Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Dec 1945, p. 6

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FOR SALE ^trw im' j -- a « » > A i m . " 010 -- Ail Mf taiiMtNi' Torchy" Ktwai, 310 Am St, lfe» Heaiy. .Tel. VI9. 4S4f •A* l^ SAUBr-yrhite enameled kitchen J HAVE YOU QBAKD aboat the new range* Hkft new; coal or wood. Phone ; reduced Auto Liability and Properly Richmond 846. ^81 Mtamage rates t "They will wipri«« you. Auk us (or insurance rate*. rh« Kent Co„ MciieAi y. jrhune 8. 2?-tft|on a grand performance all ove: FOR SALE--Semi plush, black coat, 36. Price $12. Coat can be at the Grande Cleaners, Green St., McHenry. *31 Last Satortay evening a Christmas party was held at _ Qtymoor clubhouse. This waa Sponsored by the P. T. A. All «* the children of the school ana*those not attending school were given gifts £ Santa. Before the gifts were tributed the school children put After this J) 1 wWHasS aHlUl oUvtveIr 'tVhIIe® oVlSdWeBr group was re- .. BUY Berlou Guaranteed Mothspray j freghed wjth a light snack. FO« SAi^-Cc-l .V-- wKh sittEWsar* FOR SALE--Antique love seat and ! **>* rUg Store. blithe gayety of the event. It's going two chairs, also China cabinet with j WE INSURE YOUR PERSONAL mirror bade and 4 glass shelves and' PROPERTY in the city or country, gas stove. Phone 675-J-l. 31 j wherever located in the U. S. or Canada, against fire, burglary, wind- FIRE SALE--Lost herd and barn, j stoxjm,. all In one. policy. For inform- Sell fine 240-acre dairy farm, Rt. »tion call Jacob Frit*, Real Estate 173, between Antioch and Richmond.; and Insurance, Main St., Johnsburg. Good building sight on 50a opk woods pasture, balance level welllimed- phosphated. Good house and small buudings. MAKE OFFER. Mrs. L. H. jCole, Crystal Lake 78-J. 31 to be held at the Lakeside Inn on Saturday, December, 22 at 8 pan. This party is for the members and their husbands. All are promised a very enjoyable evening. Just another reminder folks, don't forget the teen-age dub's card and FOR SALE--One 16 gauge shotgun in excellent condition inncclruaddii ng two taxes of shells. Also several large domestic rabbits of good breed and two well bujttfc rabbit hutches. Jack Sales, West McHenry, St. 1, Mc Cullom Lake. Phone McHenry 672-R-2. At Chi- bunco party. It is coming up Jan cago, ph<Kie Lincoln 1333. 17-13 8BAD ANIMALS --Five dollars is te least wc pay for dead horse* and tows in good condition. , Wheeling Rendering Co. Phone Wheeling No. 3. Reverse the charges. No help needed to load. 14-tf FOR SALE--1M1 H<ri»n Comm.- i GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage each week. or oftener if desired. Reasonable I meriy George Meyers. Ben J. Smith. 1 subdivisions singing Christmas carols. uary 11 at the Lakeside Inn. The; kids are working hard to make it aj huge success. Already they have been swftmped with several donations | for the affair, and more are coming! in every day. The club would like to thank Mrs. Cederberg for the, delicious cake she donated for Iheir j last meeting, also the donators of this week's meeting, Mary Ann Reg-1 ner, Jeannette Dunn, and Mrs. Hyatt. \ On Christmas Eve the teen-agers 6, good condition, excellent rub-1 ** For the past two weeks the -dub has ber, a good buy. Phone Wonder T^N110N __ Older vour 4rtom practicing ier the direction T.^ir» 233. 30-* I well nor- - n -..TIP of the Lavin girls and Mrs. C. J. FOR SALE--Junior bed, $6.00; porch *£• table and bench, $15; overstuffed;208 John Street rocker, $40. Call McHenry 31. 30-tf; -- • r; Repairing all pumps 175. Bacon Brothers, 28-tf FOR SALE--240-acre farm of the JOHNSBITHG George H. Harrison estate, 2H miles southwest of Ringwood, 1 mile east of Wonder Lake. Mrs. Mary E. Harriion, Ringwood IlL Phone Rich-1 By "Tippy" Klein and Evelyn Michels mond 681. *30-2 Hyatt. One day last week another of our children's pets,was killed. Smokey, a little blMk and white puppy belonging to Kenny Struts, was hit by a passing auto and killed instantly. Well, folks, the Hintzs have gone their way again. Last Wednesday they were off to Arkansas, where they will make their. new home. New Technique Advances Surgery for the Aged Surgery for the aged--increasing in importance today--should not be considered with feftr or alarm by patient and family, urges Louis Carp, M. 9., in Ike Stealth Magazine. Dr. Carpt a New York City surgeon, potato out that the increasing span of human life is offering a greater challenge to doctors. Based on the latest census figures, there was an iifarease of 39 per cent of persons over 69 years of age between 1930 and 1940. In another 15 years, life expectancy should reach 75 years. Consequently, the health, social, economic and political significance of the increase of life span must be emphasized. "Old age does not necessarily prevent surgical procedures," Dr. Carp remarks, "which may save or pro* long life, produce continued physical comfort and the relief of pain, and add economic, functional and social usefulness. Today thefe are still many Instances of a defeatist attitude toward surgery tor the aged on the part of both patient and family alike. These outdated attitudes should be abandoned in favor of a more progressive outlook, the result of marvelous advances ,in medicine end surgery in the 4ast quarter century. It should be our aim to 'add life to years and .years t o l i f e . ' - • A Christmas party for the Lady,Good luck to you, folks. FOR SALE -- Two pre-war men's1 Forester juveniles will be held in rt,8 happened ,n folks the suits, like new; brown tweed and the school hall, Sunday, December, 8tork has come and dropperi blue, size 40; also gabardine rain«?jp, at 2 «clock. Each childis asked. another Httle p^age in our little coat. E. J. Gausden, 716 Center j to bnng a 10c exchange gtft and ^ community. On Tuesday Mr. and street. Call after 6 p.m. *29-2 (dish for pot-luck lunch. Mothers of jMrs parig became the proud r. j the juveniles are to act as hostesses, i _ t t _irl K,hlk .j * : FOR SALE IN McHENRY-2 story,!The regular monthly meeting will tei„hs a weTL eas tha#7 fh^ 6 rooms, forced air, heat, stocker, gar- be held and an members are asked Jr -5 age, 3 acres land. 50 fruit trees; one to be present Cards and bunco ta Llm^t hEfl mile from railroad, priced $8,950.1^11 be played. ™th?, B , ,°nt 08 ' Also business property, 10 rooms, | A surprise birthday party was wSf St"8 Co'ISrfu? 12-car garage, corner on highway, held in honor of Jos. G Huemann,1 tn tht ™ri'n>a g 233x230. Jacob Frits, Johnsburg. Sunday, December 16, in the home j lat'ons to tl£ ^ Parents. j phone McHenry 672-R-2 or Chic£go Qf Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Fox, ,r Beyerly, Rl"talla arrived home .Lincoln 1333. 2i6-tf; where a good time, including cards ^®n(iay, from, the America hospital, and refreshments, were enjoyed by Chicago, where she underwent an FOR SALE--Year- round comfort and i all. Those attending were Mr. and aPPenaix. 0Peration. She is coming economy with (ire-proof Johns-Man-1 Mrs. jOTeph7G7 Huemann" and chiU quite nicely now. ville Rock Wool ffome Insulation Idren, Pa£y> Tom„y and Jimmy,' U"BDloUwmn:min> I --.ii- i r«n: /n?ii »». T u LEO J. STILLING, McHenry 18 When going past the Lily Lake walls and ceilings. Call! (Billy being unable to attend), Mr.I?^e,rV store I -noticed quite an . _ j jjre George Michels and daugh- ! addition going up on the rear of the 36tf.iter, Dolores, Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. buj|^nf- 4.. * ! Smith and daughters, Phyllis and T Wh*tf this hear» sure enough, LOST f Marilyn, Mr. and Mrs! Jack Smith of I r°*. Gllmore. h»s started his own . - . McHenry and Mrs. Vivian Smith. ®efVIC«* H"8 specialty to LOST--Small lady's brown leather; The Christmas party held jointly \ Jfu" ^ey, Joe? parse, on highway near Schwerman's i hy the Lady Foresters and St. John's nW tt^A, twe'^®th of this month on December 18. Finder Blessed Virgin Sodality Monday eve- Hyatt celebrated his birthday. return to Mrs. Wm. Funk.!n"ng was attended -by about forty- i lt. W8S a."^'e ^ami*y gathering -- - 1ior the occasion. Cranium S^ute Although the sources, of the uranium ore needed to make the atomic bombs are generally considered a secret, it is public knowledge that 90 per cent of that ore comes from Central Africa, namely, from the Belgian Congo, the largest deposits being at Chinkolobwe, in the rich mining area of Katanga. Before the war, the ore was shipped to Belgium for the extraction of radium of which some 60 grams were produced per annum. Since the invasion of Belgium, the ore has been shipped to North America for treatment mainly in Canada, which accounts for the statement that most of the uranium is derivefcl from that dominion. Of that Congo ore, 1,071 tons valued at $2,000,000 were sent in 1940 to the United States. 'mm fecent- Hell as England's mc>; tioft picture for thei •eoofid time, im S&ely to chalk j up similar tenors lor himselft in America. You'll aee him tn "The Man in Grsy/' rifaeied by qniveriel tHetares - aitt urobably1 fat Aaneridm ssads " dtte to that JAMES MASOIf sal and J^ Artfaur Rank of England, Leo Spits and William Goetz. Mason's known as "The English Humphrey Bogart," which -gives you an idea of the kind of roles he plays; he's murdered meqy young , ladies On the screen, hi a variety |of ways, but says that the way he extinguishes Margaret Lockwood in "The Man in Gray" is the worst of all. »-- . garage please Flionnee 445-W. REWARD. *31 five members. Pot-luck supper was WANTED TO HINT ! " * *• lllvlllvvi O• A V v tUVIW oU^/^v 1 Tf An I ». _ . _ . enjoyed by those present, followed j . " seems we have a few who enwith singing of Christmas songs' *0? co^ weather. On Saturday with Father Neidert at the piano. ™rs; \fe^r *nd t her daughter, Mrs. Exchange gifts were then distributed | j* to°. a tnP Chicago, | WANTED TO RENT--Heated apart-! and gifts presented to Rev. A. J. Nei- ° do tlle remainder of their shopment or house, furnished or un-: dert, Rev. C. Thennes and Miss! pi"ffurnished. Must have by first of Elizabeth Stehman and the Sisters v are sor t ry to hear that Mr. Ssar. Call Merle Runkle, at Downs who were unable to attend. Cards r;fsei! ,8P®nt *he past we^k in bed, otor Express. M McHenry 256. and bunco prizes were awarded toi A J ; 31 i Mrs. Joseph L. Freund, Mrs. Ford 9ver th® weekend the Skelly's had WANTRD m rpot ,iJackson, Mrs. Joseph HiUer, Mrs. ^ ,a distingaiished guest -- Dad; Jro m i? '01 Peter M. Freund, Mrs. Jos. King, Sk.ellys, grandson, Walter Skelly, a| PH 8 Z 105 wfIJ 'Mrs- Willism May, Miss Margaret "t"rned serv>ceman. "Wally" is the u- 8* Flke' 305 Waukegan St.: atu] Roll41 atUlimr, Miss*Evelyn Mich- wearer of the Purple Heart and Hoe First Tool of Garden The hoe is supposed to be the first implement for hand cultivation. Tradition hints that primitive man must have first used a shell to dig into the sandy loam on the seashore or lake front. Then a handle of wood was attached to a shell, by a homemade leather thong, or a vine. As the ages came and went, the hoe changed in keeping with the artisan's skill. From beaten metals of soft texture to wrought iron, the steel and the modern hoe of the war and victory garden' eras developed. "Two Hours of Stars" (stars from stage, screen and radio) will be broadcast on the afternoon oi Christmas Day over the full Coium bia network. The list includes Bub Hope, Vera Vague, Ginny Simms Jack Benny, Artur Rubenste n. Alan K"Falstaff') Reed, and man; others, with Don Ameche as mas ter of ceremonies. There may be f. comedy skit done by famor stooges--Vera Vague, Jerry Color na, Reed and Rochester, among oth ers; people so clever they're stooge; no longer. -- -- ' It seems as if everybody's sin-' Jng in "The Bells of 8t. Mary's.' The famed boys' choir, St. Lufrr* Choristers of Long Beach, will sin-,. Bin* Crosby, naturally, will sin~-- Ave numbers, including "Adeste Fi dells." And Ingrid Bergman will li < her voice in song (or the Irst tinKi on the screen; she'Jl do a Swe4is ; folk song. The picture's a Chrlstma> time release. 4i--. HELP WANTED ®"tf j els and Mra!'Arthur Klein." "Mrs. !™a?y other stable decorations. He Peter prize. M. Freund won the special just escaped being drown when his! ship was sunk and is also responsible I for the release of seventy of our! boys from a prison camp, while doing j this he captured over forty Japanese. On Friday of last week Mrs. Roy i Morrison was stricken with a very J bad sore throat and has been confined i to bed since. We are all' hoping! you'll be better for the coming holi-1 days. Also the same for Mrs. Wirfs | who is still home with her cold, and i Les Krieger, who has been home! very ill for the past few weeks. Congratulations folks. This MtHgnry, Phone McHeniy 877. 311 £h.""SSiy0"dJSISV OPERATORS WANTED--Plain sew-!r*un'on Christmas party was held in ing on skirts; steady work. 60c an 4 ® 0P\e- William spent the weekhour; also part time workers. Call ® "^8 parents and left for Mary Schiavone, Lily Lake. Tel. Sa" PieK° on Tuesday. McHenry 615-R-2. 81-3! _ 'Friends and relatives of Emil • ------ | Schmitt were shocked when the news HELP WANTED -- Man for office his death became known Sunday work in lumber, building material; morning. Funeral services were held •nd coal yard. One with architec- i from the home to St. John's Church - tural training preferred. Apply in! at 10 o'clock, Wednesday morning, i ? heartily extend to Mr. and Mrs. writing, stating^ qualifications and; Interment was held in St. John's ~?u,s Mldm. who celebrated their inferences. McHenry Lumber Co. | cemetery. Our sincerest sympathy is' 8I.'ver wedding anniversary on the 30-2 extended to his mother, Mrs. Eliza- i n,neteenth of, this month. * This beth Schmitt and sisters and brothers.! event was celebrated on the _ Mrs. Arthur Klein in company with when the Midiris were Mrs. Henry Britz of Spring Grove,! j n r^° the Schubert theatre by Mr. spent Friday in Chicago. i? Mrs. J. Vaccaro, after which a Improvements have been made at party was held in the home St. John's church and are now com-, Mrs. Midiri's sister. There was rF pleted, with the outside steeples re-|an. immense gathering of friends Station or combination. Private party. I ceiving * coat of aluminum paint an<] relatives for the occasion. Mr. Replies 4n confidence. Address Box 1 and the inside aisles covered with ?n<* ®?rs: Anten, (Mrs. Midiri's sis- "D," Citre of the Plaindealer. 29-3 linotile. It was laid in a leading,' -- • Wock and cross design throughout and is beautiful in its colors of Tennessee marble, Sienna red, "walnut brown and green. The work was Checks Fruit Drop Napthalene acetic acid has given gratifying results when used to counteract temporarily the process of abscission or dropping of apples just previous to harvest. Most of the agricultural experiment stations in states growing apples and pears on a commercial scale have published detailed comparative reports n ti WASTED TO BUT WANTED TO BUT Tavern, Tourist Camp, Service on the drop from treated and un treated trees. For instance, Cornell university has developed data for two Mcintosh trees in adjacent rows, each tree carrying about the same total crop of fruit. The tree sprayed September 22 and harvested September 28 had a pre-harvest drop of only 4 per cent, with only 72 apples falling during picking; wftile the untreated tree, harvested the same day, (lad a preharvest drop of 16 per cent, with , 455 apples dropping off during pick* . ing. Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Ba call, who like to wear matching gray flannel slacks and red flannel shirt' also each wear a tiny gold whist' • --hers on a bracelet, his on h' watch chain. They said they'd nevei take them off for any reason. Bu< it wasn't long before she went int< "Confidential Agent," and had t•> take eff her bracelet--for Tomanti closeups with Charles Boyer! Nice goiflgs-en -- Ginny Simmn. who raises prize pigs on her rancV traded a young porker to Dnrcth' Lamour, in exchange for a turkev from Dorothy's prize stock. Inci dentally, Ginny's going to have h 30-foot circular staircase constructed entirely of lucite in that new home she's building; it'll rise from the center of a 30 by 40 foot hall. --*-- It takes conductor Nat Novlck and pianist Tom Howard Jr. more than four hoars to arrange and orchestrate that weird music you hear on "It Psys to Be Ignorant"; nothing is left to chance, every discordant effect to carefully prepared. --*-- "wANTTO TO BUY ;-- Fomrur five, isvii mom summer home, near McHenry,; done by CTarence" Niesen. "Rj0" Address Box; Father Neidert and Father Then . -- „ carc "^'"dealer. 26-tf j nes accompanied Albert Lepping,! °* twenty-five silver dollars from Mr. j nephew of Father Neidert to the an<* Vaccaro. and an envelope {depot in Chicago, at which time he containing ten silver dollars from ter), had decorated the home with the seasons colors and an exquisite cake held possession of the center of the table. As the party progressed the guests presented the couple with many gifts and huge sums pf money. Among those was a spray " v w T ^ t a w S h ^ 1 * o r P h i l a d e l p h i a , a f t e r s p e n d i n g ) ® * r . a n d M r s . V a l l o n e . N u m e r o u s ASddrSess. £Bo;x I2£e 2iii"!8± two weeks with hisuncle ^ *! pictures were taken and the event Plaindealer. MeHenry > 30-2 1 MIS0ELLAME0U8 SKATE SHARPENING --* Don't forget your lawn mowers. Robert J. Thurlwell, 110 Main St., West McHenry. 31-tf PRIVATE PARTY has money to loan. If interested write box "AB" in care of The Plaindealer. *30-4 Dry Closets Dampness invites mildew. In very damp, warm climates, closets with drying and ventilating systems are often needed. Heat from an deetrie lamp kept burning In a closet may dry. the air enough to stop mold growth. (Be sure to protect clothes from the light.) Calcium chloride In an open jar absorbs moisture to *L closet, but must be renewed. was carried through honrs. to the wee, Well here's wishing vou all a ' VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS" . . . Banking Ftm When banking fires, ptufi live coals with a small instrument either to rear or to one side of fire pot. Ther. place fresh coal hi the depression of the opposite aide Fire will be alive in the morning. GOOD CLOTHES DESERVE GOOD CARE CLEANERS et Phone McHenry 104»M ( p t ft? Chroh.i Mastitis WITH T H I ' BMlrtllC f rfpqfcimMi. Traai It widi I <UAC A riatfe 4am *1 tob. lur m him r--cm dekiew*lfleeew»elaww*. imWkm4Iv Tat Cak Ytm m van. na «M SMks <mc>i his 1 in iwm BOLGER'S DRUG STORE McHenry, HL Penicillin Important in Treating Gas Gangrene Penicillin has become an important agent in the treatment of gas gangrene -- one of the bacterial horrors of war--according to a study reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Gas gangrene is a local wound infection caused by bacteria which attack only injured tissue*, form spores and secrete powerful toxins. The authors state that "the disease develops to soon after wounding and runs so swift a course that delays and difficulties of treatment in the field are not the principal reason for its high incidence and mortality." The army doctors emphasize that early surgical removal of the damaged tissue "is 11M one single measure of vital importance in the prevention as well as the treatment of gas gangrene." Surgery alon£ however, is not completely effective la treating the infection. Penicillin in large doses Jtas Wped to reduce both mortality and extent of the disease. Gas gangrene antiteodn air plays an important role,, lor whfie penicillin may definitely stoythe grwth of the organisms, the Aeutraltdng affect of the antitoxin li issentisl for the cure of the disease. Charles Boyer says his imitators are all wrong when they present him as saying to Hedy Lamarr, "Come wiz me into ze Caabaa-aah," presumably in Hedy's screen debut in this country. Matter of fact, in the picture he didn't ask her to g<. anywhere with him. --*-- Marlin Hurt, star of the Sunday CBS "Beutah" program, would have gone right on tripling for himself if he hadn't been talked into accepting credit on the air. It was Producer Helen Mack who talked him into acknowledging that he's "Beulah," himself and "Bill." --*-- Director Frank Borzage ordered Maureen O'Hara to hit Binnie Barnes hard, really hard, for' . 9 sc ene in "The Spanish Main." Maureen did, again and again--11 times. The last time Binnie, stunned, landed in a blazing fireplace; that's the shot you'll see. ODDS AND ENDS--Maritmrmt (TBrim't pretty ted abort 6mmf dboMN «mmn of W«nrs'i fh--t im Pmmdamm't Tmmnmmmt mf Nmh ... TJboM huh y mm day* fcwr ArfmtuAy rtttraW I* HoQyttomd; MA C*mtury-Fox wilt 1tmi IMjW mm Mi tiMjcji lor 'Annm mmd tkm King ml Situ*.".. Abut L<mU*< mfitmbbk toitk PmrmmowU brought Ihim m e picturm ' htm yaara, with th» prie* gmimg uf tknm yvars. . . . Johm J. Amtkomy't mmdt mf liHwwi mill imermmam in motr thmi Ui progr--1 f««a omt mpm Aerosol Bentb let The aerosol bomb Is a new development of department of agriculture scientists for use in the application of Insecticides. It Is a small steel dispenser which releases the insecticides under pressure so that they become a fine log or mist. More than 14 million of these "bombs" were distributed in combet areas in and 1944 totelp protectthe They are not ytfTav!aDable to civilians. After the war they may help In ridding home* an moequitoea and ttaa. rtmrm fmr r?iSw -- . apmr thm fmM Mmtuml nmtmmrk.... Almm Mmmbrmj wm 9 r, *mtd it 10 Monogram, and mitl ttm <»*' Letoeas for Blea'dlhi " Use leftover lemon rinds to bleadi arms and elbows and to remove stains from lingers. to Turkeys is far mete prevalent turkeys than to chickens; probably due to with tunqrs ae with »s in an effort to breed away this undesirable character .. . •• TO 3PEMD •- '"T- - ' • ',w<- • - - Ui ^- - ~ /s ' ' " , * * »«,• r: M ' . . - • • v 4 * V - •- ^ - T.f'i - AL'S WHITE HOUSE ^ ^ j I \ ^ v Dandng to the Miurfc of -V*- . -••'"A? KNIGHTS V 1 1 > x . ; ^ RHYTOM T y3 - < OOOD FOOD EVEETBODY I t :3' --T» • 4 ON DjSPlAY «• v oousu BOILMS t2m ww4 S ufunrat 10 tack CMNCH man -... Antreoeivecl... a display cmortoienteF the Cooking Utensdl you have been waiting for... famous Revere Ware. , these Hmopiwon utomls cue stainless stool for longer Mf, wHh heavy copper bottoms that quickly and evenly. TWy are Ideal for "waterless" Stop in seen and see how truly wiper lor these literals ana Wsl toi you how to get them. JUST liff TMSSt SXTttM mrravf of xriviii wai^ fNDESTKUCTIBtE * EASY TO HANDtf Xmm eaat torn a Me Usee#1 M bit mseb ill WELDED... * SHU6-FIT !>• H»^«tO|li"i» h il er twsi jlililimiMai saitostbltoii JOHN J. YYCITAL Hdwe. GREEN STREET PHONE 98-M MCHENRY 1 .' '5 "I % Steady Employment 50 to 60 Hours Weekly Timeind One-HaKOveclO Hours fOOTnm NOW AVAILABLE PRODUCTION AFTG WELDERS ENOWE LATHE OPERATORS TURRET LATHE OPERATORS MACHINISTS TRACTOR MECHJWICS for ASSEMBLY WORK 'in i»«!' rfyottwwtereetedin X~.: t* -'?TSW. * »*.. organisation, apply to FRANK G. HOUGJJ CQ. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS F krnmi*' 'Aak any of oar Man or •Mbmnw •fir.,. -"•mum

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