of Mc- heater. t breechinr harness col- w___ __ ' ! nw«r, . oreecmng narness, cot- ^1- SA^ilRDAT. HOVEMBBE resAai.wg LEONARD, Aactienaer On account of my other business tfHn# nil ef my time I have decided toqSt far^sg and rent my term for iSd^a2r%l sail at pubfic fcaction on the t$tm 4 mflss nortiieast of Woodstock, 7 miles West of Mc- 2 miks south of Greenwood 110 at Charles corners on ,y, spvansaE so Commencing' at 12 o'clock, the followiag deecribed personal property, t66HEAD 07 LIVESTOCK consisting of 24 choice dairy cows, mostly first and seeand calf neifi 8 Hotetein hdfen Holstein bull, 1 year 2 Holstein heifer calvsa. This will be an opportunity to buy sows ss most of these ttle have been raised on my farm. 4 Poland China sows to farrow (bred) mr old. will sell at Public Auction on farm Thanksgiving day Mrs. Torti and tractor plow; Papec hammermill No. located 3 miles south of Richmond, Jeanette Dunn will celebrate theirs. 3 miles nbrth of Rmgwood, 1 mile; Mrs. Neilson is west of Solon Mills, and one-half mile east of Route 31, at 11 o'clock, 127; Mc-D. 8-ft. tractor disc; Allis pining "to spend Chalmers combine; Mc-D. corn binder Barrihgton during bundle ~ sharp, on THURSDAY, NOV. 29 the following described property, towit: 43 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK consisting of Pl . E carrier; Mc-D. corn lanter with fertiliser attachment; mmerson 10 ft grain drill with a few days in the next week. Mr. and Mrs. Chester A. Gullsch _ son are priviledged to have their tractor hitch; New Idea hay loader; five-month-old grandson staying with Mc-D. side delivery rske; 7-ft Brsdthem for a few weeks as his mother leypower mower; 5-ft. Ward mower; i ji. ,3-ft mower; 3-section drag; walking We' reirret to hear that while Pj«w; Appleton 4-roll corn husker; • - • Oliver model 7 manure spreader on spent several oays in raim ueacn built at Springfield, Ore. About 200 a n d M i a m i a n d a r e n o w h e a d i n g f o r t r m c n t „ „ „ , , r \ ~ ' ^ Tampa, Fla. If all goes well they ?lU ** consam^ expect to return home, in, a few r put of 10,000 to 12,500 gallons. Mo» alcohol will be made as. supplies of raw material become available. * weeks or soonc Coal Consamption Twenty-five pounds of coal par day are required for every woman and child in the U. S. Glass Kills Flies «A blue-tinged window glass which keeps people cold, but turns the heat on flies and kills them has been placed on market. While working on tests for a new type glass to transmit the sun's light but not its heat, it was found that flies fall dead from the glass. i^Matlresses Need Mattresses need special care in .trarm, humid weather to keep them from acquiring a musty odor or mildew. They need airing at least once a week and an occasional sunning in bright, dry weather. Brushing tufts and seams prevents dust from collecting at these places. It should be turned from top to bottom once a week and from side to side. Subscribe tor The Plsindealer , motoring out hare laat Saturday Mr. «>ver model 7 manure spreader on CATTLE -- 82 head of Holstein and land Mrs. Vannier met with a serious | ™b*ri 1 J 935 .truck>.1 * t0" Guernsey milk cows, several fresh accident Mrs. Vannier was injured * ,e bu"t 'J1 Rr*ln 8>des, with calves by side; 7 head Holstein quite badly while the mister wag "u*l. wheels; power lawn mower: heifers; Holstein stock bull, 2 years j just shaken up quite a bit. cultipacker; rubber tired wagon and old. w*iiy O'Briens girl friend was rack: steel wheel wagon and rack; HYIRSRS 9 mmI «nrk iinnM iai .truck wagon and grain box; A-3 2S 12 »«r. ' Trr*"" »"» «".r «iU, «»« p»mp .nd -- ^ W i pip*; Jamesw*y Silage cart on rub- Hay, Grain aad Machinery I {ber; oil drums, oil pump, gas drums; 800 bu. Vickland oats; 2400 bales j first cutting mixed hay; 210 bales j second cutting alfalfa; 420 bales straw; 25-ft silage hay rope, 'hay fork and pulleys; hog feeders and hog waterers; electric brooder; chick feeders and chick Idea manure spreader; Allis-Chalmers combine; 8- section drag; horse disc; walking plow; broadcast seeder, 10 ft; 2-secth»n drag; corn planter and check wire; 2 single-row cultivators; 2 IHC mowers; dump rake; IHC hay loader; iron wheel wagon and rack; IHC corn Under; IHC silo filler and pipe; IHC corn shredder; hay rape; luty fork, 4 prang; all of tile above nuuhinery & tot class shape. 18 milk cans; single unit IHC mHking machine; double unit IHC middng machine; water heater and tanks, pails and strainers. Many other articles too to mention. LUNCH WAGON ON GROUNDS TERMS -- under, cash; credit of 6 mna of $25 and that amount a iths at 6 par cent on rd bankable notes will be extended, credit is desired make arrangement wth the clerk before sale. No to be removad unto settled BEET WEBEB. Weat Mltu State Bank, Clerking AUCTION CHARLES LEONARD, Oommenciiic st 12:00 Sharp 81--CATTLE--SI 80 well bred Guernsey cows sad heifers, consisting ef 24 milch tows and 6 brad keif ere dtae te freshen in Jaaaary. There are 4 cows recently fresh, 1 with calf at aide; 14 springera. Well bred 2 year eld Gasraaey HORSES AND HARNESS -- Sorrel stare, wt 1^*0 lbe.; black mare, wt 1^00 lbe.; new breeching harness and eoUars. MACHINERY -- Mc-D. model IT tractor on rubber (with starter, lights, P. T. O., power lift); Mc-D. 2-row hydraulic lift cultivator; P A O 8-bottom tractor plow (like new); 10-20 Mc-D. tractor; (good condition) Mc-D. 8-ft tractor disc; J. D. 8-ft. tractor diac; Naw Gehl 41A hammermill (with crasher Ji cutter head); J. D. 2-bottom tractor plow; Mc-D. corn binder with bundle carrier; rubber tired wagon with good tires; rubber tired wagon and hay rack; Oliver manure spreader on rubber; Mc-D. 6-ft combine on rubber (with motor); fnt hay leader. FEED--700 bushels of oats; 1,400 bales alfalfa and timothy hay; 27 acres of corn (may be picked by sale time); 25 ft. silage ia 14-ft silo. 2 lawn mowers; fly spray; garden hose; forks, shovels and numerous other srticles. Milk Eqaipeaeat Surge 8 single unit milking machine with motor and pump and pipe line for 89 head; 16 milk cans; 4 milk strainers; 6 milk pails; 2 sterilising tanks;; milk house gas heater; gas hot water heater; electric fly cstcher, electric fan. FsSd 650 balea 2nd cutting Alfalfa hay, 45 tons of Alfalfa hay, to be beded before sale; 2,000 bu. esr corn in crib; 1,000 bu. Vklaind oats; 650 bales of straw. Chickeaa . About 200 W%ite Rock pullets, now laying; 80 White Rock laving hens. Garden aad Lawa Eqaipment Garden and lawn equipment; 2 picnic tables; Misc. garden and lawn furniture. Household Faraitare Davenport, wing and lounge chairs; S-pc. living room soite, damask upholstered complete with custom msde slip covers; 2 * walnut commodes; 11- tubs Gen. Elec. floor model rsulio; bed; ottoman; studio couch; 8-waylite floor lamp; 8x10 rug; 16 panel Marquisette curtains; lace curtains; ohild's tricycle. Other articles too numerous to mention. Lunch Wagon TERMS: All sums of $25.00 and NIGHT AUCTION _ 7:30 p.m., sharp Wednesday, Nov. 28 At Qaulke's Sale Barn--Route 47--Woodstock, Illinois Charles Leonard, Auctioneer 76 HEAD Or DAIRY COWS, EITHER CLOSE SPRINGERS OR FRESH WITH CALF BY SIDE 150 FEEDER PIOS FEEDER 8TEER8 CALVES 8TOCE BULLS HORSES •BEEF CATTLE SHEEP BROOD 80WB 25 HEAD FEEDER CATTLE YOU CAN BUY -- YOU OAK SEStt FARMERS: Call Tuesday and trnek will pick up your calves Wednesday moraine, 'or to of 25c par bead. Call Woodstock 572 or 499 if yon hare livestock to consign ALL CONSIGNORS PAID CASH DAY AFTER SAUL SH consignors make arraagements to get yonr lhroaMt , either the day before the sale or bring same monfat of sale. fcr Terms: 25 fler oent down, balance in monthly fcutalKments. 1 to 16 months time at ft of 1 per cent interest Woodstock Commission Saks Co. be. E. GAULKE, Owner--Phono 872 MILKING EQUIPMENT -- New Surge 2 single unit milking ssachine, complete; If milk cans; 2 sterilising und""7ha't amount cash, over that " u(M«i9 r iinv\TTn ni o j amount a credit of six months at six U Having decided to quit tanning I y*^»*J«ANEOU3 . , per cent will be extended on notes will sidl at Public Auction ontfce Wockand tykle; wheel bar- ^ lUand China boar. 25 good feeding pidfr 8 bni ewes. 1 bock. fleam of good work horsey Mc-D. B tractor on Abe Coomba farm laeatad on Rale 120, 4 stiles wast ef Grayslake, 8 sallas east ef Volo. on THURflDATTDBCEMRER i 41 BEAD OF LIVESTOCK consisting of eawa aad Wna maatly Hal- S Jersey, f " . grindstone; electric broader; 8 steel hartals; 8 wooden barrels; lawn mower; 2 rolls of snow fence; feed nunk; silage cart; barrel of creoapproved by the clerk. Anyone de- ^mmmicing at 12:80 o'clock sharp, tractor * cultivator; Mc-D. the following described l«P«r^ to- plow; Allis Chali WW. JU.. U«n awrea, 2 gsliiaga; ie hand feeder pigs weight ahent , 7S ia* each; 100 chickens -- feadera and water siring credit, kindly make arrangements before purchase is made. No property to be removed until settled "iflor. __ " PROVIDENT FARM ^ ORAL 0. OBERI.TE, Owner WALTER PAHNKB AA/ USUAL TEltMS GEORGE LUKAS, Owners , Wm. A. Chandler. Auctioneer j First Nstioaal Bsak of Woodstock, FUhUe Auction Service Co* Clerk CletUng. Farm Service Way 88 BEAD OF UVBSTOCft consisting of Bead Boletein Milch Caws--most Me-D. 2-bottom fomiaina. Chalmers 7-ft FBBD--86 bales Timothy; 416 bales; tractor diac; Mc-D. 4-ft. combine: mixed hay; 188 bales second cutting, Me-D. hay loader; Mc-D. side rake; alfalfa; 1,600 bu. Columbia oats; 85 j Mc-D. 6-lt. mower; John Deere corn acres standing corn; two 12-ft. silos ION a-^3 K.Drt"c,,men,; Ld- ^ ?ee"ril Machinery Int. 10-20 tractor on rubber, good ' L. B. FREEMAN it SON. Tel. 118 or 122. Bebron. I1L. Auctioneers Having decided to discontinue farming, the undersigned will sell at PubvT.- j * \ - ^ / /4natke/i jluyif* c)ai€ A U C T I O N - CBARLES LEONARD, Aactlsnssr "Chiefsize. This is in outstanding l^rd i ^^^ch^let^k^ ^So SSJSS1 TIN' Sr ^w^ Au^on on" the farm known as the GLEASON FARM, located 2 miles «st: * ~ g=S5£"• KX'Ti-SL?"*•ot8m,,M w~°' S'y.. _ , c , ... ...1 spreader; 2-section steel drag, o corn binder; Mc-D. corn binder with ' SH r16*6 . ^ra steel wheel wagons; flat rack; flare earner; 8-ft. Mc-D. grain binder; the balance op«» heifera* idl^^ dump grain box, grain_ box; 2 sets dump rake; Mc-D. side delivery rake; --uj-u °f' harness*; corn sheller; feed grinder; MC-D. manure spreader; Mc-D. rope ? . 220 ft hay rope; sileage cart; brood- hay loader; 4-section wood drag; 2- V.Y ° rBiWita Hoiswn Ball; er g^yg- forks, shovels and numer- section wood drag; Mc-D. 10 in. burr Zlit* I ®»» other articles. This machinery, mill; j. D com planter with fertUizer ally all new. j attachment; 2 rubber tired wagons „ .. , Mik Equipment , with racks; iron wheel wagon with aacsinery DeLaval milker, 2 unit, motor and box; bob sleigh; cultivator; Mc-D. silo from 75 to 125 lbs. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27 1945, commencing at 12:30 P.M. 35 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK 27 Holstein Dairy Cows r r, I'HOLSTEIN STOCK BULL, 16 ninths old t . , . - , . M.i.-c, - ---- wu .t«KU, 4 HEIFER CALVES, 1 to 4 months old _ V**, mm im**?011' pump; 12 milk cans; sterilising finer with 36 ft. pipe and dist.; Mc-D. i This is a very fine herd of cattle. They are young, all first snd second I wooaen wow wagon; 1.*® ^ase tanlu; hot water heater; pails and stationary hay baler; walking plows; ! calf cows. ITiey are large, well marked and high producers and testers threshing machine; horse single row \ I walking cultivators; 6 ft. Int. oil bath'and have a yearly butterfat test of over 3.7. Of the above 27 cows, 7 *°!?r V cor? P , •? I . \ Feed mower; corn sheller; 3 rolls new hog;are fresh, 11 close springers, 9 are milking good and will handle by day fertiliser attachment; spring tooth--| 260 balea of 2nd cutting Alfalfa; fence; 76 steel posts; oil brooder of sale. This is a chance to buy the best at auction. " All cattle are T. B. and Bangs tested. HORSES--Say Gelding, 6 years old, weight 1,700-lbs.; Black Mare, 5 ... fiii„. 9 Ki V.-™ , „ it. BiicBgv in -- ei> o uiiuu. «»,», ^ FMS .-- - years old, weight 1,600 lbs.; Black Mare, 7 years eld, weight 1,500 Im. Set .^llo miCT, 2 double n *®y• Vicland oats; 1,000 bu. ear com m rowing houses; Cowboy tank heater;!of Breeching Harness. i w y ,owler» M > | crib; 30 bu. wheat. grapple fork; fanning miU and grain FEED--1.200 bales of first crop alfalfa, 800 bales of second crop alfalfs. nunoie loaaer. _ . j 6 Bee Hives. --I sacks; Rite-way milker with pipe for 1,000 bushels of Vicland oats, quantity of loose straw m barn, 75 tons of k "... o ! 150 Pullets, starting to laf. 26 cows; 9 milk cans; pails and good corn in crib. -•iu -.T* rrr1'1 « 8-gallon Some Household Furniture and Btrainer8; gas heater; washing and DAIRY EQUIPMENT--McCormick milking machine with 2 single units, milk cans, Z5 brand new, TO used. gtoves ! sterilizing tanks; scales; electric I motor and compressor; 10 8-gal. milk cans, wash tank equipped with elec- ' - . .. .. | This farm will be for rent to s! cljppers. electric fence; forks,: trie unit, solution tank, pails and strainer, and electric milk stirrer. -l , S1'° . , 1J? , , 51. * cash tehant if not rented before day -hovels etc.; 2 set work harness; II MACHINERY--McCormick Little Genius two bottom 14-in. tractor plow, - •--p ""r"' • - . bushels Vicland oats. Including,^ gaje . saddle;'11 gas barrels; 4 oil barrels: new; McCormick 7 foot disc, McCormick 7 foot single disc grain drill with |jack; wheelbarrow, forks and shovels, wire, etc. ^"taany other articles too numerous to Terms: All sums of 825.00 and Mme household articles and many j grass seeder, steel wheel wagon and rack, McCormick corn binder, Mc- merous to mention TETRMS All -* .or ^ i th** other and equipment. Corm Having sold my farm, I will sail at Public Auction on the Mackey fann located 5 miles southeast of Harvard, 7 miles Northwest of Woodstock on U. S. Route 14, on TUES. NOV. 27 at 12:80 sharp, the following described property to-«8t 80 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK consisting of the following: 27 bad Dairy cowa, new milkers with calves and class springes with registration papers. This is s high prodaciag aad testing herd than half are 1st, 2tad and 3rd calf cows, bred from anch bulls aa tain 10th," ,4Ormdby Forbes," and "Educator.** 5 bred heifers, 20 months old. , 16 head heifers. 6 tc, 18 months old. Maay subject to regiatrattsn. 1 Holstein bull, 2Vi years. "Atbith Boahear Chieftain." 2jGOOD WORK HORSES--1 Team bay mares, 5 years old, weight, lj§08 lbs. each. 28 HOGS--consisting of 5 Chester white sows, bred, weight 800 lbs^ each. 1 Chester white Boar, weight 800 lbs. 22 Chester white feeder pigs, weight 90 lbs. Poultry aad Eqaipment 200 Leghorn triple AAA pullets, 7 months old; chick brooder, 500 chick capacity; feederers and waterers. _ y Feed 90 tons loose hay, 1st crop alfalfa; 30 tons baled hay, 2nd crop alfalfa; 25 ft silage in 14 ft. silo; 70 ton hsrd ear corn in cru>; straw |ula; 8 ton rock phosphate. Machinery Mc-D- F-20 tractor on rubber with new high compression motor; tractor cultivator; 2-bottom 14-inch IHC Genius plow, used 1 year; J. Deere corn planter, fertiliser attachment; 80 rods wire. Broadcast seeder; Two 2 section harrows; IHC side delivery rake; dump rake; IHC 5 ft. mower; 2 hay loaders, one like new; New Idea manure spreader; IHC corn binder; grain binder, 8-ft.; IHC silo filler; 40 ft. pipe line; 14 in. hammermill used I year; rubber tired wagon and rack; iron wagon and box; surface cultivator; walking plow; .Universal milker. 1 double and 1 single unit pipe line 32 cows, new. 2 new sets double harness; self hog feeder; electric motor and j$ump jack; Losee water heater; 2 grapple forks; 225 ft. new hay rope and pullys; 40 ft. rubber drive belt; 2 solution tanks, pails and strainer; II milk cans; Cowboy tank heater; gas barrels; 4V» horse power John Deere : too .erms: All sums of 825.00 snd Mme household articles and many _.-- --, . , - , , . ^ i under that amount cash, over that ^ber articles of tools snd equipment, j Cormick corn planter, McCormick 5 foot oil bath mower, grapple fork ana zander that amsouumnst coafs h,$ 2o5v.0e0r that *mount • «™dit of six months at 6 termS-AU sums of $25.00 *nd, aU other tools. credit of six months at amounT s credit of six months Iti^ «tt?nde^ on no^ under that amount cash, over that >tes| da-1 property to ba^ removed until settled one desiring credit, kindly make arft twn> ~nt » Wi1ll1 hrn mvtmnAmA on ^otes *sipnPnrgo vecdr e^dit , thkein dclkyr k*m s,kAe nyaorrnaen gde - amount a gix per cent will be extended on approved by ^ ** meats before purchase is msde. No ;-lotes approved by the clerk. Anyh^ fra -hA^--'g"g: 1 praparty ha one arinents before purchase is made. rangenmnts bafosa purchnse ia made. DILICH No^mrty to bT raSoved until - ' w. P. mix No iperty to be removed antfl settled C. J. O'BRIEN, ef i'} -1 * . - -- " y it ; i i,. - v. w - "> Wast CkrUag. } \ >.• ' Usual Illinois Farm Auction Service Terms. EAT MILLER ^ arm Auction Service *|Rdiaa that pay are managed the fsna sarviaa Dfatrkt RiiiniliHyi. Phana ltL Ii «i« ttehMr Usual. Thorp Terms FRANK MACKEY •ip FINANCE CORP W. P. •5fer » ^v : : • iSMi

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