Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Mar 1946, p. 8

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Otto, is ott 1 «n its Mad legs, i* VA 13% ft*. On about 10 inches •I the shoulder. Largest boor*, they eomettaiee atweight of 1,500 pounds or AUCTION On Highway 46, being 1% miles aentheast of m"es northeaat of Lske Zurich, on WIDNKSDAT, MARCH SO AT 12:99 VCIOOC: CATTLE--27 Holstein, Guernsey and Swiss cows, consisting of 10 cows with calf *t side, 17 springers. 18 open Holstein heifers from 6 to 20 months old. Pure-bred Holstein bull, 8 mos. old, Cold Spring Farm breeding; HoUtein bull, 2% yf™ ^ 20 Hereford calves, av. wt. 550 lbs. HORSES--Grey team, 8 and 9 yrs. old, wt. 3,200 lbs; team of smoothmouthed gelds, black and bay; Sorrel saddle horse, 9 years old, gentle. MACHINERY--Oliver ^. combine, without motor (on rubber)-; Mc-u. 12-ffc, combine, with auxiliary motor; Scour Kleen and pickup attach., 14 electric motor, 50-ft. endless belt. MILK EQUIPMENT -- D o L a v a l machine, 2 single units; OB Meet* By "Y«nktiek" Greetings Folks: No matter what the weetftmriMv soya, spring is wdl on the way. As usual the first robin was sighted by Loo Sawdo last week. Leo has held the robin spotting record for three consecutive yean. Now to get on with the news. ThejPsn Flore. Screwy Doaen Social club honored Mrs. Emma Pyritx, Mrs. Libby Horn, Mrs. Marge Tliomsen^ Mrs. Hattie Edmonds and Tryg Bonjstad at their regular monthly birthday party at Horn's Community Center last Saturday evening. It was an evening crammed with surprises. There was never a dull moment. The high light feature was an original song and dance number by those two talented Screwettes, Betty Baambeck and Shirley Jensen, which created a sensation. Betty and Shirley confessed that they got the inspiration for their act while bending over their washboards daring the week. Fred Thomseri, George Baumbeck, Lee Sawdo and LeoniSd Jensen' of the Barber Shop Quartet, gave out with a few numbers which were enjoyed by the crowd. UlUking ~ „ MI. Juecruryy vCneurmiBaKk,, president of the Empire 8-can milk cooler; i£ milKj Screwy Dozen, in a short address, cans, etc. u„iM asked for co-operation of all resi- FEED--500 bu. ear corn; 370 o^ies | dents in the road improvement program for the Knollwood section. His plea for funds to cover the cost Of this project was received most enthusiastically by all those present. If we are to use this as a barometer of the sentiment of the rest of the property owners, then we can see nothing but clear skies ahead. Otto Pyritz, chairman of the entertainment committee, was the man hay; 60 tons alfalfa and .timothy hay; 88-ft. silage. _ _ LEWIS MILLS ... • FEED HALLE F Owners ** Chandler ft Elfers, Aucitoneers. Public Auction Service Co., Clerking. RICHARD BURKE AUCTION iSHARLBfi LEONARD, Auctioneer Phone 478 „ The undersigned having decided to quit dairying will sell at public auction on the farm known as the u. A. Meyers farm 4% miles north and west ' of Garden Prairie, 8 miles northeast of Belvidere on MONDAY, MARCH 18 Commencing at 12:30 o'clock sharp, Hn> following described property, to- *J8 OF LIVESTOCK Consisting of « 49 Holstein and Colored Cows This is a good dairy and any one MOding replacements will make no mistake in buying them. I invite inapection before sale date. This is one of the best dairies that will be sold this spring. € spring heifers; one bull. 17 sows and pigs, Spotted Poland Chinas and Chester Whites, 13 Chester Whites and Spotted Poland-China Gilts to farrow tne last of March or first of April; one boar. Terms: All sums of $25 and under that amount cash, over that amount a credit of aix months at 6 per cent will be extended on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone desiring credit, kindly make arrangements before Eorehase is made. No property to s removed until settled for. BICHARD BURKE Ffcwt National Bank of Woodstock, f Clerldag , Thus far Kate Brautigan exper fenced no difficulty in telling her husband, Phil, from his twin brother, Ed. a returned veteran, who is making his home with them. An she had to do to know which was. who was to look at their feet. PU. her husband, wears black shoes, Ed tarf ones. Poor Kate lost a lot of sleep Saturday night when the boys got her baffled by wearing one Mack and one tan shoe on each foot. Could we suggest putting a ring in Phil's nose Kate? D NER U.S. 12 at Channel Bridge FOX LAKE OPEN FOR BUSINESS AUCTION Serving 5-Course Dinners a Specialty Plate Lunches Sandwiches Steaks and. Chops Soft Drinks Home-made Pastry K : k, „ .r h • JOn Knowles Farm, located on Hwy. 46 on the north shore of Druce Lake, 4 miles southeast of Lake Villa, 1 mile south of Grand Avenue, S miles northeast of Grayslake, 2 miles north of Hwy. 120. 6 miles north of Mundelein, on * r SATURDAY, MARCH 16 AT 12 O'CLOCK MORSES---Well matched team, (black gelding and hay mare), 8 and 10 years 14 well bred. Hereford cows, bred hack. This is a young herd, averaging 4 years old; IS good Hereford calves, 7 smiths old; 3 open yoerliag Hereford heifers; 1 yearlifcg Ksraford steer; 1 Purebred Hereford hall, t years'old; 1 6-year-old Guernsey cow; 1 Swiss first calf heifer, fossh; t yearling Guernsry heifers;* 1 2-rearhM Jersey heifer. HOGS--% .'well bred Poland-China sows, due to farrow in March and April. 1 Pprebred Poland China boar, 2 yearS old, 5 good Duroc Jersey sows* doe to' jfarrow late in April; 50 good feeder pigs, from 75 to 160 pounds. POULTRY--SO1 Brown Leghorn hens. MACHINERY--J. D. Model-A tractor on rubber (starter, lights) like new; J. D. 2-row power lift cultivator; Mc-D. F-12 tractor (rubber in front); M-H 6-ft. Clipper Combine on rubber (with P. T. O., Scour Kleen), like new; new M-H 12-ft. grain drill with fertiliser attachment and grass seeder attachment; Bear-Cat hammermill; new Bradley silo filler (complete with pipe); new M-H power corn binder (on rubber); new power cylinder corn shelter; J. D. 2-bottom 14-inch tractor plow; new tractor post hole digger; 7-ft. tractor disc; new 18-inch heavy duty tractor breaking plow; new Cultipacker; new J. D. 3-sec. iron drag; new M-H corn planter with fertilizer attachment; J. D. manure "spreader; 2-section springtooth; 2 hay loaders; 3-sec. drag; side delivery rake; 2 mowers; 2 dump rakes; wagon and triple box; fanning mill; large tractor snow plow. FEED AND SEED--600 bushel Col- Wabia oats; 40 bushel barley; 6 ton choice mixed baled hay; 6 ft. silage; 100 shocks corn; 4 bushel DeKalb seed corn. MISCELLANEOUS -- 3 hog feeders: 142 6-in. cedar posts; 300 three and four-iik cedar posts; 6 rolls new barb wire; garden hose; woven wire; feed bunks; hay bunks; some tractor oil; & rolls snow fence; 5 gallons fiy spray; 12xl4-ft. tarpaulin; electric emery wheel. AND HOURS >r"' *11 a.m. to midnight | Win. M. Scott, Prog, (Formerly located at West MoHenry) - fkO MfTM M SMUT VMM JwBll®T, MSt 28th Avista in the ft. X. FedAe, and his lovely laesnt^rida, the mer Bosspsry Wiser, * from Crystal La to enjoy the weekend at Lake. Other and Mrh. Georgsi Haikar. their flic and 4angMsr-in34w, Mr. ad Mrs. Roy Kuehlile, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Edmonds, Mr. and Mrs. Max Kolia. their lovely daughter, Doris, and Among other folks who enjoyed Mr. and Mfrs. Syd ftnith's hostftaKty last vetknd were Mr. and Mn. rod BaU, Mr. hnd Mrs. Wt*. Halley, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nimts and daMgfcter, Georgia. acUentfeUy 8y<Fs latest venture in poultry promises to be a tremend cess. He started with 101 and still has five left. Why not chloroform them, Syd, ana, get it over WithT Here is one our friend 8. I. H. muffed last week. The place--Mc- Gee's on Green St. The time--Last Tuesday afternoon. The scene--Oar friend, Tony Wlrti, hi* trust cleric, Otto Pyrits, Mary Walsh and Lee Sawdo sitting in the hade room of the McGee establishment with assorted pans and buckets in their laps catching the rain drops that chose to filter through the ceiling rather than ¥o to the gutter provided for them. o cut it short, these four drips had a swell time. Mr. and Mrs. Joseoh Horn entertained Mr. and Mrs. A1 Jeschke and Mr. ahd Mrs. August Jeschke of Brookfield over the weekend. Casanova Herman Jahnke enjoyed the cinema in McHenry Sunday evening with the Misses Llewellyn and Yvonne Horn. That boy wilf never be the same after this experience. Mn. Kenneth White and daughter, Pamela, left for Huntington, W. Va., to join her husband, who has established a home for them there. Kenneth White is employed by the Libby-Owens-Ford Glass Co., in a supervisory capacity in that town. AUCTION L. H. FREEMAN * SON and S. R. HUNTER, Auctioneers turn _ of Intone* Tahsn Ike FOse of fte of Years Age SIXTY YEARS AGO Ten feoadr of coffee for $1.00 Psm m Owens. llOs village needs a good bakery. A m «ko knows his Business and Will run a dean, neat bakery, will 'ad a good opening here. H. 8. Rounds, of the Central barber shea, is having a handsome new sign ittsds, which will occupy a place in front of his shop. Chapln Smith, an old residient of this Una, died at the residence of George Lumley, near Ringwood, on M** last. ' _ FIFTY YEARS A0O - ? ,,?Jf»:aSeeaee'Tsf AUsnnen; preesnt: ^ ^ ftnyan. AP' amt: -FUrwetda. _ Mtftfen by Regner, seeouled^hy Al> tttff. tibat the minutes of tte last meeting be approved as read. Motion taiiled Motion by Althoff, seconded by Buss, that the treasurer's report be apmrovad as rsad. Motion carried ^ Motion by Tonjran, seconded ay Rognw, that the collector's report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Biles, seconded by Ton*1 yan, that the clerk's report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Althoff, seconded by Regner, that the following bills be paid as approved by the finance committee: Motion carried. R. Earl Dowell, salary.,. .....$161.10 John J. McCarthy, salary Fster Wirfs, salary ................ ISKOO Arthur J. Smith, salary .185.00 p. C. Felts, salary .... 128.60 Earl R. Walsh, office expense 85.00 Mayme Buss, salary and comRichard Curtis died at the resi- missions SILO BBR--14x40-ft. wooden silo; 6x8-ft. and 10xl2-ft. fi BUILDINGS AND LUM "t farrowing houses; 10-- 2x4--16 ft I0LKING EQUIPMENT -- Fords electric portable milking machine; fords milk eooler; 10 new milk cans. TRUCK AND POWER LAWN MOWER--Large power lawn mower; lilt Dodge truck, platform body. KVOWXJE8 FARM, Owner Dor and Elfers, Auctioneers. Auction Service Co., Clerking. The undersigned will sell at Public Auction on the E. M. Aylward farm, located at the South limits of Hebron. 111., on THto&DAY, MAKOH 81 1946, starting at 11 o'clock AJI. Lunch Wagon on Grounds 83 HEAD OF RSQ18TXRED AHD HIGH GRADE HOL- ~ STEIN CATTLE 1 1IT, B. and Bangs Tested) 27 Second and Third Calf Heifers, Springers and Nor Milkers. IS Calfhood Yacdnated First Calf Heifers, all having freshened within the last 60 days. 8 Calfhood Vaccinated Registered First Calf Heifers, due to freehea in Spring. 1 Registered Calfhood Vaccinated First Calf Heifer, dee to freshen is Spring. 2 Registered Calfhood Vaccinated Heifers, IS months old. 8 Calfhood Vaccinated Heifers, 15 months old. 3 Calfhood Vaccinated Heifers, 18 months old. 3 Calfhood Vaccinated Heifers, 10 months old. 3 Calfhood Vacdnated Heifers, • months old. 8 Heifer Calves, t months old. 3 Registered Calves, 2ft months old. 2 Registered Bulls, coming 1-yearold. 1 Registered Bull, 2 years eld. This Bull has a Dam with a record of 543 pounds of fat. This is the finest herd of cattle ever offered for sale. They are large, young, and of best quality, and are ready to produce. The greater number have been calfhood vaccinated and are clean to go anywhere, having all passed a clean T. B. and Bangs Test. This is an oportunity to buy the best at auction. Sale of Cattle will start proaiptly at 1 o'clock. MACHINERY -- W-30 McCormick tractor in perfect shape, Allis-Ch»lmers 8-foot tractor disc, like new; McCormick 16-inch tractor plow on rubber, 7-foot Van Brunt grain drill, Massey-Harris silo filler, like new: rubber tired wagon, steel wheel wagon, 32 foot grain elevator, McCormick No. 8 mower, like new: John Deere corn planter with bean attachment, steel manure spreader, four section wood beam drag with folding draw bar, steel tank, bog feeder. _ _t_ Usual Bank Terms. E. M. AYLWARD HEBRON STATE BANK, Clerking. Kenneth Stuhlfier received a cablegram from his British bride in England last Saturday informing him of her e m b a r k a t i o n for American shores. We are all eager to see this little family group reunited. This week's Good Neighbor award «oes to our roadmaster. Otter Ebert fe are sure that you folks will concur with our decision when you read the facts. During last week's eold spell Tryg Ronjstad's car frose up. "Pop Tryg has no garage on his premises to cope with such emergency so our Otter took this opportunity of be- ""e of Service to a neighbor. He pulled his car out of his own garage and parked it en the road and then helped his neighbor to maneuver the frozen vehicle Into a warm birth to thaw out. The fact that these labors caused him to miss his dinner that evening did not deter him from doing a kind deed for a neighbor. Otter. *e "I"1* you. We are indeed glad ^ MjjCullom Lake ia made vp of folks like you. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O'Connor hsd " "***"£ guests Mr. and Mrs. Richard O'Connor of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. William Stetnbaeh who have made McCullom Lake their temporary home, will soon move to their new home at Round Lake. Charles Bracken, another one of our returned •eterans is at present employed by Elmo Mcfcim an£ hopes to continue his studies in September Chudic luck to you, _ • , Sports NewsrJP" h--n cast! Tbe Screwy Doxer> howling team will play the McCullom Lake team at Schaefers' Recreation PaHor on Sunday, March Here is the lineup for the McCullom Lake team: Wm, Rochelle Sy<LSm^1' ^ S*1"' SFbrr SthJe VScr*ew y Dozen--OttoI nPgeyrrsitoxl,. Wright and aged about 40 years. His ftaneral was hdd on Monday. A lodge of the Loyal Temperance Legion was organized in this village on Tuesday afternoon and officers were elected. Messrs. .Woodman A Just have pwhaisd the Libertyville, Lake County Independent and. have assumed charge of the same. Notwithstanding the blustering weather, the auction sale of agricultural machinery, by Wm. Bacon, on Tuesday, drew out a good crowd, and a large amount of machinery was said. FORTY YEARS AGO Martin Whgner, who will have charge of the Ottawa Brewing Co.'s local depot at West McHenry, haa moved from the McHenry brewery to the rooms over N. J. Josten's furniture store. M. L. Worts and fcm- Uy are now occupying the living rooms at the brewery. The fallowing pupils at Sherman Hill school have been ndther absent nor tardy during the month, are Frank Sayler, Clinton Martin, Ethd Simpson and Loren Martin. Florence E. Howe, teacher. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. McOmber are attending the state convention of hardware dealers in Chicago a few days this week. THIRTY YEARS AGO Ben Schoewer has moved his family here from Argyle, III., and has again formed partnership with his father, Peter Schoewer, in-the blacksmith businees in this village. .The propoeed bridge across the river at Fox LaJoe, if built, will cost between $25,000 and $40,000. r The naw home being erected by John Theories is fast nearing completion and will be ready for occupancy within a short time. The no# home being erected by H. J. Schaffer on Main street is fast nearing completion and will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Donavin, shortly. ttlTENTY YEARS AGO Henry J. Schaefer's car was badly dsroaged in an accident last Sunday and although none , of the occupants was hurt, Mra. Schaeffer declares that it certainly was a terrible scare. The roads were icy and on ascending a hill, the car sUdded and went down into the ditch. However, it did not turn over. Th* new United Milk Producers association was organised Tuesday afternoon at a meeting of more than I,000 dairymen who gathered at Elgin and adopted a set of by-laws to *°^rn **sociation. On Wednesday morning. Jesse WMtteg. aged 1$, of Ringwood, passed away at the home of his paren^* » Mr. and Mrs. Edward Whiting. ^CHass Resists Oreat Strain 11®M' ndt the fradle material it is ordinarily anppoeed to be. Glass resists crushing strains better than metals and even better than granite or concrete. HmnHnUHHIIHHH*!,* : They Sent a : :a-Sailing < |Norsemen of old sent a ship!; < >a-sailing bearing their de-i! ; [parted chief. This was their!! way to pay tribute. Deep grained has been the! craving for the soladee of! beauty at the moment of! temporary parting. Beauty! and quiet dignity marks a! > fitting tribute ^ when you" permit ug to serve when* the need arises. Jacob Justen Sons <: FUNERAL DIRECTORS ll Phone MeHenry 103-R Residence, McHenry 112-W! > Green Street, Comer Elm : M'HEHRT »V .. r utf « #U /I . fc, ' - r&. fhix ,:f£A II I I I I I I I i n mi HJ||||»||| Order your vnMher stamps at the Plaindealet. Lee Sawdo, Lm Jensen, George Baumbeck, Otter Ebert. Sub., Jerry Cermak. \ \ ADIOS. 74.60 --IT. ± -- _lice duty and police coat .... 47.50 WrSkt .tLt* .wSTIa °CJ!!' ^. McHenry. Plaindealer, printing and publications... 170 McHenry Sand and Gravd Co., labor on streets.... 27.00 Clarence Martin, sidewalk .... 2.80 Ehrl R. Walsh, freight ........ 9.48 Schmitt k Patxke, repairing standpipe 6.00 James B. Clow it Sons, hydrants 172.93 Majrme Buss, stamps 12.00 R. I. Overton Motor Sales, wash police car 1.75 Sailing's "66" Service, gas for police ear 24.87 McHenry Laundry, cleaning police coats 8.06 Ruddy Bros., cleaning sewers 87.75 McHenry Lumber Co., coal 11.81 Wm. H. Althoff Hdwe., supplies 428 N. P. Justen, gas for police > . e»r 1.76 Walter J. Freund, tires and tubes, police car 88.40 Buss Motor Sales, repairing police car 129.58 .Western United G. A E. Co., gas service 18.14 Illinois Bell Telephone Co., telephone service 2.68 Areund Oil Co., oil 7.16 Public Service Co., power and ..light 208.78 McHenry Flour Mills, salt 2.20 SPECIAL SEWER FUND: Fred C. Felts, salary <180.00 Mayme Buss, salary 30.00 Freund Oil Co.. distillate ........ 10.92 Public Service uoH power and „Ught 57.98 McHenry Flour Mills, supplies and t labor 8.49 Motion by Althoff. seconded by Buss, to adjourn. Motion carried. R. I. OVERTON, Mayor. EARL R. WALSH, Clerk. Fasten Bhelfpaper Fasten the front edge of shelfpaper with transparent tape to hold it in place and prevent tearing. Important Detail One of the important details of bomber operation is a chemical film , so thin that 2,000 layers of it would barely equal the thickness of this sheet at paper. Yet if this film disappears while a bomber is in flight and storage batteries are drained of power, the plane's radio, gun turrets, and other vital auxiliaries cannot operate. The microscopic film acts as a lubricating buffer between the copper commutator of a genera* tor and the carbon brushes that pick up power ancLcfilay it to the plane's electrical system. Without this buffer, the brushes soon grind themselves to powder against the commutator and stop the flow of eleotricity. mm mm. Wfcfc* My or may not oa- - incide with his age in yean. _ m ------------- nnryMVtnmuin. -j 'vt' r L THE ' # Otouiiiig.AKeraUoiu, fi- Pressing Sum bay ; ' ^ I Setisteetion Otwruite«4 '?<•- ' ~ - vy, v PHMra 123-a ' 416 Main Street West McHeray WHY BE FAT' nthidng plan * rjityfUdwdm Plaa • t cat eat any bmmis. i na|a|Ma Mala mg hnfc* Hf. rom £*tr cat tiieao damn. (vtomin fartiftm AYDS camhr as diractod. Abaoiutdr turnte sSaSlBBgBi •oum Mtne stork MtOmtr CLARENCE'S SHOP Plaoe orders now for bird houses, lawn chairs and twines, picnic tables, pier and park benches, picket fences, trellises and pergolas, window boxes, etc. Full line of leather belts and bill folds, Bum and house broons, etc. " OIJLRBNOK J. fftOTH, Johmrtrarg Free Demonstration A sportsman's and angler's most urgent desire! SHOWING NOW, THE AMAZING HAND-FREE SILENT ELECIKIC OUTBOARD MOB THIS IS IT! ' Exclusively distributed at Homing's Resort Movie Lounge II8TAKU BAY, KOUTI 1, MoHXNKT Tor d«Uils, phoM ViatakM MMM FOR THE BEST IN - PAINTING and DECORATING - SIGNS and TRUCK LETTERING ALL TYPES OF SPRAY PAINTING McHENRY, ILLINOIS 640-J-2 v :e- IT. PATRICK'S PARTY AND X XT 17 JtL WEICHSVILLE HALL 2 Miles West Of Wauconda GOOD MUSIC Admission 66c including tax. Come over and have a good time. 9:00 'TILL ? OUIS Mi COINS TO TNI JUNK YAIBS 0 ffli UTf Of ONI EVRY TWENTY SIC0NBI Of coarse, some new cars are being built right now tii bat the prospect of new cars for everyone is stiB in the fatnre. Play fafel Better take good care of Vord jroa have. Make It last... drive it carefiilly... safely. We are well staffsd to give yoor car quick •MM IT -BACK HOMt" TO US HimjUtir Mt MKKCIlpS AMD AM SUMS UFAIKS WW* BUSS MOTOR SALEf^ TOUR DBALBB m Main 8L West McHenry, tk

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