Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Mar 1946, p. 3

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SdU. March came in Hkealamb--quietly, fall of snnshine and a «f Spring on th* way. San narked an all time high in j Kirch thirds, (or is it thirds m March?) Anyway, another of fhaae interminable weather records Art we dvqn seem to bi maidiv- Om of our residents, Mrs. MaM •tatwell, reported that aha saw cheerful little bubinnr for whom we all hold Ugh . and for whose forecasting »• have a healthy respect «• know that wis little thrash 4easn*t retnrn from the South nntU &• Is sure that there is something IlisfH him to iat. Match waa named by the Romans tribute* because March is wpya a mild month in Italy. al- „ day. Mr. Mi*. AllenArmstrong wore entertaintag Mr. -md Mn. Warren Jaeohe hem Muwanlcte, who had motored down for tin dny. The Anthony Bogus •family,/Mr. and Mra^ daughter and son-in-law, were ameing noan making their first visit oat since PalL Miss Elaine Cannon, daughter of the E. F. Cannons, left on March 3 for Salt Lake City, where her marriage to Albert Liscomb of that city, will take place on March 8. A# Mr. Liscdmb is in business in Salt Lake City with his father, the young couple will'make their home in that city. Mr. and Mrs. Cannon were onlw to attend the wedding because of the pressor* of business at this particular time. The young folks of this community will be sorry to lose Elaine, but we are sun that the Young Married's of Salt Lake will have gained a charming and interesting new member. ¥«ra;ljWi»>wr was the «fe- * painfel ai ifiiMit laat weak, whan she slipped and Woke her lag in three places.- She will be confined to her bed for approximately two weeks, or until the bones start to knit; She may, then, be permitted to get around a bit on crutches. •'0 $ The home of Mr. and Mrs. "Bud" McMahon was the scene, of a happy that lasted for eight their daughter and son-in-law, and Jean Jorgenson, were home Jht that length of time. Among ^charged w Phillipi, The American Red Cross collec- Mr. and Mrs. Art J. Wright have recently purchased a home in Wickline. They intend to move in permanently within the next week or two. This young man and his wife have been occupying the home of the senior Wrights in Wonder Crater. Tfce young Edward Murphy's, married at Christmas time, nave nurchased the Tyk home near Mr. Murphy's parent*, the E. R. Murphys, and plan to move in permanently some time this week. We are always glad to welcome these new members to our ranks. There are those who keep injuries Ummm. «• - -- w. d°ne to them written in granite-- ^ ^..5 and the kindneses done for them, down by the mud, but the gals are they only write in dust. gallantly going on with their collections., Mrs. Marge Phillipi was an additional volunteer added to the committee after this column went to press last week. If the Red Cross worker lutsnt called on you yet, the servicemen recently,she will probably do so some time and returned home are! this week. The work of the Rea formerly a staff Cross still goes on, and the problems JOHNSBURG (By "Tip»j" Klein) aargeant in the army and stationed of the indigent are always with u*,,„„T . SJSTS. «ive onl" 122? years. Mr1.' and Mr*. Joseph G. Huemanh Mrs. Joseph H. Huethe wedding in Chiof H Mow doe*| liai up thert Wthe cloudy It'll nice to get a surprise visit wh«a you lsast expect it. A very dull do-nothing Sunday was transformed into a day of fun and laughter whan a friend, Albina Samec, of McHery, instead of just coming up to say waa )>ersuaded to stay the aftnrnoon and evening. "It's a great sport, but. you gotta be able to stand the cold weather." i When that wind starts pushing you along at eighty, ninety or a hundred miles an hour you've really got a lot of cold air to contend with. What am I talking about? Iceboating, of course, which is fast becoming THE winter sport. Newest fan of this exciting pastime is Richie Ludwig, who has a new iceboat, "Eight Ball" and in instructor, "Pete" Peterson, who really knows everything about sails, and wind, and ice. Be sure, Richie, in your future races, to keep all the rest xof the boats behind the "Eight Ball." the Want Ads »-• TES8ENDORF AUCTION v f CHARLE8 LEONARD, Auctioneer I will sell at public auction on „ . _ -- , cago or Miss Barbara nuemann,; t h e k n o w * L . * * „ Mr. snd Mrs. A. W. PSce were daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hue-! Mink farm, 1% miles northeast of Hie Howorka home was also the {weekend guests of the Wayne Sart-, mann and Jack Reed of Chicago. ! Ridgefield, 2V» miles northwest of -- f n " C Mrrs* Jonny s lonutcrly ola i l L a k e , o n a 4 4 hnfihurv. hmn. hiin mi it* ill thi i BUflUAI Iflllllvll XX of rejoicing when the son of well's. Their two-year-old daughter, the house, Herb. Jr., long awaited, Nancy, god-daughter qf the Sartleturned from his army service in! well's Hagland. His English bride is exparted to arrive in April, beautiful 1 LOST 52 Lbs.! ,«•» SUCK 14 AMIIP I am a. a wauis, rr. woam 4) Sunday brought *•. am M wm wofw ifo- iWmcf eM M •at try tlw A YDS Vlt25 ope they turn out well. Good of the baby and flatter the Sartwells! f W S L f J o h n s b u r g , h a s b e e n s u i t e i l l t h e m. film P»«t t^o months in her home in Commencing at 1:00 o'clock sharp, :'-taler rChicago, but is on the road to re- the following described property toshortage kept them from taking ^ Anyone wishing to drop wit: ; d to Helen can reach hex at 1 19 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK Stewart Ave., Chicago. | Consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Miller and ig . Cows - 18 sons, Ronnie, Billy and Kenny, Mrs. I Close springers and fresh milkers" 6934 Ther* Women's Auxi.l4ia riyL ^o f the Rod wo Miller and sona, n^D avey ,L „ee , onff mo--st ly se*c ondr calf heifers. ., i «_y ivvuntui ciiiu Vyarui Ann. mr. «nu ng party Mrs. George Zarnstorf and Georgia - , tfte Mtur" Lee of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. -and Gun club met at the Harrison will be held on May day before Mother's Day. Arrangej ments have been made for a G. E. washer, which works on the same principle as the Bendix, to be given away at that time. Tickets are in the hands of the members at this writing. Due to the strikes, the washer has not as yet been delivered, but the club hopes to have it on Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gorski, i i dapple gray horse, 7 years old, Carol Ann, Mr. and weight 1,600 pounds. Hay and Grain Approximately 100 bu. Vicland Elmer Gorey and daughters Judith, oats; 14 tons alfalfa; 6 tons 2nd: Elaine and Helen of Genoa City, and cutting alfalfa; 3 tons timothy; 4 Mr. and Mrs. George King and tons straw bales.All hay was baled I son, Jim were guests in the Joseph out of the barn. Wire baled 80 to' P. Miller home, Sunday. 90 lbs. j George King was very sick in his | Some corn in crib; some sweet I home the past week. I clover seed. Ted Christiansen, mayor of Johns- j Mc-D. 2 4 unit MBAD8 BAR ASaOClAtKM At a recent meeting of the "Me- Henry County Bar association, Theodore L, Hamer was elected president of that group. The dinner meeting was held at Shady Rest, with about 80 per cent of the membership present. Other officers elected were Vernon Knox, vice-president; Frank Slavin, secretary-treasurer; and Tj-| my candidacy Pnctoet „ l» fhe gawd Mc Henry Preehpt, to be voted at the primariesrte be held on Tuesday, April 9, IMS. Tour vote will be jreatly appreciated. JAMES DOWNS. Subscribe for The Plaindealer Subscribe for The display before the party so that the|b"r&.and ' „ . .. women of the district can go around ® .phjeago, spent Sunday with Mn. tions. milking machine, 1 Mr. and Mrs' Emil Boiler new, 25 steel stanchions, 21 partiand pat it--and covet •OLGER'S DRUG STORE, McHenry We were all sorr/ to hear of the passing of Walter Stromski of Indian CLARENCE'S SHOP Plaoe orden now for bird houses, lawn chairs and swings, picnic tables, pier and park benohes, picket fences, trellises and pergolas, window boxes, etc. Full line of leather belte and bill folds. Barn and house brooms, etc. " CLABENCE J. SMITH, Johnsbuif. Boiler's father, Wm. G. Ricks, in Sunnyside Estates. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hiller entertained her Sunday night club last week., ., ^ „.J . , . • Cards were played and prises were1"111®8 "O'V1 o* the Ridgefield-Ciystal won by Mrs. William May, Mrs. Leo1 »n,d 1 L m! e west of the Hiller and Mrs. George Hiller. Woodstock-Holcombville school house! William May and Steve May were *3 Woodstock callers Tuesday. I Pair Touloflse geese. Universal refrigerator. I will offer my farm of 71 acres in^ Section 19, Nunda Township, 1% held sT Jhh„^ Rt* mad® to c»"^ • satisfactory loan M f lSr nSSS - the farm to ar,y Prospective buyer. M 20% of the ourchase price of the Father Neidert and Father s Commercial Refrigecating SALES AND MAINTENANCE OVER 25 YEARS EXPERIENCEPHONE McHENRY 439-W . .farm must be paid at date of sale.i nlaved »„d *rhen,title has heen *PProved ^?M.y ^^er8 •ttorn^ evening. Thennes each gave a Cards and bunco were Mrs* Fwd'"SnithrMni8' DeHa^MUlerj i ^^JioiwJ1 jLPfhit'imoJSlt Mrs. Albert Huff, Mrs. Arthur Klein, i 1 JriTt Jf* montU at 6 SiJ Wn8 S£lJtmin* MiM K#th* I cent will wtenTeS^n note's 5" leen Oeffling. j proved by the clerk. Those desiring Rwhtrd Frett, son of Mr. and credit kindly make arrangements Mrs. George Frett of JVoodstock, re-; prior to purchase. No property to Hat's Miri yiir teltpfeow? iw««.« desk or table --a shiny black trlephoaa modern wfae that i in thewalL Where does the wire gof Froas yomr bear on a nearby pole. Then into a cable that a mfle or mocc, to a Srlcphooe central There yoor line ia connected with a switrhboaid oca lot of complex dial machinery--and with huge batteries, generators, naging mafhmra--mad more wires mad cables to link your tilepboae with over 27 million other tsJephoties ' In Illinois Bell territory, there's ^20Sj09 worth of And in the the tuna of of 9 ceived his honorable discharge, and visited in the Joe Frett and Ford Jackson homes, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Oleynechek and daughter, Emylou, of Milwaukee, Mr. and Mrs. William Schaefer and family of Winnetka and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thurwell of McHenry were Sunday guests in the Joseph Schaefer home. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Frett are the proud parents of a 6 lb. 14 os. baby girl bom Tuesday, March 6 at the Woodstock hospital. Eddie Jackson has been very sick,! Y with pleurisy the past week. 1 Miss Thelma Lay, Kenny Hamsher 1 Phm. 1-C., Miss lima Wagner and 1 t" Freddie Smith spent an enjoyable J jr evening at the Palmer House, Sat-! C* urday. ! I Rev. A. J. Neidert and Anton M.' Schmitt returned home from the Sacred Heart sanitarium after a rest! of two weeks. The pre-lenten party held at Nell's j Sunday, March 3, was a tremendous success. Father Neidert and Father Thennes and the officers of the so- i dality wish to thank each committee; and everyone for donations and for! ^ help in making this such an out-' f stading party. Mrs. Jos. P. Miller i V was the winner of a butterfly quilt J A donated by Mrs. Jacob H. Adams. | J Miss Patty Klein was very sick | V with tonsillitis the past week. < Tommy Keenan, 7-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Keenan, had a j narrow escape Monday afternoon when he fell into a water hole on the ball diamond. Attracted by his cries, Mrs. Leo Michels called help and Leo Michels and Kenny Hamsher, heroes of the day, pulled to safety. wtwi 1111 m m nt 1 m n life On the Bay 4| < 1< 4 1 * 1 1 I t HI i 11 1 I Mi l 11 By "Cam" Marticke j v "Fools will go where angels fear J to tread.' T^iis is an easily under- 3 ood quotation if one watched the ^ Pistakee ice fishermen the past £ springlike Sunday. With the temperature crawling past 60 degrees* it | seemed impossible for the tnawing, J thinning ice to hold the multitude of V people on it. Hold it did, however, i even though my mind was picturing the most drastic events. What attraction does this sport hold that will cause men to risk their lives Hor a mess of fish, provided they're j lucky enough to catch them? > ! Miss Gladys McNellis, of Chicago, 1 spent a pleasant weekend at the' 'Ort McNellis home on Fairfax Lane j visi'ing her mother, Mrs. M#y Mc-1 Nellis, and her brother, "Ort." I Mr. and Mrs. William Nicholas, of Chicago, spent Wednesday ' and; Thursday of last week at their summer home here on Arlington Lane.1 Too bad the weather made the surrounding territory look like the gSSrtLT-" w*-* .Wanted -- Easy, three day-a-week job. Work to start after 10 a.m. and to end before 3:30 p.m. every working day. Salary of not less than $10,000 a Pbe" removed until act tied for. ED TESSENDORF First National Bank af Woodstock, Clerking FIRE KJNG OVEN WARE Guaranteed 2 Yoors* YouH enjoy using this beautiful glass ovsnware--you can see your fboda baking. This blue tinted ware is at> tractive for serving dishes, too. Csessrole, 1K Qt. Pie Plata ,49c Cake Pan. 25c 7-oa. Mug 10c Utility Pan, 10Hk.... 39c Pis Plate, 8H in . JOc Loaf Plan, 9M in 86c Round Roaster, 10K in 96c FIRE KING GLASSWARE - Guarantmd 2 Yaart* Your taMa will be lovely set with this sparkling ^«pi dinnerwars of aoft bibs tint. Cup. «»••••••••••• ®e Saucer Be Fruit Diah, 4\i in 6c Cereal Dfch, 6^ In S for 16c Salad Plata, 6^ in 2 for 16c Dinner Plate, 9K <&• -77 10c Vegetable Dish, 9* in....... .26c Flatter, 12 x 9 in... ... .2Bo • I IL. ; "^ie- -I* to make your Utckfft 'liMMPk fkk- 4Mm( and pUmmuU u ProvUon Jar--36e Oralis Reamer. .10e Prsaeut Tumhkr So FfcuitTumble*... So Oandy Dish. Water Jug... Gryatal Watar Bottle SOe OnatalTmnbta;. 10 oa is Salt and Fmur GEORGE COLLETTB, Prop. Authorised Dealer GoimMai The Friendy Sdn ROUTE 120 McHENRY, ILL. Effective March 1st, this establishment will be open 7 days a week SPECIAL LENTEN DISHES DELUXE ' Frencii Fried Shrimp--Lobster Tails " Frog Legs--Fish ' • •^1 STEAKS, CHOPS. CHICKEN, TURKEY DELICIOUS SANDWICHES Prepared As You Like It Each Day From 5 p.m. Until Closing Delicious Cocktails, Mixed Drinks Budweiser On Tap TAVERN WILL OPEN AT I P. DAILY PHONE McHENRY 36 f "BONES" SMITH, Manager

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