Volume 70 MHKtfRY, nUHOlB, THTOSDAY, DKOKMBKB 37, 1045 Ho. at DONALD BLOUNT RESIGNS FROM SCHOOL JACULTY *'• f UHH Smplor 0§A' •'•T-' m * Book ~ : flwpiiy Jan. 3 • ' ' lltleran years of inching ended last week for Donald Blount, 33, a teacher in the local high school since the /all of 1943. His resignation was announced at the meeting of the board of education, effective at the close of school for the holiday va- "ention. Mr. Blount is leaving the teaching profession to act as salesman for the Macmillan Book company, beginning January 3. He and Mrs. Blount, who teaches at the Harrison school at .Wonder Lake, will continue to make their home in McHenry and he will commute between here and Chicago for the present. Later he will leave directly from McHenry for his new assignments. Mr. Blount, a native of Auburn, Nebraska, was born near Omaha and spent his childhood and the first five years of teaching in thpt state. He then moved to Illinois and tMght m Kewanee and Rochester previous _ to coming to McHenry. His teaching m WHJORTI KftN DOT) nr auto loomraT : ^ ON OHUST1US KTX 5%; The freezing rain of Christmas live, making driving hazardous, resulted in the death of one man in INCLEMENT WEATHER ONLY DRAWBACK TO A HAPPY HOLIDAY 1500-AGRE GAME PRESERVE orEKS SOON NEAR VOLO Tf|»n1 fhwwnt Dock Hunting Grounds For Locfcl 'Sportsmen The cold snap which Masted a mor® than forty-year record for. early December, broke for Christmas, I Ait automobile accident near Rich-; but was succeeded by even worse J jnond. i weather in thA form of • icy city Ernest A. Beyer, 54, of 1045 S. greets and snowy country roads. Elm wood avenue, WUmette, a sales- Roads became so treacherous that! man tor the Harrison Supply Co., many good Christian people dared f in Chicago, met death late Monday not even venture to church on afternoon when his automobile and i Christmas morning. Many more caa- . a car drives by George Austin of! celled their plans of long standing Richmond collided on State Route !to be with relatives and friends in I 31 north of U. S. Route 12, a mile other plates. There was many s Another hunting and fishing paraand one-half south of Richmond. ;home with a large turkey and all-dise will be a reality in this vicinity Mrs Sever ioffered a fracture J ithe trimmings and no one to eat "* the near future if plans being kneecap and other injuries but after! *hem while in other homes a sudden formulated for improving Sullivan Mttrtrinr first aid was taken by i forced decision to remain at home Lake, northwest of Volo, materialize, ambulance to an Evanston hospital. Jf" them with little holiday fare to I The new venture is to be known as a£L .Uo -ttK minor in- t-nghto the d.y, the LUe C^nty Wmg «nd F,„ Those who were old fashioned I Hating and Fishing Preserve, enough to believe that there is noi Organisers of tM new sporting celebration of the Christmas holiday P**«erre are Louis Behm, Grays lake, juries. Beyer suffered a skull fracture and was pronounced dead when a doctor reached the scene. The body was and Carl Effers, the latter widely known sportsman. The prbperty consists of 500 acres without snow were happy. The kid takento the Ehom funeral home in diea took advantage of new skiis, Richmond, wherea sworn jg^ djjj' J"™* jj i~° of pheasant and duck hunting grounds in by Coroner Ehorn. The mques„ . , sidewalk to make u*e of th»m | which have been rated ideal, surwas then continned, pending the re- s,£walk * «« °* th«mrounded by Sullivan Lake. Besides I December 24, usually a quiet day,| hunti and fishin*, the preserve was unusually busy this year in;^, ^ provid.aS elaborate club local stores, for the extreme cold of Kntl„ ^ Aininm. BTUi m.nv covery of Mrs. Beyer. BSMKT WAOHES FOUND DKAD SUNDAY MORNING ATTK& HKAKT ATTACK A coroner's inquiry conducted on Sunday resulted in the verdict of death due to heart attack in the passing of Henry H. Wagner, 72, who resided in a cottage on East River Road.' Mr. Wagner, • bartender In the Joe Miller tavern for the past Ave years, had completed his day^s work on Satarday noon and returned home apparently in good health. On Sunday morning, December 2S, about 8:30 o'clock, a neighbor, John Herdrich, seeing Mr. Wagner's car „ still in the garage, entered the home to fine the elderly man lying dead on the kitchen floor. He was attired in good clothes and was believed to be preparing to attend mass when he died. The deceased was born in McHenry in 187S, the son of Peter and Barbara Jacobs Wagner. He engaged in carpenter-contracting until his retirement from that line of work several years ago. He resided with his sister, Mrs. Hubert .Weber, until about six years ago, when he moved to his home near the river. TWICE A VETERAN NEW DRIVERS' LAW GOES INlti EFFECT JAN. t ^ Hope Hew Legislation ^ Will Strike Bird At .. Reckless Motorists 4 ' ' * ^ ' I* fv ---7^ H ' -'4: r«-: .-v# •$ NEWS ABOUT A high death toll resulting from holiday accidents saddened many, homes over Christmas this- year as in many years past. The only conj solation was the probability of a notable decrease in highway fatalities on our next big holiday due to the Illinois Motorists Responsibility Law, which was recently passed by the legislature without a dissenting vote, to become effective Jan. 1. The act became law upon the governor's sig- Harry T. Gallaher will &e happy to see! the law it was th* Is. ^nyP«^ri^d5riS Wld^wS1 tent °^ s^e ^lleTXTtrt II hard at the reckless »nd irreepon- ~.Ji w Gallaher was born and sjvje driver for the good of the puhlic in ^*n®ral *nd especially for die tie spent two and one-half .y--ea--rs , bderinveefrit of the safe and responsible in the training command in Texas whether the new law will accom- MAJOR HARRY T. GALLAHER The many McHenry friends . . . . . . . h o u s e w i t h dining room and many! Survivors besides Mrs. Weber inthe previous week had greatly hamp- sporting facilities to make it an elude another sister, Mrs. Nick Pit- {®^ holiday shopj»rs. Many pre-war year-round recreation center, zen of Almena, Wis., and two - i..c ..Cw wm «ccumikdiaiHaPaarii m J j refused n Tfi! anotherl In order to provide the necessary brothers, Frank of Spring Grove and,?' director of classification and pres-;piish a|j that our legislators and the f|lfp " OrPIWPCMCII i m!ifn _?fnB*qUrn f y ®re ?** birds. Effers plans to raise and re-! Martin of Ottowa. A sister, Lena, |dent of Faculty Board at the jgovernor hone for in the v ay of lelJDsl utn WluClntn lei18* 6,000 PheJlMmt» and *<°°Q mal- apd a brother, Michael, preceded him '^®tlon center, San Antonio aviation I ducinjr accidents Dn the highwavs re- VVV1 WkllVIV4aWSft.il pen nade.a tour of all the stoiw. lard duck(| ^ year. The first year, in death. ! f»det . cen^r-. This work entailed m&iJ to ^ 8een Whether it is fool ^ n • h°?r lfVer' M ( cHen.r>' foiJ" 1946, he will My hatched birds in l The body rested at the Peter M. classification and assigning of proof from a lefraI standpoipt is ani and those in other spots where th® the spring for release In the fall, iJusten funeral home until Wednes- lair corps cadets to pilot, bombardierjother question that only time will -- . - t . t j r | A v e r y c h e e r f u l h o l i d a y c a r d a n < J w e a t h e r w a s n o t t o o a g r e e a b l y , d i d ^ ^ e y t h a t m a y h a t c h h i s o w n j d a y m o r n i n g a t 1 0 o ' c l o c k , w h e n a ' a n d . n a v J R ® t o r t r a i n i n g . a n « w e r . experience »nclud« ^taM*«a«cs, ^ following note was received dur- not do too much worrying-about; it. birdg> | requiem mass was sung at St.. Mary's t Since leaving this post he has been Fourteen states now have similar science, physical education and eignti . the t week They were too happy to have theirs - 1 - • r ing tne past * from Harry Unti, boys home for the first time in without additional cost in the an- cemetery. who is stationed in many years or at least to be antici- nua] license at this preserve, the i : " Melton, Fla.: "Let-- P®tmg a homecoming in the near uge of skeet and trap fields, the SAME ANSWER TO ter writing is my u™r8, . bathing beach, skating, hiking, fish- n/vun HTTOTA VATT TTPS big weakness. I Also adding a bright note was the inlf aJfd ciub hoU8e facilities will be .BOND QUOTA FAIL UK» .requiem Mary'si - cam Many AeeoaMBodatwns i church, with burial in the " church a^c ,to, a1^. technicalservice j jRir8 in operation, so IDinbis'is not IS GIVEN BY MANY years of coaching, including the job of varsity coach *n basketball, baseball and track. Condncta Noon Program During his stay at Mi, C. H. S. he has taught general science, physics, radio, mathematics, physical education and has been assistant coach to Leonard McCracken. He was also in charge of the noon hour program, which was greatly developed under his guidance. # lln Mr. Effers made by the United States to Britain. fj}'s (Thursday) morning after an | sponsible. He may show his finan- .. ,new a 1 ess an _ a so is you weather is *' 1 *--* . ^ ing and club house facilities hope you do not announcement that January 1 «re in*Ioded take my not writ-,rationing throughout the nation. «j^e managers state that only three ing as a standard would end Termination of tirt ™- general rules have been adopted-- ^ "E" bond auota in McHenrv of my appreciation ^".ng wil leave ordy si«ar on a fhat all laW8 must be obeyed, *3,./' *n .fffiSZ corrlmand headquarters in Chicago,1 alone jn ve;tuw Twenty-one -h.v. p.rtW HARRY GRANTHAM 07 WAUCONDA DIED THIS THURSDAY MORNING laws. Provisions of Law Beginning on Jan. 1, 1946. the new law applies to every operator In* volved in an accident causing death or personal injury; or property damage in excess of 150. Every opet>. ' • ft* receiving the rational th,t « include .Imp.; '"ki o'rigi^uota'byH.rry Gr.„th«m. Jr.. of W.ieond., I »f»r involved li .n .ecid.nl mart s , b l e s a f e t y f i i ^ p r e c a u t i o n s , a n d , t a m o u n t n d t h e q a n s w e / o f w e l l k n o w n i n t h i s c o m m u n i t y , d i e d s h o w t h a t h e i s a b l e t o p a y t h e d a m - rk£ J Would like to take everyaa> living. ^ v ,, .that license holders may eWnrjo yF .nre«ars- m". .f olks j3 the loan which i^s bein®e atkti oS t-/ TkTnh«e>r<e.4se hospital, Waukegan, age for which he mny be held re- a.. \ : _• %_i_ tt . « * • ^ i we have to grumble ac seprov- Blount are sorr: SEtZS- A"Kj--«•» Blount are not leaving our communitteyac.. h eir t wii»ll be hired ,to " -nJfi.l t•h e va- ninf, a lormer loc^1 Uyw*w.1i1 1" ehle Last Kites Were Held v . p .1 cancy during the next wyk- j seeing with the army in Japan.; ^ ° >mM |in this vicinity are anticipating^ aspeciai bojyj jsaue which he saiil ^?r8> Mrs. Swanson of Wauconda, ind car registration" are suspended He was originally placed in the; pun.-Ii S(krriPe. weri> held from' anot^.er Sr.eaf improvement^ in lcwal wouid serve as a popular referendum. M"- . _j ^taggs of Cornell, 111., until one year following the date of 1 paratroopers but was wounded in _ ch«n»i .i 6716 W 16th street Ber- ®Por*inf circles with the beginning Ujnder the plan, the bondholders n t!a^ home: also one son, the accident. This is in event no ae- 'the leg at Luxon. Due to this injury ^ gt Mary' de Celle church 1®*®- I rather than the treasury would bear father, .tion for damage has been instituted. fthe moLt Important thSrhas 4t ?*** In regard to this, the following may j.11"®83 °/ ® mo t nt;h- H« WM Social responsibility by depositing L Kit tags are used on all birds killed, ^ of intere8t as a plan which will *ather of Mrs. Arbutus Swanson, a curity for the accident or by p.. to grumDie aooui. which permits legal transportation | prove popular with thep ublic. former resident here, and a brother- ing that he was covered by insurand possession anywhere at any, Qn Christmas Day Senator John- j ,°f Mrs. Frank Mever. j ance or proper bond. time. i son of Colorado suggested that the' ®"rXjvors include the widow, tsa- j If he does not show that he ean I With this new venture, sportsmen i pronged loan to Britain be financed a"e" Geary Grantham; three daugh- pav damages, his operator's license il:. bva anfi^fnat in<F f ... . . .... .. tnva Mvo C t»A noAn Hf i i .« * j. j ALGONQUIN DAM RIVER NAVIGABLE TO HcHENRY YEAH BOUND ihe is now working in an army hos- at 9 a.m„ last Friday for James J pital. Pupik, . Mm ^ fcffiiSr&iiLAMB riBOWTAOS Burial was in St. Adelbert's ceme-. OF SERVICEMEN TO enroute tery. _ RETURN TO FARMS Construction of a new dam in the ftr-arbrouirh is 55 hi'ft. 1ft 1** for mmt mm** "Mr Pupik. known to .11 of hi. •uktng; the nver n.vig.ble (torn overaeu. dSJ5"« It. Therese hip«X W.uki-1 "How you gonna keep 'em down therefore, wouid uke whatever risk 3ELEBKATE GOLDEN the loss if the British should defaut. JI.arrv Grantham, Sr., who lived with that he has settled or paid the claims The bonds would be offered the h,» son- ' »_ against him, or that he has been American public by _the United , Mineral arrangements are meom-jfound not guilty. States government and" the interest P'ete. The new law does not apply to aerate would be the amount that Britain o/nnmmppo jcidents involving less than .C50 nrop: jpays. The people who buy the bonds, 'MIL SCHNEIDERS "SFox Lake to Ottawa--may get un derway this spring, it was indicated A f/k/4 Dvaas <1ianati*K ®• Dean McCracken stepped off the gan, on December 1§, 1945, where on the farm after they ve seen there and would accept whatever in an Associated Press dispatch from 0:20 train last Thursday night and he had been undergoing treatment: Paree" made his way at once to his home on He is survived by a sister, Agnes song after World War I, but it is , the American people approve the Ttof the t35- Center street to surprise his family. Cermak. lout of tune with the facts today. j loan they should be willing to buy In releasing *223,500 ol the „„i„ r^ntiy returned to the * The great majority of soldiers who, the bonds. If they don t approve it. Springfield last week. SII1£ v* »,tv •*' " f* | .77,'?™" fOT:Stotr?rom Tokyo B.y aboard the CHARLES DUKKEE, M, nostwar construction and repair work,' USS Lexington, a carrier which has w » mryp nvpi ta dv » f mlj. CQ0 ^50 imme- been converted into a troop ship. HAxlVE H nK£, iU OA ble f^tS. A?g.nq»in Well. De.n .prised hi, mother and UQ T0 REST DEC. 28 J" • Ihls young sister and brother, but The new Algonquin dam will be.hl» dad .h^juet left for W^st^k,; The joy - 0f Christmas Day was one of the nrst built in the Fox where his basketba 1 te P y marred to some extent for many old river solely for the purpose of rnaiiv- just a year timers in McHenry who receivwl ^ ^ or operate farmR owned by tainmg nver levels and not for theicouni,y tourimiu v word of the death of Charles B. t>lan to rent creation of w.ter power, fa «»-;•£ 'S? ^ «' ETnd ' ' " erty damaee. nor to the owners of legally parked cars. Neither does it iarm aiier wiey mcie is «nu wuutu «vtcFi nrannrvM A WTTTWa APV 3p?Iy to .°^T,ers of car* u®ed withmay have been a popular payment Britain makes. Thus, if WfiUUlflU JLNH1VEJU3A1CX sout pernussion nor to the operators - -- . |Dr owner#'of a car involved in an Mr. and Mrs. Emil Schneider o? aceident wherein no injur?* or dam- : - • . Woodstock are making plans for the a*e w»8 to anyone but themi were employed in farming in Illinois, according to Senator Johnson's rea- celebration of their golden wedding selves- . Wisconsin, and Michigan before their soning, the government ought not to pnniversary, which will be held on! Duties Divided i induction into the army will return underwrite it. Sunday, December 30, at their farm | The administration of the accident to farming after their discharge, ac- The senator's suggestion may home south of the city, on Dean | responsibility provision is divided be* cordinr to Major Harold W. Dunn, cause much controversy in the weeks s reet. Mrs. Schneider is a former ^'<?e 1 n Department _ of PpMic chief of the counselling section of to come and may influence the out- McHenry girl. vVorks and Buildings and the office the Fort Sheridan separation center, come of the present Victory bond Open house will be held for the! the Secretary of State. The xor- Mmaannvy oofi these _ civ_i lians-to-be .w .i ll drive here and elsewhere. couple between 2 and 5 o'clock and mer will receive and analyse eacn re- a^.n .n eveninff at ? p m port to determine how much security present. The action of the governor was hailed with enthusiasm throughout the Fox river valley. HIGHER MILK PRICES a dinner at noon will te served 's required and then certify to thft or go back to farm jobs "All producers under the Chicago to the immediate family, including Secretary of State the name of the federal milk marketing order will re- their daughters Mayme, living at Pers°n and tne amount ol security uniform blended price of home; Harvilla (Mr. and Mrs. Bob required. The latter will then nob. 70-mll*; irvin and daughter) and their son, **** m°toruts **JJJured to de^- November Robert, recently discharged front' Pos|t secunty And furtotr cftiry Ottt kvi.lu.lu... the army. A buffet supper will be t*1® P™*'?10"8, . , ablv hirher than thev had antici- administrator announced. This is 4c served in the evening to other rela- There isn t one of us who Is not Georre Brda arrived home from pated. Even those staff membra higher then the October blend<id price tives, including nieces and nephews concerned with the promotion of on Sjt- on and 3c h,gher ,han the Uended pnee His brother, Charles, re- an<J Glenview> m He died in the farms have ex latter city on December 25, 1945, at the tJlp ,_nd for their, the home of Fred Dehne, Mrs. Dehne ^plihoo<1 Postpone Vaccinations At Luther J. Johnson, Sr., Brown Durkee. After his second mariage some Engineers have .Ir^d, completed *£% Glenview, UK d«d ^ 1M«.^ Minrta. the work of surveying the river in ^ rnil had been fortunate l,t,er clty on D«<*""«r 25, 1945, at " i.„j f„r ,k.ir, wno vncmsci.cii . Mr. and Mrs. Schneider farms have expressed surprise at .which producers received for Novem- their many friends to call on ... . _ .A.. j_iS next Sunday. the vicinity of Aurora and are to;** --- - „ , Ur __j me nome oi rreu u start in the near future to study the , enough *0 have come ho , . ^ his daUKhter There are no immediate survivors, crons and Hvestock and the desire : to be their own bosses are the main factors influencing the separatees. Satisfactory present-day prices for Qra(je School To January 10 Died On Christmas Eve a niece river needs from Batavia to Algon-lMrs. John Brda wouldhavehadthree quin. iY?ry [I® celebrate a but the deceased leav. The over-all plan is to provide a, Merry Christmas. several nephews, _ series of state-financed dams the\ _ _ Funeral services will be held on thaT* these school pupils" absent from m.,"length of the river, which will pro- Some mighty pretty g K ^ Friday afternoon at 1:80 p.m., from ^ ,, hS^unwillinr to settle J0*1 previous to the holiday vacation, chapel at 5501 N. Ashland avenue, - - - Mv! the Jacob.Justen Sons funeral home. ™n would be unwdhng to settle Rulien ^ , nurs?, wishes Chicago, for Luther J. Johnson, Sr.! invite Kre*ter »afety on the highways. .1 -Last year, even with wartime restrictions, there were 40,000 deaths ! and nearly ane and one-half million persons injured on the highways. Today wartime driving re- . strictions have been eliminated and thousands of members of our armed vide water of sufficient depth for bave Due to the great number of grade Funeral services are being held f°rc®s are home an<| soon will be pp- "1 school today (Thursday) at 2 p.m., at the era ting cars again. New cars will - also be making their appearance on •®n 0Q118 lunvftii Ronivt . OM^n affAw kavinir JOBnne KUiivn« sc1 1001 nurse, wiauw ior L#uiner «» jonnson, or«# the, hi•gh way* s*. Thr.o ^ugh *t hel tn ew law in Oakland cemetery, the globe has proved erron- to check on attendance before con- of 7222 Berwyn avenue, and Mc- fnd the co-operation of all motori_ .. .j-.it thev tinuing with the health program. Henry. He passed away on """'.n^o^y irk.nT ^rd'^ p-e/ore. the «rst and «eond Eve. navigation. Those tentatively pro-;*J°m N'orbert r with burial i posed for this ansa would be at Car-;Ohio; Lieut. B. P. Woodstock. pentersville, Elgin. South Elgin, St. Grant; Hurry Anderson from Waka . Charles, Geneva and BaUvia. Jjrama^Japan; and Pauline Bode from j $100,066 BLAZE are The program now ~being launched Diego, hiUB been ftdyoc&t^d by sportsincn's -- ^tw^vw f*MO xM^Mf iitv „ clubs over a period of thirty years Arthur M. Soderluml CM 1-C., son swep't tvo Genoa City, Wis., business Jo 1"Smmon d£ until Thursday,. January 10. These two grandsons, William and Robert FROM WONDftK T.Afl TO or more. In the last few years, thev of Mr- and Mrsv Arthur Soderlund. blockg eafly Qn Wednesday morning, «rm for me is their common ae- _ L_ _. 1 Q „r„j» have enlisted the co-oPeration of Sr ' of Island Lake Estates, Mc- Deccmber 26. termination. I Henry, is on. his way home from ' i 160,000 'T j- .,• * is^ p-ri- toxoids and the vaccinations sched- Survivors include his wi | Damage estimated at more than J?*,"*nlaoe* uled to be given by local physicians Louise; one daughter, Mrs. Ei $100.,V0 00 wra>s caused bwy :fire. i w:h ich Bt oe rvliins.i t ,T ot hkeyov saarye. ib ut t " b a c k* Pto t n e o"n. .Ja.nLua r/y , 4 ', h.ave been postponed Schear; on.e son, Luther J. .J r.; Christ- ists> Illinois is striving to keep accidents on its highways at a mm?- widow, imum. Estelle and XMAS OUT TRAVELS business men and civic leaders will be given at 9 o'clock in the grade Johnson, achool gymnasium. One of the most influential' back-: P.earL„Har*>°L r- . ^oderj"nd Six More To Be Indneted in Mount JJ\5 iH"briw- C&. S Hnmbw Birth* thrown its full weight in bac5k of ; 'ugSb*S'k TRANQUILLITY^** j ^ followi^, w™ ord.^ ^^.^- Qhn Cristy of Ringwood has re- for induction by Board Two during! making the river navigable. ! A "Merry Christmas'" conies from ceived his discharge from the army, the past week: Interment is cemetery. HONORED FOR SERVICE Emblem OREGON MINUS ADDEB88 i to orooertv vali*< the length of th* for thfeS Sma.n y Plaindea.le• r,sto "hek IhSas- JJoonhnn uDoonheerrtiyy~ oofi~ itnhee nna.vv>y hna.s. boee«n U,i"" river^and t^b^ng Mvwd^ hundred received. He tells us also that hi^home on Jeave^vis.ting^ his parents, DONALD M. BLOEDORN EDWIN W. DAVIS nver ana w> Dring several hundred --- ru"ster. Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Doherty. Hnntley-- thousand new residents to the valley. Pis ^tehne ts taonpa rb^estsw ereon "th e Vh ospi,t„ail a„nl d; ^ I YI> D KRAUSE u u. kkauoe. TiKlfIlMNAATJj DT) THTOfWlVAAKVDn TTAi7KVE9S duty or perhaps civilian life. Paul Chiirles Ingersol M ef Mc- Woo^fM^--- is spending the holidays with his Cullom Lake, has been released from RICHARD C. OVER OPERATION OF \ I fpar*nts. service, , CryHj*\ l*k*-- MeHENRT GLEANERS ^4 A m--^e€nMn Stanley' Richard Freund, son iff the Nick Zoellner, stopped in our office this Freunds, has been home on furlough.) WAYNE A. ALBRECHT CHURCH GERALD R. HEIDENRESCH COMING EVENT* Effective last week Monday, Donald week to correct a statement made . IgMrard took over operation of the last week that he had returned to! Anthony Noonan has received hls| McHenry Cleaners from Ernest civilian life after serving overseas, release from service several weeks; Riehl of Crystal Lake, who became Instead Mr Zoellner was in the following the discharge of his twin January 2 owner and manager of the place a floef post office, records division, brother, Allen. Riverview Ca»"p, R. N. A. few years ago replacing J. D. Lodts. at both New York and San Francis-: „ . . . Opening Of High School. Mr. Howard will wholesale work co. He was discharged on December, Gustave A. Wemhold has received. January 3 Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Dowell an , the parents of a daughter, born ladt (Thursday. December 20, at the pWoodstock hospital. from the Crystal Lake Cleaners and,n at Great Lakes. also the Vogue Cleaners, both in, -- Crystal Lake. Formerly the loeal! Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cooney, the his release from service. East River Road Pinochle Club--Mrs. Lieut. Commander William A. Nye G^brge j Among the Sick An unusual story appeared in an | issue of a Chicago paper this past George Wilburn, of Woodstock,! week explaining how mailmen figured manager of the Illinois Bell Tele- out how a Christmas package got to phone company in this district, was Irene Landstrom, 14, of Portland, honored last week at open house held Ore., from Wonder Lake, II!., within honor of his forty years service. out any addreas, not even the city with the company. Host for the oc- or full name. casion was Ralph Addick of Elgin, The package had Only two words who is the commercial manager of on it--"Irene" and "fragile." The the company. Friends and fellow' carrier on the Landstrom route saw workers of Mr. .Wilburn presented the package in a branch. postoffWe, hint with a gift and he also received remembered he had delivered other from the company a gold pin with mail to the family from Wonder Lake eight stars, each star denoting five*and that the daughter was named years of service. ; Irene. So he took.it along. Mr. Wilburn started working with Postmen theorised that the packthe Telephone Co.> at the age of 13 age probably got to Portland the and as a night operator on December same way, some worker in Wonder 16, 1905. Lake remembered that mail from -- that address had come to Portland.- , SUFFOCATES IN SLEEP j The one thing that no one yet Christine Linn Askeris, three-' has explained is how the bundle got month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. i from the main postoffice in Portland Best Askeris, of Harvard, was found to the branch station. dead in her bed last week yedneeday: he coroner's , -- , . NYLONS SCARCE _ „„ -- SSTSii If Buck could road, he would know establishment was associated only , Utter who has been confined to her has returned to civilian life after gnow «aH_High School. u „ . „ , . .. infLt h«Jf .uffoclted fran rf that there is a shortage of nylons. with the latter. , bed mUch of the time of late, spent thirty-nine months of service w?th January 7 Mrs. Cassius Downs has been quite , ^ A four-year-old cocker spaniel an- Br«des dry cleaning, a laundry n mighty happy Christmas, for their the nm and will resume his practice Altar and o^,;tv. J" at her home on Ma,n street i ferwl The chUd & £n d^d fir swerin« to *!»• name of aenrice will be carried on. the work | four sonn were all able to he homo of medicine on January 3. Dr Nve January 8 we*k" „ D or th^ hou™ W iU Iast we*k and was admitted to being done by the Snow White Iaun- for the first time in several years, nel^-s tl*t while serving in the Bureau-Mrs W*W Tnftcwtl!^ m^°*r*r?vIJEZLa !the Barrington animal hospital. Dr. dry in Crystal Lake. Soon after'Mart in has been in service fWe vears Pacific he me voun, man_by the , . ;»« «»t her home the New Yf>ar a pickuo and delivery and was stationed in Ohio; Daniel is name of Earl R. W-1«h. w*>o had NOTTCF TO FV"FOYERS but 18 much lmproved at service will be inaugurated. iat Clovis, New Mexico, with the married the ^onTier MRJ",p timo Kv u^insr N'chnls SimTill- th" FA»t*« is Rinir Mrs. Helen Weber will assist Mr. armv air force; and John was re- Johnsburg. Young Walsh had h«rd Pay Ro„ Record books. Stwrt M,m Doroth> Feltes' 15' of Rlng" ents awakened to look after WINS TOP HONORS •Albert Galen, vetertharian. diagnosed I the ailment from symptoms and a v * » lump in the animals side that the 'JW4!8 J Hu*° ^ , dor had swallowed a foreign object. Howard in the operation of the busi- oentlv discharged after three years that Commander Nye s out the new vear right. These book* n tUf • -^r A woman s silken hose, all in -- *- --* -v^r NOTICE &>Hi the public rrade school and in South America. A fourth son, in that area and searched un Lee, is not. in service. found him. i fWler the McHenrv doctor would give h ! JLnn be "enured at the PWndealer -- fic€" 32 2rp causing the injury. Christmas day callers In the Peter Mrs. Lou Baker returned 8unday _ - - *itoek hospital, where confined for sevaral i:; , Bill, KinMla .rrirM home frmn <hem to Mr. W-I.h. who in torn .ent the high school will open on Wed-1 overseas laat week after a long per- them to his wife in Chicago. After A. Freund horn- Mr. Mrs. from turn nesday. January 2. followinr the hoi- iod spent in Europe. travehne so far, we presume the Ben Freund of T»elavan. W'-.. M-. »he had vocation. The Parochial school • - « paper presented quite a battered ap- -nd Mrs. Fred R«ue- of Chicago days. Will open Jan. 8. i The H. E. Buchs were fortunate penrance. j Mr. and At. -«d 4in having both of their soldier sons, , . • ^ ^ ^ , , . i *+• Rev. Msgr. C. S. Nix of Mc- Read the Want A§jL ,^w»Jjerome and Henry, home for the! . Subacribefar The Plsindtaler |Henry. , Need Rubber Stampa? Onto aft •th* Platndealer. _JIv A. -- , -- ' . T . -- ' , --. .T . p i e c e , extm with top honors in his class, m the > All Breed Pnmr show of the Western Suburban 1 week at mall red Doxie and an exeellent of the preeent day dmof this likable breed. iece, was extracted from the dog. ffcp a ennel club held last \rom'* DesPlaines. Hugo fii the Want Ada George Johnson, Sr^ and dsaghter. Margwertte, «t McBeuy, Mr. and Mrs. George Jshneen ana Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Eder to the E. W. Crystal Lake en .i % i : €. • iV# ....-is:- 'W, .jLt. "i