fMMiHIIIMH Notes >5 "r 'h H-tl >11' | Prank KcDmht, 'and ion, Tommie. Mn. C. W. GmM At . JKMfc Cliib Chrfertsuw Party Tclephe-- Girls Annul Ckrtataaa Party Mts. C. W. Goodell last week *t- t The^pmmai Cfcristmss psrty for a Christmas party given by th* telephone girls was enjoyed on Illinois Music Teachers associa- Wednesday evening of last week by in Lion and Healy's hall in fourteen ^employ«d of the local of- Following a very enjoyable Delicious chicken and lobster tnnsical program, which was held in dinnei^ were served at the Town the morning, lunch was served to the Club, followed^by an enjoyable eyenladies at .Wyler's. ®v *r*«• , « ing, featuring an exchange of guts. , Those hi attendance were Margaret - ' | Michelsen, Shirley Smith, Elaine At ^ i 1 - Schaefer, Rose Marie Kunz RoVena arsday Dinner Marshall, Clara Miller, Dorothy A delicious dinner was served in Buchert, Eleanor Prill, Lillian Stille Michael Justen home last Thurs- ing, Betty Kramer, Bernice Blake, y 'honoring Mrs. Amanda Freund Betty Kilday, Patricia McCannon Iowa, who has been visiting rela- and Clara Overton. v - ? - * " - - 1" WAsran COIIOS tOlLITtllt I .iMpiied by die delicate, evanescent bloom of the Old South** Sabulous "King Cotton" . . . equal parts pure sunshine and enchanted moonlight. Subtle witchery to complement your loveliness Old South jQotton Bloswm sequence includes Cologne SI-25 ami $3.00, Dusting Powder $1.25, TUc 60& Perfume $4JOO and $7.50, [Sun Dial Gift Box $3.50. Bolger's Drug Store GREEN STREET McHENRY, ILL. . . eventap, Pwaalw 17, «t the feme of wml Henry Boeder to enjoy %ir Christmaa party. A P0*- luck supper w®s a®wad at ®.30 Assisting hoateases on the occasion I -- - - were the Misses Jean Schneideskamp and Marion Sweewald. The program > g/"john Crlwara Sweeney and BbElanJcXhe TThhoormnpn-' CDhuenmhuanmg---JaLkeeon aO oBs.t . Wiae, Esther son* *<•" }B. Brown. ' " 4 s Aiden--Harry Durkee. Hartland--Enos Hooper. Seneca--Harold Leisch. Coral--Chris Wilkins. Grafton--Vernon Harries. ows. Riley--L. P. Bwfcel Marengo -- George Ranee, Cattle -ii4' O. B. S. Hokftar , Installation On Friday evneing, Desember 14, annual O. E. S. installation ceremonies were held at Acacia hall. Ati D„ A . „ that time Florence Larson was in-]c<£orr ~ Burton Anderson' stalled as worthy matron and Chan-1 c^enwood-Howard Nusbaum. X r ' X r w V r . T l S " j g ? f c C h D r l W previously, except those of Associate! ' Nick .Weingart, Barbara j Nijnda--Herbert Schroeder, Mabel ® ' Jurs. • , Irvin Kvidera, Mary conductress, held by Aria Downs? Adah, held by Marion Collins; and j v--.,,-. Martha, by Sah>na Kane. Mrs. Johanna Thompson worthv matron of Illinois, acted as | installing officer, with Mrs. Mathilda i Homola M^rldM?nSiC!ffrtian ' Jac<* Sc^efer of McHenry has chapleta Martin as installing, name<j 0n the supplemental Jars. Arlene Pearson was mistress ;pane" ' of ceremonies, Mrs. Mabel Johnson. | git YWrntn x v> mtAXtmr installing organist, and Mrs. Elsie! UljIW r" F- MARTIN « i Hoppe and Lillian Cox. soloists.' Miss Betty^McKean of Chicago, a rraduate of the local high school. ~ang at the close of the Ceremony, and -Miss Mary Ann Stoffal-played two instrumental solos. The ceremony, as in past years, proved very beautiful and inspiring. BELL TELEPHONE IS -• MAKING EXTENSION HEADS COMMUNITY AAA COMMITTEE PLANS FOR FUTURE TfcsJ «d til _ „ week 'wten'tfc* came aflre. was call* first of the of a, car be- » ^ARD OF THAN»» In this manner I wMi to thank «nd relatives for cards, lettertj gifts and towers and also for visits during my prolonged stay in the hospital; and also to take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry! Christmas and' Happy New Year. I JOE BAUR, Woodstock Hospital. ' MARRIAGE LICENSES j , A marriage license haa been issued in Chicago to Dr. William Pape of! Chicago and T Miss Kathryn; McAn-1 drews of McHenry. Llpsiiek Sitate. Since some lipstick states are set by soap, the stain should be sponged with carbon tetrachloride before iaunderirffe. * ' VU". r F i t z G e r a l d rs PHONE 19 WEST McHENRY Bert Bridgeis has been elected chairman of the McHenry County AAA committee of three members which will administer affairs of the AAA program within McHenry county in the future. Other members elected were John L_ Slavin, vicechairman, and Howard E. Vogel, third member. Ira B. Reed and _______ Clinton E. Martin, the latter of The Bell Telephone system needs " *ltern&te cent*on 'SS* I **1 ^ lowing committee for the in nrdw fk McHenry community were elected: ^ Clinton E. Martin, chairman; John ^ Pa «?m" freund, vice-president; Peter A. son nrp«iHfn» ^ Freund, regular member; Kenneth C. Snhoi Cristy' fir8t alternate; and Bernard In'fe'S? r^r'tTeToUcomm^ rae of the Bell Telephone j QXLA PKOQRAMS ABE Looking ahead for ten years, Mr. i PLANNED FOR MEN ON qui«mTnt* rLbl"".rp2DDTY during holidays billion dollars--nearly as much as the Bell system has had to obtain ^ort Sheridan will continue to disin the last twenty-five years. * charge soldiers during the Christmas There are many thousands of jobs an^ New Year holiday season, Brig- i ahead in the manufacture and in- a^ier General John T. Pierce, post j stallation of plant to provide new commanding general, has announced, j |and more and better services for the . Although furloughs will be given1 ! ptiblic, Mr. Wilson points out. In- to half of the post personnel for; ; eluded in the system's definite plans the holidays, the established policy are such * items as taking care of °* separating all eligible enlisted the 2,000,000 presently unfilled orders men from the service within 48 for telephone service; restoring plant hours after they arrive at Fort margins to pre-war standards; add-, Sheridan will be maintained, ing another million telephones in A gala Christmas program has , rural areas to the million already been planned for personnel who will , i>» service; expanding the program on duty during Christmas week. ; 11 of fast and accurate dial service; Post wide decorations will be the adding hundreds of thousands of j most elaborate ever attempted. Hoi*e miles of new long distance circuits; i than 100 fir trees will be set up in i creating a nation-wide network of; day rooms, chapels, mess halls and coaxial cables which will transmit out of doors. The Red Cross, the i television programs as well as tele- Fort Sheridan Volunteers, consisting phone messages; eliminating old of women in neighborng communities, telephone instruments and introduc- and Cub Scouts will aid in supplying ing new types; greatly enlarging the a"d installing decorations. scope of radio telephone service; and , providing for the normal future. Order your rubber stamps at the growth of the business. The Plaindealer. •}• .m.*a.8.•>..t..t..t..f.^•{• -fr-H-l-H -H 1 l it tit •! i]t-ij-.g..];..g. Clean Furnitnre Vacuum upholstered furniture weekly, and cleanse with a good cleaner two or three times s vear ';^V *. * - f- * - - -- - ^ .4 ' CWe. «• 'j&A and mm * toy _ ' ® . Mreater :.Mid • yopt.",', know you're plea^ ^-.,^5 Vhg him. Thi*^: nifty, all-wool co*§ :i|l^eaterJf the pefi ^ 'i'0% feet Chr i g t m atr y*, - t ,v. $V4 - 'Wt'M McGEE'S- McHENRY Wool Shirts SLACKS. $4.95 up GLOVES $6.95 up SPORT SHIRTS^ $4.95 up -BUY 57' " ' VICTORY TO-DAY • fl i • * * 'V" MERRY CHRISTMAS Today's grownups are only yesterday's children who once stood before a fireplace on the Christmas Eves cf the past, or who, just before Christmas, were as good as they could be. The heart of the Christmas season is friendship and eternal youth, and We could not ask for finer friends than ours. It niftkes us happy to greet all our friends this Christmas se^pop of 1945 with the best of Yuletide wishes. THE PARK PUB HOLT THII IS MY IDEA!* Shoes ... • gift evety man en year dot*. You buy Hie certificate ($5 and tip) .,. he 9m»? I" ami selects the style h» Bfc-- bjjj| t :T v •<ms McGEE'S McHENRY i"- C Gifts for Comfort, Charm and Beauty With Through the Years. STUDIO DAVENPORT makes a bed--equipped with i bedding box -- coil spring construction -- tapestry or broaa'eUe covers $54.50 to $68.50 LAMPS lmiilri China Base $12.50 £ LOUNOE 0HAIB8 AMD PLATFOBM pR8--in Tape«U7 and construction in seat aad^baek. FLOORLAMPS $13.50 and $21.50 that are sure to please ncTUEn liAMP TABLES COCKTAIL TABLES HASSOCKS KUOS CORNER WHAT-NOT SHELVES OCCASIONAL CHAIRS Tagestry Coveit to $35JO KAOAZIMK BA8KIT8 SM0KXK8 OBtLD&XN'S TABtX AMD sis ka» a*, wisr - W. C. McGLASSON MIRRORS See our fine selection of mirrors -- all sixes, priced from $8.75 to $18.50 Peter M. Jastcn Furniture Co. % - • •