i, wmmmmmmmmmrnmmmmmmm (By Mrs. Omui Sh^ud) Mn. Louis Hawley spent Toes day to Clricago. c- V ' Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Fay of Carlton Fay of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. John Tyrell of Crystal Lake spent THanksfhrinf D»y wjthvMr. *nd Mrs. Frank Fay. Mr. Ami tars. George Haberiein were guests in the home of their daughter and family in Chicago on %an1ngWing Dm* I Mr. and Mrs, G»6rge Shepard and; Mr. and Mn. Alan Ainger and family were guests in the Win. Heine] home in Chicago on Thanksgivingj day. Wayne Foss spent Thanksgiving1 day with friends at Harvard. Miss Marion Peet of Elgin spent Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington spent Thanksgiving day with their Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jepooc and famfly of Geneva and Mr. ad Mrs. Paul Nmna and asm 01 Stanton spent Thanksgiving day with Mrs. Rose Jepeon and daughter Virginia. Mrs. Norman remained for a few days visit '* Mr. and Mrs. fflen Treon of Crystal Lake spent nankafNing Day in the Harrison-Poet home. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr and sons were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich on Thanks-, lining Day. Ms. Bos* and daughter, Lt. Virginia, were supper guests in the Roland McCannon home Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders of Sycamore, Mrs. Bertha Saunders of Harvard, Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart of Waukegan, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brennan, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brennan and Jack Brennan spent Thanksgiving Day in the FVed Wiedrich, Jr., home. Harold Ackerman left Thursday for Wisconsin, where he will go deer hunting. Have You Prepared car or truck must have a complex checkup, necessary adjustments and repairs, to put it in condition for winter weather. Let tti check your battery, put in anti-freeae solution and winter greaseand oil. CENTRAL GARAGE WMXD J. SMITH,Prop. Phone 200-J Towing Johnsburg The undersigned wil sell at public auction at 114 Main street, West MeHenry, on SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2 1:30 f. M. the following described property, to-wit: Gas stove; G. E. refrigerator; eectric washing machine; bode case; dresser; chiffonier; dressing table; library table; roll top desk; three beds; three springs; six dining chairs; desk chair; dining table; bird cages; porch glider; chaise louge and other items too numerous to mention. TEEMS--CASH . " • FRANK HECKMANN Eobert Weber, clerk. AUCTION 1:30 p.m., sharp Wednesday, Dec. 5 At Gaulke's Sale Barn--Route. 47--Woodstock, Illinois Charles Leonard, Auctioneer 75 HEAD OF DAIRY COWS, EITHER CLOSE 8PRINGERS OR FRESH WITH CALF BY SIDE. FEEDER PIGS CALVES STOCK BULLS feORSES BEEF CATTLE . SHEEP " BROOD SOWS FEEDER CATTLE " YOU CAN BUY -- YOU CAN SELL FARMERS: Call Tuesday and truck will pick up your calves Wednesday morning, for fee of 25c per head. pall Woodstock 572 or 499 if you have livestock to consign - _i_- ALL CONSIGNORS PAID CASH DAY AFTER SALE All consignors make arrangements to get your livestoc: in, cither the day before the sale or bring same morning of sale. Tffmr. 26 per edit down, balance in monthly install- 1 to 1ft months time at Vi of 1 per cent interest. Woodstock CoflraiisMon Safes Co. JM E. OJUSXE. Ownar--PIwm878, feeatty-1 Chartea Wmf and Asufkter, Jean, of Olson and sons, «®d family, Mir. and Mrs. Roland Jackson and daughter pad Mrs. Merwtn Ckristenson and sen, 9®M>y. of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Montanye and children of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and daughter, Patricia. Mrs. Harold Ackerman and daughter are visiting her parents, Mr. «r.d Mrs, »t Linton, Wis. Ur. and Mrs. Kirk Hairi«6B jratf son, Robert, of Chicago, Mrs/>Mayme Harrison and sons, Donald and La- Verne, $ MeHenry spent Thanksgiving Hay in the J. C. Pearson home. Mr. wad Mrs. Clayton Harrison were supper guests in the Ardin Frisbee home at Greenwood on Thanksgiving Day. Mr; and Mrs. Henry Marlowe and family and Mrs. Wattles and son. Glen, Of MeHenry spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ray Beard, at Woodstock on Thanksgiving Day. M. and Mrs. Mitchell Kane 1rere Thanksgiving Day guests in the Earl Kane, Jr., home at Diamond Lake. Donna and Barbara Kane returned home with them for a few days* visit. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Farley and daughter, Dorothy, of Chicago spent the weekend in the George Haberiein home. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fout and children of Spring Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clay and children and Edna Peet of Rockford spent Thanksgiving Day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peet. Miss Maxine Clay remained for a few days visit. Mr. and Mrs. Arie Wilier of Holland, Mich., spent Thanksgiving Day and the weekend in .the home of Mr. and Mrs. Unck. Mr. and Ufa. B.-T. Butler and daughter, Morel, A. W. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith were dinner guests in the Andrew Hawley home on Thanksgiving Day. -Mrs. Harold Stanek spent Thanksgiving Day in the Victor Stanek home at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet and daughter, Alice, were^Sunday dinner the Will Beck home at vm Lake' gueats in Dundee. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard were guests in the Henry Hinse home at Crystal Lake Sunday afternoon and evening. Mr. and Mrs. James Rainy - of Genoa City spent Sunday afternoon in the Frank Fay home. Mrs. Raymond Harrison and son, Bruce, were Elgin visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Haberiein attended the funeral of a' brother-inlaw in Chicago Monday. Mrs. Mae Harrison spent Sunday in the home of her daughter Mrs. Henry Hinse at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens of Sycamore, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters of Harvard, Mrs. Vivian Austin of Genoa City and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley spent Sunday in the B. T. Butler home. Mrs. Viola Low and daughter, Alice Mae, spent Monday in Chicago. Mrs. Viola Low and daughter, Alice Mae, and son, Robert, and Mrs. Em- Ota Beatty were Sunday dinner guests in the Leslie Allen home near Hebron. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van Dusen and daughters of Elgin spent Sunday in the Oliver Lawrence home. Misses Helen, Amy and Barbara Lawrence of Chicago spent Sunday with their parents here. Miss Agnes Ritzert has gone to Elgin to work. Janet Johnson and Mary Wiedrich spent from Thursday until Sunday with relatives at Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brennan and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brennan visited Bob Vogel at the Veterans' hospital at Woods, Wis., Sunday. Mrs. Lester Carr and sons and Miss Mae Wiedrich spent Sunday evening at .Woodstock. Mr. "and Mrs. Fred 'Wiedrich, Jr., spent Sunday afternoon at Waukegan. Mrs. Raymond Rattray and two children and Mrs. Albert Ebel of Algonquin and Mrs. Marion Schewinn and daughter of Ivanhoe spent tJ|e weekend in the Weldon Andreas home. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Doherty and son, Sl-C., John Doherty, spent Thanksgiving Day with Florence and Evelyn Carey at MeHenry. Sgt. Alan Wfcgner of Pell Lake spent Saturday and Sunday in the John Hogan home. He has just returned from three and one-half years service overseas. On Sunday he and Miss Lillian Ackerman spent the day in the Hanes home at Linton, Wis. Mrs. Paul Walkington and son, Jay, returned home Friday evening from a few weeks' visit with 'her j father, Ed Benoy, near Greenwood. ! Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan and ! family spent Sunday with Mrs. Ray Miller at Waukesha, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bauer and family spent Thanksgiving Day in the Alfred Kattner home at Spring Grove. Mrs. Elizabeth Weber and family [ of Antioch and Pvt. Irving Weber of St. Louis, Mo., spent Thursday evening in the Ed Bauer home. Miss Anna Belle Wagner of Pell in Satwdgr _ .Wit fima a distaae* to attend tne flmffal etfAlec Anderson win: &>S£VS"S£ musssyi, Mr. «i| Mrs. John Wsetleke, Mr. and Mrs. Norris Ulnae* and Mies Sadie Shales, mi of Chi- _ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kooistra of Sharon; Mr. and Mrs. Howard^ Quaes, of Walworth; Mr. and Mrs. Henry De Haan and Mr. and Mrs. Twn Eonlsias of Alden; Mr. end Mn. Lyfc WakeJeif, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Boeee, Mrs. Raymond McFarland and Rev. Saym ond Dude, *11 of Harvard; Mr. and Mrs. James Raine of Genoa City; Mrs. Eleanor Bacon, Miss Marjorie Waiting, Mr. and Mrs. James Dermonts and Mr. and Mrs. Felvey Davis Of Crystal Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Tbomaa Limbaugh--Ridgefleld; Mr. and Mrs. tfoyd Foss, Mr. and-Mra. Henry Vogel of Richmond; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Carlson, Mr. and Mrs. Maynprd Stohlquist of Woodstock: Mr. and Mrs. John Kooistra of Hebron; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kooistra of Harvard; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shales, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Coates, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger of Greenwood; Mrs. C. W. Goodell and Miss Ethel Jones of MeHenry. Ring wood School Notes We have - started working on our Christmas progtajn. The name of the play is "Santa in Story land." Miss Thompson, music supervisor, plans to be present at our Chriatmas program, which will be given Friday evening, December 21. The Ringwood Community club, will meet at the school Friday evening, November 29. The MeHenry rural teachers met at the Ringwood school Tuesday afternoon. Following the business meeting a light lunch was served. Dorothy Smith and Jeannette Lawrence were chosen by the children of the upper grade room to assist with the luncheon. From the reports received Monday morning, everyone must have had a happy Thanksgiving last week. The- Community Club is sponsoring a movie Friday evening following the business meeting. Everyone is welcome to attend the business meeting and the movie. Bobby Pfeifer spent Thanksgiving at Homewood. We .drew names for exchange of Christmas presents Monday morning. McCvnom Lake (By Miss Ercell|fcoek) Betty and Jerry Cermak spent Thanksgiving with relatives in Berwyn. Mr. Ray C. Willits and daughters, lone and Jaunita, spent Thanksgiving at .the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Clark in York Center, which is south of Lombard. Mrs. Clark is Mr. Willits' daughter. Mr. and Mra. H. C. Lock and daughters enjoyed their Thanksgiving dinner at tile Zeigler home in Oak Park. Lleuellyn Horn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Horfi, was taken to a Berwyn hospital for X-ray's, Monday. She has been down with the flu. Best wishes to a speedy recovery, Lleuellyn. Thanksgiving viaitors at the^ Robert Rudin home were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rudin Jr., and son's, Bobby and Gary, from Janesville, Wisconsin. * The Board of Directors of the Property Owners Association of Mc- Cullom Lake will meet Sunday, December 2, 10:30 a.pn., at the home of George Goranson. Mrs. Joe O'Connor and son, Joe Jr., were in Chicago Monday to see Pvt. Joe Sr., off for Camp Crowder, Mo. Flash! "Punkin" Larson caught another mink. Mrs. .Stephen Kosti went to the hospital when the felon on her time ^ --TiODIlI--i •When there is sickness in; the family, jroa iasrinrtirely tarn to known aid tested sources. For that is no time to "take chances." The skilled, experienced service of this pharmacy has met the test of time. Physicians and their patients have learned that we can be counted on for careful compounding. Bring your next prescription to this "Reliable** pharmacy for prompt, accurate service. ** Is tn~"W bndt at !lfi ^nrhih im efSSjnihsr, 4th SM S-C., Bob Wetle and stpyed at tile Wfetle residence untir Sunday night when she left for Cleveland, Ohio, where aha Is st»* tipned. Jack Sale*,11 Clarence IFeiereisel, George Goranson, and Bill SeUitt went to the IHbioia, Nbrhwestern game, Saturday afternoon. Jack, Clarence and Sill stayed in QUom and went to a skating party at tne Armory sponsored by Ralph Trigin. Nancy Rodin and Rosie Mataat als#. attended the party. Many kids Oil reside out here in the summer said live in Chicago in the winter went to the parly. . / THANK YOU! ^'.3:," • ;• ^ My husband and f itflsli to thank our manv friends and neighbors whp surprised us with gifts and a party Sunday, November 18, our Golden Wedding Anniversary. LITTLE ** a %ndgrouad~peaftuta.' THE "WANTED" ©ift "VOUR PHOTOGRAPH Alww INDIVIDUAL-- Si:' -v„ ;r|j. •• Always APPROPRIATE ^jy^sm Always WELCOME <£ 'Phone for all appointment today! * if-*# ^ 'tr-l-C')* WORWICICS STUDIO ;-r let 1 ,, v.' GRANDMA AT HORNS. \ ' 'PKone KcHenry 2f5 it?.'."./ If 4' ?«* *1 -r i > *<*;.•* i; n* -i . :> 4 BendH if .'^v' ULY LAKE P.T.A. SATURDAY, DEC. 1 - p . , > , 7 . 8TAETINO AT 4 PJL •*' J AT LILYMOOR OLVBHOVBS 1 >•* ' • 1 «i »'v Kf1 -tiki PLATS SUPPER SERYED AT 6 P.M.; 35c --SANDWICHES-- --GAMES-- -PRIZES-- : : RemMnber the dale, December one, % starts at four, we'ILhave some fm. flbme to the party, do not fai], It's the P.T.A. Basaar and Bake Sale. <1 *• '-•.4 X;, £ Watches, Diamonds, Silverware Novdty Jewelry Order NOW to be sure of delivery FOR CHRISTMAS Nothing finer for that Christmas Otft TORCHY" KRAUSE S10 Elm % phone 879 .Ml mm _4.k «a, Hu'-'.'v Dri-gas, the World's Finest Cooking Fuel, brings to you the unmatched conveniences of a kitchen just like this. In it there's a placet for everything and everything's in its platfe. You'll enjoy cooking that's cool... fast... dean. Youl experience the thrills of healthful, fuH-flavor foods, cooked with the greatest of ease. For a new Roper Dri-gas range wiN give you the kind of cooking you've always dreamed about. Dri-gas, which is the cleanest, hottest part of natural gas, will bo delivered to you regularly in convenient cylinders. Your empty Dri-gas cylinders wffl be removed automatically and replaced with ful ones. The cost of.Dri-gas service is extremely modest. Ask us about it today. Let us help make itfe mote 9nioyeblt •• S T C R J lor you end every member of your famfly. « Wnnfe H. Akhoff Hdwe. Cor. Route 31 and Main StrMt W«tfc McHinry mm®;>5 N* , *>>*•« Thomas P. Bolger "The MeHenry Druggiat"