m LILY LAKE Mt H Ml II11 It fit (By Dick Hyatt) • y*<- w§ i«rw iiw has <rf the ipost frlked In neighborhood today w;--,--, ^ &e Teen-Age dob. A* yon know,'***J» •JjMJJ" -5de etab it composed of Hie *taa»i-i ®ch,aTO™» wbo- fy.<gwf ooff the com-mi^TheWkdWs-i the^ e nt^ire *^wk Rwoltfnc|k tahaed Jfo Cy bod now wontv nard towarai nr. ana w*. «wn» t their eemh* card and bunco Novak inO**** a haft» sucosss. This event which all attended the bowling with folks. Doe and <*. J **h » JJWt Gfogsii, an army nurse. Lt- Cbocan was stationed at 8an Antonio, Texas, and is returning this week. The little group Meioui dinner which was prepared by Ann, and spent the remaining part of the afternoon bowl- % are all sorry to hear that little feU 1«t ; in bed with the flu forthe Hotaleki Ml. IS moatl and cut his jaw quite severly. When!the week. > , <id; Holsteia heifer, 5'Months old. UfcOa Bobby Bartttt had birthday j»rtr cenaber 5. Than ware from the neighboAeod. Games were played and candy, ice < crqsa, cake and jtap was served. All the dril-. _ dreft went home wift apprise, which IttUWOAY, DECEMBER Sf made everybody happy but Bobby because the poor little boy was sick and we dhfaVknow it. Bobby and On* ifle ' Cast of Banington; County Kae blacktop ro*d; one-half mile "west Ba Koad; 2% miles south of L*^e Zurich, on at tl'M o'clock CATTLE--1# choice Hoisteia his mamma, Jo Bartelt, were sick 9 cows with calf at jside; 5 Will he held on Friday, January 11,! tournament. At the Lakeside Inn. Come on folks,' One day last week the Normands -taken to the doctor he had to have three stiches and a shot for lockjaw. Remember folks, -^anyone wishing to purchase a copy of this newspaper •* j can do so at the Lily Lake Grocery I store. If you miss a week, this Sorry to hear that Herman Tope) is back in Hines hospital, very ill. Herman was wounded while in the navy and has had quite a bad time of it ever since. From what I hear faom Mrs. Reuckheim, they are getting ready tiie kid's hopes, give them i Lavns and Pet* Rnons enjoyed a tg to hope and work for. most delicious venison dinner This can be done bf your coming to'jRed Ellis'. their party. ; Once again staying with Mr. and | store always has several late copies Beverly Rintala was taken to the, Mrs. Torti, is little Marylan Ann I on hand for your convenience. i*i -. . - # t hospital on Tuesday, where Torti. Marylan, will attend the Lily Anyone wishing to have an article i2 !«•*• us »f "*e Bwt of the year' ftwt an appendicitis oper- Lake school, starting Monday. She .appear in this column can Wng . N*®dl®8» Galun Beverly is the daughter of'is in the fifth grade. jover to the Hyatt residence on High- juntl', "*"e middle of April. Lucky lira. Glkk, owner of the Casino, and; jjr. and Mrs. Ray 9wenskie had; ^d Drive, the news, or leave it in,1*®*1** . , _ fcas been staying at an aunt's home theiT Thanksgiving dinner on Sun- thf that will be placed in the' QW°", Sunday afternoon, December la Chicago. !'d<ajayy,t am (fetfe late, hat you know Lily Lake Grocery store. The news 23- the birthday club will, have its : On Saturday, little Billy Hasel- that old r fcauer, the grandson of Mr. and Mrs.' never." Miere, celebrated his birthday. {joy their The occasion was marked with a Louis S party. The child's ffrofe.! Well, folks, and Mrs. HaaeA»a«r_«f CM- Christmas isnt and Mr. and Mrs. Konig of the guests. saying, "better late 1 Hdptaff the Strenskies Mr. and lenry were a all wwi party -'iarved, after which many various «|oogh' we^« fat games were enjoyed by til* IM^es. Jap to. One «l ti-- Some weeks ago I stated that Fst held on the twenty second Gil more was home visiting with her• month at the than en- Mrs. far off, with the thai is going on decora- Sure! coming will be from this box will be picked up by me on Monday evenings. Thank you. LILYMOOR (By Hattie Einspar) RS» HORSE--Blackgelding, 1,5M lbs. MACHINERY --Case "VC" tractor on rubber with 2-row cultivator; Case 2-bottom 14-inch tractor plow; MH hay loader; MH manure spreader; Mc-D. mower; grain drill: *c-D. corn planter; 7-ft. tractor disc; 2- section spring tooth harrow; New Idea rubber tired wagon and rack; John Deere power corn binder with bundle loader; Mc-D. side delivery rake; Appleton 6-row shredder; Mc- D. silo filler, electric fence controlparty for the ones who have a birth ler; 30-ft. Mt; Jamesway electric day in December, so everyone who . - . . 4A . . . - has a birthday please let Mrs. Wijas! bS°d*r^T!L. '•know at tS-dubLilymoor. ^ POULTRY-®) Muscovy ducks; MmiMrihSSWMlV^ P "• • V' ' ^ «MOSEY INN" TAVERN - - tiWti:1 jfe Located in the WeH«r f*-7ZW EIHGWOOD, ILL, " •-' --Fish Fry Every yriday Higfat --m ^l > '• , < v*'* j*. -V i \ "i-, ATLAS P&AGSR BEEH Wrtd Bowman, Prop. 100 bushels oats; 76 bushels r ! Hi-yS kiddies, Santa Claus is com- Lakeside Inn° under 'S^^'lTTor iTu'tiJ kiddSi tonte from Our Lady of Angels the chairmanship of Mrs. Svoboda. in 'the community, sponsored by the Academy m Clinton. Iowa. Well it The participants will be the mem- Lily Lake P T A Zw tL LiV %aa not Until thy week that I found bers of the Ladies League and their man ship of' Fran^' K^fe_ ! T^at that just 87 years ago Mrs. lia1 husbands. There will be a grab jp;-,* fv,„__n, . , MO . 1 and her sister attended that bag with a gift for everyone, and » ^ in school. Quite a coincidence, topping-off the evening" there will f3' T pfy ,the children "»h folks? Ibe a midnight lunch. The ladies Mi a.k B eR8C5r,> under Jhe .-t*-- •' theS,«& Mr. and Mrs. Abbinnati and fam- Another gay affair is the school Afl • _ . fly spent the weekend in Chicago, [play on the fifteenth at the Country r • e 8 ^arty' »bout • On Tuesday, Mrs. Wilson, the Club. There will be gifts from another of Mrs. Cinnelli, returned Santa for the kiddies and .free rehome after a stay of two weeks with freshments will be served. The kid friends in Elgin. Word was also given me that,, big audience. Mrs. Cinelli expects her son, Cur- j A week agb last Wednesday eventiss, home for the holidays. ting the Ladies League had their Mrs. CedeY-berg and her little monthly meeting, after which daughter spent Friday in Chicago at- bi-weekly card and bunco session tending the bridal shower of_a neiee. took place. There was a nice group Over the weekend the Pierotti's attending and all had a very de-; j had quite a distinguished guest., lightful evening. ' I called Estelle Weiler this morn- Betty's sister, a WAVE, Arlene Mess, j Trapping; seems to be in favor o^ in«r and she was feelintr much better ! radioman 3rd class, came in from David Christy. He has already r<?- after her accident and quite happy Great Lakes to pay them a visit.1 ceivjed nineteen muskrats. Early over having a new red-headed niece She enjoyed her stay here but didn't every morning and evening he can named. Susan Kay Martin, born on ! care for the cold weather that wel- be seen making a tour of his traps. November 26. to Mr. and Mrs. Bill; „ comed her. ' There wasn't much life around the Martin of Chicago. j On Sunday1 Mr. and Mrs. Kieh! Diedrich home the past week as mos Mrs. J. Molitor entertained the a delicious luncheon. Oar next 115-ton* party is to be at Club Lilymoor, with W Mrs. Steve WUM1P hostess. IRV1W NORDMKTER, Pre#. Mrs. Ed map was a Chisago' Froehlich and .Wicks, Auctioneers, visitor on and Thursday, j Public 'Auction "Service Co^ Clerk. 9:30 p.m., arrangements have been made to entertain the adults. An ircsiimcnui w..« illt_ Rlll invitation is extended to all Mcdies' are' ^king"forwanT to M"Ve'at H^nry merchants and thoir employes who have co-operated so generously in the HOW IS THB TIME TO GET " " ; WINTER BLANKETS TO THE FITZGERALD CLEANERS Phone McHenry 19. We Pick Up and Deliver . West McHenry There will be dancing, sandwiches,' "the "f^shmenfs and music by "The! Knights of Rjrthym." Admission--' free to all. ENTERTAINMENT1 FINE FOODS AND LIQUORS ' We cater to Parties and Banqne# Entertain ;onr family and friendf at tiio RTVBRSIDE HCTEt y% Visiting the Weilers over the weekend were her sisters and nieces, Ann Martin of Aurora, Helen Novak and her two daughters. Helen and Beverly Jean, of Chicago. Little Coral Meehan was sick in bed all last week with the flu. Visiting the Mcehan's Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rogers and Grandma McCartin of Chicago. Grandma McCartin is the mother of| Mrs. Charles . Rogers, who has had ' a cottage in Lilymoor for seventeen 'years. Every summer Grandma Mc- ; Cartin and Grandpa came out here I to spend the summer but this next | suijirpei Grandpa won't be with us ?.s he passed away Tuesday, December 4. All the neighbors extend I'hn'r deepest sympathy to Grandma j McCartin and her whole family. In I this way Grandma McCartin wants j to thank all her neighbors and j friends from Lilymoor for their kindness in her late bereavement. So glad 4o hear that John Molitor is feeling better. Come and have fun at the Club Lilymoor New Year's Eve, Dec., 31. Ring out the old and ring in the new with Jack Brennan's orchestra. There will be party favors and noise mikers, dancing, eames and fun for all. Admission, 60c. So sorry to hear that Fred Bvoboda, Jr., is sick with the flu. t Do you know that Arlene Svoboda told me that Santa Claus has been there and put up her Christmas :: MILL INN i (Formerly Barnard's Mill) North Bad of Wonder Lake at Bridge OPEN ALL WINTER QUALITY FOOD -- FINE DRINKS COMPLETE DINNERS (ALSO AM CARTE) Satarday, 5 'till 1&-Sunday. 1 'till 7 Sandwiches At All Times the Proof of Our-Food is in the Eating! WE CATER TO PARTIES--MAKE RESERVATIONS Make Yonr Reservations Now For OALA HEW YEAR'S PARTY Including a Complete Dinner Favors, Noise Makers, Etc. ^ $2.00 PES PERSON A Good Time Guaranteed PHONE RICHMOND SI2 ^ "DEAC STRONG "LARRY" KNOWLTON HUNGER'S MOBIL SERVICE On III Routes 31 and 120, McHenry Complete Stock of Mobil Products Gome in and see us about a FREE Grease Job! General Automotive Repairs Winter Tune-Up Washing, Simonising, Greasing Oil changing, etc. PHONE 460 Edwin Fringer, Prop. Mobilgas (At the State Bridge, McHenry) Fox Hole 266 ^ " Hotel SIS Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells -- JINGLE ALL THE WAT to the LILYMOOR CLUBHOUSE SATURDAY, DEC. 15 for Santa Claus will be there for the children's Christmas party sponsored by the LILY LAKE P.T.A. Gifts, prises, fruits, candy, etc., will be given to the children of the community; - After Santa leaves about 9:30 P..M, the adults are invited to a joyful evening <tf dancing to the music of "The Knights of Rhythm." . Sandwiches and refreshments. Gome one, come all. Admission free. mmm §1®!^ L'f HJtMl IPEIIHfi r SATURDAY, DECEMBER If -W m. HUNTLEY FARM STORE JOHN DEERE FARM EQUIPMENT ..AND' v : 44 ./i Marlowe Hatchery and Feed Store •aatUjr, Illinois, Bonte 47 Fan For Everyone! . • •; 7' " " . •STAKTDTO AT 1 P.M. ^ tl^RTi^NMENT BY WLS PRAIRIE RAMBLERS JOIN US FOR REFRESHMENTS 'STARTING AT 8 P. M. DANCING-GUY COLBY'S NATIONAL BARN DANCE NEW ROADS FOR YOUR VOICE TO TRAVEL New ways have been found to extend telephone service to more Ura fiunilies. - One of then is s new steel wire so strong .Jptat far fewer pbles are needed per mile. Another is an insulated wire that can be Isried directly in the These are two of the new development# in farm telephone service that we are no^r starting to put in use. They are part <|. Illinois BelTs $3,000,000 rural telephon|| program to provide more and better tela, phone service for thousands of isrni families. ILLINOIS SILL TSLIPHONI COMPANY • a 19p: Huntley Farm Store • JOHN DEERE AUTOMATIC WIRE Til fiAY BALERS ON DISPLAY • JOHN DEERE FIELD HAY ft SILAGE CHOPPER (with automatic unloading equipment) ^ . : •"HAY DRYING EQUIPMENT |946 GENERAL ELECTRIC HOTPOINT REFRIGERATORS. ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS, WASHING MACHINES GAS AND ELECTRIC RANGES, ELECTRIC IRONS • COMPLETE LINE OF HARDWARE ineluding Power Saws and Power Tools • MILKING EQUIPMENT x Ia stMltioa, we have a well care of all jroar •cchsalcal fmrai impleaieat. _ shop to ea every Had Marlowe's Hatchery and Feed Store Ceeie tn and inspect oar mm facilities sad e^iipacai We are now aet ap to lire jraa, tke very best possible .service. •BABY CHICKS MMHJLTRY EQUIPMENT ^ I •WAYNE & HENEGGERS FEEDS ft" • • SLUE KBBON SSKDS f OOAL a PHOSPHATE FERTILIZESS Be Our Guest Fun /or Everyonel * ;i-? 1 , -4^ • .T--': 41i ' :v-' fev ^ '-m