Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Dec 1945, p. 8

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SIXTY TEARS AGO f.a>AMM»mw te, iiiitowBi.TW.m-i. »-yhWii.Ti wwi >*** •* * r m-M- s. Ft**;*'? ' *» f*\. <*,'•>; vs»«» Mtitkiuflt ThU section is now enjoying the PlMttSl McHKNRT, ILL. JACOB FRITZ Set! Estate and Insurance I «n-R-t Chicago Office meL&coln 128S-4 It owMMNi/:i| . I»K H WATKMi Troek^-flydiMlie - Dentist Oflee J k . W O S W I C O f ; Taiaday ft Satwhia: I u. to S m iai Mj Monriam by Appointee*! Lake, I« Portraltara " Com partial Ptitopipfcy m -- Hnfrilt Mn r www •"* ii*l ' " Mmm ir* IK"." |; , S: : * r r &>.• -• m\>,: . •. .•. L" " |. McHenry N-V **'"0. N. nurow» TRUCKING ' UVRSTOCK -- LIME - COAL 1M Waalcegan Kofi Wot McHenry. nt j4%- For REFRIGERATION SERVICE Call WONDER LAKE 868 Thora wiH be wntf at the Uninnaliit (hinA, in this viUait, on Sunday next, morning and evening. FIFTY TEAM AGO Married, at the Catholic Parson- •li, in tail village, on Wednesday evening November 27, by Kit. Father 0*Neil, Win. Lamphere, of Dgiii, and Mias Lissie DavUn, of Waoeonda. Clifford E.. Sherman, of McHenry and Miss Laura Thomas, of Greenwood, were married at the M. E. parsonage, .Woodstock, on Wednesday of hut week. "^Married, at Woodstock, Dee. 2, by Biv. S. C. Ha*, Miss Mary Etta •> Sx; i' •>.- r ' U Al's Welding Service West ef C. A N. W. Depot Beet He Portable WeMing Acetylene- WoWhqr «*d Cotting ALEX W. WIRFS. Operator Phone CI5-W-1 or 4*4 MTONRT, ILL. WEINOART TRUCKING McHENRT, ILL. ^ Sand, Gravel, Black Dirt, Pilling and Limestone Telephone McHenry 6SS-R-2 £; . ' r* t. McHenry S87-R-2 VBTT'8 BAUD ft GRAVEL . a Roid Grave) and Lot Filling . . Black Dirt .. Power 1 "voting and Grading. J. E. NETT Johnebnr* P. O,--MrHenr* Q-T TRUCKING 00. Sand -- Gravel -- Cinders Black Dirt -- Limestone Damp Tracks For Hire Phone Johnsburf 677-W-2 . McHenry, I1L INSURAHCB tld! EAIL L WALSI 3f; |jj I-. ' ISmOm FIRE KVtO Reliable Companies •When yon need insnranee ef ant 4dn# Phone a or 118-M Green ft Elm McHenrv Strnetnral Steel - Ornamental Iron H. L. BECKER SM Railroad St , Marengo 144 MAREN^Or&U DR. R. DeROME -- DentM-- UB Green Street Phone m-J. McHenry Offlee Bonn: 1# ma. to S pjn. daily except Wedneaday. ..Tnenday and Friday nights to IMpjn. Other bears by appointment. TeL MiPmmp 249-J HAROLD H. BELL (feinting. Dependable Work 109 KL GREEN 8T^ M'HBNRY WANTBS TO BUY We pay IS to $25 for Old Hsrssa, leea fir down homes and Mart's Mink Ranch Johnsbnrg • Spring Grovs Road Phone Johnsborg 660-J-2 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES A CATTLE We pay phone charge*. AUCTION Chns. Leonard ft Ed. Vogel, Ancts. State Bank of Richmond^ Clmking Having decided to discOntintw farming I am offering for PuMic Sale on my farm known as "Trude Acres," located on the Johnsburg Road, 1 mile east and 1H milea north of the village of Spring Grove, 111., half way between Routes 178 and 12, on - WW%^ SATh DBC. 22, 1K|^ & CemnMBdng at 12d>0 o'clock sharp, the following deecrfbed property towit: 1ST HEAD OF UVHSTOCK CflMirtlif of , 67 Milk Cows and Heifers ^ «• Hogs. This is a young herd of Holsteins and Guernseys, new milkers and springers. 10 bred Heifers all vaccinated in calfhood. 1 Holstein Bull. The hogs are Durocs ranging in .weight from 60 to 180 lbs. I Duroc boar. Hay, 'Grain and Machinery - 60 tons alfalfa hay, both baled and loose; silage, two full silos; 1,600 bushels of oats; 2 stacks of straw; corn, husked and cribbed; milking machine, DeL*val, four single units and motor; hammermill, brand new, IOC-International, 'never used; Mc-D. silo filler, 2 new sets of blades and new elbow; hot water heater, new, electric, 18 gal. capacity; 8 portable wooden hog houses in line condition; stock watering tank, new, round wooden; new 7% inch rubber belt, BO-ft. length; 20 milk cans, 8 gal.; 2 electric fences, a new high line set, other a battery set; 1 metal hog waterer; 1 wooden hog feeder: 1 Deming booster pump; 1 40 gal. pressure tank; 1 pump jack; 1 cream separator; Westinghouse El e c t r i c motor, 1% H. P., completely reconditioned; wire--wuven and barbed, some new. some slightly used; fence posts steel, over 100; several saws. TERMS--All sums of $25 and under that amount, cash; over that amount a credit of six months at 6 per cen: Hill be extended on notes approved by clerk. Those desiring credit kindly make arrangements prior to purchase. No property to be removed until settled for. Come Early Lunch Wagon Will Be On Grounds 8. H. TRUDE, OWNER HENRT F. 8CHABFER AUCTION iwn- rT•:< ii •s ! store by M. A. ly evening, fchowimr oho o< th« of holiday Jem** at wo* at the lumber sards, Tuesda the thumb of Us right severely smashed. TWBTT YEARS AGO J v Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Howard are now occupying the M. E. church parsonage having moved therein recently. ' . w< Fred Powers has traded in his CHARLES LEONARD. Anetionoer r~? PL--I,:' • CLARENCE'S SHOP ^ JOHNSBURG, ILL. Select your Christmas toys and gifts now. Wheelbarrows, wagons, barns, tables and chairs, ironinf boards, etc. Foil line of leather belts and billfolds' also rubber door mats. CLARENCE J. SMITH M Phone McHenry 625-J-l SEWER CLOGGED? With the JOTO*-MOLE NO DIGGING All Wmk Guaranteed U. Ifc RAFF ^Cryntal Lake, tH NMm Crystal Lako tlf ROTHERMXL ELECTRIC SHOP ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS RADIO REPAIRS Lot as Mdnati that next electrical Job of yours. LEO G. BOTHERMEL, Prop. . PhoM McHenry 272-M SS4 Riveieide Drive the poirk *°B?* M<»t Rttt of Cvrstal W* has opoMd a wateh, clodt ind imrolin thin eter, tim aceident Issi he injured his knee McHENRY FLORAL 00. . .. - Hioiie -- One Mile Sonth of #n Roi^eH Flowers for all Telephone No. SSO Stoffel ft Reihansperger Insnranee agente for all classes of property in the boat companies. WEST McHENRY - - ILLINOIS HUNGER'S MOBIL SERVICE On 111. Routes 31 and 120, Complete Stock of Mobil Products - £dirie in and see us about a FREE Grease General Automotive Repairs Winter Tune-Up I Simonizing, Greasing Oil changing, etc. PHONE 480 iBdwin Fringer, Prop. - rn*mm PAINT SHOP ;V Jjf: J PAINTING Body and Fender Fender Welding a Specialty . ... .... ..... ^ ^ • ,, * r ^ l , l ' -1 i " " ' . # V" ' 3 »»« 1 "«fc * ."if5 ' W; AMttlAM • JVW (A S i . A . kV " ; i • " ,v' ^ r One Door North of Farmen WEST McHENRY* ':'W$' ' I o ii'iivrr'"z II MILL INN st (Formerly Barnard's MIR) End of Wander Lake at a *OPEN ALL WINTER: i -'t v*,-. v, wsllUALITT FOOD -- FINE DRINKS#*!* ' •t+-» "COMPLETE DINNERS" ' w b" f- ' U-- f \- . *4'- ' ij i & I" u J: (ALSO ALA- CARTE) ; fatnrday, S 'tin 12-Snnday, 1 tm ^ ^ ^ - Sandwiches At All Times i"" The Proof 61 Onr Fbdd la In th* f*Mfag! <e#TEM TO PAIWIES--MASH WHSERYATIOliS MMnbe lo«r Reaervntfens NeWf for MJ4USLM NEW YEAR'S «ARTY n Complete Mnnor Favora, Noieo Makers. $2.90 PER PERSON A -Good Time Gnaranteed. _ PHONE RICHMOND S12 "DEACT STRONO "LARRT* KNOWLTON ' H, I- M l . ' , ' . 4r* *> / v t|Ol)P-lN ». i ( . i> t OiflsHunie HETTERMANN'S ^nclair Service JOHNSBURG ^ We carry a complete line of Sinclair products^ Greasing, washing, polishing, batteries and Battery charging and complete battery analysing. Welding. Come in, now and have your car for winter driving. Jacobson Lawn Mower 8ales and Service GERALD J. HETTERMANN, Prop, "fit. fl&Henry 618-M-2. Station hours, 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. .Having sold my farm I will sell at public auction, 6 miles Northeast of McHenry, 4 miles south of Fox Lake, 1V4 miles north of Volo, just w/9i,0' U- s- 12» *nd % mile east of Silo Tavern THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27 beginning at 11:80 a.m. 63 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK j f8*8---mostly Holstein--ail T. B. N*' -- 1 frih and aome clow I bte D«*••" b**Yr*; 2y e1a8rs- * t-nmnth-old heif. «»: 1 W Holrtoln, 2 years old; 4 •fcoot 200 lbs.; P*S» abont ISO Ihe.; 80 pal- W year old hens, aleo laying goo«L ,0®«y. Grata nad Machinery to®" AlWn; 1 ton horse hay; f® bales second crop alfalfa; 225 hu. Vidd^nd oats, fit for seed; 860 bu. Columbia oats; 100 bu. spring •wheat; 10 acres shocked corn »»!n no com in crib: 80 ft silage in -ft. silo; some baled straw. FOR THE FIRST TIME^Inf ourtongyeafs, WWhave l»rei»W,pHced with our a very compfehencive assortment of lovely GIFTS OF "quality at a price." NOW you can gratify your FURNITURE for every home in McHenry. If you wish for a whole house of new furniture, if you wish have been waiting for a new suite ... a single piece to make this a gala "fiew home" Christmas, for those that will give * 'lift" to your room, you will find it who are newly arrived home. #ugg?0tiim0 w :>'f-V I." I !4MOSEY INN* TAVERN X in tbe Weher Building la ^ Rinowood, ill. . ; ,v ; ^iUSjhA Fry Every Friday Night ATLAS PRAGER BEER 5 1 ."'i "* * * Prop V. . ~,*v;V #* , • i; J*?' . --- D- 10-20 tractor; Mc-D. 7-ft. trartor disc; 14-in. Case P»pw; 8-ft horse pulveriser; 6-ft. ROOiier drill; J. D. corn binder with bundle carrier; Deering 6-ft. min binder; Mc-D. .6-ft. hay mower; Mc- Deering side rake; Mc-Cormick DeoriMr hay loader, new; 8-section drag; Mc-D. corn planter with 80 rode of check wire; sulky plow; walking plow; New Idea manure spreader; 2 sulky Mc-D. cultivators; Mc-D. wa*on with new baaket i»ck; iron wheeled wagon with box; iron wheeled wagon with hay rack; ateel and cedar fence poets; hob sleigh; roller; slip scraper; tank heater; scalding kettle; hay rope and pulleys; grapple fork; Mc-D. milking machine, 2 single units with pi£ for 20 otts and motor; 8 good milk cana, steriliser and wash tanks; water heater, pisils and strainers; scales; electric clipper;; electric fence controller; gjas drums; 2 sets of harness; gnnd stone; oil brooder stove; forks and shovels; about 100 ft of 1%-inch Khranized pipe; block and tackle; -ft. snow fence; corn sheller;y25 grain bags; hog feeder;' quack digger; 60 ft. garden hose; extension ladders and many other small articles too numeroua to mention. Lunch wagon on grounds TERMS--All sums of $26.00 and that amount caah, over that; t a credit of six months at {fljles^apprevod by the Anyone desiring credit, Idni J No DKNterCtr to ha settled E-^S. -r V:_;. MIRRORS CHAIRS OF ALL KINDS STUDIO SMOKERS - vN.v ^ &£ SOFA PILLOWS - CHILDREN'S TABLE AND CHAIR SET8 ROCKING HORSES SEWING CABINETS STUDENTS' VANITY 8ETS SHOO FLY HAMPERS 1- RUGS, Large snd Small ^ | SEW TIDYS < ^ PICTURES DINETTE SETS LAMPS, Table nd Floor> V ' BED LOUNGES •:1 it, Here are shown illustrations of a few items to be found in our store at right prices. Come in and make your selections of beautiful gifts in furniture. ^r. ... 0- I {,1, ""i-' Cor. Green and •j s .

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